Spelling suggestions: "subject:"didactic interaction"" "subject:"adidactic interaction""
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Analýza didaktické interakce skupinové výuky lyžování dospělých / Analysis of Didactic Interaction in Group Skiing Lessons for AdultsŘíha, Jakub January 2014 (has links)
Title: Analysis of Didactic Interaction in Group Skiing Lessons for Adults Objectives: The aim of this thesis is to perform detailed analysis and comparison of the didactic teacher - student interaction during adult skiing lessons between two instructors with the same level of experience but different educational background. Methods: In our research we have employed a participant observation method using classification into a category system based on a standardised MADI (Modified Analysis of Didactic Interaction) technique. This includes 7 categories describing the forms of the teacher's behaviour, the didactic content of the lessons, didactic situations, and attitudinal characteristics. Results: The results of the study confirmed, among others, a higher incidence of the two most effective forms of teacher behaviour (correction and feedback information provision) in the instructor with pedagogical education, which was associated with a higher quality of the teaching process. Keywords: teaching, skiing, instructor, didactic interaction, analysis, ADI, MADI
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Didaktická interakce mezi učitelkou a dítětem v přípravné plavecké výuce / Didactic interaction between teacher and child in preparatory swimmingHubená, Kristýna January 2012 (has links)
Title: Didactic interaction between teacher and child in preparatory swimming lessons. Objects: The object of this thesis was to describe and analyze the interaction profiles of two kindergarten teachers. Both teachers have many years of teaching experience of preparatory swimming lessons with children 3 to 4 years old. At the same time the aim was to contribute to the objectification of ideas about the specific didactic interaction in the physical learning in the water. Methods: The method of participant observation of two kindergarten teachers with many years of teaching experience was used at this thesis. The data collection was realized by taking a video. Processing and evaluating of the video followed using a modified analysis of didactic interaction method. The method of questioning was also used for the observed teachers. Results: According to our results the most common form of behavior of two selected teachers during the lessons was instruction. The most common of one of our selected teacher was using notification. The other teacher was using feedback and participation the most often. According to the content of didactic interaction dominated learning activities in all analyzed videos. The organization activities were evaluated by the program of modified analysis of didactic interaction as...
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Diagnostika didaktických kompetencí studentů FTVS / Diagnosis of didactic competencies of students FTVSHubená, Kristýna January 2019 (has links)
Title: Diagnostics of didactic competencies of students of UK FTVS. Objectives: The goal of the dissertation was to verify whether the chosen combination of quantitative and qualitative methods is suitable for the diagnostics of the didactic competencies of the students of the UK FTVS in swimming didactics. Methods: The research was supported by a combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods. Participating observation was used in direct participation in the didactic outputs of students. Data collection was done by acquiring audio and video recordings of students' didactic outputs within the subject of Theory and Basics of Swimming Didactics at the UK FTVS, by a questionnaire and group interviews with students who were in the role of "pupils" during didactic outputs. Through an uninvolved observation, the analysis of video recordings of students' didactic outputs was made. Coding of individual didactic outputs of students was done through modified analysis of didactic interaction (MADI). Descriptive statistics was used to encode and process data from questionnaires. Then the transcript of group conversations from electronic form to written was done by transcription. From the partial results of the MADI method, questionnaires and group interviews, case studies of five selected...
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Analýza tréninkové jednotky ve squashi / Analysis of training unit in squashStöckelová, Martina January 2012 (has links)
Title: Analysis of training units in squash Targets/aims:The aim is to identify as squash coaches divided their training session and how gradually shift the individual exercises in the main part of the lesson and at what level of exertion these exercises are. The second aim is using the MADI clarify which aspects of interactions take place between coach and player of squash in the training session. Methods: At work we used the method of participant observation, where the researcher was that of a full observer. Data were collected by video and audio recording of acquisition training session thirty squash coaches. Data analysis was performed using the modified analysis didactic interaction and observation method using a categorical system was used to analyse the structure of the training session. The results were interpreted comparisons. Results: When we are analysing the structure of the training session, we found that most of the wards of the coaches training workout begins musculoskeletal system load, half of the coaches listed as the main part in the correct sequence specific exercise intensity and almost half of the wards of the coaches' momentum system performs regeneration after intensive physical activity. We found that the method of teaching interactions for coaches is very different....
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Analýza didaktické interakce skupinové výuky lyžování na základních školách / Analysis of didactic interaction of group skiing tuition at primary schoolsKřikavová, Markéta January 2012 (has links)
Title: Analysis of didactic interaction of group skiing tuition at primary schools Objectives: Goal of this research is to compare didactic interaction of the teacher and group of pupils while skiing tuition at primary schools Methodos: As a basic method in this research has been used the M ADI method (Modified analysis of didactic interaction) which is a categorical observational system. With this analysis it is possible to get data that describe didactic interaction between teacher ( instructor) and his pupils, particularly forms of teachers behavior, didactic content of his tuition, didactic situations and approach activity.Questionnaire was another used method. Results: Results of this research have confirmed that the didactic interaction structure is highly influenced by skiing abilities of the pupils. Changes in quality of didactic interaction were not found in both groups. Results of both the analysis and questionnaire provide feedback to the instructor. Keywords: Analysis, didactic interaction, M ADI, skiing, skiing course, school middle age
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Interakce učitele a žáka v porovnání skupinové a individuální výuky lyžování. / Interaction between a teacher and student in comparasion group and individual skiing lessons.Punčochář, Michal January 2019 (has links)
Title of the thesis: Interaction between a teacher and a student compared group and individual teaching skiing. Objectives: The aim of this work was to find, what differences are in the didactic interaction in comparison of group and individual ski lessons. Methods: In this work we used the method of observation, data collection was realized using a video camera and the subsequent recording was evaluated using the MADI method (modified analysis of didactic interaction). Results: From the results we found that the greatest difference was in the expression factual purportwhich in individual lessons grow avarage by 20%. Furthermore, in the individual lesson form grow education activity above organizational by on avarage10% and in the type of attitude activity integration has increased on avrage 7%. The results also showed that in the individual form of teaching did not appear activity without direct control. Key words: Individual and group skiing lessons, ski school, analysis of didactic interaction, ADI, MADI
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Les actes de langage dans l'incipit de l'interaction didactiqueBarbu, Valentina 14 June 2011 (has links)
La présente recherche se propose, en dépassant la vieille querelle des tenants de la théorie « classique » des actes de langage (J. R. Searle et D. Vanderveken) et des analystes des interactions (« École de Genève » principalement), à la fois d’étudier le fonctionnement des actes de langage en interaction et de montrer qu’il est possible d’articuler ces deux positions en apparence divergentes. En fait, nous proposons un concept d’acte de langage qui reste dans l’esprit de la théorie searlienne, mais en ajoutant une perspective contextualiste (selon le modèle proposé par A. Trognon et Ch. Brassac) susceptible de rendre compte du fonctionnement de l’acte dans la dynamique discursive. Le but principal de cette démarche est ainsi d’apporter des données nouvelles à la description de ces unités. Un second but s’ajoute au premier : traiter ces unités dans une dimension comparative entre deux langues – le français et le roumain –, telles qu’elles sont utilisées par des locuteurs natifs. Le corpus est constitué d’interactions de classe enregistrées dans les deux systèmes d’enseignement mentionnés, et ensuite transcrites. L’analyse du fonctionnement et des réalisateurs des actes de langage dans un genre d’interaction verbale, permet de soutenir la nécessité d’une analyse contextualisée des actes de langage et, en outre, d’identifier des types d’actes de langage, des réalisations linguistiques de ces actes, des schémas interactionnels spécifiques d’un genre particulier de discours. La récurrence de ces types d’actes, réalisations préférentielles, schémas interactionnels, explique également la ritualisation de certaines séquences de l’activité didactique et, en particulier, de la séquence d’ouverture - l’incipit, sur lequel se focalise l’analyse dans cette thèse. Par ailleurs, l’approche contrastive met en évidence des différences quantitatives ainsi que des réalisations préférentielles manifestant des différences institutionnelles, attitudinales, idéologiques. / The main aim of the present research is, surpassing the old quarrel between the supporters of the classical theory of speech acts (J. R. Searle and D. Vanderveken) and those of the analysts of interaction/discourse (mainly « The Geneva School»)), both to study the functioning of speech acts in interaction and to show that these two, apparently divergent positions, may function together. Actually, we propose a concept of speech act in the line of Searle’s theory, adding, however, a contextualist perspective (according to the model proposed by A. Trognon and Ch. Brassac), which is likely to account for the functioning of the act in the discursive dynamics. The main aim of this endeavour is to provide new data for the description of these units. The second aim of this thesis is to treat these units comparatively, in two languages –French and Romanian-, such as they are used by native speakers. The corpus consists of class interactions, which were recorded in the two above-mentioned education systems and then, transcribed. The analysis of the functioning and of the patterns of realisation of speech acts in a specific type of verbal interaction has the advantage of supporting the necessity of a contextualized analysis of speech acts and, on the other hand, to identify types of speech acts, linguistic realisations of these acts, interactional schemas, which are specific to a particular discourse genre. The recurrence of these types of acts, of their preferential realizations and of the interactional schemas also explains the ritualization of several sequences of the didactic activity and, particularly, of the opening sequence- the incipit, which is the focus of the analysis of this thesis. Also, the contrastive approach emphasizes quantitative differences, as well as preferential realisations which indicate institutional, attitudinal and ideological differences.
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Analýza chování fotbalového trenéra / Behavioural analysis of a football coachFarkaš, Matúš January 2017 (has links)
Title: Behavioural analysis of a football coach Objectives: The goal of this master thesis is to qualitatively evaluate means of didactic interaction of a football coach and his players in youth categories in two league games of the Czech Youth League (Česká liga žáků) and thereby to contribute to new knowledge in this field. Methods: The research is targeted at the behavioural analysis of a football coach. In this thesis methods of spectating and analysis of audio and video records were carried out. The essence of the research is based on the method of the Analysis of didactic interaction (ADI) consisting of 9 categories containing several subcategories. The categories 1 and 4, those which are dedicated to the forms of behaviour, were applied in this thesis. Results: From the results of the analysis it seems obvious that the coach was prevailingly relying on his speeches which he seldomly supported and emphasized with his movement. The movement itself we acknowledge as gestures linked to orders related to game activities during the football game. From the analyzed records of parts of the games the following can be concluded: In the pre-game preparations the instructions with corrections prevail, which is also the case during the game, where spectating is being present to a large extent as well. On...
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L’échange d’aide dans l’interaction didactique à l’école primaire / The exchange of help in the didactic interactionFrancols, Nathalie 10 December 2010 (has links)
Nous avons observé l’aide dans l’interaction entre enfants et enseignants, avec une perspective moins centrée sur l’apprentissage que sur les enjeux relationnels entre les acteurs. Les manières dont l’aide est apportée par le maître aux élèves montrent comment se construit au coup par coup le rapport de dépendance et d’autonomie qui fonde les relations humaines. Notre recherche s’inscrit dans le cadre de l’Analyse des Discours en Interaction. La visée est descriptive : à partir d’un corpus filmé de quatre classes de grande section de maternelle et de CM2, nous avons analysé les échanges entre enseignant et élèves en tenant compte du contexte de communication spécifique. Dans l’échange d’aide, on peut distinguer trois moments : (1) le déclencheur de l’aide : une action de l’élève (verbale ou non verbale) provoque la réponse aidante de l’enseignant. Le déclencheur peut être explicitement une demande d’aide ou un autre acte (demande de validation, signe d’inactivité ou de découragement) que l’enseignant interprète comme un besoin d’aide ;(2) l’aide proprement dite : action verbale ou non verbale, plus ou moins directive, dont la fonction peut être plus ou moins cognitive ou technique (tenir la main pour écrire ou relire une consigne) ou affective (une parole qui motive et encourage) ;(3) la clôture : les événements qui déclenchent la séparation de l’aidé et de l’aidant ainsi que la manière dont ils se quittent après un échange d’aide. / We have examined the functioning of help in the children - teacher's interaction, focussing on the participants' relations more than on learning issues. The ways in which teachers provide help to pupils show how a balance between dependence and autonomy is reached in their relation in an ad hoc manner.Our research relies on the framework of Analysis of Talk in Interaction, and has a descriptive purpose. On the basis of video-recordings of four classes of kindergarten and CM2, we have analyzed exchanges between teacher and pupils taking into account the specificity of the didactic context.In "help exchange", we can distinguish three stages:(1) The event that triggers help out: a pupil's action (be it verbal or not) triggers out a helping response by the teacher. The source event can be an explicit request for help or another act (like a request for validation, a sign of inactivity or of discouragement) that the teacher interprets as a need of assistance;(2) The help itself: verbal or nonverbal action, which can be more or less directive, and whose function can be more or less cognitive or technical (holding hands to write, or read an instruction) or emotional (a word that motivates, and encourages);(3) Closing: the events that trigger the separation of the "helper" and the "helper" out, and the way in which they leave after an exchange of help.
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Intérêts et enjeux d’une révision interactive des textes au cycle 3 : le rôle de l’enseignant / Interests and issues of an interactive revision of texts at primary school (cycle 3) : the role of the teacherMoussi, Dalila 13 December 2013 (has links)
Cette étude s'inscrit dans le champ de la didactique du français et porte sur l'analyse d'interactions langagières au cours de séances de révision de textes narratifs au CM2. Cette recherche se propose de réfléchir aux modalités d'une interaction qui favoriserait l'engagement des élèves dans la tâche. Elle se centre principalement sur l'activité du maître lors de séquences de "révisions interactives". La méthodologie s'appuie sur l'analyse de corpus oraux. Une étude empirique impliquant trois enseignantes ayant une ancienneté différente dans le métier nous permet de comparer les modes de communication pédagogique et d'examiner leur pertinence pour le développement de compétences évaluatives chez les élèves. Les résultats nous permettent de dégager quelques paramètres décisifs et d'esquisser un profil interactionnel des enseignantes lors de la révision de textes. L'étayage de l'enseignant est abordé sous différents angles : la posture assumée tout au long des échanges, les thèmes discutés, le degré d'adhésion par rapport aux propositions des élèves, la prise en compte des interventions par les reformulations mais aussi le rythme des échanges imposé. Nous prolongeons notre étude par l'analyse des stratégies inductrices de "bonnes réponses", c'est-à-dire tous les comportements verbaux du maître qui permettent d'influencer la réponse de l'élève et qui s'apparentent à une posture de contre-étayage. Cette étude permet de mettre en évidence la typicalité de l'expérience interactionnelle de l'enseignant dans le domaine de la révision de texte et d'ouvrir la voie à une didactique de l'écrit à l'école primaire fondée sur les interactions à l'oral. / This study belongs to the didactics of French and focuses on oral interactions analysis during revision sessions of narrative texts at the last year of primary school. The purpose of this study is to investigate how the oral interactions can improve pupils' commitment to the task. This research focuses more precisely on the activity of the teacher during interactive revision sessions. The methodological framework is based on oral resources. Our study implies three teachers at different levels of career and allows us to compare different modes of pedagogical communication in order to examine their pertinence for the development of the pupils' evaluative abilities. Results allow to bring out some decisive parameters and to suggest an interactional profile of teachers during texts revision. The teacher's scaffolding is approached from different points of view : the position held by the teacher throughout the exchanges, the discussed topics, the degree of joining to pupils' proposals, the consideration of pupils' interventions by reformulations and the interactional rhythm required by the teacher. The research will be extended by the analysis of the strategies which lead to the "right response" of the "expected response", in other words, all verbal communications which influence the response of the pupil and which correspond to wrong or inappropriate scaffolding. This study allows us to highlight the specificities of the interactional experience of the teacher in the field of the text revision and to pave the way to didactics of writing in primary school based on oral interactions.
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