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Estudo do acoplamento efetivo entre duas partículas brownianas quânticas / Study of effective coupling between two quantum Brownian particlesDuarte Muñoz, Oscar Salomon, 1981- 13 June 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Amir Ordacgi Caldeira / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Fisica Gleb Wataghin / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-07T02:10:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
DuarteMunoz_OscarSalomon_M.pdf: 811647 bytes, checksum: 885831c55576cff8931959e32201407a (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: Usamos o modelo "sistema-mais-reservatório" para estudar a dinâmica de um sistema de duas partículas que interagem com um reservatório em equilíbrio térmico, mas não interagem entre si. Apresentamos uma extensão do banho de osciladores capaz de induzir um acoplamento efetivo entre as partículas brownianas dependendo da escolha feita para a função espectral dos osciladores que compõem o banho. O acoplamento é não linear nas variáveis de interesse e impomos uma dependência exponencial nestas variáveis para garantir a invariância translacional do modelo. A interação efetiva resultante é apresentada usando as equações de movimento clágsicas e o limite quântico é estudado através do operador densidade reduzido das duas partículas. Mostramos que, no limite de tempos longos e distâncias curtas, o nosso modelo reproduz os resultados do modelo linear para o caso de apenas uma partícula. Finalmente, calculamos a evolução temporal de um estado inicial formado pelo produto de dois pacotes simples / Abstract: We use the system-plus-reservoir model to study the dynamics of a system of two particles that interact with a heat bath in thermal equilibrium, but do not interact with each other. We present an extension of the bath of oscillators capable of inducing an effective coupling between the brownian particles depending on the choice made to the spectral function of the oscillators components of the bath. The coupling is non-linear in the variables of interest and an exponential dependence is imposed in order to guarantee the translational invariance of the model. The resultant effective interaction is presented using the classical equations of motion and the quantum limit is studied through the time evolution of reduced density operator of the two particles. We find that, in the limit of long times and short distances, our model reproduces the results of the linear model for the case of only one particle. Finally, we describe the time evolution of an initial state given by the product of two simple packets / Mestrado / Física da Matéria Condensada / Mestre em Física
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Conservação de momento angular em sistemas mecânicos dissipativos / Conservation of angular momentum in dissipative mechanical systemsLucas Ruiz dos Santos 14 February 2012 (has links)
Objetiva-se discutir e explorar as consequências da conservação do momento angular em situações físicas que apresentem dissipação de energia. Frequentemente, sistemas mecânicos dissipativos são omitidos nas formulações matemáticas da mecânica clássica. No entanto, a conservação da energia mecânica é uma idealização drasticamente incompatível, a longos períodos de tempo, com a maioria das situações reais. Apesar de parecer controversa, esta abordagem é compreensível desde que é incluída na dissipação toda a complexidade dos sistemas mecânicos, os quais não podemos modelar completamente. Espera-se assim que os resultados obtidos sejam parcialmente comprovados em experimentos, sendo que a discrepância é atribuída à parte desconhecida do fenômeno, que muitas vezes é considerada irrelevante para fins práticos. Devido à mencionada complexidade de fenômenos dissipativos, a postura adotada nesta dissertação foi analisar específicos exemplos, de natureza distinta, simplificados, que apresentem as duas propriedades em questão. Concentrou-se especialmente no problema de dissipação de energia em corpos deformáveis na ausência de estímulos externos. / The goal of this work is to study physical systems where angular momentum is a conserved quantity while energy is dissipated. It is a common practice among people working on classical mechanics to neglect energy dissipation. While this hypothesis leads to beautiful mathematical theories, it is strongly violated by the majority of real world systems. The physical complexity of the many ways in which energy is dissipated turns the mathematical modelling of dissipative forces troublesome. There is essentially no general mathematical model for dissipative forces in good agreement with a wide range of experiments. This is in contrast to the very few accepted conservative force models: gravity, elasticity and magneto-electricity. The dissipative force model usually varies among the various physical situations. So, in this work several systems where energy is dissipated while angular momentum is conserved will be considered. The main example will be the motion of a deformable body free from external forces and torques.
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Considerações sobre a hidráulica de vertedores em degraus: metodologias adimensionais para pré-dimensionamento / Considerations about the hydraulic of stepped spillways: nondimensional methodologies for preliminary designAndré Luiz Andrade Simões 11 June 2008 (has links)
Neste trabalho apresenta-se uma avaliação do estado da arte de aspectos hidráulicos relacionados aos vertedores em degraus submetidos aos diferentes regimes de escoamento. Em uma segunda parte, é sugerida uma metodologia adimensional e simplificada para o pré-dimensionamento do comprimento de bacias de dissipação por ressalto hidráulico, além de uma abordagem conceitual voltada ao escoamento sobre um degrau. Entre os tópicos tratados na avaliação do estado da arte, pode-se citar, por exemplo, a dissipação de energia promovida pelos degraus, o risco de cavitação, a aeração do escoamento, o uso de aeradores de fundo e geometrias não convencionais. Quanto à metodologia desenvolvida, fundamentada na segunda lei do movimento de Newton associada à equação de Darcy-Weisbach, apresenta-se algumas comparações com dados experimentais de diferentes pesquisadores, além de exemplos de aplicação. Foi possível concluir, com a avaliação do estado da arte, que há um interesse crescente pelo conhecimento das características hidráulicas de vertedores em degraus. Através da metodologia desenvolvida, graças às comparações com dados experimentais de diferentes pesquisadores, foi possível concluir que não há um consenso absoluto sobre a magnitude do fator de resistência de Darcy-Weisbach. Com os exemplos de aplicação apresentados, notou-se que para um mesmo problema, o uso de diferentes métodos pode conduzir a projetos significativamente diferentes. / This work presents a state-of-the-art evaluation of aspects related hydraulic to stepped spillways submitted to the different flow regimes. In a second part, it is suggested a dimensionless and simplified methodology for preliminary design of the stilling basin length, besides a conceptual approach related to the free fall hydraulics. Among topics treaties in the state-of-the-art evaluation, it can cite, for example, the energy dissipation promoted by the steps, incipient cavitation, the air entrainment, the use of bottom aerator and unconventional geometries. Regarding the developed methodology, based in the Newton\'s law of motion associate to Darcy-Weisbach equation, it presents some comparisons with experimental data of different researchers, besides application examples. It was possible to conclude, with the state-of-the-art evaluation, that there is an increasing interest for hydraulics characteristic of stepped spillways knowledge. Through the developed methodology, after comparisons with experimental data of different researchers, was possible to conclude that there is not an absolute consensus about the Darcy-Weisbach friction factor magnitude. With the application examples, it noticed that for a same problem, the different methods use can lead for significantly different designs.
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Sorção e dissipação de fármacos veterinários em solos brasileiros / Sorption and dissipation of veterinary drugs in Brazilian soilsPereira, Leandro Alves, 1980- 08 July 2014 (has links)
Orientador: Susanne Rath / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Química / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-25T19:41:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Pereira_LeandroAlves_D.pdf: 2434390 bytes, checksum: a716536593db26f0f982177911838e6f (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: Sorção e dissipação de fármacos veterinários em solos brasileiros A produção animal em larga escala é dependente da administração de fármacos veterinários (FV) para fins terapêuticos e profiláticos. Devido a sua baixa absorção uma grande quantidade destas substâncias é excretada via fezes e urina dos animais medicados. Desta forma, os FV podem ser sorvidos em solos ou lixiviados pelo campo e para cursos de água. Devido aos riscos em potencial oferecidos aos microorganismos do solo e da água, às plantas, bem como a possibilidade de dispersão de bactérias resistentes, o consumo de FV tornou-se uma questão de saúde pública. Diante deste cenário este trabalho avaliou a sorção da danofloxacina (DANO), da oxitetraciclina (OTC) e da ivermectina (IVM) em dois solos característicos do Estado de São Paulo, o Neossolo Quartzarênico (N1, solo arenoso) e o Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo (S2, solo argiloso), segundo as diretrizes estabelecidas pela OECD 106. Os estudos realizados indicaram, em geral, aumento da capacidade de sorção dos fármacos nos solos de acordo com a ordem: OTC, < IVM < DANO. Em nenhum dos casos foi observada a sorção irreversível das espécies. Para o antiparasitário IVM, que é amplamente empregado para o controle de ecto- e endoparasitas, foram realizados um estudo de lixiviação em coluna e outro de dissipação aeróbica. Esses estudos foram conduzidos de acordo com as normas da OECD 312 e da OECD 307, respectivamente. A IVM foi lixiviada até 18 cm de profundidade das colunas de solo, concentrando-se entre 0 a 12 cm no solo N1 e entre 0 a 6 cm no solo S2. De acordo com as condições de temperatura e umidades adotadas (19,3 ºC e 78%, respectivamente) a dissipação do fármaco foi mais rápida no solo argiloso S2 (DT50 = 11,5 dias) em relação ao solo arenoso N1 (DT50 = 15,5 dias) / Abstract: Sorption and dissipation of veterinary drugs in Brazilian soils The animal production on large-scale is dependent on the use of veterinary drugs (VD) for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Due to its low absorption a large amount of these substances is excreted via faeces and urine of treated animals. Thus, VD can be sorbed in soils or leached through the field to watercourses. Due to the potential risks offered to microorganisms in the soil and water, to plants and the possibility of spread of resistant bacteria, consumption of VD has become a public health issue. Under this scenario this study evaluated the sorption of danofloxacin (DANO), oxytetracycline (OTC) and ivermectin (IVM) in two characteristics soils of the State of São Paulo, named Neossolo Quartzarênico (N1, sandy soil) and Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo (S2, clay soil), according to the OECD 106 guidelines.The studies indicated increased soil sorption capacity following to the order: OTC, IVM < DANO. In none of the cases irreversible sorption of the species was observed. For the antiparasitic drug IVM, which is widely employed for the control of endo- and ecto-parasites, soil column leaching and aerobic degradation studies were carried out according to OECD 312 and OECD 307 guidelines, respectively. IVM was leached to a depth of 18 cm of soil columns and concentrated from 0 to 12 cm in soil N1 and from 0 to 6 cm in soil S2. Under the conditions of temperature and humidity adopted (19 °C and 78.3%, respectively) the dissipation was faster in the clay soil S2 (DT50 = 11.5 days) in comparison to the sandy soil N1 (DT50 = 15.47 days) / Doutorado / Quimica Analitica / Doutor em Ciências
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Banhos caóticos finitos como reservatórios térmicos / Finite chaotic environment as a thermal reservoirMarchiori, Marcelo Amorim 09 February 2011 (has links)
Orientador: Marcus Aloizio Martinez de Aguiar / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Física Gleb Wataghin / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-18T21:59:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Marchiori_MarceloAmorim_D.pdf: 14108629 bytes, checksum: e8989db76188a0a28d89f5a05d230eea (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: Estudamos o efeito do acoplamento de um oscilador harmônico a um ambiente externo modelado por N osciladores não-lineares de dois graus de liberdade, cujo regime dinâmico varia, do regular ao caótico, de acordo com um parâmetro de controle. O acoplamento entre o oscilador e o ambiente é bilinear nas coordenadas de cada subsistema e reescala de acordo com o tamanho do ambiente. O foco está centrado nas condições, sobre o número de graus de liberdade e o regime dinâmico dos osciladores não-lineares, para que ocorra a dissipação de energia e termalização do sistema. O trabalho foi desenvolvido num contexto clássico e baseado em um única realização dinâmica, opondo-se à média de ensemble sobre várias realizações. O principal resultado desta tese, é que um ambiente caótico finito, composto por um número razoavelmente pequeno de graus de liberdade, pode simular a ação de um reservatório térmico infinito, dissipando a energia do oscilador a uma taxa exponencial e conduzindo-o à termalização com uma distribuição de Boltzmann para uma temperatura muito bem definida. Baseados na Teoria de Resposta Linear, desenvolvemos um modelo analítico simples que justifica a reescala do acoplamento e reproduz as simulações numéricas quando o ambiente está no regime caótico / Abstract: We study the coupling of a harmonic oscillator (HO) to an external environment modeled by N two-degrees-of-freedom nonlinear oscillators, ranging from integrable to chaotic according to a control parameter. The coupling between the HO and the environment is bilinear in the coordinates and scales with the environment size. We study the conditions for energy dissipation and thermalization as a function of N and of the dynamical regime of the nonlinear oscillators. The study is classical and based on a single realization of the dynamics, as opposed to ensemble averages over many realizations. The main result of this thesis is that the chaotic finite environment, composed by a fairly small number of degrees of freedom, can simulate the action of a infinite thermal reservoir, promoting the dissipation at an exponential rate and leading to the thermalization in a Boltzmann distribution of energies for a welldefined temperature. We develop a simple analytical treatment, based on the linear response theory, that justifies the coupling scaling and reproduces the numerical simulations when the environment is in the chaotic regime / Doutorado / Física Geral / Doutor em Ciências
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Desenvolvimento e análise de desempenho de um quebra-mar construído a partir de garrafas de politereftalato de etileno (pet) / Develpoment and performance analysis of polyethylene terephthalate (pet) bottle floating break-waterVieira, Luana Kann Kelch, 1985- 20 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Tiago Zenker Gireli / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Urbanismo / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-20T11:55:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Vieira_LuanaKannKelch_M.pdf: 9568135 bytes, checksum: e1cf844235f741c2950c6e1ecba0b1ed (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: O desenvolvimento econômico brasileiro tem gerado a necessidade de melhoria no transporte e logística dos produtos que circulam pelo país. O transporte marítimo é a opção menos poluente e menos custosa para o transporte de mercadorias. Com o aumento da demanda neste segmento surge o interesse por alternativas ecológicas e economicamente mais atrativas. Como parte integrante do projeto de um terminal portuário, obras de abrigo são necessárias na grande maioria dos casos. Nesse contexto, foi resgatada a importância da pesquisa e inovação do quebra-mar flutuante. Além disso, o quebra-mar também pode promover proteção costeira, outra discussão muito atual. O quebra-mar desenvolvido e estudado nesse trabalho é uma inovação e possui vantagens dentre as concepções praticadas atualmente. O conceito ecológico de empregar garrafas PET descartadas, eliminando-as do ambiente, cria um interesse ímpar por parte dos ambientalistas. Economicamente esse quebra-mar é mais vantajoso, pois os materiais são de baixo custo e de fácil aquisição. E também pode ser construído em terra e rebocado para a posição, no corpo d'água, eliminando as dificuldades e custos de uma construção a partir de plataformas destacadas e flutuantes. Por último, ressalta-se a eficiência na redução da altura de onda, pois esta foi significativamente maior que a encontrada por pesquisadores que testaram concepções comparáveis a essa / Abstract: The growth of the Brazilian economy urges for improvement in transportation and logistics for products that move though the country. Seaways are the less pollutant and the most cost effective way to move ware. The increasing demand for this segment creates interest in more environmentally friendly and cheaper options and sheltering installations are part of a port's design. Within this scenario, the relevance of research and innovation for floating breakwater is recovered. Furthermore breakwater can as well provide coastal protection, which is an existent concern in modern time. The floating breakwater that is being discussed in this paper is an innovative and advantageous when compared to others that are in use have been designed and built. Due to the reuse of many plastic bottles and regarding the fact that they are being taken away from the waste environment, this floating breakwater creates a good impact on the ecologists. From the economic point of view it is less expensive due to the fact of the purchase of used plastic bottles to be cheap and easy. Also, the breakwater can be constructed on shore and dragged to position which eliminates the complexity and coast of building of a vessel. Its efficiency in wave height reduction goes significantly beyond the reduction ratio of other concepts that are comparable to this floating breakwater / Mestrado / Recursos Hidricos, Energeticos e Ambientais / Mestre em Engenharia Civil
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Inclusion of dissipative effects in quantum time-dependent mean-field theories / Inclusion des effets dissipatifs dans les théories de champ moyen quantique dépendantes du tempsSlama, Nader 21 May 2015 (has links)
Les théories de champ moyen quantique représentent une base robuste pour la description de la dynamique de nombreux systèmes physiques, des noyaux aux systèmes moléculaires et aux agrégats. Cependant, le traitement incomplet des corrélations électroniques au niveau du champ moyen empêche de donner une description propre de la dynamique, en particulier la dynamique dans les régimes dissipatifs. La dissipation est intrinsèquement liée à la thermalisation qui représente le phénomène cible à d'écrire dans ce travail. Nous avons exploré un schéma purement quantique en terme des matrices densités et qui consiste en l'inclusion des corrélations de type collisions, responsables de la thermalisation dans les systèmes quantiques finis. Ceci est fait en traitant les corrélations entre deux particules avec la théorie des perturbations dépendantes du temps tout au long d'un intervalle de temps. Ceci permet de créer un ensemble d'états de type champ moyen pur pour les différentes configurations. Ces états sont traités stochastiquement dans la dynamique et fournissent en moyenne un état corrélé. Nous proposons dans ce travail une reformulation de cette théorie en terme des fonctions d'ondes où les corrélations sont traitées comme des transitions multiples de type particule-trou, limitées aux transitions deux-particules-deux-trous dans notre cas. On applique le schéma obtenu à un modèle unidimensionnel simulant de petites molécules. La capacité de cette théorie à introduire les effets dissipatifs dans le cadre du champ moyen est illustrée à travers plusieurs observables tels que les matrices à un et deux corps, les nombres d'occupation et l'entropie à un corps / Quantum mean field theories represent a robust basis for the description of many dynamical situations from nuclei to molecular systems and clusters. However, the missing of electronic correlations on top of mean field prevents them to give a proper description of the dynamics, in particular dissipative dynamics. Dissipation is intrinsically linked to thermalization which represents the target phenomenon to be described in this thesis. We thus explore a fully quantum mechanical strategy proposed in terms of density matrices in the case of nuclear collisions and which consists in the inclusion of collisional correlations responsible of thermalization in quantum finite systems. This is done by treating two body correlations in time dependent perturbation theory along a certain time span that allows to create an ensemble of pure mean field states for different configurations. These states are used into the dynamics, stochastically, providing in the average one correlated state. We propose in this work a reformulation of this theory in term of wave functions where correlations are translated into multiple particle-hole transitions, restricted to two-particles-two-holes transitions in our case. We apply the obtained scheme to a one dimensional model simulating small molecules. The ability of this theory to include dissipative effects on top of mean field is illustrated through several observables such as the one and two body density matrices, the occupation numbers and the one body entropy.
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Flame turbulence interaction in premixed turbulent combustionAhmed, Umair January 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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On the evaluation of spectral effects on photovoltaic modules performance parameters and hotspots in solar cellsSimon, Michael January 2009 (has links)
The performance of photovoltaic (PV) modules in terms of their ability to convert incident photon to electrical energy (efficiency) depends mostly on the spectral distribution of incident radiation from the sun. The incident spectrum finally perceived by the module depends strongly on the composition of the medium in which it has traveled. The composition of the earth’s atmosphere, which includes, amongst others, water vapour, gases such as carbon dioxide and oxygen, absorbs or scatters some of the sunlight. The incident solar spectrum is also modified by the diffuse aspect of radiation from the sky which strongly depends on aerosol concentration, cloudiness and local reflection of the earth’s surface. Although it is well known that the changes in outdoor spectrum affect device performance, little work has been conducted to support this theory. This is probably due to lack of spectral data or in certain instances where data is available, little knowledge of interpreting that data. The outdoor spectral data that one obtains in the field does not come clearly for just simple interpretation. Different analytical interpretation procedures have been proposed, all trying to explain and quantify the spectral influence on PV devices. In this study an assessment methodology for evaluating the effects of outdoor spectra on device performance parameters during the course of the day, seasons and or cloudy cover has been developed. The methodology consists of developing a device dependant concept, Weighted Useful Fraction (WUF) using the outdoor measured spectral data. For measuring PV module’s performance parameters, a current-voltage (I-V) tester was developed in order to monitor the performance of six different module technologies. The Gaussian distribution was used to interpret the data. For hot-spot analysis, different techniques were used, which include Infrared thermographic technique for identifying the hot-spots in the solar cells, SEM and EDX techniques. The AES technique was also used in order to identify other elements at hot-spots sites that could not be detected by the EDX technique. iii Results obtained indicate that multicrystalline modules performance is affected by the changes in the outdoor spectrum during summer or winter seasons. The modules prefer a spectrum characterized by WUF = 0.809 during summer season. This spectrum corresponds to AM 2.19 which is different from AM 1.5 used for device ratings. In winter, the mc-Si module’s WUF (0.7125) peaks at 13h00 at a value corresponding to AM 1.83. Although these devices have a wider wavelength range, they respond differently in real outdoor environment. Results for mono – Si module showed that the device performs best at WUF = 0.6457 which corresponds to AM 1.83 during summer season, while it operates optimally under a winter spectrum indicated by WUF of 0.5691 (AM2.58). The seasonal changes resulted in the shift in WUF during day time corresponding to the “preferred” spectrum. This shift indicates that these devices should be rated using AM values that correspond to the WUF values under which the device operates optimally. For poly-Si, it was also observed the WUF values are lower than the other two crystalline-Si counterparts. The pc-Si was observed to prefer a lower AM value indicated by WUF = 0.5813 during winter season while for summer it prefers a spectrum characterized by WUF = 0.5541 at AM 3.36. The performance of the single junction a-Si module degraded by 67 percent after an initial outdoor exposure of 16 kWh/m² while the HIT module did not exhibit the initial degradation regardless of their similarities in material composition. It was established that the WUF before degradation peaks at 15h00 at a value of 0.7130 corresponding to AM 4.50 while the WUF after degradation “prefers” the spectrum (WUF = 0.6578) experienced at 15h30 corresponding to AM value of 5.57. Comparing the before and after degradation scenarios of a-Si:H, it was observed that the device spends less time under the red spectrum which implies that the device “prefers” a full spectrum to operate optimally. The degradation of a-Si:H device revealed that the device spectral response was also shifted by a 7.7 percent after degradation. A higher percentage difference (61.8 percent) for spectral range for the HIT module is observed, but with no effects on device parameters. Seasonal changes (summer/winter) resulted in the outdoor spectrum of CuInSe2 to vary by WUF = 1.5 percent, which resulted in the decrease in Isc. This was ascertained by iv analyzing the percentage change in WUF and evaluating the corresponding change in Isc. The analysis showed that there was a large percentage difference of the module’s Isc as the outdoor spectrum changed during the course of the day. This confirmed that the 17 percent decrease in Isc was due to a WUF of 1.5 percent. In mc-Si solar cells used in this study, it was found that elemental composition across the entire solar cell was not homogenously distributed resulting in high concentration of transition metals which were detected at hot spot areas. The presence of transition metals causes hot-spot formation in crystalline solar cells. Although several transition elements exist at hot-spot regions, the presence of oxygen, carbon, iron and platinum was detected in high concentrations. From this study, it is highly recommended that transition elements and oxygen must be minimized so as to increase the life expectancy of these devices and improve overall systems reliability
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Decoerência em uma experiência de Stern-Gerlach dissipativaOliveira, Thiago Rodrigues de 09 September 2004 (has links)
Orientador: Amir Ordacgi Caldeira / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Fisica Gleb Wataghin / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-04T01:41:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Oliveira_ThiagoRodriguesde_M.pdf: 7229972 bytes, checksum: df8825145d26326f700bc04d2d767b90 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2004 / Resumo: Não informado / Abstract: Not informed. / Mestrado / Física Estatística / Mestre em Física
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