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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Simulating the Influence of Injection Timing, Premixed Ratio, and Inlet Temperature on Natural Gas / Diesel Dual-Fuel HCCI Combustion in a Diesel Engine

Ghomashi, Hossein, Olley, Peter, Mason, Byron A., Ebrahimi, Kambiz M. 01 1900 (has links)
Yes / Dual-fuel HCCI engines allow a relatively small quantity of diesel fuel to be used to ignite a variety of fuels such as natural gas or methane in HCCI mode. The gaseous fuel is mixed with the incoming air, and diesel fuel is sprayed into the cylinder by direct injection. Mathematical modelling is used to investigate the effects of parameters such as premixed ratio (fuel ratio) and pilot fuel injection timing on combustion of a dual-fuel HCCI engines. A CFD package is used with AVL FIRE software to simulate dual-fuel HCCI combustion in detail. The results establish a suitable range of premixed ratio and liquid fuel injection timing for low levels of NOx, CO and HC emissions along with a reliable and efficient combustion. Dual-fuel HCCI mode can increase NOx emission with lower premixed ratios in comparison to normal HCCI engines, but it is shown that the NOx emission reduces above a certain level of the premixed ratio. Due to the requirement of homogenous mixing of liquid fuel with air, the liquid fuel injection is earlier than for diesel engines. It is shown that, with careful control of parameters, dual-fuel HCCI engines have lower emissions in comparison with conventional engines.

Optical analysis of multi-stream GDI sprays under various engine operating conditions

Mojtabi, Mehdi January 2011 (has links)
The design and optimisation of a modern gasoline direct injection (GDI) engine requires a thorough understanding of the fuel sprays characteristics and atomisation process.Therefore this thesis presents a detailed optical analysis of atomisation, penetration and interaction of multi-stream GDI sprays under engine relevant pressures and temperatures. The characteristics of the fuel spray in a GDI engine have a great influence on the fuel-air mixing and combustion processes as fuel injectors must provide adequate atomisation for vaporisation of the fuel to take place before combustion is initiated, whilst also avoiding spray impingement on the cylinder walls or piston crown. In this study multi-stream injectors, to be used within GDI engines, are quantified using Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA) on an atmospheric bench. This process allowed for highly detailed spray analysis of droplet velocities and diameter at precise locations, using a three dimensional traverse, within the injector spray. The aim of the study was to analyse plume interaction between separate plumes of multi-stream injectors. Three multi-stream injectors were subjected to testing; two six-hole injectors and one three-hole injector. The injectors differed by having different distances between the plumes. The effect of fuel type on the liquid break-up and atomisation was investigated using Phase Doppler Anemometry (PDA) and Mie imaging. Mie imaging was also performed to capture images of fuel from a multi-stream injector as it was sprayed into a pressure chamber which was used to recreate the conditions found in an engine likely to cause flash boiling. In total, five variables were investigated: fuel pressure, ambient pressure, ambient temperature, fuel composition and injector geometry. Once processed, the recorded images allowed measurement of spray tip penetration and cone angle. Qualitative data on the change in shape of the spray was also available. The results showed that flash boiling has potential to reduce droplet diameters and improve fuel vaporisation, however, the associated change in spray shape must be taken into account to avoid problems with spray impingement. Keywords: Gasoline Direct Injection, multi-stream injector, atomisation, penetration, cone angle, Mie imaging, Phase Doppler Anemometry, flash boiling.

Modelling of high-pressure fuel system for controller development

Pettersson, Eric January 2019 (has links)
This master thesis treats the modelling of a common-rail direct fuel injection system where pressure generation is decoupled from the injection process. It has been shown that the fuel pressure plays a vital role for the general performance of the engine, affecting both emissions and efficiency, and it is carefully regulated to achieve optimal performance at different operating points. In an attempt to facilitate the development of the responsible control algorithms, a simulation framework has been requested. A model describing the complete work cycle of the high-pressure fuel system is developed and implemented in a Simulink environment. It is to a large extent based on the underlying physics and constructed in a modular manner, which allows for different engine configurations to be simulated. The modelled pressure signal is compared to experimental data at different operating points with promising results in capturing the transient behaviour from a low-level perspective. Additionally, it manages to replicate some of the pressure oscillations which has been observed in the real system and it shows good response to changes in the input signals. However, there are some areas which are subject to improvement since capturing the static pressure levels over longer drive cycles has proved to be a difficult task. Overall, the developed model serves as a starting point for future development and validation of control algorithms.

Automação de um sistema de pulverização para aplicação de agroquímicos a taxa variada usando injeção direta / Automation of a direct injection sprayer system for variable rate application of agrochemicals

Mercaldi, Heitor Vinicius 10 September 2012 (has links)
Neste trabalho, a automação de um sistema de pulverização a taxa variada com injeção direta é apresentado. A automação do sistema de pulverização montado em uma bancada laboratorial estática foi baseado em um controlador programável com capacidade de tempo real. Os sistemas de pulverização com injeção direta possibilitam o uso de diferentes agroquímicos em uma mesma aplicação, e adicionalmente reduzem os impactos toxicológico e ambiental relacionados com o preparo e descarte da mistura de agroquímico e água. A automação deste sistema envolve o desenvolvimento de placas de interface, a modelagem do pulverizador e o controle das vazões. Um ambiente de simulação baseado no LabVIEW permitiu que os códigos fonte e as rotinas desenvolvidas fossem utilizadas diretamente no controlador programável, exigindo pouca ou nenhuma modificação. Para regular a vazão de injeção do agroquímico, que é dada por uma bomba de pistão, é utilizado um controlador proporcional-integral (PI). Já para regular a vazão da mistura de agroquímico e água, que é dada por uma válvula de controle proporcional de três vias, são implementados dois controladores: um controlador proporcional-integral-derivativo (PID) e um controlador adaptativo do tipo PID fuzzy por escalonamento de ganho. O desempenho dos controladores implementados são analisados via os resultados do erro de aplicação e das vazões. / In this work, the automation of a direct injection sprayer system for variable rate application of agrochemicals is presented. The automation of the sprayer system assembled on a laboratory static bench is based on a programmable controller with real time capabilities. Variable rate sprayer with direct injection systems allow multiple agrochemical application and additionally reduces the toxicologic and environmental risks associated with the carrier-agrochemical mix preparation and discard. The automation of this system comprises the development of interface boards, the sprayer modeling and the control of flow rates. Using a simulation environment based on LabVIEW, the developed source code and routines could be implemented directly in the programmable controller, requiring few or no changes. For the injection flow rate, which is set by a piston pump, a proportional-integral (PI) controller is used. And, to regulate the carrier-agrochemical mix flow rate, which is set by a three-way proportional control valve, two controllers are used: a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller and a fuzzy gain scheduling of PID controller. The performance of the implemented controllers is analyzed via the flow rates and the application error results.

Lagrangian CFD Modeling of Impinging Diesel Sprays for DI HCCI

Strålin, Per January 2007 (has links)
The homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) concept has been acknowledged as a potential combustion concept for engines, due to low NOx and soot emissions and high efficiency, especially at part-load. Early direct-injection (DI) during the compression stroke is an option when Diesel fuel is used in HCCI. This implies that the risk for wall impingement increases, due to the decreasing in-cylinder density. The fuel sprays has to be well dispersed in order to avoid wall impingement. Specially designed impinging nozzles providing a collision of the Diesel sprays in the vicinity of the orifice exits have experimentally been verified to yield well dispersed sprays and the desired benefits of HCCI under various conditions. The purpose of this work is to use Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) as a tool to simulate and evaluate non-impinging and impinging nozzles with respect to mixture formation in direct-injected HCCI. Three different nozzles are considered: one non-impinging and two impinging nozzles with 30 and 60 degree collision angle respectively. Lagrangian CFD simulations of impinging sprays using the traditional collision model of O’Rourke is not sufficient in order obtain the correct spray properties of impinging sprays. This work proposes an enhanced collision model, which is an extension of the O’Rourke model with respect to collision frequency, post collisional velocities and collision induced break-up. The enhanced model is referred to as the EORIS model (Enhanced O’Rourke model for Impinging Sprays). The initial drop size distribution at orifice and break-up time constant of the standard Wave model is calibrated and calculated wall impingement (piston and liner) is compared with combustion efficiency, smoke, HC and CO emissions as a function of injection timing. A set of model parameters were selected for further evaluation. These model parameters and the EORIS collision model were applied to non-impinging and impinging nozzles under low- and high load conditions. The EORIS model and the selected model parameters are able to predict wall impingement in agreement with experimental measurements of combustion efficiency and smoke emissions under low- and high load conditions for the investigated nozzles. A benefit is that one set of model parameters can be used to predict mixture formation, and there is no need for additional model calibration when, for instance, the injection timing or nozzle geometry is changed. In general, experiments and simulations indicate that impinging nozzles are recommended for early injection timing in the compression stroke. This is due to the shorter penetration which leads to a reduced risk for wall impingement. The non-impinging nozzles are, however, beneficial for later injection timing in the compression stroke. During these injection conditions the impinging nozzles have a more stratified charge and under some conditions poor mixture quality is achieved. / HCCI-konceptet (Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition) är en tänkbar förbränningsprincip för att uppnå låga NOx och sotemissioner, speciellt under låglast förhållanden. Då Diesel används som bränsle är tidig direktinsprutning under kompressionsslaget en tänkbar strategi för att åstadkomma gynnsamma HCCI-förhållanden. Den tidiga direktinsprutningen medför däremot att risken för väggvätning ökar, på grund av den minskade densiteten i cylindern. Detta ställer krav på bränslesprejen som måste vara väl fördelad i cylindern för att undvika väggvätning. Specialkonstruerade spridarspetsar som skapar kollision av sprejerna nära hålmynningen, så kallade kolliderande sprejer, har experimentellt påvisats vara fördelaktiga för HCCI förbränning, tack vare kortare sprejpenetration och voluminös sprej. Syftet med detta arbete är att använda CFD (Computational FluidDynamics) som ett verktyg för att simulera och evaluera ickekolliderande och kolliderande sprejer med avseende på blandningsbildning under direktinsprutade HCCI förhållanden. Tre olika spridarspetsar har undersökts: en icke-kolliderande och två kolliderande med kollisionsvinkel 30 och 60 grader. CFD-simuleringar av kolliderande sprejer med Lagrangiansk modelleringsteknik och O’Rourkes traditionella kollisionsmodell har visat sig vara otillräcklig för att uppnå korrekta sprejegenskaper. Den här avhandlingen presenterar en förbättrad kollisionsmodell baserad på O’Rourkes ursprungliga kollisionsmodell med avseende på kollisionsfrekvens, dropphastighet efter kollision och kollisionsviinducerad break-up. Den förbättrade modellen kallas EORIS (Enhanced O’Rourke model for Impinging Sprays). Den initiala droppfördelningen vid spridarspetsens hålmynning och Wave-modellens tidskonstant för break-up har kalibrerats och beräknad väggvätning (kolv och foder) har jämförts med förbränningsverkningsgrad, rök, HC och CO-emissioner som funktion av insprutningstidpunkt. De valda modellparametrarna och EORIS-modellen tillämpades för att evaluera blandningsbildningen på kolliderande och icke-kolliderande spridarspetsar under låg- och höglast-förhållanden. EORIS-modellen och de utvalda modellparametrarna kan predikteraväggvätning i överensstämmelse med uppmätt förbränningsverkningsgrad och rökemissioner under låglast- och höglastförhållanden för de undersökta spridarspetsarna. En fördel är att de utvalda modellparametrarna kan prediktera blandningsbildningen och det finns inget behov att justera modellparametrarna då t.ex. insprutningstidpunkten eller spridarspetsgeometrin ändras. Generellt påvisar såväl experiment som simuleringar att de kolliderande sprejerna är lämpliga för tidig direktinsprutning underkompressionsslaget. Det är på grund av kort sprejpenetration som reducerar risken för väggvätning. De icke-kolliderande sprejerna är dock lämpliga för sen direktinsprutning under kompressionsslaget. Under dessa förhållanden har de kolliderande sprejerna en mer stratifierad blandning och under vissa förhållanden uppnås då en ofördelaktig blandningskvalitet. / QC 20100819

Numerical and physical analysis of liquid break-up and atomisation relating to pressure-swirl gasoline direct injection

Heather, Andrew January 2007 (has links)
This thesis presents detailed fuel spray investigations relating to an automotive Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI) pressure-swirl injector, employing a combination of numerical and physical analyses. The emphasis is placed on the near-nozzle in recognition that all later flow processes are dominated by this critical region. To enable the technology to maximise its potential, it is essential to further our understanding of the fundamental flow physics that govern the injection process, which remain largely unknown. The complexity of the spray process has led to many avenues of research. Simplified models are particularly suitable for parametric studies, allowing fast computation of some of the most important design parameters, such as nozzle discharge coefficient, cone angle and initial velocity. More complex methods such as Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) offer significantly more detail including the temporal and spatial evaluation of the flow field and fuel distribution, but at the cost of often lengthy computational time, and the need to tune models against physical evidence. Unfortunately none are able to describe all aspects of the injection event simultaneously. A considerable body of existing experimental data gathered under atmospheric conditions has been condensed and carefully presented to provide a comprehensive picture of injector operation. This comprises global spray performance data, spray imaging, and droplet velocity and size maps as a function of time after the Start Of Injection (SOl). These serve to provide a means to develop physical models and to correlate model predictions. Particular attention is drawn to the challenges faced by numerical methods to successfully predict the complex spray behaviour. A fundamental computational study employing the Volume Of Fluid (VOF) method describes droplet break-up under controlled conditions. By varying the Weber number of the flow the expected break-up mechanisms are recovered, and the numerics and case set-up tuned to offer a practical balance between the resource burden and solution accuracy. This paved the way to a detailed 3-D transient analysis of the near-nozzle region of a pressure-swirl injector. Computed results clearly identify the consecutive phases of the fuel spray development, from the initial unsteady jet through to the stable, swirling hollow cone formation. Comparison with experimental measurements revealed that the computational approach is able to capture the main qualitative features of the spray process.

Automação de um sistema de pulverização para aplicação de agroquímicos a taxa variada usando injeção direta / Automation of a direct injection sprayer system for variable rate application of agrochemicals

Heitor Vinicius Mercaldi 10 September 2012 (has links)
Neste trabalho, a automação de um sistema de pulverização a taxa variada com injeção direta é apresentado. A automação do sistema de pulverização montado em uma bancada laboratorial estática foi baseado em um controlador programável com capacidade de tempo real. Os sistemas de pulverização com injeção direta possibilitam o uso de diferentes agroquímicos em uma mesma aplicação, e adicionalmente reduzem os impactos toxicológico e ambiental relacionados com o preparo e descarte da mistura de agroquímico e água. A automação deste sistema envolve o desenvolvimento de placas de interface, a modelagem do pulverizador e o controle das vazões. Um ambiente de simulação baseado no LabVIEW permitiu que os códigos fonte e as rotinas desenvolvidas fossem utilizadas diretamente no controlador programável, exigindo pouca ou nenhuma modificação. Para regular a vazão de injeção do agroquímico, que é dada por uma bomba de pistão, é utilizado um controlador proporcional-integral (PI). Já para regular a vazão da mistura de agroquímico e água, que é dada por uma válvula de controle proporcional de três vias, são implementados dois controladores: um controlador proporcional-integral-derivativo (PID) e um controlador adaptativo do tipo PID fuzzy por escalonamento de ganho. O desempenho dos controladores implementados são analisados via os resultados do erro de aplicação e das vazões. / In this work, the automation of a direct injection sprayer system for variable rate application of agrochemicals is presented. The automation of the sprayer system assembled on a laboratory static bench is based on a programmable controller with real time capabilities. Variable rate sprayer with direct injection systems allow multiple agrochemical application and additionally reduces the toxicologic and environmental risks associated with the carrier-agrochemical mix preparation and discard. The automation of this system comprises the development of interface boards, the sprayer modeling and the control of flow rates. Using a simulation environment based on LabVIEW, the developed source code and routines could be implemented directly in the programmable controller, requiring few or no changes. For the injection flow rate, which is set by a piston pump, a proportional-integral (PI) controller is used. And, to regulate the carrier-agrochemical mix flow rate, which is set by a three-way proportional control valve, two controllers are used: a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller and a fuzzy gain scheduling of PID controller. The performance of the implemented controllers is analyzed via the flow rates and the application error results.

Contribution à l'étude de l'impact de la cavitation sur les processus physiques de l'atomisation primaire des jets d'injecteurs essence / Contribution to the cavitation impact study on the physical processes of jet primary atomization for gasoline direct injection

Makhlouf, Samir 20 May 2015 (has links)
Afin de se rapprocher des conditions du mélange homogène du moteur essence, plusieurs fluides sont injectés dans l'atmosphère à une pression amont et une température variées. Cinq prototypes d'injecteurs réels trois-trous de Continental ont été utilisés. En augmentant la pression d'injection, l'écoulement passe par quatre régimes où le niveau de développement de cavitation varie. Le coefficient de décharge Cd dépend essentiellement du nombre de cavitation. Au point critique de cavitation, deux corrélations ont été obtenues reliant respectivement Cd et le nombre de cavitation critique au nombre de Reynolds correspondant. Le jet en champ proche est gouverné par trois nombres sans dimensions : celui de Weber, de Reynolds et de cavitation. L'effet de chacun d'eux sur l'angle du jet à la sortie a été obtenu. La comparaison des résultats entre deux injecteurs a montré que le rapport entre la longueur et le diamètre de l'orifice est d'une influence d'ordre 1 sur l'angle du jet. / In order to get closer to the homogeneous mixture conditions of a gasoline engine, different fluids are injected into the atmosphere at varying upstream pressure and temperature. Five three-hole real injector prototypes from Continental were used. When injection pressure is increased, the internal flow goes through four regimes where the cavitation development level varies from one to another. The discharge coefficient Cd was found mainly dependent on the cavitation number. At the cavitation critical point, two correlations between Cd and the critical cavitation number on one side respectively, and the correspondent Reynolds number on the other side were found. The near field jet is ruled by three dimensionless numbers : Weber, Reynolds and cavitation. The effect of each one of them on the jet angle at the orifice outlet was obtained. By comparing the results of two injectors, it was found that the length over diameter ratio has a first order influence on the jet angle.

Study of the Gasoline Direct Injection Process under Novel Operating Conditions

Bautista Rodríguez, Abián 11 June 2021 (has links)
[ES] La inyección de combustible es, entre los temas de investigación de motores, una de las piezas críticas para obtener un motor eficiente. El papel es aún más significativo cuando se persigue una estrategia de inyección directa. La geometría interna y el movimiento de la aguja determinan el comportamiento del flujo del inyector, que se sabe que afecta enormemente al desarrollo externo del spray y, en última instancia, al rendimiento de la combustión dentro de la cámara. La conciencia sobre el cambio climático y los contaminantes ha ido creciendo, impulsando el esfuerzo en motores más limpios. En este sentido, los motores de gasolina tienen un margen más amplio para mejo- rar que los motores diesel. La evolución de los antiguos PFI a las modernas estrategias de inyección directa, que se utilizan en los motores de nueva generación, demuestra esta tendencia. Los sistemas GDI tienen el potencial de cumplir con las estrictas emisiones y aumentar el ahorro de combustible, sin embargo, todavía se enfrenta a muchos desafíos. Este trabajo implica el uso de dos inyectores, uno es una moderna tobera de GDI de investigación designada por el Engine Combustion Network (ECN), y el otro es una unidad de inyección de producción (PIU) con la misma tecnología y una geometría ligeramente diferente. Ambos equipos se someten a una completa caracterización (flujo interno y externo) que abarca las técnicas más avanzadas en diversas instalaciones experimentales. Además, se diseña y construye una nueva instalación para realizar experimentos en condiciones de evaporación instantánea (cuando la presión de vapor del combustible inyectado es superior a la presión del volumen de descarga). La instalación construida está diseñada para simular un ambiente de descarga en ciertas condiciones del motor en las que podrían producirse fenómenos de flash boiling. Así, debido a las propiedades típicas del combustible de gasolina, era un requisito operar con presiones de cámara de 0,2 a 15 bares. Además, la temperatura ambiente se controlaba mediante la implementación de una resistencia que puede calentar el gas ambiente. La instalación funciona en un bucle abierto, pudiendo renovar el volumen de gas entre las inyecciones. Por último, se construyeron tres amplios accesos ópticos para acomodar muchas técnicas de diagnóstico óptico como DBI, MIE, shadowgraphy o PDA, entre otros. Para la evaluación del flujo interno se determinó la geometría de las toberas y la orientación de los agujeros, el movimiento de la aguja y, por último, la caracterización del ratio de inyección (ROM) y el momento de inyección (ROI) de ambas toberas. La geometría de las toberas y la elevación de la aguja se midieron mediante técnicas avanzadas de rayos X en el Laboratorio Nacional de Argonne (ANL). Las mediciones de ROI y ROM se realizaron utilizando las instalaciones de CMT-Motores Térmicos siguiendo los conocimientos técnicos aplicados en los inyectores de gasóleo y adaptándolos a las toberas de GDI. El ROI nos permitió comparar las boquillas, cuyo número de orificios y geometría eran diferentes, aunque entregan aproximadamente la misma cantidad de combustible. Se ensayó la respuesta a condiciones típicas de motor como variaciones en la presión del rail, la presión de descarga, la temperatura del combustible, etc. Para el inyector de investigación "Spray G", se desarrolló un modelo 0-D de la velocidad de inyección que permite obtener la señal para diferentes condiciones y duración de la inyección, lo cual es útil para la calibración del motor y la validación del CFD. Además, para la caracterización de la ROM, se desarrolló la metodología de la técnica de deformación plástica para obtener la orientación del cono del spray y orientar adecuadamente los chorros de combustible para la medición de ROM. En el análisis hidráulico se combinaron los datos para estudiar los bajos valores del coeficiente de descarga y / [CA] La injecció de combustible és, entre els temes d'investigació de motors, una de les peces crítiques per a obtindre un motor eficient. El paper és encara més significatiu quan es persegueix una estratègia d'injecció directa. La geometria interna i el moviment de l'agulla determinen el comportament del flux de l'injector, que se sap que afecta enormement el desenvolupament extern de l'esprai i, en última instància, al rendiment de la combustió dins de la cambra. La consciència sobre el canvi climàtic i els contaminants ha anat creixent, impulsant l'esforç en motors més nets. En aquest sentit, els motors de gasolina tenen un marge més ampli per a millorar que els motors dièsel. L'evolució dels antics PFI a les modernes estratègies d'injecció directa, que s'utilitzen en els motors de nova generació, demostra aquesta tendència. Els sistemes GDI tenen el potencial de complir amb les estrictes emissions i aug- mentar l'estalvi de combustible, no obstant això, encara s'enfronta a molts desafiaments. Aquest treball implica l'ús de dos injectors, un és una moderna tovera de GDI d'investigació designada pel Engine Combustion Network (ECN), i l'altre és una unitat d'injecció de producció (PIU) amb la mateixa tecnologia i una geometria lleugerament diferent. Tots dos equips se sotmeten a una completa caracterització (flux intern i extern) que abasta les tècniques més avançades en diverses instal·lacions experimentals. A més, es dissenya i construeix una nova instal·lació per a realitzar experiments en condicions d'evaporació instantània (quan la pressió de vapor del combustible injectat és superior a la pressió del volum de descàrrega). La instal·lació construïda està dissenyada per a simular un ambient de descàrrega en certes condicions del motor en les quals podrien produir-se fenòmens de flash boiling. Així, a causa de les propietats típiques del combustible de gasolina, era un requisit operar amb pressions de cambra de 0,2 a 15 bars. A més, la temperatura ambient es controlava mitjançant la implementació d'una resistència que pot calfar el gas ambiente. La instal·lació funciona en un bucle obert, podent renovar el volum de gas entre les injeccions. Finalment, es van construir tres amplis accessos òptics per a acomodar moltes tècniques de diagnòstic òptic com DBI, MIE, shadowgraphy o PDA, entre altres. Per a l'avaluació del flux intern es va determinar la geometria de les toveres i l'orientació dels forats, el moviment de l'agulla i, finalment, la caracterització del ràtio d'injecció (ROM) i el moment d'injecció (ROI) de totes dues toveres. La geometria de les toveres i l'elevació de l'agulla es van mesurar mitjançant tècniques avançades de raigs X en el Laboratori Nacional de Argonne (ANL). Els mesuraments de ROI i ROM es van realitzar utilitzant les instal·lacions de CMT-Motores Térmicos seguint els coneixements tècnics aplicats en els injectors de gasoil i adaptant-los a les toveres de GDI. El ROI ens va permetre comparar els filtres, el nombre d'orificis dels quals i geometria eren diferents, encara que entreguen aproximadament la mateixa quantitat de combustible. Es va assajar la resposta a condicions típiques de motor com a variacions en la pressió del rail, la pressió de descàrrega, la temperatura del combustible, etc. Per a l'injector d'investigació "Esprai G", es va desenvolupar un model 0-D de la velocitat d'injecció que permet obtindre el senyal per a diferents condicions i duració de la injecció, la qual cosa és útil per al calibratge del motor i la validació del CFD. A més, per a la caracterització de la ROM, es va desenvolupar la metodologia de la tècnica de deformació plàstica per a obtindre l'orientació del con de l'esprai i orientar adequadament els dolls de combustible per al mesurament de ROM. En l'anàlisi hidràulica es van combinar les dades per a estudiar els baixos valors del coeficient de descàrrega i del coeficient d'àr / [EN] Fuel injection is among the engine research topics one of the critical pieces to obtain an efficient engine. The role is even more significant when a direct injection strategy is pursued. The internal geometry and pintle movement determine the injector flow behavior, which is known to hugely affect the external spray development and, ultimately, the combustion performance inside the chamber. Climate change and pollutants awareness has been growing, pushing forward the effort on cleaner engines. In this regard, gasoline en- gines have a wider margin to improve than diesel engines. The evolution from old Port Fuel Injectors to modern direct injection strategies, which are used in new generation engines, demonstrates this trend. GDI systems have the potential to comply with stringent emissions and increase fuel economy, however, it still faces many challenges. This work involves the use of two injectors, one is a modern research GDI nozzle appointed by the Engine Combustion Network (ECN), and the other is a production injector unit (PIU) with the same technology and slightly different geometry. Both hardware's undergo a complete characterization (internal and external flow) covering the state- of-the-art techniques in various experimental facilities. Furthermore, a new facility is designed and built to perform experiments under flash boiling conditions (when the fuel injected's vapor pressure is higher than the pressure in the discharge volume). The developed facility is designed to simulate a discharge ambient at certain engine conditions in which flash boiling phenomena could occur. Thus, due to typical gasoline fuel properties, it was a requirement to operate from chamber pressures from 0.2 bar to 15 bar. Also, the ambient temperature was controlled by implementing a resistor that can heat the ambient gas. The facility operates in an open loop, being able to renovate the gas volume between injections. Finally, three wide optical accesses were built to accommodate many optical diagnostic techniques such as DBI, MIE, shadowgraphy, or PDA, among others. For the internal flow description, it was determined the nozzles geometry and holes orientation, the pintle movement, and finally, the characterization of the rate of momentum (ROM) and rate of injection (ROI) of both nozzles. The nozzles geometry and needle lift were measured using advanced optical x-ray techniques at Argonne National Laboratory (ANL). The ROI and ROM measurements were performed using CMT-Motores Térmicos facilities follow- ing the know-how applied in diesel injectors and adapting it to GDI nozzles. The ROI allowed us to compare the nozzles, whose orifices number and geometry were different, although they deliver approximately the same amount of fuel. It was tested their response to typical boundary conditions such as rail pressure, discharge pressure, fuel temperature, etc. For the research nozzle "Spray G", it was developed a 0-D model of the rate of injection allowing to obtain the signal for different injection duration and conditions, which is useful in engine calibration and CFD validation. Furthermore, for the ROM characterization, the plastic deformation technique methodology was developed to obtain spray cone orientation and adequately guide the fuel jets for measuring ROM. The hydraulic analysis combined the data to study the low discharge coefficient and area coefficient values, which could result from low needle lift combined with novel hole designs in both nozzles that promote cavitation and air interaction from inside the orifice. In the external flow characterization, it was used the new developed vessel to study the external spray covering flash boiling conditions. It was employed four surrogate fuels to simulate different volatility properties of gasoline com- pounds and ultimately reproduce more extreme flashing conditions. It was used lateral visualization using DBI and Schlieren in addition to frontal MIE visualization. Some of t / Bautista Rodríguez, A. (2021). Study of the Gasoline Direct Injection Process under Novel Operating Conditions [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/167809 / TESIS

Experimental Determination of Inlet Conditions for Dynamically Modelling Liquid Fuel Sprays during Injection Transients

Hillstrom, David Roger 12 September 2022 (has links)
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