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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Důvody, které vedou pacienty k nezahájení a nebo ukončení dialyzační léčby / Reasons to refuse or to withold chronic dialysis treatment

Beranová, Petra January 2019 (has links)
(v AJ) Introduction: The literature indicates that progressive aging of the population leads to increasing number of elderly patients with chronic kidney failure, initiating long-term dialysis treatment. ERA - EDTA (European Renal Association - European Dialysis and Transplant Association was issued in 2016 for treatment of elderly patients with advanced kidney disease. For easier orientation in the issue to withold or withdraw from dialysis therapy recommendations have been made in 2010 Renal Physicians Association (RPA). The issue of chronic kidney disease is also dealt with nurses organization The European Dialysis and Transplant Nurses Association/European Renal Care Association (EDTNA/ERCA). Aim: The aim of this research was to point out the reasons, for which patients with chronic kidney failure decide to withold or withdraw from dialysis therapy. Methodology: The thesis was performed through a qualitative research. Data were collected by individual guided interviews. The research sample included five participants. Four individuals decided to withold or withdraw from dialysis therapy and were further followed in the pre-dialysis nephrology outpatient clinic. One participant, who initially had started dialysis therapy acutely, later repeatedly stopped it and started it again with the...

A pilot study to determine the effects of a manual compression foot-pump on dialysis efficacy and the quality of life of patients with end stage renal disease(ESRD)

Kern, Jeremy 12 March 2008 (has links)
Abstract This pilot study aimed to establish if an exercise programme utilizing the world’s first manual compression foot-pump, commonly known as “Venous Anti-Stasis Slippers”, could be used as an intervention to improve dialysis efficacy (Kt/V) and the quality of life (QOL) of patients with end stage renal disease (ESRD). The entire population of 34 self-care renal patients at the Flora Clinic renal unit were screened and 19 patients who met the inclusion criteria for the study were invited to participate in this 16 week pilot study. Baseline dialysis efficacy values were obtained from the analysis of routine blood tests and quality of life values were established with the use of the South African English version of the EQ-5D health questionnaire. This was followed by an eight week non-intervention period. Pre-intervention values were then established prior to the implementation of an eight week exercise programme using the manual compression foot pumps. A single group time series design was used and 12 of the initial 19 subjects completed the study by performing seated calf raising exercises, with manual compression foot pumps on their feet, for 20 minutes per hour during the first three hours of their routine dialysis sessions (2 - 3 times per week) over a period of eight weeks. Exercise diaries were kept to record exercise times, heart rates and exercise intensities. At the end of the eight week exercise programme, dialysis efficacy and quality of life values were re-measured. An intention to treat analysis of routine blood test results revealed statistically significant changes in dialysis efficacy (Kt/V) values between baseline (1.70 ± 0.48), pre-intervention (1.39 ± 0.43) and post intervention (1.50 ± 0.47) with a resultant 7.91% improvement in Kt/V values as a result of the exercise programme. There were however no statistically significant changes observed in overall quality of life (QOL) values, but noticeable improvements in self-care ability and a reduction in depression/anxiety scores were observed during this pilot study. The frequency of exercise per week had no significant effect on the changes in Kt/V.

Etude théorique et expérimentale de la dialyse de neutralisation pour le dessalement des eaux de sufaces / theoretical and experimental study of neutralization dialysis for salines water desalination

Cherif, Mouna 02 October 2015 (has links)
Le vif intérêt et les nombreuses recherches qui portent de nos jours sur les membranes viennent de leurs applications dans le dessalement et l'adoucissement des eaux. En général, ces procédés membranaires sont plus efficaces, plus économiques, et écologiquement plus propres. Néanmoins, les techniques membranaires restent parfois plus onéreuses en investissement et/ou en entretien que certaines techniques conventionnelles, ce qui a sans doute limité la généralisation de leurs applications à très grandes échelles. Nous nous sommes alors proposés de contribuer à l'étude d'un procédé anciennement introduit, en l'occurrence la dialyse de neutralisation, afin de le valoriser et d'examiner certains principaux paramètres qui peuvent influencer son fonctionnement. L'application visée est le dessalement d'une eau de surface réelle qui provient du Nord de l'Afrique ou de certaines régions de la Tunisie comme la région de Skhira. Ainsi, nous allons simuler ce procédé par un système formé par une cellule pouvant inclure une membrane échangeuse d'anions et une autre échangeuse de cations formant ainsi trois compartiments contenant une solution basique, de l'eau à déminéraliser et une solution acide. Le premier chapitre est consacré à une synthèse bibliographique sur les membranes échangeuses d'ions, sur ses principales applications ainsi que sur ses différentes méthodes de modélisation et ses phénomènes de transport. Cette analyse bibliographique va nous permettre d'avoir une idée claire sur le fonctionnement d'une opération de dialyse de neutralisation. En plus d'une cellule à trois compartiments, il faut un montage expérimental pour assurer la circulation des solutions et les opérations de mises en route. Dans le second chapitre, nous avons travaillé avec une cellule de laboratoire pour optimiser l'opération de dialyse de neutralisation sur une eau reconstituée. Nous avons ainsi réalisé un plan d'expérience où l'influence de chaque paramètre a été examinée. Ensuite, dans le troisième chapitre, nous avons développé un modèle théorique de transfert de matière, basé sur les équations de Nernst-Planck, pour décrire le fonctionnement d'une telle opération. Enfin, dans le quatrième chapitre, nous avons mis en place le premier pilote de dialyse de neutralisation afin de le tester toujours avec une eau reconstituée ensuite sur une eau réelle. Suite à ça, nous évaluerons les performances de ce procédé pour de telles applications / The deep interest and the numerous researches that concern nowadays in the membranes comes from their applications in the water desalination. Generally, these membranes process are more effective, more economic, and ecologically more appropriate. Nevertheless, theses process remain sometimes more expensive in investment and/or in maintenance than certain conventional techniques. We then suggested contributing to the study of a process formerly introduced, in this particular case the dialysis of neutralization, in order to examinate certain main parameters which can influence the operating process. The aimed application is the desalination of real surface water which comes from the North of Africa or certain regions of Tunisia as region of Skhira. So, we are going to feign this process by a system formed by a cell which can include a cation and anion exchange membranes forming three compartments containing an alkaline solution, some water to be demineralized and an acidic solution. The first chapter is dedicated to a bibliographical synthesis on ions-exchange membranes, on its main applications as well as on its various methods of modelling and its phenomena of transport. This bibliographical analysis is going to allow us to have a clear idea on the functioning of an operation of neutralization dialysis. In the second chapter, we worked with a cell of laboratory to optimize the operation of neutralization dialysis on a reconstituted water. We so realized a factorial Design where the influence of every parameter was examined. Then, in the third chapter, we developed a theoretical model of ions transfer, based on the equations of Nernst-Planck, to describe the functioning of such an operation. Finally, in the fourth chapter, we set up the first pilot (driver) of dialysis of neutralization to test it always with a water reconstituted then on a real surface water. Further to that, we shall estimate the performances of this process for such applications

"Aspectos evolutivos da hepatite C em pacientes renais crônicos em hemodiálise no sudoeste do Paraná" / Hepatitis C virus infection assessment among chronic hemodialysis patients in the Southwest Parana State, Brazil

Engel, Maricea 17 March 2006 (has links)
Pacientes em hemodiálise possuem um risco elevado de adquirir o vírus da hepatite C(VHC) e a transmissão nosocomial continua contribuindo para o aparecimento de novos casos. Este estudo analisa o seguimento de novos casos de hepatite aguda C, de janeiro de 2002 a maio de 2005,em um centro de Hemodiálise, no Sudoeste do Paraná,Brasil e da eficácia das medidas implantadas para conter a ocorrência de novos casos.Durante o período 32 novos casos foram identificados. Os testes de anti-VHC e transaminases realizados mensalmente mostraram níveis variáveis de ALT precedendo a soroconversão anti-VHC. A viremia, dada pelo RNA VHC, foi intermitente e eventualmente negativa.Toda a equipe foi re-treinada para seguir rigorosamente as Recomendações para Prevenção de Transmissão de Infecções entre os pacientes em Hemodiálise, e o último caso diagnosticado foi em Maio de 2004 / Chronic hemodialysis patients are at higher risk for acquiring the hepatitis C virus (HCV) and the nosocomial transmission still accounts for the new cases.This study analyzed the follow up of newly acquired acute hepatitis C cases, from January 2002 to May 2005, in the Hemodialysis Center, Southwest region of Parana State, Brazil and analyzed the effectiveness of the measures to restrain the occurrence of new cases. During this period 32 new cases were identified. Anti-HCV and ALT monthly tests showed variable ALT levels preceding the anti-HCV seroconversion. The HCV RNA viremia was intermittently and even negative in some cases. All staff was re-trained to strictly follow the Recommendations for Preventing Transmission of Infections among Chronic Hemodialysis Patients and the last case was diagnosed in May 2004

Estudo correlacional entre bem-estar espiritual, religiosidade, enfrentamento religioso e espiritual e qualidade de vida de idosos em tratamento hemodialítico / Correlational study between spiritual well-being, religiosity, religion and spiritual coping and quality of life of elderly in hemodialysis treatment

Pilger, Calíope 29 May 2015 (has links)
Introdução: A religiosidade e a espiritualidade, o enfrentamento religioso e espiritual, crença em algo superior, estão associados com a redução do estresse, à taxas reduzidas de mortalidade, além de melhorar a qualidade de vida (QV) das pessoas. Objetivo Geral: Analisar a relação entre o bem estar espiritual, a religiosidade, o enfrentamento religioso e espiritual, as variáveis sociodemográficas, econômicas, religiosas e de saúde com a QV dos idosos em tratamento hemodialítico do município de Ribeirão Preto - SP. Material e Métodos: Estudo transversal e correlacional, com abordagem quantitativa, desenvolvido nas cinco Unidades de Diálise do município de Ribeirão Preto - SP. Os critérios de inclusão dos participantes foram: ser idoso; possuir Doença Renal Crônica em tratamento hemodialítico regular; ter iniciado o tratamento em um período superior a seis meses, ser capaz de comunicar-se verbalmente e apresentar funções cognitivas preservadas, de acordo com o Mini Exame do Estado Mental. A técnica utilizada para coletar os dados foi à entrevista, na qual foram aplicados os instrumentos: Mini Exame do Estado Mental; Instrumento de caracterização sociodemográfica, econômica, religiosa e de saúde; Escala de Bem Estar Espiritual; Índice de Religiosidade de Duke; Escala de Coping Religioso e Espiritual Abreviada - CRE abreviada; Questionários de Qualidade de Vida WHOQOL bref e WHOQOL-old. Foram realizadas as análises estatísticas descritivas, de frequência bivariada (correlação de Person) e regressão linear simples. O nível de significância adotado foi de 5%. Os preceitos éticos em pesquisa foram respeitados conforme Resolução 466/2012 do Ministério da Saúde. Resultados: Participaram do estudo 169 idosos, a maioria era homem (74%), com idade entre 60 e 69 anos (53,3%), cor da pele branca (69,3%), casado ou que residia com companheiro(a) (65,1%), sabia ler e escrever (94,1%) e renda menor de cinco salários mínimos (60,2%). A religião católica, seguida da evangélica e espírita foram as mais relatadas. Com relação ao Bem Estar Espiritual, os participantes apresentaram moderado Bem Estar Espiritual total e Bem Estar Existencial e alto Bem Estar Religioso. E referente à religiosidade 54,4% dos idosos possuíam alta Religiosidade Organizacional, 83,4% alta Religiosidade Não Organizacional e 90% alta Religiosidade Intrínseca. Todos os idosos da pesquisa utilizavam de estratégias do CRE. A média global de QV do WHOQOL bref dos idosos da pesquisa foi de 64,0 e os maiores escores dos domínios do WHOQOL bref, foram o psicológico e relações sociais (66,8). Com relação ao WHOQOL old, o maior escore médio foi para a faceta intimidade (76,3) e em seguida a faceta morte e morrer (69,4). Os idosos fizeram uso do CRE religioso e espiritual total, positivo e negativo, e estes se relacionaram com a QV. Houve significância estatística para a associação entre a medida da QV global dos idosos, com o nível de Bem Estar Espiritual total, uso de CRE total e religiosidade Organizacional e Intrínseca dos idosos. Considerações finais: A QV dos idosos que realizavam tratamento hemodialítico estava relacionada, seja de forma positiva ou negativa, com os constructos, bem estar espiritual, religiosidade e o uso de coping religioso e espiritual. / Introduction: The religiosity and spirituality, the religion and spiritual coping, and something higher belief are associate with stress reduction, reduced mortality rates, besides to improve people´s quality of life (QoL). Overall Objective: Analyze the relation between Spiritual Well-Being (SWB), religiosity, religion and spiritual coping, socio-demographic, economic, religious and health variables with QoL of elderly in hemodialysis treatment at Ribeirão Preto - SP. Material and Methods: It was developed a cross-sectional, correlational study with a quantitative approach, in five Dialysis Units of Ribeirão Preto - SP. The inclusion criteria for participants were: They must be elderly; have Chronic kidney Disease under regular hemodialysis treatment; have started treatment in a period bigger than six months; be able to communicate verbally and to present preserved cognitive functions according to the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE). The interview was the technique used to collect the data. The Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE), Socio-demografic, Economic, Religious and Health Characteristics Instrument, Spiritual Well-Being Scale (SWBS), Duke Religiosity Index (P-DUREL), Brief Spiritual/Religious Coping Scale (SRCOPE Scale), Questionnaires Quality of Life WHOQOL Bref and WHOQOL-old were the instruments applied. Descriptive statistic, bivariate frequency (correlation Person) and simple linear regression were realized to analyze the data. The statistical significance level was established as 5%. The ethical principles to research were respected, according to Resolution 466/2012 of the Ministry of Health. Results: One hundred and sixty nine participants were enrolled in the study. In most they were male (74%), aged between 60 and 69 years (53,3%), white skin color (69,3%), married or lived together a partner (a) (65,1%), know how read and write (94,1%) and with income less than R$ 780,00 (60,2%). The catholic religion, followed by evangelical and spiritist was the most reported. Regarding Spiritual Well-Being, the participants showed moderate total Spiritual Well-Being and Existential Well-Being, and high Religion Well-Being. Concerning to religiosity, 54,4% of the elderly had high Religiosity Organizational, 83,4% high Religiosity Non Organizational and 90% high Intrinsic Religiosity. All searched elderly used Religious and Spiritual Coping strategies. The searched elderly QOL from WHOQOL bref was 64,0 and the highest domain scores from WHOQOL bref were the psychological and the social relations (66,8). With respect to WHOQOL old, the highest mean score was to the intimacy facet (76,3), then death and dying (69,4). The elderly used the total, positive and negative religious and spiritual coping, and these were related to QOL. There was statistical significance to the association between elderly global measurements of QoL, with the Spiritual Well-Being total level, total religious and spiritual coping uses and Organizational and Intrinsic Religiosity. Final Considerations: The elderly QOL that realized hemodialysis treatment is related to, in a positive or negative way, with the constructs: Spiritual Well-Being, Religiosity and the use of Religious and Spiritual Coping.

Capacidade para o trabalho e expectativa sobre o trabalho de pacientes em hemodiálise / Work Ability and Return to Work Self-Efficacy in hemodialysis patients

Calil, Graziele Aparecida Caetano 04 October 2016 (has links)
A Doença Renal Crônica (DRC) e o tratamento por hemodiálise podem causar impacto negativo, relacionado às mudanças físicas, psicológicas, econômicas e ocupacionais, muitas vezes resultando em afastamento do trabalho e/ou aposentadoria precoce dos pacientes. O estudo teve como objetivos caracterizar os pacientes em tratamento por hemodiálise quanto às variáveis sociodemográficas, econômicas, do trabalho e clínicas; avaliar a Capacidade para o Trabalho e a Expectativa sobre o Trabalho; bem como analisar as relações entre as variáveis do estudo. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva, quantitativa e com delineamento transversal, realizada com 121 pacientes em tratamento por hemodiálise em unidade de diálise de um hospital privado, no interior paulista. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de entrevistas, pela pesquisadora, no período de dezembro de 2015 a fevereiro de 2016. Foram utilizados os seguintes instrumentos de caracterização: o Índice de Capacidade para o Trabalho (TUOMI et al., 2005) e o instrumento de Expectativas sobre o Trabalho (SILVA-JUNIOR et al., 2016). Foram realizadas análises descritivas univariadas de frequência (absoluta e relativa), medidas de tendência central (média e mediana), de variação (mínimo, máximo) e de dispersão (desvio-padrão). Também foram geradas análises bivariadas (coeficientes de correlação de Pearson e gráficos de dispersão). A pesquisa atendeu aos procedimentos éticos, de acordo com a Resolução CNS 466/12, e o projeto foi aprovado por Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa, conforme Parecer 182/2015. Dos resultados, participaram da pesquisa 121 pessoas, com idade entre 18 e 85 anos, sendo a maioria do sexo masculino (67,77%) e que morava com seus cônjuges/companheiros (61,16%). Grande parte dos pacientes tinha aposentadoria como principal fonte de renda (47,11%). O tempo de diagnóstico da DRC variou entre zero e 26 anos, e em hemodiálise variou entre zero e 15 anos. Dos 121, nove (7,43%) pacientes com idade entre 35 e 60 anos, do sexo masculino trabalhavam, no momento da coleta de dados. Em relação à Capacidade para o Trabalho, dos nove homens que trabalhavam, a classificação indicou que cinco (55,56%) pacientes tinham moderada; dois (22,22%), boa; e dois (22,22%), baixa Capacidade para o Trabalho. Os pacientes das categorias moderada e boa Capacidade para o Trabalho apresentaram também melhores Expectativas sobre o Trabalho (5,40; 5,09, respectivamente). Quanto à Expectativa sobre o Trabalho, dos 121 participantes, os escores encontrados foram marginalmente medianos para ambos os sexos, com 3,75 para os homens e 2,92 para as mulheres. Foi encontrada correlação positiva entre as Expectativas sobre o Trabalho e anos de estudo (p=0,0002) e correlação inversa entre Expectativa sobre o Trabalho e o número de complicações clínicas (p=0,0005) dos pacientes participantes do estudo. Concluindo, destaca-se o pequeno e exclusivo grupo de homens em hemodiálise que trabalhava. Os pacientes com moderada e boa Capacidade para o Trabalho apresentaram melhor Expectativa sobre o Trabalho, sugerindo a manutenção de aspectos positivos relacionados aos dois constructos e, possivelmente, melhores condições e/ou motivações individuais e sociais. Este estudo derivou resultados importantes para reflexões e pode auxiliar no planejamento para o retorno dos pacientes em hemodiálise ao trabalho / The Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) and hemodialysis treatment can cause a negative impact related to the physical changes, psychological, economic and occupational, often resulting in absence from work and/or early retirement of patients. The study aimed to characterize patients on hemodialysis treatment regarding to the sociodemographic, economic, labor and clinics variables; evaluate the capacity for work and the expectation about work; as well as analyze the relationship between the variables of this study. This is a descriptive, quantitative and cross-sectional design research, performed with 121 patients being treated by hemodialysis in the dialysis unit of a private hospital in São Paulo. Data collection was performed through interviews, the researcher, from December 2015 to February 2016.The following characterization instruments were used: the Work Ability Index (TUOMI et al., 2005) and the instrument of \"Return to work self-efficacy - RTW-SE\" (SILVA-JUNIOR et al., 2016). Univariate descriptive analysis of frequency were performed (absolute and relative), measures of central tendency (mean and median), range (minimum, maximum) and dispersion (standard deviation). There were also generated bivariate analysis (Pearson correlation coefficient and scatter plots).The study met the ethical procedures, according to CNS Resolution 466/12, and the project was approved by the Research Ethics Committee, as Opinion 182/2015. From the results, took part in the survey 121 people, aged 18 to 85 years, the majority of males (67.77%) and who lived with their spouse / partner (61.16%).Most patients had retirement as the main source of income (47.11%). The CKD diagnosis ranged from zero to 26, and in hemodialysis varied between zero and 15 years. From the 121, nine (7.43%) male patients aged between 35 to 60 years, were working at the time of the data collection. Regarding the work ability, on the nine working men, the classification indicated that five (55.56%) patients had moderate; two (22.22%), good; and two (22.22%), low work ability. Patients of moderate and good categories work ability had also had better return to work self-efficacy (5.40, 5.09, respectively). As for the return to work self-efficacy of the 121 participants, the finding scores were marginally median, with 3.75 for men and 2.92 for women. There was a positive correlation between the return to work self-efficacy and years of study (p = 0.0002) and an inverse correlation between return to work self-efficacy and the number of clinical complications (p = 0.0005) of patients in the study. In conclusion, stands out the small and exclusive group of men on hemodialysis working. Patients with moderate to good work ability had better return to work self-efficacy, suggesting the maintenance of areas related to both constructs and possibly better conditions and/or individual and social motivations. This study derived important results for reflections and may assist in planning for the return of hemodialysis patients to work

Diálise peritoneal  e qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde: um estudo longitudinal / Peritoneal dialysis and health-related quality of life: a longitudinal study

Oliveira, Marília Pilotto de 05 December 2014 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivo geral analisar a evolução clínica e a QVRS de pacientes em Diálise Peritoneal (DP), dois anos após a primeira avaliação. Trata-se de uma pesquisa observacional, descritiva e analítica de delineamento longitudinal, realizada nos serviços de Diálise Peritoneal, no município de Ribeirão Preto, Estado de São Paulo, entre 2010 e 2012, tendo sido aprovada pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa sob número 1451/201. A primeira e a segunda etapas de coleta de dados foram realizadas pela pesquisadora, por meio de entrevistas, utilizando os instrumentos: Miniexame do Estado Mental, questionário de caracterização sociodemográfica, econômica, clínica e laboratorial e o Kidney Disease and Quality of Life. Foi realizada a análise descritiva dos dados sociodemográficos, clínicos, laboratoriais e de QVRS. Na análise da evolução da QVRS, foi utilizado o teste t pareado. Na determinação das variáveis preditoras de QVRS, foram empregados o teste t de Student e o Mann-Whitney, bem como o coeficiente de Correlação de Pearson. Na análise de sobrevivência, foram calculados o risco relativo não ajustado e o seu intervalo de confiança. Para estimar o risco de óbito, foram obtidas, também, as curvas de sobrevida pelo método de Kaplan-Meier, e na análise multivadiada, foram determinados os preditores de óbito, utilizando o modelo de riscos proporcionais de Cox. O nível de significância adotado foi de 5%. Dos 82 participantes da primeira etapa do estudo em 2010, na etapa de 2012 houve perda de seguimento de sete pacientes, 18 foram excluídos da avaliação da QVRS, e 23 tiveram como desfecho o óbito. Portanto 34 pacientes tiveram a QVRS reavaliada, em 2012. A maioria era mulher 21; (61,8%), idosa 19 (55,9%), com cor da pele branca 25 (73,5%), morava com o companheiro 25 (73,5%), aposentada 25 (73,5%), hipertensa 33 (97,1%), estavam em Díalise Peritoneal Ambulatorial Contínua (DPAC) 18 (52,9%), apresentavam níveis de hemoglobina 25; (73,5%) e produto cálcio/fósforo 29 (85,3%) normais e de paratormônio 24 (70,6%) alterados. O número de comorbidades e de complicações aumentou de 2,8 e 4,3 para 3,2 e 5,1, respectivamente. No período, o número médio de peritonites foi de 1,0 episódio, e a média de internações foi de 1,6 vez. Em relação à QVRS, após dois anos da primeira avaliação, os pacientes que permaneceram em DP apresentaram piora, nos escores médios do Funcionamento físico e Dor e melhora no Bem-estar emocional. As variáveis preditoras de piora da QVRS no Funcionamento físico foram a idade avançada e os maiores números de comorbidades e de complicações; esta última também foi preditora de piora da QVRS na dimensão Dor, enquanto o menor número de peritonite foi preditor de melhora na dimensão Bem-estar emocional. Sobre a análise de sobrevivência, o risco aumentado para o desfecho óbito e/ou menor sobrevida se relacionou com ter diabetes, ter quatro comorbidades ou mais, estar em DPAC, ter escore de QVRS na dimensão Funcionamento físico menor que 50. Conclui-se que a QVRS piorou nas dimensões Funcionamento físico e Dor e melhorou para o Bem-estar emocional, dois anos após a primeira avaliação. A pior QVRS, especificamente na dimensão Funcionamento físico, pôde ser considerada preditora de óbito / This study aimed to analyze the clinical evolution and HRQoL of patients under peritoneal dialysis (PD) two years after the first assessment. This is a longitudinal observational descriptive and analytical study performed in the Peritoneal Dialysis services in Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo state, between 2010 and 2012, previously approved by the Research Ethics Committee under number 1451/201. The first and second stages of data collection were performed by the researcher through interviews, using the following instruments: Mini Mental State Examination a questionnaire with sociodemographic, economic, clinical and laboratory data and the Kidney Disease and Quality of Life .A descriptive analysis of demographic, clinical, laboratory, and HRQoL data was performed. The paired t test was used for the analyzis of the HRQoL evolution. In order to determine the predictors of HRQoL, the Student\'s t test, the Mann-Whitney\'s test, and the Pearson\'s correlation coefficient were used. For the survival analysis, the unadjusted relative risk and its confidence interval were calculated. The risk of death was estimated through the Kaplan-Meier\'s survival curves. The predictors of death were determined by multivariate analysis through Cox proportional hazards model. The level of significance adopted was 5%. Out of the 82 participants in the first stage of the study in 2010, seven had been lost to follow in the 2012 step, 18 were excluded from the assessment of HRQoL and 23 had died. Therefore, 34 patients had HRQoL reassessed in 2012. Most were women 21 (61.8%), elderly 19 (55.9%), caucasian 25, (73.5%) lived with a partner 25, (73.5%), retired 25 (73.5%), hypertensive 33 (97.1%), under Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD) 18 (52.9%), with normal hemoglobin 25 (73.5%) and calcium-P product levels 29 (85.3%) and altered parathyroid hormone levels 24 (70.6%). The number of comorbidities and complications increased from 2.8 and 4.3 to 3.2 and 5.1, respectively. During the follow-up period, the average number of peritonitis episodes was 1.0, and the average number of hospitalizations was 1.6. Regarding HRQoL, two years after initial assessment, patients who remained on PD had worse mean scores of Physical functioning and Pain and better Emotional well- being. The predictors of worsening HRQoL Physical functioning were older age and greater numbers of comorbidities and complications. A greater number of complications was also a predictor of worsening HRQoL Pain, whereas a lower number of peritonitis episodes was predictive of improvement in the Emotional well- being dimension. On the survival analysis, the increased risk for the outcome of death and/or shorter survival was associated with having diabetes, having four or more comorbidities, being under CAPD and having a HRQoL score smaller than 50 in the Physical functioning dimension. It was concluded that HRQoL was worse in the Physical functioning and Pain dimensions and improved in the Emotional well-being dimension two years after the first assessment. Worse HRQoL, specifically in the Physical functioning dimension, was a predictor of death

Prevalência da doença periodontal em pacientes com doença renal crônica em hemodiálise / Prevalence of periodontal disease in patients with end-stage renal disease on hemodialysis

Possamai, Stefania Maria Bernardi 30 January 2015 (has links)
Os pacientes com doença renal crônica (DRC) em tratamento de hemodiálise (HD) possuem uma alta taxa de mortalidade decorrente de complicações cardiovasculares e infecções secundárias. Os fatores de risco tradicionais parecem não ser suficientes para, sozinhos, justificar o grande número de óbitos por doença cardiovascular (DCV). Pesquisas indicam que fatores de risco não tradicionais, como a presença de processos inflamatórios, também são importantes e exercem efeitos significativos sobre essas mortes. Dentro dessa conjuntura, as doenças periodontais figuram como uma importante fonte de inflamação e podem estar associadas à complexa interação entre DRC e DCV. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a prevalência da doença periodontal (DP) e os fatores associados a sua causa em pacientes com DRC submetidos à HD. Amostra de conveniência: 75 pacientes em tratamento na unidade do Hospital do Rim da Universidade Federal de São Paulo. Foi realizada avaliação periodontal, através do periograma completo, e a classificação de Tonetti e Claffey foi utilizada para categorizar a DP. Além disso, informações sociodemográficas e clínicas foram coletadas para realizar as associações com a DP que esteve presente em 46,7% dos indivíduos de forma severa, 37,3% de forma leve e 16% eram edêntulos totais. Dentro das limitações deste estudo, pode-se concluir que a DP está presente dentro desta população, porém devido a natureza deste trabalho, estudos intervencionais se tornam necessários para elucidar a relação entre a DP, DCV e DRC / Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) on hemodialysis (HD) have a high mortality rate due to cardiovascular complications and secondary infections. The traditional risk factors do not seem to be sufficient, by themselves, to justify the large number of deaths due to cardiovascular disease (CVD). Research indicates that non-traditional risk factors, such as the presence of inflammatory processes, are also important and exert significant effects on these deaths. Within this context, periodontal diseases appearing as an important source of inflammation and may be associated with the complex interaction between CKD and CVD. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of periodontal disease (PD) and the factors associated with their cause in patients with CKD undergoing hemodialysis. Convenience sample: 75 patients treated at the Hospital do Rim from the Federal University of São Paulo. Periodontal evaluation was performed through the full periogram, and Tonetti & Claffey (2005) definition was used to categorize the PD. In addition, sociodemographic and clinical information was collected to perform associations with PD, which was present in a severe form of 46.7%, in a mild form of 37.3% and 16% were edentulous. Within the limitations of this study, it can be concluded that the PD is present within this population, but due to the nature of this work, interventional studies will be necessary to elucidate the relationship between PD, CVD and CKD.

"A enfermagem familiar na promoção da saúde de famílias de crianças com insuficiência renal crônica" / Family Nursing in Health Promotion of Families of Children with Chronic Renal Insufficiency

Simpionato, Erica 29 November 2005 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é compreender a vivência das famílias de crianças com insuficiência renal crônica submetidas à diálise peritoneal, a fim de subsidiar os cuidados de enfermagem, levando em conta a qualidade de vida e a promoção da saúde da família. O referencial teórico fundamenta-se em Enfermagem Familiar na Promoção da Saúde. Os sujeitos deste estudo foram famílias de crianças com insuficiência renal crônica em diálise peritoneal. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevista em profundidade, leitura de prontuários e através da construção do genograma e ecomapa. Participaram 4 famílias, totalizando 13 membros. A Promoção da Saúde nas famílias consiste em um processo que tem início com a avaliação da família, através de um levantamento de dados. O Suporte Social e a Rede Social com os quais as famílias mantêm contato não têm suprido todas as necessidades de apoios. A Comunicação da equipe de saúde com a família tem sido controladora leve e pesada e a da família é identificada por ser controladora e pequena. A doença afeta os papéis de pais, filhos e irmãos e a troca de papéis é comum nestas famílias. Após a experiência da doença e da terapêutica em seu cotidiano, as famílias relatam a mudança de significado em suas vidas. Devemos considerar no cuidado a criança doente, os membros da família, a unidade familiar e o contexto em que está inserida. O plano de intervenção para a Promoção da Saúde deve ser realizado com a família, em um diálogo permanente com os membros, procurando contribuir para o seu desenvolvimento. / The aim of this study was to learn about the experience of families of children with chronic renal insufficiency submitted to peritoneal dialysis in order to subsidize nursing care by taking into account such families’ quality of life and health promotion. The methodology was based on Family Nursing in Health Promotion. The subjects in the study were families of children with chronic renal insufficiency undergoing peritoneal dialysis. The data were collected by means of comprehensive interviews, medical chart readings and the construction of a genogram and an ecomap. Four families participated, comprising a total number of 13 members. Health promotion in the families consists of a process that is begun by evaluating the family through data collection. Social Support and the Social Network with which the families keep contact have not met all their support needs. The health team’s Communication with the family has been light control and heavy control and the family’s is identified as being small talk and control talk. The disease affects the Roles of parents, children and siblings and role changes are common in such families. After experiencing the disease and the therapeutics in their daily lives, the families report a change in the meanings of their lives. The diseased child, family members, family unity and the context in which the family is must be taken into account. The intervention plan aiming at health promotion must be performed with the family by means of a permanent dialogue with its members, always aiming at contributing to its development.

Análise dos resultados obstétricos e perinatais das gestantes com insuficiência renal crônica em terapia dialítica / Analysis of obstetrical and neonatal outcomes in pregnant women with end-stage renal disease on chronic dialysis

Zanlorenci, Vinicius Pacheco 08 April 2009 (has links)
A gestação em mulheres com insuficiência renal crônica em terapia dialítica é evento incomum. Após a década de 90, houve um aumento no número de casos descritos relatando sucesso na gravidez. Durante o período de 1999- 2007 estudamos os resultados obstétricos e perinatais de 30 gestações que ocorreram em 27 pacientes em terapia dialítica, com idade média de 30,4 ± 5,13 anos (variação: 18-42 anos). Todas as pacientes estavam em hemodiálise. Quinze pacientes realizavam terapia dialítica antes da gestação com tempo médio de 2,93 ± 2,05 anos (variação: 1-8 anos) e treze iniciaram a diálise durante a gravidez. A concentração média de uréia foi 105,07±40,72 mg/dL (variação: 21-172 mg/dL); creatinina sérica foi 5,73±2,23 mg/dL (variação: 2,49-10,4 mg/dL). Hipertensão arterial materna ocorreu em 24 pacientes (85,7%), polidrâmnio em 11 casos (39,3%), hipotireoidismo em 6 casos (21,4%), diabetes gestacional em 5 casos (17,8%). Foi necessário o uso de medicações antihipertensivas em 21 pacientes para controle da hipertensão arterial materna e foi prescrito eritropoetina em 25 pacientes para controle da anemia. Ocorreram 18 partos cesarianas, 10 partos normais e dois partos fórcipe. A idade gestacional média ao nascimento foi de 33,8±3,09 semanas (variação: 27-37 semanas) e o peso médio ao nascimento foi 1839,3±647,94 gramas (variação: 530- 3100 gramas). As complicações neonatais observadas no estudo foram: desconforto respiratório 19 casos (63,3%); necessidade de CPAP 12 casos (40%); necessidade de intubação orotraqueal 9 casos (30%); membrana hialina 7 casos (23,3%); displasia broncopulmonar 5 casos (16,7%); sepse 5 casos (16,7%); uso de surfactante pulmonar 4 casos (13,3%); retinopatia da prematuridade 3 casos (10%); enterocolite necrosante 1 caso (3,3%); hemorragia intracraniana 1 caso (3,3%). Ocorreu no estudo um óbito fetal, um óbito neonatal precoce e um óbito neonatal tardio. A taxa de sobrevida hospitalar dos recém-natos foi de 90%, porém morbidade neonatal permanece elevada, principalmente, em decorrência da prematuridade. / Pregnancy in women with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) requiring chronic dialysis is a rare event. After the 90 decade, there was an increased number of cases reporting success in these pregnancies. During the period of 1999 to 2007 we studied the obstetrical and perinatal outcomes of 30 pregnancies in 27 patients on dialysis, with an average age of 30.4 ± 5.13 years (range: 18-42 years). All patients were on hemodialysis. Fifteen patients were on dialysis before pregnancy with mean time of 2.93 ± 2.05 years (range: 1-8 years) and thirteen began dialysis during pregnancy. The mean serum urea was 105.07±40.72 mg/dL (range: 21-172 mg/dL); serum creatinine was 5.73±2.23 mg/dL (range: 2.49-10.4 mg/dL). Maternal hypertension was present in 24 patients (85.7%); polyhydramnios in 11 patients (39.3%); hypotireoidism in 6 patients (21,4%); gestational diabetes in 5 patients (17.8%). The use of antihypertensive drugs was necessary in 21 patients for maternal hypertension control and erythropoietin was prescribed for 25 patients to control anemia. There were 18 cesarean sections, 10 vaginal deliveries and 2 forcipes deliveries. The mean gestational age at delivery was 33.8±3.09 weeks (range: de 27-37 weeks) and the prematurity rate was 70.6% (23 cases). The birthweight at delivery was 1839.3±647.94g (range: 530-3100 g). Neonatal complications observed in the study were: respiratory distress in 19 cases (63,3%); use of CPAP in 12 cases (40%); need of orotracheal intubation in 9 cases (30%); hyaline membrane disease in 7 cases (23.3%); bronchopulmonary dysplasia in 5 cases (16.7%); sepsis in 5 cases (16.7%); use of surfactant in 4 cases (13.3%); retinopathy of prematurity in 3 cases (10%); necrotizing enterocolitis in 1 case (3.3%); intracranial hemorrhage in 1 case (3.3%).15 newborns were small for gestational age and this was correlated with maternal serum urea >100mg/dL (p=0.035). There was one fetal demise and two neonatal deaths. The newborn survival rate was 90%, but the neonatal morbity remains high among this group of patients, mainly, due to prematurity.

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