Spelling suggestions: "subject:"dialysis"" "subject:"aiialysis""
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Etické souvislosti alokace zdrojů s ohledem na možnosti a meze chronické dialyzační léčby / Ethical context of resource allocation with regard to the possibilities and limits of chronic dialysis treatmentDingová Šliková, Martina January 2021 (has links)
The main theme of the dissertation work are allocations of sources in regular dialysis treatment in ethical context. The aim of the work is detection, description and understanding to ethical problems forming in context with questionable allocation of sources in regular dialysis treatment. The theoretical part of the work is concentrated on mapping above mentioned problems from various point of view. By the help of analysis of pertinent literature it is referred to historical determination and social-economic context of difficult allocation of rare sources in health service, which subsequently caused development of specific ethical problems in clinical practice of dialysis treatment. Above mentioned ethical problems are discussed chronologically, namely from the first using of a dialysis device up to now, when this therapy is considered to be a standard clinical method. The practical part of the work contains results of high-quality research, the aim of which was to explore the experience of respondents with allocation of resources in regular dialysis treatment and so in ethical context. The dates for the research were obtained by the help of expert dialogues, the method of interpretative phenomenological analysis was used to the analysis of dates. The results of the research is the interpretation...
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Dialyse à domicile : évaluation du modèle de dialyse à domicile intégréeNadeau-Fredette, Annie-Claire 04 1900 (has links)
Les modalités de dialyse à domicile, soit la dialyse péritonéale (DP) et l’hémodialyse à domicile (HDD), offrent plusieurs avantages aux patients avec insuffisance rénale terminale (IRT), que ce soit par rapport à la qualité de vie ou à une diminution des complications liées à l’IRT. Peu de données sont toutefois disponibles quant aux répercussions cliniques de l’initiation de la thérapie de suppléance rénale via la DP ou l’HDD et de l’optimisation subséquente du traitement à domicile.
Le présent mémoire visait donc à répondre aux trois questions suivantes soit (1) la comparaison entre la survie des patients débutant la thérapie de suppléance rénale par une ou l’autre des modalités à domicile, (2) l’évaluation du modèle de dialyse à domicile intégrée (c’est la dire l’initiation de la suppléance rénale en DP avec un transfert subséquent en HDD) et (3) l’évaluation des prédicteurs dudit modèle de dialyse à domicile intégrée.
L’évaluation de 11 416 patients ayant débuté la suppléance rénale en Australie et Nouvelle-Zélande entre 2000 et 2012 a montré une association entre une mortalité globale inférieure chez les patients traités par HDD comparativement à ceux traités par DP (rapport des risques [hazard ratio - HR] 0.47, intervalle de confiance [IC] de 95%, 0.38-0.59). Par contre, les patients ayant débuté la suppléance rénale en DP et ayant ensuite été transférés en HDD (modèle de dialyse à domicile intégrée) avaintt une survie en dialyse à domicile similaire à ceux directement traités par l’HDD (HR 0.92, IC de 95%, 0.52-1.62). Finalement, les caractéristiques démographiques de base (jeune âge, sexe masculin, ethnie), les comorbidités, la cause de l’insuffisance rénale terminale, la durée du traitement et la raison de l’arrêt de la DP étaient des prédicteurs du modèle de dialyse à domicile intégrée. / Treatment of end-stage renal disease with home dialysis modalities (peritoneal dialysis [PD] and home hemodialysis [HHD]) is associated with significant patient-related benefits, including improved quality of life, greater autonomy and lower rates of medical complications. Although home dialysis is being increasingly promoted internationally, little data has been published to evaluate outcomes of patients treated with PD and HDD at time of renal replacement therapy (RRT) initiation and evaluate the optimal home dialysis treatment pattern.
The current project specifically aimed to answer the following questions: (1) what is the survival associated with initiation of RRT with PD or HDD, (2) what is the survival associated with the integrated home dialysis model (PD with subsequent transfer to HHD) compared to PD or HDD treatment initially, (3) what are the predictors associated with the integrated home dialysis model.
The first study included 11 416 incident dialysis patients from Australia and New Zealand between 2000 and 2012. Treatment with HHD at start of RRT was associated with a lower mortality compared to initial treatment with PD (hazard ratio [HR] 0.47, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.38-0.59). The second study assessed the integrated home dialysis model per se and showed a similar mortality among patients treated with the integrated home model (PD with transfer to HHD after PD ending) and patients treated with HHD from start of RRT (hazard ratio [HR] 0.92, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.52-1.62). Finally, the third study assessed the predictors of the integrated home dialysis model and identified baseline characteristics such as lower age, male sex, race, cause of end-stage renal disease, comorbidities and duration of PD therapy as potential predictors of a transfer from PD to HHD.
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Hemodiálise prolongada na lesão renal aguda associada a sepse sobrevida dos pacientes de acordo com o momento da indicação e a dose de diálise recebida /Abrão, Juliana Maria Gera January 2016 (has links)
Orientador: André Luís Balbi / Resumo: Introdução - A mortalidade de pacientes com Lesão Renal Aguda (LRA) que necessitam de suporte renal agudo (SRA) é elevada. Alguns estudos sugerem que o SRA indicado tardiamente associa-se a piores desfechos. Outros, avaliando dose de diálise, não encontraram benefício com uso de SRA mais intenso. Entretanto, são escassos os trabalhos que avaliaram estes tópicos em pacientes dialisados por Hemodiálise Prolongada (HDP) e considerando a LRA exclusivamente associada a sepse. Objetivo - Avaliar a sobrevida de pacientes com LRA associada a sepse, submetidos a HDP, de acordo com o momento da indicação e a dose de diálise recebida. Material e Métodos - Coorte retrospectiva de pacientes críticos com LRA associada a sepse, estágio 3 segundo classificação AKIN, submetidos a HDP, de abril de 2008 a outubro de 2014, em dois hospitais de referência em nefrologia. De acordo com o momento da indicação do SRA, os pacientes foram divididos em grupo SRA precoce (início até 24 horas após atingido estágio 3 da LRA) e SRA tardio (início depois de 24 horas após atingido estágio 3 da LRA). A dose de diálise obtida por sessão foi calculada e, de acordo com a média do Kt/V semanal recebido, os pacientes também foram divididos em grupo SRA intenso (Kt/V maior ou igual a média) e grupo SRA menos intenso (Kt/V menor que a média). O desfecho estudado foi mortalidade intra-hospitalar. Considerado nível de significância de 5%. Resultados - Foram estudados 361 pacientes, com média de idade de 59,7 ± 15,7 ano... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Introduction - The mortality of patients with Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) requiring Acute Renal Support (ARS) is high. Some studies suggest that ARS indicated lately is associated with worse outcomes. Other, assessing dialysis dose, found no benefits with an intense use of ARS. However, few studies assessed those topics in dialyzed patients under extended hemodialysis and considering the Acute Kidney Injury exclusively associated with sepsis. Objective - To assess survival in patients with AKI associated with sepsis subject to extended hemodialysis according to the time of prescription and dialysis dose received. Material and Methods - Retrospective cohort of critically ill patients with AKI associated with sepsis, stage 3, according to AKIN classification, subjected to extended hemodialysis, from April 2008 to October 2014, in two referral hospitals in nephrology. According to the time of ARS indication patients were divided into early ARS group (beginning within 24 hours of reaching Stage 3 of AKI) and late ARS (beginning after 24 hours of reaching Stage 3 of AKI). Dialysis dose obtained by session was calculated and according to the average of weekly Kt/V received, patients were also divided into heavy ARS group (Kt/V ≥ average) and less intense ARS group (Kt/V < average). The study outcome was in-hospital mortality, considering a significance level of 5%. Results - 361 patients were studied aged between 59.7 ± 15.7 years old and 65.6% men. In AKI AKIN 3 diagnosis, 62.1% pre... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor
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O paciente renal crônico e a escolha do método dialítico: uma análise da influência de ansiedade, estresse e depressão / Chronic kidney disease patient and the dialysis modality choice: an analysis of the influence of anxiety, stress and depressionBezerra, Cícero Itálo Leite 02 March 2018 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A necessidade de diálise e a mudança iminente no estilo e qualidade de vida são grandes responsabilidades depositadas nos pacientes com doença renal crônica (DRC) em processo de escolha do método dialítico. Alguns dos temas mais frequentemente implicados na escolha de um ou outro método dialítico são depressão, ansiedade e estresse. Nos pacientes renais crônicos pré-dialíticos ainda não foi evidenciado se a ansiedade está associada a desfechos clínicos, tais como início da diálise, hospitalizações ou morte. Tem-se sugerido que a depressão afeta os desfechos clínicos em pacientes com DRC pré-dialítica, podendo impactar no estado nutricional e na redução da observância da diálise prescrita. O estresse é um fator muito comum em indivíduos com uma doença de longa duração, incluindo aqueles com DRC. Altos níveis de estresse podem ter um impacto nos resultados psicológicos e clínicos, além de contribuir para os comportamentos de saúde, como as preferências pelo método dialítico. MÉTODOS: Este é um estudo observacional prospectivo no qual 67 pacientes foram abordados em dois momentos: durante primeira consulta no Ambulatório Multidisciplinar de Orientações do serviço de Nefrologia HC-FMUSP e, depois, no período entre 1 e 3 meses após o início da diálise. Foram utilizados os instrumentos Escala Hospitalar de Ansiedade e Depressão (HADS), Escala de Estresse Percebido (PSS) e Questionário de fatores pessoais que interferem na escolha do método dialítico, instrumento elaborado pelo autor. Características demográficas e clínicas também foram avaliadas. RESULTADOS: A média de idade foi de 59±15 anos, em sua maioria homens (53,7%), brancos (59,7%) e casados (57,8%). As principais comorbidades foram HAS (83,6%) e DM (42,6%). As principais causas de DRC foram nefroesclerose (26,9%) e nefropatia diabética (22,4%). A média de eGFR por CKD-EPI foi 16±7. As medianas de escores de ansiedade, depressão e estresse foram, respectivamente, de 6 (4/10), 9 (5/12) e 30 (21/35). A partir dos valores de corte estabelecidos, 34,3% dos indivíduos foram considerados \"com ansiedade\" e 52,2% \"com depressão\". A comparação de escores de ansiedade revela não haver diferença entre homens e mulheres (p= 0,136), havendo, porém, tendência de maiores escores de depressão entre mulheres (p= 0,074) e de estresse entre homens (p= 0,081). Não foram observadas diferenças nos escores de ansiedade (p= 0,556), depressão (p= 0,467) e estresse (p= 0,971) entre grupos DP e HD. Houve correlação positiva entre ansiedade e depressão (r2= 0,574, p < 0,0001), ansiedade e estresse (r2= 0,555, p < 0,0001) e depressão e estresse (r2= 0,521, p < 0,0001). Após início da terapia dialítica, foram observadas reduções significativas nos escores de ansiedade (p < 0,0001), depressão (p < 0,0001) e estresse (p < 0,0001). Os motivos relacionados à família são os que mais influenciaram na escolha do método (32,8%, p= 0,165). A incompatibilidade com a rotina pessoal/de trabalho foi o principal motivo para não escolha do outro método dialítico (26,9%). CONCLUSÕES: Embora o processo de tomada de decisões na escolha do método dialítico esteja associado a altos escores de ansiedade, depressão e estresse, tais sintomas são atenuados de forma significativa após o início da terapia dialítica. Escores de ansiedade, depressão e estresse não foram determinantes na escolha do método dialítico / BACKGROUND: The need for dialysis and the imminent change in style and quality of life are great responsibilities deposited in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) in the process of choosing the dialysis modality. Some of the issues most often involved in choosing one or another dialytic method are depression, anxiety, and stress. In pre-dialysis CKD patients, it has not yet been shown whether anxiety is associated with clinical outcomes such as initiation of dialysis, hospitalization, or death. It has been suggested that depression affects clinical outcomes in patients with predialytic CKD, which may impact nutritional status and reduce adherence to prescribed dialysis. Stress is a very common factor in individuals with a long-term illness, including those with CKD. High levels of stress can have an impact on psychological and clinical outcomes, as well as contribute to health behaviors such as dialysis preferences. METHODS: This is a prospective observational study in which 67 patients were approached in two moments: during the first visit at the Dialysis Education Program of the HC-FMUSP Nephrology Service and then in the period between 1 and 3 months after the initiation of the dialysis. We used the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) and Survey on personal factors that affects the choice of the dialysis method, an instrument developed by the author. Demographic and clinical characteristics were also evaluated. RESULTS: The mean age was 59 ± 15 years, mostly men (53.7%), caucasian (59.7%) and married (57.8%). The main comorbidities were hypertension (83.6%) and DM (42.6%). The main causes of CKD were nephrosclerosis (26.9%) and diabetic nephropathy (22.4%). The mean eGFR by CKD-EPI was 16 ± 7. Median anxiety, depression and stress scores were, respectively, 6 (4/10), 9 (5/12) and 30 (21/35). According to the established cutoff values, 34.3% of the individuals were considered \"with anxiety\" and 52.2% \"with depression\". The comparison of anxiety scores revealed no difference between men and women (p= 0.136), but there was a tendency for higher depression scores among women (p= 0.074) and stress among men (p= 0.081). There were no differences in anxiety scores (p= 0.556), depression (p= 0.467) and stress (p = 0.971) between DP and HD groups. There was a positive correlation between anxiety and depression (r2 = 0.574, p < 0.0001), anxiety and stress (r2 = 0.555, p < 0.0001) and depression and stress (r2 = 0.521, p < 0.0001). After initiation of dialysis therapy, significant reductions in anxiety scores (p < 0.0001), depression (p < 0.0001) and stress (p < 0.0001) were observed. The reasons related to the family were the ones that influenced the choice of the method (32.8%, p= 0.165). The incompatibility with the personal / work routine was the main reason for not choosing the other dialytic method (26.9%). CONCLUSION: Although the decision-making process in the dialysis modality choice is associated with high anxiety, depression and stress scores, such symptoms are significantly attenuated after the initiation of dialysis therapy. Anxiety, depression, and stress scores were not determinant in the choice of dialysis method
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Experiences of patients on haemodialysis and continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis in end stage renal disease : an exploratory study at a tertiary hospital in KwaZulu-Natal.Harilall, Bharita. January 2008 (has links)
This study looked into paients’ experiences of end stage renal disease (ESRD) and renal replacement therapy (RRT). A qualitative me thodology was employed involving fifteen patients between the ages of 20 – 60 years that were interviewed on their experiences using the semi structured approach to interviewing. The knowledge gained was analysed thematically. The study was explored within two theoretical frameworks, namely the biopsychosocial and the ecological models. Results of the study revealed that ESRD and RRT posed many psychosocial challenges at a micro and macro level, as patients attempted to reconcil e these experiences with their lifestyles and lives. Challenges were expressed in the areas of functional capacity, work and sexuality. Family life was seriously affected when patients had to make themselves available for life long tr eatment that depended on machines. Recommendations included mobilisatio n of positive support networks, religion/spirituality, and pr ofessional support playing an interrelational role in enabling patients to cope through the long term process so that they may emerge from it with a modicum of quality in their life. Thus a team approach was key to optimal living for the patient. From an ecological perspective, macrosystemic change was also considered important for government to introduce policies that ensure economically productive living for persons with kidney dysfunction. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2008.
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Hemodiálise prolongada na lesão renal aguda associada a sepse: sobrevida dos pacientes de acordo com o momento da indicação e a dose de diálise recebida / Extended hemodialysis in acute kidney injury associated with sepsis: survival of patients according to the time of prescription and dialysis dose receivedAbrão, Juliana Maria Gera [UNESP] 26 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by JULIANA MARIA GERA ABRÃO null (abrao_ju@hotmail.com) on 2016-03-01T22:23:24Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-02-26 / Introdução - A mortalidade de pacientes com Lesão Renal Aguda (LRA) que necessitam de suporte renal agudo (SRA) é elevada. Alguns estudos sugerem que o SRA indicado tardiamente associa-se a piores desfechos. Outros, avaliando dose de diálise, não encontraram benefício com uso de SRA mais intenso. Entretanto, são escassos os trabalhos que avaliaram estes tópicos em pacientes dialisados por Hemodiálise Prolongada (HDP) e considerando a LRA exclusivamente associada a sepse. Objetivo - Avaliar a sobrevida de pacientes com LRA associada a sepse, submetidos a HDP, de acordo com o momento da indicação e a dose de diálise recebida. Material e Métodos - Coorte retrospectiva de pacientes críticos com LRA associada a sepse, estágio 3 segundo classificação AKIN, submetidos a HDP, de abril de 2008 a outubro de 2014, em dois hospitais de referência em nefrologia. De acordo com o momento da indicação do SRA, os pacientes foram divididos em grupo SRA precoce (início até 24 horas após atingido estágio 3 da LRA) e SRA tardio (início depois de 24 horas após atingido estágio 3 da LRA). A dose de diálise obtida por sessão foi calculada e, de acordo com a média do Kt/V semanal recebido, os pacientes também foram divididos em grupo SRA intenso (Kt/V maior ou igual a média) e grupo SRA menos intenso (Kt/V menor que a média). O desfecho estudado foi mortalidade intra-hospitalar. Considerado nível de significância de 5%. Resultados - Foram estudados 361 pacientes, com média de idade de 59,7 ± 15,7 anos, sendo 65,6% homens. No diagnóstico da LRA AKIN 3, 62,1% apresentavam oligúria. A mortalidade intra-hospitalar foi de 82,5%. Em 54% dos casos o SRA foi tardio e a média do Kt/V semanal foi de 6,59 ± 1,6. Entre os pacientes que evoluíram para óbito foram observados maior média de idade (61,1 ± 14,8 versus 53,1 ± 18,3 anos; p=0,002), maior ATN-ISS (0,65 versus 0,60; p=0,002), maior percentagem de oligúricos (66,4 versus 41,3%; p<0,001) e menor creatinina sérica (3,6 versus 4,4 mg/dL). Neste mesmo grupo, houve mais indicação tardia de SRA, com tendência à diferença estatística (56,4% versus 42,9%; p=0,05). O Kt/V semanal foi semelhante entre os grupos óbito e não óbito. A análise multivariada mostrou que idade (OR=1,03; p<0,001), SRA tardio (OR=1,91; p=0,033) e oligúria (OR=2,83; p=0,001) foram associados a maior risco de óbito, enquanto maior valor de creatinina (OR=0,86; p=0,048) foi fator de proteção. Houve maior mortalidade no grupo SRA tardio, com tendência a diferença estatística (86,2% versus 78,3%; p=0,05) e foi observada melhor curva de sobrevida no subgrupo de pacientes oligúricos submetidos a SRA precoce (p=0,016). A mortalidade (82,2% no grupo SRA intenso versus 82,8% no grupo SRA menos intenso; p=0,888) e as curvas de sobrevida foram semelhantes nos grupos SRA intenso e SRA menos intenso. Conclusão – Quando avaliados pacientes com LRA associada a sepse e dialisados com HDP, a indicação precoce do SRA está associada a menor mortalidade, em especial entre pacientes oligúricos, e não há benefício em fornecer diálise mais intensa. / Introduction - The mortality of patients with Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) requiring Acute Renal Support (ARS) is high. Some studies suggest that ARS indicated lately is associated with worse outcomes. Other, assessing dialysis dose, found no benefits with an intense use of ARS. However, few studies assessed those topics in dialyzed patients under extended hemodialysis and considering the Acute Kidney Injury exclusively associated with sepsis. Objective - To assess survival in patients with AKI associated with sepsis subject to extended hemodialysis according to the time of prescription and dialysis dose received. Material and Methods - Retrospective cohort of critically ill patients with AKI associated with sepsis, stage 3, according to AKIN classification, subjected to extended hemodialysis, from April 2008 to October 2014, in two referral hospitals in nephrology. According to the time of ARS indication patients were divided into early ARS group (beginning within 24 hours of reaching Stage 3 of AKI) and late ARS (beginning after 24 hours of reaching Stage 3 of AKI). Dialysis dose obtained by session was calculated and according to the average of weekly Kt/V received, patients were also divided into heavy ARS group (Kt/V ≥ average) and less intense ARS group (Kt/V < average). The study outcome was in-hospital mortality, considering a significance level of 5%. Results - 361 patients were studied aged between 59.7 ± 15.7 years old and 65.6% men. In AKI AKIN 3 diagnosis, 62.1% presented oliguria. In-hospital mortality was 82.5%. In 54% of the cases the ARS was late and the average of weekly Kt/V was 6.59 ± 1.6. Among the patients who died, it was observed higher mean age (61.1 ± 14.8 versus 53.1 ± 18.3 years; p = 0.002), higher ATN-ISS (0.65 versus 0.60; p = 0.002), higher percentage of patients with oliguria (66.4 vs. 41.3%; p <0.001) and lower serum creatinine (3.6 vs. 4.4 mg / dl). In this same group, there was more of later indication of ARS, prone to statistical difference (56.4% versus 42.9%; p = 0.05). The weekly Kt/V was similar between the death and non- death groups. Multivariate analysis showed that age (OR = 1.03; p <0.001), late ARS (OR = 1.91; p = 0.033) and oliguria (OR = 2.83; p = 0.001) were associated with increased risk of death, while higher values of creatinine (OR = 0.86; p = 0.048) was a protective factor. There was a higher mortality rate in the late ARS group, prone to statistical difference (86.2% versus 78.3%; p = 0.05) and was observed better survival rate in the subgroup of patients with oliguria undergoing the early ARS (p = 0.016 ). The mortality (82.2% in the intense ARS group versus 82.8% in the less intense ARS group; p = 0.888) and survival curves were similar between the groups intense and less intense ARS. Conclusion - In patients with AKI associated with sepsis and dialyzed with Extended Hemodialysis the early indication of ARS is associated with lower mortality especially among patients with oliguria and there is no benefit in providing more intensive dialysis.
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O paciente renal crônico e a escolha do método dialítico: uma análise da influência de ansiedade, estresse e depressão / Chronic kidney disease patient and the dialysis modality choice: an analysis of the influence of anxiety, stress and depressionCícero Itálo Leite Bezerra 02 March 2018 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A necessidade de diálise e a mudança iminente no estilo e qualidade de vida são grandes responsabilidades depositadas nos pacientes com doença renal crônica (DRC) em processo de escolha do método dialítico. Alguns dos temas mais frequentemente implicados na escolha de um ou outro método dialítico são depressão, ansiedade e estresse. Nos pacientes renais crônicos pré-dialíticos ainda não foi evidenciado se a ansiedade está associada a desfechos clínicos, tais como início da diálise, hospitalizações ou morte. Tem-se sugerido que a depressão afeta os desfechos clínicos em pacientes com DRC pré-dialítica, podendo impactar no estado nutricional e na redução da observância da diálise prescrita. O estresse é um fator muito comum em indivíduos com uma doença de longa duração, incluindo aqueles com DRC. Altos níveis de estresse podem ter um impacto nos resultados psicológicos e clínicos, além de contribuir para os comportamentos de saúde, como as preferências pelo método dialítico. MÉTODOS: Este é um estudo observacional prospectivo no qual 67 pacientes foram abordados em dois momentos: durante primeira consulta no Ambulatório Multidisciplinar de Orientações do serviço de Nefrologia HC-FMUSP e, depois, no período entre 1 e 3 meses após o início da diálise. Foram utilizados os instrumentos Escala Hospitalar de Ansiedade e Depressão (HADS), Escala de Estresse Percebido (PSS) e Questionário de fatores pessoais que interferem na escolha do método dialítico, instrumento elaborado pelo autor. Características demográficas e clínicas também foram avaliadas. RESULTADOS: A média de idade foi de 59±15 anos, em sua maioria homens (53,7%), brancos (59,7%) e casados (57,8%). As principais comorbidades foram HAS (83,6%) e DM (42,6%). As principais causas de DRC foram nefroesclerose (26,9%) e nefropatia diabética (22,4%). A média de eGFR por CKD-EPI foi 16±7. As medianas de escores de ansiedade, depressão e estresse foram, respectivamente, de 6 (4/10), 9 (5/12) e 30 (21/35). A partir dos valores de corte estabelecidos, 34,3% dos indivíduos foram considerados \"com ansiedade\" e 52,2% \"com depressão\". A comparação de escores de ansiedade revela não haver diferença entre homens e mulheres (p= 0,136), havendo, porém, tendência de maiores escores de depressão entre mulheres (p= 0,074) e de estresse entre homens (p= 0,081). Não foram observadas diferenças nos escores de ansiedade (p= 0,556), depressão (p= 0,467) e estresse (p= 0,971) entre grupos DP e HD. Houve correlação positiva entre ansiedade e depressão (r2= 0,574, p < 0,0001), ansiedade e estresse (r2= 0,555, p < 0,0001) e depressão e estresse (r2= 0,521, p < 0,0001). Após início da terapia dialítica, foram observadas reduções significativas nos escores de ansiedade (p < 0,0001), depressão (p < 0,0001) e estresse (p < 0,0001). Os motivos relacionados à família são os que mais influenciaram na escolha do método (32,8%, p= 0,165). A incompatibilidade com a rotina pessoal/de trabalho foi o principal motivo para não escolha do outro método dialítico (26,9%). CONCLUSÕES: Embora o processo de tomada de decisões na escolha do método dialítico esteja associado a altos escores de ansiedade, depressão e estresse, tais sintomas são atenuados de forma significativa após o início da terapia dialítica. Escores de ansiedade, depressão e estresse não foram determinantes na escolha do método dialítico / BACKGROUND: The need for dialysis and the imminent change in style and quality of life are great responsibilities deposited in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) in the process of choosing the dialysis modality. Some of the issues most often involved in choosing one or another dialytic method are depression, anxiety, and stress. In pre-dialysis CKD patients, it has not yet been shown whether anxiety is associated with clinical outcomes such as initiation of dialysis, hospitalization, or death. It has been suggested that depression affects clinical outcomes in patients with predialytic CKD, which may impact nutritional status and reduce adherence to prescribed dialysis. Stress is a very common factor in individuals with a long-term illness, including those with CKD. High levels of stress can have an impact on psychological and clinical outcomes, as well as contribute to health behaviors such as dialysis preferences. METHODS: This is a prospective observational study in which 67 patients were approached in two moments: during the first visit at the Dialysis Education Program of the HC-FMUSP Nephrology Service and then in the period between 1 and 3 months after the initiation of the dialysis. We used the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) and Survey on personal factors that affects the choice of the dialysis method, an instrument developed by the author. Demographic and clinical characteristics were also evaluated. RESULTS: The mean age was 59 ± 15 years, mostly men (53.7%), caucasian (59.7%) and married (57.8%). The main comorbidities were hypertension (83.6%) and DM (42.6%). The main causes of CKD were nephrosclerosis (26.9%) and diabetic nephropathy (22.4%). The mean eGFR by CKD-EPI was 16 ± 7. Median anxiety, depression and stress scores were, respectively, 6 (4/10), 9 (5/12) and 30 (21/35). According to the established cutoff values, 34.3% of the individuals were considered \"with anxiety\" and 52.2% \"with depression\". The comparison of anxiety scores revealed no difference between men and women (p= 0.136), but there was a tendency for higher depression scores among women (p= 0.074) and stress among men (p= 0.081). There were no differences in anxiety scores (p= 0.556), depression (p= 0.467) and stress (p = 0.971) between DP and HD groups. There was a positive correlation between anxiety and depression (r2 = 0.574, p < 0.0001), anxiety and stress (r2 = 0.555, p < 0.0001) and depression and stress (r2 = 0.521, p < 0.0001). After initiation of dialysis therapy, significant reductions in anxiety scores (p < 0.0001), depression (p < 0.0001) and stress (p < 0.0001) were observed. The reasons related to the family were the ones that influenced the choice of the method (32.8%, p= 0.165). The incompatibility with the personal / work routine was the main reason for not choosing the other dialytic method (26.9%). CONCLUSION: Although the decision-making process in the dialysis modality choice is associated with high anxiety, depression and stress scores, such symptoms are significantly attenuated after the initiation of dialysis therapy. Anxiety, depression, and stress scores were not determinant in the choice of dialysis method
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Comparaison médico-économique entre les modalités de prise en charge de l'insuffisance rénale chronique terminale : hémodialyse versus dialyse péritonéale / Health-economical comparison between health care dialysis modalities : hemodialysis versus peritoneal dialysisHabib, Aida 18 December 2015 (has links)
Les objectifs sont d’évaluer l’efficience (survie, qualité de vie et le coût) des deux techniques de dialyse de rechercher les déterminants qui orientent le choix vers l’une ou l’autre des techniques de dialyse et d’évaluer le parcours de soins des patients en dialyse. La première partie de ce travail de thèse à analyser les données de la région PACA issues du registre REIN. Cette analyse est descriptive et porte sur le profil des patients démarrent un traitement en dialyse (HD et DP). Une analyse de survie a été réalisée selon la technique de dialyse initiale et selon le parcours de soins. Dans une seconde partie, le coût et sur la qualité de vie ont été évalués selon les différentes techniques de dialyse afin d’évaluer l’efficience de ces modalités à partir des données recueillies dans un PHRC régional. Dans une troisième partie, les facteurs liés au choix initial de la technique de dialyse, DP ou HD ont été recherchés. Ce travail a fait l’objet d’une étude ciblée auprès de patients et de néphrologues au sein de 4 structures de dialyse. La survie et la qualité de vie des patients sont similaires entre HD et DP. Le changement de technique, de la DP vers l'HD, a un impact positif sur la survie. La DP est moins coûteuse que l’HD. Les contre-indications médicales à la DP ne concernaient que 26,7% des patients inclus. En absence de contre-indications, la préférence du patient et les pratiques des professionnelles (information et pratiques de centre) sont les deux principaux facteurs liés au choix initial de la technique de dialyse, notamment par la DP. Une meilleure information pourrait contribuer à augmenter le choix de la DP. / The objectives of this work were to assess and compare the efficiency (survival, quality of life and cost) of patients initially treated with peritoneal dialysis (PD) or hemodialysis (HD), to search determinants that guide the initial choice towards either dialysis techniques and to assess the trajectory between dialysis modalities. The first part of this thesis was to analyze the database, from the PACA region (2004 – 2014), issue from the French REIN registry. This analysis was descriptive and focused to analyze main characteristics and outcome (survival) of dialysis patients (initial dialysis and switching) and to identify risk factors. The second part of this thesis was to measure and compare dialysis patient quality of life and health’s care costs between dialysis modalities (HD and PD). Database was issued from PHRC. The third part was to search the factors related to the initial choice of dialysis technique, PD or HD. This work was the subject of a targeted survey of patients and neurologists in a dialysis structure. The survival and the quality of life were similar between hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. Switching to HD may improve positively the survival compared to those who remained on PD, whereas, switching to PD was not. The DP is less expensive than HD. Medical contraindications to the PD were for 26.7%. In the absence of contraindications, patient preference and professional practices (information and practical center) are the two main factors related to the initial choice of dialysis technique, in particular to choice of PD. Better information could help to increase the choice of DP
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Optimalizace poskytování dialyzační péče pacientům vybraného zdravotního zařízení / Optimization of Providing Dialysis Care to Patients in a chosen Heath Care FacilityMichalík, Jiří January 2008 (has links)
This thesis deals with the profitability of sales of the dialysis care provider. The main aim of the work was to optimise the dialysis care in Jindrichuv Hradec hospital. Mentioned proposed solution concerns personnel and technical aspects and particular elimination methods. Another aim of the work was to clarify the reimbursement system of the particular dialysis methods, to compare economic results with the profitability of the dialysis care in the years 2006 and 2007. The author endeavoured to create possible ways of the development based on the knowledge of the number of patients and the insurance company reimbursement system. Necessary data and information were acquired from Jindrichuv Hradec hospital reports. This work is thought to contribute to enrich the practical usage and its results can be used by the hospital management or anybody interested in the dialysis care and its economic aspects.
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Síndrome das pernas inquietas : doença comum e atormentante em pacientes dialíticosMenezes, Andreia Freire de 30 July 2012 (has links)
Introduction: Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) is more prevalent in chronic kidney disease patients in comparison to the general population, but its diagnosis is still delayed and predictors are unknown. Objectives: The goals of this study are to
diagnose, determine the prevalence and severity of RLS and to identify independent variables associated with this disease among chronic dialysis patients. Methods: 326 chronic dialysis patients were launched in this observational and transversal study. International Study Group of Restless Legs Syndrome criterion was used to diagnosis RLS and International Scale of Degrees of Restless Legs Syndrome was used to determine its severity. Patients with and without RLS were compared using
demographic and clinical characteristics, including dialysis modality. Statistical analysis was performed using Student t test and chi-square test (significance level p<0.05). Results: The median age was 50 years, 59% were men, 77% had time on
dialysis >1 year and hypertension was the most common etiology (26%). RLS was diagnosed in 19.3% of patients and in 52.4% of them it was in severe forms. Patients
with and without RLS were not different according to demographic, clinical and modalities characteristics. Conclusions: RLS is frequent in chronic dialysis patients
and it happen in severe forms. Dialysis modality and other clinical characteristics analyzed in this sample may not have a significant effect on the diagnosis. Further studies are necessary to identify potentially predictors of RLS in this specific
population. / Introdução: A Síndrome das Pernas Inquietas (SPI) possui maior prevalência em pacientes renais crônicos quando comparados à população geral, porém seu diagnóstico é tardio e seus preditores desconhecidos. Objetivos: Diagnosticar, determinar a frequência e avaliar a gravidade da SPI em renais crônicos em diálise, comparar prevalência e gravidade da SPI entre as modalidades dialíticas e identificar seus possíveis fatores preditores nesta população. Métodos: Estudo observacional e transversal com 326 pacientes em diálise, utilizando os critérios
estabelecidos pelo Grupo Internacional de Estudo da SPI para o diagnóstico e a Escala de Graduação da SPI para determinação da sua gravidade. Compararam-se pacientes com e sem SPI no tocante a características clínico-demográficas e à modalidade dialítica. Realizou-se a análise estatística através dos testes t de Student e Qui-Quadrado, considerando p<0,05 para rejeição da hipótese nula. Resultados: Na amostra predominaram homens (59%), com média de idade de 50 anos, há mais de um ano em diálise (77%), tendo a nefrosclerose hipertensiva como
principal etiologia (26,1%). Diagnosticou-se SPI em 19,3% dos pacientes e esta ocorreu em 52,4% deles nas formas grave ou muito grave. Pacientes com e sem SPI não diferiram no tocante às características clínico-demográficas e modalidade dialítica. Conclusões: A SPI é frequente em pacientes dialíticos e ocorre
predominantemente nas suas formas mais graves, devendo ser pesquisada rotineiramente neles. Modalidade dialítica parece não exercer influência na sua ocorrência. Estudos adicionais são necessários na tentativa de identificar possíveis fatores preditores, já que as características analisadas nesta série não se associaram ao diagnóstico.
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