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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Duplication de génome et évolution de la famille Sox chez les poissons téléostéens / Whole genome duplication and the evolution of the Sox family in teleostean fish

Voldoire, Emilien 17 December 2013 (has links)
Les duplications de gènes et de génome sont considérées comme des moteurs de l’évolution des génomes eucaryotes. Trois duplications de génome complet (ou polyploïdisations) sont survenues au cours de l’évolution des vertébrés, dont deux à la base des vertébrés, et une troisième chez l’ancêtre commun des poissons téléostéens. La diversité morphologique, anatomique et écologique des espèces qui partagent un ancêtre commun polyploïde chez les chordés suggère un rôle des duplications de génome dans la diversification des espèces. En particulier, les duplications de génome semblent avoir facilité l’émergence du plan d’organisation des vertébrés, et être à l’origine de la radiation évolutive survenue chez les poissons téléostéens. Cependant, la portée évolutive des duplications de génome, et notamment les deux hypothèses majeures formulées ci-Avant, restent des questions ouvertes et en grande partie non résolues. Le groupe des téléostéens, qui compte plus de la moitié des espèces vertébrés existantes et partage un ancêtre commun polyploïde, constitue un modèle pertinent pour évaluer la contribution des duplications de génome dans l’expansion des familles multigéniques chez les vertébrés, pour comprendre les mécanismes évolutifs qui façonnent l’évolution des familles de gènes, et finalement tester les hypothèses moléculaires qui peuvent relier duplication de génome et biodiversité. Ainsi, nous avons étudié l’impact de la duplication de génome survenue à la base des téléostéens sur l’évolution de la famille multigénique sox, essentielle pour le développement et l’homéostasie des vertébrés. Notre analyse du contenu et de l’organisation des gènes sox dans 15 génomes de vertébrés, dont 10 téléostéens, révèle une importante expansion de l’ensemble de la famille des gènes sox dans ce vaste groupe de vertébrés, et démontre que cette expansion est essentiellement due à la duplication de génome survenue à la base des téléostéens. Les gènes sox dupliqués par duplication de génome semblent avoir été perdus par non-Fonctionnalisation dans certaines lignées, et préservés en deux copies par sous-Fonctionnalisation et/ou néo-Fonctionnalisation dans certaines autres lignées. Notre étude indique en effet une divergence lignée-Spécifique des patrons d’expression entre les gènes sox dupliqués chez différentes espèces de téléostéens. Ainsi, l’expansion du répertoire des gènes sox à la base des téléostéens semble avoir été suivi d’une évolution lignée-Spécifique du contenu et des fonctions de la famille des gènes sox chez les poissons téléostéens. Cette étude supporte l’hypothèse d’un rôle des duplications de génome dans l’enrichissement et la diversification subséquente des répertoires de gènes du développement tels que les gènes sox, et son rôle potentiel dans la diversification des espèces vertébrés. / Gene and genome duplications are major engines of eukaryotic genome evolution. Three rounds of whole genome duplication (WGD) have occurred during vertebrate evolution, two rounds at the base of the vertebrate lineage, and a third round in the common ancestor of the teleostean fish (the so-Called teleost-Specific WGD). In chordates, species that share a polyploid ancestor are characterized by a huge morphological, anatomical and ecological diversity suggesting a role of WGDs in species diversification. For instance, it is considered that these drastic genomic events provided the raw material for the emergence of the vertebrate body plan, and facilitated speciation processes during the teleost radiation. However, how WGD is related to phenotypic diversification or to major evolutionary transitions are fundamental questions that remain largely unsolved. Teleostean fish constitute more than half of all extant vertebrates and share a polyploid ancestor. Thus, they provide a relevant model to study the importance of WGDs in gene families expansion, to understand evolutionary mechanisms that drive the evolution of these families and, finally, to test molecular hypotheses that might relate WGD and biodiversity. In this project, we studied the impact of the teleost-Specific WGD on the evolution of the sox gene family which are involved in development and homeostasis in vertebrates. Our analysis of the content and the genomic organization of the sox genes in 15 vertebrate genomes, including 10 teleosts, reveals an important expansion of this family in the teleost lineage, and demonstrates that this expansion is mainly due to the teleost-Specific WGD. The duplicated sox genes seem to have been lost by non-Functionalization in certain lineages, and preserved in two copies in others by neo-Functionalization and/or sub-Functionalization. Indeed, this study indicates lineage-Specific divergence in expression patterns between duplicated sox genes in different teleostean species. Hence, the sox family expansion that occurred in the last common ancestor of teleostean fish seems to have been followed by a lineage-Specific evolution of the content and functions of the sox family in this group. Our study supports the hypothesis for a role of WGDs in the enrichment and diversification of developmental genes repertories and its potential role in species diversification in vertebrates.

Recherche de similarité dans du code source / Looking for similarity in source code

Chilowicz, Michel 25 November 2010 (has links)
La duplication de code source a de nombreuses origines : copie et adaptation inter-projets ou clonage au sein d'un même projet. Rechercher des correspondances de code copié permet de le factoriser dans un projet ou de mettre en évidence des situations de plagiat. Nous étudions des méthodes statiques de recherche de similarité sur du code ayant potentiellement subi des opérations d'édition telle que l'insertion, la suppression, la transposition ainsi que la factorisation et le développement de fonctions. Des techniques d'identification de similarité génomique sont examinées et adaptées au contexte de la recherche de clones de code source sous forme lexemisée. Après une discussion sur des procédés d'alignement de lexèmes et de recherche par empreintes de n-grams, est présentée une méthode de factorisation fusionnant les graphes d'appels de fonctions de projets au sein d'un graphe unique avec introduction de fonctions synthétiques exprimant les correspondances imbriquées. Elle utilise des structures d'indexation de suffixes pour la détermination de facteurs répétés. Une autre voie d'exploration permettant de manipuler de grandes bases indexées de code par arbre de syntaxe est abordée avec la recherche de sous-arbres similaires par leur hachage et leur indexation selon des profils d'abstraction variables. Des clones exacts de sous-arbres de forte proximité dans leurs arbres d'extraction peuvent alors être consolidés afin d'obtenir des correspondances approchées et étendues. En amont et en aval de la recherche de correspondances, des métriques de similarité sont définies afin de préselectionner les zones d'examen, affiner la recherche ou mieux représenter les résultats / Several phenomenas cause source code duplication like inter-project copying and adaptation or cloning inside a same project. Looking for code matches allows to factorize them inside a project or to highlight plagiarism cases. We study statical similarity retrieval methods on source code that may be transformed via edit operations like insertion, deletion, transposition, in- or out-lining of functions. Sequence similarity retrieval methods inspired from genomics are studied and adapted to find common chunks of tokenized source. After an explanation on alignment and n-grams lookup techniques, we present a factorization method that merge function call graphs of projects to a single graph with the creation of synthetic functions modeling nested matches. It relies on the use of suffix indexation structures to find repeated token factors. Syntax tree indexation is explored to handle huge code bases allowing to lookup similar sub-trees with their hash values computed via heterogeneous abstraction profiles. Exact copies of sub-trees close in their host trees may be merged to get approximate and extended matches. Before and after match retrieval, we define similarity metrics to preselect interesting code spots, refine the search process or enhance the human understanding of results

Etude des mécanismes évolutifs perturbant l’organisation des gènes dans les génomes de vertébrés / Analysis of evolutionary mecanisms altering gene organisation in vertebrate genomes

Berthelot, Camille 28 September 2012 (has links)
Les phénomènes évolutifs qui perturbent l’organisation des gènes dans les génomes eucaryotes sont de deux types : les changements dans l’ordre des gènes, ou réarrangements, et les modifications du contenu en gènes du génome, par duplications, délétions ou gains de gènes. Ces processus sont mal connus, tant au niveau de leurs mécanismes d’apparition que de leur impact fonctionnel et sélectif. Ce travail de thèse s’articule autour de deux projets. Le premier s’intéresse à la distribution des points de cassure de réarrangements évolutifs entre un génome ancestral et ses descendants modernes. Cette distribution a été modélisée en fonction des caractéristiques locales du génome pour mettre en évidence quels facteurs influencent la probabilité de cassure. Nos résultats montrent que la distribution des cassures peut s’expliquer simplement comme une fonction de la longueur des espaces intergéniques, fonction qui est cependant non-linéaire contrairement aux attentes sous un régime aléatoire classique. La répartition des points de cassure dans les génomes semble principalement liée à des propriétés de structure, et n’est que peu soumise à des contraintes de sélection. Elle pourrait être liée à la structure chromatinienne du génome. Le second projet s’inscrit dans le cadre du séquençage du génome du poisson zèbre, et fournit un aperçu global de l’organisation de ce génome. Les génomes de poissons téléostéens sont anciennement dupliqués : l’analyse est axée sur les conséquences de cette duplication. Les résultats montrent que le génome du poisson zèbre présente une organisation assez typique d’un génome téléostéen. Les gènes retenus en deux copies après la duplication du génome appartiennent à des catégories fonctionnelles particulières, et sont biaisés vers des gènes déjà conservés après les duplications 1R et 2R ayant eu lieu au début de l’histoire des vertébrés. / Evolutionary processes disrupting the gene organisation in eukaryotic genomes belong to two categories: changes in the order of the genes, known as rearrangements, and changes in the content of the genome by gene duplications, deletions and gains. The mechanisms through which these events arise, and their functional and selective impact on genomes, are poorly understood. This thesis covers two different projects. Firstly, we investigated the distribution of rearrangement breakpoints between an ancestral genome and its modern descendants. This distribution was modelled according to local genomic characteristics to highlight factors influencing the breakage process. Our results show that the distribution of breakpoints can be simply explained as a function of intergenic spacers length, although in a non-linear fashion differing from classical random expectations. The repartition of breakpoints in genomes seems to be linked to structural properties, and is only marginally affected by selective constraints. It might in fact reflect local chromatin structure in the genome. The second project is part of the joint sequencing effort for the zebrafish genome, and provides an overview of the organisation of this genome. Teleost fish genomes are anciently duplicated: the analysis focuses on the consequences of this duplication. Results show that the zebrafish genome displays a typical teleost fish genome organisation. Genes retained in two copies after the whole genome duplication belong to specific functional categories, and are biased towards genes already conserved as duplicates after the 1R and 2R duplication events that have taken place early in vertebrate history.

Evolution of the Neuropeptide Y and Opioid Systems and their Genomic Regions

Sundström, Görel January 2010 (has links)
Two whole genome duplications (2R) occurred early in vertebrate evolution. By using combined information from phylogenetic analyses and chromosomal location of genes, this thesis delineates the evolutionary history of two receptor-ligand systems that expanded by these large scale events. A third whole genome duplication (3R) took place in the teleost fish lineage and has also contributed to the complexity of the gene families. New members of neuropeptide Y (NPY) peptide and receptor families were generated in 2R and 3R. Evolutionary comparisons show that the ancestral teleost fish had four peptides; subsequently, differential losses of the peptide genes occurred. In zebrafish the peptides and receptors display differences in tissue distribution and have  evolved binding preferences. In the frog Silurana tropicalis three peptides and six receptors werev identified, also displaying some differences in tissue distribution and receptor-ligand preferences. The findings in these experimental animals highlight both evolutionary conservation and lineage-specific features of the NPY system. The opioid system consists of four receptors and several peptides originating from four precursors. These results show that the receptor family was formed in 2R and 3R and that 2R together with one local duplication gave rise to the peptide family. The ancestral receptor and peptide genes were located on the same chromosome, suggesting coevolution. The Hox gene clusters, important in early development, provided the first strong evidence for 2R. Several neighboring gene families were analyzed and found to have expanded in 2R and 3R. In depth analyses of insulin-like growth factor binding protein (IGFBP) and voltage-gated sodium channel (SCN) gene families illustrates the importance of local duplications in combination with whole genome duplications in the formation of gene families. These findings provide additional strong evidence for two genome duplications in early vertebrate evolution and show that these events generated many new genes that could evolve new or more specialized functions.

Contributions à l’usage des détecteurs de clones pour des tâches de maintenance logicielle / Contributions to the use of code clone detectors in software maintenance tasks

Charpentier, Alan 17 October 2016 (has links)
L’existence de plusieurs copies d’un même fragment de code (nommées des clones dans lalittérature) dans un logiciel peut compliquer sa maintenance et son évolution. La duplication decode peut poser des problèmes de consistance, notamment lors de la propagation de correction debogues. La détection de clones est par conséquent un enjeu important pour préserver et améliorerla qualité logicielle, propriété primordiale pour le succès d’un logiciel.L’objectif général de cette thèse est de contribuer à l’usage des détecteurs de clones dans destâches de maintenance logicielle. Nous avons centré nos contributions sur deux axes de recherche.Premièrement, la méthodologie pour comparer et évaluer les détecteurs de clones, i.e. les benchmarksde clones. Nous avons empiriquement évalué un benchmark de clones et avons montré queles résultats dérivés de ce dernier n’étaient pas fiables. Nous avons également identifié des recommandationspour fiabiliser la construction de benchmarks de clones. Deuxièmement, la spécialisationdes détecteurs de clones dans des tâches de maintenance logicielle.Nous avons développé uneapproche spécialisée dans un langage et une tâche (la réingénierie) qui permet aux développeursd’identifier et de supprimer la duplication de code de leurs logiciels. Nous avons mené des étudesde cas avec des experts du domaine pour évaluer notre approche. / The existence of several copies of a same code fragment—called code clones in the literature—in a software can complicate its maintenance and evolution. Code duplication can lead to consistencyproblems, especially during bug fixes propagation. Code clone detection is therefore a majorconcern to maintain and improve software quality, which is an essential property for a software’ssuccess.The general objective of this thesis is to contribute to the use of code clone detection in softwaremaintenance tasks. We chose to focus our contributions on two research topics. Firstly, themethodology to compare and assess code clone detectors, i.e. clone benchmarks. We perform anempirical assessment of a clone benchmark and we found that results derived from this latter arenot reliable. We also identified recommendations to construct more reliable clone benchmarks.Secondly, the adaptation of code clone detectors in software maintenance tasks. We developed aspecialized approach in one language and one task—refactoring—allowing developers to identifyand remove code duplication in their softwares. We conducted case studies with domain experts toevaluate our approach.

Le zoom ou l'image d'une image / The Zoom or the Image of an Image

Donard, Mélanie 26 November 2012 (has links)
Utiliser un zoom pour donner l’apparence du travelling est une illusion d’ordre perceptif, c’est pourquoi je voudrai penser le zoom comme le passage d’une image à l’agrandissement (ou rétrécissement) de cette même image. Il est fondamentalement une image d’image qui s’évaluera à l’aune de nouveaux concepts que sont le centrement, la mobilité du surcadre virtuel, la durée descriptive et l’aplanissement. Dans une problématique de la duplication, le rapport entre l’image et son référent sera à questionner : l’image du zoom sera semblante ou ressemblante car elle tire sa qualité de l’écart qui se creuse entre l’image et son image initiale. Elle engendre un centre imaginaire comme fiction ou au contraire une empreinte du réel. C’est en ce sens que le zoom crée des images, des images qui nous regardent et en retour nous donnent conscience de notre propre regard. Souvenons nous de Brunelleschi et de son expérience par effet de miroir qui fit que l’homme se voyait regardé par son propre regard au "fond" d’un tableau en perspective, dans l’ouverture de cette porte qui aspire le regard et renvoie le peintre dans un face à face avec son double, son image. Le zoom, à l’instar de la perspective est aussi une métaphore du regard : il produit l’image d’un objet façonnant l’image du regard. L’image du zoom, ce signe à déchiffrer, s’est substituée au réel en le redoublant et, dans le même temps, a été menée à disparaître derrière la transparence d’une image de la réalité. Nous sommes confrontés à l’idée que la réalité serait susceptible d’attester de l’image et que finalement l’image pourrait être créatrice de réel. / The zoom lens, originally invented for advanced optical instruments, soon came into use in the field of still photography before being adapted to the motion picture camera. It is a development that brought an end to the stability and the transparency of the image in favor of movement and visibility within that same image. To make use of a zoom to give the impression of a tracking shot is to propagate a form of perceptual illusionism, which is why I choose to consider the zoom as the passage from an image to the enlargement (or shrinking) of that very image. The zoom is fundamentally an image of an image that is to be understood in light of new concepts such as central framing, descriptive long takes, the flattening of the image, and the virtual frame within a frame. While evoking the notion of duplication, the connection between the image and its referent is to be questioned: an image made by a zoom lens is one of resemblance, as it is characterized by the gap that is formed between the image and its origin. It engenders an imaginary center as a form of fiction, or on the contrary, is marked by reality. It is in this sense that the zoom creates images that stare back at the spectator, rendering him conscious of his own gaze. One could evoke Brunelleschi’s experiment, which used a mirror so that one is observed by his own gaze in the "distance" of a painting in perspective, thus drawing in the gaze of the painter, confronting him with his double, his image. The zoom, like the notion of perspective, is also a metaphor for vision: it produces the image of an object that is shaped by the image of the gaze. The image of the zoom, a sign to be decrypted, substitutes reality by doubling it, yet is also vowed to disappear behind an image of reality. We are confronted with the idea that reality can be called on to vouch for the image, and that the image has the capacity to create reality.

Evolution des génomes polyploïdes et innovations fonctionnelles : contexte phylogénétique et origine du DMSP chez les spartines / Polyploid genomes evolution and functionnal innovations : phylogenetic context and DMSP origin in Spartina species

Rousseau, Hélène 15 November 2017 (has links)
Le Dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) est une molécule à fort impact écologique couramment produite par le phytoplancton marin, mais très rarement chez les plantes à fleurs: seulement chez quelques genres (dont Spartina chez les Poacées). Bien que les étapes enzymatiques impliquées dans la voie de biosynthèse du DMSP soient connues chez les spartines, son origine ainsi que les gènes impliqués restent encore à découvrir chez les plantes. Cette étude s’est fixée pour objectif de contribuer à élucider les mécanismes à l’origine de cette fonction chez les spartines. Cette question a été appréhendée à travers différentes approches : biochimique, métabolomique, transcriptomique, génomique comparative et phylogénétique. Les résultats ont montré que la capacité à synthétiser le DMSP a une origine unique au sein du genre Spartina et se serait mise en place il y a 3-10 millions d’années. Cette capacité est intervenue chez l’ancêtre d’un des deux principaux clades (hexaploïde) de spartines, puis a été héritée chez toutes les espèces dérivant de ce clade (hexaploïdes à dodécaploïdes). Les espèces de l’autre clade (tétraploïde) et leurs descendants (quel que soit leur niveau de ploïdie) n’accumulent pas de DMSP. En utilisant les génomes séquencés des espèces de Poacées ainsi que les ressources génomiques et transcriptomiques disponibles chez les spartines, les gènes candidats intervenant dans les 4 étapes de la voie de biosynthèse proposée dans la littérature ont été explorés. L’identification des gènes intervenant dans les deux étapes intermédiaires, supposées spécifiques de la capacité de synthèse du DMSP représente un véritable défi dans la mesure où seules des activités enzymatiques putatives ont été proposées à ce jour (sans connaissance des enzymes spécifiques ni de leur séquence protéique). Nous avons pu identifier une série de gènes candidats pour chacune des deux fonctions concernées (décarboxylase et amine oxydase), comparer leur niveau de transcription entre les espèces DMSP+ et DMSP-, et prédire leur localisation cellulaire. De plus, des analyses d’activités enzymatiques ont permis de formuler de nouvelles hypothèses et pistes de recherches sur l’émergence de cette nouvelle voie de biosynthèse chez les spartines. / Dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) is an ecologically important molecule produced by most marine phytoplankton species, but very rarely by flowering plants: only in a few genera (including Spartina in Poaceae). Despite the different enzymatic steps involved in DMSP biosynthesis are well known, the origin of the function and the genes encoding the different enzymes are yet to be discovered. To explore the evolutionary mechanisms involved in the DMSP accumulation in Spartina, we used various approaches, including biochemical analyses, metabolomics, transcriptomics, comparative genomics and phylogenetics. Notably, we demonstrate that the ability to synthesize DMSP evolved once in the Spartina genus, sometimes 3-10 million years ago. This functional innovation occurred following the emergence of the hexaploid clade, and was inherited by all Spartina species deriving from this hexaploid ancestor. Spartina species belonging to the tetraploid clade and their deriving species do not accumulate DMSP (whatever their ploidy level). Using Poaceae sequenced genomes as well as Spartina genomic and transcriptomic resources obtained in our laboratory, candidate genes involved in the four different enzymatic steps of the DMSP biosynthesis pathway were searched. Identifying genes involved in the intermediate (2nd and 3rd) steps that are specific to this pathway was particularly challenging as only putative enzymatic activities have been proposed so far (corresponding protein sequences and genes are unknown). A set of candidate genes potentially involved in these two steps (with decarboxylase and amine oxydase activities) were identified and their transcription levels were compared among DMSP producing (DMSP+) and non-producing (DMSP-) Spartina species. Their putative cellular localization was also predicted. Moreover, enzymatic activity assays open new hypotheses and research perspectives regarding this enigmatic biosynthesis pathway in Spartina.

Domain Duplication, Darwinian Selection, and the Origin of the Globulin Seed Storage Proteins

Cannon, Nathaniel S. 12 August 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The seed storage globulins found among virtually all spermatophytes comprise a multi-gene family of proteins with ancient evolutionary origins. The two main groups of storage globulins include the legumins (11S) and vicilins (7S), both of which play a main role in protein deposition and storage in the seed endosperm. Composed of two cupin domains (bicupin), these proteins have been recently noted not only for their close structural relationships among the two subfamilies (7S and 11S) but also for their similarity to other proteins such as germin-like proteins (GLP's), bacterial oxalate decarboxylases, and other cupin containing proteins. Previous studies have investigated the evolutionary relationships among the legumin and vicilin groups, as well as their presumed evolutionary link to other cupin containing proteins; however these have each come short of any comprehensive resolved evolutionary history of the globulin family. This study focuses first on resolving the relationships among the cupin super-family in relation to the storage globulins, as well as the GLP's, which have been postulated to be the single domain ancestors of the bicupin storage globulins. Nucleotide coding sequences for both N-terminus and C-terminus cupin domains of the storage globulins, including conserved non-cupin domain helical repeats and inter-domain spacers were aligned to a comparably sized set of single cupin coding sequences (CDS). The phylogenetic relationships among the two globulin domains as well as the single cupin genes were elucidated using Bayesian inference of tree likelihoods. Further phylogenetic analysis was performed on the complete CDS's for all storage globulin sequences in the study, using an appropriate out-group of similar overall domain architecture determined by the overall topology of the cupin super-family. This globulin muti-gene tree was used, along with an alignment corresponding to structurally resolved portions of the mature globulin peptides, to perform an analysis of patterns of selection among the various lineages of cupin-containing globulins. The results of these analyses provide evidence for a common origin of all cupin containing genes. The GLP and storage globulin domains do not appear to be immediate ancestors of one another, but are grouped with the fungal spherulins as well, suggesting that the single cupin genes which gave rise to these groups had already diverged prior to the rise of land plants. The storage globulin gene tree provides evidence supporting the notion that true legumins and vicilins were recruited as seed storage proteins independent of one another, after their divergence. This is evidenced by the fact that they comprise two separate groups each with basal non-storage 11S/7S-like proteins. Additional insight into the differentiating selection pressures provides a clearer picture of how similar suites of physicochemical properties came under selection after the recruitment of the 11S and 7S families as seed specific proteins. Regions under strong destabilizing selection correspond to regions known to be of importance in the overall structure of storage globulins. Strong destabilizing selection at the pore of the globulin subunit suggests that this region may have undergone more functional diversification than previously thought to have occurred among the legumins and vicilins.

Duplicated Laboratory Tests : A Hospital Audit And Evaluation Of A Computerized Alert Intervention

Bridges, Sharon 01 January 2011 (has links)
Laboratory testing is necessary when it contributes to the overall clinical management of the patient. Redundant testing, however, is often unnecessary and expensive and contributes to overall reductions in healthcare system efficiency. The purpose of this study is two-fold. First, to evaluate the frequency of ordering duplicate laboratory tests in hospitalized patients and the costs associated with this practice. Second, it was designed to determine if the use of a computerized alert or prompt will reduce the total number of unnecessarily duplicated Acute Hepatitis Profile (AHP) laboratory tests. This two-phase study took place in an inpatient facility that was part of a large tertiary care hospital system in Florida. A retrospective descriptive design was used during Phase 1 was to evaluate six laboratory tests and the frequency of ordering duplicate laboratory tests in hospitalized patients and to determine the associated costs of this practice for a 12-month time period in 2010. A test was considered a duplicate or an unnecessarily repeated test if it followed a previous test of the same type during the patient’s length of stay in the hospital and one in which any change in their values likely would not be clinically significant. A quasi-experimental pre- and post-test design was used during phase 2 was to determine the proportion of duplication of the AHP test before and after the implementation of a computerized alert intervention implemented as part of a system quality improvement process on January 5th, 2011. Data were compared for two 3-month time periods, pre- and post-alert implementation. The AHP test was considered redundant if it followed a previous test of the same type within 15 days of the initial test being final and present in the medical record. In phase 1, including each of the six tests examined, there were a total amount of 53, 351 test ordered, with 10, 375 (19.4%) of these cancelled. Out of the total amount of result final tests iv (n = 42,976), including each of the six tests examined, 4.6-8.7% were redundant. Results of the proportion of duplication of the six selected tests are as follows: AHP 196/2514 (7.8%), Antinuclear Antibody (ANA) 120/2594 (4.6%), B12/Folate level 396/5874 (6.7%), Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) 1893/21595 (8.7%), Ferritin 384/5171 (7.4%), and Iron/Total iron binding capacity (TIBC) 316/5155 (6.1%). The overall associated yearly cost of redundant testing of these six selected tests was an estimated $419, 218. The largest proportion of redundant tests was the Thyroid Stimulating Hormone level, costing a yearly estimated $300, 987. In Phase 2, prior to introduction of the alert, 674 AHP tests were performed. Of these, 53 (7.9%) were redundant. During the intervention period, 692 AHP tests were performed, of these 18 (2.6%) were redundant. The implementation of the computerized alert was shown to significantly reduce the proportion of AHP tests (Chi-Square: χ2 = df 1, p ≤ 0.001). The differences in the associated costs of duplicated AHP were $5238 dollars in 2010 as compared to $1746 in 2011 post-alert and these differences were significant (Mann Whitney U, Z = -4.04, p ≤ 0.001). Although the proportions of unnecessarily repeated diagnostic tests that were observed during Phase 1 of this study were small, the associated costs could adversely affect hospital revenue and overall healthcare efficiency. The implementation of the AHP computerized alert demonstrated a drop in the proportion of redundant AHP tests and subsequent associated cost savings. It is necessary to perform further research to evaluate computerized alerts on other tests with evidence-based test-specific time intervals, and to determine if such reductions postimplementation of AHP alerts are sustained over time.


Johnson, Matthew Eric January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

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