Spelling suggestions: "subject:"datorteknik"" "subject:"datortekniks""
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ORGFX : a Wishbone compatible Graphics Accelerator for the OpenRISC processorLenander, Per, Fosselius, Anton January 2012 (has links)
Modern embedded systems such as cellphones or medical instrumentation use increasingly complex graph-ical interfaces. Currently there are no widely used open hardware solutions to accelerate embedded graphicalapplications. This thesis presents the ORSoC graphics accelerator (ORGFX), an open hardware graphics ac-celerator that can be used with programmable hardware. A standalone software implementation is providedto help for a quick development of accelerated applications.The accelerator is able to render 2D, 3D and vector graphics. The example implementation of theORGFX is integrated with the OpenRISC Reference Platform System on Chip version 2 (ORPSoCv2). Thenal implementation runs on a Xilinx FPGA at 50 MHz, and provides accelerated graphics output froman HDMI port. An extensive software driver and a set of utilities to ease development for the graphicsaccelerator are provided along with the hardware. The software implementation of the accelerator uses thesame API as the hardware drivers, making it possible to quickly develop applications for the acceleratorwithout access to a physical platform.The nal implementation trades performance against platform independence and generality. The com-ponent can be integrated with any CPU or memory chip and works alongside a custom display core thatrenders the output to an external screen. The software drivers can be run bare metal or modied to run onan operating system.All of the hardware and software developed in this project is provided as open source under the GNULesser General Public License (LGPL), and can be downloaded from www.opencores.com. The authorshope that future releases will be integrated as a standard component into the OpenRISC Reference PlatformSystem on Chip.
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Riktlinjer för implementering av ISO 17799 / Guidelines for implementation of ISO 17799Nauman, Anders, Söndergaard, Simon January 2010 (has links)
An ongoing concern within the Intellectual Technological world is the issue of security. There are severe consequences if someone without permission searches a computer for secret information that was left unlocked. In order to prevent this situation from occurring, rules about password lengths or employees bringing personal flash drives into the company should be created and followed. As Internet become a worldwide phenomenon, the use of information technology is growing more than ever. With more use and accessibility to Internet, new threats against companies have also emerged. This report brings up the main issues that a company needs to regulate today. The standard for regulations and proposals for IT-security comes in a document called ISO 17799 and very complicated for those who are not experts in the field. Very few small companies manage to apply the standard since it too large and complex. The main goal with this thesis is to create a simplified version of ISO 17799 and to make it understandable by non experts. The thesis also gives focus on Conect AB through suggesting a template in which shall be adjusted for their customers to use and inform them of threats that may be of interest. This thesis is based on the following questions: How can we make the standard less difficult to understand? Does the material cover the necessary needs of network security? How often shall the material be updated to be up to date in the future? As a result, this thesis displays the ISO 17799 in the form of a suggested template and it presents explanations and consequences if a company/organisation does not have a particular function or a physical implementation. The method in which the template had been created was through the reading of the ISO 17799 standard for insight on what is included and the explanations in which certain parts are vital. Even if a standard should have proper information possible as well as contain the latest information, the project group processed other sources and explanations in order to get higher credibility and to see if there were new technology and facts about the subject. / Säkerhetsfrågor kommer alltid att vara aktuella. Att lämna datorn olåst kan innebära att någon utan rättigheter letar igenom datorn för sekretessbelagd information under den korta stunden användaren är borta. Hur bör man hantera detta, hur bör ett lösenord se ut och varför ska man egentligen inte ta med USB-minnen hemifrån och använda inom verksamheten? Idag används informationsteknik mer än någonsin innan, speciellt med hjälp av Internet. Eftersom nya hot dyker upp bakom hörnet varje dag bör verksamheter planera för problem som kan uppstå. Denna rapport innehåller riktlinjer om hur detta kan gås till väga. Standarden för hur man sköter IT-säkerhet går under namnet ISO 17799 och är väldigt omfattande. Informationen i standarden är inte anpassad för mindre företag vilket innebär att informationen kan bli svårläst och överflödig. Var ska man börja i en stor standard för att få goda resultat? Denna rapport presenterar resultatet från en undersökning och hur säkerhetsstandarden ISO 17799 kan göras mer lättförstådd. På uppdrag av Conect AB har en enklare förklarad sammanfattning och mall skapats vilket ska kunna appliceras på företagets kunder som är små- och medelstora företag. Denna sammanfattning ska förenkla upprätthållelsen och förståelsen av olika säkerhetspunkter inom ett nätverk. De frågeställningar som examensarbetet baserar sig på är: Hur kan ISO 17799 göras mer lättförstådd? Kan det sammanfattade resultatet täcka dagens behov av säkerhet? Hur ofta bör underlaget uppdateras för att vara aktuellt? Innehållet i rapporten visar hur ISO 17799 kan brytas ned och göras mer lättförstådd. Rapporten påvisar även eventuella konsekvenser som kan inträffa om en del inte finns implementerad. En analys har utförts för att visa vikten av de valda områden som återfinns i resultatet samt verifiera de hot som finns. Studier av ISO 17799 har gjorts för att kunna bryta ned innehållet i standarden och för att kunna få en djupare förståelse av dess uppbyggnad. Litteraturstudier har utförts, för att stärka informationen som blivit funnen har information behandlats källkritiskt.
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Collaborating ISPs Supporting Various Real-Time ServicesCheema, Ansar Zaman, Saqib, Imran Ullah January 2010 (has links)
These days, internet service providers (ISPs) face the challenge about how to increase profitability while hey must ensure a good quality service at the same time and scale up their network. The study involves previous research papers. On the bases of those papers,the comparison is made between different alternatives. The purpose on this study is to find a solution that combines different methods and configurations about how several ISPs could cooperate. Its implementation includes how different ISPs can configure their networks to cooperate on service provision supporting various real-time services.
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Utveckling av ögonstyrt kommunikationshjälpmedel för intensivvårdspatienter / Development of an eyecontrolled communicationaid for patients in intensivecare unitsKlasson, Sofia January 2010 (has links)
Thousands of people all over the world suffer from injuries that temporary affects their ability to speak or inother ways communicate. A very common procedure for persons that suffer from some kind of breathingproblem in the higher parts of the neck is called tracheotomy. This prevents the patient from speaking whenno air passes the vocal cords. There have been many studies done to understand how these patientsexperience this period. The results are consistent, the patients often feel fear, frustration and worries aboutthe future.Tobii Technology develops a technique called eyetracking wich enables persons to control a computer with theeyes. In this thesis eyetracking products for persons with permanent communication disabilities are used todevelop a communication aid for people with temporary communication disabilities. This is accomplishedthrough interviews, user interface development techniques and finally an evaluation of the product using afocus groupThousands of people all over the world suffer from injuries that temporary affects their ability to speak or inother ways communicate. A very common procedure for persons that suffer from some kind of breathingproblem in the higher parts of the neck is called tracheotomy. This prevents the patient from speaking whenno air passes the vocal cords. There have been many studies done to understand how these patientsexperience this period. The results are consistent, the patients often feel fear, frustration and worries aboutthe future.Tobii Technology develops a technique called eyetracking wich enables persons to control a computer with theeyes. In this thesis eyetracking products for persons with permanent communication disabilities are used todevelop a communication aid for people with temporary communication disabilities. This is accomplishedthrough interviews, user interface development techniques and finally an evaluation of the product using afocus group
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SysMon – A framework for monitoring and measuring real-time propertiesPettersson, Andreas, Nilsson, Fredrik January 2012 (has links)
ABB SA Products designs and manufactures complex real-time systems. The real-time properties of the system are hard to measure and test especially in the long run, e.g. monitoring a system for months out in the real environment. ABB have started developing their own tool called JobMon for monitoring timing requirements, but they needed to measure more properties than time and in a more dynamic way than JobMon is constructed today. The tool must be able to measure different kind of data and be able to be monitor as long as the system itself. This thesis first does a survey and evaluation on existing commercial tools and if there exists a tool that can be integrated to the system and fulfill all demands. Different trace recorders and system monitoring tools are presented with its properties and functions. The conclusion is that there is no such tool and the best solution is to design and develop a new tool. The result is SysMon, a dynamic generic framework for measuring any type of data within a real-time system. The main focus for measuring during this thesis is time measurements, but no limits or assumptions of data types are made, and during late steps of the development new types of measurements are integrated. SysMon can also handle limits for measurements and, if required, take pre-defined actions e.g. triggering a logging function and saving all information about the measurement that passed the limit. The new tool is integrated to the system and evaluated thoroughly. It is an important factor to not steal too much resource from the system itself, and therefore a measurement of the tool’s intrusiveness is evaluated. / ABB SA Products designar och konstruerar komplexa realtidssystem. Realtidsegenskaperna för systemen är svåra att mäta och testa, speciellt under långa tidsperioder, t.ex. under drift i dess riktiga miljö under månader av online tid. ABB SA Products har börjat utvecklat ett eget verktyg, JobMon, för att kunna övervaka och mäta egenskaper i form av tid. Men behovet är större än att endast mäta tid och alla möjliga slags data behöver övervakas och utvärderas. Det här examensarbetet gör först en undersökning och utvärdering av existerande kommersiella verktyg och om det redan finns ett verktyg som uppfyller alla krav. Olika tracerecorders och systemövervakningsverktyg är presenterade med dess egenskaper och funktioner. Slutsatsen är till sist att det inte finns något existerande verktyg och att den bästa lösningen är att utveckla ett nytt verktyg. Resultatet är SysMon, ett dynamisk generisk ramverk för att mäta vilken form av data som helst. Huvudfokus under examensarbetet är tidsmätningar, men inga antaganden om vilka datatyper som kan användas görs. Under den senare delen av examensarbetet implementeras också en ny typ av mätning i system ticks. SysMon kan också hantera gränser för mätningar och, om nödvändigt, exekvera fördefinierade funktioner, t.ex. trigga en loggning och spara nödvändig information om mätningen som överskred gränsen. Det nya verktyget blir integrerat i systemet och testat noggrant. Det är viktigt att verktyget inte tar för mycket resurser från det normala systemet och därför utförs även en utvärdering av hur resurskrävande verktyget är.
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Implementation and evaluation of a queuing discipline in LinuxFranked, Lennart, Håsäther, David January 2010 (has links)
Streaming video and VoIP are two popular services used over the Internet, and as the number of users increases, the demand on the network routers also increases. Since both streaming video and VoIP have a variable traffic flow, the routers must always have some free space in their receive buffers to handle traffic bursts. If not, packet loss may occur that will result in a degraded quality of the services. In this project, a fuzzy logic based Active Queue Management (AQM) will be implemented, which might help reduce this problem. This algorithm has currently only been tested in a simulated environment. This algorithm will then be evaluated and compared to some of the existing AQMs. The results will also be compared to a stream that only uses a First-In, First-Out (FIFO) queue, which will work as a baseline. Since an AQM is not the only means used to reduce delay and jitter, different AQMs will also be combined with two different transport protocols, User Datagram Protocol (UDP) and the new Datagram Congestion Control Protocol (DCCP). The resulting implementation performed on a par with RED (Random Early Detection), one of the most common AQMs.
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Mjukvaruprojekt och konsekvenserna av ScrumStenehall, Johan, Rahmani, Solmaz January 2009 (has links)
Under sent 1990-tal började utvecklare att bli mer och mer missnöjda med rådande arbetsformer i projekt. Utvecklarna upplevde att modeller som vattenfallsmodellen inte längre speglade verkligheten för utvecklingen. Detta missnöje resulterade i att en mängd nya arbetsmodeller uppstod och 2001 samlades de under Agile Manifesto. Agile lägger tyngdpunkten på individfokus, fungerande mjukvara, kundsamarbete och föränderlighet. Scrum är just nu ett av de mest populära ramverken inom agile.Tieto har använt sig av agile och då främst Scrum i sina projekt sedan tidigt 2000-tal och haft lyckat resultat. Projekten som använt Scrum har levererat i tid och haft nöjda kunder. Dock har Tieto inte utrett vilka konsekvenser Scrum får för ett projekt. Denna studies fokus låg på att undersöka konsekvenserna av att använda Scrum i ett projekt. Detta gjordes med hjälp av intervjuer, observationer och en enkät där arbetet för ett antal Scrum-projekt studerades. Resultatet jämfördes sedan med rådande litteratur inom ämnet samt studier från The Standish group, VersionOne och Yahoo!.Rapportens slutsats är att Scrum påverkar mer än bara arbetssättet och att dessa effekter måste betänkas. Många positiva konsekvenser av användandet av Scrum kunde ses men även ett antal risker upptäcktes. För ett lyckat Scrum-projekt behövs en delaktig produktägare, en engagerad ScrumMaster och ett team som tycker om att ta eget ansvar. / During the late 1990s, developers became more and more dissatisfied with the current way of working in the projects. Developers felt that models such as the waterfall model did not reflect the reality of how software development works in practice. This dissatisfaction led to the development of new models and in 2001 they gathered under the same name in the Agile Manifesto. Agile focuses on working software, customer collaboration and variability. Scrum is currently one of the most popular frameworks in agile.Tieto has implemented agile and particularly Scrum in their projects since early 2000 and have had success. The projects that used Scrum delivered on time and had satisfied customers. However Tieto has not investigated the impact Scrum has on projects. This study focus was on examining the consequences of using Scrum in a project. This was done through interviews, observations and a survey in which the work of a number of Scrum projects were studied. The result was then compared with the current literature in the subject, and studies by The Standish Group, VersionOne and Yahoo!.The report concludes that Scrum affects more than just the way of working and that these effects must be taken under consideration. Many positive consequences of the use of Scrum could be seen but also a number of risks were detected. For a successful Scrum project one needs an involved product owner, a committed ScrumMaster and a team that likes to take responsibility.
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Implementation and real-world evaluation of routing protocols for wireless ad hoc networksLundgren, Henrik January 2002 (has links)
A wireless ad hoc network consists of a number of mobile nodes that temporarily form a dynamic infrastructure-less network. To enable communication between nodes that do not have direct radio contact, each node must function as a wireless router and potentially forward data traffic on behalf of the others. New routing protocols are needed as the existing protocols used in wired networks adapt too slowly to the frequent topology changes induced by mobility and are inefficient in terms of resource consumption. During the last five to ten years more than 60 different ad hoc routing protocols have been proposed, optimized and partially compared based on simulation studies. However, we believe that these simulation studies need to be complemented with real-world experiments in order to gain practical experience and reveal real-world effects that may not be visible in simulations. This thesis surveys the field of ad hoc routing and related real-world testbeds. We also describe our research results from three included papers: In our active networking approach to ad hoc routing, protocol logic is carried inside data packets, which enables new protocols to be independently deployed at run-time. As a proof of concept, we have implemented two ad hoc routing protocols and successfully used them for routing a real-time sensitive audio stream. This prototype gave us a good understanding of the practical aspects of wireless networking and prepared good ground for protocol comparisons. We have implemented a testbed called APE which enables easy management and analysis of real-world experiments. In real-world experiments, with up to 37 mobile nodes, we used the APE testbed to assess the reproducibility between repeated testruns and compared three different routing protocols. This testbed has become a crucial tool for discovering flaws in proposed protocols, as well as for benchmarking different routing styles. During our implementation of the AODV protocol we discovered a performance problem that we could relate to some invalid assumptions about the wireless link characteristics. We explored this "communication gray zone" problem and implemented three countermeasures which we compared by using the APE testbed. As a result we could eliminate the performance discrepancy between simulated AODV and its implementation in the real-world.
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Mätverktyget Ping-Win / The Measuringtool Ping-WinTowfik, Louie, Häggmyr, Samuel January 2018 (has links)
För en webbtjänst så är det viktigt med tillgänglighet. Detta innebär att det är värdefullt att veta när störningar förekommer. Med hjälp av övervakning utav webbtjänster så kan man få just detta, ökad tillgänglighet.Ping-Win är en övervakningstjänst utvecklad åt konsultbolaget Knowit. Arbetet som Knowit gör är fokuserat på att leverera webbtjänster åt sina kunder.Ping-Win utvecklades i åndamålen att användas för att övervaka de tjänster de tillhandahåller.Vi arbetade agilt, med totalt fem sprintar, för att kunna justera projektets riktning och på så vis möta Knowits förväntningar på Ping-Win.Resultatet blev en webbtjänst som kompletteras av en bakgrundstjänst för kontinuerlig övervakning samt en databas för sparande av statusmeddelanden.Ping-Win utvärderades med ett test där vi övervakade fyra hemsidor under mellandagarna 2017. / Availability is important for a web service. It is therefore valuable to know when interferences occurs. With the help of monitoring of web services, one can acheive increased availability.Ping-Win is a monitoring service developed for the consultancy Knowit. Knowit is focusing on delivering web services for their clients. Ping-Win was developed with the purpose to monitor the services that Knowit are providing.The work was practised with an agile method, with five sprints in total, to be able to adjust the direction of the project to fit the expectations that Knowit had on Ping-Win.The result was a web service with a complementing background service for continuous monitoring and also a database which was used to store the status messages.Ping-Win was evaluated with a test were we let it monitor four websites during the Christmas holidays of 2017.
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Testautomatisering i projekt med kontinuerliga leveranser : Hur går det till och vad finns det för hinder?Wilhelmsson, Robin January 2016 (has links)
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