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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dynamic Modeling of an Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant

Rathore, Komal 11 June 2018 (has links)
Advanced wastewater treatment plants have complex biological kinetics, time variant influent rates and long processing times. The modeling and operation control of wastewater treatment plant gets complicated due to these characteristics. However, a robust operational system for a wastewater treatment plant is necessary to increase the efficiency of the plant, reduce energy cost and achieve environmental discharge limits. These discharge limits are set by the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) for municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants to limit the amount of nutrients being discharged into the aquatic systems. This document summarizes the research to develop a supervisory operational and control system for the Valrico Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant (AWWTP) in the Hillsborough County, Florida. The Valrico AWWTP uses biological treatment process and has four oxidation ditches with extended aeration where simultaneous nitrification and denitrification (SND) takes place. Each oxidation ditch has its own anaerobic basin where in the absence of oxygen, the growth of microorganisms is controlled and which in return also helps in biological phosphorus removal. The principle objective of this research was to develop a working model for the Valrico AWWTP using BioWin which mimics the current performance of the plant, predicts the future effluent behavior and allows the operators to take control actions based on the effluent results to maintain the discharge permit limits. Influent and experimental data from online and offline sources were used to tune the BioWin model for the Valrico Plant. The validation and optimization of the BioWin model with plant data was done by running a series of simulations and carrying out sensitivity analysis on the model which also allowed the development of operation policies and control strategies. The control strategies were developed for the key variables such as aeration requirements in the oxidation ditch, recycle rates and wastage flow rates. A controller that manipulates the wasting flow rate based on the amount of mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) was incorporated in the model. The objective of this controller was to retain about 4500-4600 mg/L of MLSS in the oxidation ditch as it is maintained by the Valrico Plant. The Valrico AWWTP recycles around 80% of their effluent and hence, the split ratios were adjusted accordingly in the model to recycle the desired amount. The effluent concentrations from the BioWin model for the parameters such as Total Nitrogen (TN), Ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrite, Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) complied with the discharge limits which is usually less than 2 mg/L for all the parameters.

Modelling of nitrogen transport and turnover during soil and groundwater passage in a small lowland catchment of Northern Germany

Wriedt, Gunter January 2004 (has links)
Stoffumsatzreaktionen und hydraulische Prozesse im Boden und Grundwasser können in Tieflandeinzugsgebieten zu einer Nitratretention führen. Die Untersuchung dieser Prozesse in Raum und Zeit kann mit Hilfe geeigneter Modelle erfolgen. Ziele dieser Arbeit sind: i) die Entwicklung eines geeigneten Modellansatzes durch Kombination von Teilmodellen zur Simulation des N-Transportes im Boden und Grundwasser von Tieflandeinzugsgebieten und ii) die Untersuchung von Wechselwirkungen zwischen Gebietseigenschaften und N-Transport unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der potentiellen N-Zufuhr in die Oberflächengewässer. <br /> <br /> Der Modellansatz basiert auf der Kombination verschiedener Teilmodelle: das Bodenwasser- und -stickstoffmodell mRISK-N, das Grundwassermodell MODFLOW und das Stofftransportmodell RT3D. Zur Untersuchung der Wechselwirkungen mit den Gebietseigenschaften muss die Verteilung und Verfügbarkeit von Reaktionspartnern berücksichtigt werden. Dazu wurde ein Reaktionsmodul entwickelt, welches chemische Prozesse im Grundwasser simuliert. Hierzu gehören die Mineralisation organischer Substanz durch Sauerstoff, Nitrat und Sulfat sowie die Pyritoxidation durch Sauerstoff und Nitrat. Der Modellansatz wurde in verschiedenen Einzelstudien angewandt, wobei jeweils bestimmte Teilmodelle im Vordergrund stehen. Alle Modellstudien basieren auf Daten aus dem Schaugrabeneinzugsgebiet (ca. 25 km&#178;), in der Nähe von Osterburg(Altmark) im Norden Sachsen-Anhalts. <br /> <br /> Die folgenden Einzelstudien wurden durchgeführt: i) Evaluation des Bodenmodells anhand von Lysimeterdaten, ii) Modellierung eines Tracerexperimentes im Feldmaßstab als eine erste Anwendung des Reaktionsmoduls, iii) Untersuchung hydraulisch-chemischer Wechselwirkungen an einem 2D-Grundwassertransekt, iv) Flächenverteilte Modellierung von Grundwasserneubildung und Bodenstickstoffaustrag im Untersuchungsgebiet als Eingangsdaten für nachfolgende Grundwassersimulationen, und v) Untersuchung der Ausbreitung von Nitrat im Grundwasser und des Durchbruchs in die Oberflächengewässer im Untersuchungsgebiet auf Basis einer 3D-Modellierung von Grundwasserströmung und reaktivem Stofftransport. <br /> <br /> Die Modellstudien zeigen, dass der Modellansatz geeignet ist, die Wechselwirkungen zwischen Stofftransport und &ndash;umsatz und den hydraulisch-chemischen Gebietseigenschaften zu modellieren. Die Ausbreitung von Nitrat im Sediment wird wesentlich von der Verfügbarkeit reaktiver Substanzen sowie der Verweilzeit im Grundwasserleiter bestimmt. Bei der Simulation des Untersuchungsgebietes wurde erst nach 70 Jahren eine der gegebenen Eintragssitutation entsprechende Nitratkonzentration im Grundwasserzustrom zum Grabensystem erreicht (konservativer Transport). Die Berücksichtigung von reaktivem Stofftransport führt zu einer deutlichen Reduktion der Nitratkonzentrationen. Die Modellergebnisse zeigen, dass der Grundwasserzustrom die beobachtete Nitratbelastung im Grabensystem nicht erklären kann, da der Großteil des Nitrates durch Denitrifikation verloren geht. Andere Quellen, wie direkte Einträge oder Dränagenzuflüsse müssen ebenfalls in Betracht gezogen werden. Die Prognosefähigkeit des Modells für das Untersuchungsgebiet wird durch die Datenunsicherheiten und die Schätzung der Modellparameter eingeschränkt. Dennoch ist der Modellansatz eine wertvolle Hilfe bei der Identifizierung von belastungsrelevanten Teilflächen (Stoffquellen und -senken) sowie bei der Modellierung der Auswirkungen von Managementmaßnahmen oder Landnutzungsveränderungen auf Grundlage von Szenario-Simulationen. Der Modellansatz unterstützt auch die Interpretation von Beobachtungsdaten, da so die lokalen Informationen in einen räumlichen und zeitlichen Zusammenhang gestellt werden können. / Chemical transformations and hydraulic processes in soil and groundwater often lead to an apparent retention of nitrate in lowland catchments. Models are needed to evaluate the interaction of these processes in space and time. The objectives of this study are <br /> <br /> i) to develop a specific modelling approach by combining selected modelling tools simulating N-transport and turnover in soils and groundwater of lowland catchments, ii) to study interactions between catchment properties and nitrogen transport. Special attention was paid to potential N-loads to surface waters. The modelling approach combines various submodels for water flow and solute transport in soil and groundwater: The soil-water- and nitrogen-model mRISK-N, the groundwater flow model MODFLOW and the solute transport model RT3D. In order to investigate interactions of N-transport and catchment characteristics, the distribution and availability of reaction partners have to be taken into account. Therefore, a special reaction-module is developed, which simulates various chemical processes in groundwater, such as the degradation of organic matter by oxygen, nitrate, sulphate or pyrite oxidation by oxygen and nitrate. The model approach is applied to different simulation, focussing on specific submodels. All simulation studies are based on field data from the Schaugraben catchment, a pleistocene catchment of approximately 25 km&#178;, close to Osterburg(Altmark) in the North of Saxony-Anhalt. The following modelling studies have been carried out: i) evaluation of the soil-water- and nitrogen-model based on lysimeter data, ii) modelling of a field scale tracer experiment on nitrate transport and turnover in the groundwater as a first application of the reaction module, iii) evaluation of interactions between hydraulic and chemical aquifer properties in a two-dimensional groundwater transect, iv) modelling of distributed groundwater recharge and soil nitrogen leaching in the study area, to be used as input data for subsequent groundwater simulations, v) study of groundwater nitrate distribution and nitrate breakthrough to the surface water system in the Schaugraben catchment area and a subcatchment, using three-dimensional modelling of reactive groundwater transport.<br /> <br /> The various model applications prove the model to be capable of simulating interactions between transport, turnover and hydraulic and chemical catchment properties. The distribution of nitrate in the sediment and the resulting loads to surface waters are strongly affected by the amount of reactive substances and by the residence time within the aquifer. <br /> <br /> In the Schaugraben catchment simulations, it is found that a period of 70 years is needed to raise the average seepage concentrations of nitrate to a level corresponding to the given input situation, if no reactions are considered. Under reactive transport conditions, nitrate concentrations are reduced effectively. Simulation results show that groundwater exfiltration does not contribute considerably to the nitrate pollution of surface waters, as most nitrate entering soils and groundwater is lost by denitrification. Additional sources, such as direct inputs or tile drains have to be taken into account to explain surface water loads. <br /> <br /> The prognostic value of the models for the study site is limited by uncertainties of input data and estimation of model parameters. Nevertheless, the modelling approach is a useful aid for the identification of source and sink areas of nitrate pollution as well as the investigation of system response to management measures or landuse changes with scenario simulations. The modelling approach assists in the interpretation of observed data, as it allows to integrate local observations into a spatial and temporal framework.

Denitrification with pyrite for bioremediation of nitrate contaminated groundwater

Torrentó Aguerri, Clara 29 October 2010 (has links)
In the last decades, nitrate pollution has become a major threat to groundwater quality. The consequences include health concerns and environmental impacts. Nitrate contamination is mainly derived from agricultural practices, such as the application of manure as fertilizer. The Osona area (NE Spain) is one of the areas vulnerable to nitrate pollution from agricultural sources. Nitrate is derived from intensive farming activities and the high nitrate content results in a loss of water availability for domestic uses. The most important natural nitrate attenuation process is denitrification. Denitrifying bacteria are generally heterotrophic and use carbon compounds as the electron donor. Nevertheless, a limited number of bacteria are able to carry out chemolithotrophic denitrification, and to utilize inorganic compounds. Several field studies have suggested by means of geochemical and/or isotopic data that denitrification in some aquifers is controlled by pyrite oxidation. However, the feasibility of pyrite-driven denitrification has been questioned several times in laboratory studies. This thesis is concerned with the role of pyrite in denitrification and its potential use as a bioremediation strategy. Earlier studies showed the occurrence of denitrification processes in a small area located in the northern part of the Osona region and suggested that sulfide oxidation had an important role in natural attenuation. Therefore, the first part of this thesis deals with the characterization of the denitrification processes occurring in the Osona aquifer and their spatial and temporal variations. Denitrification processes linked to pyrite oxidation were identified in some zones of the studied area by means of multi-isotopic methods integrated with classical hydrogeological methods. Nitrate removal from groundwater can be accomplished by the enhancement of in situ biological denitrification. One such bioremediation strategy is biostimulation, which involves the addition of suitable electron donors and/or energy sources to stimulate indigenous denitrifying microorganisms. The second part of this thesis is devoted to clarify the role of pyrite as electron donor for denitrification and to evaluate the feasibility of a bioremediation strategy based on pyrite addition to stimulate native denitrifying bacteria. Nitrate consumption in experiments amended with pyrite and inoculated with “Thiobacillus denitrificans” demonstrated that this bacterium is able to reduce nitrate using pyrite as the electron donor. The efficiency in nitrate removal and the nitrate reduction rate depended on the initial nitrate concentration, pH and pyrite grain size. High nitrate removal efficiency was attained in long-term flow-through experiments under laboratory conditions similar to those found in slow-moving, nitrate-contaminated groundwater. In addition, biostimulation experiments performed with sediments and groundwater from the Osona aquifer showed that the addition pyrite stimulated the activity of the indigenous microbial community and enhanced the nitrate removal. Furthermore, the long-term efficiency of the process was demonstrated. Hence, biostimulation with pyrite could be considered to remediate nitrate contamination in groundwater in future water management strategies, although further research is needed, especially at field scale. It is critical for the success of the bioremediation strategy that not only the processes but also the microbial populations and their changes induced by the bioremediation treatment be well understood. The addition of pyrite resulted in an increase in the proportion of denitrifying bacteria and both autotrophic and heterotrophic denitrifiers were stimulated. Bacterial populations closely related to the “Xanthomonadaceae” might probably be the dominant autotrophic denitrifiers that used pyrite as the electron donor in the biostimulated experiments. The N and O isotopic enrichment factors associated with the pyrite‐driven denitrification were computed and used to recalculate the extent of the natural nitrate attenuation in the Osona aquifer. This refinement becomes useful to predict the evolution of the contaminant in the aquifer, and it should be taken into account for potential implementation of induced remediation techniques. The isotopic approach was proved to be an excellent tool to identify and quantify natural denitrification processes in the field, and to monitor the efficacy of bioremediation strategies in the laboratory. In order to improve the long-term performance of potential bioremediation strategies based on pyrite-driven denitrification, it is necessary to know the contribution of attached and free-phase denitrifying bacteria to this process in aquifers. The last part of this thesis addresses the ability of “T. denitrificans” to grow and colonize pyrite surfaces. In the colonization experiments, attachment onto pyrite surface was required for at lest a small number of the cells in order to accomplish pyrite-driven denitrification. Nevertheless, both attached and planktonic cells probably contributed to the overall denitrification. However, the details of the relative roles of the two phases and the specific mechanisms remain to be addressed. / A les darreres dècades, la contaminació de nitrat de l’aigua subterrània ha esdevingut un dels principals problemes que afecten la qualitat dels recursos hídrics subterranis. La presència de nitrat a l’aigua subterrània està relacionada, principalment, amb pràctiques agrícoles, com per exemple, l’ús intensiu de purins com a fertilitzant orgànic. La comarca d’Osona (Catalunya) és una de les àrees declarades vulnerables a la contaminació per nitrat d’origen agrícola. El nitrat procedeix principalment de la intensa activitat agrícola i ramadera. El principal procés d’atenuació natural del nitrat és la desnitrificació. La majoria dels bacteris desnitrificants són heteròtrofs i usen compostos orgànics com a font d’electrons. Tanmateix, també existeixen bacteris desnitrificants autòtrofs que són capaços d’usar compostos inorgànics, com a donants d’electrons. Estudis de camp previs han demostrat a partir de dades geoquímiques i/o isotòpiques que en alguns aqüífers la desnitrificació està controlada per l’oxidació de pirita. Tot i així, hi ha estudis de laboratori que qüestionen la viabilitat de la desnitrificació lligada a l’oxidació de pirita (compost inorgànic donant d’electrons). En aquesta tesi s’estudia el paper de la pirita en la desnitrificació i la seva possible aplicació com a estratègia de bioremediació d’aigües contaminades amb nitrat. Estudis previs demostraren l’ocurrència de processos de desnitrificació a Osona, en una petita àrea situada en el sector nord de la zona d’estudi. Els resultats d’aquests estudis suggereixen que l’oxidació de sulfurs hi juga un paper molt important en l’atenuació natural. A la primera part de la tesi s’exposa la caracterització dels processos de desnitrificació que tenen lloc en l’aqüífer d’Osona, així com de les seves variacions temporals i espacials. S’han usat mètodes multi-isotòpics integrats amb mètodes hidrogeològics clàssics, que han servit per identificar l’existència de processos de desnitrificació lligats a l’oxidació de pirita en algunes zones de l’àrea d’estudi. L’eliminació del nitrat de l’aigua subterrània pot aconseguir-se mitjançant estratègies que incentiven la desnitrificació biològica in situ. Una de les estratègies de bioremediació in situ és la bioestimulació, que consisteix en afegir donants d’electrons o fonts d’energia apropiades per tal d’estimular l’activitat de bacteris desnitrificants existents en el medi. En la segona part de la tesi s’esbrina el paper de la pirita com a potencial donant d’electrons en els procés de desnitrificació i s’avalua la viabilitat d’una estratègia de bioremediació, basada en l’addició de pirita per estimular l’activitat de bacteris desnitrificants autòctons. Experiments amb pirita i inoculats amb “Thiobacillus denitrificans” han demostrat que aquest bacteri és capaç de reduir el nitrat utilitzant la pirita com a donant d’electrons. A més a més, s’ha determinat que l’eficiència i la velocitat de reducció del nitrat depèn de la seva concentració inicial, del pH i de la mida de gra de la pirita. En experiments de flux continu, de llarga durada que simulen el flux d’aigües subterrànies contaminades amb nitrat, s’han aconseguit altes eficiències en l’eliminació del nitrat. A més a més, s’han realitzat experiments de bioestimulación amb pirita usant aigua subterrània i sediments de l’aqüífer d’Osona. Aquests experiments han demostrat que afegint pirita s’aconsegueix d’estimular l’activitat dels bacteris desnitrificants autòctons i, per tant, induir i/o augmentar la desnitrificació. També, s’ha provat l’alta eficiència d’aquest procés a llarg termini. Per tant, l’ús de la pirita podria tenir-se en compte com a estratègia per a l’eliminació de nitrat en properes mesures de gestió dels recursos hídrics. Tanmateix, cal més investigació, i especialment, a escala de camp. Per aconseguir l’èxit amb la bioremediació cal conèixer amb detall els processos i les poblacions microbiològiques que intervenen en els canvis poblacionals associats al tractament de bioremediació. Els resultats dels experiments de bioestimulació han demostrat que els bacteris desnitrificants autòtrofs dominants en el sistema són probablement poblacions relacionades amb Xanthomonadaceae. L’addició de pirita puposa un increment en la proporció de bacteris desnitrificants i produeix l’estimulació tant dels desnitrificants autòtrofs com dels heteròtrofs. A més a més, s’han calculat els factors d’enriquiment isotòpic de N i O associats al procés de desnitrificació per oxidació de pirita. Aquests factors d’enriquiment s’han usat per recalcular el grau d’atenuació natural del nitrat que té lloc en l’aqüífer d’Osona. Aquest recàlcul pot ser d’utilitat a l’hora de predir l’evolució de la contaminació en l’aqüífer i cal tenir-lo en compte a l’hora d’implementar possibles tècniques de remediació induïda. Per tant, la metodologia isotòpica ha demostrat ser una eina excel∙lent per identificar i quantificar processos de desnitrificació natural i per monitoritzar l’eficàcia d’estratègies de bioremediació en el laboratori. Per millorar el rendiment i la durabilitat de potencials estratègies de bioremediació basades en la desnitrificació i oxidació de pirita és necessari conèixer la contribució relativa dels bacteris desnitrificants planctònics i dels bacteris adherits als sediments. Així, a l’última part de la tesi l’interès s’enfoca en l’avaluació de l’habilitat de “T. denitrificans” en colonitzar i créixer sobre la superfície de la pirita. Els resultats experimentals de colonització suggereixen que per aconseguir la desnitrificació amb pirita com a donant d’electrons, cal que una part dels bacteris s’adhereixi a la superfície de la pirita. No obstant, sembla que ambdós bacteris, adherits i planctònics, contribueixen al procés global. Tanmateix, queda pendent d’examinar el paper específic de cada tipus en la desnitrificació.

Nitrifying and denitrifying bacterial communities in the sediment and rhizosphere of a free water surface constructed wetland

Ruiz Rueda, Olaya 27 June 2008 (has links)
La contínua descàrrega de nutrients, sobretot fosfats i nitrogen, és la major causa d'eutrofització dels ecosistemes aquàtics. Els sistemes de tractament basats en aiguamolls construïts s'han emprat per reduir ells nivells de nitrogen a l'aigua com a alternativa de baix cost als mètodes de depuració convencionals. L'eliminació del nitrogen a aquests sistemes depèn en bona part de la vegetació, i l'alternança de condicions aeròbiques i anaeròbiques per promoure els processos de nitrificació i desnitrificació. En aquest treball hem volgut investigar les activitats microbianes de nitrificació i desnitrificació en relació a dues espècies de plantes macròfites en un sistema d'aiguamolls de tractament de flux superficial (FS-SAC), dissenyat per minimitzar l'impacte de l'alliberament d'aigua carregada de nutrients a la reserva natural dels Aiguamolls de l'Empordà (Girona, Espanya). / The continuous delivery of nutrients, mainly phosphate and nitrogen, is the major cause of eutrophication of aquatic environments. Treatment technologies based on constructed wetlands have been applied to reduce the levels of nitrogen as a cost-effective alternative compared to conventional treatment methods. The nitrogen removal efficiency in wetlands relies on the presence of plants and the alternation of aerobic and anaerobic conditions to promote both nitrification and denitrification. Although the role of emergent macrophytes in such systems is largely recognized, their contribution to the overall treatment process has not been quantified very frequently. We have investigated the microbial nitrification and denitrification activities in relation to two plant species in a free water surface constructed wetland (FWS-CW), designed to minimize the impact of nutrient release into the Natural Reserve of Els Aiguamolls de l'Empordà (Girona, Spain).

Luftflödesstyrning på Käppalaverket – utvärdering av konstanta styrsignaler / Aeration control at the Käppala wastewater treatment plant - evaluation of constant control signals

Nordenborg, Åsa January 2011 (has links)
På Käppalaverket i Stockholm står luftningen av de biologiska bassängerna för omkring en femtedel av verkets totala elenergiförbrukning. I ett försök att minska energikostnaden utvärderades under hösten 2010 nya metoder för luftflödesreglering på verket. Grundtanken var att styra luftflödet efter medelvärdet på utgående ammoniumkoncentration under en längre tid, istället för som idag efter momentana värden. Ett vanligt sätt att styra luftflöden på reningsverk idag är att använda återkoppling från utgående ammoniumkoncentration, vilket syftar till att alltid hålla den utgående koncentrationen vid ett valt börvärde. Lagstiftade gränsvärden på ammonium avser dock normalt medelvärden över en längre tid, såsom kvartal eller år. Istället för att anpassa luftflödet efter den inkommande belastningen är det därför möjligt att hålla luftflödet relativt konstant medan istället den utgående koncentrationen tillåts variera. I denna studie visades en energibesparing kunna erhållas om luftflödets variation reduceras. Två strategier utvärderades i vilka luftflödet respektive syrehalten hölls så konstant som möjligt. Dessa jämfördes med den idag använda styrstrategin på Käppalaverket, i vilken luftflödet anpassas efter den inkommande belastningen genom återkoppling. Studien inkluderade både simuleringar i modellen Benchmark Simulation Model no. 1 och fullskaleförsök på Käppalaverket. I både simuleringar och fullskaleförsök resulterade de två utvärderade strategierna i en lägre luftförbrukning per reningsgrad än den idag använda återkopplingsstrategin. I fullskaleförsöken erhölls en luftflödesreduktion på 11 % då luftflödet hölls konstant och 15 % då syrehalten hölls konstant. Båda strategierna genererade dock en kraftigt varierande utgående ammoniumkoncentration. Variationerna var störst då luftflödet hölls konstant och korrelerade inte med den dygnsbaserade belastningsprofilen. Sammanfattningsvis visade studien att en reducering av luftflödets variation resulterar i en lägre luftförbrukning men också i en ökad instabilitet. En konstant syrehalt gav en större energivinst och även en stabilare ammoniumreduktion än ett konstant luftflöde, varför denna metod har störst potential till vidare implementering i fullskala. / The aeration of the bioreactors is responsible for one fifth of the energy consumption at the Käppala wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in Stockholm. In this report, new methods for aeration control were evaluated in order to reduce the energy costs at the plant. The main idea was to control the effluent ammonia concentration in terms of mean values instead of momentary values. A quite common approach for aeration control is to use feedback from the effluent ammonia concentration, thus aiming to keep the effluent concentration consistently at a certain set point. However, discharge limits normally refer to mean values over longer periods of time, such as months or years. Instead of adjusting the airflow to the incoming load it is therefore possible the keep the airflow fairly constant while allowing a fluctuating effluent concentration. In this paper, it was shown that by reducing the variation of the airflow, energy could be saved. Two methods were evaluated in which the airflow and oxygen concentration respectively was held constant. These methods were compared to the control strategy used today at the Käppala WWTP, where feedback control adjusts the airflow to the influent load. The study consisted of simulations with the Benchmark simulation model no. 1 (BSM1) as well as full scale experiments at the Käppala WWTP. Both the simulations and full scale experiments showed a reduced aeration per nutrient removal for the evaluated methods. In full scale, the total airflow reduction was 11 % when the airflow was held constant and 15 % when the oxygen concentration was held constant. However, the methods resulted in large variations of the effluent ammonia concentration, which did not correlate to the daily influent load. The variations were especially large when the airflow was held constant. In summary, this study showed that a reduced airflow variation results in lower aeration costs but also less stability. A constant oxygen concentration required less aeration and provided a more stable degree of ammonia removal than a constant airflow. For this reason, aeration control with a constant oxygen concentration has the best potential for further use at the Käppala WWTP.

Rejektvattenbehandlingens inverkan på kvävereduktionen vid Arboga reningsverk / The effect of reject water treatment on nitrogen removal at Arboga wastewater treatment plant

Bergkvist, Sophie January 2012 (has links)
Under 90-talet uppdagades övergödningsproblematiken i Östersjön, varför omgivande länder enades gällande åtgärder för att minska problemen. De svenska reningsverk som genom sina utsläpp av kväve och fosfor påverkade Östersjön tvingades då införa gränsvärden för kväve- och fosforutsläppen. Vid Arboga reningsverk, vars recipient är Arbogaån som mynnar i Galten, Mälaren, har kvävereducering sedan en tid tillbaka varit i drift. Dock krävdes från och med år 2012 att totalkvävehalten i utgående avloppsvatten ej översteg 15 mg tot-N/l. Införandet av detta gränsvärde resulterade i åtgärder för att minska kväveutsläppen.Rejektvattenbehandling är en vanlig metod för att minska halterna totalkväve i utgående avloppsvatten. Normalt utgör rejektvattnet 0,5–1,0 % av totala inflödet till reningsverket men 10–20 % av inkommande totalkvävebelastningen. I Arboga resulterade det nya gränsvärdet för totalkväveutsläpp i en nybyggnation av en rejektvattenbehandling utformad med fördenitrifikation. Detta innebär att rejektvattnet pumpas genom fyra zoner, två anaeroba följt av två aeroba. Ammoniumkvävet i inkommande vatten omvandlas genom detta processupplägg via nitrat till kvävgas.Denna studie syftade till att kartlägga rejektvattenbehandlingens effekt på halterna av totalkväve i utgående avloppsvatten från Arboga reningsverk. Detta inkluderade både simuleringar i Benchmark Simulation Model no. 2 (BSM2) samt studier genom vattenprovtagning vid Arboga reningsverk. Vid simuleringarna genomförda i BSM2 påvisades en märkbart lägre halt totalkväve i utgående avloppsvatten efter rejektvattenbehandlingens införande. Även vid den provtagningscykel som genomfördes på Arboga reningsverk under april år 2012 påvisades att markanta förändringar skett i utgående halter totalkväve och ammoniumkväve. Halterna totalkväve och ammoniumkväve i utgående avloppsvatten sjönk med ca 40 % respektive 65 % relativt samma tidsperiod år 2008–2011. Detta är dock endast resultat från det initiala skedet av rejektvattenbehandlingen som togs i drift 16 februari år 2012. Studien visade sammanfattningsvis att denna typ av processlösning för rejektvattenbehandling ledde till lägre halter av totalkväve och ammoniumkväve i utgående vatten från Arboga reningsverk. Dock krävs vidare studier för att kartläggaden slutgiltiga effekten av rejektvattenbehandlingen, då den i nuläget ännu ej nått sin slutgiltiga kapacitet. / Eutrophication problems were discovered in the Baltic Sea during the 1990s, why thesurrounding countries came to an agreement regarding measures to reduce the problem. Swedish wastewater treatment plants that influence the Baltic Sea by their emissions ofnitrogen and phosphorus have since introduced limit values for nitrogen and phosphorusconcentrations in the effluent water.At Arboga wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) a nitrogen reduction process withactive sludge was implemented a few years back. The recipient Arbogaån leading intoGalten, Mälaren, has eutrophication issues, and from the year 2012 the concentration oftotal nitrogen in treated wastewater must not exceed 15 mg tot-N/l. This limit resulted inmeasures to reduce nitrogen emissions.Reject water treatment is a common method to reduce the levels of total nitrogen intreated wastewater. Normally, the reject water contributes to 0.5–1.0 % of the totalinflow to the treatment plant but 10–20 % of the incoming total nitrogen load. In Arboga, the new limit for total nitrogen emissions resulted in a reject water treatmentfacility with predenitrification. The reject water is routed through four zones, twoanaerobic followed by two aerobic. Ammonium is by this process converted in to nitrogen gas via nitrate. This study aimed at identifying the effect from what implementing a reject watertreatment on the levels of total nitrogen in treated wastewater from Arboga WWTP.This included simulations in the Benchmark Simulation Model no. 2 (BSM2) as well aswater sampling at Arboga WWTP. The simulations that were carried out in BSM2 showed a significantly lower content of total nitrogen in treated wastewater after thereject water treatment was implemented. The sampling cycle conducted at ArbogaWWTP in April 2012 revealed that changes occurred in the levels of total nitrogen andammonium in the effluent water. The concentrations of total nitrogen and ammonia nitrogen in treated wastewater decreased by about 40 % and 65 %, compared to thesame time period in 2008–2011. This is, however, only results from the initial stage ofthe reject water treatment, which began operating on February 16th 2012.In summary, this study showed that this type of process solution for reject watertreatment resulted in lower levels of total nitrogen and ammonia in the effluent water at  Arboga WWTP. Further studies are needed to determine the final efficiency of the rejectwater treatment, since it yet has to reach its full capacity.

Die Bedeutung der wurzelassoziierten Mikroorganismen für die Stickstoffumsetzungen in Pflanzenkläranlagen / The importance of root associated microorganisms to the processes of nitrogen transformation in constructed wetlands

Münch, Christiane 27 September 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Plants in constructed wetlands serve as carriers for attached microbial growth. They mainly transfer oxygen and release exudates into the root zone. As a result, an area exists around the roots (rhizosphere) in which bacteria are stimulated by root growth. Our goals were to ascertain whether stimulating the microbial community only has a local effect on the rhizoplane, and to establish the importance of this stimulation for wastewater purification in the root zone. Observations were carried out in a planted and an unplanted laboratory batch reactor incubated with an artificial wastewater with a high concentration of ammonia. Samples were taken at intervals of 10 mm away from the roots. The chemical and physical conditions and enzyme activities in soil sections at various distances from the roots affecting the efficiency of microbial nitrogen removal were characterized. An influence on the nitrification and denitrification process was detected via several parameters up to a range of different root distances: microbial parameters such as the total bacterial number, respiratory activity, protein and DNA amount seem to be affected by roots up to a distance of 50 mm from the roots, whereas the oxygen concentration, DOC and redox potential are unaffected at a distance exceeding 20-30 mm. This indicates that improved nitrogen removal is also possible in the wider root surroundings. Given the average root-to-root distance of 35 mm, the root-influenced area could therefore be expanded to the whole rooted zone in a constructed wetland.

Laboruntersuchungen zum langfristigen Denitrifikationspotential im oberflächennahen Grundwasser hydromorpher Mineralböden Nordwestdeutschlands / Laboratory studies on long-term denitrification potential in the saturated zone of hydromorphic mineral soils in Northwest Germany

Mehranfar, Ozra 11 July 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Nitrogen retention in freshwater ecosystems

Saunders, Darla L. January 2000 (has links)
Given the prominent role of nitrogen in the eutrophication of aquatic systems, recent increases in nitrogen loading to freshwaters are of concern. A comparison of nitrogen retention in freshwaters in North America and Europe shows that wetlands retain the greatest proportion of their nitrogen load, followed by lakes and then rivers. A comparison of the relative importance of nitrogen retention mechanisms found denitrification to be responsible for the greatest proportion followed by nitrogen sedimentation and then uptake by aquatic plants. A more in-depth examination of denitrification in the littoral sediments of Lake Memphremagog in Quebec, using the N2 flux technique, found an average denitrification rate of 111 mumol N m-2 h-1. Denitrification rates were positively related to the % organic matter of the sediment, temperature and macrophyte biomass density and negatively related to depth. These results, in combination with a review of the literature indicate that denitrification rates are higher in littoral than profundal sediments.

Denitrification and nitrous oxide dynamics in the soil profile under two corn production systems

Elmi, Abdirashid A. January 2002 (has links)
Concerns for environmental quality stimulate the development of various management strategies that mitigate nutrient losses to the environment. / Field experiments were conducted at St. Emmanuel, Quebec, from 1998 to 2000 to investigate the combined effects of water table management and N fertilizer application rates on corn yield, concentrations of NO3- -N in the soil profile and tile subsurface drainage water, denitrification and N2O production rates, and N2O:N2O+N 2 production ratios in the soil profile. There were two water table treatments: free drainage (FD) with open drains at a 1.0 m depth from the soil surface and subirrigation (SI) with a water table depth of 0.6 m below the soil surface, and two N fertilization rates: 120 kg N ha-1 (N120) and 200 kg N ha-1 (N 200) arranged in a split-plot design. Compared to FD, subirrigation reduced NO3--N concentration in the soil by up to 50% and in drainage water by 55 to 73%. Water table had little effect on corn yield during the study period. Greater denitrification rates under SI were not accompanied with greater N2O emissions as ratios of N2O:N2O+N2 were lower under SI than in FD plots. Denitrification rate, N2O emissions, and their ratios were unaffected by N rate. / A second field experiment was initiated from 1999 to 2000 to assess impacts of tillage systems on NO3--N, denitrification, N2O, and ratios of denitrification end-products (N2O:N 2O+N2). The experiment was conducted on long-term momocropped corn experimental plots under conventional tillage (CT), reduced tillage (RT), and no-till (NT), located at the Macdonald Research Farm, McGill University. Soil NO3--N concentrations tended to be lower under RT than under NT or CT. Denitrification and N2O were similar among tillage systems. / Approximately 50% of soil denitrification activity was measured within the 0.15--0.45 m soil layer. Consequently, we propose that sampling the 0--0.15 m soil layer alone, as is usually done, may not give an accurate picture of soil denitrification activity. Dissolved organic carbon concentrations remained high in all soil depths sampled, but was not affected by water table, N rate or tillage system.

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