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Les eaux du delta du Danube : approche géographique par télédétection satellitaireGüttler, Fábio Nór 10 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Classiquement étudié par différentes disciplines scientifiques, le domaine de l'eau est au cœur des préoccupations environnementales contemporaines. En Europe, l'évaluation et le suivi de l'état écologique des "masses d'eau" sont désormais exigés par la législation communautaire, la directive cadre sur l'eau (DCE - 2000/60/CE) fixant des objectifs pour leur préservation ou leur restauration le cas échéant. Dans ce contexte, des expériences d'utilisation de l'imagerie satellitaire en appui au suivi écologique des eaux se sont succédées en Europe, notamment pour les masses d'eau côtières et pour les grands lacs. Malgré cela, la précision spatiale de l'imagerie utilisée pour ce type de suivi ne permet pas l'observation fine de secteurs littoraux très proches de la côte ou de lacs avec une surface réduite (par ex. inférieure à 5 km²). Pour ces espaces aquatiques particuliers, pourtant très nombreux, l'utilisation de la télédétection satellitaire est moins sollicitée. Cette recherche doctorale a été réalisée sur une zone littorale réunissant plusieurs de ces espaces aquatiques peu investigués par la télédétection satellitaire. Situé à la frontière orientale de l'Europe et à distance égale du pôle nord et de la ligne de l'équateur, le delta du Danube, en tant qu'espace naturel remarquable, bénéficie de différents statuts de protection (réserve de biosphère, site RAMSAR, patrimoine mondial naturel de l'UNESCO). Ceux-ci s'expliquent en grande partie par la forte diversité d'espaces aquatiques aussi bien sur la plaine deltaïque que sur la zone côtière adjacente (bras de fleuve, chenaux, lacs, baies, golfes, marais, îles-barrières). Ce continuum hétérogène, constituant l'hydrosystème du delta du Danube, et son prolongement en mer côtière, sont l'objet principal de ce doctorat. La notion d'échelle occupe une place centrale dans notre démarche d'analyse puisque l'on est à l'intersection de deux grands systèmes (le bassin versant du Danube et la mer Noire) dont les étendues sont de deux ordres de grandeurs plus vastes que celle du delta ; la dimension temporelle est aussi fondamentale dans la mesure où les processus de morphogénèse et de remaniement (naturels et anthropiques) se font fortement ressentir et se traduisent par une mobilité importante des formes de relief ainsi que des éléments de l'hydrographie deltaïque. Au delà des évolutions sur le moyen et long terme, la variabilité spatio-temporelle contemporaine des eaux au pas de temps intra-annuel (saisonnier et intra-saisonnier), jusque-là peu étudiée, a également été appréhendée dans cette thèse. Par son côté exploratoire, la mise en place d'une chaîne de traitements d'images satellitaires adaptée à l'étude des eaux deltaïques représente, en soi, l'objectif méthodologique principal de ce doctorat. Dans cette voie, différents lots d'images ont été mobilisés : en fonction des fluctuations du niveau d'eau du Danube, nous avons retenu la période 2006-2009, étudiée à travers un total de 85 images satellitaires, dont 52 à moyenne résolution spatiale (MERIS) et 33 à haute résolution spatiale (ALOS AVNIR-2, SPOT HRVIR, Landsat TM et ETM+) ; à ce premier lot s'ajoute une soixantaine de prises de vue "historiques" couvrant la période comprise entre 1972 et 2005 (capteurs de la série Landsat MSS, TM et ETM+), ainsi que, pour la période plus récente, cinq images Landsat TM de 2010 et 2011. Trois procédés distincts mais complémentaires ont été mis en œuvre pour traiter cet ensemble hétérogène d'images. L'analyse intégrée des résultats obtenus avec des données hydrologiques et météo-océanographiques nous a permis d'apporter des nouveaux éléments de compréhension sur le fonctionnement actuel et passé du delta du Danube.
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Die urnenfelder- und hallstattzeitliche Siedlung "Kanal I" und das frühhallstattzeitliche Gräberfeld "Am Urnenfeld" von Kelheim /Meiborg, Christa. Müller, Anke, January 1997 (has links)
Texte remanié de: Diss.--Marburg, 1992. Texte remanié de: Magisterarbeit--Marburg, 1992. / Notes bibliogr.
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Тврђаве на Дунаву у Србији – потенцијал развоја културних рута / Tvrđave na Dunavu u Srbiji – potencijal razvoja kulturnih ruta / Fortresses along the Danube – potential for cultural route developmentTerzić Aleksandra 02 November 2012 (has links)
<p>Основни циљ дисертације је да објасни концепт културне руте као средства за унапређење конзервације и очувања културног наслеђа, као и могућности искоришћавања културних ресурса приликом развоја туризмa. Кроз анализу специфичности простора Србије и Подунавља, односно анализи специфичности туристичких ресурса заснованих на употреби културног наслеђа и тврђава, као и утврђивању услова који утичуи на формирање туристичке понуде, дефинисана је културна рута „Тврђаве на Дунаву“ у Србији. Истраживања у оквиру дисертације су пратила реализацију пројекта „Тврђаве на Дунаву“ које је реализовало Министарство културе Републике Србије у периоду 2009-2010. године. С обзиром на бројност и очуваност тврђава дуж тока Дунава у Србији, сматра се да оне могу представљати веома значајан како примарни тако и комплементарни фактор у процесу развоја туристичке понуде Србије на Дунаву. Креирањем културне руте дуж тока Дунава, која би се састојала од елемената са знaчaјним пeјзaжним, културним, историјским, гeолошким или природним врeдностимa и која би укључивала рaзглeдaњe и интeрпрeтaцију тврђава као кључних атракција омогућило би се искоришћавање постојећег потенцијала тврђава на Дунаву у Србији, која би се посредством туристичке анимације и презентације могла пласирати на туристичком тржишту и представљала би велики корак у формирању туристичког производа Србије.Истраживањем су обухваћена насеља у оквиру којих се налазе тврђаве, те ја самим тим урађена и анализа инфраструктуре, социо-економских фактора, надлежних институција за заштиту споменика културе, као и институција надлежних за развој туризма, затим су спроведена истраживања ставова надлежних у овим институцијама, ставова резидентног становништва и ставова туриста у погледу тока развоја ове културне руте на Дунаву и друго. Тумачењем резултата истраживања дошло се до закључка да постоји велики интерес и реални потенцијал за формирање културне руте, као и бројни планови и пројекти за спровођење активности у смеру развоја туризма и унапређење и искоришћавање потенцијала појединих тврђава и других културних ресурса на Дунаву у Србији. Наравно, подршка међународних организација у стварању основних предуслова потребних за креирање културне руте су неопходна, тако да туристичке организације и надлежна министарства требају предузети посебне акције за пружање подршке локалним иницијативама које имају за цињ очување културног наслеђа и покретање пројеката развоја туризма на овом подручју.</p> / <p>Osnovni cilj disertacije je da objasni koncept kulturne rute kao sredstva za unapređenje konzervacije i očuvanja kulturnog nasleđa, kao i mogućnosti iskorišćavanja kulturnih resursa prilikom razvoja turizma. Kroz analizu specifičnosti prostora Srbije i Podunavlja, odnosno analizi specifičnosti turističkih resursa zasnovanih na upotrebi kulturnog nasleđa i tvrđava, kao i utvrđivanju uslova koji utičui na formiranje turističke ponude, definisana je kulturna ruta „Tvrđave na Dunavu“ u Srbiji. Istraživanja u okviru disertacije su pratila realizaciju projekta „Tvrđave na Dunavu“ koje je realizovalo Ministarstvo kulture Republike Srbije u periodu 2009-2010. godine. S obzirom na brojnost i očuvanost tvrđava duž toka Dunava u Srbiji, smatra se da one mogu predstavljati veoma značajan kako primarni tako i komplementarni faktor u procesu razvoja turističke ponude Srbije na Dunavu. Kreiranjem kulturne rute duž toka Dunava, koja bi se sastojala od elemenata sa značajnim pejzažnim, kulturnim, istorijskim, geološkim ili prirodnim vrednostima i koja bi uključivala razgledanje i interpretaciju tvrđava kao ključnih atrakcija omogućilo bi se iskorišćavanje postojećeg potencijala tvrđava na Dunavu u Srbiji, koja bi se posredstvom turističke animacije i prezentacije mogla plasirati na turističkom tržištu i predstavljala bi veliki korak u formiranju turističkog proizvoda Srbije.Istraživanjem su obuhvaćena naselja u okviru kojih se nalaze tvrđave, te ja samim tim urađena i analiza infrastrukture, socio-ekonomskih faktora, nadležnih institucija za zaštitu spomenika kulture, kao i institucija nadležnih za razvoj turizma, zatim su sprovedena istraživanja stavova nadležnih u ovim institucijama, stavova rezidentnog stanovništva i stavova turista u pogledu toka razvoja ove kulturne rute na Dunavu i drugo. Tumačenjem rezultata istraživanja došlo se do zaključka da postoji veliki interes i realni potencijal za formiranje kulturne rute, kao i brojni planovi i projekti za sprovođenje aktivnosti u smeru razvoja turizma i unapređenje i iskorišćavanje potencijala pojedinih tvrđava i drugih kulturnih resursa na Dunavu u Srbiji. Naravno, podrška međunarodnih organizacija u stvaranju osnovnih preduslova potrebnih za kreiranje kulturne rute su neophodna, tako da turističke organizacije i nadležna ministarstva trebaju preduzeti posebne akcije za pružanje podrške lokalnim inicijativama koje imaju za cinj očuvanje kulturnog nasleđa i pokretanje projekata razvoja turizma na ovom području.</p> / <p> The main objective of the dissertation is to explain the concept of cultural routes as a means of promoting the conservation and preservation of cultural heritage, as well as the possibility of exploiting these resources in the development of cultural tourism. Through the analysis of specific areas of Serbia and the Danube river, as well as the analysis of specific tourism resources based on the use of cultural heritage and the conditions that influence on tourism development were established, so the cultural route „Fortresses along the Danube” in Serbia is defined. Dissertation research was fallowing the project „Fortresses along the Danube in Serbia” implemented by the Ministry of Culture of Serbia in the period 2009-2010. According to the significance and preservation levels of the fortresses along the Danube in Serbia, it is considered that they may represent very significant, primary or complementary, factor in the development of the tourist offer of Serbia on the Danube. By creating a cultural route along the Danube, consisted of elements with significant landscape, cultural, historical, geological or natural resources, that would include a tour of the forts as well as quality interpretation of the key attractions, would allow the exploitation of existing potential of the fortress on the Danube in Serbia. That would enable the cultural route, through the animation and good presentation, to position itself on the tourist market and to represent a great step in the formation of the cultural tourist product of Serbia. The survey covered the towns with fortresses, and therefore the analysis of infrastructure, socio-economic factors, the institutions for the protection of cultural monuments, the institutions responsible for tourism development was made. Moreover, the relevant research studies were conducted in these institutions, as well as the survey on attitudes of the residents and tourists and their opinions regarding the cultural development of cultural route along the Danube in Srbia. The conclusions based on the research results led to confirmation of the starting opinion that there is a great interest and real potential for the formation of cultural routes in Serbia. It will follow numerous plans and projects for implementation of activities in the direction of tourism development and promotion of the utilization of some fortresses and other cultural resources in the Danube area in Serbia. Of course, the support of international organizations in creating the basic requirements for the creation of cultural routes are necessary, so that tourist organizations and relevant ministries should take the specific actions to support local initiatives that have the goal in the preservation of cultural heritage and tourism development projects in the area.</p>
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Дунав као саобраћајна артерија и осовина развоја у Републици Србији / Dunav kao saobraćajna arterija i osovina razvoja u Republici Srbiji / Danube as a transport artery and axis ofdevelopment in the Republic of SerbiaMilanković Jelena 26 September 2015 (has links)
<p>У раду је дата детаљна анализа подручја Подунавља у Републици Србији, који се<br />назива Дунавска осовина. Простор Дунава, тј. Коридора VII има изузетан саобраћајни положај и природне услове за развој и чини део окоснице просторне структуре Србије. На овом подручју је изражена концентрација становништва и агломерација делатности и то посебно на подручју Града Београда, највеће урбане агломерације Србије, али и на подручју Новог Сада, који чини национални секундарни центар. Простор дунавског појаса због свог изузетног значаја узроковао је да има повећану концентрацију производње, капитала, саобраћаја, становништва и насељавања у том делу Србије.<br />Дунавска осовина располаже изузетним потенцијалима за развој пољопривреде, енергетике, индустрије и туризма. Значај и потенцијали реке Дунав за Републику Србију су огромни, али његове предности још увек нису искоришћене, а његова улога осовине развоја није у потпуности потврђена. О природним ресурсима простора око реке Дунав у Европи и неопходности сарадње између подунавских земаља писали су многи, али и закључивали да је њихова искоришћеност недовољна и неадекватна, као и да нема рационалну организацију која би бринула о економским, еколошким, културним, и другим интересима како средње, тако и о интересима целе Еворпе.<br />Основни циљ дисертације је потврђивање потенцијала и могућности које подручје Подунавља пружа Републици Србији, као и постављене хипотезе да је Дунав, односно, Подунавље осовина развоја Републике Србије. Утврђивањем основних природних и друштвених карактеристика дунавског гравитационог подручја и саме реке и њихове анализе приказаће се основни потенцијали овог подручја. Циљ је да се укаже на значај Дунава за регионални развој Србије и да се конкретним решењима предложе најбољи начини за коришћење његових многобројних вредности. Реалним приказом садашњег стања омогућава се и процена будућег дешавања и промена.</p> / <p>U radu je data detaljna analiza područja Podunavlja u Republici Srbiji, koji se<br />naziva Dunavska osovina. Prostor Dunava, tj. Koridora VII ima izuzetan saobraćajni položaj i prirodne uslove za razvoj i čini deo okosnice prostorne strukture Srbije. Na ovom području je izražena koncentracija stanovništva i aglomeracija delatnosti i to posebno na području Grada Beograda, najveće urbane aglomeracije Srbije, ali i na području Novog Sada, koji čini nacionalni sekundarni centar. Prostor dunavskog pojasa zbog svog izuzetnog značaja uzrokovao je da ima povećanu koncentraciju proizvodnje, kapitala, saobraćaja, stanovništva i naseljavanja u tom delu Srbije.<br />Dunavska osovina raspolaže izuzetnim potencijalima za razvoj poljoprivrede, energetike, industrije i turizma. Značaj i potencijali reke Dunav za Republiku Srbiju su ogromni, ali njegove prednosti još uvek nisu iskorišćene, a njegova uloga osovine razvoja nije u potpunosti potvrđena. O prirodnim resursima prostora oko reke Dunav u Evropi i neophodnosti saradnje između podunavskih zemalja pisali su mnogi, ali i zaključivali da je njihova iskorišćenost nedovoljna i neadekvatna, kao i da nema racionalnu organizaciju koja bi brinula o ekonomskim, ekološkim, kulturnim, i drugim interesima kako srednje, tako i o interesima cele Evorpe.<br />Osnovni cilj disertacije je potvrđivanje potencijala i mogućnosti koje područje Podunavlja pruža Republici Srbiji, kao i postavljene hipoteze da je Dunav, odnosno, Podunavlje osovina razvoja Republike Srbije. Utvrđivanjem osnovnih prirodnih i društvenih karakteristika dunavskog gravitacionog područja i same reke i njihove analize prikazaće se osnovni potencijali ovog područja. Cilj je da se ukaže na značaj Dunava za regionalni razvoj Srbije i da se konkretnim rešenjima predlože najbolji načini za korišćenje njegovih mnogobrojnih vrednosti. Realnim prikazom sadašnjeg stanja omogućava se i procena budućeg dešavanja i promena.</p> / <p>The paper gives a detailed analysis of the area of Podunavlje in the Republic of Serbia, which bears the name the Danube Axis. The Danube region, that is the region of the Corridor VII has an exceptional traffic position and natural conditions for development and it makes a part of the essential framework of the spatial structure of Serbia. This region has a pronounced concentration of population as well as agglomeration of economic activities, especially on the territory of the City of Belgrade, the largest urban agglomeration in Serbia, and also on the territory of Novi Sad, which is a secondary national center. Due to its particular significance, the Danube region has an enlarged concentration of production, capital, traffic, population and immigration in that part of Serbia. The Danube Axis has enormous potential for the growth of agriculture, energetics, industry and tourism. The Danube River has enormous significance and enormous potential for the Republic of Serbia. However, its advantages have not yet been taken, and its role as a foundation for development has not yet been fully confirmed. Many people have written about natural resources of the area surrounding the Danube River in Europe and about the necessity of cooperation among the countries along the Danube River basin, but they have also concluded that their exploitation has been insufficient and inadequate, as well as that there has been no rational organization to take care of the economic, ecological, cultural and other interests of Central Europe and of the whole Europe as well. The main goal of the dissertation is to confirm potential and possibilities that the area of Podunavlje offers to the Republic of Serbia, as well as to make a hypothesis that the Danube, that is Podunavlje, provides the basis for the growth of the Republic of Serbia. The establishing of major natural and social characteristics of the Danube gravity zone and of the River itself and their analysis will show the true potential of this region. The aim is to emphasize the importance of the Danube for the regional growth of Serbia and to suggest the best ways of exploiting its numerous assets in the form of concrete solutions. A real portrayal of the present state enables the assessment of future occurrences and future changes.</p>
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Bělehrad - Dunaj - Sáva / Belgrade - Danube - SavaNováková, Michaela January 2011 (has links)
Diploma project_ Belgrade_ Danube_ Sava As the theme of my thesis I chose the city of Belgrade in the magic we see everyday. An interesting feature is its strategic location at the confluence of the rivers Danube and Sava. The project first deals with research in a broader context. It focuses not only on Belgrade,but also the whole Serbia and its ethnic and religious diversity, the Balkan temper of the population. Survey maps on one side of the city, its beauty and challenges, on the other hand, thesociological context, which examines the main problems of the population of the former Yugoslavia, their mutual coexistence and conflict.. Stigma of the City The work sets in five most problematic points that directly affect the river basins. These problems selecting a continuous strip length of 10 kilometers. Urban areas have a water factor and the city, which is reflected in the grid of streets. Cross streets are straight line to the city, continuing today boulevards that leads to the Danube. Longitudinal its streets and roads follow the river undulation. Based on the original idea of creating islands of the other two islands which make their way onto the side of the Danube three cities waterfront. We get water in the city, which is not only artificial reservoirs, but water in its nature and dynamics. Most exposed parts of the scarred area, the left bank of the Marina Luka which leads to the Francouzská boulevard linking the main square to the Danube. In this area has focused more specifically in connection with the sociological survey. Stigma of the Nation Due to the fact that Belgrade was the capital of Yugoslavia, I focused on interpersonal and economic problems of the population of the former Yugoslavia and its dissolution. On the outside Yugoslavia was united in its time in terms of a strong state economy. After the disintegration of countries to stop cooperating and their economy has significantly dropped. Interpersonal ethnic hatred grew in mutual exploitation of minorities, whether ethnic, and religious. The hatred and conflict in humans are deep and mutual grievances will be difficult to erase. Stigma of the City + Stigma of the Nation = Peace Center Thus we come to the junction of scar and the scars of a nation and a way to deal with both. In a significant proportion of exposed and Belgrade should be the function that has a deeper meaning, overlap, and the importance for the nation, the whole Balkan peninsula. Shaping a platform for peaceful dialogue and mutual cooperation of the former states of Yugoslavia at all levels. Building project will be a peace organization, which will fill this space understanding, cooperation and reconciliation, heal the stigma of a nation and city. The Centre is engaged in projects in the economic, social, medical, religious and cultural. A strong element is the continued ramp-boulevard of the Danube, which shows that the path to the goal may have obstacles and the goal is far off, but worth it to continue. Torn heart_ Peace Center building_ Culture_ media_ Arts As Yugoslavia disintegrated in the Yugonostalgi a back to each other, and the design of the building is torn heart of Yugoslavia, which on itself can not completely back, so at least communicate through the atrium, but are otherwise separate entities.
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Documents of a Multi-screen Installation and Archival Films: Péter Forgács’ “Looming Fire”Yen, Wang-Yun 08 August 2024 (has links)
This essay is initially motivated by the need to describe my research process on Péter Forgács’s Looming Fire, a multi-screen installation exhibited at Eye Filmmuseum in 2013. The artwork, based on Eye’s colonial film collection, seems a difficult object in moving image studies: audiovisual components inaccessible to the public, exhibition setup dissimilar from the neutralized movie theater, as well as the scarcity of detailed written reviews. The aim of the essay is thus to inquire what remains after this film-related exhibition: How to conceive an alternative analytical approach when films or videos are no longer autonomous, but part and parcel of an installation in the museum? Moreover, what insight can we gain on found footage filmmaking from a project at the same time artistic and museal?
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Trace Metal Composition Of Particulate Matter In The Water Column And Sediments Of The Black Sea And Regional RiversYigiterhan, Oguz - 01 July 2005 (has links) (PDF)
The Black Sea, with its oxic, suboxic and anoxic layers, provides a unique environment for studying how biological and geochemical processes affect the composition of particulate matter. The elemental composition of particles in the Black Sea is controlled by their origin and sources. Particles from rivers are dominated by aluminosilicate material that has compositions similar to the earth&rsquo / s crust. In general this material is relatively unreactive. Biological processes in the upper oxic and suboxic layers of the water column result in enrichments of elements which used as nutrients. Cu, Ba and Mo have been proposed as tracers for planktonic material and new production. Geochemical processes like manganese and iron recycling between oxidized and reduced forms, metal sulfide formation, and biogenic matter decomposition can have a large impact on the composition of particles in the suboxic and anoxic zones.
The aim of this thesis was to study the composition of particles suspended in the water column of the Black Sea, in regional rivers draining into the Black Sea, and of particles deposited in these rivers and Black Sea sediments. The objectives were to determine the chemical composition and distribution of particles supplied by rivers and produced in the Black Sea, and compare with those particles buried in the sediments. The chemical distributions can help us to understand the biogeochemical processes taking place. The ultimate goal is to understand if there is a chemical signature that characterizes sediments deposited in anoxic basins that can be used to determine if ancient sedimentary rocks were deposited under such conditions.
Water column filter samples were collected from the central western basin and along transects to the SW shelf regions during several research cruises of R/V Bilim and R/V Knorr in the Black Sea. Samples were taken by using both in situ large volume filtration systems and on deck vacuum filtration of discrete samples. River samples were collected by hand from the bank of four Turkish rivers and the Danube River. Sediment samples were obtained from 0 - 25 cm interval of a box core from the deep western basin.
All samples were digested and analyzed by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry and combination of atomic absorption (flame & / graphite furnace) instruments. The elements analyzed included Al, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Co, Cu, Zn, Mo, Ag, Cd, Ba, Pb, and U. Great care was taken to avoid contamination and to obtain the highest level of precision and accuracy. The precision was typically about 5% for most elements. The accuracy, determined using standard reference materials, was also usually better than 5%. Another goal of this research was to determine the metal concentrations and best digestion methods using different types of filter materials. Blank filters were digested and analyzed and the analyses of various filter blanks are presented in the thesis.
The analyses showed that the particulate matter data from Turkish Rivers were very similar to the composition of global average riverine particulate material and global average crust. The Danube River had elevated concentrations for some elements that were probably due to anthropogenic contamination. The Turkish river samples were closer to (but still higher than) the averages for the world&rsquo / s rivers but many elements in the Danube were much higher. These high values determined for major elements in the Danube samples strongly suggest considerable contamination of the Danube as compared to the Turkish Rivers. The Danube River samples were especially enriched in Pb, Zn, Ag, Cu, Cd, and Mn and slightly enriched with Cr and Ni. The first five elements, in particular, are well known indicators of pollution.
The particulate matter in the water column of the Black Sea was influenced by lithogenic input from rivers, biological processes and geochemical processes. In order to examine the biogeochemical processes extensively, all the data were plotted as Metal/Al (Me/Al) ratios and compared with the ratios of the average crust and Turkish Rivers. Deviations were used to examine the anomalies due to biological and geochemical processes. In addition, the Al content of individual sample and the Me/Al ratio of crust or rivers were used to subtract the lithogenic component from the total composition. Enrichments due to biological processes were observed for Ba > / Fe > / Cr > / Mn > / Zn > / Ni > / Cu > / Mo > / V > / Co > / Cd > / U for the overall biogenic composition. Enrichments due to biology are most evident for Ba, Fe, Cr and Mn. This is a unique data set as there have been few previous analyses of biological enrichment for most of these elements.
The results of particulate matter analyses showed that some elements including U, V, Cr, Ni, Cu, Co, Zn, Ba and Mo were enriched in the set of samples from the euphotic zone. Redox cycling in the suboxic zone was observed, as expected, for Mn and Fe, whose oxides play an important role in scavenging processes. The redox dependent processes in the suboxic &ndash / anoxic interface influence the vertical distribution of U, Ni, Co, Cu, Zn, Ba and possibly Mo, Cr and V. Elements influenced by sulfide formation in the anoxic layer are Fe, Cr, Ni, Co, Mo, and presumably Ag.
The sediment data were also examined based on the same approaches. The elements Zn, Pb, U and Cd decreased with sediment depth over the top 5 cm suggesting that they were remobilized out of the sediments. In general the sediments from the Black Sea have Me/Al ratios very similar to local Turkish Rivers and average crust. There is no unique sediment signature (except possibly for Mo) indicating that these sediments were deposited under sulphidic conditions. This study does not support the hypothesis that the composition of ancient rocks can be used to characterize the environment of deposition.
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The Critical Reception of Herta Müller in the German and English Printed Media Before and After the Nobel Prize for Literature 2009January 2011 (has links)
abstract: After being awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2009, Herta Müller attained great prominence around the world. Commentators, especially in English-speaking countries, seemed shocked by the decision. One of the primary concerns was that Müller was relatively unknown. This thesis seeks to address this and other concerns by looking at reviews of her works in German- and English-language publications both before and after the Nobel Prize was awarded. This thesis analyses chronologically the reception of her books beginning with Niederungen in 1982 and ending with the reception of her novel Atemschaukel in 2009. It compares the reception of the original German text to that of the English translation; therefore only works which have been translated and published in English are discussed. The study also shows that while Müller's work did not top the bestseller charts, at least before the Nobel Prize, she was hardly the completely unknown author that some in the English-language media believed. This thesis seeks to present trends in the reception as well as provide a basis for further study of the reception of Herta Müller. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.A. German 2011
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Le problème goth au IIIe siècle ap. J.-C. : perceptions et réalités, solutions et échecs militairesCourpied, Édouard 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Vnitropolitické souvislosti Hodžova plánu / The responses in domestic politics to Hodza Plan 1935-1936Váňa, Daniel January 2008 (has links)
Abstract The thesis is about the reaction of Czechoslovak political scene to Milan Hodža's Danubian plan. Milan Hodža was Slovak Agrarian and economist who introduced his plan in the second half of 1935 at the time when he was Prime minister of Czechoslovakia. Author emerged from broader considerations of Czech and Czechoslovak ideas about economic and political developments in Central Europe, according to Palacký "space between Germany and Russia." In this context author accepts Palackys beliefs about the indispensability of the Danubian Hapsburg Empire as the counter imperialist expansion's bumper of both the continental powers and efforts of political parties Mladočeši and Staročeši who tried to reform and maintain the country. He also describes the interwar projects of Czechoslovak sovereign foreign policy, where Czechoslovaks tried to take on an inspirational leadership role of Central European economic and political cooperation which was based on Little Entente. Author of this thesis thinks that Hodža's Plan is just one of these projects. And as all the previous projects Hodža's plan had no opportunity to be implemented in the new internationally-political and internationally-economic context. Had Milan Hodža prepared his plan for economic and potentially political cooperation between Danube region countries from the national economy point of view? Did he start the wider discussion about the possibility of Danube region cooperation in Czechoslovakia? These are the basic questions that the author asks and he answers them in the last chapter of his work: Milan Hodža never made any concrete national economic statement for his plan. His attempt for the realization had never gone out of the diplomatic detection. Likewise he did not evoke any specific reaction of Czechoslovak political parties not even in party periodicals.
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