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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Priklausomybės nuo virtualios komunikacijos požymių identifikavimas / The identification of dependence from virtual communication signs

Vaišnorienė, Jolita 13 January 2009 (has links)
Didėjant informacinių ir komunikacinių technologijų plėtrai į visas gyvenimo sritis, visų socialinių lygių žmonių bendravimas, ypatingai paauglių, vis labiau persikelia į virtualią erdvę. Kas paskatina priklausomybės nuo virtualios komunikacijos atsiradimą. Moksliniame lygmenyje vis labiau kalbama apie virtualią priklausomybę, tačiau gilesnės mokslinės analizės ypač Lietuvoje, labai trūksta. Siekiant išvengti ar mažinti šią priklausomybę būtinas gilesnis požiūris į šią problematiką, todėl ir atliekama nagrinėjamos temos analizė, kuri padės priartėti prie gilesnio šios problemos suvokimo. Tikslas – nustatyti priklausomybės nuo virtualios komunikacijos požymius. Darbo objektas – požymių nuo virtualios komunikacijos identifikavimas. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti komunikacijos proceso sudedamąsias dalis. 2. Apibrėžti psichologinės priklausomybės raidos ir požymių santykį. 3. Identifikuoti priklausomybės nuo kompiuterio požymius. 4. Identifikuoti priklausomybės nuo interneto požymius. 5. Apžvelgti Lietuvoje esančias prevencines priemonių nuo priklausomybės kompiuteriui ir internetui. 6. Atlikti paauglių priklausomybės nuo virtualios komunikacijos požymių identifikavimo empirinį tyrimą. Tikslui pasiekti ir uždaviniams išspręsti naudotasi šiais metodais: mokslinės literatūros palyginamąja analize ir sinteze, kontent analize, anketine apklausa. Tyrimas iš dalies patvirtino hipotezę, jog paaugliai jaučia stipriausią priklausomybę internetui, kuri didžiausias neigiamas pasekmes... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The relationship among various level of cociety has been moving on to virtuality, because the development of information and communication technologies grows to all spheres of life. It incites the dependence of virtual communication. There is a big discussion about virtual communication on the scientific level, but also we face a shortage of deeper analysis even in Lithuania. The deeper attitude is necessary to solve this problem. That is why this work deals with a discussed problem into a deeper way. Purpose of work – to ascertain the signs of dependence from virtual communication. Object of work – the signs identification from virtual communication. Tasks of work: 1. To ascertain the components of communication process. 2. To definite the relation of psychological dependence evolution and its sings. 3. To identify the signs of dependence from computer. 4. To identify the signs of dependence from internet. 5. To review and eveluate prevention means of dependence from computer and internet in Lithuania. 6. To carry out the empirical research of teens dependence signs identification from virtual communication. The research has been approved the hyphotesis partly only. The stongest dependence for teens is the internet, which has high negative impact for youth psychology. 50 per cent of teens agree with the biggest dependence from internet (33,3 per cent). But on the other hand there has been ascertain that researches of dependencies are very popular and the most important... [to full text]

The fragility of financial institutions : dependence structure, extremal behaviour and contagion / La fragilité des institutions financières : structure de dépendance, comportements extrêmes et contagion

Rahman, Dima 29 September 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse se propose d’analyser la structure et la dynamique de dépendance de crédit des institutions financières aux Etats-Unis et en Europe durant la crise financière de 2008. Un premier chapitre présente une revue de la littérature des modèles multi-dimensionnels de crédit et des modèles économétriques de contagion financière. Ce chapitre a pour vocation de guider notre réflexion à la fois conceptuelle et méthodologique sur les hypothèses analytiques de la contagion ainsi que ses méthodes de mesure. Nous montrons que si la contagion est devenue une hypothèse centrale des modèles multivariés de risque de crédit, il n’en reste néanmoins que sa définition et sa quantification ne font pas l’objet de consensus dans la littérature. Un deuxième chapitre propose une analyse empirique des co-movements des rendements de CDS de banques et sociétés d’assurance américaines et européennes. La dissociation de leur structure de dépendance entre association linéaire et dépendances extrêmes nous permet de mettre en évidence des phénomènes d'interconnexions entre institutions financières apparues au courant de la crise et véhiculant ainsi sous l'effet de la contagion, un risque systémique croissant. Un dernier chapitre présente une interprétation économique des résultats obtenus dans notre deuxième chapitre. En particulier, nous cherchons à quantifier l'influence jouée par la contagion et les facteurs de risques communs sur la dynamique de dépendance extrême des institutions financières. Nous démontrons ainsi le rôle du risque de contrepartie, du risque de liquidité et du risque de défaut des institutions financières dans la transmission de la contagion sur le marché de CDS. / This thesis examines the credit dependence structure and dynamics of financial institutions in the U.S. and Europe amid the recent financial crisis. A first chapter presents a survey of multi-name models of credit risk and econometric models of financial contagion with the purpose of guiding both the analytical and conceptual assumptions and econometric modelling techniques we use in the subsequent chapters. We show that if contagion has become a central cornerstone of multi-name models of credit risk, there is nonetheless a lack of consensus on the way to both define and measure it. A second chapter presents the results of an empirical analysis of U.S. and European banks and insurance companies’ CDS return extreme co-movements. By uncovering financial institutions' linear as well as extremal dependence structures, we provide evidence that their credit dependence has strengthened during the crisis, thereby effectively conveying, in the face of extreme tail events, potential systemic risks. A third and last chapter provides an economic rationale of the results presented in our second chapter. In particular, we examine the impact of common risk factors and contagion on the dynamics of financial institutions' extremal credit dependence. We demonstrate the role of counterparty risk and liquidity risk, as well the repricing by market participants since July 2007 of their jump-to-default premia as additional channels driving financial institutions' increased dependence and amplifying contagion on the CDS market.

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