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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Opakované hry

Skálová, Alena January 2007 (has links)
Diplomová práce se snaží poskytnout ucelený pohled na známé poznatky z oblasti teorie opakovaných jako části teorie her. Teoretická část se zabývá předpoklady, výpočetními principy a rovnovážnými strategiemi pro opakované hry. V praktické části je teorie aplikována na oblast petrochemického průmyslu, konkrétně na konkurenci dvou čerpacích stanic v rámci prostorově vymezeného trhu.

Etinės dilemos administruojant socialines paslaugas / Ethical dilemma managing social services

Didjurgienė, Sigita 28 December 2007 (has links)
Socialinių paslaugų administravimo specialistai savo darbe vadovaujasi Lietuvos socialinių darbuotojų etikos kodeksu, tačiau neretai patenka į konfliktines situacijas, kurių išsprendimas reikalauja išgyventi vertybių kovą. Darbuotojui kylančios etinės dilemos apsunkina sprendimo priėmimo procesą. Dėl subjektyvių išgyvenimų kartais nukenčia ir teikiamos paslaugos kokybė, ir darbuotojo savijauta. Tokie konfliktai didina perdegimo sindromo atsiradimo galimybę, darbuotojas nusivilia savimi, nes neįstengia suprasti, kad sudėtingi procesai, lydintys jo veiklą –daugelio darbuotojų patiriamas išgyvenimas. Šiame darbe siekiama atskleisti, ko reikia, kad pavyktų sėkmingai spręsti socialines paslaugas administruojančio specialisto veikloje kylančias etines dilemas. Darbo tikslas - atskleisti socialines paslaugas administruojančių specialistų darbe kylančių etinių dilemų sprendimo ypatumus. Tikslo pasiekimui buvo iškelti šie uždaviniai : • Apibūdinti socialinio darbuotojo etikos kodekso ypatybes. • Nustatyti, kas sąlygoja etinių dilemų kilimą socialines paslaugas administruojančių specialistų veikloje. • Aptarti socialines paslaugas administruojančių specialistų priimtų etinių dilemų sprendimų ypatumus. • Atskleisti veiksnius, sąlygojančius socialines paslaugas administruojančio specialisto veikloje kylančių etinių dilemų sėkmingą sprendimą. Kokybinio tyrimo metu į pusiau struktūrizuoto interviu klausimus atsakė 5 tikslinės patogiosios tyrimo imties atstovės, dirbančios socialinių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Social services management specialists organize their work and duties according to Lithuanian Republic social workers ethical code; unfortunately, very often they are involved in conflicts. An arrowed conflicts solving requires avoiding values arguing. Employees arising ethical dilemmas makes difficulties in decision acceptance. Regarding of subjective experience, sometimes a fulfilling service quality and workers wellbeing are hardly injured. Such conflicts alter fuse syndrome appearance possibility, employee disappointed by oneself, because of he is not motivated to realize that difficult processes, leading his work – a various number of other employees sustained experience. This work aimed to discover, what needed to make a successful social services management and social worker arising ethical dilemmas solving possibilities. The tasks of this work: • To define social employee ethical codec specifications • To define, what is determines the appearance of ethical dilemma for social employees during their social services management process • To discuss social services specialists accepted ethical dilemma features management • To disclose the actions which descript successful aroused ethical dilemma decision for social services employer During qualitative research, to a half structural interview questions we have got 5 objective convenient research sample test respondent, who works with social services management and coped with a n ethical dilemma during their work. ... [to full text]


CHRISTIANO ARRIGONI COELHO 24 March 2004 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho analisa a existência de dilema de política monetária em uma economia parcialmente dolarizada. Dolarização é o caso em que uma moeda externa qualquer desempenha as três funções clássicas da moeda: intermediária de trocas, reserva de valor e unidade de conta. Analisaremos economias parcialmente dolarizadas, isto é, apenas parte da economia usa a moeda externa na realização de transações. O principal resultado da dissertação é que haverá dilema de política monetária mesmo quando o grau de rigidez dos setores da economia é o mesmo. Esse resultado é interessante porque ele é oposto ao encontrado na literatura que avalia efeitos de bem-estar da política monetária em economias com assimetria setoriais. Concluímos que o resultado é gerado pela mudança na estrutura da economia que ocorre quando a economia é parcialmente dolarizada. A intuição para o resultado é que a autoridade monetária tem apenas um instrumento para atingir diferentes objetivos que não poderão ser simultaneamente alcançados em virtude da estrutura da economia. / [en] This study analyses if there is monetary policy dilemma in an economy with partial dolarization. Dolarization occurs when foreign money has the three classical functions of money: mean of trade, store of value and unity of account. We will study an economy with partial dolarization, i.e., only part of economy uses the foreign money on transactions. The main result is that there will be monetary policy dilemma even when the stickiness of prices is the same across the sectors of economy. This conclusion goes on the opposite direction of the literature that studies the welfare effects of monetary policy in economies with asymmetric sectors. We conclude that the result is caused by the change of economy s structure that occurs when the economy has partial dolarization. The intuition is that monetary authority has only one instrument for achieving different objectives that will not be reached because of economy s structure.

Redes de Equilibrio en un Juego de Interacción Local Bajo una Norma Social

Denis Pagliero, Ángela María January 2010 (has links)
El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar un modelo de interacción local, es decir, estudiar situaciones en las cuales los individuos interactúan, pero dichas interacciones están limitadas al previo establecimiento de vínculos costosos entre los individuos. Nos interesa estudiar las estructuras de las redes que, bajo una norma social que funcione como un sistema de monitorio público, sustenten cooperación. Para responder esta inquietud, planteamos un modelo de N individuos que en el primer período pueden invertir en establecer vínculos entre ellos. A partir del período siguiente, los jugadores se ven envueltos en interacciones locales capturadas por el juego del Dilema del Prisionero repetido, donde la característica local hace referencia a que un individuo juega bilateralmente sólo con quienes ha establecido previamente un vínculo y sólo observa el actuar de estos individuos. Planteamos una estrategia que indica a cada individuo cooperar excepto cuando alguien lo engañó o engañó a uno de sus amigos en común. Así también un individuo que se deja engañar sin aplicar el castigo es castigado a su vez por quienes observan la situación. En caso que un individuo observe una defección de un vecino contra un individuo con quien él no estableció previamente un vínculo, y cuyo actuar por lo tanto no observa, no está seguro si la defección es un engaño o un castigo, y decide su actuar de acuerdo a un mecanismo aleatorio público. Definimos un sistema de creencias que denominamos ególatra, el cual establece que, ante una desviación, los individuos creen que sus amigos sólo se conectan a través de él, de sus amigos o directamente entre ellos. Estudiamos los equilibrios bayesianos del modelo así planteado. El resultado de este trabajo es una caracterización parcial de las redes de equilibrio en función de la probabilidad con la cual cooperan los individuos en caso de incertidumbre. Cuando esta probabilidad es pequeña, sólo las redes formadas por componentes completas sustentan cooperación. Cuando la probabilidad supera una cierta cota, otras redes soportan el resultado cooperativo, y en el caso límite en que siempre se coopera en caso de incertidumbre, todas las redes sustentan cooperación.

Dilemata v sociální práci s uchazeči o zaměstnání / Dilemmas in Social Work with Job Seekers

FENCLOVÁ, Lucie January 2015 (has links)
Thesis entitled "Dilemmas in Social Work with Job Seekers" deals with ethical dilemmas reflection of labour office employees with clients. In the text we encounter issues, which connect the practical implementation of the profession of labour office workers working with ethics. The thesis contains the terminology associated with the topic, defines the personality of the worker and his relationship with the client. It shows also list of clients with whom the workers meet and what dilemmas of these meetings may arise. The content of the work also deals with the basic concepts of professional ethics. Further, there are various forms of dilemmas defined in relation to working with clients. The thesis summarizes three specific ethical theories applicable to the issue of labour offices. Significant part is devoted to specific dilemmas with which workers encounter during their job with unemployed clients. Dilemmas are presented in the conclusion, in relation to the previous text supplemented by means of practical examples dealing with clients. It indicates possible reflection of the problem and behavior on the part of the worker. At the end of text there is presented a set of dilemmas that can bring negotiations with unemployed clients. The usability of this work is in the field of education in subjects related to ethical dilemmas and its solutions. It is also possible to extend the text for a doctoral thesis in the topic of dilemmas of employees from a specific department in comparison with other departments.

Efeitos da topologia de rede num modelo de jogo de bem público opcional

Valverde Arias, Pablo Javier January 2012 (has links)
O entendimento, dos comportamentos coletivos em termos de uma descriçã o microscó pica baseada nas regras de interações locais entre as partículas do sistema é um proposito bem estabelecido da Física Estatística. Parcialmente inspirados no sucesso da ligaçã o entre os comportamentos micro e macroscópicos, os fenô menos coletivos sociais são atualmente estudados em termos de modelos microscó picos de agentes interatuantes. Os dilemas sociais e o enigma evolutivo da cooperação são modelados como jogos. Neste contexto, dois modelos tem atraído mais a atençã o': O Dilema do Prisoneiro para interações entre pares de individuos e os Jogos de Bem Público para interações em grupos. Nesta dissertação estudamos sob que condiçõ es a cooperação pode emergir em um tipo de dinâ mica de dilema social, conhecido como Jogo de Bem Público Opcional (JBPO). Em particular, analisamos o efeito da topologia na emerge ncia e permanência da cooperação neste tipo de dinâ mica. Estudamos as propriedades globais dos JBPO numa rede regular bidimensional, sobre uma rede small-world e uma rede aleató ria. Aqui, os jogadores são colocados nos vértices da rede .e cada um deles adota um dos três estados possíveis (ou estrategias): cooperador (C), desertor (D) ou loner (L). Com o propósito de estudar,o efeito da interação em rede, usamos redes de tipo ,Pnall-wor/d (pequend , mundo) onde a probabilidade p de reconexão define o' grau de desordem. Esta probabilidade p de religaçã o determina o grau de desordem da rede desde uma rede regular, até uma rede aleató ria. Em combinação com o estudo sistemático do parâ metro p, també m é analisado o efeito da variaçã o do parâ metro r, fator de multiplicação do JBPO, no comportamento global do sistema. Através do estudo sistemático de ambos parâ metros, p e r, encontramos que o sistema apresenta duas dinâ micas diferentes: (i) convergência a um estado absorvente, em que todos os agentes terminam no estado de loner e (ii) evoluçã o a um estado de coexistê ncia, no qual' as três estrategias estã o presentes. No estado de coexiste ncia, para alguns valores dos parâ metros p e r, .a dinâ mica do sistema exibe um comportamento oscilató rio cíclico entre as três estraté gias. Finalmente e como principal contribuição deste trabalho, construímos o diagrama de fases no espaço dos parâ metros (p,r) para caracterizar as diferentes fases e o comportaniento coletivo que o sistema mostra. / Understanding the collective behavior in terms of a microscopic description based on the interaction roles among the particles is a well established purpose of the Statistical Physics. Partly ánspired by the success in linking micro and macro behavior, collective social phenomena are being currently studied in terms of interactíng agents. Social dilemmas and the evolutionary conundrum of cooperation are, modeled as games. In this context, two models have attracted most attention: The Prisoper Dilemma for pairwise interactions and The Public Goods Games for group interactions. In this dissertation, we study under which conditions cooperation can emerge in a type of social dilemma dynamics known as Optional Public Good Game (OPGG): In particular, we analyze the role of topOlogy in the emergence and mainfehance of cooperation in this kind, of dynamics. We have studied the global properties onhe OPGG on a . twd-diMensional regular network, on small world networks and random networks. Here, the players are placed at the nodes of the network and each can adopt one of three possible states _(or strategies): cooperator (C), defector (D) or loner (L). In orcler to study the effect of network interactions, we have used small-World type networks where the probability p of reconnection defines the disorder degree. This probability p of rewiring determines the disorder degree of the network from a regular lattice to a random network. In combination with the systematic study of the p parameter, we also analyzed the effect of variation of the r parameter, the multiplication factor of OPGG, on the global behavior of the system. In the coexistence state and for some values of the p and r parameters, the dynamics of the system exhibits a cyclic behavior among the three states. Finally, and as main contribution in this work, we have constructed a phase diagrarn in the parameter space (p,r) in order to characterize the different phases ahd collective behavior displayed by the system.

Dilemata práce s klientem s důrazem na problematiku kompetencí sociálních pracovníků / The dilemmas of the work with a client with the emphasis on the problems of the social worker´s competency.

DVOŘÁKOVÁ, Zuzana January 2009 (has links)
This work paies that, dilemmas of the work a client and problems of social workers. Through studies available resources and fulfilment qualitative research has been that social workers must most often decide under the pressure of circumstances and importance of the situation; must prioritize either the quality of services or the number of clients; must be able to select the correct variant in the event of intervention or non-intervention in a client{\crq}s situation; know how much help they can give so that they do not control the client; and be able to manage moral conflicts. Social workers most often rely on their knowledge and experience, professional judgment and conscientiousness. . It is also important that a social worker can confide in a senior worker and have an opportunity to discuss with them all required matters. Gained experience provides workers with a dispassionate point of view for decision-making.

Dinâmicas estocásticas em teoria de jogos : percolação, cooperação e seus limites

Leivas, Fernanda Rodrigues January 2018 (has links)
O estudo de Teoria de Jogos tem se expandido para diversas áreas, tendo sua aplicação inicial na economia, hoje é utilizado na psicologia, na filosofia e tem um papel importantíssimo na biologia evolutiva. O seu sucesso está ligado ao fato de que os jogos têm o poder de prever interações usando conceitos simples como a cooperação e a competição. Dentre os jogos há o famoso de Dilema do Prisioneiro (PD), em que indivíduos completamente racionais devem optar entre cooperar ou trair (desertar) seu companheiro de jogo. A estratégia dominante e o equilíbrio de Nash, para o PD, é a deserção mútua visto que os indivíduos são sempre tentados a não cooperar. O dilema é que eles obteriam um ganho melhor se cooperassem mutuamente. Na vida real os indivíduos se encontram em várias situações nas quais eles devem optar entre ser egoístas ou altruístas e, frequentemente, acabam optando pelo altruísmo. Mesmo com a previsão da deserção na teoria clássica dos jogos, em 1992 Nowak e May (NOWAK; MAY, 1992) mostraram que cooperação é mantida em jogos com interação espacial e evolutivos A partir dessa descoberta, estudos de jogos em diversos tipos de rede foram propostos, entre eles as redes diluídas (que possuem sítios vacantes). Nesse tipo de rede foi observado que certas densidades favorecem a cooperação, particularmente próximo ao limiar de percolação para regras de atualização estocásticas (com ruído). Porém a probabilidade de troca do Replicador, mesmo sendo estocástica, não se encaixa nesse padrão observado. Descobrimos que esse comportamento anômalo está relacionado com estruturas formadas entre buracos e desertores que impedem alguns indivíduos de ter acesso ao ruído, assim a informação não flui livremente na rede. Consequentemente o sistema fica preso em um estado congelado, que pode ser quebrado com algum tipo de perturbação. Também abordamos a relação entre o limiar de percolação por sítio e a cooperação de uma forma mais quantitativa do que já foi apresentada até então, acompanhamos o desenvolvimento da cooperação dentro dos clusters e mostramos como o limiar de percolação afeta as estruturas básicas da rede. / The study of Game Theory, having its initial application in economics, has expanded to several areas and is now used in psychology, philosophy and plays a major role in evolutionary biology. Its success is related to the fact that games have the power to predict and study interactions using simple concepts such as cooperation and competition. Among the games there is the famous Prisoner Dilemma (PD), where completely rational individuals have to choose between cooperating or betraying their game partner. The dominant strategy and the Nash equilibrium for PD is mutual desertion as individuals are always tempted to not cooperate. The dilemma is that they would get a higher payoff if they mutually cooperated. In real life, individuals find themselves in various situations where they must choose to be selfish or altruistic, and often they choose altruism. Even with the prediction of defection in classical game theory, in 1992, Nowak and May (NOWAK; MAY, 1992) showed that cooperation is maintained in evolutionary spatial games. With this discovery, the study of games on several types of networks was proposed, among them the diluted networks (which have vacant sites) In this type of lattice, it was observed that at certain densities cooperation is promoted, particularly close to the percolation threshold for stochastic updating rules. However, the exchange probability of the Replicator dynamics, despite being stochastic, does not obey this observed pattern. We found that this anomalous behavior is related to structures formed between holes and defectors that prevent some individuals from having access to noise, so information does not flow freely in the network. Consequently the system becomes trapped in a frozen state, but this state can be broken by perturbing the system. We also address the relationship between the percolation threshold and cooperation in a more quantitative way than has been presented lately, by following the development of cooperation within clusters and showing how the percolation threshold affects the basic structures of the lattice.

Dilema sociálního pracovníka v souvislosti s návrhem střídavé péče u nezletilého dítěte / The dilemma of a social worker in connection with the proposed alternate care for minor

KUBÁTOVÁ, Renata January 2013 (has links)
In the theoretical part, there I devote to the family itself, what are its functions, further I deal with a marriage and parenthood. In the next chapter I explain the divorce with minor children, causes of the divorce rate and the children´s reactions to the divorce. This is followed by a chapter on the social worker dealing with the children´s social and legal protection, his roles and competences, which dilemmas he encounters during his work. Last but not least I deal with the mutual and alternate care. What are prerequisites of the successful alternate care, its advantages and disadvantages. I chose a technique of a semi-structured interview for the qualitative research. There is a minimum of topics and questions that the interviewer must discuss. These basic topics and interviews then are attached by various other additional topics that the interviewer seemed to be meaningful or suitable to an extension of the original assignment. Data obtained through the interview I worked out using the coding. The research sample has been represented by the department of the children´s social and legal protection. This department belongs under the department of social affairs in municipalities with extended powers. Specifically, they were social workers of this department who I gained all the necessary information for the research from. The aim of this thesis was to describe the dilemmas of the social worker in the area of the social work in connection with the decision on the alternate care for the minor child. The research showed that there still prevails the number of children, who are placed by the court in the sole custody of mothers in the Czech Republic. It more often happens, that children´s fathers who were for the alternate care at the beginning, after a certain time revise their opinions and decide to leave the education of the children to their mothers. Regarding the dilemmas of the social workers dealing with the children´s social and legal protection, there are situations which occur more and more. These are especially situations when parents cannot agree on any rules on which the alternate care could run smoothly. In those above mentioned situations the child is placed in the sole custody to one of the parents. The everyday problem of the social workers is a large number of clients. The main reason for this is a growing number of divorces. To be able to cope with so many clients, all leads to the fact that the social workers are forced to reduce their time, energy, but also their attention which is to be paid to individual clients. Specifically in České Budějovice, the social workers from the department of the children´s social and legal protection lead only very few consultations with their clients directly in their office. It is especially due to the lack of their time, because they more often go to investigate a particular family on demand of the court. Many social workers meet the fact that the family wants to realize the alternate care, but for the reason of the non-cooperation of the both parents most of the alternate cares come to an end. As for the forms of the alternate care, most families realize a week alternate care. Mainly it is at the primary school-age children for the reason that the children are small and after a short time they miss the other parent. A 14-day alternate care is realized at the older children. They usually dislike their permanent moving from one parent to the other. A contribution of this thesis is to provide a topic for the social workers dealing with the children´s social and legal protection, to use it in their own practice in connection with the alternate care. Finally, the results can be used for an evaluation of the social workers´ approach to the families wishing to realize the alternate care.

Partir ou ficar: um estudo do dilema cabo-verdiano em Chuva Braba, de Manuel Lopes / To leave or to stay: a study of the Capeverdian dilemma in Chuva Braba, by Manuel Lopes

Marques, Simone Donegá 01 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by SIMONE DONEGÁ MARQUES null (simone.donega@gmail.com) on 2018-03-19T19:56:47Z No. of bitstreams: 1 SIMONE DONEGÁ MARQUES dissert a ser enviada ao repositorio em pdf.docx com folha aprov incluida.pdf: 1305372 bytes, checksum: a66bc9b9ed15eeed8a05d80c84312fbf (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Luiza Carpi Semeghini (luiza@assis.unesp.br) on 2018-03-19T23:00:59Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 marques_sd_me_assis.pdf: 1305372 bytes, checksum: a66bc9b9ed15eeed8a05d80c84312fbf (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-19T23:00:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 marques_sd_me_assis.pdf: 1305372 bytes, checksum: a66bc9b9ed15eeed8a05d80c84312fbf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-01 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Manuel Lopes (1907-2005), um dos fundadores da revista Claridade, periódico fruto do movimento intelectual de mesmo nome que objetivou valorizar a identidade cabo-verdiana, escreveu Chuva Braba, romance publicado em 1956 e que traduz o sentimento bipartido do homem cabo-verdiano, qual seja, o apego telúrico à sua terra marcada pela estiagem e a necessidade de buscar melhores condições de vida fora do arquipélago. Pretende-se, neste trabalho, analisar a presença dos ideais do movimento Claridade (valorização da terra natal, bem como da língua e da cultura cabo-verdiana) na obra em questão, considerando-se o contexto histórico e social do arquipélago quando da escrita do romance. Uma vez que Lopes considerava-se um observador atento da realidade circundante, busca-se examinar como o dilema partir-ficar cabo-verdiano, representado pela personagem principal Mané Quim, é abordado sob a ótica da geração de Claridade. Este fazer literário, portador de um novo padrão estético e ideológico, direciona-se ao contexto das ilhas não se omitindo acerca de seus problemas econômicos, sociais e políticos, mas assumindo uma postura profundamente telúrica sobre elas, com o objetivo de restaurar a esperança de seu povo e de firmar uma nova identidade nacional. / Manuel Lopes (1907-2005), one of the founders of the Claridade magazine, a periodical fruit of the intellectual movement of the same name that aimed to enhance the Capeverdian identity, wrote Chuva Braba, a novel published in 1956 and which expresses the bipartite sentiment of Capeverdian man, that is, the telluric attachment to his land marked by the drought and the necessity to seek better living conditions outside the archipelago. It is intended, in this work, to analyze the presence of the ideals of the Claridade movement (valorization of the native land, as well as the Capeverdian language and culture) in the work in question, considering the archipelago's historical and social context when writing the novel. Since Lopes considered himself as an attentive observer of the surrounding reality, it seeks to examine how the Capeverdian leave-stay dilemma, represented by the main character Mané Quim, is treated from the point of view of the generation of Claridade. This literary achievement, bearer of a new esthetic and ideological pattern, is directed to the context of the islands, not omitting about the economic, social and political problems, but assuming a position profoundly telluric about them, with the aim of restoring hope of its people and to establish a new national identity

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