Spelling suggestions: "subject:"discourse 2analysis (DA)"" "subject:"discourse 3analysis (DA)""
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Topic particles in Cantonese = 香港粤語主題語助詞Lee, Cindy 01 January 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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Argumentação em dissertações do ensino médio: cotas raciais em discurso / Argumentation in high school dissertations: racial quotas in discourseDayane Pereira Batista 31 August 2016 (has links)
Em 29 de agosto de 2012, foi implementada no Brasil a Lei nº 12.711 que viabiliza a reserva de vagas para afrodescendentes em cursos de graduação, em universidades federais. Isso potencializou diversas discussões e suscitou posicionamentos de aceitação ou de rejeição às chamadas cotas raciais. Essa política afirmativa reflete, diretamente, na configuração do ensino superior nacional; por isso, defendemos que ela deve ser problematizada, na instituição escolar, desde o Ensino Médio, uma vez que os alunos dessa etapa serão os mais afetados, pela lei, no que se refere ao vestibular. Embasados no dispositivo teórico-analítico da Análise do Discurso de linha francesa, formulada por Michel Pêcheux, dialogamos com quatro turmas do terceiro ano do Ensino Médio, de duas escolas da rede pública do Estado de São Paulo e, a partir da leitura de dois textos jornalísticos (A reserva de vagas dá oportunidade aos menos favorecidos frequentarem instituições de qualidade, de Letícia Januário e O grande erro das cotas, de Julia Carvalho) discutimos sobre As cotas raciais em universidades públicas brasileiras. Posteriormente, solicitamos que os sujeitos-alunos escrevessem um texto dissertativo-argumentativo sobre o tema e essa produção escrita constitui o corpus desta pesquisa. Com base nas análises, encontramos dissertações que se posicionam contrariamente às cotas, sustentando-se na afirmação do discurso jurídico, com sentidos parafrásticos, de que todos são iguais perante a lei. Por outro lado, há textos que sustentam que as cotas são necessárias como meio de reparação social devido à escravização dos afrodescendentes. Os resultados apontam que o discurso dominante, em nosso corpus, reverbera sentidos legitimados sobre o passado histórico dos afrodescendentes, ou seja, sentidos que os discursivizam como inferiores e os sujeitos-alunos não apresentaram uma discussão acerca da constituição sócio-histórica da inferioridade atribuída a esse grupo. Isso indica que, pela força da memória discursiva e da ideologia, o afrodescendente ainda é discursivizado em relação à sua (in) capacidade intelectual. / On August 29, 2012 was implemented in Brazil law No. 12.711 which feasibility the reservation of vacancies for afro-descendants in undergraduate courses in federal universities. This enhanced several discussions and raised positionings of acceptance and rejection to so-called racial quotas. This affirmative policy reflects straight in the national higher education setting; for this reason, we argue that it should be problematized in educational institutions since high school, as the students of this stage will be most affected by the law because of vestibular (admittance exam). Grounded in the theoretical and analytical device of Discourse Analysis from French school, raised by Pêcheux, we dialogued with four classes of the third year of high school, in two public schools in the State of São Paulo and by the reading of two journalistic texts (Reserve of vacancies gives opportunity for disadvantaged to attend high quality institutions, by Leticia Januário and The big mistake of quotas, by Julia Carvalho) we discussed about \"Racial quotas in Brazilian public universities. Later, we request the students to write argumentative dissertation texts about the theme, and this writing production is what constitutes the corpus of this research. Based on the analysis, we found dissertations that stand an opposite position to quotas, supporting themselves on the statement of legal discourse, with paraphrases of the meanings that \"all are same before the law.\" On the other hand, there are texts sustaining that quotas are necessary as a means to social repair due to the slavery of afro-descendants. The results point that the dominant discourse in our corpus, reverberates legitimated meanings about the historical past of afro-descendants, in other words, meanings of a discourse about them as inferior beings, and the student subjects did not present a discussion about the social and historical constitution of this inferiority assigned to this group. This indicates that by the strength of discursive memory and ideology the afro-descendants are still in discursively with regard to their intellectual (in) capacity.
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A (im)possibilidade da escuta significativa no contexto educacional / The (Im)possibility of meaningful listening in the school environmentMerielen Cunha 07 August 2018 (has links)
A comunicação, tão fundamental para a constituição do sujeito, é marcada pela linguagem que nos insere no simbólico. Distanciando-nos do conceito positivista de comunicação e aproximando-nos da Análise de Discurso de matriz francesa pecheuxtiana, aceitamos a opacidade e incompletude da linguagem, que pode ser analisada e percebida pela escuta aqui denominada significativa. Uma escuta que permita um diálogo dentro de nós mesmos com as muitas falas que nos constituíram e nos constituem. A instituição escolar é um lugar que propicia interações e inserção social, assim, o estudo visa a analisar e refletir como a escuta é concebida e realizada no contexto educacional, pois, nesse ambiente, em geral prevalece o discurso autoritário cujo funcionamento impede a reversibilidade (dinâmica da interlocução). Os procedimentos metodológicos desta pesquisa contaram com a revisão bibliográfica, pesquisa de campo com observações em sala de aula e entrevistas semiestruturadas com educadoras de duas escolas públicas no interior do estado de São Paulo. As entrevistas foram gravadas em áudio e depois transcritas. O corpus, recortes de dados determinados pelas condições de produção, foi constituído e analisado com base nos dispositivos teóricos da Análise de Discurso de matriz francesa pecheuxtiana e algumas contribuições da Psicanálise e das Ciências da Educação. As análises indicam que o sujeito-educador filiado ao discurso autoritário mascara a escuta significativa reduzindo-a ao silêncio do educando durante as explicações ou à participação deles quanto ao conteúdo explicado pelo educador; há tentativas de rompimento e deslizamentos de posições que possibilitam a dinâmica da interlocução, no entanto, não são legitimadas pela instituição escolar que, por sua vez, escamoteia a subjetividade docente. Romper com a predominância do discurso autoritário no contexto educacional é um desafio, mas que acreditamos ser possível com a construção de espaços discursivos que oportunizem aos sujeitos-educadores uma experiência de encontro, de diálogo e de desejo. / Communication, important as it is for the constitution of the subject, brings the mark of language, which encases us into the symbolic order. As diverging from positivist concepts of communication, and approaching French discourse analysis, we accept the opacity and incompleteness of language. Language may, therefore, be analyzed and perceived by what we understand as meaningful listening, allowing internal, dialogues with oneself with the many says, which constituted us in the past and the present. The school environment offers interaction and social insertion. This study aims to analyze how the skill of listening is conceived and carried out within the school environment, in which usually authoritarian discourse prevents reversibility (dynamics of communication). The methodology applied in this work relied on literature review, field observation in classrooms and semi-structured interviews with education professionals from two public schools in the countryside of the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed. The corpus, selected cut-outs determined by the production conditions, was assembled and analyzed based on the French theory of discourse analysis, by Michel Pêcheux, on some contributions psychoanalysis, and on sciences of education. The analysis indicates that the subject-educator within the authoritarian discourse disguises the meaningful listening, reducing it to the learners silence or limited participation during the explanation. There are attempts of rupture and displacements of roles, which would allow communication dynamics. Those attempts, however, are not supported by the school instances, which in turn glosses over teachers subjectivity. Fighting against the predominance of authoritarian discourse in the school environment is a challenge that we believe can be faced. Discursive spaces must be created to offer the subject-educators experience of encounter, dialogue and desire.
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Discurso, autonomia e educação popular : efeitos de sentidos nos enunciados discentesBordignon, Maria Eugênia Zanchet January 2017 (has links)
Da perspectiva da Análise de Discurso francesa fundada por Michel Pêcheux, um dos aspectos essenciais da língua é a sua materialidade ideológica. A ideologia, por esta razão, se consubstancia no discurso. Todo ato enunciativo praticado traz consigo um todo complexo de efeitos de sentidos, memórias, contextos e sujeitos que respondem pelas condições nas quais cada um deles foi produzido. Examinar os modos pelos quais se manifesta a ideologia nos discursos, desse modo, é uma etapa fundamental para um entendimento acerca de como se constitui, em dados discursos, o sentido. O objeto de pesquisa do presente estudo são os discursos de estudantes da educação popular - mais precisamente, de um PVP. Trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa que incorporou a técnica de geração de dados com grupo focal por meio de que foi estabelecido um diálogo com as estudantes do Curso PVP que foram interlocutoras da investigação. O principal objetivo foi uma análise acerca dos efeitos de sentido de autonomia manifestos nos discursos desses sujeitos no que tange temáticas que tocam relações de classe, gênero e etnia. Na busca pela compreensão dos efeitos de sentidos de autonomia identificados nos discursos discentes, foi movimentado o aparato teórico-metodológico da Análise de Discurso pecheuxtiana – desde suas concepções fundadoras até sua caixa de ferramentas, condição de operação da AD enquanto disciplina de entremeio. A concepção freireana de autonomia se configurou como pedra de toque do gesto interpretativo empreendido haja vista seus sentidos reverberarem nos depoimentos recortados para análise. Nos discursos analisados, foi possível reconhecer também vestígios de luta identificada a determinadas posições discursivo-ideológicas, o que permite perspectivar que os princípios da educação popular nos quais se balizam as ações protagonizadas no Curso PVP investigado afetem, sob certo aspecto, os modos a partir dos quais as estudantes interlocutoras da pesquisa (se) significam. / From the perspective of the French Discourse Analysis founded by Michel Pêcheux, one of the essential aspects of language is its ideological materiality. Ideology, for this reason, is embodied in discourse. Every enunciative act practiced brings with it a complex whole of effects of senses, memories, contexts and subjects that respond by the conditions in which each one of them was produced. Examining the ways in which ideology manifests itself in discourses, thus, is a fundamental stage for an understanding of how sense is constituted in discourses. The research object of the present study are the discourses of students of popular education - more precisely, of a PVP. It is a qualitative research that incorporated the technique of data generation with focus group through which a dialogue was established with the students of the PVP course who were interlocutors of the research. The main objective was an analysis about the effects of the sense of autonomy manifested in the discourses of these subjects in relation to themes that touch on relations of class, gender and ethnicity. In the search for an understanding of the effects of senses of autonomy identified in the students discourses, the theoretical and methodological apparatus of the Pecheuxtian Discourse Analysis was moved - from its founding conceptions to its toolbox, condition of operation of the AD as an intermission discipline. The Freirean conception of autonomy was configured as the touchstone of the interpretative gesture undertaken as its senses reverberated in the testimonies cut out for analysis. In the speeches analyzed, it was possible to recognize vestiges of identified struggle with certain discursive-ideological positions, which allows to realize that the principles of popular education in which the actions carried out in the PVP course investigated are affected, in a certain aspect, the ways of which the research interlocutor students mean themselves.
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Private Costs, Public Benefits: An Analysis of 25 Years of Coverage on Access to Higher Education in Influential U.S. NewspapersJanuary 2019 (has links)
abstract: Higher education enrollment and degree attainment rates have increased in the U.S. Yet higher education has remained inaccessible to many. Low- and middle-income students and students from particular racial and ethnic backgrounds enroll and attain degrees at lower rates than their peers. To gain insight into the topic of access to higher education, I used social constructionist, critical, and socio-cognitive perspectives to conduct a descriptive, content, and discourse analysis of 1,242 articles about access to higher education published from 1994-2019 in eight influential U.S. newspapers. I also explored the historical and social context in which this coverage was situated. I found that access to higher education was considered an important topic in the articles I analyzed. I also found that while definitions of access to higher education were varied and often intersected, content related to costs and funding of higher education dominated the coverage. In addition, a tension between public and private benefits of access to higher education emerged in the articles I analyzed, as did a tension between public and private costs of access to higher education. These costs and benefits were often misaglined in coverage. The most salient benefit of access to higher education in the majority of articles was a public benefit, which primarily benefits society. However, a private entity or higher education institution was deemed responsible for covering the costs of access to higher education in the majority of articles. This research could be used to promote more nuanced coverage on access to higher education as well as policies, practices, and additional research that addresses the multiplicity of ways in which disparities in access to higher education are created, sustained, and reproduced. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Educational Leadership and Policy Studies 2019
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This project makes the empirical assertion that U.S. President Donald Trump and conservative news media outlets contribute to a national narrative of xenophobia that frames immigrants, particularly those of color, as parasitic and dangerous to the American way of life. Through this study, I assert that the use of demagogic and dehumanizing language along with more subtle discursive strategies, such as positive representation of ‘us’, negative representation of ‘them,’ and metaphorical constructions are being used to stoke fear and anti-immigrant sentiment and to strip individuals of their humanity for the purpose of rendering them unworthy of dignity and of the same rights and benefits as those to which groups considered insiders and ‘real Americans’ are entitled.
Through the lens of Critical Discourse Analysis and Corpus Linguistics, I analyze a collection of transcriptions selected from among 100+ speeches, addresses and remarks delivered by Donald Trump both before and after the 2016 U.S. Presidential Elections, along with a set of ten news stories featuring issues surrounding immigration collected from FoxNews.com, Breitbart.com, and Bill O’Reilly.com. Concordancing software is used to reveal and quantify discursive patterns that contribute to this national narrative of xenophobia.
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A seção o português é uma figura, de Marcílio Godói, em diálogo com gêneros discursivos nas esferas jornalística, científica e pedagógica /Borges, Marilurdes Cruz. January 2015 (has links)
Orientador: Marina Célia Mendonça / Banca: Renata Maria Facuri Coelho Marchezan / Banca: Edna Maria Fernandes dos Santos Nascimento / Banca: Juscelino Pernambuco / Banca: Maria Silva Olivi Louzada / Resumo: A presente pesquisa tem como proposta investigar e analisar o sentido e o projeto de dizer do autor-criador da seção O português é uma figura, publicada mensalmente na revista Língua Portuguesa. Objetiva ainda verificar como o enunciado, instaurado na seção, dialoga com diferentes gêneros discursivos, em diferentes esferas de atividade, e responde às práticas didático-pedagógicas no ensino de língua portuguesa e literatura. A observação dos atos responsivos e das relações dialógicas materializadas na seção permitiu-nos compreender como as práticas educacionais são refletidas e ressignificadas pelo enunciado de Marcílio Godoi, na revista Língua Portuguesa. Questões sobre autor e herói, diálogo, ato responsivo, esfera de atividade, enunciado concreto e gênero discursivo, apresentadas por Mikhail Bakhtin e demais integrantes do Círculo de Bakhtin, são fundamentos teóricos deste trabalho. O corpus de análise é composto por seções publicadas na seção O português é uma figura, no período compreendido entre maio de 2008 e dezembro de 2014, embora o trabalho investigativo, para conhecer o projeto editorial da revista, tenha contemplado todos os periódicos da revista Língua Portuguesa da edição de n.1 à edição de n.110. A pesquisa desenvolvida tem caráter analítico-interpretativo, em que o corpus é ampliado pelo cotejamento de textos literários e críticos e as relações dialógicas são observadas em diferentes instâncias: entre os enunciados que compõem a seção - desenho, citação e perfil biográfico -; entre a seção e a proposta enunciativa da revista; entre a seção e alguns gêneros discursivos próprios das esferas jornalística, científica e educacional. Durante o percurso de análise e interpretação, as hipóteses levantadas acerca do sentido e do projeto de dizer do autor-criador da seção O português é uma figura são confirmadas, visto que, nos diálogos empreendidos... / Abstract: The present research aims at investigating and analysing the sense and the saying project of the author-creator of the section Portuguese is a figure, monthly published in Língua Portuguesa magazine. It also aims at verifying how the enunciate, established in the section, dialogues with different activities and discursive genres and how it answers the didactical-pedagogical practices in the teaching of Portuguese and Literature. The observation of the responsive acts and dialogical relations which are shown in the section, let us comprehend how the educational practices are reflected and re-signified by Marcílio Godoi's enunciate, in the Língua Portuguesa magazine. Questions on author and hero, dialogue, responsive act, activity field, concrete enunciate and discursive genre, presented by Mikhail Bakhtin and his followers of the Bakhtin Circle, are the theoretical foundations of the investigation. The corpus of analysis is built by some sections published on Portuguese is a figure, from May, 2008 to December, 2014, although the research, in order to know the editing project of the magazine, has contemplated all the publications of the magazine, from n.1 to n.110. The developed investigation aims to be analytical-interpretative, in which the corpus is expanded by literary and critical texts and the dialogical relations are observed in different viewpoints: through the enunciates which are in the section - caricature, citation and biographical profile -; through the section and the enunciative proposal of the magazine; through the section and the journalistic, scientific and educational fields; through the section and some discursive genres that are typical of each communication field. In the analysis and interpretation, some hypothesis which came up in terms of the sense and the saying project of the author-creator of the section Portuguese is a figure, are confirmed, taking into account that, in the dialogues undertaken with the ... / Doutor
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"Mulheres boazinhas não enriquecem" : ethos e estereótipos no discurso de autoajuda para mulheres /Verni, Rafaela de Paula January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Anna Flora Brunelli / Banca: Sandra Denise Gasparini Bastos / Banca: Edvânia Gomes da Silva / Resumo: Neste trabalho, analisamos o ethos do discurso de autoajuda que se dirige a mulheres e que tem como tema o sucesso financeiro e profissional. Para tanto, adotamos o aparato-metodológico da Análise do Discurso de linha Francesa, com ênfase nos trabalhos de Dominique Maingueneau sobre a noção de ethos discursivo. Em seus trabalhos, o autor considera o ethos como a imagem que o enunciador do discurso projeta de si pelo próprio modo como enuncia. De acordo com o autor, a análise do ethos deve basear-se em indícios de diversas ordens presentes na superfície discursiva. Uma vez que o objetivo do trabalho é traçar a imagem do enunciador presente no discurso em questão, o estudo da modalidade é uma opção coerente para a análise do ethos, já que a modalidade é uma das formas de manifestação da subjetividade, ou melhor, é uma das formas por meio das quais o enunciador expressa sua opinião ou uma atitude em relação ao que diz. Para analisar a modalidade, adotamos estudos de base funcionalista, mais exatamente as reflexões de Hengeveld (2004) a respeito da expressão lexical de modalidade, aqui empregadas como aparato teórico-metodológico específico da Linguística para auxiliar no desenvolvimento do estudo proposto. O córpus é constituído por três obras de autoajuda destinadas ao público feminino que tratam de finanças e sucesso profissional. A opção por obras voltadas ao público feminino nos permite não só aprofundar as reflexões sobre o discurso de autoajuda, mas também investigar como... / Abstract: In this work, we analyze the ethos of self-help discourse addressed to women that thematize financial and professional success. To this end, we adopted the methodological approach of the French Line Speech Analysis, with emphasis on the work of Dominique Maingueneau on the notion of discursive ethos. In his works, the author considers the ethos as the image that the enunciator of the speech attributes to itself by the way it enunciates. According to the author, the ethos analysis should be based on indications of diverse order present on the discursive surface. Since the aim of this work is to draw the image of the enunciator present in the speech in question, the study of the modality becomes a coherent textual indication for the ethos analysis, considering the modality is one of the forms of manifestation of subjectivity, or rather, is one of the ways by which the enunciator expresses its opinion or an attitude towards what it says. To analyze the modality, we adopt functionalist-based studies, more precisely the reflections of Hengeveld (2004) regarding the lexical expression of modality, which is used as a Linguistics' specific theoretical-methodological approach to assist in the development of the proposed study. The corpus consists of three self-help works addressed to the female audience that focus on financial and professional success. The choice of works addressed to the female audience allows us not only to deepen the reflections on the self-help discourse, but also ... / Mestre
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Literacy in elementary school in Jamaica: the case of the grade four literacy testLewis, Yewande Eleene 01 July 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to describe changes that led to the revision of the Grade Four Literacy Test in Jamaica from a classroom-based assessment to a national high-stakes examination in 2009. Educators and researchers in Jamaica have observed and examined the less-than-desired student performance in English literacy exams over several decades. My research continues the tradition and adds to the investigation of literacy challenges in Jamaica. The overarching research question for this study was to understand how the Grade Four Literacy Test, originally a classroom-based assessment for a decade, became a national high-stakes exam in 2009? I used Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) as the main theoretical and methodological framework while analyzing key education government documents and newspaper articles related to the Grade Four Literacy Test. Using qualitative case study methods, I conducted classroom observations and interviews at two public elementary schools located in inner-city settings. Using CDA, I traced the changing discourse within four education policy documents and newspaper articles that promoted a test-taking accountability agenda during the revision of the literacy test. School observations and interviews enabled me to observe how faculty and administrators responded to the amended literacy test. Through interviews with key research participants I examined stakeholders' assumptions regarding literacy identity. One of the implications of this study is the importance of enhanced teacher training in comprehension and bilingual strategies, and effective use of classroom-based literacy assessments within the Jamaican language context. Future research might focus on efforts to ensure that students who eventually pass supplementary literacy tests are assisted in moving beyond learning to read to a position where they are reading to learn key content needed to succeed within the academic setting of school.
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Their education and their way of being: discourses of place, protest, and hope in the Mississippi deltaGernes, Marie Elizabeth 01 December 2014 (has links)
In March 2010, parents and community activists in rural Sunflower County, Mississippi, organized and enacted a boycott of the local public schools, which led to a comprehensive accreditation audit by the Mississippi Department of Education and the subsequent takeover of the local education agency. This study examines the boycott's connections to local discourses of protest in the Black community, to local histories and contemporary quality of life, and to the circulations of power evident in the grassroots activism and in the state intervention. This work is situated in an interdisciplinary theoretical framework which draws on place studies, rhizome theory, Levinasian ethics, and Critical Discourse Analysis. Using ethnographic methods of data collection and Critical Discourse Analysis of data, I position the boycott in context and examine its rhizomatic roots and offshoots in discourse.
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