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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contribution à la commande des systèmes photovoltaiques : application aux systèmes de pompages. / Contribution to the control of photovoltaic systems : application to pumping systems.

Abouda, Salim 14 April 2015 (has links)
L'objectif des travaux présentés dans cette thèse est d'apporter une contribution à l'étude d'un système photovoltaïque fonctionnant à sa puissance maximale et énergétiquement autonome. Le cas étudié, dans cette thèse, concerne la commande d'une chaine de pompage photovoltaïque dans un site isolé. Dans ce sens, et pour que le système photovoltaïque fonctionne à sa puissance maximale, il doit comporter un étage d'adaptation associé à un algorithme MPPT. Dans notre étude, nous avons utilisé deux algorithmes MPPT, l'algorithme “Perturb and Observe” (P&O) puis l'algorithme “ Increment of Conductance” (IncCond). Dans quelques applications industrielles, il est parfois nécessaire de maintenir la tension délivrée par le système photovoltaïque constante. Pour cela, un système de contrôle de cette tension est présenté. Les méthodes utilisées pour la simulation de ce système sont basées sur l'utilisation d'un régulateur PID, puis sur le contrôle par mode glissant, et enfin sur un contrôleur par logique floue. Ce système est testé pour une charge résistive puis pour le cas d'une pompe centrifuge entrainée par un moteur à courant continu à aimant permanent. Ensuite, nous avons étudié le cas d'une chaine de pompage utilisant un moteur asynchrone triphasé comme moteur d'entrainement. Dans le but d'avoir la possibilité de régler le débit d'eau, et en se basant sur la caractéristique de proportionnalité entre la vitesse et le débit, la méthode de contrôle direct du couple, Direct Torque Control - DTC est utilisée pour la commande de la vitesse du moteur asynchrone. / The aim of the work presented in this thesis is to contribute to the study of a photovoltaic system operating at its maximum power and energetically autonomous. The case studied in this thesis relates to the control of a chain of photovoltaic pumping in an isolated site. In this sense and for the PV system operates at its maximum power, it must include a converter associated with a MPPT algorithm. In our study, we used two MPPT algorithms, the algorithm “Perturb and Observe” (P & O), then the algorithm “Increment of Conductance” (IncCond). In some industrial applications, it is sometimes necessary to maintain the voltage delivered by the PV system constant. For this, a control system of this voltage is presented. The methods used for the simulation of this system are based on the use of a PID controller and the sliding mode control, and finally a fuzzy logic controller. This system was tested for a resistive load then for the case of a centrifugal pump driven by a permanent magnetic DC motor. Then we studied the case of a pumping chain using a three-phase induction motor as a drive motor. In order to be able to regulate the flow of water, the Direct Torque Control method “DTC” is used to control the speed of the induction motor because it is proportional with the water flow.

Modelování a simulace vektorového řízení EC motorů v prostředí Simulink / Modeling and simulation of EC motor vector control in Simulink environment

Hořava, Jan January 2011 (has links)
The main goal of my work is the electrically commutated motor with the vector control’s application in the environment of Matlab – Simulink. The theoretical preamble of this document is dedicated to the physical construction of the EC motors. The most common methods are described in the following text – namely it is scalar control, direct torque control and vector control. The conclusion of this work includes the description and analyse of the single parts of a created model of concrete EC motor with the vector control, and simulations results’ evaluation.

Controle direto de torque aplicado em aerogeradores que empregam o gerador de indução com rotor bobinado

Tabares, Harrison García January 2014 (has links)
Orientador: Dr. Alfeu J. Sguarezi Filho / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica, 2014. / Devido as preocupações com a redu¸c¿ao do uso dos recursos f'osseis e das emiss¿oes de CO2 ocasionadas pelos mesmos, o interesse no uso de energias renov 'aveis aumentou, sendo uma destas fontes a energia e'olica. O Gerador de Indu¸c¿ao de Rotor Bobinado (GIRB) tem demonstrado ser uma ferramenta capaz de otimizar o uso da energia e'olica, dada a sua alta efici¿encia, rentabilidade e robustez mec¿anica, ainda assim 'e necess'ario superar os numerosos desafios que est¿ao presentes nesta tecnologia, tais como qualidade da pot¿encia, estabilidade da rede, entre outros. O objetivo desta pesquisa se concentra no estudo de t'ecnicas de controle de pot¿encia fornecida pelo GIRB aplicado a sistemas de gera¸c¿ao e'olica. No presente caso, o sistema de gera¸c¿ao 'e composto por um GIRB com seu estator conectado diretamente 'a rede e seu rotor 'e conectado 'a rede atrav'es de um conversor bidirecional. Prop¿oe-se estudar o m'etodo de controle direto de torque (CDT) com emprego de controladores PI e por modos deslizantes (SMC) mais PI. O controle direto de torque 'e uma t'ecnica de alto desempenho din¿amico e possibilita o controle independente do torque e fluxo do gerador o que possibilitar'a o controle das pot¿encias ativa e reativa do GIRB. Da mesma forma, 'e estudado o conversor para o processamento da energia gerada. As simula¸c¿oes baseadas em modelos matem'aticos destes m'etodos de controle foram revistos, analisados e comparados com as simula¸c¿oes de textos de refer¿encia. Resultados experimentais obtidos em uma bancada validaram o prot'otipo proposto. / Due to concerns about reducing the use of fossil resources and the CO2 emissions caused by them, interest in the use of renewable energy increased, one of these sources is wind energy. The Wound Rotor Induction Generator (WRIG) has been proved to be a tool to optimize the use of wind energy, given its high efficiency, profitability and mechanical robustness, it is still necessary to overcome the many challenges that are present in this technology, such as power quality, grid stability, among others. This research focuses on the study of control techniques for power supply by WRIG applied to wind generation systems. In this case, the generation system consists of a stator WRIG is connected directly to the electrical network and its rotor too, but via a bidirectional converter. It is proposed to study the method of direct torque control (DTC) with the use of PI and sliding mode controllers (SMC) more PI. The direct torque control is a technique of high dynamic performance and enables independent control of torque and flux generator, which will enable the control of active and reactive power ofWRIG. Likewise, it is studied the converter for processing the generated power. The simulations based on mathematical models of these control methods were reviewed , analyzed and compared with simulations of reference texts . Experimental results obtained on a bench validated the proposed prototype.

Análise da operação de sistemas de potência isolados para plataformas flutuantes / Analysis of isolated power systems operation for floating platforms.

Almeida, Bruno de 29 July 2019 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta a modelagem do sistema elétrico de potência de uma plataforma de perfuração dotada de sistema de posicionamento dinâmico. Para tanto, inicialmente são apresentados os conceitos fundamentais de tais unidades, servindo como base teórica e justificando a necessidade de tal estudo. Posteriormente, são apresentados de forma mais detalhada os sistemas de propulsão e geração com as respectivas estratégias de controle. Para a propulsão, estes são acionados por motores de indução trifásicos tendo velocidade controlada a partir da estratégia Direct Torque Control utilizando inversores de três níveis. Para a geração, são utilizados motores diesel como máquinas primárias acoplados a geradores síncronos trifásicos, juntamente com seus respectivos reguladores de velocidade e de tensão. Primeiramente, a operacionalidade destes modelos propostos é confirmada a partir de simulações no programa computacional MATLABR®, utilizando-se a ferramenta gráfica Simulink. Na sequência, a modelagem do sistema de potência completo é obtida no mesmo programa computacional, onde são incluídos os devidos cabeamentos, transformadores e cargas dinâmicas representando os equipamentos de perfuração e de baixa tensão. Utilizando-se de patamares de carga e comandos de velocidade de propulsores obtidos de uma plataforma real em operação de perfuração são realizadas simulações neste sistema completo, tanto com os barramentos de alta tensão interligados quanto segregados. Dentre os resultados obtidos, observa-se que os controles de tensão e de frequência são adequados, além da correta divisão de carga entre geradores a partir do método droop compensado. Por fim, com o intuito de mostrar a potencialidade do sistema obtido, são realizadas análises de curto-circuito mantendo os barramentos de alta tensão interligados, onde é possível observar a propagação da queda de tensão quando a falta ocorre em um barramento de baixa tensão, além das consequências para todo o sistema quando tais faltas são aplicadas no nível de alta tensão. / This work presents the electrical power system modeling of a drilling rig equipped with a dynamic positioning system. Initially, fundamental concepts of such units are presented, bringing a theoretical basis and justifying the need for this study. Subsequently, the propulsion and generation systems as well as their respective control strategies are presented in detail. In regard to the thrusters, they are driven by three-phase induction motors and their speed are controlled by Direct Torque Control strategy using three-level inverters. In respect of the generation system, the prime movers are modeled as diesel engines coupled to three-phase synchronous generators, in addition to their respective speed and voltage regulators. Firstly, the functionality of the proposed models is confirmed by simulations in MATLABR® using Simulink graphical tool. After, the modeling of the complete power system is obtained on the same software, which considers the inclusion of appropriate wiring, transformers and dynamic loads representing the drilling and low voltage equipment. By using load levels and thruster speed commands from an actual vessel during a drilling operation, simulations are carried out at the complete system, considering the high voltage busbars at either connected or segregated configuration. Among the obtained results, it is possible to observe suitable voltage and frequency controls, besides the correct generators load sharing in compensated droop mode. Lastly, to present the potentiality of the obtained system, a short-circuit analysis is performed with the high voltage busbars connected, where it is noticed the means of the voltage drop propagates through the system when the fault occurs at a low voltage busbar, besides the consequences when similar faults are applied at the high voltage level.

Control del motor d'inducció considerant els límits del convertidor i del motor

Bergas Jané, Joan 28 July 2000 (has links)
1.1 Objectius de la tesi.En els últims anys el control del parell i de la velocitat del motor d'inducció ha estat llargament estudiat. Un cop s'ha considerat que les prestacions dinàmiques assolibles eren ja suficientment satisfactòries, els diferents investigadors han reorientat els seus esforços cap a altres enfocs relacionats, ja no únicament amb el MI estrictament parlant, sinó amb tot el sistema que constitueix l'accionament amb si mateix.L'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi és posar en evidència, l'existència d'unes idealitzacions i limitacions dels controls tradicionals de parell i velocitat del motor d'inducció (bàsicament del Control Vectorial i del DTC), així com a proposar mètodes i algorismes alternatius que superin a les mateixes.1.2 Estructura i contingutEl Capítol 1 conté una introducció al treball.El segon capítol Modelització del motor d'inducció, presenta les principals tècniques i equacions, que porten a descriure d'una forma dinàmica al MI.El tercer capítol, Control de parell i velocitat del MI, es descriuen els Control Vectorial i el Control Directe de Parell (DTC), ja que són els més estudiats en la literatura.El quart capítol, Estudi dels bucles de corrent, tracta més en profunditat una de les limitacions que presenta el Control Vectorial, l'estudi de les interaccions que hi ha entre els dos llaços de regulació de les intensitats de l'estator (la seva component directa i en quadratura).En el cinquè capítol, OSVPWM (Optimized Space Vector PWM), es presenta un estudi detallat dels diferents mètodes d'ondulació (DC/AC) que existeixen. D'entre tots aquests, s'estudia amb molt més deteniment el Space Vector PWM (SVPWM), aportant un nou algorisme d'implementació del mateix (optimitzat per DSP's), així com posant en evidència la negativa influència dels temps morts sobre el mateix.El sisè capítol presenta l'ODTC (Optimized Direct Torque Control), com a resum de tots els capítols anteriors.1.3 Aportacions d'aquesta tesi.En la modelització matemàtica del Motor d'Inducció, s'ha arribat a la formulació d'una equació genèrica, que engloba totes les possibles referències, i totes les definicions d'intensitats magnetitzants.En l'estudi del DTC s'ha presentat una nova taula de commutació, que permet disminuir l'excessiu arrissat de parell que presenta la taula de commutació tradicional.En l'estudi del SVPWM s'ha presentat una nova formulació molt més apta per a la seva implementació en DSP (Digital Signal Processor). Igualment, s'ha posat en evidència la important influència dels temps morts dels interruptors, en la THD (Tasa de Distorsió Harmònica) de l'ona de tensió de sortida de l'ondulador proposant un algorisme de compensació (OSVPWM).S'ha proposat un nou algorisme de control del parell del MI, incorporant les prestacions del DTC en règim transitori (ràpida resposta del parell), i les prestacions del Control Vectorial en règim permanent (petit arrissat de parell), amb la incorporació de l'OSVPWM com a estratègia de modulació.Finalment destacar, l'aportació d'un equip experimental basat en DSP, de disseny molt versàtil i robust, i que incorpora tota una sèrie d'eines de desenvolupament que el fan molt útil per a l'experimentació de noves lleis de control, referides principalment al motor d'inducció, però que també s'ha demostrat eficient alhora de treballar amb altres plantes com és el cas dels SAI's (Sistemes d'Alimentació Ininterrompuda).1.4 Futures línies de recerca.Seguir treballant en l'estudi del OSVPM, però en el cas de la sobremodulació, és a dir, quan la tensió de consigna superi o surti fora dels rangs d'aplicabilitat del mateix.Amb l'obtenció de l'equació que ens permet estimar l'arrissat màxim de parell, associat al conjunt motor-ondulador, estudiar el disseny de controladors per histèresi de banda d'histèresi variable (funció de l'estat de l'accionament).Finalment destacar, que amb el constant augment de la potència de càlcul dels DSP, les possibilitats de noves lleis de control del MI ("fuzzy logic" i "passivity control") són cada dia més possibles, i per tant s'han convertit en una línia de treball molt interessant.

Direct torque control of permanent magnet synchronous motors with non-sinusoidal back-EMF

Ozturk, Salih Baris 15 May 2009 (has links)
This work presents the direct torque control (DTC) techniques, implemented in four- and six-switch inverter, for brushless dc (BLDC) motors with non-sinusoidal back- EMF using two and three-phase conduction modes. First of all, the classical direct torque control of permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) with sinusoidal back-EMF is discussed in detail. Secondly, the proposed two-phase conduction mode for DTC of BLDC motors is introduced in the constant torque region. In this control scheme, only two phases conduct at any instant of time using a six-switch inverter. By properly selecting the inverter voltage space vectors of the two-phase conduction mode from a simple look-up table the desired quasi-square wave current is obtained. Therefore, it is possible to achieve DTC of a BLDC motor drive with faster torque response while the stator flux linkage amplitude is deliberately kept almost constant by ignoring the flux control in the constant torque region. Third, the avarege current controlled boost power factor correction (PFC) method is applied to the previously discussed proposed DTC of BLDC motor drive in the constant torque region. The test results verify that the proposed PFC for DTC of BLDC motor drive improves the power factor from 0.77 to about 0.9997 irrespective of the load. Fourth, the DTC technique for BLDC motor using four-switch inverter in the constant torque region is studied. For effective torque control in two phase conduction mode, a novel switching pattern incorporating the voltage vector look-up table is designed and implemented for four-switch inverter to produce the desired torque characteristics. As a result, it is possible to achieve two-phase conduction DTC of a BLDC motor drive using four-switch inverter with faster torque response due to the fact that the voltage space vectors are directly controlled.. Finally, the position sensorless direct torque and indirect flux control (DTIFC) of BLDC motor with non-sinusoidal back-EMF has been extensively investigated using three-phase conduction scheme with six-switch inverter. In this work, a novel and simple approach to achieve a low-frequency torque ripple-free direct torque control with maximum efficiency based on dq reference frame similar to permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) drives is presented.

Μελέτη και κατασκευή κινητήριου συστήματος υβριδικού οχήματος : ενεργειακή διαχείριση μέσω ηλεκτρονικών μετατροπέων ισχύος

Ασημακόπουλος, Παναγιώτης 19 January 2010 (has links)
Η μόλυνση του περιβάλλοντος από τα μέσα μεταφοράς και η συνεχής μείωση των αποθεμάτων των ορυκτών καυσίμων αποτελούν τους δύο κύριους λόγους για τη στροφή των τμημάτων έρευνας της παγκόσμιας αυτοκινητοβιομηχανίας στην επινόηση οικολογικότερων μέσων μετακίνησης. Από αυτή την προσπάθεια προέκυψαν τα ηλεκτρικά υβριδικά οχήματα, τα οποία περιορίζουν την κατανάλωση καυσίμου και τις εκπομπες ρύπων συγκριτικά με συμβατικά οχήματα παραπλήσιων τεχνικών χαρακτηριστικών. Τα υβριδικά οχήματα είναι, ουσιαστικά, ο προάγγελος και το πεδίο δοκιμής και εξέλιξης της αμιγούς ηλεκτροκίνησης. Ο κοινός στόχος της παρούσας διπλωματικής εργασίας και άλλων δύο διπλωματικών εργασιών, οι οποίες εκπονήθηκαν παράλληλα με αυτή, είναι η μετατροπή ενός συμβατικού βενζινοκίνητου αυτοκινήτου σε ηλεκτρικό υβριδικό όχημα. Το αρχικό μέλημα υπήρξε η εύρεση του κατάλληλου οχήματος για τη συγκεκριμένη εφαρμογή. Την προμήθεια του οχήματος ακολούθησε η έρευνα της αγοράς για την εύρεση του κατάλληλου ηλεκτρικού κινητήρα. Ο κινητήρας, ο οποίος επιλέχθηκε, είναι τριφασικός ασύγχρονος. Εν συνεχεία, αγοράστηκαν συσσωρευτές οξέος μολύβδου ως εναλλακτική πηγή ενέργειας του οχήματος. Ακολούθησε εμπεριστατωμένη μελέτη για τη μηχανολογική προσαρμογή του ηλεκτρικού κινητήρα και των συσσωρευτών στο όχημα και πραγματοποιήθηκε αυτή η εργασία. O ηλεκτρικός κινητήρας τοποθετήθηκε επί του διαφορικού, ενώ κατασκευάστηκε ειδική βάση για τους συσσωρευτές. Υπολογίστηκε και κατασκευάστηκε κατάλληλο σύστημα μετάδοσης για τη μεταφορά της κίνησης από τον κινητήρα στον άξονα μετάδοσης της κίνησης του οχήματος, ώστε να ανταποκρίνεται στις ανάγκες κίνησης του. Το γεγονός ότι ο κινητήρας χρειάζεται σύστημα υδρόψυξης για την ασφαλή και αποδοτική λειτουργία του είχε ως αποτέλεσμα την κατασκευή κατάλληλης διάταξης. Το δεδομένο ότι οι συσσωρευτές παράγουν συνεχές ρεύμα, ενώ ο κινητήρας απαιτεί τροφοδοσία με εναλλασσόμενο ρεύμα οδήγησε στην κατασκευή ενός τριφασικού αντιστροφέα ισχύος. Ο αντιστροφέας αποτελεί μια ηλεκτρική διάταξη, η οποία μετατρέπει το συνεχές ρεύμα σε εναλλασσόμενο. Το απαιτούμενο επίπεδο τάσης εξόδου του αντιστροφέα για την τροφοδοσία του κινητήρα προϋποθέτει συγκεκριμένο επίπεδο τάσης στην είσοδο του μετατροπέα, το οποίο είναι υψηλότερο από την τάση εξόδου της συστοιχίας των συσσωρευτών. Επιχειρήθηκε, λοιπόν, η εξομοίωση και η κατασκευή ενός αμφικατευθυντήριου μετατροπέα συνεχούς τάσης σε συνεχή. Η ιδιότητα του είναι η ανύψωση του επιπέδου τάσης των συσσωρευτών κατά τη φάση της τροφοδότησης του κινητήρα αλλά και ο υποβιβασμός της τάσης για τη φόρτιση των συσσωρευτών κατά την επιστροφή ενέργειας από τη λειτουργία του κινητήρα ως γεννήτρια, τη λεγόμενη διαδικασία της αναγεννητικής πέδησης. Ο έλεγχος του ηλεκτρικού κινητήρα πραγματοποιήθηκε μέσω της τεχνικής του άμεσου ελέγχου ροπής (DTC), ενός είδους άμεσου διανυσματικού ελέγχου. / The environmental pollution caused by all means of transport and the continued reduction of stocks of fossil fuels are the two main reasons, which directed the global automotive research in developing “greener” means of transport. From this effort emerged hybrid electric vehicles, which reduce fuel consumption and emissions compared to conventional vehicles with similar technical characteristics. Hybrid vehicles are essentially the precursor and the field for testing and developing pure electric traction. The common objective of this and two other diploma theses, which were prepared in parallel with it, is to convert a conventional gasoline car to a hybrid electric one. The initial concern was to find a suitable vehicle for this application. The supply of the vehicle was followed by the market research to find a suitable motor. The selected motor is a three-phase asynchronous motor. Subsequently, lead acid batteries were purchased as an alternative energy source for the vehicle. This was followed by a thorough study of the mechanical adjustment of the electric motor and battery in the vehicle and the planned work was performed. The electric motor is adapted on the differential and a base was constructed to fit the batteries. A suitable transmission system was built to transmit motion from the electric motor to the transmission axle of the vehicle to meet the needs of the driving conditions. The fact that the motor needs a water cooling system for its safe and efficient operation resulted in the construction of an adequate array. Taking into account that the batteries produce direct current, while the motor requires the supply of alternating current led to the design and construction of a three-phase power inverter at the laboratory. The inverter is an electrical device that converts direct current to alternating current. The demanded level of voltage in the inverter’s output to power the motor requires a specific voltage level at the input of the converter, which is higher than the output voltage of the battery pack. Therefore, the simulation and the construction of a bidirectional DC to DC voltage converter was attempted at the laboratory. The aim is to raise the level of battery voltage during the phase of the electric machine functioning as a motor and to reduce the voltage level to charge the batteries during the phase that the electric machine functions as a generator, a process called regenerative braking. The control of the electric motor was achieved by the technique of direct torque control (DTC), a kind of direct vector control.

Μελέτη και κατασκευή κινητήριου συστήματος υβριδικού οχήματος : σχεδιασμός και κατασκευή ηλεκτρονικού μετατροπέα ισχύος

Μπούμης, Θεόδωρος 19 January 2010 (has links)
Η παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία πραγματεύεται τη μετατροπή ενός συμβατικού αυτοκινήτου σε υβριδικό ηλεκτρικό όχημα. Προς αυτή την κατεύθυνση, μελετάται και κατασκευάζεται το ηλεκτροκινητήριο σύστημα του οχήματος, το οποίο έχει τοπολογία παράλληλης διάταξης. Τα υποσυστήματα που το συνθέτουν είναι ένας τριφασικός ασύγχρονος ηλεκτρικός κινητήρας, μία συστοιχία ηλεκτροχημικών συσσωρευτών και οι απαραίτητοι ηλεκτρονικοί μετατροπείς ισχύος. Το υβριδικό όχημα διαθέτει τη δυνατότητα επιστροφής ενέργειας κατά την επιβράδυνση, φορτίζοντας τους ηλεκτροχημικούς συσσωρευτές (αναγεννητική πέδηση). Για την προσαρμογή του ηλεκτροκινητήριου συστήματος στο υπάρχον συμβατικό κινητήριο σύστημα του αυτοκινήτου έλαβαν χώρα ορισμένες μηχανολογικές μετατροπές και κατασκευάστηκε ένα σύστημα υδρόψυξης για τον ηλεκτροκινητήρα. Για τη ενεργειακή διαχείριση του όλου συστήματος έγινε εμπεριστατωμένη ηλεκτρολογική μελέτη. Για την τροφοδοσία του τριφασικού ασύγχρονου κινητήρα σχεδιάστηκε και κατασκευάστηκε ένας ηλεκτρονικός μετατροπέας ισχύος συνεχούς τάσης σε τριφασική εναλλασσόμενη τάση (τριφασικός αντιστροφέας). Για τη λειτουργία του τριφασικού κινητήρα σε επίπεδα ονομαστικής ισχύος απαιτήθηκε η ανύψωση της συνεχούς τάσης των μπαταριών και για αυτό το λόγο έγινε σχεδιασμός, προσομοίωση και κατασκευή ενός αμφικατευθυντήριου ηλεκτρονικού μετατροπέα ανύψωσης/υποβιβασμού συνεχούς τάσης σε συνεχή τάση. Ο έλεγχος της ηλεκτρικής μηχανής υλοποιείται από την μέθοδο Αμέσου Ελέγχου Ροπής (DTC), η οποία αποτελεί ένα είδος αμέσου διανυσματικού ελέγχου. Παράλληλα με αυτή τη διπλωματική εργασία, εκπονήθηκαν δύο ακόμα διπλωματικές εργασίες πάνω στο θέμα του υβριδικού οχήματος. / The present diploma thesis deals with the conversion of a conventional car to a hybrid electric vehicle (HEV). To this direction, the powertrain of the vehicle is designed and constructed, composing a parallel hybrid topology. The subsystems of the electric propulsion system are a three-phase asynchronous electric motor, an electrochemical battery pack and the necessary power electronic converters. The hybrid electric vehicle has the ability to return energy and charge the batteries during deceleration (regenerative braking). In order to adapt the electrical compounds to the existing conventional propulsion system, some mechanical modifications had to be made. Furthermore, a water cooling system was designed and constructed in order to cool the electric motor. The energy management of the electrical system is analysed. The power of the three-phase asynchronous motor is controlled by a three-phase DC to AC inverter. The operation of the motor at its nominal power requires the boost of the battery voltage level. For this reason, a bidirectional DC to DC boost / buck converter was firstly simulated to ensure its proper operation. The above power converters were designed and constructed at the laboratory. The control of the electric motor is implemented by the Direct Torque Control method (DTC), which is a kind of direct vector control. In parallel with this work, two more diploma theses were prepared on the project of the hybrid electric vehicle.

Avaliação de estratégias de controle do motor de indução monofásico / Evaluation of single phase induction motor control schemes

Oliveira, Jacson Luís de 31 January 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-12T20:27:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jacson Luis Oliveira.pdf: 10477972 bytes, checksum: 1b64e6d37c97643852f0678c2a5c6d71 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-01-31 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The goal of the present work is to evaluate control schemes which were developed to control the three-phase induction motor, applied in this work to control the single-phase induction motor. The development of control schemes to control fractional power electrical machines such as the single-phase induction motor has been in evidence due to the needs of improvements on efficiency energy demanded by the market. The constructive aspects of this motor does not allow to apply control schemes directly. Thus, it is necessary to model the single-phase induction motor as a two-phase motor. The model considers coordinates transformations to stationary systems. To fix the asymmetry of the motor windings, a symmetry transformation is required to apply the control schemes. Classical control schemes based on field-oriented control and direct torque control were evaluated. Numerical simulations were performed to review how these control schemes work and to verify the feasibility of experimental implementation. For control schemes based on field-oriented control, the rotor flux oriented control and the stator flux oriented control were evaluated. Some constraints on the classical direct torque control were noted due to the high switching frequencies. An alternative to the classical direct torque control to allow constant switching frequencies was evaluated. Experimental results were found by using a hardware system based on digital signal processor. / Este trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar estratégias de controle, originalmente desenvolvidas para controlar o motor de indução trifásico, aqui aplicadas ao controle motor de indução monofásico. O desenvolvimento de estratégias que abordam o controle de motores de potência fracionária tal como o motor de indução monofásico tem tido maior destaque devido a necessidade de melhorias na eficiência energética exigida pelo mercado. As características construtivas deste motor não permitem a aplicação direta destas estratégias, de modo que o modelamento do motor de indução monofásico deve ser realizado afim de obter o modelo em sua configuração bifásica. O modelo considera a transformação de coordenadas para um sistema de eixo estacionário e, para compensar a assimetria dos enrolamentos uma transformação de simetria é necessária para a aplicação das estratégias de controle. Foram avaliadas estratégias clássicas baseadas no controle por orientação de campo e controle direto de torque. Um estudo de simulação numérica é realizado para avaliar o comportamento destas estratégias de controle e verificar a viabilidade de implementação prática. Nas estratégias de controle por orientação de campo são analisados o controle vetorial com orientação por fluxo de rotor e o controle vetorial com orientação por fluxo de estator. Observou-se que há restrições na implementação prática de estratégias de controle baseadas no controle direto de torque clássico devido as altas freqüências de chaveamento requeridas. Uma alternativa ao controle direto de torque clássico que permite o uso de frequências fixas de chaveamento é avaliada. Resultados experimentais foram obtidos utilizando uma plataforma de hardware com processador digital de sinais.

Predictive control of two synchronous machines in parallel supplied by a standard three phase static converter / Commande prédictive de deux machines synchrones alimentées en parallèle par un onduleur de tension triphasé

Nguyen, Ngoc Linh 18 June 2013 (has links)
De nos jours, les systèmes embarqués sont de plus en plus nombreux ce qui impacte fortement les systèmes de conversion de l’énergie. Les contraintes associées se traduisent par une réduction des masses et des pertes afin d’améliorer l’efficacité énergétique de la chaine de conversion. C’est le cas dans le domaine de l’aéronautique où le concept ″d’avion plus électrique″ devient aujourd’hui une réalité. C’est ainsi que la machine synchrone à aimants permanents devient un actionneur d’excellence de par sa puissance massique importante, son faible coût de maintenance et ses qualités dynamiques. Lorsque ces machines sont associées pour remplir des fonctions coopératives (surfaces de vol par exemple) on peut encore réduire la masse embarquée en mutualisant l’électronique de puissance. C’est précisément dans ce cadre que se situe notre travail, en proposant des structures d’alimentation réduites, à base d’électronique de puissance, permettant d’alimenter deux ou plusieurs machines électriques en parallèle et en proposant des lois de commande visant à améliorer le rendement énergétique. Nous nous sommes intéressés plus particulièrement à la Commande Prédictive de deux Machines Synchrones alimentées en parallèle par un Onduleur de Tension Triphasé. Ces machines ont des caractéristiques identiques et doivent suivre un même profil de vitesse avec un couple de charge différent et en tout cas indépendant. L’approche commande prédictive nous conduit à considérer l’onduleur de tension comme un dispositif ayant un nombre fini d’états de commande. Nous devons sélectionner à chaque instant la meilleure solution de commande permettant de minimiser une fonction coût. Cette fonction coût, relative à une ou deux machines, est composée d’une partie représentant la qualité du couple produit (courant IRqR) et d’une autre partie représentant la qualité de la conversion via les pertes produites (courant IRdR). Cette approche opère naturellement à fréquence de découpage variable. Ainsi le document fait état de différentes solutions étudiées montrant les limites d’une telle approche tant sur le plan dynamique que sur le plan des pertes. Pour améliorer cette solution de base nous développons une approche basée sur l’utilisation de vecteurs virtuels. Ces vecteurs virtuels augmentent les possibilités de commande et conduisent à un fonctionnement à fréquence constante au travers d’une modulation de type SVM. La recherche d’un vecteur virtuel optimum est proposée et appliquée sur un dispositif composé de deux machines de faible puissance. Les différentes propositions sont validées par la voie de la simulation numérique et consolidées par des résultats expérimentaux. / Nowadays, embedded systems are more and more numerous that impacted strongly energy conversion systems. Associated constraints translates into a reduction of the masses and the losses to improve energy efficiency in the conversion chain. This is the case in the field of aeronautics or the concept of ″More Electric Aircraft″ now becomes a reality. Therefore, the permanent magnet synchronous machine becomes an actuator of excellence because of its important mass power, its low maintenance cost and its dynamic qualities. When these machines are associated to carry out cooperative functions (for example flight surfaces) can still reduce the mass embedded in pooling power electronics. It is precisely in this context that localizes our work by offering structures power electronics-based, reduced to power for two or more electric machines in parallel and providing control laws aimed at improving energy efficiency. We we are interested specifically in the Predictive Control of two Synchronous Machines connected in parallel with a 3-Phase Converter. These machines have identical characteristics and must follow a same velocity profile with a torque of different load and in any case independent. The predictive control approach leads us to consider the voltage inverter as a device having a finite number of input states and we need to select every moment the best control solution to minimize a cost function. This cost function on one or two machines, is composed of a portion which represents the quality of the produced torque (Iq current) and another party representative quality of the conversion via produced losses (Id current). This approach works naturally for variable switching frequency. Thus the document state of different solutions studied showing the limits of such an approach both dynamic in terms of losses. To improve this basic solution we develop an approach based on the use of virtual vector which increase the possibilities of control and led to operation at constant frequency through a SVM solution. The search for an optimum virtual vector is proposed and applied to a device consisting of two low-power machines. The various proposals are validated through numerical simulation and consolidated by experimental results.

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