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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Přechod práv a povinností z pracovněprávních vztahů / The transfer of rights and obligations arising from employment relationship

Kůsová, Šárka January 2014 (has links)
The thesis focuses on regulation of transfer of undertakings in the European Union and Czech law as defined by the Directive 2001/23/EC, the so called Acquired Rights Directive. Transfer of undertaking is a term used in labour law to describe a situation of change of employer as a result of legal transfer or merger. The aim of this thesis is to analyse the EU and Czech legal regulation of transfer of undertaking, especially with respect to the case law, its employment consequences, to mutually compare both regulations and finally to examine whether the Czech implementation complies with the Directive. The thesis is composed of four chapters. The first chapter is introductory and analyses the basic terminology of Czech labour law regarding employment relationship, its components and alterations, in particular the alteration of parties to employment relationship. The second chapter deals with the EU regulation of transfer of undertakings under the Acquired Rights Directive and abundant case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union. It starts with brief description of history of respective legal regulation and then describes the temporal, personal and territorial scope of the Directive. However, the scope that is the most complicated to define is the material scope, i.e. the range of cases to...

Žádost o ukončení života v zemích Beneluxu z pohledu občanského práva / Request for termination of life in Benelux countries from the perspective of civil law

Lutonský, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
Request for termination of life in Benelux countries from the perspective of civil law The master's thesis is about euthanasia which is known as one of the most controversial and discussed topic in the world of law and medicine, especially termination of life on request. The aim of this work is to innovatively interduce unique legislation of termination of life on request in Benelux countries from the perspective of civil law because I am convinced of its importance despite being overshadowed by the meaning of criminal perspective. In a first chapter the terminology, definition and theory dividing will be explained. The other terms which are connected with the things above are the content of this part as well. The human rights related to euthanasia are discussed in next part of this work. Benelux countries have their own euthanasia enactment - this is what third chapter is about. Next part shows in-depth analysis of due care criteria which are countained in second chapter of Termination of life on request and Assisted Suicide Act. Fulfilment of these is one of criterias needed for impunity of the executor of termination of life on request. Fifth chapter is a key part of this work for civil law perspective because of legal requirements for request itself. It also describes related institutes -...

Ochrana zaměstnance při převodu zaměstnavatele / Protection of employee in the event of transfer of employer

Doležalová, Zuzana January 2015 (has links)
The thesis deals with the topic of transfer of rights and obligations arising from employment relationship. On the European level this institute is governed by Council Directive 2001/23/EC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the safeguarding of employees' rights in the event of transfers of undertakings, businesses or parts of undertakings or businesses. On the domestic level, the regulation can be found in the Labour Code in Chapter XV, Part Thirteen in § 338 et seq. The thesis concerns with both regulations and examines the implementation of the Directive into Czech law. It also compares the approach of CJEU and Supreme Court of Czech republic to this issue. The topic is at first briefly introduced in the introduction. The second chapter clarifies the basic terms. Core of the thesis is the third and in the fourth chapter. Big part of the thesis is devoted to defining the scope of the regulation, that means the determination of cases, when it is aplicable. The first part of the third chapter describes the regulation of the directive and the development and current view on this issue of CJEU. The directive applies in cases of transfer of an economic entity which retains its identity. The second part of the third chapter is devoted to its equivalent in the Czech law. The Labour...

Economic capital management of top-ranked world banks / Economic capital management of top-ranked world banks

Vejdovec, Ondřej January 2011 (has links)
The thesis is focused on economic capital management of top-ranked world banks. A basic theoretical framework is summarised at the beginning. The theoretical framework is then utilised in the main - empirical part. Since economic capital is not a figure commonly reported in any available database, we have created our own database based on annual reports of top fifty world banks of the year 2008. Based on this database we provide an extensive empirical study focused on years 2007-2010. Even though one third of the banks disclose economic capital only, thanks to our approach combining both quantitative and qualitative analysis we were able to study the topic in detail. Within quantitative part the development of economic capital and its allocation is studied, the differences between regulatory and economic capital in time is measured, a relationship between quality of economic capital disclosure and rating is searched for and relationship between the value of economic capital and changes in profits during financial crisis is studied. The qualitative part consists of case studies of fourteen banks. It is focused on special and unique features of economic capital management of individual financial institutions.

Ekologické hodnocení toků v CHKO Křivoklátsko v rámci Směrnice 2000/60/ES / Ecological evaluation of streams in protected area Křivoklátsko in Directive 2000/60/ES

Kesnerová, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the monitoring of water quality and aquatic sediments analysis in the protected area Křivoklátsko. Monitoring was carried out at 16 locations and there were determined 14 physico-chemical parameters . Sediment samples were collected once for the whole period at 14 locations in which was determine the content of metals. In each sediment sample there was analyzed content of selected metals. The results of analysis, water and sediment samples were evaluated according to the Directives and regulations giving limits for water and sediment. Due to the Czech Republic is a member state of the European Union, the state was also evaluated according to Water Framework Directive. Theoretical part of thesis decribes characteristics of metals, their forms in water and soils. This section also contain some informations about water framework directive 2000/60/EC as a great step in a water policy. Moreover there is a short history about development water quality in the Czech Republic. Experimental section contains standards for determining water quality, but indicating in particular the processing of sediment samples from sampling to determine concentrations. The following chapter deals with the evaluation of the results given by legislation - for water to the CSN 75 7221 and Regulation...

Teorie a praxe agenturního zaměstnávání / Theory and Practise of Temporary Agency Work

Horáková, Aneta January 2013 (has links)
Temporary agency work - it's legislation as well as its practise is the main topic of this thesis. It aims not only legal, but also economical and some other aspects. The issue is becoming more and more important in relation with unexpected changes at employment market. Number of temporary agency workers is expected to rise in near future. This is resulting from expectations for high-standard legislation providing efficient protection especially for temporary agency workers. The first aim is to summarize contemporary legislation in the Czech Republic, European Union and International Labour Organization. Next purpose is to point out its main problems and interpretation difficulties. Selected chapters illustrate the approach of temporary work agencies to some disputable provisions of a statute. The thesis is composed of fourteen chapters, each of them dealing with different aspects of temporary agency work. Chapter One is introductory and defines concept of temporary agency work, focuses on situation on employment market and describes the development of legislation. Chapter Two provides outline of sources of legislation in the area of temporary agency work in the Czech Republic, European Union and International Labour Organization. Chapters Three to Ten deal with basic subjects taking part in...

Trvale udržitelný rozvoj v EU: voda / Sustainable Development in EU: Water

Kupcová, Barbora January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with the problem of water consumption in European Union and ways to overcome its excessive abstraction. The aim is to analyze whether the current abstraction in each area is sustainable in the future, and if there is any possible way how to ensure this sustainability. This work is based on the information about the development of abstraction in different sectors, changes in the amount of water that will be caused by global warming and the data on the current technical possibilities of obtaining water. The first section explains the concept of sustainable development and clarifies why the water consumption is excessive. The second chapter deals with the quantity of water and its resources, including alternative resources. The third chapter describes the water abstraction and the potential for savings. The last part focuses on policies and measures to ensure sustainable water abstraction.

Přemístění sídla právnických osob v právu EU / Transfer of registered office in EU law

Kuklíková, Kateřina January 2010 (has links)
This final thesis deals with the issue of transfer of registered office within the EU law. The thesis follows three lines of legal regulations: harmonization of company law, rule-making in the field of European companies and case-law dealing with primary freedom of establishment. The goal of the thesis is to sum up possibilities of the transfer of registered office assured by current legal situation to both companies established according to intrastate legislation and European forms of companies. The thesis also deals with prospects of possible future development.

The multimodal and collaborative aspects of demonstrations in the teaching of budo sports

Råman, J. (Joonas) 27 August 2019 (has links)
Abstract This dissertation, and the three original articles on which it is based, explore the nature of teaching physical skills in the particular context of three budo sports: judo, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, and aikido. In particular, this dissertation examines the way demonstrations of budo techniques are conducted in collaboration between the teachers, their partners and the students. Particular focus is on ‘whole class demonstrations’, situations where all the participants in the class are gathered in a shared participation framework, either to observe the demonstration or perform in it. This dissertation reveals how and by whom demonstrations are conducted by examining their depictive, supportive and annotative aspects. By using video recordings of naturally-occurring budo demonstrations and employing a multimodal conversation analytic method, the ‘demonstration’ is defined as a social event comprising of a physical depiction and context-establishing interactional aspects. The three original articles introduce and examine interactional phenomena directly related to the aforementioned three aspects. The first article explores the employment of communicative moves necessary to establish the physical, temporal and participatory space for the demonstration. The second article explores the way in which the teacher and the partner can facilitate easier observation of the technique through interactional parsing, the return-practice and phase-clarifying actions. The third article explores the interaction between the teacher and the partner, by illustrating the different modalities in which the partner can be guided through the demonstration. / Tiivistelmä Tämä väitöskirja, sekä kolme alkuperäistä tutkimusartikkelia joihin se perustuu, tutkivat fyysisten taitojen opetusta kolmen budolajin, judon, Brasilialaisen jujutsun ja aikidon kontekstissa. Väitöskirja perehtyy multimodaalisiin ja kollaboratiivisiin tapoihin, joilla budo-opettajat, heidän partnerinsa, ja oppilaansa esittelevät budotekniikoita koko luokan kattavissa demonstraatiossa, eli tilanteissa, joissa jokainen osallistuja on osa yhteistä osallistujuuskehikkoa, joko tekniikka suorittamassa tai seuraamassa. Väitöskirja paljastaa kuinka, ja kenen toimesta demonstraatiot toteutetaan tarkastelemalla niiden esittäviä, tukevia, ja selvittäviä piirteitä. Väitöskirja hyödyntää multimodaalisen keskustelunanalyysin tutkimusmetodia ja määrittää ’demonstraation’ sosiaalisena tapahtumana, joka muodostuu kehollisesta näytöstä ja kontekstia-rakentavista vuorovaikutuksellista piirteistä. Väitöskirjan kolme alkuperäistä tutkimusartikkelia tarkastelevat yllämainittuihin kolmeen demonstraation piirteeseen liittyviä vuorovaikutuksen ilmiötä. Ensimmäinen artikkeli tarkastelee kommunikatiivisia siirtoja, joita hyödynnetään, kun luodaan demonstraatioiden vaatima fyysinen ja ajallinen tila sekä osallistumiskonfiguraatio. Toinen artikkeli tutkii opettajien ja heidän partnereidensa hyödyntämiä budotekniikan tarkkailua helpottavia vuorovaikutuksellisia ilmiötä: vuorovaikutuksellista jäsentämistä, paluu-käytännettä, sekä budotekniikan vaiheita selventäviä toimintoja. Kolmas artikkeli perehtyy erityisesti opettajan ja tämän partnerin väliseen vuorovaikutukseen paljastamalla eri modaliteetit, joilla partneria voidaan ohjata demonstraation aikana.

Développement d’antennes à base de structures métamatériaux pour les applications aéronautiques (GPS/DME, bande L) et de communications haut débit (en bade E – 80 GHz) / Development of antennas based on metamaterial structures for aeronautical applications (DME/GPS, L band) and for high bit rate communications in the E-band (at 80GHz)

Meng, Fanhong 21 December 2015 (has links)
Les travaux présentés dans ce manuscrit sont relatifs à la conception et au développement d’antennes basées sur les structures artificielles – métamatériaux. La première antenne conçue et réalisée est une antenne bi-fonction en bande L (~1GHz) (GPS et DME) à diversité de bande/de polarisation, destinée aux applications aéronautiques. Ces travaux rentrent dans le cadre du projet MSIE (pôle de compétitivité ASTHEC) pour lequel notre LEME a été très actif. Les partenaires industriels de ce projet sont EADS/IW, Dassault aviation, INEO-Défense, SATIMO. Les résultats montrent la faisabilité d’une antenne unique pouvant avoir simultanément deux fonctions avec une diversité de polarisation et de bande spectrale. L’utilisation des métamatériaux a permis en particulier le maintien de la polarisation circulaire de l’antenne GPS -L1 à L5. La fonction DME a été consolidée avec le maintien de son gain. La seconde antenne est une antenne cavité Fabry-Pérot mettant en œuvre une structure partiellement réfléchissante double couche. Nous avons démontré le phénomène physique d’inversion de la phase du coefficient de réflexion de la PRS. Nous avons obtenu un gradient positif de phase sur une bande de 5 GHz autour de 80GHz. Grace à ce profil nouveau de la phase obtenu par la structure métamatériau PRS, on dispose d’une avance linéaire de la phase qui compense le retard du à la cavité Fabry-Pérot. Ainsi on maintient les conditions de résonance de la cavité sur une large bande, 5GHz. Nous démontrons, que la mise en œuvre de cette structure aux caractéristiques inédites permet de réaliser une antenne cavité ultra-directive sur une très large bande spectrale de 5GHz. Les performances atteintes sont une directivité de 35 à 40dBi sur 5 GHz, une adaptation parfaite (gain ~ directivité) avec très peu de sources primaires. L’antenne est compacte avec une hauteur totale inférieure au 10mm (connecteur compris) et une surface de 100mmx100mm. / The work presented in this manuscript is related to the design and development of antennas based on artificial structures - metamaterials. The first designed and built antenna is a GPS and DME dual-function in the L (~ 1GHz). It is an antenna designed with polarization and spectral diversities for aeronautical applications. The work is within the MSIE project of ASTHEC cluster for which our laboratory (LEME) was very active. The industrial partners of the project are EADS/IW, Dassault Aviation, INEO-Defense SATIMO. The results show the feasibility of a single antenna having simultaneously two functions with a diversity of polarization and spectral band. The use of metamaterials enabled in particular the preservation of circular polarization of the GPS antenna on the bands ranging from L1 to L2. The DME function was consolidated with the same gain.The second antenna is an antenna Fabry-Perot cavity employing a partially reflective structure (PRS) Double-layer. We have demonstrated by numerical simulation and experimental characterization, the physical phenomenon of inversion phase of the reflection coefficient PRS. We obtain a positive gradient of the phase over a broad band of 5 GHz around 80GHz. Thanks to this new profile obtained by the PRS metamaterial structure, it has a linear advance of the phase which compensates for the delay of the Fabry-Perot cavity. Thus the cavity resonance conditions are maintained over a wide band, 5GHz. We demonstrate that the implementation of this structure with unique features allows a highly directive antenna cavity over a very wide spectral band 5GHz. The performance are a directivity of 35-40 dBi over 5 GHz, a perfect adaptation (gain ~ directivity) with very few primary sources.

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