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Uma infra-estrutura para integração de modelos, esquemas e serviços multidimensionais e geográficosdo Nascimento Fidalgo, Robson January 2005 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2005 / Suporte à decisão é um campo da Tecnologia da Informação que objetiva ajudar a entender
o comportamento dos dados do negócio de uma organização. Data Warehouse (DW), On-
Line Analytical Processing (OLAP) e Sistemas de Informações Geográficas (SIG) são ferramentas
para prover suporte à tomada de decisão. Destas tecnologias, as duas primeiras se caracterizam
por serem voltadas para processamento multidimensional, enquanto a última é uma categoria
de software específica para processamento geográfico. A integração destas ferramentas permite
que os SIG examinem geograficamente os dados das ferramentas de DW e OLAP, e por outro
lado, possibilita que estas cruzem e investiguem os dados geográficos sob diferentes níveis de
detalhes. Muitos trabalhos têm objetivado realizar processamento multidimensional e geográfico.
Porém, a maioria destes aplica tecnologias que não são independentes de plataforma, não reusa o
legado das ferramentas OLAP e SIG ou define estruturas/tipos de dados que não são disponibilizados
pela maioria das ferramentas comerciais.
Visando contribuir para a realização desta integração, este trabalho define a seguinte infraestrutura:
uma arquitetura de software que favoreça o reuso do legado de OLAP e SIG e seja baseada
no uso de DW Geográfico e metadados - Geographical Online Analytical Processing Architecture
(GOLAPA); um arcabouço para guiar a definição do projeto de um esquema para um DW geográfico
- Geographical Data Warehouse Framework (GeoDWFrame); um metamodelo para aplicações que
objetivam realizar consultas analíticas e geográficas - Geographical Analytical Metamodel (GAM);
um esquema abstrato que orienta, em alto nível, como pode ser feita a integração entre os metadados
geográficos de GAM e os metadados multidimensionais do padrão OLAP de CWM - Geographical
Multidimensional (GeoMD); um metamodelo que define como os metadados anteriores podem ser
semanticamente integrados - Geographical Multidimensional Metamodel (GeoMDM); e por fim, um
esquema XML para integrar e trocar dados e metadados multidimensionais e/ou geográficos que a
priori estão em esquemas XML distintos - Geography Markup Language for Analysis (GMLA). Ressalta-
se que esta infra-estrutura é baseada em especificações padrões e foi validada experimentalmente
através do desenvolvimento de um estudo de caso que utiliza tecnologias abertas e extensíveis
e é voltado para integração de serviços multidimensionais e geográficos na Web
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Acceptance and count rate estimates for experiments on subthreshold Phi meson production in central collisions of C + C at 2 AGeVKämpfer, Burkhard, Kotte, Roland 31 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Monte-Carlo estimates of the subthreshold Phi meson production are performed for the reaction 12C + 12C at 2 AGeV assuming the Phi's to be emitted isotropically and distributed thermally in the center-of-mass system of the colliding nuclei. Different scenarios involving the detector installations FOPI and HADES at SIS/GSI are considered to determine the expected yields of Phi(1020) mesons identified via the K+K- and e+e- decay channels.
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Acceptance and count rate estimates for experiments on subthreshold Phi meson production in central collisions of C + C at 2 AGeVKämpfer, Burkhard, Kotte, Roland January 2002 (has links)
Monte-Carlo estimates of the subthreshold Phi meson production are performed for the reaction 12C + 12C at 2 AGeV assuming the Phi's to be emitted isotropically and distributed thermally in the center-of-mass system of the colliding nuclei. Different scenarios involving the detector installations FOPI and HADES at SIS/GSI are considered to determine the expected yields of Phi(1020) mesons identified via the K+K- and e+e- decay channels.
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Building DSS using knowledge discovery in database applied to admission and registration functionsEl-Ragal, Ahmed Abdel Hameed Hassan January 2001 (has links)
This research investigates the practical issues surrounding the development and implementation of Decision Support Systems (DSS). The research describes the traditional development approaches analyzing their drawbacks and introduces a new DSS development methodology. The proposed DSS methodology is based upon four modules; needs' analysis, data warehouse (DW), knowledge discovery in database (KDD), and a DSS module. The proposed DSS methodology is applied to and evaluated using the admission and registration functions in Egyptian Universities. The research investigates the organizational requirements that are required to underpin these functions in Egyptian Universities. These requirements have been identified following an in-depth survey of the recruitment process in the Egyptian Universities. This survey employed a multi-part admission and registration DSS questionnaire (ARDSSQ) to identify the required data sources together with the likely users and their information needs. The questionnaire was sent to senior managers within the Egyptian Universities (both private and government) with responsibility for student recruitment, in particular admission and registration. Further, access to a large database has allowed the evaluation of the practical suitability of using a data warehouse structure and knowledge management tools within the decision making framework. 1600 students' records have been analyzed to explore the KDD process, and another 2000 records have been used to build and test the data mining techniques within the KDD process. Moreover, the research has analyzed the key characteristics of data warehouses and explored the advantages and disadvantages of such data structures. This evaluation has been used to build a data warehouse for the Egyptian Universities that handle their admission and registration related archival data. The decision makers' potential benefits of the data warehouse within the student recruitment process will be explored. The design of the proposed admission and registration DSS (ARDSS) will be developed and tested using Cool: Gen (5.0) CASE tools by Computer Associates (CA), connected to a MSSQL Server (6.5), in a Windows NT (4.0) environment. Crystal Reports (4.6) by Seagate will be used as a report generation tool. CLUST AN Graphics (5.0) by CLUST AN software will also be used as a clustering package. Finally, the contribution of this research is found in the following areas: A new DSS development methodology; The development and validation of a new research questionnaire (i.e. ARDSSQ); The development of the admission and registration data warehouse; The evaluation and use of cluster analysis proximities and techniques in the KDD process to find knowledge in the students' records; And the development of the ARDSS software that encompasses the advantages of the KDD and DW and submitting these advantages to the senior admission and registration managers in the Egyptian Universities. The ARDSS software could be adjusted for usage in different countries for the same purpose, it is also scalable to handle new decision situations and can be integrated with other systems.
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Innovative Anwendungen der diffusionsgewichteten MRT in der pädiatrischen muskuloskelettalen Bildgebung / Innovative applications of diffusion-weighted MRI in pediatric musculoskeletal imaging analisysEvangelista, Laura January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit untesucht die Darstellung tumoröser und entzündlicher muskuloskelettaler Läsionen mit der diffusionsgewichteten MRT-Bildgebung bei Kindern und Jugendlichen. Es sollten die Machbarkeit und die Zuverlässigkeit der Methode in der klinischen Routinebildgebung überprüft werden. Zusätzlich untersuchten wir den Einsatz von ADC-Werten zur Differenzierung von malignen und benignen Tumoren sowie bei inflammatorischen Knochen- und Weichteilbefunden. Wie die klassische MRT, ist die diffusionsgewichtete Bildgebung nicht-invasiv: da der
Bildkontrast allein mittels magnetischer Feldgradienten erzielt wird, erfordert sie weder eine Injektion von Kontrastmitteln, noch den Einsatz von ionisierender Strahlung. Sie garantiert eine schnelle Aquisitionstechink um Artefakte zu begrenzen und die Untersuchungen kindergerechter zu
gestalten. Die von uns erfassten Daten wurden in zwei unterschiedlichen Studien aufgeteilt. Die Erste Studie erfasst Ergebnisse bzgl. der Detektion und Dignitätsabschätzung kinderlicher muskuloskelettaler Tumoren mittels diffusionsgewichteten MRT Bilder. Das zweite Forschungsprojekt, befasst sich mit dem erstmaligen Einsatz der diffusionsgewichteten MRT zur Identifikation und Differenzierung von Knochenmarködem, Weichteilödem und Synovitis bei
pädiatrischen Patienten. / This study investigates the presentation of tumorous and inflammatory musculoskeletal lesions by diffusion-weighted MRI imaging in children and adolescents. The feasibility and reliability of the method should be tested in clinical routine imaging. In addition, we investigated the use of ADC values for the differentiation of malignant and benign tumors as well as for inflammatory bone and soft tissue findings. Like the classical MRI, diffusion-weighted imaging is non-invasive: since the image contrast is achieved solely by means of magnetic field gradients, it does not require either the injection of contrast agents or the use of ionizing radiations. This technique allows a quick aquisition to limit artefacts and to shape the investigations in a more child-friendly way. The data we collected were divided into two different studies. The first study records results concerning the detection and dignity-assessment of childhood musculoskeletal tumors using diffusion-weighted MRI images. The second research project deals with the initial use of diffusion-weighted MRI for the identification and differentiation of bone marrow edema, soft tissue edema and synovitis in Pediatric patients.
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Vergleich der Sensitivität prä- und intraoperativer bildgebender Verfahren bei der Detektion von Lebertumoren unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der MRT-Diffusionswichtung / Comparison of the sensitivity of pre- and intraoperative methods to find liver tumors with special consideration at the DWI-MRIAbraham, Carolin January 2018 (has links) (PDF)
In dieser Studie wurden 280 Patienten, die im Zeitraum vom 01.01.2008 bis
30.06.2012 am Universitätsklinikum Würzburg aufgrund einer Raumforderung der
Leber operiert wurden, analysiert. Davon konnten 150 Patienten mit insgesamt 385
Tumoren bewertet werden. Die zentrale Fragestellung der Arbeit beschäftigte sich
damit, die Sensitivität der MR-DWI mit anderen präoperativen bildgebenden
Untersuchungsmethoden zu bewerten. Bisherige Studien beschäftigten sich bereits
mit dem Vergleich der MR-DWI mit anderen diagnostischen Verfahren. Jedoch
wurden dabei nicht konkret die aus Sicht eines Chirurgen wichtigen Punkte detailliert
beleuchtet. In dieser Arbeit wurden daher die Ergebnisse der Befunde der MR-DWI,
CT und konventionellem MRT dem intraoperativen und histopathologisch
gesichertem Endbefund gegenübergestellt und bezüglich der Parameter:
Tumordignität, Tumoranzahl, Tumorgröße und Tumorlokalisation verglichen.
Während die Sensitivität der MR-DWI zur Tumorlokalisation etwas unter der
Sensitivität der CT und MRT lag, konnten für die Parameter Tumoranzahl und
Tumordignität bessere Ergebnisse der MR-DWI als für die CT herausgestellt werden.
Die Genauigkeit der DWI für diese beiden Punkte liegt nah bei der hohen Sensitivität
der MRT. Jedoch müssen die sehr guten Ergebnisse der MRT in dieser Arbeit durch
die geringe Anzahl der MRT Untersuchungen relativiert werden.
Bezüglich der Tumoranzahl ergibt sich bei der MR-DWI die höchste Sensitivität,
gefolgt von MRT und CT.
Zusammenfassend kann gesagt werden, dass die MR-DWI wie auch die CT und
MRT ein sehr sensitives Verfahren zur Detektion von Leberläsionen darstellt. Dabei
müssen gewisse Vor- und Nachteile gegenüber den anderen Methoden abgewogen
werden. Eine als ungünstig zu wertende Strahlenexposition besteht nicht, ebenso
kein zusätzlicher zeitlicher Aufwand.
In nahezu allen hier untersuchten Bereichen zeigte die MR-DWI vorrangig bessere
Resultate als die CT. Im Vergleich mit der MRT konnten geringfügig niedrigere oder
ähnlich gute Werte ermittelt werden. In Bezug auf die Tumoranzahl war die MR-DWI
das sensitivste Verfahren.
Um die hier erbrachten Ergebnisse zu sichern, sollten zukünftige Studien die
Homogenität der Patienten sowie die Anzahl der CT, MRT und MR-DWI
Untersuchungen erhöhen. Weiterhin könnten die Geräteeinstellungen bei der MRDWI
an bestimmte Fragestellungen angepasst und so genauere Ergebnisse erzielt
werden. Bruegel et al konnte für unterschiedliche Leberläsionen bereits die
charakteristischen ADC-Werte ermitteln. In einer weiteren Studie von
Kilickesmez wurden ebenfalls maligne und benigne Leberläsionen über die
entsprechenden ADC-Werte voneinander abgegrenzt. Daraus ergab sich die
Empfehlung, zur Diagnostik von Leberläsionen die konventionelle MRT mit der MRDWI
zu ergänzen.
Ein weiterer Ansatzpunkt ist die Reduktion von Störfaktoren für die MR-DWI und
damit die Verbesserung der Bildbeurteilung. In einer Arbeit von Yu-Chun wurde
beispielsweise die optimale Temperatur für die MR-DWI Schnittbildgebung am
Tiermodell angewandt und so auf molekularer Ebene die Artefaktbildung reduziert.
Eine Verbesserung konnte auch durch Ergänzung der MR-DWI mit anderen
Verfahren nachgewiesen werden. MR-DWI in Verbindung mit Kontrastmittel ergab
eine erhöhte Sensitivität für kleine HCC bis 2cm als Kontrastmittel-MRT ohne DWI.
Es ist zu erwarten, dass die MR-DWI in Zukunft durch exaktere Einstellungen der b-
Werte und ADC-Messungen in Abhängigkeit der zu untersuchenden Organregion,
durch Reduktion störender Faktoren oder durch Kombination mit anderen
bildgebenden Verfahren zur Optimierung der präoperativen Diagnostik bei
Lebertumoren beiträgt. / Objective:
This study was realized to compare the sensitivity of difusion weighted MRI (DWI) with sensitivity of MRI and CT to find liver tumors. There were 4 parameters determined which are most important for surgeons in pre-surgical preparation: number of tumors, dignity, size and localisation in liver. The comparison was based on these 4 parameters.
Materials an methods:
In a period of 4 years and 6 months (2008-2012) were analysed 150 patients with 385 tumors. All preoperative findings in DWI, MRI and CT have been compared with intraoperative ultrasound and histopathological results.
Referring to the number of tumors DWI was more sensitive (55,68%) than CT (47,41) or MRI (27,78%). Also, in finding hepatocellular carcinoma the DWI had better sensitivity (93,74%) than CT (80%) or MRI (47,67%).
In the parameter of size the DWI had correlation in 67,65%, better than CT (61,05%) and worse than MRI (71,42%).
A correct correlation of dignity was found in DWI in 71,59%, in MRI 77,78% and in CT 60,91%.
The sensitivity in the parameter localisation of DWI was 76,92% in comparison with CT 81,73% and MRI 85,19%.
We suspect that the DWI is more sensitive to movements of patients while examination is being proceed.
DWI is a very sensitive method for finding liver tumors. In the parameter number of tumors and finding of HCC is more sensitive than CT or MRI. In dignity and size its sensitivity is compareable with CT or MRI and only in localisation the results are a little bit worse.
To improve the method for the future it’s neccessary to investigate how to switch off the sensibility for movement and also optimize some frame factors.
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Physical Implementation of Synchronous Duty-Cycling MAC Protocols: Experiences and EvaluationXiao, Wei-Cheng 24 July 2013 (has links)
Energy consumption and network latency are important issues in wireless sensor networks. The mechanism duty cycling is generally used in wireless sensor networks for avoiding energy consumption due to idle listening. Duty cycling, however, also introduces additional latency in communication among sensors. Some protocols have been proposed to work in wireless sensor networks with duty cycling, such as S-MAC and DW-MAC. Those protocols also tried to make efficient channel utilization and to mitigate the chance of packet collision and the network latency increase resulting from collision. DW-MAC was also designed to tolerate bursty and high traffic loads without increasing energy consumption, by spreading packet transmission and node wakeup times during a cycle.
Some performance comparison between S-MAC and DW-MAC has been done in previous work; however, this comparison was performed in the ns-2 simulator only. In the real world, there are further issues not considered or discussed in the simulation, and some of those issues contribute significant influences to the MAC protocol performance. In this work, I implemented both S-MAC and DW-MAC physically on MICAz sensor motes and compared their performance through experiments. Through my implementation, experiments, and performance evaluation, hardware properties and issues that were not addressed in the previous work are presented, and their impacts on the performance are shown and discussed. I also simulated S-MAC and DW-MAC on ns-2 to give a mutual validation of the experimental results and my interpretation of the results. The experiences of physical implementations presented in this work can contribute new information and insights for helping in future MAC protocol design and implementation in wireless sensor networks.
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Veiklos analizės IS smulkiojo verslo įmonėms / Business intelligence system for SB marketDapkevičius, Vytenis 18 January 2006 (has links)
Business intelligence system for SB market.
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Delivering Business Intelligence Performance by Data Warehouse and ETL TuningTashakor, Ghazal January 2013 (has links)
Abstract The aim of this thesis is to show how numerous organizations such as CGI Consultant attempt to introduce BI-Solutions through IT and other operational methods in order to deal with large companies, which want to make their competitive market position stronger. This aim is achieved by Gap Analyzing in the BI roadmap and available Data Warehouses based on one of the company projects which were handed over to CGI from Lithuania. The fundamentals in achieving the BI-Solutions through IT, which has built the thesis methodology by research are, data warehousing, content analytics and performance management, data movement (Extract, Transform and Load) and CGI BI methodology, business process management, TeliaSonera Maintenance Management Model (TSM3) and AM model of CGI in the high level. The part of the thesis basically requires some research and practical work on Informatica PowerCenter, Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and low level details such as database tuning, DBMS tuning implementation and ETL workflows optimization. Keywords: BI, ETL, DW, DBMS, TSM3, AM, Gap Analysing
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Metodologia e uso de técnica de exploração e análise de dados na construção de Date WarehouseSANTOS, Roberto Ângelo Fernandes January 2002 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2002 / O volume de informações a ser trabalhado na tomada das decisões gerenciais
supera largamente a capacidade do processamento humano, mecânico e dos sistemas
transacionais atuais, exigindo ferramentas de apoio à decisão mais adequadas aos novos
desafios gerenciais. Mesmo aplicando-se modelos de decisão tidos como adequados, uma
grande parte das implementações de Sistemas de Informação não atingem os resultados
esperados, o que levam muitos deles ao fracasso total ou parcial. Acredita-se que com
obtenção de resultados rápidos se possa conseguir um maior envolvimento do usuário final, o
que segundo os especialistas diminui bastante a possibilidade de fracasso.
Esse trabalho visa a utilizar técnicas de análise e exploração de dados na
construção de soluções de Sistemas de Apoio à Decisão, em especial na construção de Data
Warehouse(DW). Aproveita-se o conhecimento adquirido com a aplicação dessas técnicas,
mostrando a sua importância nas diversas fases de sua construção de um DW. Propõe-se e
implementa-se uma metodologia chamada FASTCUBE, que é baseada em um modelo de préprocessamento
de dados. Ela incorpora de maneira rápida os metadados extraídos diretamente
da massa de dados. Acelerar e sedimentar a compreensão do problema, sempre levando-se em
consideração a qualidade dos dados, durante todas as suas fases é um dos pontos forte dessa
metodologia. O seu objetivo final é acelerar o processo de visualização do modelo de decisão,
através de um protótipo de modelo dimensional, com dados operacionais amostrados no início
do processo e tratados durante o mesmo
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