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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Conceptualizing international development project sustainability through a discursive theory of institutionalization : a thesis submitted to the Victoria University of Wellington in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Management Studies /

Jackson, Elizabeth C. January 2010 (has links)
Thesis (M.M.S.)--Victoria University of Wellington, 2010. / Includes bibliographical references.

'n Intervensieprogram vir bevordering van inkomstegenerering in 'n landelike gemeenskapsentrum

Langenhoven, Magdalena C. (Magdalena Cornelia) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MVerbruikerswet)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Rural areas in South Africa experience extreme levels of unemployment, and therefore are in dire need for skills training. In some rural areas this training takes place in community centres. Participants are empowered to generate an income. The activities mostly take place in a group context. In such a community centre a lack of the presentation of structured skills training programmes was identified. The aim of the study is to develop a skills training programme to help rural people in starting an income-generating project in a group context by means of intervention. In the literature study the concept of community centres was discussed. The basic human needs and the needs for training were related to the concept of group work. Programme development for adult education, income-generation and interventions were described in detail. The development of creativity, empowerment, capacity building and sustainable development were briefly discussed as potential outcomes of skills training programmes for the generation of income. For the purpose of this study a case study was undertaken of existing needlework groups in the Darling Focus Community Centre. A study group of 15 members was identified. The duration of the study group's involvement in needlework training was determined. The need for skills training workshops and the study group's interest in group work were established. Although the activities of the study group take place in group context, very little evidence exist of co-operation towards the objective of income generation. A major shortcoming is the failure to pinpoint objectives in the group. Darling is a rural tourist attraction with a target market for the sale of handcrafted products. For this purpose the crafted products need to adhere to certain criteria. Despite the opportunity to market products to tourists, only the local market is being targeted. The requirements of these clients are not considered a priority in the manufacturing of products. Therefore the study group was considered a suitable case study in this research. An intervention programme was compiled and implemented in group context for the training of skills in the manufacturing, marketing and selling of products. Surveys were done by self-administered questionnaires and unstructured interviews were conducted with important role players. Workshops were presented where skills application was monitored through control lists. The application of business skills was established through a semi-structured interview. Throughout the process the researcher made observations and documented information. Surveys indicated that the duration of the group members' involvement with needlework activities were between three and eleven years. A clear need for skills training as well as interest in group work was established and addressed. Self diagnoses of needs for skills training was done during visits to trade areas. A brainstorming session was conducted to generate ideas for the manufacturing of products to be sold. The skills in making these products were demonstrated during the workshops and practised during follow-up work sessions. A basic business skill workshop was conducted. After implementation of the intervention the results of the group work were evaluated at the hand of success criteria identified from literature. This list of criteria provides a guideline for similar training programmes. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Landelike gebiede in Suid-Afrika gaan gebuk onder werkloosheid wat vaardigheidsopleiding noodsaak. Sommige plattelandse dorpe het gemeenskapsentrums wat onder meer vaardigheidsopleiding bied. Deelnemers aan die opleiding word bemagtig om 'n inkomste te kan genereer. Die aktiwiteite vind meestal in groepverband plaas. 'n Leemte, geïdentifiseer in so 'n gemeenskapsentrum, is die aanbieding van gestruktureerde vaardigheidsopleidingsprogramme in groepverband wat mense in staat stel om 'n volhoubare inkomste te genereer. Die studie het ten doel om deur intervensie 'n vaardigheidsopleidings-program te ontwikkel wat landelike mense help om 'n inkomstegenereringsprojek in groepverband te vestig. In die literatuuroorsig is die konsep van gemeenskapsentrums bespreek. Die basiese menslike behoeftes en behoeftes aan opleiding is in verband gebring met die konsep van groepwerk. Programontwikkeling vir volwassene-onderwys is uiteengesit en inkomstegenerering en –intervensies is volledig bespreek. Die ontwikkeling van kreatiwiteit, bemagtiging, kapasiteitsbou en volhoubare ontwikkeling is kortliks aangeraak as moontlike uitkomste van vaardigheidsopleidingsprogramme vir die generering van inkomste. Vir die doel van hierdie studie is 'n gevallestudie gedoen van bestaande naaldwerkgroepe gesetel in die Darling Fokus Gemeenskapsentrum. ‘n Studiegroep van 15 lede is geïdentifiseer. Die tydperk wat die studiegroep by naaldwerkopleiding betrokke is, is bepaal asook die behoefte aan vaardigheidsopleidingswerkswinkels. Verder is die studiegroep se belangstelling in groepwerk bepaal. Hoewel die aktiwiteite van die studiegroep in groepverband plaasvind, is daar min bewyse van samewerking ten einde die doel van inkomstegenerering te bereik. 'n Groot leemte is dat doelstellings nooit deur die groep gestel was nie. Darling is 'n landelike toeriste-aantreklikheid met 'n teikenmark vir die verkoop van handwerkprodukte. Hiervoor moet produkte aan sekere vereistes voldoen. Ondanks hierdie geleentheid om produkte onder toeriste te bemark, word daar slegs op die plaaslike mark gemik. Die vereistes van hierdie kliënte is nie 'n prioriteit in die vervaardiging van produkte nie. Die studiegroep is daarom as 'n geskikte geval beskou vir hierdie studie. 'n Intervensieprogram is in groepverband vir die opleiding van vaardighede in die vervaardiging, bemarking en verkope van produkte saamgestel en geïmplementeer. Opnames is gedoen deur selfgeadministreerde vraelyste en ongestruktureerde onderhoude is met belangrike rolspelers gevoer. Werkswinkels is aangebied waartydens vaardigheidstoepassing deur middel van kontrolelyste gemoniteer is. Die toepassing van besigheidsvaardighede is deur 'n semi-gestruktureerde onderhoud bepaal. Die navorser het deurentyd die waarneming gedoen en inligting gedokumenteer. Opnames het aangedui dat die groeplede tussen drie en elf jaar by die naaldwerkaktiwiteite betrokke is. 'n Duidelike behoefte aan vaardigheidsopleiding asook belangstelling in groepwerk is gevind en aangespreek. Selfdiagnose van behoeftes aan vaardigheidsopleiding is tydens besoeke aan afsetgebiede gedoen. 'n Dinkskrum is gehou om idees te genereer vir die maak van produkte om te verkoop. Die vaardighede vir die maak van hierdie produkte is deur middel van werkswinkels gedemonstreer en in opvolgende werksessies deur die studiegroep ingeoefen. 'n Besigheidsvaardigheidswerkswinkel waar basiese beginsels behandel is, is aangebied. Die resultate van groepwerk na die implementering van die intervensie is aan die hand van sukseskriteria wat uit literatuur geïdentifiseer is, geëvalueer. Hierdie stel kriteria bied 'n riglyn vir soortgelyke opleidingsprogramme.

An evaluative analysis of industrial development zones and export processing zones with reference to the Coega Industrial Development Zone

Brand, Daleen 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis ((MS en S)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa is experiencing similar problems as those occurring in other developing countries. Such problems include: large scale poverty; unequal regional development; inefficient policies; fragmented transport systems. The list goes on. This is largely due to apartheid policiesthat were implemented. After 1994 a series of new policies and programmes was implemented. Their aim was to eradicate apartheid planning; to provide equal and fair development for everyone and to stimulate and boost the economy. The Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP) was the first policy of its kind, followed by the Growth, Employment and Redistribution programme (GEAR). The aim of these two policies was to stimulate the economy, especially in areas where there is a need for an economic boost. This ultimately led to programmes such as the Spatial Development Initiative (SDI); Local Economic Development and Export Processing Zones or as they are better known in South Africa, Industrial Development Zones. Programmes or initiative such as these were aimed at boosting the economy, providing employment and utilising resources in a region. This is the shift that has taken place in development planning, from traditional regional policies towards incentive driven policiesthat try to attract investment into under-developed regions. Programmessuch as Industrial Development Zones however have a long history, not all of it positive. These zones have been known as sweatshops and that they use child labour. The largest problem of these zones is that labour legislation is almost non-existent. In 2001 South Africa declared Coega the first Industrial Development Zone in the country. The zone will link to the Spatial Development Initiative programme that was implemented in 1996. An uproar followed when labour organisations such as COSATUlearned that the government is going to use Industrial Development Zones, which are similar to Export ProcessingZones, to stimulate the economy and to solve the problem of unemployment in specific areas of the country. However the labour legislation of South Africa will be applied in the Industrial Development Zones. That just leaves the problem of efficiency and effectiveness. Will these zones really address and solve the employment problems in South Africa? Zones such as those in Mauritius have been a success, but there are cases where the zones did not create employment and more money was spend on putting in the infrastructure and services in the zones, than was made in the zone. Time will be the judge in the case of Coega Industrial Development Zone. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika ondervind basies dieselfde probleme as wat ander onderontwikkelde lande ondervind. Die probleme sluit in: grootskaalse armoede; ongelyke streekontwikkeling; ondoeltreffende beleide. Die probleem spruit grootliks uit die apartheidsbeleide. Na 1994 is daar egter 'n reeks van nuwe beleide en programme geïmplementeer. Die beleide moes apartheidsbeplanning uitwis; moes gelyke ontwikkeling aan almal voorsien en die ekonomie stimuleer. Die Heropbou- en Ontwikkelingsprogram was een van die eerste beleide, en is gevolg deur die "Growth, Employment and Redistribution" program. Die twee beleide se doel was om die ekonomie te stimuleer, veral in gebiede waar daar 'n behoefte aan ekonomiese groei is. Dit het dan ook gelei tot programme soos "Spatial Development Initiatives", "Local Economic Development" and "Export Processing Zones" of soos wat dit in Suid-Afrika bekend staan "Industrial Development Zones". Programme of inisiatiewe soos die se doel is om die ekonomie van 'n streek te versterk, om werksgeleenthede te skep en om gebruik te maak van die hulpbronne in die spesifieke streek. Die programme het 'n groot verandering in ontwikkelingsbeplanning meegebring, vanaf tradisionele streekbeleide tot inisiatief-gedrewe beleide wat poog om beleggings in onderontwikkelde streke te versterk. Programme soos "Industrial Development Zones" het 'n lang geskiedenis, en nie almal is posititief nie. Hierdie sones het 'n algemene naam van "sweatshops" gekry waar kinderarbeid gebruik word. Die grootste probleem van hierdie sones is dat arbeidwetgewing gewoonlik nie toegepas word binne die sones nie. In 2001 is Coega as die eerste "Industrial Development Zone" verklaar in Suid Afrika. Die sone is verbind tot die "Spatial Development Initiative" programme wat geïmplementeerd is in 1996. Dit is egter sterk deur die arbeidsorganisasie COSATU veroordeel, toe hulle hoor dat die regering nou "Industrial Development Zones", wat basies dieselfde is as "Export Processing Zones", gaan gebruik om die ekonomie te stimuleer en die hoë werkloosheid in die land te verminder. Maar, in hierdie sones sal arbeid wetgewing toegepas word. Dit los net die probleem van effektiwiteit en doeltreffendheid. Gaan hierdie sones die werkloosheids probleem van Suid Afrika oplos? Sones soos in Mauritius was suksesvol, maar daar is egter talle ander wat nie werkgeleenthed geskep het nie en die uitgawes wat gemaak is om infrastruktuur en dienste in die sones te voorsien is veel hoër as die profyt wat gemaak is op die einde. Tyd sal leer in die Coega "Industrial Development Zone'.

Orientação para a sustentabilidade nas atividades de inovação e desempenho organizacional sustentável: o caso das empresas participantes dos APLs do sudoeste do Paraná

Kummer, Aulison André 06 November 2013 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a orientação para a sustentabilidade nas atividades de inovação desenvolvidas pelas empresas participantes dos Arranjos Produtivos Locais (APLs) da Mesorregião Sudoeste do Paraná, bem como sua influência no desempenho sustentável dessas organizações. Para esse propósito, inicialmente realizou-se um estudo qualitativo de caráter exploratório junto à quatro empresas, sendo uma representante de cada APL do Sudoeste do Paraná (Confecções, Móveis, Alumínio e TI), por meio da aplicação de entrevistas individuais baseadas em um roteiro semiestruturado, as quais foram analisadas através da técnica de análise de conteúdo. Com base nas características identificadas na etapa qualitativa, o estudo assumiu natureza quantitativa e caráter descritivo a partir da adaptação de um questionário que posteriormente fora aplicado em 191 empresas, das quais resultaram 106 casos válidos. A análise dos dados efetivou-se, primeiramente, por meio de estatística descritiva, para posteriormente serem utilizadas as técnicas estatísticas de análise fatorial e regressão linear múltipla. Os resultados permitiram confirmar que as empresas pesquisadas desenvolvem práticas voltadas ao desenvolvimento de inovações orientadas para a sustentabilidade, bem como a parcial relação entre essa orientação para a sustentabilidade e o desempenho organizacional nas dimensões econômica, social e ambiental. Futuras complementações dessa pesquisa pode-se dar com a investigação qualitativa dos resultados alcançados ou então a investigação de outros setores econômicos, bem como a inclusão de variáveis externas que permitam diferenciar melhor as organizações pesquisadas. / The present work has the aim to analyze the orientation for the sustainable in activities of innovation developed by the participated companies of Arrangement Productive Locals (APLs) in a region of Southwest of Paraná, and its influence in the sustainable performance of these organizations. For this purpose, initially it was carried out a qualitative study of explorer character joined to four companies, being a company represented by each APL in the Southwest of Paraná (production, furniture, aluminium and TI), by individual interviews based in a schedule half structured, that they were analyzed through the technique of analyzis of the content. Based on identification characteristics in the qualitative stage, the study accepted quantitative nature and a descriptive character to the point of the adaptation of a questionnaire that later it was applied in 191 companies, and turned out to be in 106 valid cases. The fact analysis happened by the descriptive statistic and later the facts were used in the statistic techniques of factor analysis and return of multiple linear. The results allowed to confirm that the researched companies develop practices that work in the development of innovation returned to the sustainable, and the relation between the orientation for the sustainability and the organizational performance in the economic, social and environment measures. Future complements of this research can give with the qualitative investigation of the obtained results or the investigation of the others economic sectors, like the inclusion of external variable that permit to differentiate better the research organizations.

The significance of rural areas in South Africa for tourism development through community participation with special reference to Umgababa, a rural area located in the province of KwaZulu-Natal

Gopaul, Mohan 30 November 2006 (has links)
The aim of this study was to determine the role of tourism, empowerment and participation in the socio-economic upliftment of the community of Umgababa. The research examines the views of the community on their socio-economic conditions, their willingness to participate in tourism business ventures and their perceptions and attitude towards communicating with other rural communities on tourism development. The study concludes that the socio-economic living conditions of the community of Umgababa are very poor and that empowerment and participation of the community in tourism could be an answer to their problems. Given the opportunity, the majority of the people were willing to participate in a tourism business venture. Investigation revealed that there is an abundance of natural and human resources in Umgababa to start a tourism business. The community also felt that by communicating their knowledge and experience they would be able to help other communities in their own development. / Geography / MA (Geography)

Human resource development : an assessment of capacity development initiatives of World Bank projects in Ghana

Danquah, Joseph K. January 2017 (has links)
The significance of capacity development programmes, as key driver for sustaining development goals, is anchored in all international fora. This research complements and extends our present understanding of the contribution of capacity development approaches to development and achievement of the SDGs. This is achieved by critically assessing the impact of capacity development initiatives sponsored by the World Bank. This thesis has focused on analysis of implementation strategies and critical assessment of the impact of the projects using multidisciplinary approach, utilising a range of quantitative and qualitative methods. It provides a sound empirical basis for assessing the complexities of these projects. This empirical investigation has identified a wide range of disparities of implementation strategies utilised for capacity development initiatives among the major international players (World Bank and UNDP). These findings clearly indicate that there is no single strategy for the implementation of capacity development initiatives. Thus, based on empirical evidence, as well as a critical review of the literature, the study proposes a model for achieving critical sustainable capacity development based on broad and long-term strategies; input, process, output, and outcome which defines the appropriateness of policies and practices that support sustainable development. It is concluded that capacity development initiatives are relevant and essential ensuring national development and sustainable results. The recommendations include the focus on individual, organisational, and societal factors when planning, developing and adopting strategies for implementing all government/national programmes.

Optimization routes of planning and implementation in large-scale urban development projects : some learning from France for China / Conduites d’optimisation en aménagement et mise-en-œuvre dans projets de développement urbain en large échelle : des leçons françaises pour la Chine

Chen, Tingting 25 May 2012 (has links)
L’idée majeure de cette thèse de Doctorat part d’un regard sur les réalités en Chine. L’objectif majeur de cette thèse est celui d’essayer d’offrir des suggestions pour les villes chinoises à partir de l’expérience française en matière d’aménagement et de mise en œuvre de projets de développement urbain à large échelle. Comprendre le contexte, le mécanisme et la politique d’aménagement urbain au sein des pays développés peut être utile pour mieux répondre aux problèmes dans notre pays et, ainsi, à mieux construire les villes en Chine.D’abord, la dissertation fait une définition sur les concepts de base, le contenu et la structure de travail des projets de développement urbain à large échelle.L’origine des problèmes et les difficultés trouvées dans ce type d’opération seront alors débattues. Ancrée sur une étude empirique, la dissertation analyse quelques projets de développement urbain à large échelle en référence.Dans les sociétés modernes, les aménageurs doivent considérer plusieurs indicateurs d’incertitude dans le développement urbain. Ils doivent également être opérationnels en ce qui concerne la régulation de l’espace et coordonner les enjeux d’intérêt propres au développement urbain à large échelle. La thèse repère un cadre théorique de base selon ces trois aspects et travaille sur les moyens que les projets de développement urbain à large échelle en France mènent vis-à-vis de tous ces enjeux. Au travers de trois conduites qui sont la reforme du zoning et les droits du sol, une régulation plus stricte de l’espace urbain et une nette amélioration du cadre de coordination, l’aménagement et la mise en œuvre de ce type d’opération en France ont été optimisés. Au travers de réformes, de quelques modifications et améliorations, plusieurs projets français ont bien réussi à aboutir aux objectifs du plan. Les conséquences sociales, économiques et environnementales ont été également bien cadrées. Les Plans Locaux d’Urbanisme (PLU) ont été étudiés pour la reforme de la politique d’usage des sols. Le cahier des charges et le rôle de l'architecte Coordinateur ont été analysés pour la régulation des espaces urbains. Les ZAC, les SEM (Société d’Economie Mixte) et la participation institutionnelle ont été étudiées en terme de coordination d’institution. En partant d’une étude comparative entre la situation en Chine et l’expérience réussie en France, des suggestions ont été proposées pour optimiser les projets de développement urbain de large échelle en Chine. Les trois conduites d’optimisation sont bien connectées, ce qui signifie qu’ils ont une influence directe sur la construction urbaine. Une conduite isolée ne peut pas résoudre les défis. Ainsi, la dissertation suggère un ensemble de conduites d’optimisation pour les grands projets de développement urbain en Chine. La réforme de l’aménagement urbain et la mise-en-place institutionnelle devraient perfectionner les plans d’usage des sols, la régulation de l’espace urbain et les mécanismes de coordination dans son ensemble. L’aménagement urbain et le système de management devraient être orientés vers un perfectionnement intégré. / The main ideas of this thesis come from realities in China. The main objective ofthis thesis is trying to offer some suggestions for cities in China by learning fromFrance, on the topic of planning and implementation of large-scale urbandevelopment projects. Understanding the background, mechanism and policy ofurban planning in developed countries may help to cope with problems in ourcountry and then to better construct Chinese cities. Firstly, the dissertation defines the basic concepts, contents and framework of large-scale urban development projects. The origin of problems and difficulties in large-scale urban development projects is then discussed. Based on empirical study, the dissertation analyzes some typical large-scale urban development projects in France and then evaluates them. In modern society, planners should consider many uncertain indicators in urban development. They should also be effective in regulation of space and coordinate conflict of interests in large-scale urban development. The dissertation raises a basic theoritical framework in those three aspects and explores how French largescale urban development projects cope with these challenges. By three optimizing routes which are reforming of land-use planning, strengthen regulation of urban space and improvement of coordination mechanism, the planning and implementation of large-scale urban development project in France have been optimized. By continuous reforming, adjustment and improvement, many French large-scale urban development projects successfully finished the planning objectives. The social, economic and environment effects have also been well embodied.PLU (Plans Locaux d’Urbanisme) has been studied for the reform of land-use planning. Le "cahier des charges "and the role of the "Architect Coordinateur" have been analyzed for the regulation of urban space. ZAC (Zone d’Aménagement Concerte), SEM (Société d’Ecoonomie Mixte) and public participation institution have been studied in aspect of coordination institution. Based on comparativestudy of situation in China and successful experience in France, suggestionshave been made for optimizing Chinese large-scale urban development projects.The three optimizing routes are connected tightly, which means they influencethe course of urban construction together. Isolated route could not solve theproblems. Therefore, the dissertation suggests an ensemble optimizing route inChinese large-scale urban development projects. The reform of urban planningand implementation institution should improve land-use planning, regulation ofurban space and coordination mechanism all together. The urban planning andmanagement system should be in a direction of integrative improvement.

The income tax consequences of the in-house development of software

Hodge, Dominic Shaughn January 2014 (has links)
The objective of this thesis was to explore the nature of expenditure incurred on the internal development of software and its treatment in terms of the accounting and taxation frameworks to which it is subject. In fulfilling the primary objective the thesis had a number of subsidiary considerations. These included, firstly, a brief analysis of the approach of the software industry in South Africa to the taxation treatment of this type of software. The second consideration was a discussion and analysis of the taxation framework which differentiates between capital and revenue and the extent to which the receipts produced by internally developed software may be informative of the nature of the expenditure. The third was an analysis of the deductibility of expenditure incurred in the production of software with the fourth analysing the tests employed in the determination of whether expenditure is capital or revenue in nature. The fifth objective was to briefly analyse the accounting standards which find application in the determination of whether or not the software created can be considered a capital asset. The final subsidiary objective of the thesis was an analysis of the taxation framework applicable to software in respect of research and development incentives, as well as the position in the United States of America. Throughout the thesis the most apparent commonality is that there exists a significant level of uncertainty as to the taxation treatment of software both in South Africa and in America. The research concludes by stating that such uncertainty is prejudicial to the interests of research and development in relation to software.

An assessment of community participation in Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) development projects in Zimbabwe: the case of Bulilima and Mangwe Districts, Matabeleland South

Moyo, Phoebe Michelle Zibusiso Sandi January 2012 (has links)
Since the mid 1970s there has been an increasing effort to adopt community participation as a necessary instrument for people driven development. NGOs and governments have come to use this participatory approach not only to empower local people, but also to give them a platform to plan and implement their own development projects. However in Zimbabwe, the government has failed to fund most projects and it has created a gap for NGOs to provide most, if not all services in rural communities. NGOs have been seen as better institutions to facilitate development projects and to engage local people to actively participate in development issues. Community participation is a central component in development projects as the projects respond to the people’s needs and that local people are in full control and ownership of these projects. This study is an assessment of community participation in NGO development projects in Zimbabwe. The study investigates the extent of community participation in development projects and it is guided by the Participatory Development (PD) theory. Research findings reveal that community participation is minimal in development projects of Bulilima and Mangwe districts in Zimbabwe. Local people are just passive participants of the development projects who are told what to do. The local people’s contributions and influences are sidelined in the planning and decision-making processes; instead these are made by the rural elite who plan and make decisions on behalf of the local people. It is the view of this study that the purpose of community participation is to create opportunities for local people to participate in planning, decision making, implementation, allocation and distribution of resources. The development projects should be responsive to the people’s needs. Similarly, participatory development just like community participation is a process whereby communities are given the opportunity to determine their future in terms of their needs and resources. In this regard, it is relevant that rural communities actively participate in planning, decision making, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of development projects. By so doing, the projects become not only successful but also sustainable.

Developing a help-desk system for a multi-purpose ICT platform in a marginalised setting

Makombe, Farai January 2011 (has links)
Attempts to bridge the digital divide between urban and rural Information and Communications Technology (ICT) users have led to the deployment of ICT platforms in remote rural areas. This puts an increased demand for skilled support in rural ICT platforms to assist users in resolving technical problems that they face on a daily basis. A web based help desk system is developed and implemented to allow knowledge sharing and collaboration amongst users and experts as a way of ensuring the technical sustainability of the Siyakhula Living Lab, a remote rural based Information and Communications Technology (ICT4D) intervention. The research describes the use of Transactional and Innovation & Creative knowledge management strategies and their associated applications such as case-based reasoning (CBR) methods and collaborative knowledge approaches to develop a help desk support system for a geographically distributed multipurpose ICT centre in Dwesa, a rural remote area in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. The system implemented in this study has been validated for functional adequacy and usability within the Siyakhula Living Lab. The results of the evaluation are presented in this thesis to provide the initial validation of the effectiveness of the help desk system. Keywords: ICT4D, ICT, Case-Based Reasoning; Collaborative Knowledge, Technical Sustainability, Help Desk Systems, Siyakhula Living Lab Forums, Issue Tracking, Rural Users, South Africa

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