Spelling suggestions: "subject:"design model"" "subject:"1design model""
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Vad får användare att spara i Dreams?Hellberg, Erica, Lindström, Therese January 2021 (has links)
The younger generation shows a different consumption behavior compared to previousgenerations where the attitude towards debt and loans is more relaxed. In addition, manypeople also experience difficulties with saving money and the human brain is a major factorin the connection between money and consumption behavior. Dreams is an application whereyou can save money and they argue that they increase the user’s wellbeing, feeling of safetyand motivation towards saving money. Dreams is designed for the users to be able to savemoney in an easy, fun and innovative way. The black background with white text bothclarifies and creates contrast for the user. This qualitative study that is based on semistructured interviews will analyze how Dreams persuade their users to save money. The studyis based on Fogg’s behavior model for persuasive design and Persuasive system designmodel. Both models explain persuasive design that influences behavior. The results show thatthere are design factors that contribute to users saving in Dreams as well as design factorsthat would make Dreams more persuasive. / Den yngre generationen visar ett annorlunda konsumtionsbeteende jämfört med tidigaregenerationer, där inställningen till skulder och lån är mer avslappnad. Dessutom upplevermånga svårigheter med att spara pengar och den mänskliga hjärnan är en stor faktor ikopplingen mellan pengar och konsumtionsbeteende. Dreams är en app där man kan sparapengar och de argumenterar att de ökar användarens välmående, trygghet och motivation attspara pengar. Dreams är designad för att användarna ska kunna spara pengar på ett enkelt,roligt och innovativt sätt. Den svarta bakgrunden och vita texten som tydliggör och skaparkontraster för användaren. Den här kvalitativ studien som är baserad på semistruktureradeintervjuer kommer analysera hur Dreams övertygar sina användare att spara pengar. Studienutgår från Foggs beteendemodell och Persuasive system design model. Båda modellernaförklarar övertygande design som påverkar beteende. Resultatet visar att det finnsdesignfaktorer som bidrar till att användare sparar i Dreams samt designfaktorer som skullegöra Dreams mer övertygande.
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Assessment of the Architectural Variables of Dementia-Friendly Nursing Care Facilities through Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE)Golgolnia, Tahere 22 January 2025 (has links)
As the global population of people with dementia is projected to reach 139 million by 2050, there is a growing focus on strategies supporting their Health and Care Outcomes (HCOs), one of which is dementia-friendly design in healthcare facilities. The built environment of healthcare facilities plays a key role in dementia care. To design healthcare facilities that better align with the HCOs for people with dementia, it is beneficial to assess the effects of Architectural Variables (AVs) on HCOs. The more extensive the consideration of AVs’ effects in design, the greater the capacity to achieve alignment between the built environment and HCOs. For this purpose, this PhD thesis develops a new assessment software which assesses the effects of AVs on HCOs more effectively, shifting from traditional and manual assessment tools in architecture towards systematic and digital approaches. Its development is guided by a methodology that addresses correspondingly three main challenges in previous assessment tools including lack of standard set of AVs and HCOs with widespread consensus, limitation in the holistic and systematic coverage of their interactions in the assessment calculations, and application difficulties of assessment tools.
Firstly, this thesis creates a new set of AVs and HCOs through terminology analysis and introduces a new structure of classification for allocating and positioning the AVs and HCOs. In the terminology analysis, AVs and HCOs were extracted from a source of Evidence-Based Design (EBD) studies, then through frequency analysis and statistical tests, representative terms with the most potential for consensus were identified. For the structure of classification, a new structure was developed for AVs and HCOs based on both theoretical and practical investigation approaches to meet a set of fundamental classification criteria.
Secondly, Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE), a subset of Systems Engineering, is utilized to model the interactions between AVs and HCOs. This approach enables the consideration of all different types of interactions between AVs and HCOs. It considers both direct interactions (AV-HCO) and indirect interactions, such as AV-HCO-HCO (an AV affects an HCO, which in turn affects another HCO) and AV-AV-HCO (an AV affects another AV, which then affects an HCO). Through systematic modeling with MBSE, a logical model has been developed that automates assessment calculations.
Thirdly, the application difficulties of the previous assessment tools are addressed through considerations in the software features and capabilities. Namely, the logical model obtained in the second step is integrated into the computational engine of the software to support it as a calculative engine without any need for manual intervention by users. Users can enter the specifications of the facilities supposed to be assessed through AVs in the software, then the assessment is carried out through data exchange between the computational engine and its logical model on the backend. The results of the assessment are displayed online through quantitative and qualitative analysis. Users are informed about how many negative or positive effects each HCO receives from which AVs. It also provides root cause analysis through the impact chains of direct and indirect interactions to clarify why an effect, whether positive or negative, occurs. The total result for all of the HCOs is also available.
Currently, the software conducts the assessment based on 396 interactions between AVs and HCOs, extracted from a source of previous studies. However, the model obtained through implementing MBSE is so developed that new findings could be added into the model and subsequently automatically into the software, along with all relevant assessment calculations. This makes the software dynamic and adaptable to new findings. Moreover, the software was implemented in two real-world case assessments in Cambridge, UK. Additionally, expert feedback was gathered through a series of feedback sessions.:Table of content
1.1. Introduction to built environment and human outcomes
1.1.1. Definition of built environment and human outcomes
1.1.2. The impact of built environment on human outcomes, with a focus on older occupants
1.2. Theories linking the built environment and human outcomes
1.2.1. Overview of theories linking built environment and human outcomes
1.2.2. Environmental gerontology
1.3. EBD: An approach to design for the theories linking built environment and human outcomes
1.3.1. Role of EBD in healthcare facility design
1.3.2. Role of EBD in environmental gerontology
2.1. Understanding dementia: Definition to consequences
2.2. The built environment of people with dementia
2.3. Definition and history of dementia-friendly design
2.4. Effects of dementia-friendly design on people with dementia
2.5. Principles of dementia-friendly design in nursing homes
3.1. Role of assessment tools in dementia-friendly design
3.2. Overview of previous assessment tools
3.3. Analyzing the previous assessment tools
4.1. Research gap, objectives, and questions
4.2. Scope and boundaries
4.3. Methodology
5.1. Extraction of terminology through concept-based approach
5.1.1. Conducting content analysis of source studies
5.1.2. Application of a concept-based approach
5.2. Dataset generation of the extracted terminologies
5.3. Frequency analysis and statistical tests
5.3.1. Frequency analysis and chi-square test of the concepts for AVs
5.3.2. Frequency analysis and chi-square test of the concepts for HCOs
5.4. Selection of representative terms
5.5. Scenarios for establishing comprehensive standardized terminology
6.1. Development of the classification structure
6.1.1. Expected efficacies and importance of the classification structure
6.1.2. Criteria for the development of classification structure
6.1.3. Nature of classification criteria
6.1.4. Investigation approaches
6.1.5. Creating the structure of classifications for AVs and HCOs
6.2. Allocation of AVs and HCOs to their corresponding classifications
6.3. Extraction of the interactions between AVs and HCOs
6.4. Considerations for interactions between AVs and HCOs
7.1. The role and benefits of MBSE in the assessment software
7.2. Introduction to the Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE)
7.2.1. The foundation of MBSE: Systems Engineering (SE)
7.2.2. The core principles of MBSE
7.3. Implementing MBSE
7.3.1. Operational analysis phase
7.3.2. System analysis phase
7.3.3. Logical architecture phase
7.3.4. Physical architecture phase
8.1. Overview of the software structure
8.2. Technical structure and key technologies
8.3. Key features and functionalities
8.3.1. Accessibility
8.3.2. Registration
8.3.3. Management of assessment cases
8.3.4. Creation of a new assessment case
8.3.5. Design assessment questionnaire
8.3.6. Displaying the assessment results
8.4. Considerations for interactions in the assessment software
8.4.1. Reliability awareness
8.4.2. Reflection of AV-HCO direct vs. indirect distinctions
8.4.3. Clarification of conflicts in studies’ findings
8.5. Case analysis
8.5.1. On-site assessment and data collection for AVs’ specifications
8.5.2. Assessment results of case analysis
8.5.3. Comparative analysis
8.6. Experts’ feedback
8.6.1. Selection of participants
8.6.2. Content of the feedback sessions
8.6.3. Feedback session process and outcomes
9.1. Thesis implications for dementia-friendly design assessment
9.1.1. Standardization and organization of AVs and HCOs
9.1.2. Systematic consideration of interactions
9.1.3. Application capabilities
9.2. Limitations
9.2.1. Scope of interactions and benchmarking
9.2.2. Limitation in qualitative nature of EBD findings
9.2.3. Practical application and validation
9.2.4. Standardization of terminology
9.2.5. Stakeholder interplay
9.3. Future directions
9.3.1. Expanding scope of interactions
9.3.2. Expanding practical application and user feedback
9.3.3. Extending standardization of terminology
9.3.4. Region-specific versions of the assessment software
9.4. Conclusion
REFERENCES / Bis zum Jahr 2050 wird die Weltbevölkerung voraussichtlich 139 Millionen Menschen mit Demenz erreichen. Infolgedessen liegt der Schwerpunkt zunehmend auf Lösungen zur Unterstützung ihrer Gesundheits- und Pflegeergebnisse (HCOs), zu denen auch die demenzfreundliche Gestaltung von Gesundheitseinrichtungen gehört. Um Gesundheitseinrichtungen zu gestalten, die besser mit den HCOs von Menschen mit Demenz übereinstimmen, ist es notwendig, die Auswirkungen von architektonischen Variablen (AVs) auf HCOs gründlich zu bewerten. Je umfassender die Berücksichtigung der Effekte von AVs im Design ist, desto größer ist die Fähigkeit, eine Übereinstimmung zwischen der gebauten Umgebung und den HCOs zu erreichen. Zu diesem Zweck wird in dieser Dissertation eine neue softwaregesteuerte Bewertungslösung entwickelt, mit der die Auswirkungen von AVs auf HCOs effektiver bewertet werden können, indem von traditionellen und manuellen Instrumenten auf digitale Lösungen umgestellt wird. Die Entwicklung wird von einer Methodik geleitet, die drei Hauptprobleme in früheren Bewertungsinstrumenten behandelt, darunter das Fehlen eines Standardsets von AVs und HCOs mit weitreichendem Konsens, Einschränkungen in der umfassenden und systematischen Abdeckung ihrer Interaktionen in den Bewertungsberechnungen sowie Anwendungsprobleme von Bewertungsinstrumenten.
Erstens wird in dieser Arbeit durch eine Terminologieanalyse ein neues Set von AVs und HCOs erstellt und eine neue Klassifikationsstruktur für die Zuordnung und Positionierung der AVs und HCOs eingeführt. Bei der Terminologieanalyse wurden AVs und HCOs aus einer Quelle von Evidence-Based Design (EBD) Studien extrahiert, dann durch statistische und Häufigkeitsanalysen repräsentative Begriffe mit dem größten Konsenspotenzial ermittelt. Für die Struktur der Klassifizierung wurde eine neue Struktur für AVs und HCOs entwickelt, die sowohl auf theoretischen als auch auf praktischen Untersuchungsansätzen basiert, um eine Reihe von grundlegenden Klassifizierungskriterien zu erfüllen.
Zweitens wird das modellbasierte System-Engineering (MBSE), ein Teilbereich des Systems-Engineering, zur Modellierung der Interaktionen zwischen AVs und HCOs eingesetzt. Dieser Ansatz ermöglicht die Berücksichtigung aller verschiedenen Arten von Interaktionen zwischen AVs und HCOs. Es berücksichtigt sowohl direkte Interaktionen (AV-HCO) als auch indirekte Interaktionen wie AV-HCO-HCO (ein AV beeinflusst ein HCO, das wiederum ein anderes HCO beeinflusst) und AV-AV-HCO (ein AV beeinflusst ein anderes AV, das wiederum ein HCO beeinflusst). Durch systematische Modellierung mit MBSE wurde ein logisches Modell entwickelt, das die Bewertungsberechnungen automatisiert.
Drittens werden die Anwendungsprobleme der vorherigen Bewertungsinstrumente durch Überlegungen zu den Softwarefunktionen und -fähigkeiten behandelt. Insbesondere wird das im zweiten Schritt erhaltene logische Modell in den Berechnungsmotor der Software integriert, um es als einen rechnerischen Motor zu unterstützen, ohne dass Benutzer manuell eingreifen müssen. Benutzer können die Spezifikationen der Einrichtungen, die durch AVs der Software bewertet werden sollen, eingeben, und die Bewertung erfolgt durch den Datenaustausch zwischen dem Berechnungsmotor und seinem logischen Modell auf dem Backend. Die Ergebnisse der Bewertung werden online durch quantitative und qualitative Analysen angezeigt. Benutzer werden darüber informiert, wie viele negative oder positive Auswirkungen jede HCO von welchen AVs erhält. Es bietet auch Ursachenanalyse, um zu klären, warum ein Effekt, sei er positiv oder negativ, auftritt. Das Gesamtergebnis für alle HCOs ist ebenfalls verfügbar.
Aktuell führt die Software die Bewertung auf der Grundlage von 396 Interaktionen zwischen AVs und HCOs durch, die aus einer Quelle früherer Studien extrahiert wurden. Das durch die Implementierung von MBSE erhaltene Modell ist jedoch so entwickelt, dass neue Erkenntnisse problemlos in das Modell und anschließend automatisch in die Software und alle relevanten Bewertungsberechnungen integriert werden können. Dies macht die Software dynamisch und anpassungsfähig für neue Erkenntnisse. Darüber hinaus wurde die Software in zwei realen Fallbewertungen in Cambridge, Großbritannien, implementiert. Zusätzlich wurde durch eine Reihe von Feedback-Sitzungen Expertenfeedback gesammelt.:Table of content
1.1. Introduction to built environment and human outcomes
1.1.1. Definition of built environment and human outcomes
1.1.2. The impact of built environment on human outcomes, with a focus on older occupants
1.2. Theories linking the built environment and human outcomes
1.2.1. Overview of theories linking built environment and human outcomes
1.2.2. Environmental gerontology
1.3. EBD: An approach to design for the theories linking built environment and human outcomes
1.3.1. Role of EBD in healthcare facility design
1.3.2. Role of EBD in environmental gerontology
2.1. Understanding dementia: Definition to consequences
2.2. The built environment of people with dementia
2.3. Definition and history of dementia-friendly design
2.4. Effects of dementia-friendly design on people with dementia
2.5. Principles of dementia-friendly design in nursing homes
3.1. Role of assessment tools in dementia-friendly design
3.2. Overview of previous assessment tools
3.3. Analyzing the previous assessment tools
4.1. Research gap, objectives, and questions
4.2. Scope and boundaries
4.3. Methodology
5.1. Extraction of terminology through concept-based approach
5.1.1. Conducting content analysis of source studies
5.1.2. Application of a concept-based approach
5.2. Dataset generation of the extracted terminologies
5.3. Frequency analysis and statistical tests
5.3.1. Frequency analysis and chi-square test of the concepts for AVs
5.3.2. Frequency analysis and chi-square test of the concepts for HCOs
5.4. Selection of representative terms
5.5. Scenarios for establishing comprehensive standardized terminology
6.1. Development of the classification structure
6.1.1. Expected efficacies and importance of the classification structure
6.1.2. Criteria for the development of classification structure
6.1.3. Nature of classification criteria
6.1.4. Investigation approaches
6.1.5. Creating the structure of classifications for AVs and HCOs
6.2. Allocation of AVs and HCOs to their corresponding classifications
6.3. Extraction of the interactions between AVs and HCOs
6.4. Considerations for interactions between AVs and HCOs
7.1. The role and benefits of MBSE in the assessment software
7.2. Introduction to the Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE)
7.2.1. The foundation of MBSE: Systems Engineering (SE)
7.2.2. The core principles of MBSE
7.3. Implementing MBSE
7.3.1. Operational analysis phase
7.3.2. System analysis phase
7.3.3. Logical architecture phase
7.3.4. Physical architecture phase
8.1. Overview of the software structure
8.2. Technical structure and key technologies
8.3. Key features and functionalities
8.3.1. Accessibility
8.3.2. Registration
8.3.3. Management of assessment cases
8.3.4. Creation of a new assessment case
8.3.5. Design assessment questionnaire
8.3.6. Displaying the assessment results
8.4. Considerations for interactions in the assessment software
8.4.1. Reliability awareness
8.4.2. Reflection of AV-HCO direct vs. indirect distinctions
8.4.3. Clarification of conflicts in studies’ findings
8.5. Case analysis
8.5.1. On-site assessment and data collection for AVs’ specifications
8.5.2. Assessment results of case analysis
8.5.3. Comparative analysis
8.6. Experts’ feedback
8.6.1. Selection of participants
8.6.2. Content of the feedback sessions
8.6.3. Feedback session process and outcomes
9.1. Thesis implications for dementia-friendly design assessment
9.1.1. Standardization and organization of AVs and HCOs
9.1.2. Systematic consideration of interactions
9.1.3. Application capabilities
9.2. Limitations
9.2.1. Scope of interactions and benchmarking
9.2.2. Limitation in qualitative nature of EBD findings
9.2.3. Practical application and validation
9.2.4. Standardization of terminology
9.2.5. Stakeholder interplay
9.3. Future directions
9.3.1. Expanding scope of interactions
9.3.2. Expanding practical application and user feedback
9.3.3. Extending standardization of terminology
9.3.4. Region-specific versions of the assessment software
9.4. Conclusion
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Modellbau: Prototyping und Demonstratorbau an der Professur für Technisches Design — Einblicke in die Arbeit unseres ModellbauersEdlich, Berit, Wölfel, Christian 18 February 2025 (has links)
Das Erstellen von Design-Modellen, Demonstratoren und Prototypen hat im Industriedesign eine lange Tradition, so auch an der Professur für Technisches Design der Technischen Universität Dresden. Visualisierungen und Modellbau waren lange die wichtigsten Methoden im Designentwurfsprozess. In den 1970er Jahren waren deshalb wesentliche Forschungs- und Promotionsvorhaben in der damaligen „AG Industrielle Formgestaltung“ der „Veranschaulichungsmittel-Theorie“ gewidmet (Uhlmann, 1978, 1982; Giese, 1984; Kranke, 1987, 1988, 1990; Baarß, 1988). Aufgaben, Ansätze und Methoden der menschzentrierten Produktentwicklung haben sich seitdem geändert und weiterentwickelt, die Prioritäten haben sich verschoben. Doch trotz der Möglichkeiten digitaler Produktentwicklung und virtueller Realität werden immer noch häufig physische Modelle und Mockups erstellt und eingesetzt. Denn sie helfen den Entwerfenden und ihren Partnern noch immer am besten, Entwürfe zu beurteilen und Entscheidungen zu treffen.
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A design model of a competency based modular training system for the printing, newspaper and packaging industriesThomas, David Llewellyn, 1944- 06 1900 (has links)
The study centres on the development of a didactically justified design model
of a competency based modular training system for the Printing, Newspaper and
Packaging Industries.
The design model is represented in a diagram form identifying the components
of the design model in relation to their systems function. The components of
the design model are; training needs analysis, aims and objectives of
training, the learner initial situation, the code of practice for training
within industry, the pre-interactive training phase, the interactive training
phase and training outcomes.
Checklists are developed for using the design model as well as some practical
examples of the implementation of the design model in creating a training
system which features sound andragogic didactic principles and practices.
The use of the design model enables the development of a practical competency
based modular training system which meets the unique requirements of the
Printing, Newspaper and Packaging Industries. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Didactics)
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Theoretical advances in the modelling and interrogation of biochemical reaction systems : alternative formulations of the chemical Langevin equation and optimal experiment design for model discriminationMélykúti, Bence January 2010 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with methodologies for the accurate quantitative modelling of molecular biological systems. The first part is devoted to the chemical Langevin equation (CLE), a stochastic differential equation driven by a multidimensional Wiener process. The CLE is an approximation to the standard discrete Markov jump process model of chemical reaction kinetics. It is valid in the regime where molecular populations are abundant enough to assume their concentrations change continuously, but stochastic fluctuations still play a major role. We observe that the CLE is not a single equation, but a family of equations with shared finite-dimensional distributions. On the theoretical side, we prove that as many Wiener processes are sufficient to formulate the CLE as there are independent variables in the equation, which is just the rank of the stoichiometric matrix. On the practical side, we show that in the case where there are m_1 pairs of reversible reactions and m_2 irreversible reactions, there is another, simple formulation of the CLE with only m_1+m_2 Wiener processes, whereas the standard approach uses 2m_1+m_2. Considerable computational savings are achieved with this latter formulation. A flaw of the CLE model is identified: trajectories may leave the nonnegative orthant with positive probability. The second part addresses the challenge when alternative, structurally different ordinary differential equation models of similar complexity fit the available experimental data equally well. We review optimal experiment design methods for choosing the initial state and structural changes on the biological system to maximally discriminate between the outputs of rival models in terms of L_2-distance. We determine the optimal stimulus (input) profile for externally excitable systems. The numerical implementation relies on sum of squares decompositions and is demonstrated on two rival models of signal processing in starving Dictyostelium amoebae. Such experiments accelerate the perfection of our understanding of biochemical mechanisms.
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Modèle novateur de conception d’interface humain-ordinateur centrée sur l’utilisateur : le designer en tant que médiateurZahedi, Mithra 03 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche porte sur des questions relatives à la conception des interfaces humain-ordinateur. Elle s’inscrit dans le courant des recherches sur l’utilisabilité et elle s’intéresse particulièrement aux approches centrées sur l’utilisateur. Nous avons été très souvent témoin des difficultés éprouvées par les utilisateurs dans l’usage de certaines interfaces interactives et nous considérons que ces difficultés découlent d’un problème de design. Le design d’interface doit être basé sur les besoins de l’utilisateur dans le cadre de ses activités, dont les caractéristiques devaient être bien comprises et bien prises en considération pour mener à la conception d’interfaces qui respectent les critères d’utilisabilité. De plus, la communauté des chercheurs ainsi que l’industrie admettent maintenant que pour améliorer le design, il est crucial de développer les interfaces humain-ordinateur au sein d’une équipe multidisciplinaire. Malgré les avancées significatives dans le domaine du design centrées sur l’utilisateur, les visées annoncées sont rarement réalisées.
La problématique étudiée nous a conduit à poser la question suivante : En tant que designer d’une équipe multidisciplinaire de conception, comment modifier la dynamique de collaboration et créer les conditions d’une conception véritablement centrée sur l’interaction humain-ordinateur ? Notre démarche de recherche a été guidée par l’hypothèse voulant que l’activité de design puisse être le moyen de faciliter la création d’un langage commun, des échanges constructifs entre les disciplines, et une réflexion commune centrée sur l’utilisateur. La formulation de cette hypothèse nous a mené à réfléchir sur le rôle du designer.
Pour mener cette recherche, nous avons adopté une méthodologie mixte. Dans un premier temps, nous avons utilisé une approche de recherche par projet (recherche-projet) et notre fonction était celle de designer-chercheur. La recherche-projet est particulièrement appropriée pour les recherches en design. Elle privilégie les méthodes qualitatives et interprétatives ; elle étudie la situation dans sa complexité et de façon engagée. Nous avons effectué trois études de cas successives. L’objectif de la première étude était d’observer notre propre rôle et nos interactions avec les autres membres de l’équipe de projet pendant le processus de design. Dans la seconde étude, notre attention a été portée sur les interactions et la collaboration de l’équipe. Nous avons utilisé le processus de design comme méthode pour la construction d’un langage commun entre les intervenants, pour enrichir les réflexions et pour favoriser leur collaboration menant à redéfinir les objectifs du projet. Les limites de ces deux cas nous ont conduit à une intervention différente que nous avons mise en œuvre dans la troisième étude de cas. Cette intervention est constituée par la mise en place d’un atelier intensif de conception où les intervenants au projet se sont engagés à développer une attitude interdisciplinaire permettant la copratique réflexive pour atteindre les objectifs d’un projet de construction d’un site web complexe centré sur l’utilisateur.
L’analyse et l’interprétation des données collectées de ces trois études de cas nous ont conduit à créer un modèle théorique de conception d’interface humain-ordinateur. Ce modèle qui informe et structure le processus de design impliquant une équipe multidisciplinaire a pour objectif d’améliorer l’approche centrée sur l’utilisateur. Dans le cadre de ce modèle, le designer endosse le rôle de médiateur en assurant l’efficacité de la collaboration de l’équipe.
Dans un deuxième temps, afin de valider le modèle et éventuellement le perfectionner, nous avons utilisé une approche ethnographique comportant des entrevues avec trois experts dans le domaine. Les données des entrevues confirment la validité du modèle ainsi que son potentiel de transférabilité à d’autres contextes. L’application de ce modèle de conception permet d’obtenir des résultats plus performants, plus durables, et dans un délai plus court. / In complex design projects, problems typically arise when the design process is undertaken by multi-disciplinary groups of experts as well as non-experts because they do not share a common vision about the user’s needs, do not have identical goals related to the task, and do not have a common language to have productive dialogues as the design process progresses.
This research addressed issues related to the human-centered design approach within the context of human-computer interfaces (HCI). It explored ways in which a designer can create conditions whereby various contributors involved in the design process can benefit from the potential that the multi-disciplinary context afford to enrich their personal knowledge and reflection and at the same time work efficiently and collaboratively to design an interface that is user centered.
The research used a mixed methodology. In the first instance, a project-grounded research (research through design) was used in three successive case studies with increasing degrees of intervention and control by the researcher. Project-grounded research involves the development of knowledge and theory related to the design activity in an authentic design project. The focus of the first case was for the designer/researcher to observe her role and interaction with others during the design process. In the second case, the focus shifted to the collaborative interactions. The design process was used as a method to foster consensus building and the adoption of a common language to communicate and mutual goals to aim for. Limitations identified in these two cases led to the design of an intervention that was implemented in the third case. This intervention comprised an intensive workshop whereby team members engaged in an interdisciplinary attitude building exercise leading to joint-reflective practice toward achieving the goal which was to create a website. Data generated from these three cases informed the development of a theoretical model that represents steps of “optimal” collaborative design process, focusing on user-centeredness. In this model, the designer is attributed the additional and central role of mediator (designer as mediator) that facilitates the convergence of disparate foci and ways of thinking.
In the second instance, the model was presented to three design experts individually for validation purposes. Interview data collected from this process affirmed the validity of the concepts and relations depicted in the model as well as its transferability potential to other complex contexts. The proposed model has the promise of structuring design activities to unfold in a more efficient and timely manner while being sustainable.
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Paradigma ou campo: uma análise da produção acadêmica sobre o processo de projetoStefani, Alessandra Márcia de Freitas 20 August 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:24:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2014-08-20 / Fundo Mackenzie de Pesquisa / This research takes place in the context of FAU-Mackenzie and from the
author's experience as Computer Graphic Professor of Designer, who
proposes a reflection on the academic discussion about the impact of
digital tools in the design process.
Having as main objective to identify factors in academic discourse to help
understanding in what extent digital tools are effectively shaping a new
paradigm or if what is new lately is the construction of a discourse
configuring and defining a research field aiming to add value to players
and agents who would not deserve within the scene of traditional
academic discourses the same spotlight in design process.
It uses as theoretical foundation Pierre Bourdieu´s thinking tools -
habitus, field and capital - as well as the notion of paradigm shift by
Thomas Kuhn in order to map design research field and to investigate
the digital design model presented by Rivka Oxman in her article Theory
and Design in the First Digital Age', published in Design Studies
Magazine, 2006.
In order to analyze academic context for design process this thesis focus
on textual production of two authors considered references in the field
of design research - Rivka Oxman and Nigel Cross - who are elected by
this study as spokespersons of their fields and their scientific
This theoretical research was based on an extensive bibliographic survey
of intellectual production made by the referenced authors and it
considers their texts as narratives and discourses to understand our
studied object the digital design process within its social context of
their scientific and cultural production.
Among the contributions belonging to this study there is one table with
some unanswered questions about left over blanks in digital design by
Oxman which can function as themes for future research and
investigations with regards to digital design model.
In addition, another benefit of this study was the presentation of the full
translation of the article 'Theory and Design in The First Digital Age'
(2006), by Rivka Oxman, which fills a gap in the Brazilian research as
there are only a few texts translated about digital design in the academic
production. / Esta pesquisa se dá no contexto da FAU-Mackenzie, a partir da
experiência da autora como professora de Computação Gráfica no curso
de Design, e propõe uma reflexão sobre a discussão acadêmica acerca
do impacto das ferramentas digitais no processo de projeto.
Tem como objetivo principal identificar fatores presentes no discurso
acadêmico, que ajudem a compreender em que medida as ferramentas
digitais estão efetivamente moldando um novo paradigma de processo
de projeto ou se, em última análise, o que há de novo é a construção de
um discurso, que ao configurar e delimitar um campo de pesquisa
busca valorizar protagonistas e agentes que na cena tradicional dos
discursos acadêmicos acerca do processo de projeto não mereceriam o
mesmo destaque.
Utiliza como fundamentação teórica as ferramentas de pensamento
habitus, campo e capital - tal como construída por Pierre Bourdieu e a
noção de transição de paradigmas, definida por Thomas Kuhn, para
mapear o campo de pesquisa em projeto e investigar o Modelo de
projeto digital apresentado por Rivka Oxman, no texto Theory and
Design in the First Digital Age , publicado na revista Design Studies, 2006.
A fim de analisar o processo de projeto em âmbito acadêmico, a tese faz
um recorte de estudo sobre a produção textual de dois autores
considerados referências no campo de pesquisa em projeto - Rivka
Oxman e Nigel Cross, que são aqui eleitos como porta-vozes de seus
campos e respectivas comunidades científicas.
Esta pesquisa teórica baseou-se em um levantamento bibliográfico
extenso da produção intelectual publicada pelos autores referenciados e
considera tais textos como narrativas e discursos dos autores para
ambientar o objeto de estudo processo de projeto digital - no contexto
social de sua produção científica e cultural.
Entre as contribuições presentes neste estudo estão um quadro de
questões sobre as lacunas não respondidas no modelo de projeto digital
de Oxman, contribuição que pode servir de base para futuras pesquisas
e investigações sobre este tema.
Além disso, outra contribuição deste estudo foi a apresentação integral
da tradução do texto Theory and Design in the First Digital Age (2006),
de Rivka Oxman, que preenche uma lacuna na pesquisa em projeto
digital no Brasil, já que existem poucos textos traduzidos desta produção
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Application of persuasive systems design for adopting green information systems and technologiesShevchuk, N. (Nataliya) 04 October 2019 (has links)
Critical environmental situation requires academics and practitioners of various disciplines join efforts at planning sustainable development of the society. In information systems research, Green Information Systems and Technologies domain is the one that directly contributes to strengthening environmental values of individuals, communities, and organizations.
Abundance of technology influences people most of the time. Although this influence is not always positive, research on persuasive technologies and behavior change support systems searches for the beneficial ways to utilize the impact of information systems on the daily activities of individuals. Ability to assist with encouraging certain behaviors is a defining characteristic of many contemporary systems and devices. Building on the knowledge obtained from the health domain, this dissertation investigates using persuasive technologies for fostering pro-environmental behavior change.
Theoretical frameworks of the articles included in the dissertation are based primarily on the Persuasive Systems Design (PSD) model, accompanied by the other prominent socio-psychological theories commonly utilized in information systems research. This dissertation focuses on finding out how to encourage people to adopt and continue using mobile applications designed to assist with acquiring sustainable habits and behaviors.
The dissertation is composed of the historical analysis, systematic literature review, and four experimental studies that explore different aspects of persuasive Green IS/IT. Besides analyzing existing research using PSD model as a tool for evaluation, new empirical studies provide fresh insights on Green IS/IT designed for behavior change. Addressed topics include technology adoption and continuance intention, perceived persuasiveness, self-disclosure and risk, endogenous motivations, gamification, and cognitive absorption. Conducted statistical analyses investigate relationships among PSD constructs and other related concepts to discover factors that can convince people initiate and continue using Green IS/IT to develop or maintain environmentally sound practices.
Overall, the results reveal a high potential of the PSD model to become a vehicle for enhancement of the existing Green IS/IT. The dissertation provides implications for both academics and practitioners as well as suggestions for the future evolvement of persuasive Green IS/IT research. / Tiivistelmä
Ympäristön ja ilmaston vakava tilanne vaatii kaikilta osapuolilta kestävää kehitystä tukevaa toimintaa. Niin sanotut ‘vihreät’ tietojärjestelmät ja informaatioteknologiat pyrkivät vaikuttamaan ihmisten käyttäytymiseen vahvistamalla yksilöiden, yhteisöjen ja organisaatioiden ympäristöarvoja ja niiden mukaista käyttäytymistä.
Yltäkylläinen teknologiatarjonta vaikuttaa käyttäytymiseemme koko ajan. Vaikka tämä vaikutus ei aina olekaan positiivista, vakuuttavien ja suostuttelevien teknologioiden sekä käyttäytymisen muutosta tukevien järjestelmien tutkimus pyrkii etsimään niitä hyödyllisiä keinoja, joilla tietojärjestelmien avulla voidaan vaikuttaa myönteisesti jokapäiväiseen elämäämme. Monien nykyaikaisten järjestelmien ja laitteiden perusominaisuutena voidaankin nykyään pitää niiden kykyä rohkaista ja kannustaa käyttäjiä myönteiseen kohdekäyttäytymiseen. Tämä väitöskirja rakentuu erityisesti terveystoimialalta omaksuttuun suostuttelevia teknologioita koskevaan tutkimustietoon ja pyrkii soveltamaan tätä ympäristöystävällisen käyttäytymisen vahvistamiseen.
Tämän väitöstutkimuksen johtavana teoreettisena viitekehityksenä toimii Persuasive Systems Design -malli (PSD). Sen lisäksi hyödynnetään joitakin muita tietojärjestelmätutkimuksessa hyödynnettyjä sosiaalipsykologian teorioita. Väitöskirja keskittyy tarkastelemaan, miten voidaan kannustaa ottamaan käyttöön mobiilisovelluksia, jotka on jo alun perin suunniteltu tukemaan kestävän kehityksen kannalta myönteistä käyttäytymistä ja käyttäytymisen muutosta, sekä jatkamaan niiden käyttöä.
Väitöskirja koostuu aihealueen historiallisesta analyysistä ja systemaattisesta kirjallisuuskatsauksesta sekä neljästä kokeellisesta tutkimuksesta, jotka tutkivat ’vihreiden’ tietojärjestelmien ja informaatioteknologioiden vakuuttavia ja suostuttelevia ohjelmisto-ominaisuuksia. Sen lisäksi että olemassa olevaa kirjallisuutta on analysoitu PSD-mallia käyttäen, samaan malliin pohjautuvat empiiriset tutkimukset tuottavat tuoreita oivalluksia käyttäytymisen muutosta tukevaan suunnitteluun liittyen. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan teknologian käyttöönottoa, aikomuksia jatkaa teknologian käyttöä, koettua vakuuttavuutta ja suostuttelevuutta, sensitiivisten tietojen jakamista ja siihen liittyviä riskejä, sisäsyntyistä motivaatiota, pelillistämistä sekä kognitiivista absorptiota. Tilastollisten analyysien avulla tarkastellaan PSD-mallin ydinkäsitteiden ja muiden konstruktien välisiä suhteita, jotta tunnistettaisiin niitä tekijöitä, joiden avulla voidaan vaikuttaa hyödyllisten ‘vihreiden’ tietojärjestelmien ja informaatioteknologioiden käyttöönottoon ja käytön jatkamiseen, ja yleisemmin kannustamaan ympäristöystävällisiin käytänteisiin.
Tutkimustulokset osoittavat PSD-mallin merkityksen kestävää kehitystä tukeville tietojärjestelmille ja informaatioteknologioille. Suoritetun tutkimuksen perusteella ehdotetaan teemoja jatkotutkimusta varten. Väitöstutkimuksen tuloksilla on merkitystä sekä tieteenharjoittajille että käytännön soveltajille.
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Computer Assisted Evaluation Of Student Performance In An Engineering CourseSindhu, R 10 1900 (has links)
Increasing enrollment of students and declining availability of qualified and experienced faculty are leading to increased assessment loads of the existing faculty. Moreover, the assessment techniques are changing drastically due to the ever-increasing demand of new knowledge and abilities from the students. The tools offered by information technology can now be effectively used in enhancing the productivity of a teacher. This thesis proposes a mechanism for creating both summative and formative assessment instruments for a course in an engineering program. The assessment instruments will vary widely in nature depending on the subject. With increasing prevalence of digital devices in all walks of life a first level knowledge of digital systems is considered necessary for all engineers especially under electrical and computer engineering curricula. The first level course ‘Basics of Digital Systems’ is chosen for developing a framework of computer assisted evaluation. Creation of assessment instruments is best done in the context of an instructional system design (ISD) model. ADDIE, a generic model is chosen for the study. Bloom’s classification of levels of cognition, Vincenti’s categorization of engineering knowledge, and ‘Gronlund 2-level’ method for writing the learning objectives are integrated to create a ‘Bloom-Vincenti–Gronlund’(BVG)framework for preparing the learning objectives/assessment instruments. Developing tools for evaluation of performance of students in the assessment tests requires consideration of many issues: analysis of problems and their solution methods, errors normally committed by students, grading preferences of the instructor and feedback to students. A set of tools are developed that are able to evaluate the truth tables, state tables, excitation tables, timing diagram and VHDL codes. The developed tools are validated. The submission of the assignment and the integration of all the tools for evaluation will be more effective if they can be integrated in a learning management system (LMS). ‘MOODLE’, an open source LMS, is identified for the integration of the tools. The developed tools execute the files submitted by the students, evaluate them, and provide feedback to the students. In summary, the thesis addressed some key issues related to “assessment and evaluation of students’ performance” and proposed an integrated computer assisted system for the evaluation of students’ performance in the course ‘Basics of Digital Systems’.
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Modèle novateur de conception d’interface humain-ordinateur centrée sur l’utilisateur : le designer en tant que médiateurZahedi, Mithra 03 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche porte sur des questions relatives à la conception des interfaces humain-ordinateur. Elle s’inscrit dans le courant des recherches sur l’utilisabilité et elle s’intéresse particulièrement aux approches centrées sur l’utilisateur. Nous avons été très souvent témoin des difficultés éprouvées par les utilisateurs dans l’usage de certaines interfaces interactives et nous considérons que ces difficultés découlent d’un problème de design. Le design d’interface doit être basé sur les besoins de l’utilisateur dans le cadre de ses activités, dont les caractéristiques devaient être bien comprises et bien prises en considération pour mener à la conception d’interfaces qui respectent les critères d’utilisabilité. De plus, la communauté des chercheurs ainsi que l’industrie admettent maintenant que pour améliorer le design, il est crucial de développer les interfaces humain-ordinateur au sein d’une équipe multidisciplinaire. Malgré les avancées significatives dans le domaine du design centrées sur l’utilisateur, les visées annoncées sont rarement réalisées.
La problématique étudiée nous a conduit à poser la question suivante : En tant que designer d’une équipe multidisciplinaire de conception, comment modifier la dynamique de collaboration et créer les conditions d’une conception véritablement centrée sur l’interaction humain-ordinateur ? Notre démarche de recherche a été guidée par l’hypothèse voulant que l’activité de design puisse être le moyen de faciliter la création d’un langage commun, des échanges constructifs entre les disciplines, et une réflexion commune centrée sur l’utilisateur. La formulation de cette hypothèse nous a mené à réfléchir sur le rôle du designer.
Pour mener cette recherche, nous avons adopté une méthodologie mixte. Dans un premier temps, nous avons utilisé une approche de recherche par projet (recherche-projet) et notre fonction était celle de designer-chercheur. La recherche-projet est particulièrement appropriée pour les recherches en design. Elle privilégie les méthodes qualitatives et interprétatives ; elle étudie la situation dans sa complexité et de façon engagée. Nous avons effectué trois études de cas successives. L’objectif de la première étude était d’observer notre propre rôle et nos interactions avec les autres membres de l’équipe de projet pendant le processus de design. Dans la seconde étude, notre attention a été portée sur les interactions et la collaboration de l’équipe. Nous avons utilisé le processus de design comme méthode pour la construction d’un langage commun entre les intervenants, pour enrichir les réflexions et pour favoriser leur collaboration menant à redéfinir les objectifs du projet. Les limites de ces deux cas nous ont conduit à une intervention différente que nous avons mise en œuvre dans la troisième étude de cas. Cette intervention est constituée par la mise en place d’un atelier intensif de conception où les intervenants au projet se sont engagés à développer une attitude interdisciplinaire permettant la copratique réflexive pour atteindre les objectifs d’un projet de construction d’un site web complexe centré sur l’utilisateur.
L’analyse et l’interprétation des données collectées de ces trois études de cas nous ont conduit à créer un modèle théorique de conception d’interface humain-ordinateur. Ce modèle qui informe et structure le processus de design impliquant une équipe multidisciplinaire a pour objectif d’améliorer l’approche centrée sur l’utilisateur. Dans le cadre de ce modèle, le designer endosse le rôle de médiateur en assurant l’efficacité de la collaboration de l’équipe.
Dans un deuxième temps, afin de valider le modèle et éventuellement le perfectionner, nous avons utilisé une approche ethnographique comportant des entrevues avec trois experts dans le domaine. Les données des entrevues confirment la validité du modèle ainsi que son potentiel de transférabilité à d’autres contextes. L’application de ce modèle de conception permet d’obtenir des résultats plus performants, plus durables, et dans un délai plus court. / In complex design projects, problems typically arise when the design process is undertaken by multi-disciplinary groups of experts as well as non-experts because they do not share a common vision about the user’s needs, do not have identical goals related to the task, and do not have a common language to have productive dialogues as the design process progresses.
This research addressed issues related to the human-centered design approach within the context of human-computer interfaces (HCI). It explored ways in which a designer can create conditions whereby various contributors involved in the design process can benefit from the potential that the multi-disciplinary context afford to enrich their personal knowledge and reflection and at the same time work efficiently and collaboratively to design an interface that is user centered.
The research used a mixed methodology. In the first instance, a project-grounded research (research through design) was used in three successive case studies with increasing degrees of intervention and control by the researcher. Project-grounded research involves the development of knowledge and theory related to the design activity in an authentic design project. The focus of the first case was for the designer/researcher to observe her role and interaction with others during the design process. In the second case, the focus shifted to the collaborative interactions. The design process was used as a method to foster consensus building and the adoption of a common language to communicate and mutual goals to aim for. Limitations identified in these two cases led to the design of an intervention that was implemented in the third case. This intervention comprised an intensive workshop whereby team members engaged in an interdisciplinary attitude building exercise leading to joint-reflective practice toward achieving the goal which was to create a website. Data generated from these three cases informed the development of a theoretical model that represents steps of “optimal” collaborative design process, focusing on user-centeredness. In this model, the designer is attributed the additional and central role of mediator (designer as mediator) that facilitates the convergence of disparate foci and ways of thinking.
In the second instance, the model was presented to three design experts individually for validation purposes. Interview data collected from this process affirmed the validity of the concepts and relations depicted in the model as well as its transferability potential to other complex contexts. The proposed model has the promise of structuring design activities to unfold in a more efficient and timely manner while being sustainable.
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