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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Perceptions of Swedish Dairy Companies and Their Role in Sustainable Development / Uppfattningar om svenska mejeriföretag och deras roll i hållbar utveckling

Akiko Nakayama, Kimberly January 2023 (has links)
I denna uppsats utforskar författaren hur svenska mejeriföretag uppfattas som hållbara. Både från anställda inom Sverige största mejeriföretags perspektiv och från svenska konsumenters perspektiv. Syftet med denna studie var att få en mer nyanserad förståelse för hur ett hållbart livsmedelssystem skulle kunna se ut i Sverige i framtiden. Detta genom att identifiera några av de övergripande uppfattningarna om den nuvarande svenska mejeriindustrin. I denna studie tillämpades en kvalitativ forskningsansats som baserades på intervjuer och en fokusgrupp i syfte att generera en tematisk analys. Genom resultatet från studien identifierade författaren en motsättning mellan konsumenters ökande efterfrågan på svenska mejeriföretag att tillhandahålla mer miljömässigt hållbara produkter samt konsumenters fortsatta efterfrågan på mejeriprodukter att uppfylla behov utanför hållbarhetsområdet. Författaren diskuterade också den existerande klyftan mellan kommunikation från svenska mejeriföretag och svenska konsumenter i att skapa värde från olika hållbarhetsinitiativ. / In this paper, the author explores the perception of Swedish dairy companies as sustainable from both the perspective of employees at Sweden’s largest dairy company and from the perspective of consumers in Sweden. The purpose of this study was to gain a more nuanced understanding of what a sustainable food system could look like in Sweden in the future by identifying some of the overarching beliefs about the current Swedish dairy industry. This study utilized a qualitative research approach based on interviews and a focus group to generate a thematic analysis. Ultimately, the author identified a tension between the increasing consumer demand for dairy companies in Sweden to provide more environmentally sustainable products and the continued consumer demand for dairy products to fulfill needs outside of the scope of sustainability. The author also discussed the existing gap between the communication from Swedish dairy companies and Swedish consumers in creating value from various sustainability initiatives.

Sistema de costos por proceso para la determinación del costo de producción y la rentabilidad en una empresa láctea de Cutervo 2022

Del Maestro Requejo, Fernando Jose January 2024 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación pretende diseñar un sistema de costos en una empresa láctea de Cutervo 2022 pues al ser una empresa que se maneja de manera empírica no tiene determinado un sistema de costos, el cual permita la determinación de su costo de producción y por ende medir su rentabilidad. Por ello, el presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo principal el diseñar un sistema de costos por proceso para determinar el costo de producción y la rentabilidad en una empresa láctea de Cutervo 2022. Es así como el tipo de investigación es mixta-aplicada puesto que se tendrá en cuenta una medición numérica y conoceremos los aspectos generales de la empresa; para el desarrollo de la presente se empleó la técnica de la entrevista y análisis documental, aplicadas mediante la guía de entrevista y la ficha documental respectivamente, permitiendo concluir que la empresa no cuenta con un sistema de costos y que no tiene un control adecuado de su costo de producción, lo cual dificulta la medición de la rentabilidad de la empresa. / The present research work intends to design a cost system in a dairy company of Cutervo 2022 because, being a company that is managed empirically, it does not have a cost system determined, which allows the determination of its production cost and therefore measure your profitability. Therefore, the main objective of this research work is to design a system of costs per process to determine the cost of production and profitability in a dairy company in Cutervo 2022. This is how the type of research is mixed-applied since a numerical measurement will be taken into account and we will know the general aspects of the company; For the development of the present, the interview technique and documentary analysis were used, applied through the interview guide and the documentary file respectively, allowing to conclude that the company does not have a cost system and that it does not have adequate control of its cost of production, which makes it difficult to measure the profitability of the company.

Concentrated market power and information asymmetry within the South African dairy supply chain

Bandama, Maureen 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MAgricAdmin)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Concentrated market power and information asymmetry represent forms of market failure within the South African dairy supply chain. Following deregulation, instead of large numbers of buyers and sellers so that no buyer or seller holds significant amount of power to influence the market; and perfect information availability and accessibility, the supply chain is characterised by market concentration at processor and retailer level as well as information asymmetry. South Africa‘s number of dairy farmers has declined by up to 50% since 1997, and they face a small number of processors which have regional dominance. These processors sell to a concentrated retail sector which is the main distribution channel for milk and dairy products. As processors and supermarkets emerge as major drivers within the dairy supply chain; processors in South Africa utilise the information asymmetry to engage in anticompetitive behaviour while supermarkets exert their power through the conditions of sale in contracts with processors as well as the threat of in-house brands. Farmers have less bargaining power and receive lower farm gate prices than they would have in the absence of concentrated market power and information asymmetry. Consequently, these market failures are detrimental to allocative efficiency and the enhancement of equity objectives. By method of a literature based comparative analysis, this study investigates the nature and extent of concentrated market power and information asymmetry within the selected dairy countries namely; South Africa, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, UK, and USA. The dairy supply chains in these countries show a spectrum of government control, such as Canada‘s system of supply management, Australia‘s deregulated system, and the US system which is mostly characterised by government intervention. The study then analyses how the selected countries address market failure within the dairy supply chain. An analysis of agricultural and dairy policies and strategies within the selected countries shows that systems that are designed to consider broader social goals (equity) apart for economic efficiency are more successful in preventing problems of concentrated market power and information asymmetry. The ways that the selected countries address the problems of concentrated market power and information asymmetry are analysed for applicability to the South African dairy supply chain. Is it recommended that in order to position the South African dairy supply chain to address problems of concentrated market power and information asymmetry effectively, a departure from the strict adherence to the market, to move towards a reregulated system in which broader social and environmental goals are considered by multiple stakeholders in formulating policy and strategy within the supply chain is required. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Markkonsentrasie en inligting asimmetrie as vorme van markmislukkings kom voor in die Suid-Afrikaanse suiwelbedryf. Sedert deregulering het die getalle kopers en verkopers steeds nie voldoende toegeneem sodat geen van hulle genoeg bedingingsmag het om die mark beduidend te beïnvloed nie. Verder is markinligting se beskikbaarheid en toeganklikheid steeds ontoereikend. Die suiwelaanbodketing word gekenmerk deur markkonsentrasie op verwerkings- en kleinhandelvlak. Inligting asimmetrie heers ook steeds. Die getal suiwelprodusente in Suid-Afrika het sedert 1997 met 50% gedaal. Die suiwelprodusente verkoop melk aan 'n klein getal melkverwerkers wat die mark op plaaslike vlak oorheers. Hierdie verwerkers verkoop weer aan 'n gekonsentreerde kleinhandelsektor wat as die belangrikste verspreiders van melk en verwerkte suiwelprodukte dien. Die verwerkers en kleinhandelaars is die pasaangeërs in die suiwelaanbodkanaal. Die verwerkers gebruik inligting asimmetrie in onmededingende optrede jeens primêre produsente en supermarkte oefen hul markkrag jeens verwerkers uit deur middel van verkoopsvoorwaardes en afdreiging met voorkeur vir eie handelsmerke. Primêre produsente se bedingingsmag krimp en hulle ontvang laer plaashekpryse as wat hulle sou ontvang in die afwesigheid van markkonsentrasie elders in die aanbodkanaal en in die afwesigheid van inligting asimmetrie. Hierdie markmislukkings benadeel die mark se allokasiedoeltreffendheid en die bevordering van billikheidsoorwegings. Hierdie ondersoek behels 'n vergelykende ontleding van die aard en omvang van markkonsentrasie en inligting asimmetrie in geselekteerde suiwellande gegrond op 'n literatuurstudie. Die suiwellande is Suid Afrika, Australië, Kanada, Nieu Zeeland, Verenigde Koninkryk en die Verenigde State van Amerika. Die suiwelaanbodkettings in hierdie lande bevind hulself op 'n wye spektrum van regeringsbeheer, byvoorbeeld Kanada se aanbodbestuurstelsel, Australië se gedereguleerde stelsel en die VSA se stelsel wat die groter mate van statutêre regulering verteenwoordig. Die ondersoek fokus op die wyse waarop die geselekteerde lande markmislukkings in hul onderskeie suiwelaanbodkettings aanspreek. Die ondersoek toon dat daardie suiwelaanbodkettings wat ingerig is om breër sosiale doelwitte soos billikheid te verreken, en dus wyer te fokus as bloot ekonomiese doeltreffendheid, meer suksesvol is om magskonsentrasie en inligting asimmetrie te voorkom. Die wyse waarop die geselekteerde lande magskonsentrasie en inligting asimmetrie hanteer word geevalueer in terme van die toepaslikheid daarvan vir die Suid-Afrikaanse suiwelaanbodketting. Teen hierdie agtergrond word aanbeveel dat afgewyk word van 'n streng navolging van die vrye mark beginsel om die probleem van markkonsentrasie en inligting asimmetrie effektief aan te spreek. 'n Meer gereguleerde stelsel waarin verskeie belangegroepe se breër sosiale en omgewingsbewaring doelwitte in ag geneem word by strategie- en beleidformulering in die suiwelaanbodketting, word voorgestel.

An econometric approach to estimating the unit cost of procducing milk in the South African dairy industry

Mndeme, Shafii Hussein 12 1900 (has links)
MScAgric / ABSTRACT: Small dairy farms in South Africa are observed to have higher costs than larger farms, and whether those higher costs are due to technology or inefficiency has implications for policy. This research focused on finding the curve that best represents the relationship between average cost and level of output. That was done by relating average cost to actual output. However, it was found to be more appropriate to relate average cost to planned output on the basis that costs are more likely to reflect what the farmer expects output to be. As a result, a pragmatic two-step procedure was adopted. In the first step, the farmer’s planned output was determined by estimating a production function based on the farmer’s actual use of inputs, i.e., land, number of cows in the herd, labour, feed and veterinary costs. In the second step, the long-run average cost (LAC) curve was estimated where average cost is calculated as total cost divided by planned output and this is then related to the level of planned output. To identify the determinants of production cost thus the drivers of higher costs on small farms, the cost of milk production by farm size was decomposed into frontier and efficiency components with a stochastic cost curve and long run cost curve using data from dairy farms in KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa). Financial data of 37 farms for the period 1999 to 2007 were used in econometrics estimation of long run average cost curve (LAC) function for different level of production (as a proxy of planned output). Results show that average cost curves exhibiting variation in unit cost with output thus suggesting the existence of economies of size with larger farms being able to produce any given level of output at lower costs compared to their smaller counterparts. The study found that long-run average cost curve (LAC) for the sample of dairy farms is L-shaped rather than U-shaped.

中國三聚氰胺事件對乳製品產業之影響 / The Impact of China’s Melamine Incident on the Dairy Industry

林孟蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
先前文獻在探討有關三聚氰胺事件時多為分析食安事件之影響因素、政府對於食品安全法規定訂之不足以及探討食安事件對於股價變動之影響。而本研究欲藉由公司財務指的變化來探討食安事件對乳製品產業之影響,因此利用差異中之差異(Difference in Difference, DID)方法,探討在食安事件發生後被爆出有參入三聚氰胺之毒奶粉公司相對於未出問題之奶類公司及豆類公司,其營業收入,營業成本及利潤等三項財務指標為相對上升或相對下降之趨勢。因此將樣本分類為三組,一組以毒奶粉公司作為實驗組,其他兩組以為未出問題奶類公司以及豆類公司作為控制組。 本文以2001年至2011年中國規模以上上市以及非上市公司之追蹤資料(Panel Data)進行分析。實證結果指出,毒奶粉公司相對於未出問題公司在食安事件之後,其營業收入為相對增加,營業成本亦相對增加,而利潤則為相對減少。雖然營業收入之估計結果與預期不相符,但是本研究認為可能與毒奶粉公司在樣本資料當中原先就佔有較高之市場佔有率有關。營業成本之增加,本研究認為與事件發生後法規及監管成本之增加有正向關聯。利潤減少之實證結果與預期相符,說明毒奶粉公司在三聚氰胺事件下,就實證結果而言公司會有虧損之情況發生,代表食安事件對乳製品產業有負面之影響。 / Most of the previous researches of the Melamine Incident focused on analyzing the impact on food safety event, the shortage of the governmental food legislation, and the discussion about the food scandal effect on the enterprises’ stock prices. In this paper, we used the variation of the company’s financial indicator in income statement to observe the impact of the food scandal on the dairy industry. In order to do so, we used the method called “Difference-in-Difference” to estimate the impact on the operating revenues, operating costs and profits of the scandal companies after the food safety scandal broke in 2008. In this study, we set our sample into three groups, the group of the scandal dairy companies as the experimental group, while the group of non-scandal dairy companies and the group of beans companies as the control group. The panel data we used in this paper included listed and unlisted companies in China from 2001 to 2011. The empirical results indicated that after the scandal, in contrast to the non-scandal companies, the operating revenues and the operating costs of the scandal companies were both higher, and the profits were lower. The empirical results of the operating revenues didn't meet the expectation of this paper, we supposed the reason was that the scandal companies had much higher market share comparing to the non-scandal companies. In our opinion, the increase of the operating costs was due to the newly released regulations and supervision costs. At the same time, the decrease of the profits was consistent with our expectation. It meant that after the Melamine incident, the scandal companies would suffered financial losses which proved that the food scandal event would have negative impact on the dairy industry.

Unternehmenszusammenschlüsse in der Milch- und Zuckerindustrie unter wettbewerbsrechtlichen und ökonomischen Gesichtspunkten / Law and economics of mergers and acquisitions in the agribusiness sector

Janz, Christian 20 January 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Multiscale Modelling as an Aid to Decision Making in the Dairy Industry

Hutchinson, Craig Alan January 2006 (has links)
This work presents the first known attempt to model the dairy business from a multiscale modelling perspective. The multiscale nature of the dairy industry is examined with emphasis on those key decision making and process scales involved in production. Decision making scales identified range from the investor level to the plant operator level, and encompass business, production, plant, and operational levels. The model considers scales from the production manager to the unit operation scale. The cheese making process is used to demonstrate scale identification in the context of the important phenomena and other natural levels of scrutiny of interest to decision makers. This work was a first step in the establishment of a multiscale system model capable of delivering information for process troubleshooting, scheduling, process and business optimization, and process control decision-making for the dairy industry. Here, only material transfer throughout a process, use of raw materials, and production of manufactured product is modelled. However, an implementation pathway for adding other models (such as the precipitation of milk protein which forms curd) to the system model is proposed. The software implementation of the dairy industry multiscale model presented here tests the validity of the proposed: • object model (object and collection classes) used to model unit operations and integrate them into a process, • mechanisms for modelling material and energy streams, • method to create simulations over variable time horizons. The model was implemented using object oriented programming (OOP) methods in conjunction with technologies such as Visual Basic .NET and CAPE-OPEN. An OOP object model is presented which successfully enabled the construction of a multiscale model of the cheese making process. Material content, unit operation, and raw milk supply models were integrated into the multiscale model. The model is capable of performing simulations over variable time horizons, from 1 second, to multiple years. Mechanisms for modelling material streams, connecting unit operations, and controlling unit operation behaviour were implemented. Simple unit operations such as pumps and storage silos along with more complex unit operations, such as a cheese vat batch, were modelled. Despite some simplifications to the model of the cheese making process, the simulations successfully reproduced the major features expected from the process and its constituent unit operations. Decision making information for process operators, plant managers, production managers, and the dairy business manager can be produced from the data generated. The multiscale model can be made more sophisticated by extending the functionality of existing objects, and incorporating other scale partial models. However, increasing the number of reported variables by even a small number can quickly increase the data processing and storage demands of the model. A unit operation’s operational state of existence at any point of time was proposed as a mechanism for integrating and recalculating lower scale partial models. This mechanism was successfully tested using a unit operation’s material content model and is presented here as a new concept in multiscale modelling. The proposed modelling structure can be extended to include any number of partial models and any number of scales.


Kubota, Flávio Issao 18 January 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The search for innovative solution, aligned to the growing need for cleaner industrial operations, is a solving problem process. In addition, we emphasize that the dairy industry has significant importance to the regional, national and global economy, since Brazil is one of the worldwide largest milk producers, while Rio Grande do Sul is one of the largest national producers. Hence, this research aimed to use the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) as a support tool to solve problems related to Cleaner Production (CP), serving as an innovative tool towards sustainability and higher environmental efficiency. The research involved three different companies. The study was based on the TRIZ fundamental concepts and function analysis, in order to describe the critical processes in the surveyed industries, aiming to detail the features that influence the quality of the studied processes. The results showed that TRIZ can be an alternative to be considered for solving CP problems, especially in situations where exists a scarcity of available data by companies. Also, we highlighted the need of CP feasibility analysis, since TRIZ method does not include this step. Therefore, the proposed inventive solutions are attractive technically, environmentally and economically, meeting the needs of each company studied. Thus, we can conclude that the integration of TRIZ to CP is effective in generating opportunities for inventive and sustainable solutions. / A busca por soluções inovadoras, junto à crescente necessidade de operações industriais mais limpas, é um processo de resolução de problemas. Além disso, ressalta-se que o setor de laticínios é de significativa relevância à economia regional, nacional e mundial, uma vez que o Brasil é um dos maiores produtores mundiais de leite, ao passo que o Rio Grande do Sul é um dos três maiores produtores nacionais. Dessa forma, esta dissertação teve como objetivo utilizar a Teoria da Solução Inventiva de Problemas (TRIZ) como ferramenta de suporte na resolução de problemas relativos à produção mais limpa (PML) na indústria de laticínios, servindo como ferramenta inovadora na busca de sustentabilidade e maior eficiência ambiental. A pesquisa englobou três empresas de portes e características diferentes. O trabalho teve como base os conceitos fundamentais e a ferramenta de análise funcional da TRIZ, isso com o objetivo de descrever os processos críticos nas indústrias pesquisadas, visando o detalhamento dos recursos que influenciam na qualidade dos processos estudados. Os resultados encontrados mostraram que a TRIZ pode ser uma alternativa a ser considerada para a resolução de problemas relacionados à PML, principalmente em situações onde há a precariedade de dados disponíveis por parte das empresas. Salienta-se também a necessidade da análise de viabilidade da PML, uma vez que a TRIZ, dentro de sua metodologia, não engloba essa etapa. Sendo assim, as propostas de soluções inventivas elaboradas são atrativas em âmbito técnico, ambiental e econômico, atendendo, assim, as necessidades de cada empresa estudada. Dessa maneira, pode-se concluir que a integração da TRIZ à PML é efetiva na geração de oportunidades de soluções inventivas e sustentáveis.

Análise da influência dos parâmetros de qualidade sobre a remuneração dos produtores de leite / Analysis of the influence of the quality parameters and financial returns of milk producers

Caetano, Frederico Mendes 27 September 2016 (has links)
Submitted by JÚLIO HEBER SILVA (julioheber@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-11-07T18:31:13Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertacao - Frederico Mendes Caetano - 2016.pdf: 1996887 bytes, checksum: e4f453dc907cbf1a8af3bda5145b5caf (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Jaqueline Silva (jtas29@gmail.com) on 2016-11-08T17:47:58Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertacao - Frederico Mendes Caetano - 2016.pdf: 1996887 bytes, checksum: e4f453dc907cbf1a8af3bda5145b5caf (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-11-08T17:47:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertacao - Frederico Mendes Caetano - 2016.pdf: 1996887 bytes, checksum: e4f453dc907cbf1a8af3bda5145b5caf (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-09-27 / Despite the importance of the dairy industry chain to Brazil, producers still have difficulty to fit the parameters and quality terms of the Normative Instructions 51, 62 and paragraph 07 of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (MAPA). Besides, the national productivity is much lower than the major world producers. Thus, the payment for quality is a strong influencer for the production of milk with quality, and the Somatic Cell Count (SCC) directly linked to mastitis, which is a major production reduction factor. Therefore, this paper has as the main objective to look for evidences that prove if the quality of refrigerated raw milk impacts the remuneration of farmer/dairy industry X, located in the south of the state of Goiás, regarding two specific aspects: the financial impact of paying for quality, based on indicators that show the total count of bacteria (TCB), somatic cell count (SCC), fat and protein according to Normative Instruction No. 07 of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (MAPA) and the impact of CCS on production. This is an applied research, so by the descriptive statistical method and also the results and researches crossing technique regarding the theme analyzed, in order to verify possible evidence of the relation quality versus remuneration 26,8 thousands samples was analyzed, from November 2011 to May 2016. It was found that there is evidence of the influence of quality on the remuneration of the farmers/dairy industry X, regarding the goodwill, it was higher than the negative goodwill in the years 2011-2015, with an average income of R$ 2,087 million/ month, and negative only for CCS in 2016. The results of the payment for quality proved to be able to motivate the producer to produce milk with quality due to financial increase, causing the producer to add value to its raw material. Regarding the impact of CCS on the production, was found a reduction of 9.84% in the total of milk produced in those five years analyzed, with an average reduction in production of 2,663 million liters per month, resulting in a reduction in income by farmers/dairy industry of R$ 2,972 million per month, being significant the impact of CCS on production. / Apesar da importância da cadeia de lácteos para o Brasil, os produtores ainda tem dificuldade em se enquadrar aos parâmetros e prazos de qualidade das Instruções Normativas 51, 62 e 07, do Ministério da Agricultura Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA). Além disso, a produtividade nacional é muito inferior à dos grandes produtores mundiais. Assim, o pagamento por qualidade vem como forte influenciador para a produção de leite com qualidade, e a Contagem de Células Somáticas (CCS) ligado diretamente à mastite, é um dos principais fatores de redução da produção. Assim sendo, este trabalho tem como objetivo geral, verificar se há evidências de que a qualidade do leite cru refrigerado interfere na remuneração do produtor rural/fornecedor do laticínio X, localizado no Sul do estado de Goiás, no que se refere especificamente a dois aspectos: o impacto financeiro do pagamento por qualidade (remuneração), baseada nos indicadores contagem bacteriana total (CBT), CCS, gordura e proteína de acordo com a IN 07 do MAPA e o impacto do parâmetro CCS na produção. A pesquisa é aplicada, e por meio do método estatístico descritivo e da utilização da técnica de cruzamento de resultados de pesquisas e estudos sobre os temas em análise, para assim observar evidências ou não da relação qualidade x remuneração, analisou-se 26,8 mil amostras, no período de novembro de 2011 a maio de 2016. Constatou-se que há evidências da influência da qualidade sobre a remuneração do produtor rural/fornecedor do laticínio X, em relação ao pagamento por qualidade o resultado de ágio foi maior que deságio nos anos de 2011 a 2015, com resultado médio R$ 2,087 milhões/mês, sendo negativo apenas para CCS em 2016. O pagamento por qualidade se mostrou com resultado capaz de motivar o produtor a produzir leite com qualidade, devido ao incremento financeiro, fazendo com que o mesmo agregue valor à sua matériaprima. Quanto ao impacto da CCS sobre a produção constatou-se uma redução de 9,84% no total de leite produzido no período analisado, com uma redução média na produção de 2,663 milhões de litros/mês, e redução no faturamento para o produtor rural na ordem de R$ 2,972 milhões/mês, um impacto econômico tido como significativo da CCS sobre a produção.

Utilisation des nouvelles propriétés des solutions détergentes régénérées dans le nettoyage en place d'équipements sensibles / Use of the new physicochemical properties of regenerated detergent solutions in the cleaning of sensitive equipment

Furic, Marie 08 July 2016 (has links)
La régénération des solutions de lavage utilisées en Nettoyage En Place (NEP) présente un intérêt, tant économique qu’environnemental, pour les industriels laitiers. L’étape clé du NEP réside dans le lavage alcalin qui assure l’élimination des souillures organiques déposées sur les équipements. Ce lavage est généralement effectué par des lessives de soude, moins onéreuses que celles de potasse. Nos travaux ont visé à appliquer un procédé physico-chimique de régénération à des lessives de potasse en vue de rentabiliser leur intégration au NEP laitier. La régénération de solutions de potasse souillées par du lait a été examinée et comparée à celle de solutions de soude. L’efficacité du procédé à épurer les solutions de potasse en termes d’abattement de la DCO et de Ntot a été démontrée. L’analyse des solutions régénérées a par ailleurs mis en évidence l’amélioration de leurs propriétés interfaciales (tension superficielle, angle de contact). Ces propriétés, dont l’origine a pu être attribuée à l’accumulation de biotensioactifs, confèrent aux solutions de potasse régénérées un meilleur pouvoir nettoyant. Ce point a été validé lors d’essais de nettoyage de membranes organiques d’ultrafiltration colmatées par des protéines laitières. L’optimisation de la formulation de ces solutions a permis l’obtention de performances de nettoyage comparables à celles d’un détergent commercial classiquement utilisé pour ce type d’application. Enfin, les impacts économiques et environnementaux de l’intégration de lessives de potasse en substitution à celles de soude ont été évalués pour un NEP laitier industriel au travers d’une étude technico-économique et d’une Analyse de Cycle de Vie (ACV). / The regeneration of Cleaning In Place (CIP) solutions is interesting, both economically and environmentally, especially in dairy industry. The CIP’s key step lies on the alkaline washing which ensures the removal of organic contaminants deposited on the equipment. This washing is generally done by soda lyes, less expensive than potash ones. Our work aimed to apply a physicochemical regeneration process, based on adsorption-coagulation-flocculation phenomena, on potash lyes to make their integration in the dairy CIP affordable. The regeneration of potash solutions soiled with milk was examined and compared with the soda solutions regeneration. The process effectiveness to purify potash solutions in terms of COD and TN reduction has been shown. The solutions analysis has also highlighted the improvement of their interfacial properties (surface tension, contact angle). These properties, whose origin was attributed to the accumulation of biosurfactants, confer to potash regenerated solutions a best cleaning power. This point was validated during cleaning assays of organic ultrafiltration membranes fouled by milk proteins. The optimization of solutions formulation has also enabled obtaining a cleaning performance as efficient as those of a commercial detergent largely used for this type of application. Finally, economic and environmental impacts of the potash lyes integration in substitution to soda ones were evaluated for dairy industrial CIP through a techno-economic analysis and a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA).

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