Spelling suggestions: "subject:"decisionsupport system"" "subject:"decisionsupporting system""
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Decision Support System- Research on the application of DSS in China's Banks / Decision Support System- Research on the application of DSS in China's BanksZHAO, YING, GAO, JINZI January 2011 (has links)
Information system is widely used in financial area all around the world today, and businessintelligence systems has draw more and more attention from both academia and businesscircles. Based on this situation, we carried out our research. The main purpose of our researchis to find out how Decision Support System (DSS) is used in China's banks. As there are morethan five hundred banks in China, we choose the four biggest commercial banks(which hascover more than 85% of financial activities in China's banking area) as examples to study. Wesent Emails and made telephone calls to different roles in these four banks, from chiefinformation officer, managers of business to normal staff. Before carried out interviews, wedid literature study to set a scientific background for our interviews. After the collection andanalysis of data from both interview and literature study, the result is presented in threechapters. The theoretical study part introduces the theory background of DSS and how it isused in banks, the framework of the DSS and the basic model of the DSS, also newtechniques in DSS. The Empirical results part introduces the results got from interviews. InAnalysis part the results from the former chapters will be combined and analyzed, in this partwe presents the application situation of DSS in China's banks, the affection of DSS on banksemployees and improvement and drawback DSS brings to China's banks. Also newtechnology of decision support system and its application. And the last part we would drawconclusions for this thesis and summarize results from the interviews and theories andevaluate the whole research process. And the introduction of our research and the methodsused to achieve the research goal will be introduced in the first two chapters.
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Sistema de suporte a decisão para o lançamento de efluentes. / Decision support system for wastewater discharge and water abstraction rights.Joaquin Ignacio Bonnecarrere Garcia 15 April 2011 (has links)
Esta tese desenvolveu um Sistema de Suporte a Decisão para auxiliar na concessão de outorga de lançamento de efluentes, através do qual é possível avaliar estratégias de outorga visando facilitar o processo de análise e a efetivação do instrumento. O SSD utiliza em seu processo de análise algoritmos evolucionários para a otimização do processo de alocação de demanda e de carga efluente, visando a maximização dos usos e a minimização dos custos das medidas de tratamento de efluentes, respeitando os limites estabelecidos pela classe de enquadramento dos corpos dágua. Os algoritmos evolutivos analisados foram os Algoritmos Genéticos, Particle Swarm Optimization e o Differential Evolution. Entre as estratégias de outorga consideradas estão o atendimento da legislação ambiental para o lançamento de efluentes, a isonomia entre os usuários, o atendimento aos padrões de qualidade estabelecidos pelo enquadramento dos corpos hídricos e as restrições impostas pelo órgão gestor aos usuários ou as finalidades de uso. Para avaliar o desempenho do SSD foi realizado um estudo de caso na Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Atibaia, no Estado de São Paulo. O Rio Atibaia foi escolhido por apresentar problemas de disponibilidade hídrica e conflitos pelo uso da água, o que permite avaliar os resultados do SSD para as diferentes estratégias em um caso real. Os resultados obtidos pelos três algoritmos para as estratégias analisadas foram satisfatórios atendendo as restrições e penalidades impostas à função objetivo. Observou-se que a estratégia de outorga que não considerou a Legislação Ambiental para lançamento de efluentes e a questão da isonomia entre os usuários apresentou o menor custo global das medidas de tratamento de efluentes. Este resultado se deve ao fato desta estratégia ser menos restritiva que as demais analisadas, e pelo melhor aproveitamento da vazão disponível no trecho para diluir os efluentes. As estratégias propostas neste estudo tiveram como principal objetivo avaliar o comportamento do SSD na obtenção das análises, assim como analisar a flexibilidade dos algoritmos na introdução de restrições e penalidades. Para a escolha das estratégias de outorga, destaca-se o importante papel do Comitê de Bacia e do órgão gestor para definir as prioridades, tendo em vista que os critérios de outorga, a legislação ambiental e a isonomia, podem acarretar em investimentos mais elevados para a implementação das medidas de tratamento. O Sistema de Suporte a Decisão proposto nesta tese representa um avanço no processo de gestão de recursos hídricos, uma vez que envolve importantes critérios e estratégias na análise da outorga de direito de uso da água, sem dissociar os aspectos de quantidade e qualidade da água e aspectos econômicos para sua efetivação. / This study presents a Decision Support System (DSS) to assist in the issuing of wastewater discharge and water abstraction rights, including the evaluation of alternative pollution control strategies used to facilitate the analysis and implementation of the instrument. The DSS substantiates its analysis with the use of evolutionary algorithms for the optimization of water demand and wastewater discharge allocation. It intends to maximize the uses and minimize the costs of wastewater treatment measures, according to the limits imposed by the water quality standards. The evolutionary algorithms investigated in this study include Genetic Algorithms, Particle Swarm Optimization and Differential Evolution. Among the strategies considered for the issuing of water rights were the compliance with environmental legislation for wastewater discharge, the equality between water users, the water quality standards et by the water bodies classification, and the restrictions imposed by the responsible controlling agency. The SSD was evaluated on a case study area, at Atibaia River, located in the State of Sao Paulo. The Atibaia River was chosen because of the existence of innumerous conflicts of over water use and availability. It allows the assessment of the SSD performance, to different strategies, in a real case scenario. The SSDs results, using all three introduced algorithms, were satisfactory to the strategies analyzed, as they complied with the restrictions and penalties imposed to the objective function. Strategy one, with no restrictions or penalties, had the lowest overall cost of wastewater treatment measures, in comparison to strategy two, equity between water users, and three, compliance with Environmental Laws. This result is due to the fact that strategy one is less restrictive than the two others, and because of the best use of the available flow, in each respective reach, to dilute the wastewater discharge. The main objective of the proposed strategies is to evaluate the performance of the SSD in getting the results, as well as to analyze the flexibility of the algorithms when new restrictions and penalties are introduced in the decision making process. Water users, other stakeholders and the responsible controlling agency have an important role in the selection of suitable strategies and priorities of uses. Higher investments to implement water treatment measures may become necessary according to the strategy chosen. In addition, when a strategy is not well defined, it may cause unnecessary investments. The DSS proposed in this study represents an advance in water resources management. It involves important criteria and strategies used in the analysis of wastewater discharge and water abstraction rights, without disassociating water quality and quantity aspects as well as economic factors for its implementation.
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Implantação de um sistema de apoio ao planejamento e gerenciamento de recursos hídricos na bacia do rio do Peixe, com ênfase ao modelo de transformação chuva-vazão / not availableCristiano das Neves Almeida 27 July 2001 (has links)
O problema de escassez da água para o abastecimento humano vem se agravando a cada ano que passa. As demandas vem crescendo e precisam ser supridas da melhor maneira possível sob pena de limitar o processo de desenvolvimento regional. Para tanto, deve-se recorrer ao planejamento e gerenciamento dos recursos hídricos como forma de se promover ao seu uso racional. Descreve-se neste trabalho a implantação de um sistema de apoio ao planejamento e gerenciamento de recursos hídricos, dando uma maior ênfase ao modelo hidrológico distribuído utilizado para gerar as vazões na bacia hidrográfica. Avalia-se sua calibração e validação realizada com dados fluviométricos e de níveis de açudes. Apresentam-se os resultados de estudo de potencialidade da bacia hidrográfica, e por último as disponibilidades dos principais açudes. Todas estas etapas formam realizadas tendo sempre a visão especializada e integrada da bacia hidrográfica do rio do Peixe. / The problem of scarcity of water for human supply has increased each year. The needs have increased and must be fullfilled as satisfactory as possible. If not the development process ofthe region could be limited. In this way, we must use the planning and management of water resources to promote a rational use. This dissertation describes the implantation of a support system to the planning and management of water resources, focusing the hydrologic distributed model used to generate the inflows in the basin. The calibration and validation processes with sets of data formed by gauge stream go stations and reservoir levels are analyzed. The results of a study of the potentiality of the basin, and finally the availability of the mains reservoirs are presented. All this steps were made with a specialized and integrated view of the Peixe river basin.
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Um sistema de suporte à decisão na internet para o planejamento da mobilidade urbana / A web-based decision support system for urban mobility planningRenata Cardoso Magagnin 25 February 2008 (has links)
Alguns dos problemas enfrentados pelas cidades que ainda sofrem com um crescimento rápido são, não raro, conseqüência da falta de políticas públicas que possam orientar o crescimento espacial de forma sustentável e com qualidade de vida. Há uma clara necessidade de instrumentos efetivos de controle e monitoramento da mobilidade urbana, bem como de políticas mais sustentáveis destinadas a orientar o crescimento e ordenamento espacial. Neste contexto, a elaboração de um sistema de suporte à decisão através de uma interface on-line pode proporcionar novas perspectivas para um planejamento da mobilidade mais participativo e sustentável. Assim, um dos objetivos desta pesquisa foi desenvolver uma ferramenta computacional destinada a promover um processo integrado e sustentável para elaboração e monitoramento de planos diretores de mobilidade urbana. A proposta focou no processo de tomada de decisão participativo envolvendo múltiplos segmentos da sociedade, sobretudo em cidades pequenas e médias. Outro objetivo foi verificar se, através da utilização do sistema proposto, os avaliadores (especialistas ou não-especialistas), modificariam significativamente seu nível de percepção com relação à mobilidade urbana. Para atingir a estes objetivos, a pesquisa foi dividida em duas fases. Inicialmente foi desenvolvido o sistema de suporte à decisão para internet, denominado PLANUTS - PLANejamento Urbano e de Transportes integrado e Sustentável. Este sistema é composto por quatro módulos de avaliação da mobilidade urbana e um módulo administrativo. O funcionamento da ferramenta proposta foi demonstrado, na prática, através de sua aplicação junto a um grupo de especialistas e não-especialistas em Bauru, cidade média localizada no estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Com a aplicação foi possível simular etapas do desenvolvimento de um plano diretor de transporte e mobilidade participativo, com a definição de indicadores de mobilidade. A aplicação também foi útil para demonstrar a contribuição do sistema na mudança de percepção dos usuários com relação a questões que envolvem aspectos da mobilidade. Os resultados obtidos conduziram às seguintes conclusões: i) o sistema PLANUTS pode contribuir para a participação de diferentes segmentos da sociedade no processo de avaliação da mobilidade urbana; ii) a utilização do sistema possibilita uma ampliação no conhecimento e definição dos temas que envolvem a mobilidade urbana; e iii) é possível definir um conjunto de indicadores representativos dos problemas mais importantes de mobilidade com vistas a um sistema de indicadores de mobilidade no município. / Some of the problems faced by fast growing cities are often a consequence of the lack of public policies able to drive the spatial growth towards sustainable development and a better quality of life. There is a clear need of more effective tools for urban mobility monitoring and control, as well as sustainable policies for guiding urban growth and spatial distribution. In such a context, the construction of a web-based decision support system can produce new perspectives for mobility planning in a more participative and sustainable way. Therefore, one of the objectives of this research was to develop a computational tool for promoting an integrated and sustainable process of construction and management of mobility master plans. The focus of the proposal was on a participative decision-making process involving multiple segments of the society, mainly of small and medium-sized cities. Another objective of the research was to test if the use of the proposed system could significantly change the perception level of the participants (experts or non-experts) regarding urban mobility. In order to reach the stated objectives, the research was conducted in two phases. The first step was the development of the internet-based decision support system named PLANUTS (which stands for PLANnig Urban and Transportation integrated and Sustainable systems). It comprises four modules for the evaluation of urban mobility and one administrative module. The use of the proposed tool was shown, in practice, through an application with a group of experts and another one of non-experts in Bauru, which is a medium-sized city located in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The application made possible to simulate some steps of the development of a participative mobility master plan, with the definition of mobility indicators. It was also useful for showing the contribution of the system in changing the users\' perception regarding mobility issues. The results obtained led to the following conclusions: i) PLANUTS can be used to allow the participation of distinct segments of the society in the evaluation of urban mobility; ii) the use of the system brings an improvement in the definition of the Themes and to the overall knowledge of urban mobility; and iii) it is possible to define a set of indicators associated to the most important mobility problems in order to build a system of urban mobility indicators to the municipality.
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Proposta de modelo e implementação de um sistema de apoio à decisão em pequenas indústrias. / Sem título em inglêsCosta, Reinaldo Pacheco da 25 August 1998 (has links)
O trabalho apresenta o sistema de apoio à decisão - SAD, projetado especificamente para pequenas indústrias. A pesquisa concentrou-se em parte no estudo das disciplinas envolvidas no tema análise econômico-financeira de empresas, de forma a recuperar as teorias e conceitos mais pertinentes, para, numa segunda etapa, aplicá-las ao projeto e implementação de um sistema de apoio às decisões de pequenas indústrias. O sistema de apoio à decisão - SAD foi concebido em parceria com 107 empresas de São Paulo, com o objetivo de realizar, de forma acurada e rápida, várias análises de apoio à tomada de decisões, entre as quais destacam-se as seguintes: análise das relações custo - volume - lucro (CVL); análise por taxa-alvo de retorno; cálculo de preços (orçamentos); análise econômica de seleção de produtos e de terceirizações de produtos, subconjuntos e operações. Além de específicas análises de administração financeira, outras relativas ao planejamento da produção são também colocadas à disposição pelo SAD, como é o caso do planejamento de materiais e de subconjuntos - MRP-I, do planejamento de capacidade para operações e máquinas - CRP, e do diagrama De-Para para apoiar arranjo físico, entre outras. O sistema tem oferecido apoio a uma série de tomadas de decisões em pequenas indústrias do Estado de São Paulo, com efetiva melhoria dos seus resultados econômico-financeiros. / This study presents a decision support system - simplified in portuguese as SAD, specifically designed to small manufacturing companies. The research concentrated partly on the study of the disciplines involved in economic-financial analysis of companies, in way to recover the theories and more pertinent concepts, for, in a second stage, to apply them to the project of a decision support system of industries of small load. The SAD was conceived and validated in partnership with 107 small manufacturing companies of São Paulo. It uses Managerial Accounting and Microeconomic models as long as Industrial Engineering methods. The research priorizes practical relevant managerial issues. The SAD was designed to realize accurately and rapidly several analysis to support decision making. The following analysis were highlighted: profit-cost-volume, target rate of return, pricing, products\' selection mix and make-or-buy decisions. Besides specifically financial management analysis, others relative to production planning were made available by the SAD, as materials requirements planning (MRP), capacity requirements planning (CRP), and the \"Chart of weighted values\" that supports lay out. The decision support system - SAD offered decision support to several small manufacturing companies, with effective improvement in their economical, financial and operational results.
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Sistema de suporte a decisão para o lançamento de efluentes. / Decision support system for wastewater discharge and water abstraction rights.Bonnecarrere Garcia, Joaquin Ignacio 15 April 2011 (has links)
Esta tese desenvolveu um Sistema de Suporte a Decisão para auxiliar na concessão de outorga de lançamento de efluentes, através do qual é possível avaliar estratégias de outorga visando facilitar o processo de análise e a efetivação do instrumento. O SSD utiliza em seu processo de análise algoritmos evolucionários para a otimização do processo de alocação de demanda e de carga efluente, visando a maximização dos usos e a minimização dos custos das medidas de tratamento de efluentes, respeitando os limites estabelecidos pela classe de enquadramento dos corpos dágua. Os algoritmos evolutivos analisados foram os Algoritmos Genéticos, Particle Swarm Optimization e o Differential Evolution. Entre as estratégias de outorga consideradas estão o atendimento da legislação ambiental para o lançamento de efluentes, a isonomia entre os usuários, o atendimento aos padrões de qualidade estabelecidos pelo enquadramento dos corpos hídricos e as restrições impostas pelo órgão gestor aos usuários ou as finalidades de uso. Para avaliar o desempenho do SSD foi realizado um estudo de caso na Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Atibaia, no Estado de São Paulo. O Rio Atibaia foi escolhido por apresentar problemas de disponibilidade hídrica e conflitos pelo uso da água, o que permite avaliar os resultados do SSD para as diferentes estratégias em um caso real. Os resultados obtidos pelos três algoritmos para as estratégias analisadas foram satisfatórios atendendo as restrições e penalidades impostas à função objetivo. Observou-se que a estratégia de outorga que não considerou a Legislação Ambiental para lançamento de efluentes e a questão da isonomia entre os usuários apresentou o menor custo global das medidas de tratamento de efluentes. Este resultado se deve ao fato desta estratégia ser menos restritiva que as demais analisadas, e pelo melhor aproveitamento da vazão disponível no trecho para diluir os efluentes. As estratégias propostas neste estudo tiveram como principal objetivo avaliar o comportamento do SSD na obtenção das análises, assim como analisar a flexibilidade dos algoritmos na introdução de restrições e penalidades. Para a escolha das estratégias de outorga, destaca-se o importante papel do Comitê de Bacia e do órgão gestor para definir as prioridades, tendo em vista que os critérios de outorga, a legislação ambiental e a isonomia, podem acarretar em investimentos mais elevados para a implementação das medidas de tratamento. O Sistema de Suporte a Decisão proposto nesta tese representa um avanço no processo de gestão de recursos hídricos, uma vez que envolve importantes critérios e estratégias na análise da outorga de direito de uso da água, sem dissociar os aspectos de quantidade e qualidade da água e aspectos econômicos para sua efetivação. / This study presents a Decision Support System (DSS) to assist in the issuing of wastewater discharge and water abstraction rights, including the evaluation of alternative pollution control strategies used to facilitate the analysis and implementation of the instrument. The DSS substantiates its analysis with the use of evolutionary algorithms for the optimization of water demand and wastewater discharge allocation. It intends to maximize the uses and minimize the costs of wastewater treatment measures, according to the limits imposed by the water quality standards. The evolutionary algorithms investigated in this study include Genetic Algorithms, Particle Swarm Optimization and Differential Evolution. Among the strategies considered for the issuing of water rights were the compliance with environmental legislation for wastewater discharge, the equality between water users, the water quality standards et by the water bodies classification, and the restrictions imposed by the responsible controlling agency. The SSD was evaluated on a case study area, at Atibaia River, located in the State of Sao Paulo. The Atibaia River was chosen because of the existence of innumerous conflicts of over water use and availability. It allows the assessment of the SSD performance, to different strategies, in a real case scenario. The SSDs results, using all three introduced algorithms, were satisfactory to the strategies analyzed, as they complied with the restrictions and penalties imposed to the objective function. Strategy one, with no restrictions or penalties, had the lowest overall cost of wastewater treatment measures, in comparison to strategy two, equity between water users, and three, compliance with Environmental Laws. This result is due to the fact that strategy one is less restrictive than the two others, and because of the best use of the available flow, in each respective reach, to dilute the wastewater discharge. The main objective of the proposed strategies is to evaluate the performance of the SSD in getting the results, as well as to analyze the flexibility of the algorithms when new restrictions and penalties are introduced in the decision making process. Water users, other stakeholders and the responsible controlling agency have an important role in the selection of suitable strategies and priorities of uses. Higher investments to implement water treatment measures may become necessary according to the strategy chosen. In addition, when a strategy is not well defined, it may cause unnecessary investments. The DSS proposed in this study represents an advance in water resources management. It involves important criteria and strategies used in the analysis of wastewater discharge and water abstraction rights, without disassociating water quality and quantity aspects as well as economic factors for its implementation.
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An Analysis of the Effectiveness of a Multi-Disciplinary Decision Support System on System-Level Decision MakingSeletos, Troy Mario 01 March 2016 (has links)
Decisions Support Systems (DSSs) are used to enhance decision maker speed and effectiveness. However, without a view of an entire system, any decision may have unanticipated effects such as sub-optimal outcomes. The purpose of this research is to show that with a system-level analysis, more informed decisions can be made that take into account a larger system or greater number of dimensions or objectives. This research also explores the benefits of using a DSS over analysis of unprocessed data and the effectiveness of integrating a product design generator (PDG) with a business DSS, creating a system DSS, where system-level effects can be analyzed. These are connected using software which allows them to be interactive, and dynamically updating. After this DSS was developed a variation was also made and decision makers evaluated these tools to identify how they performed in comparison to each other. In one variation, aspects of the tool were split up, guiding the decision maker through the analysis while the other did not. Using survey questions and recording decision makers' actions, it was found that decision makers are significantly faster and came to better conclusions when using the DSS over unprocessed data. However, it was also seen that the difference between the two variants of the System DSS tests was insignificant. This suggests that the limits in potential interactions in the one variant of a system DSS did not substantially reduce the ability of a decision maker to explore and make good design decisions. Overall this research showed that having a system-level tool is better than the unprocessed data, and that more extreme differences in a DSS are required for improved comparisons to establish which visualizations and elements are most effective in a System DSS. Future effort should be made to completely isolate different portions of the System DSS and see how well users are able to make decisions with it compared to the full system analysis.
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[pt] Face à complexidade da matriz energética brasileira e em particular de
todo o sistema elétrico de potência interligado, torna-se imprescindível garantir
que os equipamentos instalados, desde a geração até os consumidores finais,
operem em condições satisfatórias e em elevados níveis de confiabilidade. De
acordo com a reestruturação do setor e sua inserção em um mercado competitivo,
além da elevada confiabilidade exigida, o novo conceito de disponibilidade dos
equipamentos e sistemas impõe mais qualidade e planejamento no mercado de
energia elétrica. Neste contexto, as empresas de energia elétrica preocupam-se
cada vez mais em manter seus equipamentos em boas condições de operação para
que tais metas sejam alcançadas. Entre os equipamentos elétricos de potência, os
transformadores sem dúvida correspondem ao ativo de maior importância por
serem os mais caros e complexos em termos funcionais. A Análise de Gases
Dissolvidos no óleo mineral isolante (AGD) é uma ferramenta de diagnóstico de
grande aceitação e potencial na detecção de faltas em equipamentos elétricos com
isolação papel-óleo, sobretudo nos transformadores de potência. Com o objetivo
de fornecer maiores subsídios aos gestores de manutenção na tomada de decisões
quanto à intervenções em transformadores, o trabalho desenvolvido propõe um
Sistema de Apoio à Decisão composto por um módulo de Inteligência
Computacional (IC) que utiliza regras fuzzy para efetuar o diagnóstico do
equipamento em conjunto com outro módulo de apoio à decisão que considera as
características do transformador e outros parâmetros de influência, fornecendo,
além do diagnóstico, recomendações para a tomada de decisão pelos gestores de
manutenção. / [en] Given the complexity of the Brazilian energy matrix and in particular of
the whole interconnected electrical power system, it is essential to ensure that the
equipment, from generation to final consumers, operates in a satisfactory way and
high levels of reliability. In accordance with the restructuring of the sector and its
integration in a competitive market, in addition to the high reliability required, the
new concept of availability of equipment and systems requires more planning and
quality in the market of electrical energy. In this context, electrical power
companies are increasingly concerned about maintaining their equipment in good
operating conditions so that the above targets are attained. Within electrical
equipments, power transformers are undoubtedly the most important asset, since
they are the most expensive and complex in functional terms. Dissolved Gases
Analysis in insulating mineral oil (DGA), is a widely accepted tool for detecting
faults in electrical equipments with paper-oil insulation, particularly in power
transformers. With the aim of providing more subsidies to maintenance managers
when making decisions on interventions in power transformers, this work
proposes a Decision Support System composed of a module of Computational
Intelligence (CI) which uses fuzzy rules to diagnose the equipment, together with
another decision-support module, which considers the power transformer features
and other parameters in order to help managers in the decision making process.
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GIS model for the Land Use and Development Master Plan in RwandaTims, Willem January 2009 (has links)
<p>This thesis was aimed at the development of a Geographical Information System (GIS) based model to support the Rwanda Land Use and Development Master Plan. Developing sustainable land management is the main task of this master plan. Stakeholder’s involvement was of key importance. Their demands should be analysed and visualised to support discussions and the decision-making process. Spatial Multicriteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) is a proven method for land-use planning purposes. However, most land-use planning applications focus on a specific theme, such as urban development. In addition, land-use planning is often limited to a relatively small area. This thesis focused at the development of a countrywide GIS model, containing all land-uses accommodated in three main land-use categories: urban, agriculture and conservation. The GIS model was largely based on the Land-Use Conflict Identification Strategy (LUCIS) model. Many of the goals, objectives, and subobjectives that described the earlier mentioned land-use categories were adopted from the original model. However, a significant number of them were dropped, and new were created to suit the Rwandan situation. Stakeholder’s involvement was realized by assigning weights to the goals and preference maps. The Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) was used as weighting method. ESRI’s ArcGIS ModelBuilder was used to give the model shape in the GIS. Firstly, suitability maps were created of all elements in the model. The suitability maps were then transformed into preference maps by weighting them. In the next step the preference maps were collapsed in three classes: low, medium and high preference. Finally, the preference maps of the three land-use categories were combined, in order to visualize conflict areas. Ortho photos proved to be useful when acting as reference for the suitability and preference maps. Despite a large number of missing datasets, the GIS model was executed to simplify the understanding. However, many of the obtained results were unreliable because of the incompleteness of datasets, and can therefore not be used for decision-making. Unfortunately, due to the stage of the project it was not possible to obtain weights from the stakeholders, and should therefore be done when the time is right. Right Choice DSS, a very user-friendly decision support application, was proposed to use for calculating weights. To conclude, the developed GIS model integrated countrywide land-use suitability mapping and stakeholders’ wishes that can be used for discussions and decision making.</p>
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CBPsp: complex business processes for stream processingKamaleswaran, Rishikesan 01 April 2011 (has links)
This thesis presents the framework of a complex business process driven event
stream processing system to produce meaningful output with direct implications to the
business objectives of an organization. This framework is demonstrated using a case
study instantiating the management of a newborn infant with hypoglycaemia. Business
processes defined within guidelines, are defined at build-time while critical knowledge
found in the definition of business processes are used to support their enactment for
stream analysis. Four major research contributions are delivered. The first contribution
enables the definition and enactment of complex business processes in real-time. The
second contribution supports the extraction of business process using knowledge found
within the initial expression of the business process. The third contribution allows for the
explicit use of temporal abstraction and stream analysis knowledge to support
enactment in real-time. Finally, the last contribution is the real-time integration of
heterogeneous streams based on Service-Oriented Architecture principles. / UOIT
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