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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pour une nouvelle perspective de l'Informité chez Bataille

Tortorella, Andrea 16 May 2018 (has links)
Notre projet de recherche vise à récupérer, à travers l’utilisation du double instrument de l’herméneutique philosophiqueet de l’analyse littéraire des romans, une subjectivité informelle à l’intérieur de la pensée de Bataille.Tout d’abord, avant d’accomplir notre démonstration des aspects de l'informalité dans les romans obscènes deBataille, nous souhaitons ouvrir une brève parenthèse autour des principaux interprètes de l'Informe, pour articulernotre lecture à partir de leurs théories. Afin d'aborder ce discours, nous débuterons par l’oeuvre Documents(1929/30), publiée en 1995, par la volonté de D. Hollier, et nous essaierons de comprendre comment les deuxrévisions1 du concept d'Informe - bien qu'en contraste entre elles - ont limité les débats qui gravitent autour de cemot, incluant avec la pensée esthético-figurative toutes les pistes parcourables. Dans cette perspective, l’Informea perdu sa vocation intimement subversive pour obtenir le status de « joujou muséal » impliqué dans le milieuartistique. Après avoir esquissé l’informalité, et donné une perspective contemporaine, nous pourrons aboutir àune confrontation philosophique avec ses maîtres à penser : Nietzsche et Hegel. Ce n’est que grâce à un parallélismeet à la démonstration du dépassement des théories de ces deux auteurs par Bataille que nous pourronscomprendre comment l'auteur parvient à l’informalité qui se reflète jusque dans ses romans obscènes. Toujoursau cours de ce passage on comprendra la véritable signification de la parodie chez Bataille, ainsi que le renversementdes valeurs que l’auteur a appliqué comme lecture souveraine et déformatrice, en contraste avec les véritésdespotiques, dans tous les domaines, à partir de la philosophie jusqu’à la littérature. Ainsi les polarités quiparviennent au manichéisme, à la division du monde entre positif et négatif, seront un aspect basilaire visant à lacompréhension de l’oeuvre entière, et surtout de leur bouleversement. Ce désordre sera procuré par l’inversiondes valeurs morales divisées encore une fois par le haut et par le bas, auxquelles correspondra une valeur positiveà la polarité du haut et une valeur négative à celle du bas; leur bouleversement produira un mouvement de déformationdans la structure des romans mêmes, tout comme dans les personnages. Au cours de la dernière partiede notre étude, avant d’appliquer la théorie informelle, nous nous interrogerons brièvement sur les inversionsmajeures qui ont conduit notre auteur à prendre les distances du roman formatif (Bildungsroman) et à lui opposerun roman déformant (Verbildungsroman). Ce n’est qu’après avoir conçu l’inversion globale des valeurs que nousparviendrons au « jeu des polarités », qui nous mènera à la constitution d’un personnage informel. À partir de là,en effet, nous verrons que le personnage sera devenu une informité qui se manifeste à travers la narration, lamême subjectivité invisible et épouvantable qu’on aura rencontrée au cours du premier chapitre. Se consacrer àl'oeuvre de Bataille, signifie pour nous, non seulement comprendre comment le personnage naît à partir del’Informe, mais également comment cette informité pourrait être acquise au-delà des mores appliqués àl’intérieur de l’académie. Notre démonstration s’effectuera à travers un nouveau regard; l’Informe sera contemplécomme ce « devenir » qui ne devient pas, qui est aphone et imprononçable, mais qui a été malgré toutl’avant-garde des « devenirs deleuziens », des zones d’indistinctions, des sujets qui tentent une reconfigurationspatiale autonome, des subjectivités fluides des gender studies. C’est pour cela, à notre avis, que l’Informe mériteune plus grande réflexion au-delà de l’esthétique, afin d'orienter le terme vers un nouvel horizon dialogique,qui puisse ouvrir le concept au sens extrême de son immanence destructrice. / We can utterly assert that the aim of our analysis has lead, throughout the balancing/ a balancement of aphilosophical hermeneutic and a literature analysis, to the delineation of an informal subjectivity in GeorgesBataille’s thought. Afore the achievement of our theoretical demonstration, we will be glad to onset a briefparenthesis over the first commenters who had set a debate over the Formless, to enhance, thanks to them, ourassumption. Commencing from the work Documents (1929/30), reprinted by the will of Dennis Hollier in 1995.we will understand why its main analysis2 have secluded the debate into the esthetical- figurative corner,effectively closing the debate to other possible postulations. In this perspective, the formless has lost itssubversive tendencies to gain/obtain the pityfull status of «museal knick knack» implied into the artisticaldomain. Afterward having drafted the meaning of formeless by new, and given to it a contemporary perspective,we could start to settle a confrontantion with his philosophical roots: Nietzsche and Hegel. It is only due to theparallel with them both and to the overhaul of their theories, which we could assert that Bataille has in a wayreached the true meaning of formeless. The same formeless that is deeply rooted in his erotical novels. It is alsothrough these passages that we could understand the real meaning of parody in the bataillean sense, that is is aninversion of the moral values that the author has applied as a souverain and deforming lecture of his works. Themanicheism that the autor recour to use to divise the whole reality into two exact parts of positive andnegative,will be a peculiar aspect that leads to the comprehension of his entire work. This disorder wil beprocured, by the inversion of the moral values which are divided into an “high” and a “low”, and as consequent,the higher polarity will be related to the a positive value, and the low, to its tcontrary. Their upheaval willproduse an ethical swap of their positions, in a second stance this will lead to a real deformation of every kind ofpreassumption in his novels and of course in the characters, a rupture taken against every kind of normalizationor reduction to the norms. In the last part of our research, before going through the application the formlesstheory, we will briefly argumentate about the major inversion that had prevailed upon our author, obliging him totake the distance from the Bildungsroman and to oppose to it a Verbildungsroman. Only after conceived theglobal valorial inversion, we will arrive to this “Game of polarities”m which will lead to the constitution of ainformal character. Starting from there, effectively, we eill see that the character will become a formless thatmanifest itself thanks to the narration, the same invisible and terrifing subjectivity that we have already met inthe first part of our work. Consacrating ourselves to the Bataille’s works, will signify, not only trying tounderstand the character born under a formless will, but even also- how this formless could be gained far distantfrom the mores applayed into the university. Our demonstration, will be constructed to have a new eye: theformless will be conceived to be à “becoming” that can’t be, that is aphone and unpronounceable, but so forth, itis a right alternative to the “Deleuzian’s becoming”, to the Z.O.O and of the subjects that are trying to force areconfiguration of an autonomous space, of the fluid sexualities: and is for these reasons that we evinct that theformless needs a new recalibration, far from the aesthetical intuitions, in need to re-orienting itself to a newdialogical horizon, and to put itself to the extreme sens of a destructive immanence.

Pojem a právní důsledky překročení mezí nutné obrany a krajní nouze / The concept and legal consequence of the excessive use of self-defence and necessity

Šimeček, Lukáš January 2014 (has links)
THE NOTION AND LEGAL CONSEQUENCES OF EXCEEDING THE NEED FOR SELF-DEFENSE AND DESTITUTION The subject of this thesis are the notion and the legal consequences of exceeding the need for self-defense and destitution (excess). Both of those situations exclude illegality in the case of fulfillment of certain conditions assuring the right of an individual defend him-self in case of an attack, in other words in situations where there is a threat to interests protected by the criminal statute. The consequence of the fulfillment of the conditions of destitution and self- defense is the exclusion not only of criminal liability of the defendant but equally the illegality of his act. In these situations, we therefore are not dealing with a criminal act. This characteristic therefore in consequence makes destitute and self-defense into notions of great importance in the area of criminal liability. The aim of this thesis is to focus on both of the notions mentioned above, mainly in regard of situations where we are faced with the exceeding of the allowed limits and therefore to fully elaborate on and detail the parameters of the notion of excess and the legal consequences linked to it. The term excess will be regarded from the point of view of theories, legal treatment and jurisprudence, as their approach and...

Destitution in pregnancy: Forced migrant women's lived experience

Ellul, R., McCarthy, R., Haith-Cooper, Melanie 02 October 2021 (has links)
Yes / Forced migrant women are increasingly becoming destitute whilst pregnant. Destitution may exacerbate their poor underlying physical and mental health. There is little published research that examines this, and studies are needed to ensure midwifery care addresses the specific needs of these women. This study aimed to explore vulnerable migrant women's lived experience of being pregnant and destitute. Six in-depth individual interviews with forced migrant women who had been destitute during their pregnancy were conducted over one year. A lack of food and being homeless impacted on women's physical and mental health. Women relied on support from the voluntary sector to fill the gaps in services not provided by their local authorities. Although midwives were generally kind and helpful, there was a limit to how they could support the women. There is a gap in support provided by local authorities working to government policies and destitute migrant pregnant women should not have to wait until 34 weeks gestation before they can apply for support. Home office policy needs to change to ensure pregnant migrant women receive support throughout their pregnancy.

元代社會救濟之研究 / The Social Security of Yuan Period

王道明, Wang, Dau Ming Unknown Date (has links)
社會救濟的動,在積極的層面上,促進了社會經濟的發展,減少天災人禍 對百姓的衝擊;在消極的層面上,社會救濟施惠許多貧困不幸者,降低了 社會的矛盾與衝突,因此社會救濟是社會安定的重要因素。在天災人禍頻 仍的元代社會,貧困百姓的生活艱難,更須仰賴社會救濟的援助,予以改 善其生活。元代統治者亦深知此道理,故而推動了一連串的社會救濟措施 。筆者基於上述之旨趣,乃以元代社會救濟之研究為本文之論題。全文計 七章、十八節。第一章:緒論--主要說明本文的動機、範圍,以及闡述 社會救濟的思想及理論,與中國歷代社會救濟的特色。第二章:元代災荒 的狀況及影響。第三章:積極性的防災措施。第四章:救濟的機構。第五 章:經常性的救濟措施。第六章:臨時性的救濟措施。第七章:結論-- 綜論元代的社會救濟,並提出筆者個人的研究心得。

O conceito de destituição subjetiva na obra de Jacques Lacan

Menegassi, Abenon 18 August 2010 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar o conceito da destituição subjetiva tal como Jacques Lacan a define com relação ao final de análise a partir dos anos sessenta. A partir da consideração do personagem Jacques Maast do livro O Guerreiro Aplicado de Jean Paulhan de 1917, apresentado por Lacan como referência para a destituição subjetiva, levantamos a questão sobre como se sustenta a vivência desse personagem no laço social, uma vez que após o final da análise o sujeito desejante, em sua negatividade, ainda assim está exposto à constante interpelação do Outro da Ideologia (no caso de Jacques Maast, a guerra) / The objective of this work is to study the concept of the subjective destitution such as Jacques Lacan defines it with relation to the end of analysis from the Sixties. From the consideration of the personage Jacques Maast of the book The Applied Warrior of Jean Paulhan of 1917, presented for Lacan as reference for the subjective destitution, we raise the question on as if it supports the experience of this personage in the social bow, a time that after the end of the analysis the wisheThe objective of this work is to study the concept of the subjective destitution such as Jacques Lacan defines it with relation to the end of analysis from the Sixties. From the consideration of the personage Jacques Maast of the book The Applied Warrior of Jean Paulhan of 1917, presented for Lacan as reference for the subjective destitution, we raise the question on as if it supports the experience of this personage in the social bow, a time that after the end of the analysis the wishes subject, in its negativity, still thus is displayed to the constant interpellation of the Other of the Ideology (in the case of Jacques Maast, the war)s subject, in its negativity, still thus is displayed to the constant interpellation of the Other of the Ideology (in the case of Jacques Maast, the war)

O conceito de destituição subjetiva na obra de Jacques Lacan

Abenon Menegassi 18 August 2010 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar o conceito da destituição subjetiva tal como Jacques Lacan a define com relação ao final de análise a partir dos anos sessenta. A partir da consideração do personagem Jacques Maast do livro O Guerreiro Aplicado de Jean Paulhan de 1917, apresentado por Lacan como referência para a destituição subjetiva, levantamos a questão sobre como se sustenta a vivência desse personagem no laço social, uma vez que após o final da análise o sujeito desejante, em sua negatividade, ainda assim está exposto à constante interpelação do Outro da Ideologia (no caso de Jacques Maast, a guerra) / The objective of this work is to study the concept of the subjective destitution such as Jacques Lacan defines it with relation to the end of analysis from the Sixties. From the consideration of the personage Jacques Maast of the book The Applied Warrior of Jean Paulhan of 1917, presented for Lacan as reference for the subjective destitution, we raise the question on as if it supports the experience of this personage in the social bow, a time that after the end of the analysis the wisheThe objective of this work is to study the concept of the subjective destitution such as Jacques Lacan defines it with relation to the end of analysis from the Sixties. From the consideration of the personage Jacques Maast of the book The Applied Warrior of Jean Paulhan of 1917, presented for Lacan as reference for the subjective destitution, we raise the question on as if it supports the experience of this personage in the social bow, a time that after the end of the analysis the wishes subject, in its negativity, still thus is displayed to the constant interpellation of the Other of the Ideology (in the case of Jacques Maast, the war)s subject, in its negativity, still thus is displayed to the constant interpellation of the Other of the Ideology (in the case of Jacques Maast, the war)

Institution et destitution du temps social : socioanthropologie du temps institué et des contre(-)temps révolutionnaires / Institution and destitution of social time : socioanthropology of the instituted social time and of revolutionary counter(-)times

Le Roulley, Simon 04 December 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la question du temps social comme enjeu stratégique pour les communautés révolutionnaires métropolitaines en France à partir de l'étude de trois d'entre elles localisées à Caen, Rennes et Nantes. Ce travail s'attache à montrer les processus historiques d'institution du temps social et les tentatives visant sa destitution. Il s'engage par un retour epistémo-méthodologique sur la constitution de la sociologie à partir d'une discussion entre Durkheim et Marx. Nous défendons l'hypothèse selon laquelle la discipline se constitue davantage comme une science de l'ordre visant la stabilisation des institutions, puis avec d'autres auteurs nous essayons de dégager les voies d'une sociologie de la destitution qui assume une politique d'intervention. Partant, nous nous employons dans un premier temps (partie 2) à mener une sociologie critique classique basée sur une approche sociohistorique de la domination, en l'espèce une histoire de l'institution du temps social à partir d’une étude du travail, de la vie quotidienne, des rapports de pouvoir. Dans les parties 3 et 4 nous proposons une socioanthropologie de formes-de-vies communistes œuvrant à la fois dans la lutte contre le temps social institué (contretemps révolutionnaires, dimension négative) et affirmant un rapport au temps partant des usages (contre-temps révolutionnaires, dimension positive). L’objectif de cette thèse est de monter la façon dont un horizon post-capitaliste s’expérimente ici et maintenant, la façon dont il prend en charge ou non la question de la domination du temps social institué, la façon, aussi, dont il est réprimé. / This thesis deals with the question of social time as a strategic issue for the metropolitan revolutionary communities in France from the study of three of them located in Caen, Rennes and Nantes. This work seeks to show the historical processes of the institution of social time and attempts to destitute it. It begins by an epistemological and methodological return on the constitution of sociology through a discussion between Durkheim and Marx. We defend the hypothesis according to which the discipline is constituted more like a science of the established order aiming at the stabilization of the institutions. Then, with other authors, we try to clear the ways of a sociology of the destitution which undertakes a politics of intervention. Therefore, we begin at first (part 2) to investigate in a classical critical sociology’s way based on a sociohistorical approach of domination – in this case a history of the institution of social time through a study of work, of everyday life and power relations. In parts 3 and 4 we propose a socioanthropology of communist forms-of-life leading at the same time a fight against the instituted social time (revolutionary countertimes, negative dimension) and affirming a relation to the time starting from the activities (revolutionary counter-time, positive dimension). The aim of this thesis is to show how a post-capitalist horizon experiences itself here and now, the way in which it takes over or not the question of the domination of the instituted social time, the way, also, which it is repressed.

A família e a destituição do poder familiar - um estudo psicanalítico

Lemos, Suziani de Cássia Almeida 10 December 2015 (has links)
The removal of the family power appears as legal action applied to situations of extreme violence, abandonment and neglect, in which parents and are considered unable to perform paternity function / maternity, lose the position of rights and duties towards their children . Thus, studies that problematize this legal institution and its reverberations for the family, become extremely relevant to broaden the discussions in this context. This study aims to analyze, from the psychoanalytic method, the family impeachment process, highlighting aspects of the dynamics of mental functioning and parental and deadlocks family-judiciary relationship. The research strategies used were clinical case and documentary research. 22 sessions were held with Amanda, a 10-year-old in the Family Power removal process, and her guardian and aunt, Ruth. The case was referred for clinical care by the judiciary and involved allegations of sexual abuse by the father and negligence on the part of the mother. The documentary research with the removal process and guard played a support role to the clinical case, allowing the seizure of meanings and forms of mental functioning and parental family. Analyses made themselves from listening in clinical care and reading-directed attention to the processes and session reports. Writing proved fundamental in the design of the analysis, occupying important place in the encounter with the object of study. A pattern of familiar psychic functioning with esquizoparanoides features is evidenced in the case and Amanda identified as a scapegoat on which are designed and deposited threatening aspects of the family. As a form of denial, these aspects are rejected and expelled by a movement away and family estrangement towards the child. The countertransference experience pointed to the feeling of being lost over different parts of research and spoke of a lost subject in the processes. The judicial intervention in family made repeated violence, abandonment and rejection felt by Amanda in the various situations of return for the family. Thus Case Amanda denounces not only a tragic family organization of violence and abandonment, but also a system that stumbles and tumbles in their attempts to protection of children and family. System that is not restricted to the figure of the judge or the judiciary, but covers the organs and entities of the society they propose to the care of families in socially vulnerable. The study calls us to think beyond devices to rules implementing regulations and to consider the subject and the family in its singularity. While professionals are challenged to broaden the field of discussions about the family and children in our society. / A destituição do poder familiar configura-se como ação jurídica aplicada a situações de extrema violência, abandono e negligência, nas quais os pais, sendo considerados incapazes de desempenhar a função de paternidade/maternidade, perdem a posição de direitos e deveres em relação aos filhos. O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar, a partir do método psicanalítico, a família em processo de destituição, evidenciando aspectos de sua dinâmica de funcionamento psíquico e parental, bem como os impasses da relação família-judiciário. As estratégias de pesquisa utilizadas foram o caso clínico e a pesquisa documental. Foram realizadas 22 sessões com Amanda, uma criança de 10 anos de idade em processo de destituição do Poder Familiar, e sua guardiã e tia-avó, Rute. O caso foi encaminhado para atendimento clínico pelo judiciário e envolvia denúncias de abuso sexual por parte do pai e de negligência por parte da mãe. A pesquisa documental junto aos processos de destituição e de guarda desempenhou a função de amparo ao caso clínico, permitindo a apreensão de significados e formas de funcionamento psíquico e parental da família. As análises se deram a partir da escuta nos atendimentos clínicos e da leitura-escuta direcionada aos processos e relatos de sessão. A escrita se revelou fundamental no delineamento das análises, ocupando lugar importante no encontro com o objeto de estudo. Um padrão de funcionamento psíquico familiar com características esquizoparanoides é evidenciado no caso e Amanda identificada como bode expiatório no qual são projetados e depositados aspectos ameaçadores da família. Como forma de negação, esses aspectos são rejeitados e expulsos através de um movimento de afastamento e distanciamento da família em relação à criança. A vivência contratransferencial apontava para a sensação de estar perdida em diversos momentos da pesquisa e falava de um sujeito perdido nos processos. As intervenções do judiciário na família faziam repetir a violência, o abandono e a rejeição sentida por Amanda nas várias situações de devolução pela família. Dessa forma o Caso Amanda denuncia não somente uma organização familiar trágica de violência e abandono, mas também, um sistema que tropeça e despenca em suas tentativas de proteção à infância e à família. Sistema que não se restringe à figura do juiz ou ao judiciário, mas abrange os órgãos e entidades da sociedade que se propõem ao cuidado das famílias em situação de vulnerabilidade social. O estudo nos convoca a pensar dispositivos que ultrapassem a aplicação normativa de regulamentos e que considere o sujeito e a família em sua singularidade. Enquanto profissionais somos desafiados a ampliar o campo das discussões a respeito da família e da infância em nossa sociedade. / Mestre em Psicologia Aplicada

Okolnosti vylučující protiprávnost a činnost lékaře / Circumstances of justification and medical practise

Strnad, Jan January 2013 (has links)
Responsibility of the doctor in criminal law and the circumstances under which it is possible to carry out medical procedures without the threat of legal punishment is a topic that has been, is and will be always up to date. It is a complex set of problems, which includes aspects of moral, medical and legal. In my thesis I focused on relationship between doctor's proffession and legal aspects of his work according to criminal law. Its goal is to describe the issue of the practice of medicine and circumstances of justification in terms of legislation in the Czech Republic. The thesis consists of three chapters. The first chapter provides an introduction to the problem and the reasons that led me to choose this topic work. The second chapter is devoted to criminal liability and is divided into two parts. The first contains the general conditions that are necessary for criminal liability of doctors. The second part contains the typical and most common possible crimes that may physician in the exercise of their profession commit. The third and most extensive chapter has focused on description of the circumstances of justification. The chapter is divided into four parts. Firstly it deals with self-defense and legitimate use of weapons that are not too common in the medical environment. Then I focus on...

A Multiparentalidade como garantia do direito à origem na adoção de crianças e adolescentes em acolhimento institucional / Multi-parenting as a guarantee of the right to origin in the adoption of children and adolescents in institutional acceptance

Junqueira, Luciana Villela 02 June 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2017-07-18T12:06:42Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Luciana Villela Junqueira.pdf: 2742182 bytes, checksum: e1f80f511ac8a9522b290842ecbee556 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-18T12:06:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Luciana Villela Junqueira.pdf: 2742182 bytes, checksum: e1f80f511ac8a9522b290842ecbee556 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-06-02 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / In the light of the constitutional principles of Family Law and the interlocution with the theoretical and ethical-political foundations of Social Work, this doctoral thesis problematizes the reception of the so-called Multi-parenting, a jurisprudential and doctrinal "invention" recently raised to promote the preservation of Biological and affective affiliations, thus relativizing the need to break the origin ties. Although it represents a contradiction of classes that develops in the capitalist mode of production as a condition for the existence of the regime itself, the poverty and anti-personification of thousands of Brazilian families are still taken individually, authorizing the deprivation of the family coexistence of children and adolescents, as well as the use of adoption as a more effective and immediate protective measurement. The full adoption, duly preceded by the deprivation of family power, foresees the total and indeclinable collapse of the biological bonds, promoting not only the rupture of the paternal / maternal-filial relation, but, consequently, of the totality of the parental connections, sometimes deconstructing bonds of affection, of belonging and strengthening the relations of abandonment. The originating connections are constituents of the human personality and help to compose the identity of each one of us throughout the life. They tell stories of joys, separations, conflicts, affections, adding each of these elements in our psychic and affective structure. The absence of these places, of these people, and of the relations established there, provokes perennial marks in the one who experiences this experience of emptiness. In the light of the three-dimensional theory of family law that considers the integration of the affective, biological and ontological worlds, biological and socio-affective parenting could coexist in the children's rights sphere, ensuring the multiplicity of affections, the right to extended family life and all other developments in the protection of affiliation? It would be, therefore, a beneficial measurement that authorizes the change of the birth register to make it have all those persons who contributed to its formation and life history, besides giving them the rights of filiation of both parenting? In a recent decision, by equating the biological and affective affiliations, recognizing the importance of each of them for the preservation of fundamental human rights, the Federal Supreme Court set a historical precedent for re-discussion of this issue, allowing new forms of "Being" in the family can be accepted as an expression of human complexity / À luz dos princípios constitucionais do Direito de Família e da interlocução com os fundamentos teóricos e ético-políticos do Serviço Social, esta tese de doutoramento problematiza o acolhimento da chamada Multiparentalidade, uma “invenção” jurisprudencial e doutrinária recentemente suscitada para promover a preservação das filiações biológica e afetiva, relativizando, portanto, a necessidade do rompimento dos laços de origem. Apesar de representar uma contradição de classes que se desenvolve no modo de produção capitalista como condição de existir do próprio regime, a pobreza e o assujeitamento de milhares de famílias brasileiras ainda são tomados individualmente, autorizando a privação da convivência familiar de crianças e adolescentes, bem como a utilização da adoção como medida protetiva mais eficaz e imediata. A adoção plena, devidamente precedida da ação de destituição do poder familiar prevê o esfacelamento total e indeclinável dos vínculos biológicos, promovendo não apenas a ruptura da relação paterno/materno-filial originária, mas, consequentemente, da totalidade das conexões parentais, por vezes desconstruindo ligações de afeto, de pertencimento e potencializando as relações de abandono. As ligações originárias são constituintes da personalidade humana e ajudam a compor a identidade de cada um de nós ao longo da vida. Elas contam histórias de alegrias, de separação, de conflitos, de afetos, agregando cada um desses elementos em nossa estrutura psíquica e afetiva. A ausência sentida desses lugares, dessas pessoas e das relações que ali se estabeleciam provoca marcas perenes naquele que vivencia essa experiência de vazios. À luz da teoria tridimensional do direito de família que considera a integração dos mundos afetivo, biológico e ontológico, as parentalidades biológica e socioafetiva poderiam coexistir na esfera de direitos dessas crianças, garantido a multiplicidade dos afetos, o direito à convivência familiar ampliada e todos os demais desdobramentos da proteção à filiação? Seria, portanto, uma medida benéfica ao autorizar a mudança do registro de nascimento para fazer nele constar todas aquelas pessoas que contribuíram para sua formação e história de vida, além de proporcionar-lhes os direitos de filiação de ambas as parentalidades? Em decisão recente, ao equiparar as filiações biológica e afetiva, reconhecendo a importância de cada uma delas para a preservação dos direitos humanos fundamentais, o Supremo Tribunal Federal abriu um precedente histórico para rediscussão dessa temática, permitindo que novas formas de “ser” e de “estar” em família possam ser acolhidas como expressão da complexidade humana

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