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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza vnímání českého původu produktů / Analysis of the perception of Czech origin of the products

Pazderová, Blanka January 2013 (has links)
The master's thesis focuses on the perception of Czech origin of the products. The main goal was to analyze the perception of the origin of the products in terms of consumers that prefer to buy Czech products, and which designations of Czech origin on products they trust. In particular, the work deals with the so-called "official designations" of Czech origin, for example "Regionální potravina" (Regional food), "Regionální produkt"(Regional product), "Český výrobek - garantováno Potravinářskou komorou České republiky"(Czech product - guaranteed by Food Chamber of the Czech Republic) and others. On the other hand, it highlights the presence of so-called "unofficial designations" and their influence on the consumer's perception. It is also focused on the legal issue of the Czech products. In the practical part of the thesis, we deal with the quantitative and qualitative research of the perception of Czech products to the consumer, which verifies the preference of Czech products and confidence in official designation of Czech origin. Finally, my work deals with the designation "made in EU" and its perception of the consumer. The conclusion of the work is that the studied subject is missing a legal description (in the Czech law system) and enables a manipulation with customers that are not familiar with the current system and could be misled.

The why of geographical indications

Zappalaglio, Andrea January 2018 (has links)
This thesis explores the historical evolution of the nature of the link between a product and its place of origin in the European sui generis systems of GI protection, with a specific focus on the EU Regulation 1151/2012 on Geographical Indications for the protection of agricultural products and foodstuffs. It concludes that this link has substantively changed, since the 1930s, when some early forms of sui generis GI systems were introduced in southern Europe, especially in France and Italy. While these regimes were based exclusively on the concept of terroir, a cipher for the physical link between a product and a place, an empirical analysis carried out in the present work reveals that, today, the history of the product and of its method of production is, statistically, the predominant linking factor. Furthermore, the research shows that the historical link is almost always mentioned in the specifications of EU GI products, when protected both by Protected Designations of Origin (PDO) or Protected Geographical Indications (PGI), which are the two quality schemes provided by EU Law. In particular, the terroir element, which characterises PDOs, also appears frequently in PGI specifications, where it should be superfluous, thus suggesting that the differences between these two quality schemes are unclear. Finally, the emergence of the historical element confirms that GIs can contribute to the protection of products that are linked to a geographical area not by physical and environmental factors, but by the socio-cultural traditions of a specific place. Although history can constitute a valid product/link, however, it must be used with caution, as it can be mystified and reconstructed in an arbitrary and unfounded way. This is dangerous, because it can turn GIs into a mere marketing tool, thus damaging the origin function that distinguishes them from the broad family of quality labels.

Kartelizace chmelařství v Českých zemích, 1890-38 / The Emergence of Cartels in the Czech Lands Hop Production, 1890-38

Pojar, Vojtěch January 2016 (has links)
In the 19th and 20th centuries, the Czech lands were among the largest hop-growing regions in the world. Hop products became, in the interwar period, one of the crucial agricultural export goods of the Czechoslovak economy. This study aims to draw attention to the process of emergence of cartels in this particular branch of agricultural production. It traces the attempts to organize the industry by means of cartels from their very beginning in the late 19th century until the dissolution of Czechoslovakia in 1938. As a point of departure, it takes the assumption shared by many theoreticians of industrial organization who argue that the given structure of the industry to some extent pre-determines the ways how the cartels emerge and the particular forms they assume. These institutions, however, might in turn reshape the structure of the industry. The analysis indicates that the cartels in the hop industry were essentially 'children of opportunity' and their emergence was rarely correlated with an economic crisis. Even though the industry gave rise also to international collusive structures, the cartels in the hop industry were essentially unstable and weak and in most cases, the attempts to create them failed. Present study challenges the belief, widely held in the scholarship on cartels in the Czech lands,...

Efectos de la materia prima y el proceso secado-maduración sobre la calidad del jamón curado

Domínguez Gómez, María Jesús 21 January 2021 (has links)
[ES] La materia prima es un elemento clave en cualquier proceso de transformación alimentaria, ya que de su composición y cualidades dependerá el producto final. En el caso del jamón, el origen de la materia prima, puede proceder de sistemas ganaderos convencionales, donde la producción es intensiva y la alimentación está basada en piensos comerciales. En el caso de cerdos procedentes de ganadería ecológica, los animales están sujetos a las condiciones marcadas por la normativa europea de producción ecológica, donde se respeta el medio ambiente y el bienestar animal. Para el caso de figuras de calidad, las explotaciones ganaderas también deben cumplir los requisitos indicados en los pliegos de condiciones. Otro elemento que define al jamón curado es el proceso de elaboración, que se inicia con la salazón con o sin sales nítricas. El tiempo de secado-maduración, el sistema de secado (natural o con ventana abierta versus cámara con condiciones controladas) y la temperatura son elementos clave en el desarrollo de las cualidades organolépticas. El principal objetivo del presente estudio es aportar resultados sobre la evolución en la composición de la carne, a lo largo del proceso de secado-maduración, en la elaboración de jamón curado, teniendo como variables del estudio, la procedencia del pernil (de granjas ganaderas convencionales, ecológicas o de la DOP Teruel), tecnología aplicada en el proceso de secado (cumpliendo los requisitos para la certificación ecológica), así como la influencia del sistema de secado (ventana abierta o cámara), evaluando los parámetros que permiten clasificar las diferentes variables. Para ello se analizan un total de 36 jamones de cerdo blanco (convencional, ecológico y DOP Teruel), destinando 6 jamones de cada una para el secado natural y otros 6 para el secado en cámara. Los parámetros analizados son humedad, minerales totales, sodio, hierro, proteína, grasa, perfil de ácidos grasos, nitratos y nitritos, detección de antibióticos y compuestos de la fracción volátil. Los resultados indican que los parámetros de color L*, b* y C* son mayores en los jamones procedentes de sistemas de producción convencional, en particular en los jamones DOP Teruel, donde además se incluye el parámetro a*. Los jamones de sistemas de producción convencional se caracterizan por presentar valores más elevados de humedad, grasa, proteína y cenizas, así como un contenido en ácidos grasos saturados mayor. Esto repercute en los valores de los índices de calidad de la grasa, con connotaciones negativas en el índice de aterogenicidad, de trombogenicidad o en la relación ω6/ω3, sobre todo si los jamones se secan en cámara. Los jamones ecológicos presentan valores más bajos de los componentes químicos analizados y niveles superiores de AGMI y AGPI, así como índices positivos de calidad de la grasa como el de ácidos grasos buenos para la salud o la relación AGPI/AGS, especialmente si se secan al natural. Generando jamones con una mayor presencia de compuestos volátiles. La clasificación de los jamones, en función de la procedencia y el sistema de secado, se alcanza con éxito tomando los parámetros de color, ácidos grasos y los componentes terpenoides de la fracción volátil. El estudio de componentes principales permite clasificar los jamones convencionales como aquellos con mayor contenido en proteína, L*, cenizas, Fe, Na, H*, humedad, grasa, nitratos y nitritos, así como por los ácidos grasos behénico, palmítico, esteárico y mirístico. Los jamones ecológicos se caracterizarían por sus valores de a*, b* y C*, así como por la presencia de linoleico y linolénico y los jamones DOP Teruel serían aquellos con altos valores de ácidos grasos heptadecenoico, palmitoleico y oleico. / [CA] La matèria primera és un element clau en qualsevol procés de transformació alimentària, ja que de la seua composició i qualitats dependrà el producte final. En el cas del pernil, l'origen de la matèria primera, pot procedir de sistemes ramaders convencionals, on la producció és intensiva i l'alimentació està basada en pinsos comercials. En el cas de porcs procedents de ramaderia ecològica, els animals estan subjectes a les condicions marcades per la normativa europea de producció ecològica, on es respecta el medi ambient i el benestar animal. Per al cas de figures de qualitat, les explotacions ramaderes també han de complir els requisits indicats en els plecs de condicions. Un altre element que defineix al pernil curat és el procés d'elaboració, que s'inicia amb la salaó, amb o sense sals nítriques. El temps de l'assecatge-maduració on la duració, el sistema d'assecatge (natural o amb finestra oberta versus cambra amb condicions controlades) i la temperatura són elements clau en el desenvolupament de les qualitats organolèptiques. El principal objectiu del present estudi és aportar resultats sobre l'evolució en la composició de la carn, al llarg del procés d'assecatge-maduració, en l'elaboració de pernil curat, tenint com a variables de l'estudi, la procedència del pernil (de granges ramaderes convencionals, ecològiques o de la DOP Teruel), tecnologia aplicada en el procés d'assecatge (complint els requisits per a la certificació ecològica), així com la influència del sistema d'assecatge (finestra oberta o cambra), avaluant els paràmetres que permeten classificar les diferents variables. Per a això s'analitzen un total de 36 pernils de porc blanc, prenent 12 de cadascuna de les procedències objecte d'estudi (convencional, ecològic i DOP Teruel), destinant 6 pernils de cadascuna per a l'assecatge natural i altres 6 per a l'assecatge en cambra. Els paràmetres analitzats són humitat, minerals totals, sodi, ferro, proteïna, greix, perfil d'àcids grassos, nitrats i nitrits, detecció d'antibiòtics i compostos de la fracció volàtil. Els resultats indiquen que els paràmetres de color L*, b* i C* són majors en els pernils procedents de sistemes de producció convencional, en particular en els pernils DOP Teruel, on a més s'inclou el paràmetre a*. Els pernils de sistemes de producció convencional es caracteritzen per presentar valors més elevats d'humitat, greix, proteïna i cendres, així com un contingut en àcids grassos saturats major. Això repercuteix en els valors dels índexs de qualitat del greix, amb connotacions negatives en l'índex de aterogenicitat, de trombogenicitat o en la relació ω6/ω3, sobretot si els pernils s'assequen en cambra. Els pernils ecològics presenten valors més baixos dels components químics analitzats i nivells superiors de AGMI i AGPI, així com índexs positius de qualitat del greix com el d'àcids grassos bons per a la salut o la relació AGPI/AGS, especialment si s'assequen al natural. Generant pernils amb una major presència de compostos volàtils. La classificació dels pernils, en funció de la procedència i el sistema d'assecatge, s'aconsegueix amb èxit prenent els paràmetres de color, àcids grassos i els components terpenoides de la fracció volàtil. L'estudi de components principals permet classificar els pernils convencionals com aquells amb major contingut en proteïna, L*, cendres, Fe, Na, H*, humitat, greix, nitrats i nitrits, així com pels àcids grassos behénic, palmític, esteàric i mirístic. Els pernils ecològics es caracteritzarien pels seus valors de a*, b* i C*, així com per la presència de linoleic i linolènic i els pernils DOP Teruel serien aquells amb alts valors d'àcids grassos heptadecenoic, palmitoleic i oleic. / [EN] The raw material is a key element in any food transformation process, since the final product will depend on its composition and qualities. In the case of ham, the origin of the raw material can come from conventional livestock systems, where production is intensive and food is based on commercial feed. In the case of pigs from organic farming, the animals are subject to the conditions set by the European organic production regulations where the environment and animal welfare is respected. In the case of quality figures, livestock farms must also meet the requirements indicated in the specifications. Another element that defines cured ham is the production process, which begins with salting, with or without nitric salts. The duration of the drying-maturing, the drying system (natural or with an open window versus chamber with controlled conditions) and temperature are key elements in the development of organoleptic qualities. The main objective of this study is to provide results on the evolution in the composition of the meat, throughout the drying-maturation process, in the elaboration of dry-cured ham, having as variables of the study, the origin of the leg (from cattle farms conventional, ecological or of the Teruel PDO), technology applied in the drying process (meeting the requirements for ecological certification), as well as the influence of the drying system (open window or chamber), evaluating the parameters that allow classifying the different variables. For this, a total of 36 white pig hams are analyzed (conventional, organic and PDO Teruel), allocating 6 hams of each for natural drying and another 6 for drying under controlled conditions. The parameters analyzed are moisture, total minerals, sodium, iron, protein, fat, profile of fatty acids, nitrates and nitrites, detection of antibiotics and compounds of the volatile fraction. The results indicate that the color parameters L *, b * and C * are higher in hams from conventional production systems, particularly in PDO Teruel hams, where the a * parameter is also included. Hams from conventional production systems are characterized by higher moisture, fat, protein and ash values, as well as a higher saturated fatty acid content. This affects the values of the fat quality indices, with negative connotations in the atherogenicity index, thrombogenicity or in the ω6/ω3 ratio, especially if the hams dried in controlled conditions. Organic hams present lower values of the chemical components analyzed and higher levels of MUFA and PUFA, as well as positive indices of fat quality such as fatty acids good for health or the PUFA / SFA ratio, especially in natural driying. Generating hams with a greater presence of volatile compounds. The classification of hams, depending on the origin and the drying system, is successfully achieved by taking the parameters of color, fatty acids and the terpenoid components of the volatile fraction. The study of main components makes it possible to classify conventional hams as those with the highest content in protein, L *, ashes, Fe, Na, H *, moisture, fat, nitrates and nitrites, as well as by behenic, palmitic, stearic and myristic. Organic hams would be characterized by their a *, b * and C * values, as well as by the presence of linoleic and linolenic levels, and DOP Teruel hams would be those with high levels of heptadecenoic, palmitoleic and oleic fatty acids. / Domínguez Gómez, MJ. (2020). Efectos de la materia prima y el proceso secado-maduración sobre la calidad del jamón curado [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/160042 / TESIS

Do geographical indications promote sustainable rural development? : two UK case studies and implications for New Zealand rural development policy

Williams, Rachael M. January 2007 (has links)
Geographical indications (GIs) are one form of protective labelling used to indicate the origin of food and alcohol products. The role of protected geographical indicators as a promising sustainable rural development tool is the basis for this research. The protection of geographical indications is a rather controversial subject and much research is still required for both sides of the debate. The research method employed for this study is qualitative critical social science. Two Case studies are used to investigate the benefits brought to rural areas through the protection of GIs. The case studies include the GIs Jersey Royal and Welsh Lamb both from the United Kingdom a member of the European Union (the EU is in favour of extended protection of GIs for all agro-food products under the 1994 WTO/TRIPS agreement on geographical indications). Twenty-five indepth interviews were conducted for this study the duration of the interviews was approximately one hour. The study identifies predominantly indirect links between GIs and sustainable rural development, through economic and social benefits bought to rural areas by the GIs investigated - less of a connection was found to ecological elements. No considerable cost for GI protection was discovered. This finding suggests that GIs are worthwhile for implementation in New Zealand as a rural development tool.

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