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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Arquetipos imaginarios. Las claves del cine fantástico de aventuras de Ray Harryhausen

Ferri Gandía, Manuel 21 March 2016 (has links)
[EN] Ray Harryhausen (1920-2103) was the creator of the animation special effects of The Seventh Voyage of Sinbad (1958), Jason and the Argonauts (1964) or Clash of the Titans (1981), but his share in the movies went further, suggesting arguments, designing scenes and animating creatures. For that reason he is considered not only an animator, but the soul of the films in which he participated. This research attempts to analyze the reasons why we believe that Ray Harryhasusen is one of the greatest fantasy film creators of the history, an universal and unique craftsman, as Méliès and Walt Disney. Through a tour of his life and work focus on people and circumstances that we have considered relevant to his sentimental education and training as an artist, whether through family or professional relationships, or through movies like King Kong or such the works of Gustave Doré or Charles R. Knight. The most important thing that has transpired in his films has been the creatures that starred in, real stars that relieved the human actors into the background. All those creations emerged from the author's own mind and reflect his personality and love for fantasy and the supernatural through the purely craftsmanship technic like Dynamation. This gallery is made up of dinosaurs, mythological animals, aliens, legendary monsters and all sorts of creatures, not monsters, arising from his imagination and encouraged by his own hand. In this work will treat each of them, analyzing their origins, design, movement, character and influence in later works of other authors or fields, meeting with style striking and revealing similarities of style and design. This rerearch, in sum, is a love letter to Harryhausen. / [ES] Ray Harryhausen (1920-2103) fue el creador de los efectos especiales de animación de Simbad y la princesa (1958), Jasón y los argonautas (1964) o Furia de titanes (1981), pero su participación en las películas fue más allá, sugiriendo argumentos, diseñando escenas y animando las criaturas. Por esa razón se le considera no solo un animador, sino el alma de las películas en las que participó. Este trabajo trata de analizar las razones por las que consideramos que Ray Harryhasusen es uno de los más grandes creadores de fantasía de la historia del cine, un artesano universal e irrepetible, como Méliès y Walt Disney. Mediante un recorrido por su vida y obra se hace especial atención en las personas y circunstancias que hemos considerado relevantes para su educación sentimental y formación como artista, ya sean a través de relaciones personales, familiares o profesionales, películas como King Kong u obras como las de Gustavo Doré o Charles R. Knight. Lo que más ha trascendido de sus películas ha sido las criaturas que las protagonizaron, auténticas estrellas que relevaron a los actores a un segundo plano. Todas aquellas creaciones surgieron de la propia mente del autor y reflejaron su personalidad y amor por la fantasía y lo sobrenatural a través de una técnica puramente artesanal como la Dynamation. Dicha galería está formada por dinosaurios, animales mitológicos, alienígenas, monstruos legendarios y toda clase de criaturas, que no monstruos, surgidas de su imaginación y animadas por su propia mano. En este trabajo daremos cuenta de cada uno de ellos, analizando su procedencia, diseño, movimiento, carácter e influencias en obras posteriores de otros autores y otros campos, encontrándonos con semejanzas de estilo y diseño sorprendentes y reveladoras. Este trabajo, en suma, es una carta de amor a Harryhausen. / [CA] Ray Harryhausen (1920-2103) va ser el creador dels efectes especials d'animació de Simbad y la pricesa (1958), Jasón y los argonautas (1964) o Furia de titanes (1981), però la seva participació en les pel·lícules va ser més enllà, suggerint arguments, dissenyant escenes i animant les criatures. Per eixa raó se li considera no sols un animador, sinó l'ànima de les pel·lícules en què va participar. Este treball tracta d'analitzar les raons per les quals considerem que Ray Harryhasusen és un dels més grans creadors de fantasia de la història del cine, un artesà universal i irrepetible, com Méliès i Walt Disney. Per mitjà d'un recorregut per la seva vida i obra es fa especial atenció en les persones i circumstàncies que hem considerat rellevants per a la seva educació sentimental i formació com a artista, ja siguen a través de relacions personals, familiars o professionals, pel·lícules com King Kong o obres com les de Gustavo Doré o Charles R. Knight. El que més hi ha sagaç de les seves pel·lícules ha sigut les criatures que les van protagonitzar, autèntiques estreles que van rellevar els actors a un segon pla. Totes aquelles creacions van sorgir de la pròpia ment de l'autor i van reflectir la seva personalitat i amor per la fantasia i el sobrenatural a través d'una tècnica purament artesanal com la Dynamation. La dita galeria està formada per dinosaures, animals mitològics, alienígenes, monstres llegendaris i quasevol classe de criatures, que no monstres, sorgides de la seva imaginació i animades per la seva pròpia mà. En este treball donarem compte de cada un d'ells, analitzant la seva procedència, disseny, moviment, caràcter i influències en obres posteriors d'altres autors i altres camps, trobant-nos amb semblances d'estil i disseny sorprenents i reveladores. Aquest treball, en suma, és una carta d'amor a Harryhausen. / Ferri Gandía, M. (2016). Arquetipos imaginarios. Las claves del cine fantástico de aventuras de Ray Harryhausen [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/61977

Oological Record of Dinosaurs in South-Central Pyrenees (SW Europe): Parataxonomy, diversity and biostratigraphical implications

Garcia Sellés, Albert 22 June 2012 (has links)
Southern Pyrenees has provided an abundant fossil record of dinosaur eggs and eggshells. Historically, the oofamily Megaloolithidae has shown its predominance over any other group of fossil eggs in this region. In addition, this oofamily is world-wide distributed being represented by, at least, four oogenus and 20 oospeices. Considering that the eggshell is a high stable structure, this number of Megaloolithus‘s oospecies is too high for such a relatively short time-interval (Campanian to Maastrichtian; less than 7 My). The structural characters used to define these oospecies are critically revised. As a consequence, three structural groups have been identified, and only ten oospecies have been considered valid. Four of those oospecies have been recognized in Southern Pyrenees: M. aureliensis, M. sirugei, M. mamillare and M. baghensis. The oogenus Cairanoolithus, historically included in Megaloolithidae oofamily, is reevaluated. All evidences suggest that this type of fossil egg is, definitively, different from any other Megaloolithus. Consequently, a new oofamily is erected (Cairanoolithidae oofam. nov), which emphasizes the singularity of cairanoolithid eggs. Phylogenetical analysis also suggests that the eggs of Cairanoolithidae oofam. nov. could be laid by ornithischian dinosaurs. New oological material is described here, including the first spheroolithid oospecies (Spheroolithus oosp. nov.) from the Upper Cretaceous of Europe. Several oospecies of Prismatoolithus (Prismatoolithus oosp. nov, Prismatoolithus cf. levis, Prismatoolithus oosp. indet.) and few eggshells of ratite-morphotype (cf. Ageroolithus fontllonguensis) have been identified. In addition, the great number of specimens attributed to Pseudogeckoolithus oogenus allows re-describing and re-assigning this ootaxon to Mesozoic lizards. The space-temporal variation of the oological diversity in the Southern Pyrenees could be a consequence of environmental changes during the end-Cretaceous or even due to preferences in the nesting-site of each group of dinosaurs. Finally, biostratigraphical studies based on the successions of megaloolithid oospecies have been performed in Coll de Nargó and Àger-Tremp basins, and the European Megaloolithus succession has been updated. As a result, three oozonones have been described: M. aureliensis + Cairanoolithus oozone dates the Late Campanian, M. siruguei oozone the Early Maastrichtian and M. mamillare + M. baghensis oozone the Late Maastrichtian.

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