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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Measurement of dispersion barriers through SEM images

Aiesh, Basel January 2015 (has links)
In this thesis digital image analysis is applied to Scanning Electron Microscope imagesof dispersion barriers to measure specific properties. The thin barriers are used asprotection for paperboard packaging and are made of polymers and fillers. The orientation, area, length and density distributions of the fillers determine the functionality and quality of the barrier. Methods built on image analysis tools are developed with the objective to measure these quantities. Input for the methods are Scanning Electron Microscope images showing the cross-section of the barriers. To make the images relevant for the methods they are preprocessed by reducing noise and distinguishing fillers from the background. For measuring the orientation distribution of the fillers two different methods are implemented and compared. The first one is based on a structure tensor and the other one applies a covariance matrix. The structure tensor is preferable because of its flexibility and better performance for complex images. The area and length distributions are measured by applying mathematical morphology together withsoft-clipping. The density distribution is obtained by filtering the underlying image twice with a uniform filter which creates a heat map. The developed methods are evaluated by applying them on fabricated binary test images with known properties. The methods are very accurate when applied on simple test images but for more complex test images with greater variation the accuracy decreases. However, for most applications the results are still on an acceptable level.

Implementation of a Crowd-based InformationSharing System for Network Performance Maps

Bäcklund, Jakob, Kärnsund, Elias January 2014 (has links)
This thesis examines ways to improve the user experience of a mobile Internetconnection. We discuss how this can be achieved using dierent techniques,but primarily focus on techniques using network performance maps. We designand implement a proof-of-concept system that allows users to record networkperformance experience and share these records among each other such as toimprove their future performance.We use bandwidth measurements at locations over an area to create a networkperformance map. We examine what such maps can be used for and howit is best implemented. We also create a proof-of-concept implementation fora system creating network performance maps using multiple mobile devices.The thesis also discusses how information sharing between mobile devices usingWi-Fi networks can be done eciently. This is also something we use inour proof-of-concept implementation, when synchronizing data between mobiledevices.In summary, our Android-based proof-of-concept implementation allows usersto perform bandwidth measurements, and to share these measurements amongeach other, such as to help each other improve their network performance maps.A good such system allows users to get an overview of the network performanceover the measured area; information that can be used to optimize the Internetusage via download scheduling or bit rate adaption.

Erfarenheter från utvecklingen av ett e-handelssystem med ett MVC-ramverk / Experiences from the Development of an E-Commerce System using an MVC Framework

Nilsson, Sofie, Ståhl, Jakob, Johansson, Ylva January 2014 (has links)
Den här rapporten, som är en del av kursen TDDD83 Kandidatprojekt datateknik vid Linköpings Tekniska Högskola, beskriver utvecklandet av ett e-handelssystem för den fiktiva t-shirtbutiken Utique. Den berör dels tekniska aspekter, men även de erfarenheter och lärdomar de tre gruppmedlemmarna fått under projektets gång. För att genomföra projektet användes programmeringsspråken Html, Css, Php, Mysql och Javascript samt ramverken och biblioteken Bootstrap, Cakephp och Jquery. Under projektets gång användes, efter anpassning till gruppstorleken, den agila utvecklingsmetoden Scrum, vilket beskrivs kortfattat i rapporten. Rapporten innefattar även en marknadsföringsplan för Utique där en konkurrensanalys genomförts och ämnena marknadssegmentering, positionering och differentiering berörts. Marknadsföringsplanen avslutas med en marknadsmix. Avslutningsvis, diskuteras utvecklingsområden för systemet, styrkor och svagheter med koden samt svårigheter som dykt upp under projektets gång.

TDMA-based Routing Protocol in Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks

Cui, Qin January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Outsourcing : Påverkande faktorer i strategiska beslut

Benjaminsson, Ida January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

En utvärdering av spelmotorn Unity för produktion av interaktiva GIS-applikationer

Nilsson, Johan, Åhlander, Carl January 2014 (has links)
Interaktiva applikationer som hanterar visualisering av geografiska informationssystem (GIS) är ett växande ämne. Denna studie har använt spelmotorn Unity som verktyg för att skapa en prototyp av sådan applikation med Högskolan i Gävles campusområde som visualiserad miljö. För att åstadkomma detta har arbete med bl.a. 3D-modellering, texturering, programmering och ljusmappning genomförts. Utifrån studiens resultat ges vissa rekommendationer kring de moment studien behandlar. Dessutom utvärderas Unity som digitalt verktyg för denna typ av produktion. Resultatet visar att i den stora bemärkelsen innehåller Unity det mesta av den funktionalitet som är önskvärd för denna typ av produktion. Programmets möjliga brister handlar primärt om att dess funktionalitet skulle kunna förbättras samt att fler förval för visualisering och förenkling av arbete med grafiska gränssnitt skulle kunna implementeras.


Johnsson, John, Pontus, Ljungdahl January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Approaches for Automated Software Installations in Windows

Ydremark, Anders January 2014 (has links)
Today Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB (SIT AB) installs operator-stations manually. This is a tedious and time consuming process. In this report several different approaches is researched and presented for an automated solution. Because automated installation is not a widely researched area, an exploration of different approaches and technical difficulties has  been made to use as a base when finally arriving at a recommendation for SIT AB. The result of this report shows that an approach using the Windows Registry is the best solution for implementation of an automated solution, and that other approaches either is too time consuming or technically challenging to be feasible. This report is meant as a decision basis for SIT AB in their automation of operator-station installations.

Utveckling av internordersystem för SharePoint / Internal order system development for SharePoint

Johansson, Viktor, Jeppesen, Christian January 2014 (has links)
SharePoint is a web based platform designed to provide internal communications and file sharing for businesses and organizations. In this project, we created a system consisting of multiple applications to be used together with SharePoint. These applications are meant to simplify the workflow for internal orders of products. The system is targeted towards companies that do not have a flexible approach to digital orders or companies that want to integrate this functionality into their SharePoint platform.   The project includes, in addition to the creation of the system, installation of the software and the servers needed to run a SharePoint environment and their configurations. The system consists of four applications where one of these, the store application, is required for the system to be used at all. The other applications are an order management application, a purchase application and an incoming delivery application. Of these four, we have implemented the store application and the order management application.   Our hope is that users will find the system easy to use and graphically appealing.

A framework for reasoning about Erlang code

Fredlund, Lars-Åke January 2001 (has links)
We present a framework for formal reasoning about the behaviour of software written in Erlang, a functional programming language with prominent support for process based concurrency, message passing communication and distribution. The framework contains the following key ingredients: a specification language based on the mu-calculus and first-order predicate logic, a hierarchical small-step structural operational semantics of Erlang, a judgement format allowing parameterised behavioural assertions, and a Gentzen style proof system for proving validity of such assertions. The proof system supports property decomposition through a cut rule and handles program recursion through well-founded induction. An implementation is available in the form of a proof assistant tool for checking the correctness of proof steps. The tool offers support for automatic proof discovery through higher--level rules tailored to Erlang. As illustrated in several case / <p>Trita-IT. AVH ; 01:04, URI: urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-3210</p>

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