Spelling suggestions: "subject:"desigualtats een salud"" "subject:"desigualtats enn salud""
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Determinants of social inequalities in selfrated health: analysis at the intersection of gender, class and migration typeMalmusi, Davide, 1980- 29 November 2012 (has links)
This dissertation aims to describe social inequalities in self-rated health in an integrated framework of gender, social class and immigration, and to identify the main intermediary factors and health problems that contribute to these inequalities. Three cross-sectional studies were performed with data from surveys of the general population residing in Catalonia and Spain in 2006. Migration from poor regions of Spain to Catalonia emerged as a health inequality dimension in addition to and interaction with gender and social class, highlighting the transitory nature of the ‘healthy immigrant effect’ partially observed in foreign immigrants. Material and economic resources made major contributions to all three types of health inequalities: individual income made the greatest contribution to gender inequalities; household material assets and financial difficulties to migration-related inequalities; and both to social class inequalities. Poorer self-rated health of women was showed to be not an issue of perception but a precise reflection of the higher burden of chronic conditions they suffered compared to men, such as musculoskeletal, mental and other pain disorders, which could be targets for a health system responsive to gender inequalities. Intersections between axes of inequality created complex social locations with unique consequences on health.
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Breast cancer screening: social inequalities by country of origin and social class and its impact on mortalityPons i Vigués, Mariona 23 November 2010 (has links)
The general objective of this dissertation is to study breast cancer screening and specifically
social inequalities by social class and country of origin and its relationship with
decreasing mortality. Therefore, four different studies have been done: three with quantitative
methodology and one with qualitative. According to the quasi-experimental study, breast cancer
mortality decreased in Barcelona before the introduction of the population screening program, but
this reduction is more marked after its introduction. According to data from the Spanish National
Health Survey in 2006, there are inequalities in the rate of breast cancer screening according to
country of origin and social class. According to two studies conducted in Barcelona, immigrant
women from low-income countries are less aware, and hence do less, early detection practices,
as they have other priorities and perceive more barriers and taboos. Chinese women are the
immigrants who present more differences with native women, followed by Maghribian and
Philippine women. Place of origin, social class and migration process are key factors in
preventive practices. In conclusion, it is necessary to encourage access to preventive screening
practices for all women and also to undertake specific actions directed at the most vulnerable
groups, taking into account any socio-cultural factors that influence the use of preventive
practices. / L’objectiu general d’aquesta tesi és estudiar el cribratge de càncer de mama i en concret les
desigualtats socials per classe social i país d’origen, així com la seva relació amb la disminució
de la mortalitat. En conseqüència, s’han realitzat quatre estudis diferents: tres de metodologia
quantitativa i un de qualitativa. Segons l’estudi quasi-experimental, la mortalitat per càncer de
mama a Barcelona disminueix des d’abans de la introducció del programa poblacional de
cribatge, però aquesta reducció és més accentuada desprès de la seva introducció. En base a
l’Enquesta Nacional de Salut de l’Estat Espanyol de l’any 2006, existeixen desigualtats en la
realització de mamografies periòdiques segons país d’origen i classe social. Segons els dos
estudis realitzats a Barcelona, les dones immigrades procedents de països de renda baixa
coneixen i realitzen menys les pràctiques de detecció precoç, ja que tenen altres prioritats i
perceben més barreres i tabús. Les dones xineses són les que presenten més diferències amb
les dones autòctones, seguides de les magribines i les filipines. El lloc d’origen, la classe social i
el procés migratori són factors claus en les practiques preventives. En conclusió, és necessari
afavorir l’accés a les pràctiques preventives a totes les dones i també realitzar accions
específiques dirigides als grups més vulnerables sense deixar de tenir en compte els factors
socioculturals que influeixen en les pràctiques preventives de les dones.
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