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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uncertainty Quantification and Optimization Under Uncertainty Using Surrogate Models

Boopathy, Komahan 05 June 2014 (has links)
No description available.


Husain, Tausif January 2017 (has links)
No description available.


Liu, Taoming 05 June 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Parametric Optimal Design Of Uncertain Dynamical Systems

Hays, Joseph T. 02 September 2011 (has links)
This research effort develops a comprehensive computational framework to support the parametric optimal design of uncertain dynamical systems. Uncertainty comes from various sources, such as: system parameters, initial conditions, sensor and actuator noise, and external forcing. Treatment of uncertainty in design is of paramount practical importance because all real-life systems are affected by it; not accounting for uncertainty may result in poor robustness, sub-optimal performance and higher manufacturing costs. Contemporary methods for the quantification of uncertainty in dynamical systems are computationally intensive which, so far, have made a robust design optimization methodology prohibitive. Some existing algorithms address uncertainty in sensors and actuators during an optimal design; however, a comprehensive design framework that can treat all kinds of uncertainty with diverse distribution characteristics in a unified way is currently unavailable. The computational framework uses Generalized Polynomial Chaos methodology to quantify the effects of various sources of uncertainty found in dynamical systems; a Least-Squares Collocation Method is used to solve the corresponding uncertain differential equations. This technique is significantly faster computationally than traditional sampling methods and makes the construction of a parametric optimal design framework for uncertain systems feasible. The novel framework allows to directly treat uncertainty in the parametric optimal design process. Specifically, the following design problems are addressed: motion planning of fully-actuated and under-actuated systems; multi-objective robust design optimization; and optimal uncertainty apportionment concurrently with robust design optimization. The framework advances the state-of-the-art and enables engineers to produce more robust and optimally performing designs at an optimal manufacturing cost. / Ph. D.

A Comparison Of Western And Eastern Soft Systems Approaches

Anaya, John L, Anaya, John L, Anaya, John L 01 March 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Soft System Approaches have been developed worldwide to help problem-solvers and decision-makers develop solutions to complex problems, such as aerospace systems. Soft System Approaches were designed to help lower the disorder of developing a complex system by increasing understanding of a situation. Four Soft System Approaches were investigated, two from the West and two from the East. Within the context of the paper, the West refers to thought patterns associated with thinkers and scientists in Europe and North America, and the East refers to those from and around China. The two from the West are Peter Checkland’s Soft Systems Methodology and Fran Ackerman and Colin Eden’s Strategic Options Development and Analysis, and from the East they are Qian Xuesen’s Meta-Synthetic Approach and Jifa Gu and Zhichang Zhu’s Wuli-Shili-Renli Approach. The four approaches were selected due to their prevalence and notoriety within the Soft System Approach research. The Western Soft System Approaches were created as a direct response to reductionism and are more holistic than Hard System Approaches; however, they are classified as systematic due to their structure. The approaches are tools that can be deployed for a specific task. Eastern Soft System Approaches rooted in Eastern philosophy went from holism to reductionism to a unity of the two. There is no one-size-fits-all approach; therefore, approaches that seek to balance reductionism and holism and give guidance and structure while inviting in other methods. The Eastern approaches are classified as framework Soft System Approaches, which provide structure and guidance but not a formula. Systematic approaches are better for determining a course of action, while framework approaches are better for guiding a whole program. The Eastern approaches covered can and do incorporate other methods, including each other. Depending on the problem and problem solver, the systematic or framework approach may be better suited. Overall, however, the framework approach will be able to solve the most varied problems due to the lack of prescriptiveness and the use of other approaches. Knowing the difference between the approaches and how they can be used helps manage the development of complex aerospace systems.

Life-cycle sustainability design of post-tensioned box-girder bridge obtained by metamodel-assisted optimization and decision-making under uncertainty

Penadés Plà, Vicent 12 March 2021 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [EN] Currently, there is a trend towards sustainability, especially in developed countries, where the concerns of society about environmental degradation and social problems have increased. Following this trend, the construction sector is one of the most influential sectors due to its high economic, environmental, and social impacts. At the same time, there is an increase in the demand for transport, which drives a need to develop and maintain the necessary infrastructure for this purpose. Taking all these factors into account, bridges become a key structure and therefore assessment of sustainability throughout their whole life-cycle is essential. The main objective of this thesis is to propose a methodology that allows assessment of the sustainability of a bridge under uncertain initial conditions (subjectivity of the decision-maker or variability of initial parameters) and optimization of the design to obtain a robust optimal bridge. To this end, an extensive bibliographic review of all the works that perform assessments of the sustainability of bridges through the valuation of criteria related to their main pillars (economic, environmental, or social) has been carried out. In this review, it has been observed that the most comprehensive way to evaluate the environmental and social pillars is through the use of life-cycle impact assessment methods. These methods allow sustainability assessment to be performed for the whole life-cycle of the bridge. This process provides valuable information to decision-makers for the assessment and selection of the most sustainable bridge. However, the decision-makers' subjective assessments of the relative importance of the criteria influence the final assessment of sustainability. For this reason, it is necessary to create a methodology that reduces the associated uncertainty and seeks robust solutions according to the opinion of decision-makers. In addition, for bridges, the design and decision-making are conditioned by the initially defined parameters. This leads to solutions that may be sensitive to small changes in these initial conditions. A robust optimal design makes it possible to obtain optimal solutions and structurally stable designs under variations of the initial conditions as well as sustainable designs that are not influenced by the preferences of the stakeholders who are part of the decision-making process. Thus, obtaining a robust optimal design becomes a probabilistic optimization process that has a high computational cost. For this reason, the use of metamodels has been integrated into the proposed methodology. Specifically, Latin hypercube sampling is used for the definition of the initial sample and a kriging model is used for the definition of the mathematical approximation. In this way, kriging-based heuristic optimization reduces the computational cost by more than 90% with respect to conventional heuristic optimization while obtaining very similar results. This thesis provides, first of all, an extensive bibliographic review of both the criteria used for the assessment of sustainability of bridges and the different methods of life-cycle impact assessment to obtain a complete profile of the environmental and social pillars. Subsequently, a methodology is defined for the full assessment of sustainability, using life-cycle impact assessment methods. Likewise, an approach is proposed that makes it possible to obtain structures with little influence from the structural parameters, as well as from the preferences of the different decision-makers regarding the sustainability criteria. The methodology provided in this thesis is applicable to any other type of structure. / [ES] Actualmente existe una tendencia hacia la sostenibilidad, especialmente en los países desarrollados donde la preocupación de la sociedad por el deterioro ambiental y los problemas sociales ha aumentado. Siguiendo esta tendencia, el sector de la construcción es uno de los sectores que mayor influencia tiene debido a su alto impacto económico, ambiental y social. Al mismo tiempo, existe un incremento en la demanda de transporte que provoca la necesidad de desarrollo y mantenimiento de las infraestructuras necesarias para tal fin. Con todo esto, los puentes se convierten en una estructura clave, y por tanto, la valoración de la sostenibilidad a lo largo de toda su vida es esencial. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es proponer una metodología que permita valorar la sostenibilidad de un puente bajo condiciones iniciales inciertas (subjetividad del decisor o variabilidad de parámetros iniciales) y optimizar el diseño para obtener puentes óptimos robustos. Para ello, se ha realizado una extensa revisión bibliográfica de todos los trabajos en los que se realiza un análisis de la sostenibilidad mediante la valoración de criterios relacionados con sus pilares principales (económico, medio ambiental o social). En esta revisión, se ha observado que la forma más completa de valorar los pilares medioambientales y sociales es mediante el uso de métodos de análisis de ciclo de vida. Estos métodos permiten llevar a cabo la valoración de la sostenibilidad durante todas las etapas de la vida de los puentes. Todo este procedimiento proporciona información muy valiosa a los decisores para la valoración y selección del puente más sostenible. No obstante, las valoraciones subjetivas de los decisores sobre la importancia de los criterios influyen en la evaluación final de la sostenibilidad. Por esta razón, es necesario crear una metodología que reduzca la incertidumbre asociada y busque soluciones robustas frente a las opiniones de los agentes implicados en la toma de decisiones. Además, el diseño y toma de decisiones en puentes está condicionado por los parámetros inicialmente definidos. Esto conduce a soluciones que pueden ser sensibles frente a pequeños cambios en dichas condiciones iniciales. El diseño óptimo robusto permite obtener diseños óptimos y estructuralmente estables frente a variaciones de las condiciones iniciales, y también diseños sostenibles y poco influenciables por las preferencias de los decisores que forman parte del proceso de toma de decisión. Así pues, el diseño óptimo robusto se convierte en un proceso de optimización probabilística que requiere un gran coste computacional. Por este motivo, el uso de metamodelos se ha integrado en la metodología propuesta. En concreto, se ha utilizado hipercubo latino para la definición de la muestra inicial y los modelos kriging para la definción de la aproximación matemática. De esta forma, la optimización heurística basada en kriging ha permitido reducir más de un 90% el coste computacional respecto a la optimización heurística conveniconal obteniendo resultados muy similares. Esta tesis proporciona en primer lugar, una amplia revisión bibliográfica, tanto de los criterios utilizados para la valoración de la sostenibilidad en puentes como de los diferentes métodos de análisis de ciclo de vida para obtener un perfil completo de los pilares ambientales y sociales. Posteriormente, se define una metodología para la valoración completa de la sostenibilidad, usando métodos de análisis de ciclo de vida. Asimismo, se propone un enfoque que permite obtener estructuras poco influenciables por los parámetros estructurales, así como por las preferencias de los diferentes decisores frente a los criterios sostenibles. La metodología proporcionada en esta tesis es aplicable a cualquier otro tipo de estructura. / [CA] Actualment existeix una tendència cap a la sostenibilitat, especialment en els països desenrotllats on la preocupació de la societat pel deteriori ambiental i els problemes socials ha augmentat. Seguint aquesta tendència, el sector de la construcció és un dels sectors que major influència té a causa del seu alt impacte econòmic, ambiental i social. Al mateix temps, existeix un increment en la demanda de transport que provoca la necessitat de desenrotll i manteniment de les infraestructures necessàries per a tal fi. En tot açò, els ponts es converteixen en una estructura clau, i per tant, la valoració de la sostenibilitat al llarg de tota la seua vida és essencial. L'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi doctoral és proposar una metodologia que permeta valorar la sostenibilitat d'un pont baix condicions inicials incertes (subjectivitat del decisor o variabilitat dels paràmetres inicials) i optimitzar el disseny per a obtenir ponts òptims robusts. Per a això, s'ha realitzat una extensa revisió bibliogràfica de tots els treballs en els quals es realitza un anàlisis de la sostenibilitat mitjançant la valoració de criteris relacionats amb els seus pilars principals (econòmic, ambiental o social). En aquesta revisió s'ha observat que la forma més completa de valorar els pilars ambientals i socials és mitjançant l'ús de mètodes d'anàlisis de cicle de vida. Aquests mètodes permeten realitzar la valoració de la sostenibilitat al llarg de totes les etapes de la vida dels ponts. Tot aquest procediment proporciona informació molt valuosa als decisors per a la valoració i selecció del pont més sostenible. No obstant això, les valoracions subjectives dels decisors sobre la importància dels criteris influeixen en l'avaluació final de la sostenibilitat. Per aquesta raó, és necessari crear una metodologia que reduïsca la incertesa associada i busque solucions robustes enfront de les opinions dels agents implicats en la presa de decisions. A més, el disseny i la presa de decisions en ponts està condicionat pels paràmetres inicialment definits. Açò condueix a solucions que poden ser sensibles front a menuts canvis en les dites condicions inicials. El disseny òptim robust permet obtenir dissenys òptims i estructuralment estables front a variacions de les condicions inicials, i també dissenys sostenibles i poc influenciables per les preferències dels decisors que formen part del procés de presa de decisió. D'aquesta manera, el disseny òptim robust es converteix en un procés d'optimització probabilística que requereix un gran cost computacional. Per aquest motiu, l'ús de metamodels s'ha integrat en la metodologia proposta. En concret, s'ha utilitzat l'hipercub llatí per a la definició de la mostra inicial i els models kriging per a la definició de l'aproximació matemàtica. D'aquesta forma, l'optimització heurística basada en kriging ha permés reduir més d'un 90% el cost computacional respecte a l'optimització heurística convencional obtenint resultats molt similars. Aquesta tesi doctoral proporciona en primer lloc, una ampla revisió bibliogràfica, tant dels criteris utilitzats per a la valoració de la sostenibilitat en ponts com dels diferents mètodes d'anàlisis de cicle de vida per a obtenir un perfil complet dels pilars ambientals i socials. Posteriorment, es defineix una metodologia per a la valoració completa de la sostenibilitat, utilitzant mètodes d'anàlisis de cicle de vida. Així mateix, es proposa un enfocament que permet obtenir estructures poc influenciables pels paràmetres estructurals, així com per les preferències dels diferents decisors enfront dels criteris sostenibles. La metodologia proporcionada en aquesta tesi doctoral és aplicable a qualsevol altre tipus d'estructura. Nº de páginas: / I would like to acknowledge the economic support of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, formerly called Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. This thesis has been possible thanks to the FPI fellowship and the financially support of BRIDLIFE (Research Project BIA2014-56574-R) and DIMALIFE (Project BIA2017-85098-R). / Penadés Plà, V. (2020). Life-cycle sustainability design of post-tensioned box-girder bridge obtained by metamodel-assisted optimization and decision-making under uncertainty [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/147480 / Compendio

Optimisation de la conception et commande de robot à tubes concentriques pour la chirurgie laparoscopique par accès unique / Design Optimization and Control for Concentric Tube Robot in Assisted Single-Access Laparoscopic Surgery

Boushaki, Mohamed Nassim 06 October 2016 (has links)
Les robots à tubes concentriques deviennent de plus en plus populaires dans la communauté de la robotique médicale. Dans cette thèse, un état de l’art général des travaux existants et qui couvre les thématiques de recherche en robots à tubes concentriques (RTC) est présenté dans un premier temps. Les modélisations géométrique (directe et inverse) et cinématique des RTC sont détaillées car elles servent de base pour les contributions de cette thèse. La première contribution consiste en une étude de concept d’utilisation des RTCs pour la résection des tumeurs profondes situées au niveau du lobe frontal du cérveau. ‘Grid searching’a été utilisée comme méthode d’optimisation pour la conception des tubes des RTCs. Cette méthode permet d’éviter le problème crucial de présélection des coefficients de pondération, cette pondération étant nécessaire dans toutes les méthodes de scalarisation existantes dans la litérature. La méthode de ‘grid searching’ utilisée dans ce travail permet la sélection des paramères optimaux avec l’aide d’une illustration graphique de la distribution des résultats de calcul concernant les critères de séléction. La stabilité élastique due aux interactions destubes en flexion et en torsion est incluse dans les critères de séléction et est évaluée avec une nouvelle approche introduite dans ce travail. La deuxième contribution de cette thèse repose sur la synthèse d’une loi de commande qui permet de faire face aux incertitudes cinématiques dans le contrôle de mouvement des RTCs. L’étude réalisée a montré qu’un contrôle au niveau des couples moteurs avec un retour dans l’espace opérationnel et une matrice Jacobienne approchée, ce contrôle assure une robustesse en présence des incertitudes cinématiques au niveau de la matrice Jacobienne et permet d’obtenir des bonnes performances de contrôle en terme d’erreur de poursuite. / Concentric Tube Robots (CTR) are becoming more and more popular in medical robotics community. In this thesis, a general literature survey on existing works covering the research topics of CTR is first presented. The kinematics of CTR is more specifically detailed since it is the basics of the main contributions of this thesis. The first contribution is a concept study of exploiting CTR for resection of deep brain tumors located at the frontal lobe. Grid searching has been used as the optimization method for the CTR tubes design. This method allows to avoid the crucial problem of weights preselection which is required in all scalarizationmethods existing in literature. Instead, the grid searching method used in this work allows to choose the optimal parameters with the help of graphical illustration of calculation results distribution with respect to the selection criteria. The elastic stability dues to the bending and torsion interaction between tubes is considered and evaluated with a new approach introduced in this work. The second contribution then is to deal with the kinematic uncertainties in motion control of CTR. The proposed control method designed at the actuator level shows that the control design of actuator input with task-space feedback and approximate Jacobian matrix provides robustness in handling inaccuracy in kinematic model and maintains good control performance at the same time.

Landing-Gear Impact Response: A Non-linear Finite Element Approach

Tran, Tuan H 01 January 2019 (has links)
The primary objective of this research is to formulate a methodology of assessing the maximum impact loading condition that will incur onto an aircraft’s landing gear system via Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and appropriately determining its corresponding structural and impact responses to minimize potential design failures during hard landing (abnormal impact) and shock absorption testing. Both static and dynamic loading condition were closely analyzed, compared, and derived through the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) airworthiness regulations and empirical testing data. In this research, a nonlinear transient dynamic analysis is developed and established via NASTRAN advanced nonlinear finite element model (FEM) to simulate the worst-case loading condition. Under the appropriate loading analysis, the eye-bar and contact patch region theory were then utilized to simulate the tire and nose wheel interface more accurately. The open geometry of the nose landing gear was also optimized to minimize the effect of stress concentration. The result of this research is conformed to the FAA’s regulations and bound to have an impact on the design and development of small and large aircraft’s landing gear for both near and distant future.

Cost Effectiveness and Complexity Assessment in Ship Design within a Concurrent Engineering and "Design for X" Framework

Caprace, Jean-David 26 February 2010 (has links)
Decisions taken during the initial design stage determine 60% to 95% of the total cost of a product. So there is a significant need to concurrently consider performance, cost, production and design complexity issues at the early stages of the design process. The main obstacle to this approach is the lack of convenient and reliable cost and performance models that can be integrated into a complex design process as is used in the shipbuilding industry. Traditional models and analysis methods frequently do not provide the required sensitivity to consider all the important variables impacting performance, cost, production and ships life cycle. Our challenge is that achieving this sensitivity at the early design stage almost requires data available during the detail design analysis. The traditional design methods do not adequately include, early enough, production and life cycle engineering to have a positive impact on the design. Taking an integrated approach throughout the life cycle of the ship and using concurrent engineering analysis tools can improve these traditional design process weaknesses. Innovation is required in structural design and cost assessment. The use of design for X, and particular design for production and cost schemes, during the design is the solution: to reduce failure during a ships life caused by design misconception, to reduce the overall design time and to shorten the build cycle of ships, to enlarge the number of design alternatives during the design process. The author has developed some assessment methods for cost effectiveness and complexity measurements intended to be used by ship designers for the real time control of cost process. The outcome is that corrective actions can be taken by management in a rather short time to actually improve or overcome predicted unfavourable performance. Fundamentally, these methods will provide design engineers with objective and quantifiable cost and complexity measures making it possible to take rational design decisions throughout the design stages. The measures proposed in this PhD are based on several techniques like decision analysis, data mining, neural network, fuzzy logic. They are objective facts, which are not dependent on the engineers interpretation of information, but rather on a model generated to represent the ship design. The objectivity aspect is essential when using the complexity and cost measures in a design automation system. Finally, with these tools, the designers should obtain well-defined and unambiguous metrics for measurement of the different types of cost effectiveness and complexities in engineered artefacts. Such metrics help the designers and design automation tools to be objective and perform quantitative comparisons of alternative design solutions, cost estimation, as well as design optimization. In this PhD, these metrics have been applied and validated with success in real industrial conditions on the design of passenger ships. Les décisions prises au cours de la phase initiale de conception déterminent 60% à 95% du coût total dun produit. Il y a donc un besoin important denvisager simultanément des aspects de performance, de coût, de production, de complexité au stade précoce du processus de conception. Le principal obstacle à cette approche est le manque de commodité et de fiabilité des modèles de coûts et des modèles danalyse de performance qui peuvent être intégrés dans un processus de conception aussi complexe que celui utilisé dans lindustrie de la construction navale. Les modèles traditionnels et les méthodes danalyse les plus fréquemment utilisés ne fournissent pas la sensibilité nécessaire pour examiner toutes les variables de conception importantes qui ont une influence sur la performance, le coût, la production et le cycle de vie des navires. Notre défi est quatteindre cette sensibilité au niveau de la conception initiale demande presque toujours des données uniquement disponibles lors de la conception détaillée. Les méthodes de conception traditionnelles ne prennent pas suffisamment en compte, suffisamment tôt, la production et lingénierie du cycle de vie afin davoir un impact positif sur la conception. Adopter une approche intégrée sur lensemble du cycle de vie des navires et utiliser lingénierie simultanée peuvent améliorer les faiblesses des processus de conception traditionnels. Linnovation est nécessaire dans la conception structurelle et lévaluation des coûts. Lutilisation du concept de "design for X", et en particulier le design en pensant à la production et à la réduction des coûts lors de la conception est la solution : pour réduire les dysfonctionnements qui peuvent apparaître pendant la vie du navire causés par des erreurs de conception, de réduire le temps total de conception et de raccourcir le cycle de la construction de navires, délargir le nombre dalternatives de conception évaluées au cours du processus de conception. Lauteur a développé quelques méthodes dévaluation des coûts et des techniques de mesure de la complexité destinées à être utilisés par les concepteurs de navire pour le contrôle en temps réel de la conception. Le résultat est que les actions correctives peuvent être prises par la direction dans un temps assez court pour améliorer réellement ou surmonter les prévisions de performance défavorables. Fondamentalement, ces méthodes offrent aux ingénieurs de conception des mesures quantifiables des coûts et de la complexité qui rend possible la prise de décisions rationnelles tout au long des étapes de conception. Les mesures proposées dans cette thèse sont basées sur plusieurs techniques telles que lanalyse à la décision, lanalyse de données, les réseaux de neurones ou encore la logique floue. Ce sont des faits objectifs, qui ne dépendent pas de linterprétation de linformation par lingénieur, mais plutôt dun modèle généré pour représenter le design du navire. Laspect de lobjectivité est essentiel pour lutilisation de la complexité et la mesure des coûts dans un système dautomatisation de la conception. Finalement, avec ces outils, les concepteurs obtiennent des mesures bien définies et non ambigües des paramètres de mesure de coûts, defficacité et de complexité des artefacts dingénierie. De telles mesures aident les concepteurs et les outils dautomatisation de la conception, à être objectifs et à comparer de manière quantitative les différentes alternatives lors de la conception, de lestimation des coûts, ainsi que de loptimisation. Dans cette thèse, ces paramètres ont été appliqués et validés avec succès et dans des conditions industrielles réelles sur la conception de navires à passagers. Las decisiones tomadas en la etapa inicial de un diseño determinan el 60% al 95% del total del costo de un producto. Por esta razón, es necesario considerar al mismo tiempo rendimiento, costo, producción y la complejidad en el proceso de la fase inicial del diseño. El principal obstáculo de este enfoque es la falta de práctica y fiabilidad de costos y de modelos de análisis de rendimiento, que puedan ser integrados en un proceso complejo de concepción utilizado en la industria de la construcción naval. Los modelos tradicionales y los métodos de análisis frecuentemente no tienen la sensibilidad necesaria para examinar todas las variables importantes que influyen en el rendimiento, costo, producción y la vida útil del buque. Nuestro reto es el que logrando de que ésta sensibilidad en la fase inicial de diseño casi siempre requiera de datos únicamente disponibles durante un análisis de diseño require detallado. Los métodos tradicionales de diseño no incluyen temprana y adecuadamente, la producción y la ingeniería del ciclo de vida para tener un impacto positivo en el diseño. Adoptando un enfoque integrado a lo largo del ciclo de vida de la nave usando la ingeniería concurrente y herramientas de análisis se pueden mejorar estas debilidades del proceso tradicional de diseño. Se requiere innovación en el diseño estructural y la evaluación de los costos. La utilización del concepto diseño para X, y en particular el diseño pensando en la producción y en la reducción de costos durante la concepción es la solución: para reducir errores durante la vida útil de los buques causados en la concepción del mismo, para reducir el tiempo total de diseño y acortando el ciclo constructivo del buque, para ampliar el número de alternativas durante el proceso de diseño. El autor ha desarrollado algunos métodos de evaluación de costos y de técnicas de medida de la complejidad destinadas a ser utilizadas por los diseñadores de barcos para el control en tiempo real del proceso de costos. El resultado es que las acciones correctivas pueden ser adoptadas por la dirección en un tiempo suficientemente corto para realmente mejorar o superar el rendimiento desfavorable proyectado. Fundamentalmente, estos métodos ofrecerán a los ingenieros diseñadores con medidas objetivas y cuantificables de costos y complejidad haciendo posible tomar decisiones racionales a lo largo de todas las etapas de diseño. Las medidas propuestas en esta tesis doctoral se basan en varias técnicas tales como análisis de decisión, análisis de datos, redes neuronales y lógica difusa. Son objetivos hechos, que no dependen de la interpretación que el ingeniero realice sobre la información, sino más bien en un modelo generado para representar el diseño de los buques. El aspecto de la objetividad es esencial cuando se usa las medidas de complejidad y costos en un sistema de automatización del diseño. Finalmente con estas herramientas, los diseñadores podrían obtener medidas bien definidas y no parámetros de medición ambiguos de costos, de eficacidad y de complejidad en los artefactos de ingeniería. Estas medidas ayudan a los diseñadores y a las herramientas automatizadas de diseño, a ser objetivos y a comparar de manera cuantitativa las diferentes alternativas de solución del diseño, estimación de costos, así como también la optimización del diseño. En este doctorado, estos parámetros han sido aplicados y validados con éxito sobre el diseño de buques de pasajeros en condiciones industriales reales. In der Anfangsphase einer Produktentwicklung getroffene Entscheidungen definieren 60% bis 90% der Gesamtkosten eines Produktes. Daher ist es absolut notwendig Performance, Kosten, Produktion, Designkomplexität in der Entstehungsphase eines Produktes zu betrachten. Das Haupthindernis hierbei ist das Fehlen von praktikablen und zuverlässigen Kosten- und Performancemodellen, welche sich in den komplexen Designprozess wie in der Schiffbauindustrie integrieren lassen. Konventionelle Modelle und Analysemethoden berücksichtigen oft nicht all die wichtigen Performance-, kosten-, produktion-, und Lebenszyklus-relevanten Variablen. Unsere Herausforderung, dass das Erreichen dieser Sensibilität in der Anfangsphase der Produktentwicklung, benötigt fast immer Daten, die erst in der Phase der Detailkonstruktion zur Verfügung stehen. Die konventionelle Entwurfsmethoden berücksichtigen nicht angemessen und früh genug die Produktion und das Lebenszyklen-Engineering, welche eine positive Auswirkung auf das Design haben. Ein integrierter Ansatz entlang des Lebenszyklus eines Schiffes und das Praktizieren von Concurrent Engineering können die Schwäche des konventionellen Entwurfsprozesses beseitigen. Innovation ist notwendig im Strukturentwurf und in der Kostenanalyse. Die Anwendung von Design for X und besonders Design for Production and Cost Scheme während der Entwurfsphase ist die Lösung: Um die Fehlerquote verursacht durch Missverständnisse und die Entwurfs- und Produktionszeit zu reduzieren, sowie um eine höhere Anzahl von Entwurfsvarianten zu ermöglichen. Der Autor hat einige Analysemethoden für Kosteneffektivität und Komplexitätsmaßnahmen für die Anwendung durch Schiffsentwerfer für die Echtzeit-Steuerung von Kostenprozess entwickelt. Das Ergebnis ist, dass das Management korrigierende Maßnahmen in kurzer Zeit treffen kann, um eine ungünstige Performance zu verbessern bzw. zu vermeiden. Im Grunde beschaffen diese Methoden den Entwurfsingenieuren mit objektiven und quantifizierten Kosten- und Komplexitätsmaßnahmen. Dies vereinfacht das Treffen von vernünftigen Entwurfsentscheidungen über die gesamte Entstehungsphase eines Schiffes. Die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten Maßnahmen basieren auf Techniken wie die Entscheidungsanalyse, das Data-Mining, neurale Netze und die Fuzzy-Logik. Es sind objektive Fakten, welche nicht von der Interpretation des Ingenieurs abhängen, sondern von einem generierten Model, um den Schiffsentwurf darzustellen. Der objektive Aspekt ist essenziell bei der Anwendung von Komplexitäts- und Kostenmaßnahmen in einem automatisierten Entwurfssystem. Mit diesen Werkzeugen sollte der Entwerfer gut-definierte und eindeutige Werte für Maßnahmen von unterschiedlicher Natur von Kosteneffektivität und -komplexität erhalten. Diese Werte helfen dem Entwerfer und automatisierten Entwurfssystemen, objektive zu sein. Ferner, ermöglichen diese Werte quantitative Vergleiche von Entwurfsvarianten, Kostenabschätzung und Entwurfsoptimierung. Diese Werte wurden im Rahmen eines Studienfalles mit realen Voraussetzungen (Entwurf von Passagierschiffen) erfolgreich angewendet und validiert.

Optimum Design Of Retaining Structures Under Static And Seismic Loading : A Reliability Based Approach

Basha, B Munwar 12 1900 (has links)
Design of retaining structures depends upon the load which is transferred from backfill soil as well as external loads and also the resisting capacity of the structure. The traditional safety factor approach of the design of retaining structures does not address the variability of soils and loads. The properties of backfill soil are inherently variable and influence the design decisions considerably. A rational procedure for the design of retaining structures needs to explicitly consider variability, as they may cause significant changes in the performance and stability assessment. Reliability based design enables identification and separation of different variabilities in loading and resistance and recommends reliability indices to ensure the margin of safety based on probability theory. Detailed studies in this area are limited and the work presented in the dissertation on the Optimum design of retaining structures under static and seismic conditions: A reliability based approach is an attempt in this direction. This thesis contains ten chapters including Chapter 1 which provides a general introduction regarding the contents of the thesis and Chapter 2 presents a detailed review of literature regarding static and seismic design of retaining structures and highlights the importance of consideration of variability in the optimum design and leads to scope of the investigation. Targeted stability is formulated as optimization problem in the framework of target reliability based design optimization (TRBDO) and presented in Chapter 3. In Chapter 4, TRBDO approach for cantilever sheet pile walls and anchored cantilever sheet pile walls penetrating sandy and clayey soils is developed. Design penetration depth and section modulus for the various anchor pulls are obtained considering the failure criteria (rotational, sliding, and flexural failure modes) as well as variability in the back fill soil properties, soil-steel pile interface friction angle, depth of the water table, total depth of embedment, yield strength of steel, section modulus of sheet pile and anchor pull. The stability of reinforced concrete gravity, cantilever and L-shaped retaining walls in static conditions is examined in the context of reliability based design optimization and results are presented in Chapter 5 considering failure modes viz. overturning, sliding, eccentricity, bearing, shear and moment failures in the base slab and stem of wall. Optimum wall proportions are proposed for different coefficients of variation of friction angle of the backfill soil and cohesion of the foundation soil corresponding to different values of component as well as lower bounds of system reliability indices. Chapter 6 presents an approach to obtain seismic passive resistance behind gravity walls using composite curved rupture surface considering limit equilibrium method of analysis with the pseudo-dynamic approach. The study is extended to obtain the rotational and sliding displacements of gravity retaining walls under passive condition when subjected to sinusoidal nature of earthquake loading. Chapter 7 focuses on the reliability based design of gravity retaining wall when subjected to passive condition during earthquakes. Reliability analysis is performed for two modes of failure namely rotation of the wall about its heel and sliding of the wall on its base are considering variabilities associated with characteristics of earthquake ground motions, geometric proportions of wall, backfill soil and foundation soil properties. The studies reported in Chapter 8 and Chapter 9 present a method to evaluate reliability for external as well as internal stability of reinforced soil structures (RSS) using reliability based design optimization in the framework of pseudo static and pseudo dynamic methods respectively. The optimum length of reinforcement needed to maintain the stability against four modes of failure (sliding, overturning, eccentricity and bearing) by taking into account the variabilities associated with the properties of reinforced backfill, retained backfill, foundation soil, tensile strength and length of the geosynthetic reinforcement by targeting various component and system reliability indices is computed. Finally, Chapter 10 contains the important conclusions, along with scope for further work in the area. It is hoped that the methodology and conclusions presented in this study will be beneficial to the geotechnical engineering community in particular and society as a whole.

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