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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caracterização geoquímica-isotópica e geocronologia do enxame de diques de Manaíra-Princesa Isabel (PB) - Província Borborema / Geochemical-isotopic characterization and geocronology of the dike swarm of Manaíra-Princesa Isabel region (PB) - Borborema Province

Pelaez Mejia, Carolina 30 April 2008 (has links)
O enxame de diques ácidos da região de Manaíra-Princesa Isabel aflora no na porção mais centro-ocidental do estado da Paraíba, geograficamente limitada pelas cidades de Manaíra, Princesa Isabel e Tavares. Geologicamente, intrude um substrato composto por rochas granitóides neoproterozóicas representadas pelos batólito de Triunfo e os plútons de Princesa Isabel e Tavares. Os diques estão distribuídos em um trend NNE-SSW, a sul dos milonitos verticais da Zona de Cisalhamento de Juru-Belém, compreendendo nefelina sienitos a sienitos supersaturados em sílica, com afinidade peralcalina a sub-metaluminosa, potássica a ultrapotássica. Um conjunto menor de diques é ainda representado por álcali-granitos, com afinidade peraluminosa. A assinatuura geoquímica-isotópica dos diques mostra forte enriquecimento em elementos incompatíveis (Rb, Ba, K, Th, U, Sr), depleção pronunciada em Nb, e razões 87Sr/86Sr e 143Nd/144Nd (= ?Nd negativos) muito radiogênicas. A combinação desses aspectos sugere uma fonte comum, provavelmente um manto litosférico enriquecido. Um componente de subducção, sugerido pelas anomalias negativas em Nb, seria o provável responsável pela modificação geoquímica desse manto. Ao contrário, razões 206,207,208Pb/204Pb mais baixas, em relação à média dos valores crustais, sugerem a participação conjunta de um componente não-radiogênico, ainda não identificado. Idades TDM entre 1,8-2,2 Ga indicam que o evento metassomático deve ter sido antigo, provavelmente relacionado à geração de crosta (em ambiente de arco) paleoproterozóica na região. Dados U/Pb SHRIMP em zircão e 40Ar/39Ar em anfibólio indicam idade c. 600 Ma para o magmatismo alcalino fissural na região de Manaíra-Princesa Isabel. Esse resultado é importante para definir um cenário geodinâmico de exumação crustal, no setor central da Zona Transversal, entre dois picos de atividade magmática a c. 630 Ma e 580 Ma. / The Manaíra-Princesa Isabel dike swarm forms one of the most expressive Neoproterozoic alkaline magmatism of the Borborema Province (NE Brazil). It consists of about a hundred NE-trending bodies intrusive in Neoproterozoic porphyritic granites (Princesa Isabel and Tavares plutons) and orthogneisses and low grade metasediments of the Eoneoproterozoic Riacho Gravatá Complex. The swarm was divided in four groups according its geographic location, i.e., the Tavares dikes to the north, the Princesa Isabel and Manaíra dikes, and the Serra Talhada dikes to the south. Silica oversatured nepheline syenites and syenites are typicall for Tavares, Princesa Isabel and Manaíra dikes, with potassic to ultrapotassic, peralkaline to sub-metaluminous affinity. A minor but distinct Serra Talhada dikes, show characteristically peraluminous affinity. Geochemical and isotopic signatures indicate strong enrichment in incompatible elements (Rb, Ba, K, Th, U, Sr), negative Nb anomaly, and quite radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd (= negative eNd values) initial ratios. These features suggest a common source for the swarm, which was probably an enriched litosferic mantle reservoir. Nb depletion found in all dikes indicates an important subduction component geochemical signature. Conversely, the 206,207,208Pb/204Pb ratios are lower than crustal values, indicating participation of an unradiogenic component. Paleoproterozoic Sm-Nd model ages, between 1.8-2.2 Ga, are interpreted as age of an older metasomatic event modifying the dike mantle source. SHRIMP U/Pb (zircon) and 40Ar/39Ar (amphibole) data yielded crystallization age of c. 600 Ma for the Manaíra-Princesa Isabel dike swarm. This allows to define an important crustal exumation period in the Zona Transversal domain between two significant magmatic activity peaks, at c. 630 Ma and 580 Ma.

Solär Tragedi : Herakleitos Fragm 94

Lindström, Anders January 2009 (has links)
<p>What are the basic thoughts formulated in the Heraclitean fragments? A cosmology, a philosophy of nature, the idea that all can be reduced to a single substance? There is always a risk that Heraclitus is fitted into a thought pattern he doesn’t belong to, if we – from our present horizon – focus on continuity in an attempt to frame his thinking as part of an overall progress, running from the so-called pre-Socratics to Aristotle, in the history of philosophy. If we picture the dawn of Western civilization as an early development of scientific thinking, built on a gradual and continuous growth of knowledge, we will easily go astray as we try to discover the Greek origins of philosophy. Assuming, for example, that the readings of Heraclitus as a natural philosopher have come to a dead end, can we approach the fragments from a different angle?</p><p>The aim of this paper is not to give a systematized reading of all the remaining fragments of Heraclitus, but neither to necessarily contradict the various interpretations that emphasise how these shattered remains reflect a coherent philosophy. The focal point is the role of the sun in the fragments, but every chapter presents different perspectives, thematically possible to connect to (Diels-Kranz) Fragm 94: “The sun will not transgress his measures. If he does, The Furies, ministers of Justice (<em>Dikê</em>), will find him out.” (transl. C.H. Kahn)  This is the centre of the text, the hub that thematically will intertwine the Heraclitean sun with philosophical questions of measure, necessity, law, violence and destiny.</p><p>It is argued that a tragic structure is discernable in Fragm 94, a structure distinguished and displayed as three oscillating layers: myth, tragedy and philosophy. The archaeological approach shows remains of an archaic (Homeric) heritage, a mythological framework crucial for the expression of a tragic experience. The mytopoetical background of the fragment indicates a series of tragic markers – <em>helios</em>, <em>metra</em>, <em>furies</em> etc. – a layer revealing possible resemblances to early Greek tragedy. The third layer shows how this experience, from a philosophical perspective, in the first phase of philosophy, before the consolidation of philosophical concepts, is staged as the tragic harmony we find in Heraclitus Fragm 94.</p>

Analysis of flood hazard under consideration of dike breaches

Vorogushyn, Sergiy January 2008 (has links)
River reaches protected by dikes exhibit high damage potential due to strong value accumulation in the hinterland areas. While providing an efficient protection against low magnitude flood events, dikes may fail under the load of extreme water levels and long flood durations. Hazard and risk assessments for river reaches protected by dikes have not adequately considered the fluvial inundation processes up to now. Particularly, the processes of dike failures and their influence on the hinterland inundation and flood wave propagation lack comprehensive consideration. This study focuses on the development and application of a new modelling system which allows a comprehensive flood hazard assessment along diked river reaches under consideration of dike failures. The proposed Inundation Hazard Assessment Model (IHAM) represents a hybrid probabilistic-deterministic model. It comprises three models interactively coupled at runtime. These are: (1) 1D unsteady hydrodynamic model of river channel and floodplain flow between dikes, (2) probabilistic dike breach model which determines possible dike breach locations, breach widths and breach outflow discharges, and (3) 2D raster-based diffusion wave storage cell model of the hinterland areas behind the dikes. Due to the unsteady nature of the 1D and 2D coupled models, the dependence between hydraulic load at various locations along the reach is explicitly considered. The probabilistic dike breach model describes dike failures due to three failure mechanisms: overtopping, piping and slope instability caused by the seepage flow through the dike core (micro-instability). The 2D storage cell model driven by the breach outflow boundary conditions computes an extended spectrum of flood intensity indicators such as water depth, flow velocity, impulse, inundation duration and rate of water rise. IHAM is embedded in a Monte Carlo simulation in order to account for the natural variability of the flood generation processes reflected in the form of input hydrographs and for the randomness of dike failures given by breach locations, times and widths. The model was developed and tested on a ca. 91 km heavily diked river reach on the German part of the Elbe River between gauges Torgau and Vockerode. The reach is characterised by low slope and fairly flat extended hinterland areas. The scenario calculations for the developed synthetic input hydrographs for the main river and tributary were carried out for floods with return periods of T = 100, 200, 500, 1000 a. Based on the modelling results, probabilistic dike hazard maps could be generated that indicate the failure probability of each discretised dike section for every scenario magnitude. In the disaggregated display mode, the dike hazard maps indicate the failure probabilities for each considered breach mechanism. Besides the binary inundation patterns that indicate the probability of raster cells being inundated, IHAM generates probabilistic flood hazard maps. These maps display spatial patterns of the considered flood intensity indicators and their associated return periods. Finally, scenarios of polder deployment for the extreme floods with T = 200, 500, 1000 were simulated with IHAM. The developed IHAM simulation system represents a new scientific tool for studying fluvial inundation dynamics under extreme conditions incorporating effects of technical flood protection measures. With its major outputs in form of novel probabilistic inundation and dike hazard maps, the IHAM system has a high practical value for decision support in flood management. / Entlang eingedeichter Flussabschnitte kann das Hinterland ein hohes Schadenspotential, aufgrund der starken Akkumulation der Werte, aufweisen. Obwohl Deiche einen effizienten Schutz gegen kleinere häufiger auftretende Hochwässer bieten, können sie unter der Last hoher Wasserstände sowie langer Anstaudauer versagen. Gefährdungs- und Risikoabschätzungsmethoden für die eingedeichten Flussstrecken haben bisher die fluvialen Überflutungsprozesse nicht hinreichend berücksichtigt. Besonders, die Prozesse der Deichbrüche und deren Einfluss auf Überflutung im Hinterland und Fortschreiten der Hochwasserwelle verlangen eine umfassende Betrachtung. Die vorliegende Studie setzt ihren Fokus auf die Entwicklung und Anwendung eines neuen Modellierungssystems, das eine umfassende Hochwassergefährdungsanalyse entlang eingedeichter Flussstrecken unter Berücksichtigung von Deichbrüchen ermöglicht. Das vorgeschlagene Inundation Hazard Assessment Model (IHAM) stellt ein hybrides probabilistisch-deterministisches Modell dar. Es besteht aus drei laufzeitgekoppelten Modellen: (1) einem 1D instationären hydrodynamisch-numerischen Modell für den Flussschlauch und die Vorländer zwischen den Deichen, (2) einem probabilistischen Deichbruchmodell, welches die möglichen Bruchstellen, Breschenbreiten und Breschenausflüsse berechnet, und (3) einem 2D raster-basierten Überflutungsmodell für das Hinterland, das auf dem Speiherzellenansatz und der Diffusionswellengleichung basiert ist. Das probabilistische Deichbruchmodell beschreibt Deichbrüche, die infolge von drei Bruchmechanismen auftreten: dem Überströmen, dem Piping im Deichuntergrund und dem Versagen der landseitigen Böschung als Folge des Sickerflusses und der Erosion im Deichkörper (Mikro-Instabilität). Das 2D Speicherzellenmodell, angetrieben durch den Breschenausfluss als Randbedingung, berechnet ein erweitertes Spektrum der Hochwasserintensitätsindikatoren wie: Überflutungstiefe, Fliessgeschwindigkeit, Impuls, Überflutungsdauer und Wasseranstiegsrate. IHAM wird im Rahmen einer Monte Carlo Simulation ausgeführt und berücksichtigt die natürliche Variabilität der Hochwasserentstehungsprozesse, die in der Form der Hydrographen und deren Häufigkeit abgebildet wird, und die Zufälligkeit des Deichversagens, gegeben durch die Lokationen der Bruchstellen, der Zeitpunkte der Brüche und der Breschenbreiten. Das Modell wurde entwickelt und getestet an einem ca. 91 km langen Flussabschnitt. Dieser Flussabschnitt ist durchgängig eingedeicht und befindet sich an der deutschen Elbe zwischen den Pegeln Torgau und Vockerode. Die Szenarioberechnungen wurden von synthetischen Hydrographen für den Hauptstrom und Nebenfluss angetrieben, die für Hochwässer mit Wiederkehrintervallen von 100, 200, 500, und 1000 Jahren entwickelt wurden. Basierend auf den Modellierungsergebnissen wurden probabilistische Deichgefährdungskarten generiert. Sie zeigen die Versagenswahrscheinlichkeiten der diskretisierten Deichabschnitte für jede modellierte Hochwassermagnitude. Die Deichgefährdungskarten im disaggregierten Darstellungsmodus zeigen die Bruchwahrscheinlichkeiten für jeden betrachteten Bruchmechanismus. Neben den binären Überflutungsmustern, die die Wahrscheinlichkeit der Überflutung jeder Rasterzelle im Hinterland zeigen, generiert IHAM probabilistische Hochwassergefährdungskarten. Diese Karten stellen räumliche Muster der in Betracht gezogenen Hochwasserintensitätsindikatoren und entsprechende Jährlichkeiten dar. Schließlich, wurden mit IHAM Szenarien mit Aktivierung vom Polder bei extremen Hochwässern mit Jährlichkeiten von 200, 500, 1000 Jahren simuliert. Das entwickelte IHAM Modellierungssystem stellt ein neues wissenschaftliches Werkzeug für die Untersuchung fluvialer Überflutungsdynamik in extremen Hochwassersituationen unter Berücksichtigung des Einflusses technischer Hochwasserschutzmaßnahmen dar. Das IHAM System hat eine hohe praktische Bedeutung für die Entscheidungsunterstützung im Hochwassermanagement aufgrund der neuartigen Deichbruch- und Hochwassergefährdungskarten, die das Hauptprodukt der Simulationen darstellen.

Solär Tragedi : Herakleitos Fragm 94

Lindström, Anders January 2009 (has links)
What are the basic thoughts formulated in the Heraclitean fragments? A cosmology, a philosophy of nature, the idea that all can be reduced to a single substance? There is always a risk that Heraclitus is fitted into a thought pattern he doesn’t belong to, if we – from our present horizon – focus on continuity in an attempt to frame his thinking as part of an overall progress, running from the so-called pre-Socratics to Aristotle, in the history of philosophy. If we picture the dawn of Western civilization as an early development of scientific thinking, built on a gradual and continuous growth of knowledge, we will easily go astray as we try to discover the Greek origins of philosophy. Assuming, for example, that the readings of Heraclitus as a natural philosopher have come to a dead end, can we approach the fragments from a different angle? The aim of this paper is not to give a systematized reading of all the remaining fragments of Heraclitus, but neither to necessarily contradict the various interpretations that emphasise how these shattered remains reflect a coherent philosophy. The focal point is the role of the sun in the fragments, but every chapter presents different perspectives, thematically possible to connect to (Diels-Kranz) Fragm 94: “The sun will not transgress his measures. If he does, The Furies, ministers of Justice (Dikê), will find him out.” (transl. C.H. Kahn)  This is the centre of the text, the hub that thematically will intertwine the Heraclitean sun with philosophical questions of measure, necessity, law, violence and destiny. It is argued that a tragic structure is discernable in Fragm 94, a structure distinguished and displayed as three oscillating layers: myth, tragedy and philosophy. The archaeological approach shows remains of an archaic (Homeric) heritage, a mythological framework crucial for the expression of a tragic experience. The mytopoetical background of the fragment indicates a series of tragic markers – helios, metra, furies etc. – a layer revealing possible resemblances to early Greek tragedy. The third layer shows how this experience, from a philosophical perspective, in the first phase of philosophy, before the consolidation of philosophical concepts, is staged as the tragic harmony we find in Heraclitus Fragm 94.

Flow resistance and associated backwater effect due to spur dikes in open channels

Azinfar, Hossein 01 March 2010
A spur dike is a hydraulic structure built on the bank of a river at some angle to the main flow direction. A series of spur dikes in a row may also be placed on one side or both sides of a river to form a spur dike field. Spur dikes are used for two main purposes, namely river training and bank protection. For river training, spur dikes may be used to provide a desirable path for navigation purposes or to direct the flow to a desirable point such as a water intake. For bank protection, spur dikes may be used to deflect flow away from a riverbank and thus protect it from erosion. It has also been observed that spur dikes provide a desirable environment for aquatic habitat. Despite the fact that spur dikes are useful hydraulic structures, they have been found to increase the flow resistance in rivers and hence increase the flow stage. The present study focuses on the quantification of the flow resistance and associated flow stage increase due to a single spur dike and also that of a spur dike field. Increased flow stage is referred to herein as a backwater effect.<p> In the first stage of the study, the flow resistance due to a single spur dike, expressed as a drag force exerted on the flow in an open channel, was studied and quantified. The work was carried out in a rigid bed flume, with the model spur dike being simulated using various sizes of a two-dimensional (2-D) rectangular plate. Several discharge conditions were studied. The drag force exerted by the spur dike for both submerged and unsubmerged flow conditions was determined directly from measurements made using a specially designed apparatus and also by application of the momentum equation to a control volume that included the spur dike. It was found that the unit drag force (i.e., drag force per unit area of dike) of an unsubmerged spur dike increases more rapidly with an increase in the discharge when compared with that of a submerged spur dike. The results also showed that an increase in the blockage of the open channel cross-section due to the spur dike is the main parameter responsible for an increase in the spur dike drag coefficient, hence the associated flow resistance and backwater effect. Based on these findings, relationships were developed for estimating the backwater effect due to a single spur dike in an open channel.<p> In the second stage of the study, the flow resistance due to a spur dike field expressed as a drag force exerted on the flow was quantified and subsequently related to the backwater effect. The work was carried out in a rigid bed flume, with the model spur dikes simulated using 2-D, rectangular plates placed along one side of the flume. For various discharges, the drag force of each individual spur dike in the spur dike field was measured directly using a specially-designed apparatus. For these tests, both submerged and unsubmerged conditions were evaluated along with various numbers of spur dikes and various relative spacings between the spur dikes throughout the field. It was concluded that the configuration of a spur dike field in terms of the number of spur dikes and relative spacing between the spur dikes has a substantial impact on the drag force and hence the flow resistance and backwater effect of a spur dike field. The most upstream spur dike had the highest drag force amongst the spur dikes in the field, and it acted as a shield to decrease the drag force exerted by the downstream spur dikes. From the experiments on the submerged spur dikes, it was observed that the jet flow over the spur dikes has an important effect on the flow structure and hence the flow resistance.<p> In the third stage of the study, the flow field within the vicinity of a single submerged spur dike was modeled using the three-dimensional (3-D) computational fluid dynamic (CFD) software FLUENT. Application of the software required solution of the 3-D Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations wherein the Reynolds stresses were resolved using the RNG ê-å turbulence model. One discharge condition was evaluated in a smooth, rectangular channel for two conditions, including uniform flow conditions without the spur dike in place and one with the spur dike in place. The CFD model was evaluated based on some experimental data acquired from the physical model. It was found that the CFD model could satisfactorily predict the flow resistance and water surface profile adjacent to the spur dike, including the resulting backwater effect. Furthermore, the CFD model gave a good prediction of the velocity field except for the area behind the spur dike where the effects of diving jet flow over the spur dike was not properly modeled.

Flow resistance and associated backwater effect due to spur dikes in open channels

Azinfar, Hossein 01 March 2010 (has links)
A spur dike is a hydraulic structure built on the bank of a river at some angle to the main flow direction. A series of spur dikes in a row may also be placed on one side or both sides of a river to form a spur dike field. Spur dikes are used for two main purposes, namely river training and bank protection. For river training, spur dikes may be used to provide a desirable path for navigation purposes or to direct the flow to a desirable point such as a water intake. For bank protection, spur dikes may be used to deflect flow away from a riverbank and thus protect it from erosion. It has also been observed that spur dikes provide a desirable environment for aquatic habitat. Despite the fact that spur dikes are useful hydraulic structures, they have been found to increase the flow resistance in rivers and hence increase the flow stage. The present study focuses on the quantification of the flow resistance and associated flow stage increase due to a single spur dike and also that of a spur dike field. Increased flow stage is referred to herein as a backwater effect.<p> In the first stage of the study, the flow resistance due to a single spur dike, expressed as a drag force exerted on the flow in an open channel, was studied and quantified. The work was carried out in a rigid bed flume, with the model spur dike being simulated using various sizes of a two-dimensional (2-D) rectangular plate. Several discharge conditions were studied. The drag force exerted by the spur dike for both submerged and unsubmerged flow conditions was determined directly from measurements made using a specially designed apparatus and also by application of the momentum equation to a control volume that included the spur dike. It was found that the unit drag force (i.e., drag force per unit area of dike) of an unsubmerged spur dike increases more rapidly with an increase in the discharge when compared with that of a submerged spur dike. The results also showed that an increase in the blockage of the open channel cross-section due to the spur dike is the main parameter responsible for an increase in the spur dike drag coefficient, hence the associated flow resistance and backwater effect. Based on these findings, relationships were developed for estimating the backwater effect due to a single spur dike in an open channel.<p> In the second stage of the study, the flow resistance due to a spur dike field expressed as a drag force exerted on the flow was quantified and subsequently related to the backwater effect. The work was carried out in a rigid bed flume, with the model spur dikes simulated using 2-D, rectangular plates placed along one side of the flume. For various discharges, the drag force of each individual spur dike in the spur dike field was measured directly using a specially-designed apparatus. For these tests, both submerged and unsubmerged conditions were evaluated along with various numbers of spur dikes and various relative spacings between the spur dikes throughout the field. It was concluded that the configuration of a spur dike field in terms of the number of spur dikes and relative spacing between the spur dikes has a substantial impact on the drag force and hence the flow resistance and backwater effect of a spur dike field. The most upstream spur dike had the highest drag force amongst the spur dikes in the field, and it acted as a shield to decrease the drag force exerted by the downstream spur dikes. From the experiments on the submerged spur dikes, it was observed that the jet flow over the spur dikes has an important effect on the flow structure and hence the flow resistance.<p> In the third stage of the study, the flow field within the vicinity of a single submerged spur dike was modeled using the three-dimensional (3-D) computational fluid dynamic (CFD) software FLUENT. Application of the software required solution of the 3-D Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations wherein the Reynolds stresses were resolved using the RNG ê-å turbulence model. One discharge condition was evaluated in a smooth, rectangular channel for two conditions, including uniform flow conditions without the spur dike in place and one with the spur dike in place. The CFD model was evaluated based on some experimental data acquired from the physical model. It was found that the CFD model could satisfactorily predict the flow resistance and water surface profile adjacent to the spur dike, including the resulting backwater effect. Furthermore, the CFD model gave a good prediction of the velocity field except for the area behind the spur dike where the effects of diving jet flow over the spur dike was not properly modeled.

Mechanics of Complex Hydraulic Fractures in the Earth's Crust

Sim, Youngjong 24 August 2004 (has links)
Hydraulic fracturing is an important and abundant process in both industrial applications and natural environments. The current work is the first systematic quantitative study of the effect of interaction in and between complex hydraulic fractures at different spatial scales. A mathematical model, based on the boundary collocation method, has been developed. The model has been employed for a typical field case, a highly segmented vein. This vein is well-mapped, and therefore, represents a well constrained example. The computed apertures are compared to the measured apertures. By using the simplest constitutive model, based on an ideal elastic material, and including the effect of interaction between the segments, it was possible to obtain an excellent match at all considered scales. It was also shown that the concept of effective fracture, as currently accepted in the literature, is not always applicable and may lead to unbounded inaccuracy. Unfortunately, in most cases, very little (if any) directly measured data on fracture and material properties is available. An important example of such a weakly constrained case, involving hydraulic fracturing, is diking beneath the seafloor at mid-oceanic ridges. In this study, it is shown that the commonly accepted scenario of a dike propagating from the center of the pressurized magma chamber to the ocean floor is not consistent with conventional fracture mechanics due to the fact that the chamber has the shape of a thin lens. Even at such a large scale (i.e., a kilometer or more), the mechanical principles of elastic interaction appear to be applicable. Since diking is likely to generate a region of high permeability near its margin, in addition to heat, the ongoing hydrothermal activity becomes localized. Our modeling suggests the probable positions of the propagating dikes. Consequently, comparing the observed locations of hydrothermal sites with respect to that of the magma chamber could be useful for constraining the mechanisms of magma lens evolution.

Seafloor spreading processes in protoarc-forearc settings eastern Albanian ophiolite as a case study /

Phillips, Charity M.. January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Miami University, Dept. of Geology, 2004. / Title from first page of PDF document. Includes bibliographical references (p. 126-129).

Caracterização geoquímica-isotópica e geocronologia do enxame de diques de Manaíra-Princesa Isabel (PB) - Província Borborema / Geochemical-isotopic characterization and geocronology of the dike swarm of Manaíra-Princesa Isabel region (PB) - Borborema Province

Carolina Pelaez Mejia 30 April 2008 (has links)
O enxame de diques ácidos da região de Manaíra-Princesa Isabel aflora no na porção mais centro-ocidental do estado da Paraíba, geograficamente limitada pelas cidades de Manaíra, Princesa Isabel e Tavares. Geologicamente, intrude um substrato composto por rochas granitóides neoproterozóicas representadas pelos batólito de Triunfo e os plútons de Princesa Isabel e Tavares. Os diques estão distribuídos em um trend NNE-SSW, a sul dos milonitos verticais da Zona de Cisalhamento de Juru-Belém, compreendendo nefelina sienitos a sienitos supersaturados em sílica, com afinidade peralcalina a sub-metaluminosa, potássica a ultrapotássica. Um conjunto menor de diques é ainda representado por álcali-granitos, com afinidade peraluminosa. A assinatuura geoquímica-isotópica dos diques mostra forte enriquecimento em elementos incompatíveis (Rb, Ba, K, Th, U, Sr), depleção pronunciada em Nb, e razões 87Sr/86Sr e 143Nd/144Nd (= ?Nd negativos) muito radiogênicas. A combinação desses aspectos sugere uma fonte comum, provavelmente um manto litosférico enriquecido. Um componente de subducção, sugerido pelas anomalias negativas em Nb, seria o provável responsável pela modificação geoquímica desse manto. Ao contrário, razões 206,207,208Pb/204Pb mais baixas, em relação à média dos valores crustais, sugerem a participação conjunta de um componente não-radiogênico, ainda não identificado. Idades TDM entre 1,8-2,2 Ga indicam que o evento metassomático deve ter sido antigo, provavelmente relacionado à geração de crosta (em ambiente de arco) paleoproterozóica na região. Dados U/Pb SHRIMP em zircão e 40Ar/39Ar em anfibólio indicam idade c. 600 Ma para o magmatismo alcalino fissural na região de Manaíra-Princesa Isabel. Esse resultado é importante para definir um cenário geodinâmico de exumação crustal, no setor central da Zona Transversal, entre dois picos de atividade magmática a c. 630 Ma e 580 Ma. / The Manaíra-Princesa Isabel dike swarm forms one of the most expressive Neoproterozoic alkaline magmatism of the Borborema Province (NE Brazil). It consists of about a hundred NE-trending bodies intrusive in Neoproterozoic porphyritic granites (Princesa Isabel and Tavares plutons) and orthogneisses and low grade metasediments of the Eoneoproterozoic Riacho Gravatá Complex. The swarm was divided in four groups according its geographic location, i.e., the Tavares dikes to the north, the Princesa Isabel and Manaíra dikes, and the Serra Talhada dikes to the south. Silica oversatured nepheline syenites and syenites are typicall for Tavares, Princesa Isabel and Manaíra dikes, with potassic to ultrapotassic, peralkaline to sub-metaluminous affinity. A minor but distinct Serra Talhada dikes, show characteristically peraluminous affinity. Geochemical and isotopic signatures indicate strong enrichment in incompatible elements (Rb, Ba, K, Th, U, Sr), negative Nb anomaly, and quite radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd (= negative eNd values) initial ratios. These features suggest a common source for the swarm, which was probably an enriched litosferic mantle reservoir. Nb depletion found in all dikes indicates an important subduction component geochemical signature. Conversely, the 206,207,208Pb/204Pb ratios are lower than crustal values, indicating participation of an unradiogenic component. Paleoproterozoic Sm-Nd model ages, between 1.8-2.2 Ga, are interpreted as age of an older metasomatic event modifying the dike mantle source. SHRIMP U/Pb (zircon) and 40Ar/39Ar (amphibole) data yielded crystallization age of c. 600 Ma for the Manaíra-Princesa Isabel dike swarm. This allows to define an important crustal exumation period in the Zona Transversal domain between two significant magmatic activity peaks, at c. 630 Ma and 580 Ma.

Stability Analysis of Earth Dams and Dikes under the Influence of Precipitation and Vegetation

Guo, Jinxing 02 December 2015 (has links)
An earth dam and a dike is one kind of hydraulic construction, which is built with highly compacted earth and can be used for the purpose of containing water in a reservoir to secure the water supply, and in flood control. Earth dam and dike can be a safety issue, as it can experience catastrophic destruction due to the slope failure caused by various factors, such as construction materials, vegetation, atmospheric conditions and so on. The aim of this study is to investigate the influence of the saturation degree (or water content) on the stability of earth dam and dikes under the consideration of precipitation and vegetation with the program PCSiWaPro® (developed at the Technical University of Dresden, Institute of Waste Management and Contaminated Site Treatment). The preliminary tests on a physical model have shown that the security and stability has been already severely compromised in the partially saturated region, i.e. the area above the seepage line was in great danger and it came quickly to landslides on the air side. Before the stability analysis could be done for those unsaturated zones, water flow processes and water saturation in the saturated and partially saturated soil area were simulated using the simulation program PCSiWaPro® under transient boundary conditions. The integration of a weather generator into PCSiWaPro® allows a transient water flow calculation with respect to atmospheric conditions (precipitation, evaporation, daily mean temperature and sunshine duration) and removal of water by plant roots and leaves. Finally, with the Program PCSiWaPro® and Gmsh, a 2D dynamic model of water content distribution in the earth dam could be built, incorporating information of not only climate parameters and vegetation but also geometry, soil properties, geohydraulic conditions and time-dependent boundary conditions. The simulation results of several scenarios both in the laboratory and in the field of China and Germany clearly demonstrated that the accordance between measured values and calculated values for water content using the simulation program PCSiWaPro® was very good. In addition, two kinds of stability analysis models (the Infinite Slope Model and the BISHOP’S Model, one kind of the limit equilibrium method), which were both developed from the old Mohr-Coulomb Model, have been improved with the additional consideration of root reinforcement in the upper layer of the slope and soil water in the earth slope. The Infinite Slope Model has been proved to be mainly applied for the surficial landslide; while the BISHOP’S Model is more responsible for the deeper slip landslide forecasting. Then based on the PCSiWaPro® simulation result of water content in the unsaturated slope in the earth bodies from two study sites, Fs (safety of factor) calculation for those earth slopes was derived providing a sufficient forecasting system for the slope-failure-flood. The results have been compared with the calculated Fs values from the old models (without consideration of the influence of water content change on the slope stability) to study how significantly water content increased the risk of slope landslides.

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