Spelling suggestions: "subject:"destructive testing"" "subject:"estructive testing""
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Medição do perfil de velocidade por técnica ultrassônica utilizando o método da autocorrelação estendida e equipamento para ensaios não destrutivos / Ultrasonic velocity profiler applied to flow measuring using an extended autocorrelation method and non-destructive systemsOfuchi, César Yutaka 04 November 2016 (has links)
O interesse na medição do perfil de velocidade na área de fluidodinâmica tem crescido nos últimos anos devido a evolução das técnicas de medição. Nesse contexto, a técnica ultrassônica tem se destacado por ser não intrusiva, não invasiva e funcionar mesmo em fluidos opacos. Neste trabalho foi investigado a técnica de ultrassom Doppler para medição de perfis de velocidade, utilizando equipamentos ultrassônicos para ensaios-não-destrutivos (END). Tais equipamentos são mais acessíveis do que equipamentos convencionais de medição de velocidade por ultrassom. Também foi proposto o uso da técnica de autocorrelação estendida (EAM), para medição de velocidades além do limite de Nyquist. Essa restrição existe na grande maioria dos medidores, que utilizam a técnica convencional de autocorrelação (ACM). O EAM combina o ACM com o método da correlação cruzada (CCM), outro estimador amplamente conhecido, mas que não é muito utilizado devido a seu alto custo computacional. Desta forma, o EAM consegue medir velocidades maiores com um custo computacional intermediário, que não é tão baixo quanto o ACM e nem tão alto quanto o CCM. Para adquirir e processar os dados obtidos, foi desenvolvido um sistema para aquisição e processamento dos sinais baseado na linguagem LabView. O pulsador ultrassônico END e os estimadores de velocidade por EAM, CCM e ACM foram validados medindo o perfil de velocidade em um cilindro girante, capaz de fornecer velocidades controladas de fácil solução analítica. Os resultados mostram erros médios quadráticos abaixo de 2%, validando o equipamento e a técnica. O EAM também mediu velocidades acima no limite de Nyquist com um desempenho computacional de 9 vezes maior do que o CCM. Na segunda parte deste trabalho, a técnica ultrassônica de medição de velocidade foi aplicada para medição de escoamentos multifásicos em tubulações, tema de grande interesse da indústria de petróleo e gás. Um escoamento vertical líquido-gás-sólido foi analisado com o mesmo equipamento END. Primeiramente, o perfil de velocidade do escoamento liquido-sólido em regime laminar, foi medido e validado utilizando um equipamento Coriolis como referência. Em seguida, foram realizados testes adicionando gás ao escoamento. As velocidades superficiais de líquido e gás foram variadas para gerar os padrões de escoamento tipo bolhas dispersas, intermitente e intermitente aerado. Os resultados foram comparados a imagens de uma filmadora de alta velocidade. Foram obtidos parâmetros como perfil de velocidade das bolhas dispersas, velocidade do filme de líquido e velocidade da mistura dependendo do padrão de escoamento analisado. Assim, a medição de velocidade por ultrassom Doppler, utilizando um equipamento de END, foi aplicado com sucesso em dois problemas de fluidodinâmica. / Interest in knowing the instantaneous velocity profile in fluid dynamics has grown in recent years as new flow visualization techniques are improving. In this context, the ultrasonic Doppler velocity profiler (UVP) has desirable characteristics, as it is non-invasive, works with opaque liquids, and it is portable and easy to install if compared with other velocity profiler methods. In this work, the use of nondestructive ultrasonic devices in the UVP field is investigated. NDT systems are widely available and have lower cost if compared to traditional ultrasonic velocity profiler systems. The use of an extended autocorrelation method (EAM) for ultrasonic velocity estimation beyond Nyquist limit are also evaluated. The Nyquist limit causes a restriction on the maximum measurable velocity of the traditional autocorrelation method (ACM), present in most of ultrasonic velocity profiler systems. EAM combines the ACM technique with cross-correlation method (CCM) which is a well-established velocity estimator that does not suffer with Nyquist limit. However, the technique has a high computational cost that limits real time applications. EAM has the advantage of measure velocities beyond the Nyquist limit but with a lower computational cost than CCM. To evaluate the NDT device and the velocity estimation techniques ACM, CCM and EAM, a data acquisition system and a signal-processing unit based on LabView language were developed. The velocity profile of a rotating cylinder was used to validate all measurements. The techniques ACM, CCM and EAM successfully measured velocities within Nyquist limit with less than 2% deviation, validating the NDT system. EAM also measured velocities beyond Nyquist limit with a computational performance 9 times faster than CCM. The ultrasonic technique was also applied to measure the velocity profile of a multiphase flow in a pipeline, which are of great interest in oil and gas industry. Tests within a multiphase flow composed by different combinations of oil/sand/nylon-particles and gas were conducted in a vertical rig. A high-speed camera was used to validate the measurements. First the ultrasonic velocity profile measured was validated in a liquid-solid flow by using a Coriolis flowmeter as a reference. Next, superficial liquid and gas velocity were controlled to obtain different flow patterns such as bubbly flow and slug flow. The technique measured the bubbles velocity, the mixture velocity and the liquid film velocity depending on the flow pattern. Finally, the ultrasonic NDT system was successfully applied to investigate two different fluid engineering problems.
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Estimação conjunta de atraso de tempo subamostral e eco de referência para sinais de ultrassom / Joint subsample time delay and echo template estimation for ultrasound signalsAntelo Junior, Ernesto Willams Molina 20 September 2017 (has links)
CAPES / Em ensaios não destrutivos por ultrassom, o sinal obtido a partir de um sistema de aquisição de dados real podem estar contaminados por ruído e os ecos podem ter atrasos de tempo subamostrais. Em alguns casos, esses aspectos podem comprometer a informação obtida de um sinal por um sistema de aquisição. Para lidar com essas situações, podem ser utilizadas técnicas de estimativa de atraso temporal (Time Delay Estimation ou TDE) e também técnicas de reconstrução de sinais, para realizar aproximações e obter mais informações sobre o conjunto de dados. As técnicas de TDE podem ser utilizadas com diversas finalidades na defectoscopia, como por exemplo, para a localização precisa de defeitos em peças, no monitoramento da taxa de corrosão em peças, na medição da espessura de um determinado material e etc. Já os métodos de reconstrução de dados possuem uma vasta gama de aplicação, como nos NDT, no imageamento médico, em telecomunicações e etc. Em geral, a maioria das técnicas de estimativa de atraso temporal requerem um modelo de sinal com precisão elevada, caso contrário, a localização dessa estimativa pode ter sua qualidade reduzida. Neste trabalho, é proposto um esquema alternado que estima de forma conjunta, uma referência de eco e atrasos de tempo para vários ecos a partir de medições ruidosas. Além disso, reinterpretando as técnicas utilizadas a partir de uma perspectiva probabilística, estendem-se suas funcionalidades através de uma aplicação conjunta de um estimador de máxima verossimilhança (Maximum Likelihood Estimation ou MLE) e um estimador máximo a posteriori (MAP). Finalmente, através de simulações, resultados são apresentados para demonstrar a superioridade do método proposto em relação aos métodos convencionais. / Abstract (parágrafo único): In non-destructive testing (NDT) with ultrasound, the signal obtained from a real data acquisition system may be contaminated by noise and the echoes may have sub-sample time delays. In some cases, these aspects may compromise the information obtained from a signal by an acquisition system. To deal with these situations, Time Delay Estimation (TDE) techniques and signal reconstruction techniques can be used to perform approximations and also to obtain more information about the data set. TDE techniques can be used for a number of purposes in the defectoscopy, for example, for accurate location of defects in parts, monitoring the corrosion rate in pieces, measuring the thickness of a given material, and so on. Data reconstruction methods have a wide range of applications, such as NDT, medical imaging, telecommunications and so on. In general, most time delay estimation techniques require a high precision signal model, otherwise the location of this estimate may have reduced quality. In this work, an alternative scheme is proposed that jointly estimates an echo model and time delays for several echoes from noisy measurements. In addition, by reinterpreting the utilized techniques from a probabilistic perspective, its functionalities are extended through a joint application of a maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) and a maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimator. Finally, through simulations, results are presented to demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method over conventional methods.
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Design and performance of cold bent glassDatsiou, Kyriaki Corinna January 2017 (has links)
The demand for flat glass is high and increasing significantly in the building industry as a direct result of architectural requirements for lightness, transparency and natural light. Current architectural trends require glass in curvilinear forms for smooth free-form façades. Two principal challenges arise from this: to cost-effectively produce the desired curvature and; to ensure its safe performance after exposure to ageing. The recent availability of high strength glass provides an opportunity to address the first challenge by developing cold bent glass. Cold bending involves the straining of relatively thin glass components, at ambient temperatures, and is a low energy and cost effective manner of creating curvilinear forms. However, cold bending is not yet widely established as a reliable method. The aim of this thesis is to develop the understanding of cold bent glass during the bending process and to evaluate its post-ageing performance. This thesis, firstly, investigates the mechanical response of monolithic glass plates during the cold bending process. The stability of cold bent glass is investigated experimentally by bending it in double curved anticlastic shapes. A parametric numerical analysis involves different boundary conditions, geometrical plate characteristics and bending parameters. The principal outcome is that a local instability, now termed cold bending distortion, occurs when certain displacement limits are exceeded and could degrade the optical quality of the glass. An evaluation procedure is also formulated to set limits and aid designers/manufacturers to predict the mechanical response and the optical quality of the glass. Cold bent glass is subjected to permanent bending stresses throughout its service life and therefore, its strength degradation after ageing needs to be quantified. Analytical, experimental and numerical investigations are undertaken in this thesis to identify the most effective method for estimating glass strength (evaluation of destructive tests, required number of specimens, statistical analysis methods and sub-critical crack growth). The limited availability of naturally aged toughened glass and the absence of a reliable ageing standard impede the evaluation of its aged performance. Therefore, a parametric experimental investigation of artificial ageing methods on glass is undertaken in this thesis. A procedure for the evaluation of the strength of aged glass is finally, formulated to allow the selection of artificial ageing parameters that correspond to a target level of erosion. The knowledge on artificial ageing and strength prediction acquired above is finally implemented on different types of glass to determine their strength after ageing and assess their safe use in cold bending / load bearing applications. The investigation showed that fully toughened glass has a superior performance to chemically toughened or annealed glass. Overall, the research presented in this thesis demonstrates that high quality cold bent toughened glass can be created when certain applied displacement limits are respected. These can be used as a safe, cost-effective and energy efficient replacement to the more conventional hot bent glass. However, cold bending / load bearing applications in which the stressed glass surface is exposed to ageing, require glass with a relatively high case depth such as fully toughened or bi-tempered glass.
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Evaluation non destructive des matériaux de construction par technique électromagnétique aux fréquences radar : modélisation et expérimentation en laboratoireMai, Tien chinh 10 December 2015 (has links)
Les structures en béton armé ou en bois se dégradent sous des actions mécaniques et climatiques. Les propriétés physiques et mécaniques de ces matériaux sont liées aux conditions d'exposition et à leurs variations. L’évaluation non destructive de ces propriétés en amont des dégradations est une nécessité pour les maîtres d'ouvrages afin de prédire la durée de vie des structures dans un contexte de gestion durable du patrimoine bâti. La présence d’eau dans les pores du béton est un facteur qui facilite la pénétration des agents agressifs (dioxyde de carbone, chlorures, etc. responsables de l’initiation de pathologies comme la corrosion des aciers). Pour le cas du matériau bois, les causes les plus fréquentes des détériorations sont souvent d’origine biologiques (champignons et insectes). L’humidité est également reconnue comme une des conditions les plus importantes pour le développement de ces attaques. Il est donc nécessaire d’évaluer et de quantifier la variation spatiale de l’humidité dans ces matériaux de construction pour limiter les actions de réparation. Le système radar (Ground Penetrating Radar, « GPR ») est un outil d’auscultation des matériaux totalement non destructif, rapide, compact et sans contact. Cette technique est basée sur la propagation des ondes électromagnétiques. Cette propagation est fortement liée à la permittivité et la conductivité du matériau qui sont très sensibles aux variations de l’humidité. L’objectif de cette thèse est double : d’une part, modéliser l’effet des variations de l’humidité dans un matériau homogène, multi-couches ou avec gradient, et d’autre part, de quantifier expérimentalement l’effet d’un gradient d’humidité sur le béton et celui de l’anisotropie sur le bois. Pour cela, un modèle analytique a été développé en se basant sur la notion des lois de mélange (ajustées sur des mesures expérimentales de la permittivité en prenant en compte l’effet de la dispersion fréquentielle) et sur la propagation d’une onde plane. Une simulation numérique a permis d’apprécier l’effet d’un gradient et d’un milieu anisotropique sur la vitesse de propagation des ondes radar. La phase expérimentale a été effectuée sur un matériau modèle homogène et isotrope comme le sable pour comparer les différentes méthodes de mesure de la vitesse de l’onde directe. Une analyse fréquentielle de l’atténuation a été également étudiée pour évaluer la dispersion de l’atténuation dans un milieu considéré comme homogène. La deuxième partie de l’expérimentation a consisté à suivre par mesures radar le séchage d’une dalle en béton instrumentée par capteurs d’humidité. Enfin, une campagne expérimentale sur des échantillons en bois de deux essences (Pin et Epicéa) soumis à des humidités variables entre 0 et 50% a été menée. La phase de modélisation et de simulation a montré que la dispersion fréquentielle est significative seulement dans le cas d’un béton humide à forte salinité et que l’anisotropie et le gradient ont un effet significatif sur la propagation. La phase expérimentale a montré que dans le cas d’un matériau homogène, la vitesse est indépendante de la distance émetteur-récepteur, et qu’elle est variable dans le cas d’un béton soumis à un gradient d’humidité. Enfin, les essais sur le bois montrent que la partie réelle de sa permittivité est croissante en fonction de l’humidité. Le contraste de permittivité entre direction longitudinale et transversale (tangentielle ou radiale) est négligeable à l’état sec du matériau et commence à être significatif à partir de la saturation des fibres. Cela permet de privilégier la direction longitudinale à la direction transversale pour évaluer l’humidité des structures en bois. / The reinforced concrete or the timber structures are degraded under mechanical and climatic actions. Physical and mechanical properties of these materials are linked to outdoor exposure conditions and their variations. The early non-destructive evaluation of these properties before the initiation of degradations is a need for masters of structures in order to predict the service life of the structures in a context of sustainable management of the built heritage. The presence of water in the pores of the concrete is a factor which facilitates the penetration of aggressive agents (carbon dioxide, chlorides, etc. responsible of the initiation of pathologies such as steel corrosion). In the case of wood material, the most common causes of damage are often of biological origin (fungi and insects). Moisture is also recognized as one of the most important conditions for the development of these attacks. It is therefore necessary to evaluate and quantify the spatial variation of the humidity in the building materials to limit repair actions. The GPR system (Ground Penetrating Radar) is an auscultation tool of materials which is completely non-destructive, fast, compact, and contactless. This technique is based on the propagation of electromagnetic waves. This propagation is strongly linked to the permittivity and the conductivity of the material that are highly sensitive to changes in humidity. The objective of this thesis is twofold: first, modelling the effect of moisture variation in a homogeneous material, multi-layers or with gradient, and secondly, to experimentally quantify the effect of a moisture gradient on the concrete and the effect of the anisotropy (case of wood material). An analytical model has been developed based on the concept of mixing laws (Fitted on experimental measurements of the permittivity by taking into account the effect of the frequency dispersion) and the propagation of a plane wave. A numerical simulation was used to assess the effects of a gradient and the effect of an anisotropic medium on the propagation velocity of the radar waves. The experimental phase was performed on a homogeneous and isotropic model material such as sand to compare different measurement methods of the velocity of the direct wave. A frequency analysis of the attenuation was also examined to evaluate the dispersion of the attenuation in a considered homogeneous medium. The second part of the experiment was to monitor, by radar measurements, the drying of a concrete slab instrumented by humidity sensors. Finally, an experimental campaign on samples of two species of wood (Pine and Spruce) with different moisture content between 0 and 50% was conducted. The modelling and simulations phase has shown that the frequency dispersion is significant only in the case of wet concrete with a high salinity content. The anisotropy and the gradient have a significant effect on the spread. The experimental phase showed that in the case of a homogeneous material, the speed is independent of the offset (distance between transmitter and receiver), and it varies in the case of concrete with a moisture gradient. Finally, tests on the timber indicate that the real part of its permittivity increases as a function of moisture. The contrast between longitudinal and transverse direction (tangential or radial) is negligible in the dry state of the material and begins to be very significant from the fiber saturation point. It indicates that the longitudinal direction, instead of the transverse direction, is more convenient to measure the moisture of wood structures.
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Metodika zkoušek historických cihel a zdiva / Methodology of historical bricks and masonry testsBartoň, Vojtěch January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on methodology for sorting of solid fired bricks for reconstruction of historical buildings. The theorethical part of this thesis includes description of production technology of solid fired bricks and diagnostic methods. In practical part there are these methods aplied on the solid fired bricks, which are intended for reconstruction of the bridge in Sedlec. There are monitored changes in structure of solid fired bricks caused by repeated freezing and defrosting. This changes are monitored by resonant frequency method and ultasonic pulse method.
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Vytvoření předpokladů pro hodnocení vlastností vysokopevnostních betonů s využitím nedestruktivních metod zkoušení / Creating conditions for evaluation of high-strength concrete characteristics using non-destructive testing methodsProcházka, David Unknown Date (has links)
High-strength concrete (HSC) belongs in the recent years to frequently used types of concrete. It allows realization of static challenging structures and also shows due to its dense structure greater durability especially against aggressive media. Currently HSC construction realization abroad is not exceptional. It’s using in the Czech Republic is still limited. When realized, then in a small scale in civil engineering works. The realization of high-strength concrete structures is closely related with the concrete construction quality verification. Good efficiency of the quality control methods can provide non-destructive testing methods (NDT), especially when investigating strength of concrete built in structure. A lack on relevant data for non-destructive testing of HSC in technical and normative rules is to be considered as a significant deficiency. Evident for HSC generally is the lack in literature on deeper analysis of the factors affecting their non-destructive testing, as well a meaningful methodology or practically usable calibration relationships. HSC differs from ordinary concrete not only by used components, but also by more compact structure with different strength – elastic characteristics. Considering these differences, HSC strength prediction can not be performed by using calibration relationships developed for ordinary concrete. Moreover, the question is to what extent the current knowledge of the NDT results influencing factors can be considered as valid. The paper presents findings on the effects of the key factors affecting the measurement results of Schmidt hardness method and ultrasonic pulse method, including recommendations for the practical application of these methods. The problematic of static vs. dynamic modulus of elasticity was also solved. Calibration equations for predicting the compressive strength of HSC from the non-destructive testing parameter were elaborated, showing high cohesion among variables and practically usability.
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Projekt výrobní linky / Production line projectJašíček, Radek January 2016 (has links)
This thesis describes the methods and procedures used in designing production lines, focusing on the production line for machining of train wheels. The thesis also describes the basic types of railway wheels, their design and important design elements. It also deals with the complete manufacturing process of train wheel from material selection through the technological processes of forming, heat treatment, mechanical tests, machining and non-destructive testing and measuring. Suitable equipment for the construction of automatic lines for machining, inspection and measurement of train wheels is selected according to the specified parameters of the wheel types, manufacturing productivity and production shop dimensions, These devices include vertical machining center, single-purpose machine for grease outlet drilling, device for ultrasonic inspection, magnetic particle inspecton device, measuring station and train wheel balancing machine. Several variants of the production line including detailed specification of manipulation cycle times is created. These variants are mutually compared and evaluated to find the optimal solution.
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Evaluation and Structural Behavior of Deteriorated Precast, Prestressed Concrete Box BeamsRyan T Whelchel (7874897) 22 November 2019 (has links)
Adjacent precast,
prestressed box beam bridges have a history of poor performance and have been
observed to exhibit common types of deterioration including longitudinal
cracking, concrete spalling, and deterioration of the concrete top flange. The nature of these types of deterioration
leads to uncertainty of the extent and effect of deterioration on structural
behavior. Due to limitations in previous
research and understanding of the strength of deteriorated box beam bridges,
conservative assumptions are being made for the assessment and load rating of
these bridges. Furthermore, the design
of new box beam bridges, which can offer an efficient and economical solution,
is often discouraged due to poor past performance. Therefore, the objective of this research is
to develop improved recommendations for the inspection, load rating, and design
of adjacent box beam bridges. Through a
series of bridge inspections, deteriorated box beams were identified and
acquired for experimental testing. The
extent of corrosion was determined through visual inspection, non-destructive
evaluation, and destructive evaluation.
Non-destructive tests (NDT) included the use of connectionless
electrical pulse response analysis (CEPRA), ground penetrating radar (GPR), and
half-cell potentials. The deteriorated
capacity was determined through structural testing, and an analysis procedure
was developed to estimate deteriorated behavior. A rehabilitation procedure was also developed
to restore load transfer of adjacent beams in cases where shear key failures
are suspected. Based on the
understanding of deterioration developed through study of deteriorated adjacent
box beam bridges, improved inspection and load rating procedure are provided along
with design recommendations for the next generation of box beam bridges.
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Fügbarkeit von CFK-Mischverbindungen mittels umformtechnischer ProzesseWilhelm, Maximilian 08 January 2016 (has links)
Kohlenstofffaserverstärkte Kunststoffe sollen in kommenden Fahrzeugprojekten in verstärkter Weise zur Reduzierung des Karosseriegewichtes beitragen. Neue Werkstoffe und Einsatzbedingungen erfordern jedoch in gleichem Maße angepasste Konstruktionen und innovative Fügetechnologien. Um die Realisierung der Gewichtseinsparpotenziale in wirtschaftlich attraktiver Weise zu ermöglichen, muss daher die Fügbarkeit von CFK-Stahl-Verbindungen mittels umformtechnischer Prozesse gewährleistet werden. Insbesondere der bisher unbekannte Einfluss von Fügeimperfektionen stellt in diesem Zusammenhang eine entscheidende Hemmschwelle für den industriellen Einsatz von CFK im Karosseriebau dar.
Um sowohl die Einflüsse von Seiten des umformtechnischen Fügens als auch des werkstofflichen Einsatzgebietes CFK zu berücksichtigen, werden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit alle Teilgebiete der Fügbarkeit inklusive der Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Werkstoff, Konstruktion und Fertigung analysiert. Aus dem Verständnis der Fügbarkeit als ganzheitliche, globale Querschnittsfunktion und der damit notwendigen Einbeziehung der Produktentstehungs- und Produktnutzungsprozesse wird zudem eine Ergänzung der Fügbarkeit um den Prozesskettengedanken vorgenommen.
Durch analytische und experimentelle Betrachtungen wurde eine auf Regressionsanalysen basierende Methodik, bestehend aus der Einbringung, Quantifizierung und Einflussbewertung von Imperfektionen, entwickelt und validiert. Über diese Methodik kann der Einfluss von Fügeimperfektionen gezielt untersucht und beschrieben werden. Die getätigten Untersuchungen wurden zudem zur Weiterentwicklung geeigneter Fügeverfahren für den Einsatz bei CFK-Mischverbindungen genutzt und die gesammelten Erkenntnisse anschließend in Konstruktionshinweise überführt.
Nach der Bewertung aller Herausforderungen, die für das Fügen in der automobilen Prozesskette wesentlich sind, kann die Fügbarkeit von CFK-Mischverbindungen mittels umformtechnischer Prozesse als gegeben betrachtet werden. Somit ergibt sich für CFK als Leichtbauwerkstoff, neben der Luftfahrtindustrie, in der Automobilbranche ein weiteres Einsatzfeld im Transportwesen. Die in dieser Arbeit präsentierten Ergebnisse dienten so auch als Grundlage für den weltweit ersten industriellen Einsatz des Halbhohlstanznietens bei CFK-Stahl-Verbindungen im neuen BMW 7er.:1 EINLEITUNG
2.1 Mischbau mit CFK im Karosseriebau
2.2 Fügbarkeit von CFK-Mischverbindungen
2.2.1 Fügeeignung von FKV-Mischverbindungen im Karosseriebau
2.2.2 Fügemöglichkeit von FKV-Mischverbindungen im Karosseriebau Blindnieten Fließformschrauben Stanznieten mit Halbhohlniet Stanznieten mit Vollniet
2.2.3 Fügesicherheit von FKV-Mischverbindungen im Karosseriebau
4.1 Fügeeignung
4.1.1 Bauteilimperfektionen
4.1.2 Fügeimperfektionen Klassifizierung von Fügeimperfektionen Entwicklung einer Methodik zur Einbringung von Fügeimperfektionen Analyse der in-plane Schubfestigkeit Analyse der Zugfestigkeit in x-Richtung Analyse der Lochleibungsfestigkeit Analyse des Elementdurchzugversagens Analyse des Verhaltens von mit Klebstoff hybrid gefügten Fügeverbindungen
4.2 Fügemöglichkeit
4.2.1 Blindnieten
4.2.2 Fließformschrauben Parameteruntersuchung: Bit-Kraft und Drehzahl Parameteruntersuchung: Anzugsmoment Parameteruntersuchung: Vorlochdurchmesser Elemententwicklung
4.2.3 Stanznieten mit Halbhohlniet
4.2.4 Stanznieten mit Vollniet
4.2.5 Delta-Alpha-Problematik
4.3 Fügesicherheit
4.3.1 Analyse des Scherbruchversagens
4.3.2 Verhalten unter verschiedenen Belastungszuständen
5.1 Untersuchungsmethodik
5.1.1 Versuchswerkstoffe
5.1.2 Fügeelemente
5.1.3 Probengeometrien
5.1.4 Fügeeinrichtungen
5.1.5 Prüfmethoden
5.2 Fügeeignung
5.2.1 Bauteilimperfektionen
5.2.2 Fügeimperfektionen Validierung einer zerstörungsfreien Prüfmethodik Validierung der entwickelten Methodik zur Einbringung von Fügeimperfektionen Auswirkungen auf die in-plane Schubfestigkeit Auswirkungen auf die Zugfestigkeit in x-Richtung Auswirkungen auf die Lochleibungsfestigkeit Auswirkungen auf das Elementdurchzugversagen Auswirkungen auf das Verhalten von mit Klebstoff hybrid gefügten Verbindungen
5.3 Fügemöglichkeit
5.3.1 Fließformschrauben Parameteruntersuchung: Bit-Kraft und Drehzahl Parameteruntersuchung: Anzugsmoment Parameteruntersuchung: Vorlochdurchmesser Elemententwicklung
5.3.2 Stanznieten mit Halbhohlniet Parameteruntersuchungen Elemententwicklung
5.3.3 Stanznieten mit Vollniet
5.4 Fügesicherheit
5.4.1 Experimentelle Analyse des Scherbruchversagens
5.4.2 Verhalten unter quasistatischer Belastung Verhalten bei Raumtemperatur Verhalten bei verschiedenen Einsatztemperaturen
5.4.3 Verhalten unter dynamischer Belastung Verhalten unter dynamisch crashartiger Belastung Verhalten unter dynamisch zyklischer Belastung
5.4.4 Verhalten unter korrosiver Belastung
5.5 Ableitung von Konstruktionsrichtlinien
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Diagnostický průzkum a hodnocení mostní konstrukce / Diagnostics and assessment of the bridge structureFadrný, Michal January 2022 (has links)
This diploma thesis targets on diagnostics and assessment of bridge structure Most Kaštanová přes Svitavu, reg. number 380-001. Concrete material characteristics have been assessed in laboratory, after visual inspection, diagnostical testing and sample core drilling were made. Findings from laboratory tests are summarized in the conclusion of the thesis. It focuses on an evaluation of current bridge condition and presents various options that will help polong lifetime of the bridge.
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