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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optimerad förfällning med hydrolys och fermentation av primärslam för utvinning av kolkälla till efterdenitrifikation. / Precipitation with hydrolysis of primary sludge for carbon source production to denitrification

Bjarne, Katrin January 2013 (has links)
Att rena vatten är kostsamt, från både en ekonomisk och miljömässig synpunkt, då behovet av fällningskemikalier, kolkällor och energi är stort. Det är därför önskvärt att titta på alternativa lösningar som möjliggör reningsverk att bli mer självförsörjande och kretsloppsanpassande. Hammarby Sjöstadverket är en pilotanläggning för avloppsvattenrening belägen i Stockholms sydöstra stadsdel i Henriksdal och ägs av IVL, Svenska Miljöinstitutet samt KTH. Sedan pilotanläggning byggdes år 2002, har flera olika reningstekniker utvärderats där fokus ligger på att sträva efter miljövänliga och kretsloppsanpassade system. Bland annat har en förfällningsteknik, så kallad trepunktsfällning utvärderats. Trepunktsfällningen innebär att ett metallsalt följt av två olika polymer tillsätts i flockningskammaren i inbördes ordning för att på så sätt kunna reducera en högre halt av det organiska materialet. Tidigare fällningsförsök på Hammarby Sjöstadsverket, har visat på att trepunktsfällningen kan avskilja det organiska materialet med upp till 90 %, vilket kan jämföras med en avskiljning på endast 75 % med vanlig förfällning. Detta examensarbete syftar till att validera redan framtagna resultat inom trepunktsfällning samt att genom biologisk hydrolys av primärslam, utvinna en kolkälla till efterdenitrifikationen innehållande så höga halter flyktiga fettsyror, Volatile Fatty Acids, (VFA) som möjligt samt undersöka kostnaderna för ett avloppsreningsverk med trepunktsfällning, biogasutvinning och uttag av intern kolkälla från primärslammet vid en uppskalning motsvarande 100 000 personekvivalenter. Fällningsförsöken utfördes i pilotskala med fällningskemikalien PAX XL-36 kombinerat med en lågmolekylär organisk polymer, Purfix-120, följt av en högmolekylär oorganisk polymer Superflock C-494. Syftet med trepunktsfällningen var att validera redan framtagna resultat inom trepunktsfällning och på så sätt avskilja så stora mänger organiskt material som möjligt i förfällningen så att ett primärslam innehållande en hög halt Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) erhålls. Två olika doseringar med PAX XL-36 testades, 145 respektive 193,5 g/m3. Bäst reduktion av COD och fosfor erhölls då 193 g/m3 PAX XL-36 kombinerades med 60 g/m3 Purfix-120 samt 0,025 g/m3 Superflock C-494. Då erhölls en COD-reduktion på 75 % samt en totalfosforreduktion på 83 %. Genom hydrolys av primärslam i laboratorieskala undersöktes torrsubstanshalter (TS-halter) på 1, 2 respektive 3 % och uppehållstider på upptill åtta dagar. Syftet med hydrolysen var i detta fall att undersöka vilken torrsubstanshalt samt vilken uppehållstid som gav högst produktion av VFA. Försöken visade att en TS-halt på 3 % producerade högst andel VFA och att produktionen av VFA för samtliga TS-halter var som störst under dygn två. VFA- och COD-produktionen ökade linjärt för samtliga TS-halter fram till och med dygn fem. Efter dygn fem började produktionen av VFA och COD för TS-halterna 1 och 2 % avta något. TS 3 % visade dock inte samma avtagande trend för VFA.  Även den dagliga ammoniumhalten och pH undersöktes. Ammoniumhalten ökade i takt med att VFA-halten ökade. pH hade generellt sett en avtagande trend. Fyra olika denitrifikationsförsök genomfördes i laboratorieskala med det uttagna hydrolysatet där den tillsatta COD-halten antingen var 3,3 eller 4 gånger den initiala nitratkvävekoncentrationen. Syftet med denitrifikationsförsöken var att utvärdera det framtagna hydrolysatets funktion som en kolkälla. Denitrifikationsförsöken uppvisade denitrifikationshastigheter mellan 4,3 och 7 mg NO3-N/g volatile suspended solids*h med kol-kvävekvoter (C/N-kvoter) mellan 3,9 och 12,3 mg COD/mg NO3-N. Lägst C/N-kvot erhöll lägst denitrifikationshastighet. Dock kunde inte slutsatsen dras att högst C/N-kvot gav högst denitrifikatioshastighet. Även de ekonomiska aspekterna undersöktes i syfte att utreda kostnaderna för ett avloppsreningsverk med trepunktsfällning, biogasutvinning och uttag av intern kolkälla från primärslammet vid en uppskalning motsvarande 100 000 personekvivalenter. Uttaget av en intern kolkälla skulle trots förlust i biogasutvinning vara ekonomiskt gynnsamt. Vinsten, i form av att ej behöva inhandla en extern kolkälla, i detta fall etanol, motsvarar biogasförlustens belopp. Trepunktsfällningens fällningskemikaliekostnader var den största posten och uppgick till 8 060 000 kr. Denna kostnad kontra mindre energiförbrukning i biosteget undersöktes också. Här uppgick besparingarna i biosteget till ca 1/8 av fällningskemikaliekostnaderna. Då trepunktsfällningen endast kunde ge en 75-procentig COD-reduktion, vilket motsvarar en vanlig förfällning, anses trepunktsfällningen vara ekonomisk ogynnsam då den medför extra kostnader av polymerer.  Istället borde trepunktsfällningen ersättas med en förfällning. Sammanfattningsvis kan det konstateras att en intern kolkälla i form av hydrolyserat primärslam skulle kunna ersätta en extern kolkälla rent funktionsmässigt. Dock måste åtgärder göras för att minimera produktionen av ammonium under slamhydrolysen. Ur ett ekonomiskt perspektiv skulle utvinningen av en intern kolkälla endast vara ekonomisk gynnsam då trepunktsfällningen ersätts med förfällning. / Water treatment is costly, from both an economic and environmental point of view, since the need for precipitation chemicals, carbon sources and energy is high. It is therefore desirable to look for alternative solutions that enable plants to be more self-sustaining. Hammarby Sjöstadsverket is a pilot plant for wastewater treatment located in Henriksdal, a southeastern neighborhood of Stockholm. The plant is owned by IVL, Svenska Miljöinstitutet and Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (KTH). Since the pilot plant was built in 2002, several different cleaning techniques have been evaluated with focus on striving for eco-friendly and eco-adapted systems. For instance, a pre-precipitation technique, so-called three step precipitation have been evaluated. The three step precipitation implicates that a metal salt followed by two different polymers are added in the flocculation chamber in the particular order to thereby enable to reduce a higher content of the organic material. In previous precipitation tests at Hammarby Sjöstadsverket, one managed to remove up to 90 % of the organic material using the three step precipitation (IVL, Hammarby Sjöstadsverket, 2011). This can be compared to a removal of only 75 % with ordinary pre-precipitation. This thesis aims to validate already obtained results within three step precipitation and with biological hydrolysis of primary sludge, extract a carbon source for post-denitrification containing as high concentrations of Volatile Fatty Acids (VFA) as possible and to investigate the cost of a wastewater treatment plant with three step precipitation, biogas generation and collection of internal carbon source from primary sludge at an upscaling corresponding to 100,000 person equivalents. Precipitation experiments were carried out in pilot scale with the precipitation chemicals, PAX-XL 36, combined with a low molecular weight organic polymer, Purfix-120, followed by a high molecular weight inorganic polymer, Super Flock C-494. The purpose of the three step precipitation was to validate the already produced results within three step precipitation and thus separate as large amounts of organic material as possible in the precipitation so that a primary sludge containing a high chemical oxygen demand (COD) can be obtained.Two different dosages of Purfix-120 were tested: 45 and 60 g/m3. The best reduction of COD and phosphorus were obtained when 193 g/m3 PAX XL-36 was combined with 60 g/m3 Purfix-120 and 0.025 g/m3 Super Flock C-494. Hereby a COD reduction of 75 % and a total phosphorus removal of 83 % were obtained. By hydrolysis of primary sludge in batch experiments Total Solid (TS) concentrations of 1, 2 and 3 % and residence times of up to eight days were examined. The purpose of the hydrolysis in this case was to investigate which TS concentration and residence time that gave the highest production of VFA. The experiments showed that a TS concentration of 3 % produced the highest amount of VFA and that the VFA production of the three different TS concentrations peaked at the second day. The VFA and COD production increased linearly for the three TS concentrations up until day five. After day five the COD and VFA production, for the TS concentrations of 1 and 2 %, started to decrease slightly. However TS 3 % did not show the same declining trend for VFA. Furthermore the daily ammonium and pH were investigated.  As the VFA and COD concentration increased the ammonium concentration increased as well. pH had overall a  decreasing trend. Four different denitrification tests were performed in batch experiments with the extracted hydrolyzate. The added COD content from the hydolyzate was either 3.3 or 4 times the initial nitrate concentration. The denitrification tests showed denitrification rates between 4.3 and 7 mg NO3-N / g volatile suspended solids * h with carbon-nitrogen ratios (C/N ratio) between 3.9 and 12.3 mg COD/mg NO3-N. The lowest C/N ratio received the lowest denitrification rate. However, it could not be concluded that the maximum C/N ratio had the highest denitrification rate. Futhermore the financial aspects were examined in order to investigate the cost of a wastewater treatment plant with three step precipitation, biogas generation and collection of internal carbon source from primary sludge at an upscaling corresponding to 100,000 person equivalents. The extraction of an internal carbon source would, despite loss of biogas production, be economically beneficial. Gain, in terms of not having to purchase an external carbon source, in this case ethanol, amounts to the amount of the biogas loss. The three step precipitation chemical costs were the largest item, amounting to 8,060,000 SEK. This cost versus less energy utilization in the biological step was also examined. In this case the savings in the biological step amounted to about 1/8 of precipitation chemical cost. Since the three step precipitation only managed to remove 75 % of the COD, a removal which corresponds to an ordinary pre-precipitation, the three step precipitation is considered to be economically unfavorable as it involves additional costs of polymers. Instead the three step precipitation should be replaced with a pre-precipitation. In summary it can be stated that an internal carbon source in the form of hydrolyzed primary sludge could replace an external carbon source in a functional way. However, steps must be taken to minimize the production of ammonium during sludge hydrolysis. From an economic perspective, the extraction of an internal carbon source would only be economical favorable if the three step precipitation is replaced with pre-precipitation.

Drainage and nitrogen dynamics in an agricultural field

Dockeray, Craig. January 1998 (has links)
A two year field study was carried out in western Quebec to investigate methods of predicting and reducing NO3--N leaching. Corn (Zea mays L.) was planted on the expel site and them were four treatments: water table controlled at 600 mm and 120 kg/ha of N fertilizer (WT120), water table controlled at 600 mm and 200 kg/ha of N fertilizer (WT200), free drainage and 120 kg/ha of N fertilizer (FD120), and free drainage and 200 kg/ha of N fertilizer (FD200). Drain flow was monitored and water samples were taken and analyzed for NO3- -N. Soil NO3- levels were measured along with led chlorophyll and denitrification throughout the two growing seasons. / Drain flow was dependent on both rainfall and the soil moisture content. In 1996, water table control decreased drain flow. However, in 1997 (a drier year), the drain flows for all treatments were similar. NO3 --N was reduced significantly in the controlled water table plots. In 1996, there was 59.2% less NO3--N in the controlled water table plots than in the free drainage plots and in 1997 this increased to 75.9% less NO3--N in the controlled water table compared to the fire drainage plots. In 1996, denitrification was enhanced by the controlled water table plots, with 72.2% more denitrification occurring in the controlled water table plots than in the free drainage plots. In 1997, there was a 93.2% increase in denitrification occurring in the water table plots than in the free drainage plots. / The controlled water table plots had no effect on plant chlorophyll levels. Chlorophyll contents of the corn plants were higher where fertilizer was applied at 200 kg/ha. Overall, it was shown that water table management can significantly decrease NO3--N pollution in drainage water. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)

An investigation into the technical feasibility of using vegetated submerged bed constructed wetlands for the treatment of landfill leachate.

Olufsen, Jonathan Simon. January 2003 (has links)
Landfill leachate treatment in South Africa is still in its early stages; research has been conducted but primarily at pilot scale level. Current legislation in South Africa does not prohibit the discharge of landfill leachate into the sewer line, despite the high risk of methane explosions and corrosion of the sewer pipes. Thus, to date, the off site channelling of landfill leachate into the sewer lines for further dilution in municipal wastewater treatment plants is the most common practice. Due to the development of stricter environmental regulations, the design of sustainable landfills is leading to the 'treatment at source' concept. Increasing public pressure is also forcing new landfills to be situated in remote areas where there is no avaliable sewer line to discharge into and 'treatment at source' will be required. Due to these developments, coupled with the lack of full scale leachate treatment experience in South Africa, Durban Solid Waste (The waste service unit of the Durban metropolitan), in an attempt to develop the knowledge and practical experience required for leachate treatment, undertook a research project to investigate the use of nitrification/denitrification pilot scale sequencing batch reactors (SBR) to treat leachate from the Bisasar Road and Mariannhill Landfills. The successful completion of the trials proved that the full removal of nitrogen compounds could be easily achieved, under South African climatic conditions, in a single sludge SBR system. The system was found to be simple to operate and required low maintenance. However, the final effluent required further treatment before it could meet the general discharge standards into natural watercourses. Being South Africa, a 'low gross income' country, it became necessary to consider an appropriate, cost effective and technically feasible 'polishing' treatment system. It was decided that a pilot scale treatment trial, using vegetated submerged bed constructed wetlands, be undertaken to assess the applicability and feasibility of such a passive system for the 'polishing' of the effluent from the pilot scale sequencing batch reactors. The wetland systems were found to be affected by many interrelating climatic factors. The trials concluded that the wetlands could not achieve the required discharge standards, in terms of concentration. However, it also showed that the effluent organics posed no oxygen demand or toxic threat to a receiving environment. The trials showed the ability of the wetlands to behave as mass removal systems, which could achieve the required mass removal efficiency in terms of mass output per day. / Thesis (M.Sc.Eng.)-University of Natal, Durban, 2003.

Upper water column nitrification processes and the implications of euphotic zone nitrification for estimates of new production

Grundle, Damian Shaun 21 December 2012 (has links)
I used a specific inhibitor approach to systematically measure NH4+ oxidation rates through the euphotic zone of three distinct oceanographic regimes. Study sites included Saanich Inlet, a highly productive British Columbia fjord, the Line P oceanographic transect in the NE subarctic pacific, and the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS) station in the oligotrophic, sub-tropical Sargasso Sea. Nitrate uptake rates were also measured at select stations on a number of research cruises. NH4+ oxidation rates were found to proceed throughout the euphotic zone in each of my study regions, and, overall, euphotic zone NH4+ oxidation rates ranged from undetectable to 203 nmol L-1 d-1. A general characterization of the rates observed in each of my study regions shows that euphotic zone NH4+ oxidation rates were typically highest in Saanich Inlet, intermediate along Line P, and lowest at BATS. The observation that NH4+ oxidation occurred throughout the euphotic zone in each of my study regions was in contrast to the traditional assumption of no euphotic zone nitrification, and it should now be considered a ubiquitous process in the euphotic regions of the ocean. Results found that euphotic zone nitrification could have potentially supported, on average, 15, 53 and 79% of the phytoplankton NO3- requirements in Saanich Inlet, and along Line P and at BATS, respectively, and this underscores the need for a major re-evaluation of the new production paradigm. Light, substrate concentrations, and potentially substrate supply rates were all found to play a role in regulating NH4+ oxidation, albeit to varying degrees, and I discuss the influence that each of these variables may have had on controlling NH4+ oxidation rates at regionally specific scales in Chapters 2 (Saanich Inlet), 3 (Line P) and 4 (BATS). Finally, a cross study-region comparison of results showed that the relative degree by which new production estimates were reduced, when euphotic zone nitrification was taken into consideration, decreased exponentially as total NO3- uptake rates increased; the relationship I describe between these two variables may potentially provide a simple and rapid means of estimating the extent to which new production may have been overestimated at regionally specific and global scales. My Line P sampling program also provided me with an opportunity to conduct the first investigation of intermediate depth N2O distributions along the Line P oceanographic transect. My results demonstrated that nitrification is the predominant production pathway for N2O in the NE subarctic Pacific. N2O distributions along Line P were variable, however, and I also consider the role of different transiting water masses and potential far-field denitrification in contributing to this variability. Finally, I estimated sea-to-air fluxes of N2O and based on these results I have demonstrated that the NE subarctic Pacific is a “hotspot” for N2O emissions to the atmosphere. / Graduate

Formation of denitrification intermediates and their impact on process performance

Mr Scott McMurray Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

Formation of denitrification intermediates and their impact on process performance

Mr Scott McMurray Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

Formation of denitrification intermediates and their impact on process performance

Mr Scott McMurray Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

Investigation of potato starch and sonicated return activated sludge as alternative carbon sources for biological nitrogen removal.

Kuncoro, Gideon Bani January 2008 (has links)
High nitrogen discharge from the municipal wastewater is a major concern for the South Australian Government, primarily due to negative impacts on the marine environment. Therefore, under the South Australian Environmental Improvement Program, (SA EIP), all metropolitan wastewater treatment plants have been reconfigured to achieve enhanced nitrogen removal. Secondary treatment (denitrification process) at the metropolitan wastewater treatment plants must be optimised to meet the discharge guideline of 10 mg/L total nitrogen. However, secondary treatment at some plants is carbon limited (low C/N ratio), and external carbon supplementation is required to meet this discharge guideline. Molasses provides the current external carbon source at two plants. It is relatively inexpensive, but other carbon sources, particularly industrial waste streams, may be more attractive, due to the potentially lower material cost, as it is practically free, and environmentally friendly. Potato starch and sonicated return activated sludge (RAS) were considered. In this study, the bioavailability of the soluble carbon in potato starch and ultrasound treated RAS were assessed. The associated objective was to investigate the potential of both carbon sources as an external carbon donor for the denitrification zone of wastewater treatment plants to economically improve biological nitrogen removal. The economic analysis was performed using mainly United States dollars and the fixed capital investments and total capital costs were converted to Australian dollars. This was due to the United States dollars currency quotes obtained for the materials and unit operations required. SCOD from the three sources was quantified and preliminary results were presented. Molasses provided the highest SCOD release of 1.1285 x 10⁶ mg-SCOD/L, sonicated RAS produced 5.6 to 68.4 times the SCOD release of the untreated RAS (35.6 mg-SCOD/L) depending on the ultrasound intensity and treatment time, while the highest soluble carbon release obtained using potato starch was 809 mg-SCOD/L (using 20.9 g/100 mL potato starch concentration). Based on the experimental SCOD results, batch denitrification tests using the proposed carbon sources were carried out. The nitrogen removal efficiency at low dose (12.48 mg-SCOD/L) using molasses, potato starch and sonicated RAS were 77.54%, 57.24%, and 72.76% respectively, whilst at high dose (124.80 mg-SCOD/L) were 94.04%, 66.32%, and 92.10% correspondingly. In similar order of the proposed carbon sources, the nitrate removal rates for the first phase denitrification with low dose were 1.44, 1.16, and 1.18 mg-NO₃ − /h respectively, whilst the nitrate removal rate of the first phase denitrification with high dose improved to 2.01, 1.26, and 1.96 mg-NO₃ −/h correspondingly. From the denitrification test results, molasses proved to be the optimal carbon source in terms of nitrate removal. However sonicated RAS possesses similar denitrification performance and may be a suitable alternative. An economic analysis for sonicated RAS Option 2 confirmed it as the most viable substitute. The time to recover the initial investment (payback period) is approximately 6.5 years and the breakeven point is approximately 8 years. Both denitrification tests and economic analyses demonstrate that sonicated RAS may be a viable and attractive substitute for the molasses. / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1337059 / Thesis (M.Eng.Sc.) - University of Adelaide, School of Chemical Engineering, 2008

Investigation of potato starch and sonicated return activated sludge as alternative carbon sources for biological nitrogen removal.

Kuncoro, Gideon Bani January 2008 (has links)
High nitrogen discharge from the municipal wastewater is a major concern for the South Australian Government, primarily due to negative impacts on the marine environment. Therefore, under the South Australian Environmental Improvement Program, (SA EIP), all metropolitan wastewater treatment plants have been reconfigured to achieve enhanced nitrogen removal. Secondary treatment (denitrification process) at the metropolitan wastewater treatment plants must be optimised to meet the discharge guideline of 10 mg/L total nitrogen. However, secondary treatment at some plants is carbon limited (low C/N ratio), and external carbon supplementation is required to meet this discharge guideline. Molasses provides the current external carbon source at two plants. It is relatively inexpensive, but other carbon sources, particularly industrial waste streams, may be more attractive, due to the potentially lower material cost, as it is practically free, and environmentally friendly. Potato starch and sonicated return activated sludge (RAS) were considered. In this study, the bioavailability of the soluble carbon in potato starch and ultrasound treated RAS were assessed. The associated objective was to investigate the potential of both carbon sources as an external carbon donor for the denitrification zone of wastewater treatment plants to economically improve biological nitrogen removal. The economic analysis was performed using mainly United States dollars and the fixed capital investments and total capital costs were converted to Australian dollars. This was due to the United States dollars currency quotes obtained for the materials and unit operations required. SCOD from the three sources was quantified and preliminary results were presented. Molasses provided the highest SCOD release of 1.1285 x 10⁶ mg-SCOD/L, sonicated RAS produced 5.6 to 68.4 times the SCOD release of the untreated RAS (35.6 mg-SCOD/L) depending on the ultrasound intensity and treatment time, while the highest soluble carbon release obtained using potato starch was 809 mg-SCOD/L (using 20.9 g/100 mL potato starch concentration). Based on the experimental SCOD results, batch denitrification tests using the proposed carbon sources were carried out. The nitrogen removal efficiency at low dose (12.48 mg-SCOD/L) using molasses, potato starch and sonicated RAS were 77.54%, 57.24%, and 72.76% respectively, whilst at high dose (124.80 mg-SCOD/L) were 94.04%, 66.32%, and 92.10% correspondingly. In similar order of the proposed carbon sources, the nitrate removal rates for the first phase denitrification with low dose were 1.44, 1.16, and 1.18 mg-NO₃ − /h respectively, whilst the nitrate removal rate of the first phase denitrification with high dose improved to 2.01, 1.26, and 1.96 mg-NO₃ −/h correspondingly. From the denitrification test results, molasses proved to be the optimal carbon source in terms of nitrate removal. However sonicated RAS possesses similar denitrification performance and may be a suitable alternative. An economic analysis for sonicated RAS Option 2 confirmed it as the most viable substitute. The time to recover the initial investment (payback period) is approximately 6.5 years and the breakeven point is approximately 8 years. Both denitrification tests and economic analyses demonstrate that sonicated RAS may be a viable and attractive substitute for the molasses. / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1337059 / Thesis (M.Eng.Sc.) - University of Adelaide, School of Chemical Engineering, 2008

Impactos da mudança do uso e cobertura do solo na emissão de óxido nitroso e abundância de bactérias desnitrificantes no solo / Impacts of land change use and plant residue on nitrous oxide emission and denitrifying bacteria abundance on soil

Nishisaka, Caroline Sayuri 03 May 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Caroline Nishisaka (csayurii@hotmail.com) on 2018-06-04T15:38:30Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação_Caroline_Sayuri_Nishisaka_UFSCar.pdf: 10342020 bytes, checksum: 83fe90894363834291d0f68de806c3ab (MD5) Carta comprovante da versao final de teses e dissertações.pdf: 204209 bytes, checksum: 74667e4b6b3923d66bce39462bb4538f (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Milena Rubi ( ri.bso@ufscar.br) on 2018-06-06T17:30:18Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação_Caroline_Sayuri_Nishisaka_UFSCar.pdf: 10342020 bytes, checksum: 83fe90894363834291d0f68de806c3ab (MD5) Carta comprovante da versao final de teses e dissertações.pdf: 204209 bytes, checksum: 74667e4b6b3923d66bce39462bb4538f (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Milena Rubi ( ri.bso@ufscar.br) on 2018-06-06T17:30:45Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação_Caroline_Sayuri_Nishisaka_UFSCar.pdf: 10342020 bytes, checksum: 83fe90894363834291d0f68de806c3ab (MD5) Carta comprovante da versao final de teses e dissertações.pdf: 204209 bytes, checksum: 74667e4b6b3923d66bce39462bb4538f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-06T17:31:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação_Caroline_Sayuri_Nishisaka_UFSCar.pdf: 10342020 bytes, checksum: 83fe90894363834291d0f68de806c3ab (MD5) Carta comprovante da versao final de teses e dissertações.pdf: 204209 bytes, checksum: 74667e4b6b3923d66bce39462bb4538f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-05-03 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / Agriculture is responsible for 80% of nitrous oxide emissions on earth's atmosphere, the most potential greenhouse gas among the three main gases (CO2, CH4 and N2O). Citriculture and silviculture play an important role on Brazilian economics due to the high demand of orange and wood products for exportation. Thus, in order to get a better understand about the role of those cultures on N2O emission, this research aims to evaluate N2O emissions from Citrus sinensis and Eucalyptus spp. crops, adjacent forests of each agriculture field were used as control. Citrus and eucalyptus sites are located in Sorocaba and Salto de Pirapora municipality, both in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. In each agriculture field and adjacent forest, eight static chambers were randomly installed, and gas sample were collected during dry and wet region season. Soil samples were collected in each field of study from five random sampling points, for further physicochemical, molecular analysis and microcosm incubation. Gas samples were collected from microcosm after moisture adjustment in 70% of field capacity. All gas samples were analyzed by gas chromatography technique. The number of copies of genes related to denitrifying process (nirK, nirS e nosZ) was determined by quantitative real time PCR. Seasonality had significant (P<0.05) influence on N2O emission in field, and N2O fluxes in incubated soil. It was observed positive correlation among dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration on soil, soil and plant residue total carbon and nitrogen content and N2O emissions. High nirK, nirS and nosZ gene abundance was found on soil collected during wet season, comparing to those collected on dry season, in both field and microcosm, which was correlated with DOC content and soil moisture. However, there were not significant differences on genes abundance comparisons between cultivated soils and adjacent forests. In conclusion, the seasonality has influence in both N2O emission and denitrifying bacteria abundance present in citrus- and eucalyptus-cultivated soils, mainly through the effects on soil and plant residue physicochemical characteristics, especially those related to COD and soil moisture. / A agricultura é responsável por 80 % do óxido nitroso (N2O) emitido para a atmosfera terrestre, o qual é considerado, dentre os principais gases causadores do efeito estufa, aquele com maior potencial de aquecimento global. A citricultura e a silvicultura são culturas agrícolas que apresentam importante papel na economia brasileira, devido a alta demanda de exportação de produtos derivados da laranja e da madeira. A fim de entender como essas culturas influenciam na emissão do N2O, esse trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar as emissões de N2O a partir de solos cultivados com Citrus sinensis e Eucalyptus spp. Solos florestais adjacentes às áreas agrícolas foram utilizados como controle. As áreas cultivadas com citros e eucalipto estão localizadas nos municípios de Sorocaba e Salto de Pirapora, respectivamente, ambos no estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Em cada área agrícola e florestal, oito câmaras estáticas foram aleatoriamente instaladas e amostras de gases foram coletadas durante o período seco e úmido. Amostras de solo foram coletadas em cada área de estudo a partir de cinco pontos amostrais, as quais foram submetidas a análises físico-químicas, moleculares e incubação em microcosmo. Amostras de gases também foram coletadas a partir dos ensaios de incubação do solo em microcosmos após ajuste da umidade em 70 % da capacidade de campo. Todas as amostras de gases foram analisadas pela técnica de cromatografia gasosa. O número de cópias de genes relacionados com o processo de desnitrificação (nirK, nirS e nosZ) foi determinado por PCR quantitativo em tempo real. A sazonalidade mostrou efeito significativo (P<0,05) nas emissões de N2O em campo, e nos fluxos de N2O determinados a partir do solo incubado. Foi mostrada correlação positiva entre a concentração de carbono orgânico dissolvido (COD) no solo, o teor de carbono e nitrogênio total em solos e resíduos vegetais e as emissões de N2O. Maior abundância dos genes nirK, nirS e nosZ foi encontrada nas amostras de solo coletadas no período úmido em comparação com aquelas coletadas no período seco, tanto em campo como em microcosmo, a qual foi correlacionada com a concentração de COD e a umidade do solo. Contudo, não houve diferença significativa na abundância de tais genes quando comparadas amostras de solos cultivados e florestais adjacentes. Tomados conjuntamente, os resultados permitiram concluir que a sazonalidade influencia tanto a emissão de N2O quanto a abundância de bactérias desnitrificantes presentes em solos cultivados com citros e eucalipto, mediante, principalmente, os efeitos nas características físicas e químicas do solo e dos resíduos vegetais, especialmente aqueles relacionados com o COD e umidade do solo. / FAPESP: 2016/15289-4 / FAPESP: 2017/17441-0

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