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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Matematické modely poptávky / Mathematical Models of Demand

Trzaskaliková, Eva January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the analyses of demand using standard tools of engineering mathematics. Mathematical models of demand, both single and multi- factor are investigated. Elasticity of demand is applied for decision making in price policy. Problems of optimization of demand reflecting utility and budget constraints are under consideration. Constructions of demand curve and compensated demand curve are presented. The text is accompanied by illustrative examples aiming at methodical aspects of the work

Energisimulering av effektiviseringsåtgärder vid punkthusen i Östra Sätra : Validering av byggnadsmodell samt analys av förändrade lastkurvor

Morales, Leonel, Sandfors, Mats January 2016 (has links)
Det globala energibehovet ökar ständigt och i takt med detta ökar även faran för global uppvärmning bortom en hanterbar nivå och därför stramas kraven åt gällande minskade utsläpp av växthusgaser. EU har som följd av detta enats om en uppsättning klimatmål som benämns 20/20/20-målen som syftar till att minska växthusgasutsläppen med 20 procent, jämfört med 1990 års nivåer, sänka energianvändningen med 20 procent, höja andelen förnybar energi samt höja andelen biobränsle i transportsektorn med 10 procent.  Sektorn bostäder och service står enligt energimyndigheten för nära 40 procent av Sveriges totala energianvändning och blir därför ett område som är mycket intressant när det gäller att implementera energieffektiviseringsåtgärder.  Det kommunala företaget AB Gavlegårdarna ska under perioden 2016-2018 renovera ett tiotal punkthus i stadsdelen Östra Sätra i Gävle. Husen är typiska miljonprogramshus och beroende på val av effektiviseringsåtgärder kommer behovet av köpt värme samt el att förändras, dvs deras lastprofiler på det energisystemet. Dessa förändringar kommer i föreliggande arbete att simuleras och studeras i simuleringsprogrammet IDA ICE (IDA Indoor Climate and Energy) version 4.6.2, där resultaten jämförs och valideras med befintlig statistik.  Husen som berörs av upprustningen är av typen punkthus som definieras som friliggande hus med trapphus i mitten med lägenheter runt om.  Punkthusen var vanliga på 1940 talet och byggdes då oftast med 4-5 våningar. Även om huskropparna står fritt är de oftast placerade i grupp för att skapa en områdeskänsla. De aktuella byggnaderna är i stort lika varandra där avsaknad av källarplan hos vissa av husen är den tydligaste skillnaden, i övrigt består konstruktionen av markplan plus 4 våningsplan och ett vindsutrymme. Hus med källarplan rymmer totalt 29 lägenheter medan de övriga rymmer 27. Energisystemmodellen validerades samt modifierades att passa de renoverade husen. Resultatet har sedan använts för att beräkna områdets lastprofil gällande fjärrvärme vilket kan ses i nedanstående figur. Diagrammet visar lastkurvan både före och efter de energieffektiviserande åtgärderna implementerats.  Med hjälp utav de erhållna effektkurvorna kan områdets totala energianvändning jämföras före och efter implementering av energieffektiviseringsåtgärder. Resultatet visar att värmebehovet sjunker med 1,39 GWh. Appliceras detta på kraftvärmeproduktionen resulterar minskningen i 0,55 GWh lägre elproduktion som måste importeras till systemet. Importeras elen från kolkondens kan detta ge upphov till ökade koldioxidutsläpp med 512 ton koldioxidekvivalenter per år jämfört med 2,13 ton CO2 ekvivalenter om elen tas från svensk elmix.

A curva da demanda e seu papel na institucionalização do marketing

Morici, Riccardo Vanni 09 December 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T14:16:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Riccardo Vanni Morici.pdf: 935106 bytes, checksum: df71b6fb476933b37f1fe62bd1f1d45e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-12-09 / The objective of this dissertation is to understand the role that the Economic Sciences, and, specially the Demand Curve popularized by the British economist Alfred Marshall, had in the process of institutionalization of the Marketing area. Marshall was one of the responsible for the institutionalization of the Economic Sciences, by the end of the XIXth century. We intend to evaluate whether the Demand Curve, one of the elements worked by Marshall in his most important book Principles of Economics vol.I (1890) was indeed present in the pioneering documents in Marketing, participating, even indirectly, in its institutionalization, too. Marketing as academic discipline appeared in the United States, in the first years of the XXth century. It was part of a strong process of professionalization in business since the so-called Second Industrial Revolution, in the second half of the XIXth century, and the emergence of the consumption society. From an eminently empirical origin, without the use of methodologies, and sometimes called distribution, the area sought, in the following years, the use of scientific principles, as a way of legitimacy, besides an improvement in its efficiency. To fulfill the objective of reaching legitimacy, a probable way would have been to incorporate principles and laws of Economics, social science that in one of its applied forms gave rise to studies in Business Administration, from which Marketing is a specialization. When we evaluate the current textbooks of Marketing, it is constant the presence of the Demand Law and its graphical mathematical derivation, the Demand Curve. Therefore, we will focus on the Demand Curve and its links with Marshall and the beginning of Marketing / O Objetivo dessa dissertação é compreender o papel que as Ciências Econômicas, e, especialmente a Curva da Demanda popularizada pelo economista britânico Alfred Marshall, tiveram no processo de institucionalização da área de Marketing. Marshall foi um dos responsáveis pela institucionalização das Ciências Econômicas no final do século XIX. Pretendemos avaliar se a Curva da Demanda, um dos elementos trabalhados por Marshall em seu livro principal Principles of Economics vol. I (1890) esteve, de fato, presente nos documentos pioneiros em Marketing, participando, ainda que indiretamente, também de sua institucionalização. O Marketing, como disciplina acadêmica, surgiu nos Estados Unidos, nos primeiros anos do século XX. Foi parte de um forte processo de profissionalização nos negócios a partir da chamada Segunda Revolução Industrial, na segunda metade do século XIX, e do surgimento da sociedade de consumo. De origem eminentemente empírica, sem o uso de metodologias e, por vezes, denominada de distribuição, a área buscou nas décadas seguintes o uso de princípios científicos como uma forma de legitimação, além de uma melhoria na sua eficiência. Para cumprir o objetivo de atingir a legitimação, um caminho provável teria sido o de incorporar princípios e leis da Economia, ciência social que em uma de suas formas aplicadas deu origem aos estudos em Administração de Empresas, da qual o Marketing é uma das especializações. Quando avaliamos os atuais livros-texto de Marketing, é constante a presença da Lei da Demanda e de sua derivação matemática gráfica, a Curva da Demanda. Dessa forma, nossa pesquisa focará a Curva da Demanda e suas ligações com Marshall e o início do Marketing

Load Demand Forecasting : A case study for Greece

Tsivras, Sotirios-Ilias January 2019 (has links)
It is more than a fact that electrical energy is a main production factor of every economic activity. Since electrical power is not easy to store, it needs to be consumed as it is generated in order to keep a constant balance between supply and demand. As a result, for developing an efficient energy market it is significant to create a method for accurately forecasting the electricity consumption. This thesis describes a method for analyzing data provided by the ENTSO-E transparency platform. The ENTSO-E (European Network of Transmission System Operators) is a network of electricity operators from 36 countries across Europe. Its main objective is to provide transparency concerning data of electricity generation and consumption in Europe in order to promote the development of efficient and competitive electricity markets. By using the method described in this thesis, one may use historical data provided by ENTSO-E to forecast the electricity consumption of an EU country for the years to come. As an example, data of electricity consumption in Greece during the years 2015-2018 have been used in order to calculate the average load demand of a weekday during the year 2030. On the other hand, in order to correctly predict the electricity demand of a specific region over the next decade, one should take into account some crucial parameters that may influence not only the evolution of the load demand, but also the fuel mix that will be used in order to cover our future electricity needs. Advances in power generation technologies, evolution of fuel prices, expansion of electricity grid and economic growth are a subset of parameters that should be taken into account for an accurate forecast of the electricity consumption in the long run. Particularly for Greece, a set of parameters that may affect the electricity consumption are being computationally analyzed in order to evaluate their contribution to the load demand curve by the year 2030. These include the interconnection of Greek islands to the mainland, the development of Hellinikon Project and the increase of the share of electric vehicles. The author of this thesis has developed code in Python programming language that can be found in the Appendix. These scripts and functions that implement most of the calculations described in the following chapters can also be used for forecasting the load demand of other EU countries that are included in the ENTSO-E catalogue. The datasets used as input to these algorithms may also be used from the readers to identify more patterns for predicting the load demand for a specific region and time. A sustainable energy system is based on consumers with environmental awareness. As a result, citizens living inside the European Union should become a member of a community that promotes energy saving measures, investments in renewable energy sources and smart metering applications.

Capacity Market in US

Zoe Gonzalez, Astrid, Gustavsson, Tuve January 2022 (has links)
As the transition from the use of fossil fuels torenewable sources takes place, consumption of electricity willgreatly increase. The shift in energy sources will have a deepimpact on how financial decisions in the grid will be made. Toensure that the necessary investments are made to meet the newneeds, many network administrators have used different typesof markets for capacity. This project reviews how the networkadministrator PJM in the US uses capacity markets to secure thesupply of electricity and stability in the grid. A literature studywas conducted together with a market simulation and the resultsfrom the simulation shows that the use of a separate capacitymarket is a successful concept for securing future electricitysupply and stability in the grid. / I takt med att övergången från användningen av fossila bränslen till förnybara källor sker, kommer elförbrukningen att öka kraftigt. Skiftet av energikällorkommer att ha en stor påverkan på hur finansiella beslut inom elnätet kommer att tas. För att se till att nödvändiga investeringar görs för att klara de nya behoven har många nätverksadministratörer använt sig av olika slags marknader för kapacitet. I detta projekt undersöks hur nätverksadministratören PJM i USA använder sig av kapacitetsmarknader för att säkra elproduktionen och stabiliteten i nätet. En litteraturstudie genomfördes tillsammans med en marknadssimulering och resultatet från undersökningen visar på att användningen av en separat kapacitetsmarknad är ett framgångsrikt koncept för att säkra framtida elförsörjning och stabilitet i nätet. / Kandidatexjobb i elektroteknik 2022, KTH, Stockholm

Energiaktiviteter i kunskapshus : En detaljerad kartläggning / Energy activities in educational buildings

Vaghult, Sara, Adolfsson, Anna January 2019 (has links)
Denna studie innefattar en så kallad aktivitetsbaserad energikartläggning som på en detaljerad nivå kartlägger relationen mellan aktiviteter i en skola med användningen av el. Metoden som används baseras på en traditionell metod för energikartläggning men elanvändning kartläggs minut för minut över en hel skolvecka vilket är ovanligt vid energikartläggningar. Data har samlats in för Berzeliusskolan i Linköping under vecka nio och analyserats i förhållande till andra veckor, skolor och nationella mål. Berzeliusskolan är en grund- och gymnasieskola med 1600 elever. Resultatet från studien kan användas för att bättre förutse energianvändning i nya skollokaler och för att prioritera bland möjliga energibesparande åtgärder. Resultatet från kartläggningen visar att de energiaktiviteter som orsakar störst energibehov är fastighetsdrift (33 %), skollunch (25 %) samt rekreation (15 %). Rekreation är definierat som aktiviteter utan direkt koppling till undervisning eller skollunch och innefattar bland annat uppehållsrum, korridorer och personalkök. Alltså är undervisning inte det som påverkar energianvändningen i en skola i första hand.   De viktigaste lärdomarna för genomförande av liknande energikartläggningar är att fokus inte bör ligga på elever och pedagoger utan på byggnaden och skolköket i stort. Eftersom energikartläggningen enbart täcker en skolvecka bör liknande studier genomföras för kunskapshus under skollov för att komplettera denna studie. / This master thesis includes an activity based energy audit in a combined elementary and upper secondary school in Linköping. The audit was conducted at a detailed level to show the connection between activities in schools and energy performance. The focus has largely been on electricity use and the overall method is based on traditional energy audit. The method however is distinct from traditional methods by the fact that electricity is shown minute by minute over a full school week. The results from the study can be used to better foresee energy use in new or remodeled schools. Also, the results is a valuable basis for prioritizing among energy conservation measures connected to similar schools and buildings. The main results from the energy audit shows that building services (33 %), school lunch (25 %) and recreational activities (15 %) are the most important energy activities. It is also found that education itself only contributes to a limited extent. The most important factors in conducting such an activity based energy audit is that focus shouldn’t been on students and faculty but instead on the indoor climate systems and school kitchen. To continue this research, similar audits should be conducted in more schools and during school breaks.

Demand-side management in office buildings in Kuwait through an ice-storage assisted HVAC system with model predictive control

Al-Hadban, Yehya January 2005 (has links)
Examining methods for controlling the electricity demand in Kuwait was the main objective and motivation of this researchp roject. The extensiveu se of air-conditioning for indoor cooling in office and large commercial buildings in Kuwait and the Gulf States represents a major part of the power and electricity consumption in such countries. The rising electricity generation cost and growing rates of consumption continuously demand the construction new power plants. Devising and enforcing Demand-SideM anagemen(t DSM) in the form of energye fficient operations trategies was the response of this research project to provide a means to rectify this situation using the demand-side management technique known as demand levelling or load shifting. State of the art demand-sidem anagementte chniquesh ave been examined through the developmenot f a model basedp redictive control optimisations trategyf or an integrateda ndm odulara pproachto the provisiono f ice thermals torage. To evaluate the potential of ice-storage assisted air-conditioning systems in flattening the demand curve at peak times during the summer months in Kuwait, a model of a Heating, Ventilation, and Air-conditioning (HVAC) plant was developed in Matlab. The model engaged the use of model based predictive control (MPQ as an optimisation tool for the plant as a whole. The model with MPC was developed to chose and decide on which control strategy to operate the integrated ice-storage HVAC plant. The model succeeded in optimising the operation of the plant and introduced encouraging improvement of the performance of the system as a whole. The concept of the modular ice-storage system was introduced through a control zoning strategy based on zonal orientation. It is believed that such strategy could lead to the modularisation of ice-storage systems. Additionally, the model was examined and tested in relation to load flattening and demonstrated promising enhancement in the shape of the load curve and demonstrated flattened demand curves through the employed strategy. When compared with measured data from existing buildings, the model showed potential for the techniques utilised to improve the load factor for office buildings.

Demand-side management in office buildings in Kuwait through an ice-storage assisted HVAC system with model predictive control

Al-Hadban, Yehya January 2005 (has links)
Examining methods for controlling the electricity demand in Kuwait was the main objective and motivation of this researchp roject. The extensiveu se of air-conditioning for indoor cooling in office and large commercial buildings in Kuwait and the Gulf States represents a major part of the power and electricity consumption in such countries. The rising electricity generation cost and growing rates of consumption continuously demand the construction new power plants. Devising and enforcing Demand-SideM anagemen(t DSM) in the form of energye fficient operations trategies was the response of this research project to provide a means to rectify this situation using the demand-side management technique known as demand levelling or load shifting. State of the art demand-sidem anagementte chniquesh ave been examined through the developmenot f a model basedp redictive control optimisations trategyf or an integrateda ndm odulara pproachto the provisiono f ice thermals torage. To evaluate the potential of ice-storage assisted air-conditioning systems in flattening the demand curve at peak times during the summer months in Kuwait, a model of a Heating, Ventilation, and Air-conditioning (HVAC) plant was developed in Matlab. The model engaged the use of model based predictive control (MPQ) as an optimisation tool for the plant as a whole. The model with MPC was developed to chose and decide on which control strategy to operate the integrated ice-storage HVAC plant. The model succeeded in optimising the operation of the plant and introduced encouraging improvement of the performance of the system as a whole. The concept of the modular ice-storage system was introduced through a control zoning strategy based on zonal orientation. It is believed that such strategy could lead to the modularisation of ice-storage systems. Additionally, the model was examined and tested in relation to load flattening and demonstrated promising enhancement in the shape of the load curve and demonstrated flattened demand curves through the employed strategy. When compared with measured data from existing buildings, the model showed potential for the techniques utilised to improve the load factor for office buildings.

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