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Descriptions, Ecological Associations and Predictive Species Distribution Models of New Species of Psilochalcis Kieffer (Hymenoptera; Chalcididae) Occurring in Utah's Eastern Great BasinPetersen, Mark J. 18 April 2023 (has links) (PDF)
The genus Psilochalcis, of the Family Chalcididae, was originally described in 1905 by Kieffer. Mainly considered an Old-World taxon, the first North American Psilochalcis were not identified until 1981 by Grissell and Schauff. Little is known about the species distributions, biologies and ecological relationships of these parasitic wasps. This dissertation describes research conducted in central Utah setting arrays of Malaise traps in 4 different habitat types common to the Great Basin at three separate locations. A result of this sampling revealed a high abundance of multiple species of Psilochalcis wasps, particularly from one location and two habitat types. Chapter 1 describes three new species of Psilochalcis wasps namely; P. adenticulata Petersen, P. minuta Petersen, and P. quadratis Petersen. A review of all North American Psilochalcis species explains their distribution in Utah and throughout the surrounding western United States. A taxonomic key for all North American Psilochalcis species is given. Chapter 2 examines the seasonal abundance of P. minuta and P. quadratis and their associations with two common Great Basin habitat types. Both species show their highest abundance from late June through early August. Their peak abundance is shown to change dependent on the environmental conditions of temperature and precipitation. Psilochalcis minuta is significantly associated with pinyon/juniper (Pinus edulis or P. monophylla and Juniperus osteosperma) and P. quadratis is significantly associated with cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum). Chapter 3 describes the building of species distribution models for P. minuta and P. quadratis using a maximum entropy (Maxent) approach. Ten environmental variables were used to predict areas of optimal suitable habitat for each species. Multiple predicted sites were field sampled to test each model's effectiveness. Psilochalcis minuta occurred at nearly 90% of predicted sites, and P. quadratis occurred at 50% of predicted sites. Both species occurred at some non-predicted sites in other habitat types. Model analyses and field-testing results show the P. minuta model to be reliable in predicting areas of probable species occurrence, while the P. quadratis model is much less reliable in doing so. Aspect and fire disturbance show the highest percent contribution to both species' models. Slight differences in variable percent contribution between models suggest these species have sympatric distributions. Soil and slope are more important predictors of optimal suitable habitat for each species. Maintaining integrity between model predictions and field testing gave insights into other factors contributing to probable occurrence of Psilochalcis species.
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Distributions of Large Mammal Assemblages in Thailand with a Focus on Dhole (Cuon alpinus) ConservationJenks, Kate Elizabeth 01 May 2012 (has links)
Biodiversity monitoring and predictions of species occurrence are essential to develop outcome-oriented conservation management plans for endangered species and assess their success over time. To assess distribution and patterns of habitat use of large mammal assemblages in Thailand, with a focus on the endangered dhole (Cuon alpinus), I first implemented a long-term camera-trapping project carried out with park rangers from October 2003 through October 2007 in Khao Yai National Park. This project was extremely successful and may serve as a regional model for wildlife conservation. I found significantly lower relative abundance indices for carnivore species, and collectively for all mammals compared to data obtained in 1999-2000, suggesting population declines resulting from increased human activity. I integrated this data into maximum entropy modeling (Maxent) to further evaluate whether ranger stations reduced poaching activity and increased wildlife diversity and abundances. I then conducted a focused camera trap survey from January 2008 through February 2010 in Khao Ang Rue Nai Wildlife Sanctuary to gather critical baseline information on dholes, one of the predator species that seemed to have declined over time and that is exposed to continued pressure from humans. Additionally, I led a collaborative effort with other colleagues in the field to collate and integrate camera trap data from 15 protected areas to build a country-wide habitat suitability map for dholes, other predators, and their major prey species. The predicted presence probability for sambar (Rusa unicolor) and leopards (Panthera pardus) were the most important variables in predicting dhole presence countrywide. Based on my experience from these different field ecological surveys and endeavors, it became clear that local people's beliefs may have a strong influence on dhole management and conservation. Thus, I conducted villager interview surveys to identify local attitudes towards dholes, document the status of dholes in wildlife sanctuaries adjacent to Cambodia, and determine the best approach to improve local support for dhole conservation before proceeding with further field studies of the species in Thailand. A photograph of a dhole was correctly identified by only 20% of the respondents. My studies provide evidence that some protected areas in Thailand continue to support a diversity of carnivore speices of conservation concern, including clouded leopards (Neofelis nebulosa), dholes, and small felids. However, dholes' impact on prey populations may be increasing as tiger (Panthera tigris) and leopards are extripated from protected areas. The next step in dhole conservation is to estimate the size and stability of their fragmented populations and also focus on maintaining adequate prey bases that would support both large felids and dholes
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A Plethodontid Perspective: Responding to Disturbance — From Hourly Weather to Historical Settlement and Modern FireWilk, Andrew John 10 November 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Evaluation of groundwater flow and contaminant transport at the Wells G&H Superfund Site, Woburn, Massachusetts, from 1960 to 1986 and estimation of TCE and PCE concentrations delivered to Woburn residencesMetheny, Maura A. 20 July 2004 (has links)
No description available.
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Dengue and Climate Change: Assessing Potential Future Areas of Concern for Transmission in the United StatesBeer, Matthew 01 August 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Background: Global climate change severely impacts human life, particularly health, as rising temperatures and extreme weather affect physical and mental well-being. Climate change can also alter the risk factors and epidemiology of infectious diseases, notably vector-borne diseases (VBDs), including those transmitted by mosquitoes. The Aedes mosquito, responsible for dengue, poses a significant threat due to its prevalence vector. Dengue prevention lacks effective methods beyond vector control, and the current vaccine has limitations, emphasizing the need for intensified research and prevention strategies to mitigate the expanding dengue burden worldwide. The goal of these studies was to establish a novel risk index as a baseline for improving prevention efforts for Dengue in the US.
Methods: An initial scoping review was conducted, looking at the state of literature surrounding risk factors associated with dengue transmission in the Americas and globally. Species distribution models (SDMs) were then constructed using Ae. aegypti occurrence data, and both current and projected climate data, to show the predicted current habitat suitability in North America and the potential projected changes in habitat suitability in 2070 and 2100 under differing climate change conditions. The results of the scoping review and SDMs, as well as the CDC’s Social Vulnerability Index, were used to develop a novel risk index for identifying areas of potential dengue transmission in the Continental United States. Utilizing the results of the Dengue Enhanced Risk Priority Index (DERPI) and the National Park Service’s Planning for a Changing Climate guidebook, an Impact Scenario Plan (ISP) was developed for a select area of the US with the highest potential risk of dengue transmission.
Results and Implications: The SDMs show large-scale changes in suitable habitat for Ae. aegypti within North America, with the majority of Mexico, Texas, Florida, and Southern California having increased areas of suitable habitat under both climate change models. The DERPI found that large areas of the southern US were suitable for both vector habitat and viral transmission, putting these regions potentially at risk for dengue transmission. The findings of these studies show the need to begin developing dengue prevention and vector control strategies in the southern US.
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Numerical Modelling and Statistical Analysis of Ocean Wave Energy Converters and Wave ClimatesLi, Wei January 2016 (has links)
Ocean wave energy is considered to be one of the important potential renewable energy resources for sustainable development. Various wave energy converter technologies have been proposed to harvest the energy from ocean waves. This thesis is based on the linear generator wave energy converter developed at Uppsala University. The research in this thesis focuses on the foundation optimization and the power absorption optimization of the wave energy converters and on the wave climate modelling at the Lysekil wave converter test site. The foundation optimization study of the gravity-based foundation of the linear wave energy converter is based on statistical analysis of wave climate data measured at the Lysekil test site. The 25 years return extreme significant wave height and its associated mean zero-crossing period are chosen as the maximum wave for the maximum heave and surge forces evaluation. The power absorption optimization study on the linear generator wave energy converter is based on the wave climate at the Lysekil test site. A frequency-domain simplified numerical model is used with the power take-off damping coefficient chosen as the control parameter for optimizing the power absorption. The results show a large improvement with an optimized power take-off damping coefficient adjusted to the characteristics of the wave climate at the test site. The wave climate modelling studies are based on the wave climate data measured at the Lysekil test site. A new mixed distribution method is proposed for modelling the significant wave height. This method gives impressive goodness of fit with the measured wave data. A copula method is applied to the bivariate joint distribution of the significant wave height and the wave period. The results show an excellent goodness of fit for the Gumbel model. The general applicability of the proposed mixed-distribution method and the copula method are illustrated with wave climate data from four other sites. The results confirm the good performance of the mixed-distribution and the Gumbel copula model for the modelling of significant wave height and bivariate wave climate.
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Novel Pharmacometric Methods for Informed Tuberculosis Drug DevelopmentClewe, Oskar January 2016 (has links)
With approximately nine million new cases and the attributable cause of death of an estimated two millions people every year there is an urgent need for new and effective drugs and treatment regimens targeting tuberculosis. The tuberculosis drug development pathway is however not ideal, containing non-predictive model systems and unanswered questions that may increase the risk of failure during late-phase drug development. The aim of this thesis was hence to develop pharmacometric tools in order to optimize the development of new anti-tuberculosis drugs and treatment regimens. The General Pulmonary Distribution model was developed allowing for prediction of both rate and extent of distribution from plasma to pulmonary tissue. A distribution characterization that is of high importance as most current used anti-tuberculosis drugs were introduced into clinical use without considering the pharmacokinetic properties influencing drug distribution to the site of action. The developed optimized bronchoalveolar lavage sampling design provides a simplistic but informative approach to gathering of the data needed to allow for a model based characterization of both rate and extent of pulmonary distribution using as little as one sample per subject. The developed Multistate Tuberculosis Pharmacometric model provides predictions over time for a fast-, slow- and non-multiplying bacterial state with and without drug effect. The Multistate Tuberculosis Pharmacometric model was further used to quantify the in vitro growth of different strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and the exposure-response relationships of three first line anti-tuberculosis drugs. The General Pharmacodynamic Interaction model was successfully used to characterize the pharmacodynamic interactions of three first line anti-tuberculosis drugs, showing the possibility of distinguishing drug A’s interaction with drug B from drug B’s interaction with drug A. The successful separation of all three drugs effect on each other is a necessity for future work focusing on optimizing the selection of anti-tuberculosis combination regimens. With a focus on pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, the work included in this thesis provides multiple new methods and approaches that individually, but maybe more important the combination of, has the potential to inform development of new but also to provide additional information of the existing anti-tuberculosis drugs and drug regimen.
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Impacts du changement global sur les assemblages d’espèces exploitées sud méditerranéens, application au golfe de Gabès (Tunisie) : de la modélisation des niches aux conséquences trophiques / Towards a better understanding of the ecosystem impacts of global change on southern Mediterranean exploited species assemblages, application to the Gulf of Gabes (Tunisia) : from species distribution models to trophic consequencesHattab, Tarek 22 April 2014 (has links)
La mer Méditerranée est un hotspot de biodiversité sous diverses influences où plusieurs perturbations agissent en synergie: réchauffement climatique, perte d'habitats et surpêche menacent la biodiversité marine et perturbent les équilibres écosystémiques. Afin d'assurer une gestion durable des écosystèmes marins côtiers, conformément aux prérogatives de l'Approche Ecosystémique des Pêches, il est nécessaire d'étudier les conséquences de ces perturbations sur les populations exploitées. Or, malgré la multiplicité des études relatives au changement global en Méditerranée, les conséquences écosystémiques de ces changements demeurent mal connues. Dans cette thèse, le Golfe de Gabès a été choisi comme modèle d'étude en raison des nombreuses perturbations qui y sont rencontrées et qui en font l'archétype de tendances plus généralisées en Mer Méditerranée. Cette thèse se propose d'abord de replacer l'écosystème du Golfe de Gabès dans son contexte biogéographique à travers l'étude de la phylobiogéographie des assemblages des poissons côtiers méditerranéens et la modélisation de la structure et du fonctionnement de l'écosystème du Golfe de Gabès. Par la suite, nous proposons de modéliser, en utilisant des modèles de niches écologiques, les modifications potentielles futures des assemblages biogéographiques d'espèces exploitées soumises aux changements climatiques et à la perte d'habitat, ainsi que les conséquences trophiques de ces modifications. En prenant en compte la taxonomie et l'histoire évolutive des espèces, nous avons mis en évidence le niveau de séparation entre les assemblages méditerranéens en proposant une nouvelle délimitation biogéographique du plateau continental. Par ailleurs, l'exploration des dissimilarités phylogénétiques à l'échelle des côtes tunisiennes a mis en évidence quatre zones biogéographiques majeures présentant une faible congruence avec le zonage adopté pour la gestion de la pêche en Tunisie. Les projections des futures aires de répartition des 60 principales espèces exploitées du Golfe de Gabès, grâce à l'implémentation du modèle climatique NEMOMED8, révèlent que pour la fin du siècle, 34 espèces pourraient contracter leurs aires de répartition parmi lesquelles 12 espèces pourraient s'éteindre à l'échelle du Golfe. Par ailleurs, en combinant des scénarios de régression d'herbier et de changement climatique, les projections montrent que les magnitudes des modifications d'aires de répartition induites par le changement climatique sont plus larges que celles résultant de la perte d'habitat. La mise en place d'un modèle trophique Ecopath nous a permis de décrire la structure et le fonctionnement de l'écosystème du Golfe de Gabès et de le comparer avec d'autres écosystèmes méditerranéens exploités. Ce modèle a intégré un large éventail d'espèces depuis le phytoplancton jusqu'aux top-prédateurs ainsi que les principales activités de pêche opérant dans la zone. Les résultats du modèle mettent en évidence que le chalutage benthique est l'activité ayant les conséquences écosystémiques les plus étendues avec un fort impact sur certaines espèces démersales exploitées. Enfin, pour étudier les conséquences trophiques des modifications des distributions spatiales des espèces exploitées, nous avons reconstruit les réseaux trophiques au sein des assemblages d'espèces en nous fondant sur la relation positive liant la taille du prédateur à celle de sa proie. Nous avons ainsi pu prédire les réseaux trophiques actuels et projeter les modifications potentielles de leurs structures. Nous avons constaté qu'une grande partie du Golfe pourrait connaître une augmentation de la connectance et un allongement des voies trophiques moyennes qui s'accompagnent d'une diminution du nombre de proies par prédateur et du nombre de prédateurs par proie. Cette thèse est une ouverture vers la compréhension du rôle de la biodiversité dans le maintien du fonctionnement des écosystèmes. / The Mediterranean Sea is a marine biodiversity hot spot highly affected by several sources of disturbances interacting synergistically: global warming, habitat loss and overfishing threaten marine biodiversity and disrupt the ecosystem balance. To ensure a sustainable management of coastal marine ecosystems according to the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries, it is necessary to study the ecosystem responses to these disturbances. However, despite the variety of global change studies in Mediterranean areas, ecosystems responses to these changes remain poorly understood and particularly at the southern part of the Mediterranean Sea. In this PhD thesis, the Gulf of Gabes was chosen as study area since it is one of the most affected regions by global change which makes it a mesocosm model of more regional patterns that occur in the Mediterranean Sea. In this study, as a first step, we replaced the Gulf of Gabes in its biogeographic and ecosystem regional context. This was achievied through a phylogenetic-based delineation of biogeographical species pools of coastal Mediterranean fishes and using an ecosystem model to describe its structure and functioning in comparison with other Mediterranean ecosystem model properties. We therefore projected potential future geographic ranges and assemblages composition of biogeographical exploited species pool according to global warming and habitat loss scenarios. Then we assessed their effects on food web structure. Taking into account the taxonomy and inter-species evolutionary relationships, we generate a new bioregionalisation of the continental shelf based on the turnover of lineages. Our results showed that climate is the major driver of species distribution and assemblage's composition. In addition, the exploration of phylogenetic dissimilarity across the Tunisian coast highlighted four major biogeographic areas showing a low spatial congruence with zoning used for fisheries management in Tunisia.Projected range shifts of the 60 main exploited species of the Gulf of Gabes through the implementation of a new climate model (NEMOMED8) revealed that, by the end of the century, 34 species could contract their ranges including 12 species that could become locally extinct across the Gulf of Gabes. Furthermore, by combining Posidonia meadows loss scenarios and climate change projections, our results showed that the magnitudes of the changes range induced by climate change are larger than those resulting from the loss of habitat.The Ecopath mass-balance model allowed us to describe the structure and functioning of the ecosystem of the Gulf of Gabes in comparison with other Mediterranean ecosystems. These models encompass the entire trophic spectrum from phytoplankton to higher trophic levels as well as the main fishing activities in the area. The model results showed that, among the fishing activities studied, bottom trawling was identified as the activity having the widest-ranging impacts across the different functional groups and the largest impacts on some commercially-targeted demersal fish species. Finally, to study the effects of species range shift on food web structure, we used a new methodology to infer trophic interactions between species. Based on the robust relationship between the size of prey and predators, we predicted the current food webs and project potential changes in their structures. We found that a significant portion of the Gulf of Gabes would face an increase of connectance and an extension of trophic pathways in parallel with a decrease in the number of prey per predator and the number of predators per prey. This PhD thesis paves the way towards the understanding of the role of biodiversity in maintaining ecosystem functioning.
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Application du Modèle à Distribution de Points au corps humain pour la ré-identification de personnes / Alignment of a Point Distribution Model onto the human body for person re-identificationHuynh, Olivier 31 May 2016 (has links)
L'essor des systèmes mobiles pose de nouvelles problématiques dans le domaine de vision par ordinateur. Les techniques de ré-identification s'appuyant sur un réseau de caméras fixes doivent être repensées afin de s'adapter à un décor changeant. Pour répondre à ces besoins, cette thèse explore, dans le cadre du corps humain, l'utilisation d'un modèle structurel habituellement employé pour de la reconnaissance faciale. Il s'agit de l'alignement d'un modèle à distribution de points (Point Distribution Model ou PDM). L'objectif de ce pré-traitement avant la ré-identification est triple, segmenter la personne du décor, améliorer la robustesse vis-à-vis de sa pose et extraire des points clés spatiaux pour construire une signature basée sur son comportement.Nous concevons et évaluons un système complet de ré-identification, découpé en trois modules mis en séquence. Le premier de ces modules correspond à la détection de personnes. Nous proposons de nous baser sur une méthode de l'état de l'art utilisant les Channel Features avec l'algorithme AdaBoost.Le second module est l'alignement du PDM au sein de la boîte englobante fournie par la détection. Deux approches sont présentées dans cette thèse. La première s'appuie sur une formulation paramétrique du modèle de forme. L'alignement de ce modèle est guidé par la maximisation d'un score d'un modèle d'apparence GentleBoost utilisant des caractéristiques locales de type histogrammes de gradients orientés. La seconde approche exploite une technique de cascade de régressions de forme. L'idée principale est le regroupement de déformations homogènes en clusters et la classification de ces derniers dans le but d'aligner le PDM itérativement.Enfin, le troisième module est celui de la ré-identification. Nous montrons que l'utilisation d'un PDM en support permet d'améliorer les résultats de ré-identification. Nos expérimentations portent sur des signatures d'apparence classique, les histogrammes de couleurs, et sur un descripteur de forme, le Shape Context. L'évaluation de ce dernier fournit des résultats encourageants pour une perspective d'utilisation des PDM au sein d'une reconnaissance de démarches. / The emergence of mobile systems brings new problematics in computer vision. Static camera-based methods for re-identification need to be adapted in this new context. To deal with dynamical background, this thesis proposes to employ the well known Point Distribution Model (PDM), usually applied for face alignment, on the human body. Three advantages come from this pre-processing before re-identification, segment the person from background, enhance robustness to the person pose and extract spatial key points to build a behavioural-based signature.We implement and evaluate a complete framework for re-identification, divided in three sequential modules. The first one corresponds to the pedestrian detection. We use an efficient method of the state of the art employing the Channel Features with the algorithm AdaBoost.The second one is the PDM alignment within the bounding box provided by the detection step. Two distinct approaches are presented in this thesis. The first method relies on a parametric formulation to describe the shape, similar to the ASM or AAM. To fit this shape model, we maximize the score of an appearance model defined by GentleBoost, which employs local histograms of oriented gradients. The second approach is based on the cascade regression shape scheme. The main idea is the approximation for each step into a classification of homogeneous deformations, grouped by unsupervised clustering.The third module is the re-identfication one. We show that employing a PDM as a structural support improves re-identification results. We experiment classic appearance-based signatures, color histograms and the shape descriptor Shape Context. The results are encouraging for application perspective of PDM for the gait recognition.
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A Recommended Neural Trip Distributon ModelTapkin, Serkan 01 January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
In this dissertation, it is aimed to develop an approach for the trip distribution
element which is one of the important phases of four-step travel demand modelling.
The trip distribution problem using back-propagation artificial neural networks has
been researched in a limited number of studies and, in a critically evaluated study it
has been concluded that the artificial neural networks underperform when compared
to the traditional models. The underperformance of back-propagation artificial
neural networks appears to be due to the thresholding the linearly combined inputs
from the input layer in the hidden layer as well as thresholding the linearly combined
outputs from the hidden layer in the output layer. In the proposed neural trip
distribution model, it is attempted not to threshold the linearly combined outputs
from the hidden layer in the output layer. Thus, in this approach, linearly combined
inputs are activated in the hidden layer as in most neural networks and the neuron in
the output layer is used as a summation unit in contrast to other neural networks.
When this developed neural trip distribution model is compared with various
approaches as modular, gravity and back-propagation neural models, it has been
found that reliable trip distribution predictions are obtained.
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