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Avaliação da dissipação do inseticida malation utilizado em nebulização a ultrabaixo volume no controle da dengue: avaliação ecotoxicológica e de risco ambiental / Evaluation of malathion insecticides dissipation used in ultra-low volume nebulization in dengue control: ecotoxicological assessment and environmental riskColeone, Ana Carla 26 May 2014 (has links)
A dengue é um dos principais problemas de Saúde Pública da atualidade. É transmitida por mosquitos do gênero Aedes, sendo a espécie Aedes aegypti o vetor responsável pela transmissão no Brasil. O principal alvo de controle da doença é seu vetor, sendo o controle químico amplamente utilizado em todas as regiões atingidas. Como forma de prevenção ou em períodos de epidemia, torna-se necessária a eliminação dos mosquitos adultos, sendo indicada a nebulização a ultrabaixo volume (UBV) a frio do organofosforado malation por meio do uso de equipamentos pulverizadores acoplados a veículos. Este inseticida utilizado pode sofrer desvios durante e após a aplicação a UBV, caracterizando-se como um potencial agente de desequilíbrio ecológico, podendo atingir e gerar efeitos danosos em organismos não alvos aquáticos e terrestres. Este trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver e validar um método de análise para o malation em cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência e obter recuperação do inseticida em níveis aceitáveis em água e solo, avaliar seu período de dissipação e tempo de meia vida (t1/2) nestas matrizes e classificá-lo quanto à toxicidade aguda e ao risco ambiental de acordo com diferentes autores, para o microcustáceo Daphnia magna, para a minhoca Eisenia foetida, para o peixe mato grosso (Hyphessobrycon eques) e para a macrófita Lemna minor. O método foi considerado adequado para análise do malation. A recuperação obtida para água foi de 97 por cento e para solo, 96 por cento . Efeitos tóxicos decorrentes da exposição ao inseticida foram observados para todos os organismos, sendo a Daphnia magna a espécie mais sensível aos testes de toxicidade aguda, com alto risco de intoxicação ambiental oriundo do uso peridomiciliar do malation. Em solo, o composto permaneceu na superfície com t1/2 de 4,5 h e sofreu lixiviação após ocorrência de chuva, sendo detectado por até 29 dias após a aplicação. Em água, o t1/2 foi de 0,1 h em pH 9.0 não sendo mais detectado a partir do segundo dia após aplicação. Em pH 7.0 e 5.0, esse período estendeu-se por até 7 dias, sendo o t1/2 de 3,2 e 4,4 d, respectivamente. / Dengue is one of the major public health problems nowadays. It is transmitted by mosquitoes of the genus Aedes, and the Aedes aegypti specie is the vector responsible for transmission in Brazil. The main target to control the disease is its vector, and the chemical control is widely used in all affected regions. As a preventive measure or in epidemic periods, it becomes necessary to eliminate adult mosquitoes, being indicated the ultralow volume nebulization of malathion organophosphate in cold way through the use of sprinklers attached to vehicles. This used insecticide can suffer deviation during and after application ULV, characterizing itself as a potential agent of environmental imbalance, with the possibility of reach and generate harmful effects on aquatic and terrestrial non-target organisms. This work had the objective to develop and validate a method of analysis for malathion in high performance liquid chromatography and obtain recovery of insecticide in acceptable levels in water and soil, evaluate its dissipation period and half-life time in these matrices and classify it on acute toxicity and environmental risk according to different authors, to the microcrustacean Daphnia magna, to the earthworm Eisenia foetida, to the fish Hyphessobrycon eques and to the macrophyte Lemna minor. The method was considered appropriate for analysis of malathion. The obtained recovery for water was 97 per cent and for soil, 96 per cent . Toxic effects resulting from exposure to the insecticide were observed for all organisms, resulting that Daphnia magna is the most sensitive species to the acute toxicity tests, with high risk of environmental intoxication originated from malathion peridomicilary use. In soil, the compound remained on the surface with t1/2 of 4.5 h and suffered lixiviation after rain occurrence, being detected for up to 29 days after application. In water, the t1/2 was 0.1 h in pH 9.0 and was not detected from the second day after application. In pH 7.0 and 5.0, this period was extended for up to 7 days, being the t1/2 of 3.2 and 4.4 d, respectively.
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Avaliação da dissipação do inseticida malation utilizado em nebulização a ultrabaixo volume no controle da dengue: avaliação ecotoxicológica e de risco ambiental / Evaluation of malathion insecticides dissipation used in ultra-low volume nebulization in dengue control: ecotoxicological assessment and environmental riskAna Carla Coleone 26 May 2014 (has links)
A dengue é um dos principais problemas de Saúde Pública da atualidade. É transmitida por mosquitos do gênero Aedes, sendo a espécie Aedes aegypti o vetor responsável pela transmissão no Brasil. O principal alvo de controle da doença é seu vetor, sendo o controle químico amplamente utilizado em todas as regiões atingidas. Como forma de prevenção ou em períodos de epidemia, torna-se necessária a eliminação dos mosquitos adultos, sendo indicada a nebulização a ultrabaixo volume (UBV) a frio do organofosforado malation por meio do uso de equipamentos pulverizadores acoplados a veículos. Este inseticida utilizado pode sofrer desvios durante e após a aplicação a UBV, caracterizando-se como um potencial agente de desequilíbrio ecológico, podendo atingir e gerar efeitos danosos em organismos não alvos aquáticos e terrestres. Este trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver e validar um método de análise para o malation em cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência e obter recuperação do inseticida em níveis aceitáveis em água e solo, avaliar seu período de dissipação e tempo de meia vida (t1/2) nestas matrizes e classificá-lo quanto à toxicidade aguda e ao risco ambiental de acordo com diferentes autores, para o microcustáceo Daphnia magna, para a minhoca Eisenia foetida, para o peixe mato grosso (Hyphessobrycon eques) e para a macrófita Lemna minor. O método foi considerado adequado para análise do malation. A recuperação obtida para água foi de 97 por cento e para solo, 96 por cento . Efeitos tóxicos decorrentes da exposição ao inseticida foram observados para todos os organismos, sendo a Daphnia magna a espécie mais sensível aos testes de toxicidade aguda, com alto risco de intoxicação ambiental oriundo do uso peridomiciliar do malation. Em solo, o composto permaneceu na superfície com t1/2 de 4,5 h e sofreu lixiviação após ocorrência de chuva, sendo detectado por até 29 dias após a aplicação. Em água, o t1/2 foi de 0,1 h em pH 9.0 não sendo mais detectado a partir do segundo dia após aplicação. Em pH 7.0 e 5.0, esse período estendeu-se por até 7 dias, sendo o t1/2 de 3,2 e 4,4 d, respectivamente. / Dengue is one of the major public health problems nowadays. It is transmitted by mosquitoes of the genus Aedes, and the Aedes aegypti specie is the vector responsible for transmission in Brazil. The main target to control the disease is its vector, and the chemical control is widely used in all affected regions. As a preventive measure or in epidemic periods, it becomes necessary to eliminate adult mosquitoes, being indicated the ultralow volume nebulization of malathion organophosphate in cold way through the use of sprinklers attached to vehicles. This used insecticide can suffer deviation during and after application ULV, characterizing itself as a potential agent of environmental imbalance, with the possibility of reach and generate harmful effects on aquatic and terrestrial non-target organisms. This work had the objective to develop and validate a method of analysis for malathion in high performance liquid chromatography and obtain recovery of insecticide in acceptable levels in water and soil, evaluate its dissipation period and half-life time in these matrices and classify it on acute toxicity and environmental risk according to different authors, to the microcrustacean Daphnia magna, to the earthworm Eisenia foetida, to the fish Hyphessobrycon eques and to the macrophyte Lemna minor. The method was considered appropriate for analysis of malathion. The obtained recovery for water was 97 per cent and for soil, 96 per cent . Toxic effects resulting from exposure to the insecticide were observed for all organisms, resulting that Daphnia magna is the most sensitive species to the acute toxicity tests, with high risk of environmental intoxication originated from malathion peridomicilary use. In soil, the compound remained on the surface with t1/2 of 4.5 h and suffered lixiviation after rain occurrence, being detected for up to 29 days after application. In water, the t1/2 was 0.1 h in pH 9.0 and was not detected from the second day after application. In pH 7.0 and 5.0, this period was extended for up to 7 days, being the t1/2 of 3.2 and 4.4 d, respectively.
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Dinâmica de tebuthiuron e hexazinona em solos sob aplicação de biocarvão / Tebuthiuron and hexazinone fate in soils with biochar amendmentLetícia de Pierri 23 February 2018 (has links)
A aplicação de biocarvão ao solo tem sido divulgada como prática com vantagens agrícolas e ambientais. Devido à sua elevada reatividade, o biocarvão pode interagir com contaminantes orgânicos e inorgânicos do solo, diminuindo o potencial poluidor de elementos tóxicos e pesticidas. Contudo, a eficácia de herbicidas pré-emergentes pode ser anulada devido à presença de biocarvão no solo, o que impõe a necessidade de doses maiores e resulta no aumento do risco de contaminação ambiental. Adicionalmente, pode haver maior persistência de pesticidas no solo devido à retenção e menor disponibilidade das moléculas em solos com biocarvão. As reações que ocorrem entre o biocarvão e os pesticidas dependem das próprias características do solo e da molécula, além do tempo de interação com o solo (aging) e das propriedades intrínsecas ao biocarvão (biomassa de origem, T°C de pirólise e granulometria). O tebuthiuron e a hexazinona são herbicidas com elevado potencial de lixiviação e podem ter seu destino alterado em função da presença de biocarvão no solo. Estas moléculas possuem elevado tempo de meia-vida (t1/2) e biodegradam lentamente no ambiente edáfico. Assim, processos oxidativos avançados (POA) podem acelerar a decomposição dos herbicidas, sendo ainda uma maneira de integrar o biocarvão em processos químicos para a dissipação de poluentes. Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos da aplicação de biocarvão na dinâmica dos herbicidas tebuthiuron e hexazinona em solos, tendo-se como objetivos específicos: i) verificar o comportamento sortivo desses herbicidas frente à aplicação de biocarvões produzidos a partir de diferentes matérias-primas e T°C de pirólise, incluindo a influência de fatores como o aging dos herbicidas no solo, tamanho das partículas do biocarvão e disponibilidade de carbono orgânico dissolvido (COD) no solo promovida pela adição do biocarvão; ii) avaliar se a interação entre os herbicidas e o biocarvão afeta a eficiência de controle de braquiária (Brachiaria decumbens); iii) analisar a influência do biocarvão na dissipação e lixiviação de tebuthiuron e hexazinona; e iv) identificar o potencial de uso do biocarvão em POA, como suporte para catalisadores metálicos heterogêneos e como fonte de ferro para reações de Fenton, bem como avaliar o desempenho destes materiais na catálise oxidativa de hidrocarbonetos e dos herbicidas. Experimentos de sorção, (verificando a influência de biocarvões de diferentes matérias-primas e T°C de pirólise, aging e granulometria, além da avaliação em solos de texturas contrastantes), bem como de dissipação e lixiviação foram conduzidos, utilizando-se herbicidas radiomarcados. Em paralelo, a liberação de COD pelos biocarvões e pelos solos foi quantificada, enquanto que um experimento de eficiência de controle sobre braquiária em casa de vegetação foi conduzido. Os biocarvões foram, ainda, avaliados quanto ao potencial de uso como suporte para catalisadores metálicos e para reações de Fenton, avaliando-se sua performance para a oxidação dos herbicidas e de hidrocarbonetos. Apesar de não alterar a classe de lixiviação de tebuthiuron e hexazinona em curto prazo, quando considerado o efeito do aging, a presença de biocarvão de palha de cana-de-açúcar 550°C (PC550) no solo, independentemente da granulometria, pode auxiliar no manejo de herbicidas com elevada mobilidade, especialmente em solos de textura arenosa e com baixo teor de carbono. Neste caso, o herbicida tebuthiuron teve sua classificação alterada de \"molécula lixiviável\" (Kd,app < 5,0 L kg-1) para \"molécula não-lixiviável\" (Kd,app > 5,0 L kg-1). No entanto, o biocarvão de dejeto de galinha 350°C (DG350) aumenta o COD do solo, resultando na diminuição da sorção dos herbicidas. A adição dos biocarvões PC550 e DG350 ao solo não modificam a eficiência de controle de braquiária por moléculas altamente solúveis. Doses a partir das doses recomendadas em campo promovem controle eficiente, independentemente da presença ou não de biocarvão no solo. Tebuthiuron e hexazinona são moléculas recalcitrantes no ambiente, sendo muito baixas suas taxas de mineralização e de dissipação, tanto na presença como na ausência dos biocarvões PC550 e DG350. A presença de biocarvão no solo pouco influenciou a dissipação dessas moléculas. Os biocarvões PC550 e DG350 diminuem o potencial de lixiviação da hexazinona no solo de textura areia franca, mas não afetam o movimento vertical do tebuthiuron nas mesmas condições. Apesar do menor potencial para degradação de tebuthiuron e hexazinona em relação à epoxidação de hidrocarbonetos, a inserção do biocarvão para a síntese de catalisadores mostrou-se eficiente e permitiu o emprego deste material em processos de catálise industrial e ambiental, podendo auxiliar para o manejo da remediação de poluentes e contribuindo para expandir o uso do biocarvão. / Biochar amendments to soil has been claimed as a practice with agricultural and environmental advantages. Due to its high reactivity, biochar can interact with organic and inorganic soil contaminants, reducing the pollution potential of toxic elements and pesticides. However, pre-emergent herbicides efficacy can be negatively affected by biochar additions to the soil, which may impose higher doses and increase the environmental contamination risk. In addition, there may be increasing in the pesticide\'s persistence due to retention and lower availability of the molecules induced by biochar amendment to the soil. The interactions between biochar and the pesticides depend on the characteristics of the soil and the herbicide itself, besides the aging and the biochar\'s properties (biomass, pyrolysis T°C and granulometry). Tebuthiuron and hexazinone are herbicides with leaching potential and may have their fate modified due to the presence of biochar in the soil. These molecules have a high half-life time (t1/2) and biodegrade slowly in the environment. Thus, advanced oxidative processes (AOP) can accelerate the decomposition of herbicides and can be a way of incorporate biochar in chemical processes towards pollutants dissipation. We aimed to evaluate the effects of biochar amendments on tebuthiuron and hexazinone dynamics in soils, and the specific objectives were: i) to verify the sorption behavior of these herbicides in response to biochar\'s amendment from different feedstock and pyrolysis T°C, including the influence of factors such as herbicide aging on the soil, biochar particle size and availability of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in the soil promoted by biochar addition; ii) to evaluate if the interaction between the herbicides and the biochars affects braquiária (Brachiaria decumbens) control efficiency; iii) to analyze the biochars influence on the dissipation and leaching of tebuthiuron and hexazinone; and iv) to identify the potential use of biochar in AOP as heterogeneous metal catalysts support and as a source of iron for Fenton reactions, as well as to evaluate the performance of these materials in oxidative catalysis of hydrocarbons and herbicides. Sorption experiments, (checking the influence of biochars from different feedstocks and pyrolysis T°C, aging and granulometry, as well as accessing the differences among soil textures), and dissipation and leaching experiments were conducted using radiolabeled herbicides. In parallel, the release of DOC by the biochars and soils was quantified, whereas an experiment in a greenhouse for braquiária control was conducted. The biochars were also evaluated for use as metal catalysts supports and for Fenton reactions, evaluating their performance for herbicides and hydrocarbons oxidation. Although it does not change tebuthiuron and hexazinone leaching class in short term, when considering the aging, the sugarcane straw biochar pyrolyzed at 550°C (PC550), regardless of granulometry, may be useful in the management of high mobility herbicides, especially in sandy soils with low carbon content. In this case, tebuthiuron had its classification modified from \"leachable\" (Kd,app < 5.0 L kg-1) for \"non-leachable\" molecule (Kd,app > 5.0 L kg-1). However, the biochar from poultry manure pyrolyzed at 350°C (DG350) increases the DOC content in the soil, resulting in decreased sorption of the herbicides. The additions of PC550 and DG350 to the soil does not modify the control efficiency of braquiária by highly soluble molecules. Doses higher than the recommended ones promote efficient control, regardless of the presence or absence of biochar in the soil. Tebuthiuron and hexazinone are highly recalcitrant molecules in the environment, having low rates of mineralization and dissipation both in the presence or absence of the biochars PC550 and DG350. The biochar application to the soil barely influenced the herbicides dissipation. The biochars PC550 and DG350 decrease the leaching potential of hexazinone in the sandy soil, but do not affect tebuthiuron leaching in the same conditions. Despite the lower potential for tebuthiuron and hexazinone degradation in relation to the epoxidation of hydrocarbons potential, biochar insertion in the synthesis of catalysts has been proved to be efficient, allowing the use of these wastes in industrial and environmental catalysis processes for pollutants remediation purposes and helping to expand the biochar range of uses.
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Improvement in Computational Fluid Dynamics Through Boundary Verification and PreconditioningFolkner, David 01 May 2013 (has links)
This thesis provides improvements to computational fluid dynamics accuracy and ef- ficiency through two main methods: a new boundary condition verification procedure and preconditioning techniques. First, a new verification approach that addresses boundary conditions was developed. In order to apply the verification approach to a large range of arbitrary boundary condi- tions, it was necessary to develop unifying mathematical formulation. A framework was developed that allows for the application of Dirichlet, Neumann, and extrapolation bound- ary condition, or in some cases the equations of motion directly. Verification of boundary condition techniques was performed using exact solutions from canonical fluid dynamic test cases. Second, to reduce computation time and improve accuracy, preconditioning algorithms were applied via artificial dissipation schemes. A new convective upwind and split pressure (CUSP) scheme was devised and was shown to be more effective than traditional precon- ditioning schemes in certain scenarios. The new scheme was compared with traditional schemes for unsteady flows for which both convective and acoustic effects dominated. Both boundary conditions and preconditioning algorithms were implemented in the context of a "strand grid" solver. While not the focus of this thesis, strand grids provide automatic viscous quality meshing and are suitable for moving mesh overset problems.
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Mesures thermographiques de champs de dissipation accompagnant la fatigue à grand nombre de cycles des aciersBerthel, Bruno 14 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Cette étude s'inscrit dans une démarche originale consistant à développer un protocole expérimental adapté aux essais de fatigue à grand nombre de cycles. Ce protocole permet de dresser des bilans locaux d'énergie et s'appuie sur des techniques d'imagerie quantitative. Les objectifs étaient de compléter et de valider une méthode de traitement d'images infrarouges permettant d'étudier séparément les mécanismes dissipatifs et les effets thermoélastiques accompagnant la fatigue à grand nombre de cycles des aciers. Un point intéressant de cette méthode est de pouvoir fonctionner alors que les amplitudes des sources thermoélastiques sont très nettement supérieures aux intensités de dissipation. Le deuxième objectif était d'arriver à combiner cette technique infrarouge avec celles mises en place pour accéder aux champs cinématiques par une méthode de corrélation d'images. Ce rapprochement a permis d'estimer l'énergie de déformation localement mise en jeu et de la comparer, sur un cycle de chargement, à l'énergie dissipée.
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Problèmes aux limites et problèmes asymptotiques dans l'étude des systèmes hyperboliquesCoulombel, Jean-Francois 01 April 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Ce mémoire est consacré à l'étude des systèmes hyperboliques de lois de conservation et se compose de deux parties indépendantes. Dans une première partie, nous étudions des problèmes aux limites ne vérifiant qu'une condition de stabilité faible. Cette partie est motivée par l'étude d'ondes en mécanique des fluides compressibles comme les ondes de choc ou les nappes de tourbillon. Sous des hypothèses générales, nous définissons la notion de problème faiblement stable et montrons que de tels problèmes sont bien-posés au sens de Hadamard. L'originalité de notre travail consiste à autoriser une perte de régularité entre les seconds membres des équations et les solutions, les hypothèses ne portant que sur les symboles principaux des équations. Notre analyse commence par les problèmes linéaires, ces premiers résultats servant à traiter des problèmes non-linéaires intervenant dans la théorie des ondes de choc ou des discontinuités de contact. Dans une seconde partie, nous abordons l'étude des systèmes hyperboliques en présence de termes dissipatifs. Nos résultats couvrent tout d'abord des systèmes hyperboliques avec relaxation. Nous montrons l'existence globale de solutions régulières et justifions le comportement asymptotique de ces solutions lorsque le coefficient de relaxation devient infiniment grand. En particulier, nos résultats valident la construction de schémas numériques dits de relaxation pour les équations d'Euler. Nous étudions enfin un modèle d'hydrodynamique radiative où le terme de dissipation prend la forme d'un opérateur non-local. Nous montrons pour ce modèle l'existence et la stabilité asymptotique de profils de choc. Nous développons également une procédure numérique permettant de calculer ces profils.
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Characterization of Surfaces Designed for Biomedical ApplicationsKristensen, Emma January 2006 (has links)
<p>In order to develop blood biocompatible materials a heparin surface and a phosphorylcholine (PC) functionalized polymer surface were characterized using photoelectron spectroscopy (PES). The formation of the heparin surface was studied by quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring (QCM-D). This heparin surface consists of heparin conjugates deposited on a conditioning layer, applied once or twice. The PC functionalized polymer, poly(trimethylene carbonate), was linked to a silicon substrate through 3-amino- propyltrimethoxysilane (APTMS), also studied using PES. </p><p>Synchrotron radiation based PES showed that the thicker heparin film resulted in complete coverage of the substrate, while the thinner did not. This could explain the difference in blood biocompatibility between the two films, as observed by others. It was also found that the heparin chains bend down towards the substrate (under vacuum). </p><p>For the thinner heparin film the modifications, resulting from extensive irradiation of the sample, were studied with synchrotron radiation based PES. This was done at a pressure of about 10<sup>-7</sup> mbar and in 0.5 mbar water vapor. It was found that the modification is slower under water vapor than at low pressures and that the damaged film incorporates water upon exposure.</p><p>The heparin coating was found to be stable and wear resistant enough to still be present on artificial heart valves after three weeks testing in circulating plasma. It then had about the same antithrombin uptake as a non-tested surface. The film was, however, partly destroyed by the durability test and plasma proteins were deposited. </p><p>The PC functionalized, APTMS linked polymer was found to be much shorter than could be expected from random reactions. One plausible explanation is an interaction between the PC group and the silane surface, favoring aminolysis close to the PC group. This is consistent with our finding that the PC group bends down towards the surface.</p>
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Characterization of Surfaces Designed for Biomedical ApplicationsKristensen, Emma January 2006 (has links)
In order to develop blood biocompatible materials a heparin surface and a phosphorylcholine (PC) functionalized polymer surface were characterized using photoelectron spectroscopy (PES). The formation of the heparin surface was studied by quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring (QCM-D). This heparin surface consists of heparin conjugates deposited on a conditioning layer, applied once or twice. The PC functionalized polymer, poly(trimethylene carbonate), was linked to a silicon substrate through 3-amino- propyltrimethoxysilane (APTMS), also studied using PES. Synchrotron radiation based PES showed that the thicker heparin film resulted in complete coverage of the substrate, while the thinner did not. This could explain the difference in blood biocompatibility between the two films, as observed by others. It was also found that the heparin chains bend down towards the substrate (under vacuum). For the thinner heparin film the modifications, resulting from extensive irradiation of the sample, were studied with synchrotron radiation based PES. This was done at a pressure of about 10-7 mbar and in 0.5 mbar water vapor. It was found that the modification is slower under water vapor than at low pressures and that the damaged film incorporates water upon exposure. The heparin coating was found to be stable and wear resistant enough to still be present on artificial heart valves after three weeks testing in circulating plasma. It then had about the same antithrombin uptake as a non-tested surface. The film was, however, partly destroyed by the durability test and plasma proteins were deposited. The PC functionalized, APTMS linked polymer was found to be much shorter than could be expected from random reactions. One plausible explanation is an interaction between the PC group and the silane surface, favoring aminolysis close to the PC group. This is consistent with our finding that the PC group bends down towards the surface.
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Resonances, dissipation and decoherence in exotic and artificial atomsGenkin, Mikhail January 2010 (has links)
There are several reasons why exotic and artificial atoms attract the interest of different scientific communities.In exotic atoms, matter and antimatter can coexist for surprisingly long times. Thus, they present a unique natural laboratory for high precision antimatter studies. In artificial atoms, electrons can be confined in an externally controlled way. This aspect is crucial, as it opens new possibilities for high precision measurements and also makes artificial atoms promising potential candidates for qubits, i.e. the essential bricks for quantum computation.The first part of the thesis presents theoretical studies of resonant states in antiprotonic atoms and spherical two-electron quantum dots, where well established techniques, frequently used for conventional atomic systems, can be applied after moderate modifications. In the framework of Markovian master equations, it is then demonstrated that systems containing resonant states can be approached as open systems in which the resonance width determines the environmental coupling. The second part of the thesis focuses on possible quantum computational aspects of two kinds of artificial atoms, quantum dots and Penning traps. Environmentally induced decoherence, the main obstacle for a practical realization of a quantum computer based on these devices, is studied within a simple phenomenological model. As a result, the dependence of the decoherence timescales on the temperature of the heat bath and environmental scattering rates is obtained.
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Lincomycin and Spectinomycin : persistence in liquid hog manure and their transport from manure-amended soilKuchta, Sandra Louise 03 March 2008
Antimicrobials administered to livestock can be excreted up to 80% in the feces and urine. Liquid swine manure from confined animal feeding operations is generally retained in lagoon storage until it is applied as a nutrient source to cropland. Thus, the applied manure becomes a possible source of antimicrobials to aquatic ecosystems. Veterinary antimicrobials have been detected in surface and ground waters in Canada, the United States and Europe, however, their environmental fate is not well known. Lincomycin and spectinomycin are two antimicrobials administered as a mixture to swine in the prairie region of Canada for the prevention of post-weaning diarrhea. In order to assess the potential for contamination of prairie wetlands, concentrations of both antimicrobials were monitored in the liquid manure from the nursery area of a commercial-scale barn during a 5-week study, and their persistence during simulated manure storage investigated. The potential for transport of lincomycin and spectinomycin to surface waters via surface runoff and to leach to groundwater was also assessed. This was achieved by monitoring manure-amended soil, simulated rainfall runoff, snow melt runoff and groundwater over a two-year period at two study sites in Saskatchewan, Canada following fall application of liquid swine manure from two commercial barns to crop and pasture land. Liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry was used to quantitate these antimicrobials in all matrix extracts. <p>In the nursery area of a commercial-scale barn, concentrations of lincomycin and spectinomycin in the cumulating liquid manure at the end of the study were equivalent to 32 and 3.0%, respectively, of doses administered in the feed. In a laboratory study, using fortified liquid manure, concentrations of both antimicrobials showed a rapid initial decrease during simulated lagoon storage, followed by a slower dissipation over a period of 5 months. The average time required for 50% dissipation of lincomycin was greater than one year (365 d) and was approximately 90 d for spectinomycin. <p>Lincomycin concentrations in soil (46.3 to 117 µg kg-1) collected immediately after fall manure application, decreased to non-detectable levels by mid-summer the following year. Lincomycin was present in simulated rainfall runoff (0.1 to 2.7 µg L-1) immediately after manure application with similar concentrations present in snow meltrunoff the following spring. Concentrations in groundwater were generally <0.005 µg L-1. Spectinomycin was not detected in the manure applied at the study sites nor in soil, runoff water or groundwater samples. This study confirms that some antimicrobials, including lincomycin, may be present in lagoon manure. Thus, the management practice of utilizing livestock manure from confined animal feeding operations as a plant nutrient source on cropland may result in antimicrobial transport to surface and ground waters.
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