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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Using Ontology-Based Data Access to Enable Context Recognition in the Presence of Incomplete Information

Thost, Veronika 24 August 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Ontology-based data access (OBDA) augments classical query answering in databases by including domain knowledge provided by an ontology. An ontology captures the terminology of an application domain and describes domain knowledge in a machine-processable way. Formal ontology languages additionally provide semantics to these specifications. Systems for OBDA thus may apply logical reasoning to answer queries; they use the ontological knowledge to infer new information, which is only implicitly given in the data. Moreover, they usually employ the open-world assumption, which means that knowledge not stated explicitly in the data or inferred is neither assumed to be true nor false. Classical OBDA regards the knowledge however only w.r.t. a single moment, which means that information about time is not used for reasoning and hence lost; in particular, the queries generally cannot express temporal aspects. We investigate temporal query languages that allow to access temporal data through classical ontologies. In particular, we study the computational complexity of temporal query answering regarding ontologies written in lightweight description logics, which are known to allow for efficient reasoning in the atemporal setting and are successfully applied in practice. Furthermore, we present a so-called rewritability result for ontology-based temporal query answering, which suggests ways for implementation. Our results may thus guide the choice of a query language for temporal OBDA in data-intensive applications that require fast processing, such as context recognition.

Gestion de l'incertitude dans le processus d'extraction de connaissances à partir de textes / Uncertainty management in the knowledge extraction process from text

Kerdjoudj, Fadhela 08 December 2015 (has links)
La multiplication de sources textuelles sur le Web offre un champ pour l'extraction de connaissances depuis des textes et à la création de bases de connaissances. Dernièrement, de nombreux travaux dans ce domaine sont apparus ou se sont intensifiés. De ce fait, il est nécessaire de faire collaborer des approches linguistiques, pour extraire certains concepts relatifs aux entités nommées, aspects temporels et spatiaux, à des méthodes issues des traitements sémantiques afin de faire ressortir la pertinence et la précision de l'information véhiculée. Cependant, les imperfections liées au langage naturel doivent être gérées de manière efficace. Pour ce faire, nous proposons une méthode pour qualifier et quantifier l'incertitude des différentes portions des textes analysés. Enfin, pour présenter un intérêt à l'échelle du Web, les traitements linguistiques doivent être multisources et interlingue. Cette thèse s'inscrit dans la globalité de cette problématique, c'est-à-dire que nos contributions couvrent aussi bien les aspects extraction et représentation de connaissances incertaines que la visualisation des graphes générés et leur interrogation. Les travaux de recherche se sont déroulés dans le cadre d'une bourse CIFRE impliquant le Laboratoire d'Informatique Gaspard Monge (LIGM) de l'Université Paris-Est Marne la Vallée et la société GEOLSemantics. Nous nous appuyons sur une expérience cumulée de plusieurs années dans le monde de la linguistique (GEOLSemantics) et de la sémantique (LIGM).Dans ce contexte, nos contributions sont les suivantes :- participation au développement du système d'extraction de connaissances de GEOLSemantics, en particulier : (1) le développement d'une ontologie expressive pour la représentation des connaissances, (2) le développement d'un module de mise en cohérence, (3) le développement d'un outil visualisation graphique.- l'intégration de la qualification de différentes formes d'incertitude, au sein du processus d'extraction de connaissances à partir d'un texte,- la quantification des différentes formes d'incertitude identifiées ;- une représentation, à l'aide de graphes RDF, des connaissances et des incertitudes associées ;- une méthode d'interrogation SPARQL intégrant les différentes formes d'incertitude ;- une évaluation et une analyse des résultats obtenus avec notre approche / The increase of textual sources over the Web offers an opportunity for knowledge extraction and knowledge base creation. Recently, several research works on this topic have appeared or intensified. They generally highlight that to extract relevant and precise information from text, it is necessary to define a collaboration between linguistic approaches, e.g., to extract certain concepts regarding named entities, temporal and spatial aspects, and methods originating from the field of semantics' processing. Moreover, successful approaches also need to qualify and quantify the uncertainty present in the text. Finally, in order to be relevant in the context of the Web, the linguistic processing need to be consider several sources in different languages. This PhD thesis tackles this problematic in its entirety since our contributions cover the extraction, representation of uncertain knowledge as well as the visualization of generated graphs and their querying. This research work has been conducted within a CIFRE funding involving the Laboratoire d'Informatique Gaspard Monge (LIGM) of the Université Paris-Est Marne la Vallée and the GEOLSemantics start-up. It was leveraging from years of accumulated experience in natural language processing (GeolSemantics) and semantics processing (LIGM).In this context, our contributions are the following:- the integration of a qualifation of different forms of uncertainty, based on ontology processing, within the knowledge extraction processing,- the quantification of uncertainties based on a set of heuristics,- a representation, using RDF graphs, of the extracted knowledge and their uncertainties,- an evaluation and an analysis of the results obtained using our approach

Impact analysis in description logic ontologies

Goncalves, Joao Rafael Landeiro De sousa January 2014 (has links)
With the growing popularity of the Web Ontology Language (OWL) as a logic-based ontology language, as well as advancements in the language itself, the need for more sophisticated and up-to-date ontology engineering services increases as well. While, for instance, there is active focus on new reasoners and optimisations, other services fall short of advancing at the same rate (it suffices to compare the number of freely-available reasoners with ontology editors). In particular, very little is understood about how ontologies evolve over time, and how reasoners’ performance varies as the input changes. Given the evolving nature of ontologies, detecting and presenting changes (via a so-called diff) between them is an essential engineering service, especially for version control systems or to support change analysis. In this thesis we address the diff problem for description logic (DL) based ontologies, specifically OWL 2 DL ontologies based on the SROIQ DL. The outcomes are novel algorithms employing both syntactic and semantic techniques to, firstly, detect axiom changes, and what terms had their meaning affected between ontologies, secondly, categorise their impact (for example, determining that an axiom is a stronger version of another), and finally, align changes appropriately, i.e., align source and target of axiom changes (so the stronger axiom with the weaker one, from our example), and axioms with the terms they affect. Subsequently, we present a theory of reasoner performance heterogeneity, based on field observations related to reasoner performance variability phenomena. Our hypothesis is that there exist two kinds of performance behaviour: an ontology/reasoner combination can be performance-homogeneous or performance-heterogeneous. Finally, we verify that performance-heterogeneous reasoner/ontology combinations contain small, performance-degrading sets of axioms, which we call hot spots. We devise a performance hot spot finding technique, and show that hot spots provide a promising basis for engineering efficient reasoners.

Gestion des incohérences pour l'accès aux données en présence d'ontologies / Inconsistency Handling in Ontology-Mediated Query Answering

Bourgaux, Camille 29 September 2016 (has links)
Interroger des bases de connaissances avec des requêtes conjonctives a été une préoccupation majeure de la recherche récente en logique de description. Une question importante qui se pose dans ce contexte est la gestion de données incohérentes avec l'ontologie. En effet, une théorie logique incohérente impliquant toute formule sous la sémantique classique, l'utilisation de sémantiques tolérantes aux incohérences est nécessaire pour obtenir des réponses pertinentes. Le but de cette thèse est de développer des méthodes pour gérer des bases de connaissances incohérentes en utilisant trois sémantiques naturelles (AR, IAR et brave) proposées dans la littérature et qui reposent sur la notion de réparation, définie comme un sous-ensemble maximal des données cohérent avec l'ontologie. Nous utilisons ces trois sémantiques conjointement pour identifier les réponses associées à différents niveaux de confiance. En plus de développer des algorithmes efficaces pour interroger des bases de connaissances DL-Lite incohérentes, nous abordons trois problèmes : (i) l'explication des résultats des requêtes, pour aider l'utilisateur à comprendre pourquoi une réponse est (ou n'est pas) obtenue sous une des trois sémantiques, (ii) la réparation des données guidée par les requêtes, pour améliorer la qualité des données en capitalisant sur les retours des utilisateurs sur les résultats de la requête, et (iii) la définition de variantes des sémantiques à l'aide de réparations préférées pour prendre en compte la fiabilité des données. Pour chacune de ces trois questions, nous développons un cadre formel, analysons la complexité des problèmes de raisonnement associés, et proposons et mettons en œuvre des algorithmes, qui sont étudiés empiriquement sur un jeu de bases de connaissance DL-Lite incohérentes que nous avons construit. Nos résultats indiquent que même si les problèmes à traiter sont théoriquement durs, ils peuvent souvent être résolus efficacement dans la pratique en utilisant des approximations et des fonctionnalités des SAT solveurs modernes. / The problem of querying description logic knowledge bases using database-style queries (in particular, conjunctive queries) has been a major focus of recent description logic research. An important issue that arises in this context is how to handle the case in which the data is inconsistent with the ontology. Indeed, since in classical logic an inconsistent logical theory implies every formula, inconsistency-tolerant semantics are needed to obtain meaningful answers. This thesis aims to develop methods for dealing with inconsistent description logic knowledge bases using three natural semantics (AR, IAR, and brave) previously proposed in the literature and that rely on the notion of a repair, which is an inclusion-maximal subset of the data consistent with the ontology. In our framework, these three semantics are used conjointly to identify answers with different levels of confidence. In addition to developing efficient algorithms for query answering over inconsistent DL-Lite knowledge bases, we address three problems that should support the adoption of this framework: (i) query result explanation, to help the user to understand why a given answer was (not) obtained under one of the three semantics, (ii) query-driven repairing, to exploit user feedback about errors or omissions in the query results to improve the data quality, and (iii) preferred repair semantics, to take into account the reliability of the data. For each of these three topics, we developed a formal framework, analyzed the complexity of the relevant reasoning problems, and proposed and implemented algorithms, which we empirically studied over an inconsistent DL-Lite benchmark we built. Our results indicate that even if the problems related to dealing with inconsistent DL-Lite knowledge bases are theoretically hard, they can often be solved efficiently in practice by using tractable approximations and features of modern SAT solvers.

Adding Threshold Concepts to the Description Logic EL

Fernández Gil, Oliver 18 May 2016 (has links)
We introduce a family of logics extending the lightweight Description Logic EL, that allows us to define concepts in an approximate way. The main idea is to use a graded membership function m, which for each individual and concept yields a number in the interval [0,1] expressing the degree to which the individual belongs to the concept. Threshold concepts C~t for ~ in {<,<=,>,>=} then collect all the individuals that belong to C with degree ~t. We further study this framework in two particular directions. First, we define a specific graded membership function deg and investigate the complexity of reasoning in the resulting Description Logic tEL(deg) w.r.t. both the empty terminology and acyclic TBoxes. Second, we show how to turn concept similarity measures into membership degree functions. It turns out that under certain conditions such functions are well-defined, and therefore induce a wide range of threshold logics. Last, we present preliminary results on the computational complexity landscape of reasoning in such a big family of threshold logics.

Comparison of Concept Learning Algorithms With Emphasis on Ontology Engineering for the Semantic Web

Hellmann, Sebastian 26 October 2017 (has links)
In the context of the Semantic Web, ontologies based on Description Logics are gaining more and more importance for knowledge representation on a large scale. While the need arises for high quality ontologies with large background knowledge to enable powerful machine reasoning, the acquisition of such knowledge is only advancing slowly, because of the lack of appropriate tools. Concept learning algorithms have made a great leap forward and can help to speed up knowledge acquisition in the form of induced concept descriptions. This work investigated whether concept learning algorithms have reached a level on which they can produce results that can be used in an ontology engineering process. Two learning algorithms (YinYang and DL-Learner) are investigated in detail and tested with benchmarks. A method that enables concept learning on large knowledge bases on a SPARQL endpoint is presented and the quality of learned concepts is evaluated in a real use case. A proposal is made to increase the complexity of learned concept descriptions by circumventing the Open World Assumption of Description Logics.

Reasoning in Description Logic Ontologies for Privacy Management

Nuradiansyah, Adrian 18 December 2019 (has links)
A rise in the number of ontologies that are integrated and distributed in numerous application systems may provide the users to access the ontologies with different privileges and purposes. In this situation, preserving confidential information from possible unauthorized disclosures becomes a critical requirement. For instance, in the clinical sciences, unauthorized disclosures of medical information do not only threaten the system but also, most importantly, the patient data. Motivated by this situation, this thesis initially investigates a privacy problem, called the identity problem, where the identity of (anonymous) objects stored in Description Logic ontologies can be revealed or not. Then, we consider this problem in the context of role-based access control to ontologies and extend it to the problem asking if the identity belongs to a set of known individuals of cardinality smaller than the number k. If it is the case that some confidential information of persons, such as their identity, their relationships or their other properties, can be deduced from an ontology, which implies that some privacy policy is not fulfilled, then one needs to repair this ontology such that the modified one complies with the policies and preserves the information from the original ontology as much as possible. The repair mechanism we provide is called gentle repair and performed via axiom weakening instead of axiom deletion which was commonly used in classical approaches of ontology repair. However, policy compliance itself is not enough if there is a possible attacker that can obtain relevant information from other sources, which together with the modified ontology still violates the privacy policies. Safety property is proposed to alleviate this issue and we investigate this in the context of privacy-preserving ontology publishing. Inference procedures to solve those privacy problems and additional investigations on the complexity of the procedures, as well as the worst-case complexity of the problems, become the main contributions of this thesis.:1. Introduction 1.1 Description Logics 1.2 Detecting Privacy Breaches in Information System 1.3 Repairing Information Systems 1.4 Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing 1.5 Outline and Contribution of the Thesis 2. Preliminaries 2.1 Description Logic ALC 2.1.1 Reasoning in ALC Ontologies 2.1.2 Relationship with First-Order Logic 2.1.3. Fragments of ALC 2.2 Description Logic EL 2.3 The Complexity of Reasoning Problems in DLs 3. The Identity Problem and Its Variants in Description Logic Ontologies 3.1 The Identity Problem 3.1.1 Description Logics with Equality Power 3.1.2 The Complexity of the Identity Problem 3.2 The View-Based Identity Problem 3.3 The k-Hiding Problem 3.3.1 Upper Bounds 3.3.2 Lower Bound 4. Repairing Description Logic Ontologies 4.1 Repairing Ontologies 4.2 Gentle Repairs 4.3 Weakening Relations 4.4 Weakening Relations for EL Axioms 4.4.1 Generalizing the Right-Hand Sides of GCIs 4.4.2 Syntactic Generalizations 4.5 Weakening Relations for ALC Axioms 4.5.1 Generalizations and Specializations in ALC w.r.t. Role Depth 4.5.2 Syntactical Generalizations and Specializations in ALC 5. Privacy-Preserving Ontology Publishing for EL Instance Stores 5.1 Formalizing Sensitive Information in EL Instance Stores 5.2 Computing Optimal Compliant Generalizations 5.3 Computing Optimal Safe^{\exists} Generalizations 5.4 Deciding Optimality^{\exists} in EL Instance Stores 5.5 Characterizing Safety^{\forall} 5.6 Optimal P-safe^{\forall} Generalizations 5.7 Characterizing Safety^{\forall\exists} and Optimality^{\forall\exists} 6. Privacy-Preserving Ontology Publishing for EL ABoxes 6.1 Logical Entailments in EL ABoxes with Anonymous Individuals 6.2 Anonymizing EL ABoxes 6.3 Formalizing Sensitive Information in EL ABoxes 6.4 Compliance and Safety for EL ABoxes 6.5 Optimal Anonymizers 7. Conclusion 7.1 Main Results 7.2 Future Work Bibliography

Temporalised Description Logics for Monitoring Partially Observable Events

Lippmann, Marcel 01 July 2014 (has links)
Inevitably, it becomes more and more important to verify that the systems surrounding us have certain properties. This is indeed unavoidable for safety-critical systems such as power plants and intensive-care units. We refer to the term system in a broad sense: it may be man-made (e.g. a computer system) or natural (e.g. a patient in an intensive-care unit). Whereas in Model Checking it is assumed that one has complete knowledge about the functioning of the system, we consider an open-world scenario and assume that we can only observe the behaviour of the actual running system by sensors. Such an abstract sensor could sense e.g. the blood pressure of a patient or the air traffic observed by radar. Then the observed data are preprocessed appropriately and stored in a fact base. Based on the data available in the fact base, situation-awareness tools are supposed to help the user to detect certain situations that require intervention by an expert. Such situations could be that the heart-rate of a patient is rather high while the blood pressure is low, or that a collision of two aeroplanes is about to happen. Moreover, the information in the fact base can be used by monitors to verify that the system has certain properties. It is not realistic, however, to assume that the sensors always yield a complete description of the current state of the observed system. Thus, it makes sense to assume that information that is not present in the fact base is unknown rather than false. Moreover, very often one has some knowledge about the functioning of the system. This background knowledge can be used to draw conclusions about the possible future behaviour of the system. Employing description logics (DLs) is one way to deal with these requirements. In this thesis, we tackle the sketched problem in three different contexts: (i) runtime verification using a temporalised DL, (ii) temporalised query entailment, and (iii) verification in DL-based action formalisms.

Quantitative Methods for Similarity in Description Logics

Ecke, Andreas 14 June 2016 (has links)
Description Logics (DLs) are a family of logic-based knowledge representation languages used to describe the knowledge of an application domain and reason about it in formally well-defined way. They allow users to describe the important notions and classes of the knowledge domain as concepts, which formalize the necessary and sufficient conditions for individual objects to belong to that concept. A variety of different DLs exist, differing in the set of properties one can use to express concepts, the so-called concept constructors, as well as the set of axioms available to describe the relations between concepts or individuals. However, all classical DLs have in common that they can only express exact knowledge, and correspondingly only allow exact inferences. Either we can infer that some individual belongs to a concept, or we can't, there is no in-between. In practice though, knowledge is rarely exact. Many definitions have their exceptions or are vaguely formulated in the first place, and people might not only be interested in exact answers, but also in alternatives that are "close enough". This thesis is aimed at tackling how to express that something "close enough", and how to integrate this notion into the formalism of Description Logics. To this end, we will use the notion of similarity and dissimilarity measures as a way to quantify how close exactly two concepts are. We will look at how useful measures can be defined in the context of DLs, and how they can be incorporated into the formal framework in order to generalize it. In particular, we will look closer at two applications of thus measures to DLs: Relaxed instance queries will incorporate a similarity measure in order to not just give the exact answer to some query, but all answers that are reasonably similar. Prototypical definitions on the other hand use a measure of dissimilarity or distance between concepts in order to allow the definitions of and reasoning with concepts that capture not just those individuals that satisfy exactly the stated properties, but also those that are "close enough".

Computing Updates in Description Logics

Liu, Hongkai 28 January 2010 (has links)
Description Logics (DLs) form a family of knowledge representation formalisms which can be used to represent and reason with conceptual knowledge about a domain of interest. The knowledge represented by DLs is mainly static. In many applications, the domain knowledge is dynamic. This observation motivates the research on how to update the knowledge when changes in the application domain take place. This thesis is dedicated to the study of updating knowledge, more precisely, assertional knowledge represented in DLs. We explore whether the updated knowledge can be expressed in several standard DLs and, if so, whether it is computable and what is its size.

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