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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Tom, Bryan Matthew 01 January 2012 (has links)
Harvest data are typically used to evaluate mesocarnivore population dynamics in many states, including Kentucky. While relatively easy to collect, these data are subject to reporting biases, and inferences about population trends can often only be made at coarse spatial scales. Gray fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus), bobcat (Lynx rufus), and coyote (Canis latrans) populations in Kentucky are managed primarily through harvest data used to establish future harvest quotas. Increasingly, noninvasive survey methods have been used to characterize a number of population parameters for a variety of species; however, successful use of these methods is often site-specific. We assessed the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of two noninvasive survey methods, scat detection dogs and rub-pad hair snares, for surveying mesocarnivore species at two sites in the mixed-mesophytic forest of northeastern Kentucky. We sampled 100 hair snares covering approximately 100km2 and 27 transects covering approximately 27km2 from which 7 hair samples and 261 scat samples were collected respectively. Hair snares cost $397/sample at 6.4 hours/day, while scat detection dogs cost $47/sample at 4.9 hours/day. Genetic methods were used to identify biological samples to species and individual. Our findings should prove useful to state wildlife managers in comparatively evaluating methods for future mesocarnivore monitoring.

Uso do espaço pelo veado-catingueiro (Mazama gouazoubira; Fisher, 1814): uma comparação entre colares GPS e DNA fecal / Space use by the brown brocket deer (Mazama gouazoubira; Fisher, 1814): a comparison between GPS collars and fecal DNA

Peres, Pedro Henrique de Faria 08 September 2015 (has links)
Informações sobre o uso do espaço são importantes para o entendimento de processos ecológicos que envolvem uma espécie e a determinação de seu estado de conservação. Tais informações são escassas para o gênero Mazama, o mais diverso entre os cervídeos neotropicais, sendo que desenvolver metodologias para obtenção de dados ecológicos do gênero torna-se fundamental para qualquer ação de manejo envolvendo o grupo. O estudo do DNA fecal surge como uma ferramenta importante para viabilizar a coleta sistemática de informações sobre o gênero. Assim, o presente trabalho visou a estimar a área de vida e a seleção de hábitat do veado-catingueiro, comparando duas metodologias, com intuito de avaliar a aplicação do DNA fecal como alternativa para se estudar a espécie. O trabalho contou com 6 animais que tiveram suas localizações obtidas a cada 13 horas por colares GPS, no período de um ano. Nesse mesmo período e na mesma área, foram coletadas mensalmente amostras fecais, gerando um total de 830 amostras, cujo DNA foi extraído para identificação genética. A espécie das amostras foi determinada com o uso de um marcador mitocondrial (cit-b), e a identificação individual, com um painel de 11 microssatélites. Os valores de área de vida pelo método do MPC 95% variaram de 33 ha a 97 ha, e pelo método Kernel com 95% das localizações, variaram de 17 ha a 77 ha. Observou-se que as áreas de vida são alocadas nos diferentes habitats da região conforme o disponível (p = 0,072), porém são utilizadas internamente de forma selecionada (p=0,001). Neste nível, a espécie apresentou preferência pelos hábitats de cerrado e campo cerrado e evitou o campo (p < 0,005). Foram identificadas 670 amostras de veado-catingueiro e 15 genótipos únicos. A análise espacial das fezes também sugeriu uso desproporcional dos hábitats em relação à sua disponibilidade, sendo que a comparação direta entre os dois métodos revelou iguais distribuições no nível de espécie (p=0,178). As amostras individualizadas sugeriram um padrão de alta sobreposição de área de uso por diferentes indivíduos, mas avanços são necessários para melhor elucidar a questão. Perante os resultados observados, entende-se que há muito em se avançar na análise molecular das fezes que, realizada em larga escala, pode fornecer respostas importantes anteriormente inviáveis para espécies florestais. / Space use information is a key element to understand the ecological processes regarding a species and its conservation status. Such information is scarce for the genus Mazama, the most diverse group among Neotropical deer. The development of methods to obtain ecological data is fundamental to management actions concerning the group. The study of fecal DNA emerges as an important tool to enable systematic information collection about Mazama genus. Therefore, the present study aimed to estimate the home range and habitat selection of brown brocket deer comparing two methodologies in order to assess the application of fecal DNA as an alternative to study this species. Six animals were monitored with GPS collars and their location data was collected every 13 hours within one year time. Fecal samples were collected monthly in the same period and in the same area, generating a total of 830 samples whose DNA was extracted for genetic identification. The species identification was determined by a mitochondrial marker (cit-b) and individuals were identified applying a panel of 11 microsatellites. Home range was 33-97 h by MPC 95% and 17-77 h by Kernel 95%. Home rages are allocated in different habitats as available in the region (p = 0.072), but its use is internally selected (p = 0.001). At this level, the species showed preference for \"cerrado\" and \"campo cerrado\" habitats and avoidance to open field areas (p < 0.005). Genetics analysis identified 670 brown brocket deer samples and 15 unique genotypes. Feces spatial analysis suggested disproportionate use of habitats in relation to their availability in the field and the direct comparison between the two methods revealed equal distributions at the species level (p = 0.178). The genotyped samples suggested an overlapping home range pattern for different individuals, but advances are needed to further elucidate the issue. There is need for improvements in feces molecular analysis and, if held on large scale, it can provide important and previously unviable answers for forest species.

Uso do espaço pelo veado-catingueiro (Mazama gouazoubira; Fisher, 1814): uma comparação entre colares GPS e DNA fecal / Space use by the brown brocket deer (Mazama gouazoubira; Fisher, 1814): a comparison between GPS collars and fecal DNA

Pedro Henrique de Faria Peres 08 September 2015 (has links)
Informações sobre o uso do espaço são importantes para o entendimento de processos ecológicos que envolvem uma espécie e a determinação de seu estado de conservação. Tais informações são escassas para o gênero Mazama, o mais diverso entre os cervídeos neotropicais, sendo que desenvolver metodologias para obtenção de dados ecológicos do gênero torna-se fundamental para qualquer ação de manejo envolvendo o grupo. O estudo do DNA fecal surge como uma ferramenta importante para viabilizar a coleta sistemática de informações sobre o gênero. Assim, o presente trabalho visou a estimar a área de vida e a seleção de hábitat do veado-catingueiro, comparando duas metodologias, com intuito de avaliar a aplicação do DNA fecal como alternativa para se estudar a espécie. O trabalho contou com 6 animais que tiveram suas localizações obtidas a cada 13 horas por colares GPS, no período de um ano. Nesse mesmo período e na mesma área, foram coletadas mensalmente amostras fecais, gerando um total de 830 amostras, cujo DNA foi extraído para identificação genética. A espécie das amostras foi determinada com o uso de um marcador mitocondrial (cit-b), e a identificação individual, com um painel de 11 microssatélites. Os valores de área de vida pelo método do MPC 95% variaram de 33 ha a 97 ha, e pelo método Kernel com 95% das localizações, variaram de 17 ha a 77 ha. Observou-se que as áreas de vida são alocadas nos diferentes habitats da região conforme o disponível (p = 0,072), porém são utilizadas internamente de forma selecionada (p=0,001). Neste nível, a espécie apresentou preferência pelos hábitats de cerrado e campo cerrado e evitou o campo (p < 0,005). Foram identificadas 670 amostras de veado-catingueiro e 15 genótipos únicos. A análise espacial das fezes também sugeriu uso desproporcional dos hábitats em relação à sua disponibilidade, sendo que a comparação direta entre os dois métodos revelou iguais distribuições no nível de espécie (p=0,178). As amostras individualizadas sugeriram um padrão de alta sobreposição de área de uso por diferentes indivíduos, mas avanços são necessários para melhor elucidar a questão. Perante os resultados observados, entende-se que há muito em se avançar na análise molecular das fezes que, realizada em larga escala, pode fornecer respostas importantes anteriormente inviáveis para espécies florestais. / Space use information is a key element to understand the ecological processes regarding a species and its conservation status. Such information is scarce for the genus Mazama, the most diverse group among Neotropical deer. The development of methods to obtain ecological data is fundamental to management actions concerning the group. The study of fecal DNA emerges as an important tool to enable systematic information collection about Mazama genus. Therefore, the present study aimed to estimate the home range and habitat selection of brown brocket deer comparing two methodologies in order to assess the application of fecal DNA as an alternative to study this species. Six animals were monitored with GPS collars and their location data was collected every 13 hours within one year time. Fecal samples were collected monthly in the same period and in the same area, generating a total of 830 samples whose DNA was extracted for genetic identification. The species identification was determined by a mitochondrial marker (cit-b) and individuals were identified applying a panel of 11 microsatellites. Home range was 33-97 h by MPC 95% and 17-77 h by Kernel 95%. Home rages are allocated in different habitats as available in the region (p = 0.072), but its use is internally selected (p = 0.001). At this level, the species showed preference for \"cerrado\" and \"campo cerrado\" habitats and avoidance to open field areas (p < 0.005). Genetics analysis identified 670 brown brocket deer samples and 15 unique genotypes. Feces spatial analysis suggested disproportionate use of habitats in relation to their availability in the field and the direct comparison between the two methods revealed equal distributions at the species level (p = 0.178). The genotyped samples suggested an overlapping home range pattern for different individuals, but advances are needed to further elucidate the issue. There is need for improvements in feces molecular analysis and, if held on large scale, it can provide important and previously unviable answers for forest species.

Hunden som resurs inom svensk naturvård

Jensen, Tina, Langanger, Sofie January 2023 (has links)
Användningen av sökhundar som hjälpmedel och verktyg inom naturvården är i Sverige hittills ett litet område med några få verksamma aktörer. Men precis som hos tull, polis och försvarsmakt kan hundarna implementeras i naturvårdsverksamheten som ett standardverktyg. Hunden har en unik förmåga att selektera dofter och vilja att samarbeta med människan. Dessa egenskaper kan utnyttjas för att effektivisera arbetet inom naturvården. Vi har gjort en sammanställning av aktörer i Sverige samt en litteraturstudie över forskningsområdet och jämfört dessa för att ge förslag till vidare användning av naturvårdssökhundar i Sverige. För flera av användningsområdena finns forskning som stödjer hundarnas effektivitet. Inom några användningsområden finns däremot ingen forskning, därför hade dessa behövt studeras närmare för att bekräfta hudarnas effektivitet. Flera potentiella nationella användningsområden för naturvårdssökhundar har identifierats, som spillningsinventering av fladdermöss, skadegörare som almsjuka, hotade arter, invasiva växter och däggdjur, läckor på avloppsledningar, nedlagda deponier och laboratorieanalyser. Vårt förslag för att underlätta framtida arbete både för kunder och aktörer, är en samlad databas där alla operativa aktörer inom naturvårdssökhund är inkluderade. / In Sweden the use of detection dogs as a tool in nature conservation has until now been a small field, with few practitioners. In the daily operations of customs, police and the armed forces, detection dogs are a natural part of the organization and the same could be possible in conservation work. The dog’s ability to select between scents and their willingness to work with humans make them unique, utilizing these traits can make conservation work more efficient. The Swedish practitioners are compiled, and the available research is reviewed, the practitioners are then compared to the international research, to suggest further implication in Sweden. There are some practitioners working with conservation detection dogs today, research supports the dog’s efficiency in some areas, but in some areas research is absent. These areas would need studies to confirm the dog’s efficiency. We suggest potential areas for implantation in Sweden, such as scat detection of bats, pests like elm decease, threatened species, invasive species, sewage leaks, disused landfills, and laboratory analyses. Our suggestion is a national database for all conservation detection dogs, to aid future work for both practitioners and customers.

Minhund och en elektronisk nos för detektion av minor : utifrån den militära nyttan vid en undsättningsinsats / Mine detection dog and an electronic nose for landmine detection : on the basis of the military utility in a mine rescue team operation

Linfeldt, Anna January 2013 (has links)
Minor utgör ett hot mot civilbefolkningen men även personal i fredsfrämjande insatser riskerar att skadas av minorna under patruller i insatsområdet. Idag används minhunden i Försvarsmakten för att lokaliera minor i kombination med minpik och metalldetektor. Hunden har sina begränsningar och har under flera perioder varit på väg att fasas ut till förmån för tekniken. Minans doftbild, minhunden och den elektroniska nosen beskrivs och mynnar ut i en analys där för-/nackdelar presenteras och därefter diskuteras. Den militära nyttan i den militära kontexten, insats med undsättningsstyrka (MRT) utgör ramverk i uppsatsen. Vid en undsättningsinsats med MRT är det av största vikt att minorna kan lokaliseras, märkas ut och undvikas. Hunden har förmåga till lokalisering av minor vilket den elektroniska nosen Fido saknar. Minornas doftbild överlappar varandra. Fido kan inte särskilja minorna från varandra utan endast bekräfta förekomst i ett område vilket inte bidrar till den militära nyttan när en fri väg ska sökas fram till en skadeplats. / Landmines pose a threat to the civilian population but personnel in peacekeeping operations could also be harmed by landmines during patrols in the area. Today the Swedish Armed Forces use mine detection dogs to locate landmines. The mine detection dogs are used in combination with prodders and metal detectors. The dogs have their limitations and there have been several attempts to phase them out and replace them with technology. Substances detected by dogs and electronic noses, the mine detection dog and the electronic dog nose Fido are described and incorporated in an analysis where advantages/disadvantages are presented and then discussed. Military utility in a military context constitute the frame of the essay. The military context is an operation with a mine rescue team to rescue an injured person in a mine field. In a rescue operation with a mine rescue team the most important thing is to locate, mark and avoid the landmines. The dog can locate landmines but the electronic nose Fido cannot. The chemical signatures from the landmines overlap each other making it difficult for Fido to pinpoint the exact location. Fido can confirm the presence of landmines in an area which does not have military utility during mine rescue team operations to find a free path and rescue an injured person out from a minefield.

Use of the biological body-fluid detection dog for investigation of rape cases

Maharaj, Vishyal 02 1900 (has links)
Serious and violent crime in South Africa (SA) has been on the rise in the last few years. The SAPS has been stretched to the maximum in its efforts of trying to stabilise the situation, and has applied various tactics and strategies to eradicate crime. This included, among other things, changes to the basic training programme and reintroduction of specialised units. The success or failure of any criminal investigation will still often depend on the detection and analysis of physical evidence found on the crime scene. Crimes such as rape will always leave behind physical evidence in the form of body-fluids. The detectives need not be experts in order to detect or analyse this physical evidence, but should be experienced enough to know which experts or investigative aids must be used to ensure maximum recovery of the evidence. The purpose of this study was to determine how the Biological Body-fluid Dog (BBFD) can assist detectives in the investigation of rape cases. The researcher has chosen a unique investigative aid in the form of man’s best friend, namely “The Police K9” (canine). The literature shows that trained police dogs have achieved outstanding success in numerous fields around the world, i.e. from narcotic busts, detection of explosives, to countering terrorist threats, to the most chilling search-and-rescue operations. The SAPS has sent its search-and-rescue dogs to many countries abroad to assist in natural disasters. Dogs have been trained by various police agencies for various purposes, but the BBFD dog is unique to the SAPS, and is trained to detect only human blood and semen. The use of K9s in the complex forensic science environment can never be doubted or overlooked. The main problem facing the Booysens SAPS was the low arrest and conviction rate in rape cases, due to a lack of evidence. The researcher hopes to broaden the detectives’ knowledge and skills regarding the objectives of crime investigation, with special focus on detection of physical evidence at rape crime scenes. The BBFD dog is trained to detect minute amounts of body fluid on any type or size of surface, including veld, bush areas, vehicles, carpets, grass, bedrooms, etc. / Police Practice / M.A. (Criminal Justice)

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