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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Daily Recovery from Work: The Role of Guilt

Cho, Eunae 01 January 2013 (has links)
Acknowledging the critical role that occupational factors play in employee health, researchers have tried to understand ways to reduce the harmful effects of work on employee health. As the process by which individuals recharge resources that have been depleted, recovery has been recognized as important due to its potential to mitigate the negative effects of work on employee well-being. Although the recovery literature has continued to grow, many questions remain unanswered. The purpose of the present study was to expand our knowledge of recovery by examining situational (job characteristics) and individual (trait guilt) predictors of recovery and investigating psychological attributes of off-job activities. An experience sampling design was used to understand relationships among focal variables at day level. Hypotheses were tested using the data from 99 full-time employees living with a full-time working spouse and at least one dependent. The results suggest that daily job characteristics serve an important role in recovery such that they relate to recovery experiences of psychological detachment and relaxation. However, job characteristics did not have significant relationships with the choice of off-job activities. With regard to subjective experiences of off-job activities, findings demonstrated considerable variance across individuals. Further, psychological attributes of off-job activities were found to relate to recovery experiences although the results were not always consistent with expectation. Next, little support was found for the moderating role of trait guilt in the relationship between job characteristics and off-job activities. Finally, consistent with previous research, recovery experiences related to better well-being outcomes.

Mokinių muzikinės raiškos poreikio formavimo perspektyvos klasės bendruomeniškumo aspektu / Formation perspectives of the need for musical expression in students from the aspect of class sociality

Bružienė, Vaiva 16 August 2007 (has links)
Mokyklos ir visuomenės demokratizavimo bei humanizavimo tikslai skatina atsigręžti į asmenybę, mokinio interesų, poreikio formavimą bei tenkinimą. Darbe nagrinėjami mokinių muzikinės raiškos poreikį skatinantys bei ribojantys veiksniai. Darbo naujumą ir teorinį reikšmingumą charakterizuoja šie argumentai: • Bendra klasės muzikinė veikla orientuojama į kiekvieno klasės mokinio muzikinę raišką. Tuo tikslu akcentuojamas bendradarbiaujančios klasės modelis (konstruktas) – visų klasės mokinių dalyvavimas bendroje klasės muzikinėje veikloje. • Siekiant suprasti bei atskleisti mokinių muzikinės raiškos bendroje klasės muzikinėje veikloje savitumus, atsiradusias reikšmes, motyvus, emocijas atliktas ugdomasis eksperimentas (veiklos tyrimas). • Veiklos tyrimas organizuotas kaip ciklinis procesas, kuris apima planavimą, veiklą, stebėjimą, refleksiją, kai grįžtamosios informacijos dėka įtakojami pokyčiai. Šiame darbe pateikti mokinių refleksijų (dienoraščiai, rašinėliai) kokybinės analizės duomenys gali būti reikšmingi muzikos mokytojams praktikams – tyrėjams, mokyklų bendruomenėms. Veiklos tyrimo modelis gali identifikuoti kasdieninius ugdymo(si) ypatumus bei įtakoti pokyčius. Tyrimo išvados gali atverti muzikinio ugdymo(si) reikšmingumą kiekvienam klasės mokiniui. Tyrimo objektas – mokinių muzikinės raiškos poreikio formavimas. Tyrimo tikslas – atskleisti mokinių muzikinės raiškos poreikio formavimo galimybes bendroje klasės muzikinėje veikloje. Tyrimas parodė, kad klasės veiklos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Democratization and humanizations objectives at school and society encourage turning back to personality, formation and meeting a student’s interests and needs. Factors stimulating and limiting the need for musical expression among students are discussed in the thesis. The following arguments define the work novelty and theoretic significance: • General musical activity in a class is targeted to every student’s musical expression. For this purpose, the model (construct) of a cooperating class is accentuated, namely the participation of all students in the general musical activity of the class. • In order to understand and reveal singularities, meanings, motives and emotions with regard to musical expression among students in the general musical activity of the class, an educational experiment was conducted (activity research). • Activity research was organised as a cyclic process which comprises planning, activity, observation, reflection, when changes are influenced with the help of feedback information. The thesis provides the data of qualitative analysis with regard to students’ reflections (diaries, essays) that might be significant to music teacher practitioners – researchers, and school communities. The activity research model may reveal the significance of musical education to every student in the class. Object of the research is the formation of the need for musical expression among students. Objective of the research is to reveal the possibilities of formation of... [to full text]

The Effects of Self-presentation on an Expressive Writing Task for Trauma Survivors

Danson, Jonathan J. 22 July 2010 (has links)
Expressive Writing (EW) involves writing in an emotionally expressive manner about an experienced event, and has been shown to be related to increases in psychological and physical well-being. The purpose of the current study was to extend previous work by examining how self-presentation affects psychological and physical gains following the EW task. Forty one participants who have experienced a traumatic event were recruited from the community and given either an EW or control activity. Measures assessing self-presentation and various indices of health were administered at baseline and again at one month follow-up to determine changes in symptomatology. Results indicated that higher levels of perfectionistic self-presentation were significantly associated with less improvement in symptoms of depression and posttraumatic stress. Further, a nonsignificant moderation trend emerged whereby higher levels of perfectionistic self-presentation were associated with more improvement in symptoms of depression and posttraumatic stress in the EW group but not control group.

The Effects of Self-presentation on an Expressive Writing Task for Trauma Survivors

Danson, Jonathan J. 22 July 2010 (has links)
Expressive Writing (EW) involves writing in an emotionally expressive manner about an experienced event, and has been shown to be related to increases in psychological and physical well-being. The purpose of the current study was to extend previous work by examining how self-presentation affects psychological and physical gains following the EW task. Forty one participants who have experienced a traumatic event were recruited from the community and given either an EW or control activity. Measures assessing self-presentation and various indices of health were administered at baseline and again at one month follow-up to determine changes in symptomatology. Results indicated that higher levels of perfectionistic self-presentation were significantly associated with less improvement in symptoms of depression and posttraumatic stress. Further, a nonsignificant moderation trend emerged whereby higher levels of perfectionistic self-presentation were associated with more improvement in symptoms of depression and posttraumatic stress in the EW group but not control group.

Renesansowy diariusz Peregrynacja do Ziemi Świętej, Syrii i Egiptu 1582-1584 Mikołaja Krzysztofa Radziwiłła „Sierotki” / Renesansiniai dienoraščiai Mykolo Kristupo Radvilos „Našlaitėlio“ Peregrynacja do Ziemi Świętej, Syrii i Egiptu 1582-1584” / The Renaissance diary Peregrination's diary to the Holy Land, Egypt and Syria 1582-1584 Nicholas Christopher Radziwiłł “Sierotka”

Tunkevič, Irena 12 July 2010 (has links)
Praca magisterska pod tytułem Renesansowy diariusz „Peregrynacja do Ziemi Świętej, Syrii i Egiptu 1582-1584 Mikołaja Krzysztofa Radziwiłła „Sierotki”” zostały przedstawione i wyodrębnione najważniejsze motywy, które istniały w tym uprawianym gatunku piśmiennictwa przez polskich podróżników oraz pątników. Główny cel powyższego opracowania został odzwierciedlony, ponieważ zostały przedstawione najważniejsze tendencje Renesansu oraz została ukazana postać litewskiego magnata – Mikołaja Krzysztofa Radziwiłła „Sierotki”. Poza tym została zaprezentowana droga podróżnika, którą przemierzał na teren Ziemi Świętej, Syrii i Egiptu. Zostały przedstawione obiekty widziane przez pątnika z Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego. Przedstawiłam najważniejsze wątki peregrynacji. By móc osiągnąć zamierzony cel powinnam była zaprezentować pojęcie diariusza, pamiętnika jako gatunku piśmiennictwa, ukazując ich podobieństwa oraz cechy dzielące oba hasła. Również ukazałam najważniejsze tendecje epoki Renesansu, które otwierały nowe spojrzenie na literaturę i człowieka, co można uzasadnić maksymą łacińską: Homo sum; humani nil a me alienum esse puto . Mówiąc o księciu Mikołaju Radziwile „Sierotce”, pierwszym litewskim magnacie podróżującym po ziemiach Dalekiego Wschodu oraz walorach spisanego diariusza, który został spisany po polsku ówczesną XVI–wieczną polszczyzną. Nie pomniejszając wartości diariusza, który posiadał funkcje użyteczne, bowiem służył pielgrzymom jako pierwszy przewodnik po miejscach... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Magistro darbe “Renesansiniai dienoraščiai Mykolo Kristupo Radvilos „Našlaitėlio“ Peregrynacja do Ziemi Świętej, Syrii i Egiptu 1582-1584” buvo pristatyti ir išskirti svarbiausiai tikslai, kuriais buvo vadovaujamasi šios srities lenkų keliautojų ir piligrimų raštijoje. Pagrindinis šio darbo tikslas liko atskleistas, nes buvo aprašyti pagrindiniai Renesanso ir Lietuvos magnato – Mykolo Kristupo Radvilo „Našlaitėlio“ motyvai. Be to darbe buvo aprašyta keliautojo trasa, jo matyti objektai ir svarbiausi kelionės aspektai. Darbe aprašiau dienoraštį, kaip raštijos rūšį ir lyginant su memuarais, parodant jų panašumus ir skirtumus, kad galėčiau pasiekti savo darbo tikslą. Aprašiau Renesanso laikotarpio tendencijas, nes jos sukūrė naują požiūrį į literatūrą ir žmogų, tai pabrėžia lotynų sentencija: Homo sum; humani nil a me alienum esse puto(Žmogus esu, manau, kad niekas kas žmogiška nėra man svetima). Kalbėdama apie kunigaikštį Mykolą Kristupą Radvilą „Našlaitėlį“, kuris pirmas parašė platų ir išsamų darbą apie kelionę į Šventąją Žemę, Siriją ir Egiptą. Norėčiau pabrėžti šio dienoraščio, kaip pirmojo kelionių vadovo šventose vietose, skirto piligrimams vertę. Juliušas Slovackis 1836 - 1838 metais, kada keliavo į Artimuosius Rytus panaudojo Radvilo „Našlaitėlio“ dienoraštį. / Master’s thesis titled The Renaissance diary Peregrination's diary to the Holy Land, Egypt and Syria 1582-1584 Nicholas Christopher Radziwiłł “Sierotka” were presented to and extracted the most important themes that existed in Polish literature and used by the travelers and pilgrims. The main objective of this development is reflected, as they were presented to the major trends of the Renaissance and the short biography of Lithuanian magnate - Nicholas Christopher Radziwiłł “Sierotka”. In addition, the route was presented to the traveler, traveled by, objects seen by the traveler. Besides the most important themes were shown peregrinations. To be able to attain this objective should be to show the main concept of diary, a memories as a genre of literature, showing their similarities and sharing features. Had the tendency of the Renaissance have been presented since they opened a new perspective on literature and human, which can be justified by the Latin maxim: Homo sum, humani nil a me alienum esse puto (I am a man, I think that nothing human is alien to me). Speaking of the Prince Nicholas Christopher Radziwiłł “Sierotka”, which merit was written in Polish first extensive and detailed diary of his pilgrimage to the Holy Land, Syria and Egypt. Not deducted from the value of diary, which had a useful function, because the pilgrims served as the first guide to the holy sites. In conclusion of it should be noted that in the diary later Radziwiłł “Sierotka”, was used by the... [to full text]

Du blogue au livre : réflexions sur la nature générique du blogue

Vignola, Éric 07 1900 (has links)
Internet change notre manière de traiter l’information. Il change aussi les discours de tous les jours. De plus, des gens ont commencé à écrire, sur le web, des textes qui se sont imposés par la suite au milieu éditorial. Quel impact Internet a-t-il sur la littérature ? Je me sers de mon corpus (Les chroniques d’une mère indigne de Caroline Allard, Un taxi la nuit de Pierre-Léon Lalonde et Lucie le chien de Sophie Bienvenu) pour répondre à cette question : je cherche à démontrer que le blogue constitue un nouveau genre littéraire. Internet, d’abord, marque matériellement ce nouveau genre. Ensuite, que le blogue soit présenté sur le web ou dans un livre, il fonctionne essentiellement à partir d’anecdotes qui tournent autour d’un thème central, défini par un blogueur qui se met en scène en tant que personnage. Ces caractéristiques du blogue permettent de le comparer à deux genres qui lui ressemblent : le journal intime et l’essai. Le blogue est différent du journal intime à plusieurs points de vue, les plus importants étant le thème développé dans le blogue et le personnage que le blogueur construit. Par ailleurs, il ne peut être considéré comme un type d’essai : son caractère fortement anecdotique lui confère une visée plus narrative et un blogueur ne réfléchit pas sur le monde de la même manière qu’un essayiste. Bref, le blogue est un genre à part entière, tout jeune, qui se distingue suffisamment du journal intime et de l’essai pour être étudié avec des outils spécifiques. / Internet changes our way of processing information. It also changes everyday discourses. As well, people started to write, on the web, texts that eventually made their way into the editorial business. What impact has Internet on literature? I use my corpus (Les chroniques d’une mère indigne by Caroline Allard, Un taxi la nuit by Pierre-Léon Lalonde and Lucie le chien by Sophie Bienvenu) to answer that question : I try to demonstrate that the blog is a new genre. Internet, first, influences the materiality of this new genre. Then, whether a blog is read on the web or in a book, it relies essentially on anecdotes organised around a central theme, chosen by a blogger who puts himself on the spot as a character. Those particularities allow me to compare the blog to two other genres that are similar to it: the diary and the essay. The blog is different from the diary in many ways, the most important being the theme developed in the blog and the character the blogger builds. At the same time, it cannot be confused with the essay: its very anecdotic nature gives it a more narrative dimension and a blogger doesn’t think the world the same way an essayist does. In brief, the blog is a unique genre, very young, that is different enough from the diary and the essay to be studied with different tools.

Authorizing the self : negotiating normality in contemporary American memoir

Leaf, Patricia L. January 2010 (has links)
This study examines the contemporary American memoirs Goat (2004) by Brad Land, Prozac Diary (1998) by Lauren Slater, and The Woman Warrior: Memoirs of a Girlhood Among Ghosts (1976) by Maxine Hong Kingston to reveal how these texts push traditional thematic and genre boundaries as well as conceptions of minority identity. Their inclusion of fictional aspects, episodic structure, narrative excesses, and non-teleological endings work to enhance their status as sociocultural critique and protest. This dissertation utilizes a social oppression angle within disability studies to demonstrate the overlapping processes and experiences of marginalization faced by these disparate protagonists who are dis-abled due to their undesired bodily variations and their failure to meet sociocultural standards of appropriate embodied behavior. Society is ideologically unwilling to accommodate or accept the differences the protagonists possess. Such a frame expands the artificial and culturally constructed notion of disability by illustrating the ways that discourse and ideologies of embodied normalcy intersect to constitute various minority identities as incompetent and unworthy. The texts bear witness to each protagonists’ struggle to cultivate meaningful subjectivity and reject passive victim status; however, their resulting survivor subjectivities are both resistant to and complicit with hegemonic tenets. This literary project augments ongoing work in minority, identity, autobiography, cultural, and disability studies that deconstructs essentialist paradigms while reinforcing the important cultural and literary work of contemporary memoir. Moreover, it fills a critical gap with respect to Goat and Prozac Diary, bringing these two texts into the critical discussion of autobiography. Finally, this dissertation illustrates that memoir is uniquely positioned within literary genres to navigate the interconnectedness of identity, subjectivity, and ideology, thus challenging readers to confront the injustice of a sociocultural structure that sanctions these inequities in the first place / Writing a better story : authorizing a vivid and valid self -- Lauren Slater's Prozac diary : the medical model and the suppression of the patient -- Maxine Hong Kingston's The woman warrior : the spectacular subjugation of the dually oppressed and dis-abled body -- The three memoirs : no prosthesis needed. / Writing a better story : authorizing a vivid and valid self -- Lauren Slater's Prozac diary : the medical model and the suppression of the patient -- Maxine Hong Kingston's The woman warrior : the spectacular subjugation of the dually oppressed and dis-abled body -- The three memoirs : no prosthesis needed. / Department of English

NELLA BUONA SORTE: IL PROCESSO DI CAPITALIZZAZIONE NELLA RELAZIONE DI COPPIA / In good luck: The capitalization process in couple relationship

PAGANI, ARIELA FRANCESCA 17 March 2014 (has links)
Il presente progetto di ricerca si è focalizzato sul processo di capitalizzazione, ovvero la condivisione di eventi positivi con il/la partner, da cui ci si aspetta una risposta attiva al fine di prolungare ed aumentare i benefici derivanti dall’evento stesso. L’articolazione in tre studi, di carattere quantitativo, ha permesso di approfondire la conoscenza dell’oggetto di ricerca utilizzando diverse metodologie. Il primo studio ha indagato, attraverso un disegno cross-sectional, la struttura della Perceived Responses to Capitalization Attempts scale (PRCA) e, attraverso un disegno longitudinale, i benefici intrapersonali ed interpersonali che derivano dagli stili di risposta di capitalizzazione nel tempo. Il secondo e il terzo studio, attraverso il diary method, hanno approfondito il processo di capitalizzazione attraverso l’introduzione di due aspetti innovativi nel processo: la differenziazione tra eventi positivi interni ed esterni alla relazione e la distinzione tra modalità di comunicazione più o meno esplicita dell’evento positivo. Nello specifico, il secondo studio si è focalizzato sui primi due elementi del processo di capitalizzazione (gli eventi positivi e i tentativi di capitalizzazione), mentre il terzo studio ha riguardato gli ultimi due elementi del processo (le risposte ai tentativi di capitalizzazione e la percezione di responsività da parte del/della partner). / The present research project focused on capitalization, that is the process through which people share good news with the partner, who in turn responds in an “active” way to maximize the benefits of the event. Three different studies approached this research object through different methodologies. The aims of the first study were to investigate, through a cross-sectional design, the structure of the Perceived Responses to Capitalization Attempts (PRCA) scale and to examine, through a longitudinal design, the intrapersonal and interpersonal benefits arising from the capitalization responses over time. The second and the third study, through diary methods, attempted to investigate two unexplored aspects of the capitalization process: the differentiation of the type of positive events (internal vs. external to the couple) and the distinction of the type of communication of the event (implicit vs. explicit). Specifically, the second study focused on the first two elements of the capitalization process (positive events and attempts to capitalization), while the third study concerned the last two elements of the process (responses to capitalization attempts and responsiveness).

Vision, functional and cognitive determinants of motor vehicle incidents in older drivers

Stavrou, Eftyhia P. January 2006 (has links)
Background: The proportion of older individuals in the driving population is predicted to increase in the next 50 years. This has important implications for driving safety as abilities which are important for safe driving, such as vision (which accounts for the majority of the sensory input required for driving), processing ability and cognition have been shown to decline with age. The current methods employed for screening older drivers upon re-licensure are also vision based. This study, which investigated social, behavioural and professional aspects involved with older drivers, aimed to determine: (i) if the current visual standards in place for testing upon re-licensure are effective in reducing the older driver fatality rate in Australia; (ii) if the recommended visual standards are actually implemented as part of the testing procedures by Australian optometrists; and (iii) if there are other non-standardised tests which may be better at predicting the on-road incident-risk (including near misses and minor incidents) in older drivers than those tests recommended in the standards. Methods: For the first phase of the study, state-based age- and gender-stratified numbers of older driver fatalities for 2000-2003 were obtained from the Australian Transportation Safety Bureau database. Poisson regression analyses of fatality rates were considered by renewal frequency and jurisdiction (as separate models), adjusting for possible confounding variables of age, gender and year. For the second phase, all practising optometrists in Australia were surveyed on the vision tests they conduct in consultations relating to driving and their knowledge of vision requirements for older drivers. Finally, for the third phase of the study to investigate determinants of on-road incident risk, a stratified random sample of 600 Brisbane residents aged 60 years and were selected and invited to participate using an introductory letter explaining the project requirements. In order to capture the number and type of road incidents which occurred for each participant over 12 months (including near misses and minor incidents), an important component of the prospective research study was the development and validation of a driving diary. The diary was a tool in which incidents that occurred could be logged at that time (or very close in time to which they occurred) and thus, in comparison with relying on participant memory over time, recall bias of incident occurrence was minimised. Association between all visual tests, cognition and scores obtained for non-standard functional tests with retrospective and prospective incident occurrence was investigated. Results: In the first phase,rivers aged 60-69 years had a 33% lower fatality risk (Rate Ratio [RR] = 0.75, 95% CI 0.32-1.77) in states with vision testing upon re-licensure compared with states with no vision testing upon re-licensure, however, because the CIs are wide, crossing 1.00, this result should be regarded with caution. However, overall fatality rates and fatality rates for those aged 70 years and older (RR=1.17, CI 0.64-2.13) did not differ between states with and without license renewal procedures, indicating no apparent benefit in vision testing legislation. For the second phase of the study, nearly all optometrists measured visual acuity (VA) as part of a vision assessment for re-licensing, however, 20% of optometrists did not perform any visual field (VF) testing and only 20% routinely performed automated VF on older drivers, despite the standards for licensing advocating automated VF as part of the vision standard. This demonstrates the need for more effective communication between the policy makers and those responsible for carrying out the standards. It may also indicate that the overall higher driver fatality rate in jurisdictions with vision testing requirements is resultant as the tests recommended by the standards are only partially being conducted by optometrists. Hence a standardised protocol for the screening of older drivers for re-licensure across the nation must be established. The opinions of Australian optometrists with regard to the responsibility of reporting older drivers who fail to meet the licensing standards highlighted the conflict between maintaining patient confidentiality or upholding public safety. Mandatory reporting requirements of those drivers who fail to reach the standards necessary for driving would minimise potential conflict between the patient and their practitioner, and help maintain patient trust and goodwill. The final phase of the PhD program investigated the efficacy of vision, functional and cognitive tests to discriminate between at-risk and safe older drivers. Nearly 80% of the participants experienced an incident of some form over the prospective 12 months, with the total incident rate being 4.65/10 000 km. Sixty-three percent reported having a near miss and 28% had a minor incident. The results from the prospective diary study indicate that the current vision screening tests (VA and VF) used for re-licensure do not accurately predict older drivers who are at increased odds of having an on-road incident. However, the variation in visual measurements of the cohort was narrow, also affecting the results seen with the visual functon questionnaires. Hence a larger cohort with greater variability should be considered for a future study. A slightly lower cognitive level (as measured with the Mini-Mental State Examination [MMSE]) did show an association with incident involvement as did slower reaction time (RT), however the Useful-Field-of-View (UFOV) provided the most compelling results of the study. Cut-off values of UFOV processing (>23.3ms), divided attention (>113ms), selective attention (>258ms) and overall score (moderate/ high/ very high risk) were effective in determining older drivers at increased odds of having any on-road incident and the occurrence of minor incidents. Discussion: The results have shown that for the 60-69 year age-group, there is a potential benefit in testing vision upon licence renewal. However, overall fatality rates and fatality rates for those aged 70 years and older indicated no benefit in vision testing legislation and suggests a need for inclusion of screening tests which better predict on-road incidents. Although VA is routinely performed by Australian optometrists on older drivers renewing their licence, VF is not. Therefore there is a need for a protocol to be developed and administered which would result in standardised methods conducted throughout the nation for the screening of older drivers upon re-licensure. Communication between the community, policy makers and those conducting the protocol should be maximised. By implementing a standardised screening protocol which incorporates a level of mandatory reporting by the practitioner, the ethical dilemma of breaching patient confidentiality would also be resolved. The tests which should be included in this screening protocol, however, cannot solely be ones which have been implemented in the past. In this investigation, RT, MMSE and UFOV were shown to be better determinants of on-road incidents in older drivers than VA and VF, however, as previously mentioned, there was a lack of variability in visual status within the cohort. Nevertheless, it is the recommendation from this investigation, that subject to appropriate sensitivity and specificity being demonstrated in the future using a cohort with wider variation in vision, functional performance and cognition, these tests of cognition and information processing should be added to the current protocol for the screening of older drivers which may be conducted at licensing centres across the nation.

"[I am] unable to refuse the call of these pages to be scribbled in" : the function of First World War life-writing

Martin, Nancy Marie January 2017 (has links)
Drawing on a diverse collection of both published and unpublished First World War diaries and letters, this thesis investigates the role of composition in war, examining the ways in which the act of writing itself - imposing narrative order on chaotic experience - functions in creating, securing, and repairing one's multiple identities in war. Indeed, through narration, the individual can connect to, challenge, or reconfigure, the war's prescribed social scripts - of soldier, nurse, spouse, parent, and/or patriotic citizen. This process or writing, and thereby re-asserting, one's identity was a fundamental component of men and women's emotional survival. In the midst of the First World War's chaos, life-writing held heightened significance on both home and battlefront. The diary and letter were appropriate generic vehicles through which men and women could express and negotiate the new facets and fragments of self; they were also sites where different social scripts could be tried and rehearsed, and venues for the navigation of war's trauma, suffering, and grief. Through the act of writing, the individual imposes some level of control over this otherwise chaotic experience. The 'I' on the page - whatever the length or descriptive quality of the words that surround it - is an assertion of the individual in a culture of sweeping propagandist claims, mass movement, and mass death. By putting pen to paper, the newly enlisted man could attempt to navigate the seemingly rapid transition from ordinary civilian to heroic soldier; the home front mother could confess fears and frustrations on the diary page, in turn mitigating grief and navigating the sense of self - as mother, as wife, as patriotic citizen - in the face of loss; from his trench, the frontline combatant could find distraction and escape through writing a letter home. The civilian man, in turn, could seek refuge in the diary's pages - his search to secure and validate alternate forms of ‘manliness' often being particularly fraught.

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