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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Family Language Policy: Parental Discourse Strategies and Child Responses

Brooksbank, Joselyn January 2017 (has links)
Using transcribed data from six Spanish-English bilingual children (1;8 to 3;3) from the Perez corpus in the CHILDES database, this thesis examines Parental Discourse Strategies (PDS) used to influence child language use in a minority language context (Spanish in the United States). PDS (Lanza, 1992; 1997) are situated within a language socialization framework (Ochs & Schieffelin, 2011) and can be viewed as part of the emerging field of family language policy (King & Fogle, 2013; Schwartz, 2010). This study looked at the overall language use, including the frequency and complexity, of English, Spanish, and mixed utterances by each parent and child in the corpus. The presence and rate of use of the PDS was calculated, as well as their successfulness in encouraging the children to use the minority language, as measured by the language of response to each PDS found. These strategies have been placed on a monolingual to bilingual continuum (Lanza, 1992) based on their expected success in influencing a child to use the language preferred by their parent. Results from a descriptive quantitative analysis of the data at the group and individual levels generally support the Parental Discourse Hypothesis, that is, the claim that certain strategies are more effective than others. Interestingly, it was found that the more successful strategies were used less frequently by the parents, while the less successful ones were more common. This apparent contradiction can be explained by conflicting pressure on parents to promote minority language use while also keeping fluid communication and preserving family harmony. This is discussed and further supported by some qualitative observations of child responses within discourse samples, highlighting children’s role as agents capable of negotiating their own linguistic socialization.

Discourse strategies of lecturers in higher education classroom interaction : a case at the University Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania

Shartiely, Nikuigize Erick 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study investigates how linguistic super diversity is managed in a higher education context in Tanzania. Specifically, the use of language in lectures to large classes made up of students with linguistically diverse backgrounds at the University of Dar es Salaam is in focus. Considering the multilingualism of the students as well as the lecturers, and a language-in-education policy, which prescribes English as the language of teaching and learning, the study is interested in the perceptions and practices of those teaching big numbers of students in large lecture halls. The data comprised eight recorded lectures and interviews with the respective lecturers. The intention was to identify, describe, document and analyse interactional strategies that lecturers use, particularly the discourse strategies that lecturers use in conveying new information at a relatively sophisticated level of academic rhetoric, and to facilitate interaction between them and students. With large numbers of students in the audience, and given that they are first year students new to the university-spoken register, lecturers are likely to make remarkable language choices consciously or unconsciously. Conversational Analysis (CA) and Discourse Analysis (DA) approaches facilitated the identification and analysis of conversational and discursive features of lectures as part of spoken registers that are generically used in university teaching. The analysis particularly considered the linguistic diversity of the participants in the higher education context in Tanzania and how lecturers use language to cater for such diversity. The sample involved eight lecturers, four from each of two departments regarded among those with the highest student numbers in the College of Arts and Social Sciences of the University of Dar es Salaam, namely the Department of Political Science and Public Administration and the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology. The findings indicate that lecturers use a selected number of both propositional and structural discourse strategies during lecture sessions. The three most notable propositional discourse strategies are repetition, use of questions, and use of code switching between English and Kiswahili. Lecturers use phrasal and clausal types of repetition to achieve cohesion, topic continuity and emphasis. They use tag, rhetorical, open and closed types of questions to check for comprehension, to stimulate higher level thinking, to manage classroom behaviour as well as to encourage students' participation and independent study. They also use inter and intra sentential types of code switching to engage with students, to translate some concepts, explain, and manage students' behaviour and to advise or encourage students. Regarding structural discourse strategies, the study shows that lecturers notably use discourse markers so and now as cohesive devices, marking such textual functions as framing, linking and showing consequential relationships. They use the discourse markers so and now to achieve similar communicative goals as those achieved using propositional discourse strategies. In referring to themselves or their audience, they use specific pronouns you, we, and I, to perform different functions. They use the pronoun you not only as an interactive device, but also as an explanatory device of significance in classroom interaction. They use the pronoun we not only as a solidarity device, but like you, also as a strong explanatory device. They also use the pronoun I to mark speaker's knowledge and his or her stance about it, and speaker's circumstance and experience. This study not only describes generic features and language practices in big lectures; it also engages critically with some of the established practices and in so doing adds to the literature on individual and societal multilingualism and how lecturers manage it in an African higher education context. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie is 'n studie van die wyses waarop talige superdiversiteit binne 'n konteks van hoër onderwys in Tanzanië bestuur word. Meer spesifiek, word aandag gegee aan die gebruik van tale gedurende lesings vir groot klasse wat bestaan uit studente met talig diverse agtergronde. Met inagneming van die veeltaligheid van die studente sowel as die dosente, asook 'n taal-in-onderrig-beleid wat Engels as die taal van onderrig en leer voorskryf, stel die studie belang in die persepsies en praktyke van diegene wat groot getalle studente in groot lesinglokale onderrig. Die studie is kwalitatief dáárin dat dit gewerk het met 'n beperkte aantal opnames van lesings en van onderhoude met die dosente wie se klasse opgeneem is. Die bedoeling was om die mees opvallende interaksionele strategieë wat by die Universiteit van Dar es Salaam aangewend word, te identifiseer, te beskryf, te dokumenteer en ook te analiseer. Veral is gekyk na die diskoersstrategieë wat dosente gebruik om nuwe inligting op 'n redelik gesofistikeerde vlak van akademiese retoriek oor te dra, en om interaksie tussen die dosent en die studentegehoor te fasiliteer. Die generiese eienskappe van hierdie lesings is geïdentifiseer deur die hele reeks opnames na te gaan. Die groot getal studente in die gehoor en die gegewe dat hulle eerstetaalsprekers van 'n verskeidenheid verskillende gemeenskapstale is, sal dosente noodwendig, bewustelik of onbewustelik, interessante taalkeuses maak. Die feit dat beide Engels en Swahili amptelike tale in Tanzanië is, dat die meerderheid studente vlot sprekers van Swahili is, selfs al het hulle hulle hoërskoolonderrig deur die medium van Engels ontvang, lei tot die aannames dat (i) Swahili 'n sterk lingua franca tussen sprekers van verskillende eerstetale is, en (ii) voortgesette hoër onderrig deur die medium van Engels onproblematies behoort te wees. Die benaderings van Gespreksanalise (GA) en Diskoersanalise (DA) het die identifikasie en analise van gesprekseienskappe en diskursiewe eienskappe van lesings as deel van die gesproke registers wat generies in universiteitsonderrig gebruik word, gefasiliteer. Die analise het veral in die talige diversiteit van die deelnemers in die konteks van hoër onderrig in Tanzanië en in die wyse waarop die dosente vir hierdie diversiteit voorsiening maak, belanggestel. Die deelnemers aan hierdie studie was agt dosente, vier elk uit twee departemente met die hoogste studentetal by die Kollege van Kuns en Sosiale Wetenskappe van die Universiteit, naamlik die Departement Politieke Wetenskap en Publieke Administrasie en die Departement Sosiologie en Sosiale Antropologie. Die bevindinge dui daarop dat dosente gereeld en generies 'n telbare aantal proposisionele en strukturele diskoersstrategieë gedurende lesings gebruik. Die drie mees opvallende proposisionele diskoersstrategieë is herhaling, die gebruik van vrae en die gebruik van kodewisseling tussen Engels en Swahili. Dosente gebruik frase- sowel as klousherhaling om kohesie, kontinuïteit van die onderwerp en klem te bewerkstellig. Hulle gebruik einddeel-, retoriese en oop en geslote tipe vrae om begrip te toets, om 'n hoër denkvlak te stimuleer, om die gedrag in die klaskamer te beheer, asook om die studente se deelname en onafhanklike studie aan te moedig. Hulle gebruik ook kodewisseling binne en tussen sinne ten einde nouer met die studente te skakel, sekere konsepte te vertaal, studente se optrede te verduidelik, te vertaal en te beheer en studente te adviseer of aan te moedig. Betreffende die strukturele diskoersstrategieë toon die studie aan dat die diskoersmerkers so en now wyd deur dosente gebruik word as kohesiemeganismes wat tekstuele funksies soos raming, skakeling en oorsaaklike verhoudinge aandui. Hulle wend die diskoersmerkers so en now aan om dieselfde kommunikatiewe doelwitte te bereik as dié wat bereik is met die gebruik van proposisionele diskoersstrategieë. In verwysing na hulleself of die toehoorders, span hulle spesifiek die voornaamwoorde you, we en I in om verskillende referensiële funksies of aanspreek funksies te verrig. Die voornaamwoord you word nie slegs as 'n interaktiewe meganisme gebruik nie, maar ook as 'n beduidende verklarende meganisme in klaskamer interaksie. Hulle gebruik die voornaamwoord we nie net as 'n samehorigheids-meganisme nie, maar ook, soos you, as 'n sterk verklarende meganisme. Hulle gebruik ook die voornaamwoord I om sprekerskennis te merk en sy/haar houding daaromtrent uit te druk, asook die spreker se omstandighede en ervaring. In die analise word aandag gegee aan relevante aspekte van tweetalige onderrig, die gebruik van Engels as 'n lingua franca, en die verskynsel van kodewisseling in akademiese diskoers binne 'n veeltalige onderrigkonteks. Die studie beskryf nie alleen generiese eienskappe en taalpraktyke in groot groep lesings nie; dit oorweeg ook sekere gevestigde gebruike in groot lesings dra daarmee by tot die literatuur oor invividuele en gemeenskaplike veeltaligheid en hoe dit hanteer word deur dosente in 'n hoër onderwyskonteks in Afrika. / The African Doctoral Academy (ADA) for awarding me a full scholarship for full time doctoral study; the financial assistance the University of Dar es Salaam furnished me with through the Directorate of Research and Publication.

Passing on the Torch : Discourse Strategies in the Inaugural Speeches of Jiang, Hu and Xi

Karlsson, Snorri January 2017 (has links)
Following the death of Mao Zedong the new Chinese leadership attempted to avoid some of theproblems associated with the concentration of personal political power, and Deng Xiaoping,though still playing a paramount political role, sought to rule through a leadership collective.Starting with Jiang Zemin, it has become a new norm in Chinese politics that the General Secretaryof the Central Committee of the CCP also serves as President of the PRC.This reemergence of (official) leadership concentration around a single person leads to thequestion of how transitions of leadership are presented within Chinese politics, and to what extentthey are indicative of new directions of policy and ideology. An inaugural speech is designed toset the tone for new beginnings when a new officeholder assumes responsibilities. This thesis usesinaugural speeches and speeches given in connection with inaugurations to the two officesmentioned above as research material to address this question. Drawing inspiration from aMaster’s Thesis by Tawfic and Fattah (2015), perspectives from critical discourse analysis areemployed to examine the relationships between language, power and discourse in the speeches.Focus is placed on the use of two discourse strategies: group orientation and group representation.This thesis assesses to what extent Jiang, Hu and Xi differ in their employment of these discoursestrategies, and if differences or similarities can be explained by correlation with changes in policydirection or the sociopolitical background of the speeches.

Representation of China's Image on The Globe and Mail: A Corpus-Based Critical Discourse Analysis from the Perspective of van Dijk’s Ideology Square

Wang, Mengting 23 September 2021 (has links)
In early 2020, the outbreak of COVID-19 in Wuhan put China in the spotlight of international news. China’s development in the field of politics, society, and economics still occupies media attention in the context of the global public health crisis. Previous studies have shown that China’s image in the western media, including the Canadian media, adopted a generally negative tone. The objective of this thesis is to investigate China’s image in one of the mainstream Canadian media platforms, the Globe and Mail, during the whole epidemic year of 2020. This research is based upon news reports published in 2020 by the Globe and Mail and is conducted with the support of corpus linguistic methodology and with the guideline of Critical Discourse Analysis, especially van Dijk’s ideology square. In order to discern and identify the image of China as portrayed by the Globe and Mail, the underlying discourse strategies are analyzed. Findings show that “China”, “Chinese government”, and “Chinese citizens” are the main subjects that make up the broad concept of China’s image. And in China’s related news report in the Globe and Mail from 31 December 2019 to 31 December 2020, (1) rhetoric devices, including number game, news source selection, illustration, irony, implication, presumption, vagueness, comparison, and history as lesson, are employed to polarize the image of the Chinese government and the Canadian government. (2) China’s image in the Globe and Mail is generally negative, which can be described via four aspects: China as a threat, callous, dishonest/untrustworthy, and powerful (3) the China-related news as constructed by the Globe and Mail reflects its own particular national ideologies and interests.

Interação face a face: um estudo das estratégias discursivas na reconstrução da imagem / Iinteraction face to face: the discourse delivered by a former president that plans to rebuild his image

Wysocki, Bruna 26 February 2008 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por proposta analisar o discurso formulado por um expresidente que pretende reconstruir sua imagem abalada em decorrência do impeachment que sofreu. Ao considerarmos um encontro social, em que os interlocutores interagem face a face, observamos que o interactante procura articular estratégias interacionais, a fim de preservar sua face e protegê-la de eventuais ameaças; ao mesmo tempo, coordena estratégias argumentativas com o intuito de interferir na concepção inicial que seus interlocutores possuem a respeito de sua imagem. Para atingirmos nossos objetivos, consideramos, da Sociolingüística Interacional, as teorias de preservação de faces abordadas por Goffman (1974) e, ao levarmos em conta que estratégias argumentativas também colaboram para a reconstrução da imagem, recorremos aos pressupostos da Teoria da Argumentação, segundo estudos de Perelman e Olbrechts-Tyteca (2002). Com base nesses estudos, partimos para a aplicação dos conceitos em um corpus constituído por uma entrevista televisiva, transmitida pelo Sistema Brasileiro de Televisão (SBT), em agosto de 1998, no \"Programa Livre\", em que o ex-presidente Fernando Collor de Melo é entrevistado por estudantes de ensino médio e cursinho. O corpus foi gravado e transcrito de acordo com as normas publicadas pelo Projeto da Norma Urbana Culta - NURC-SP. / This paper has the purpose of analyzing the discourse delivered by a former president that plans to rebuild his image, since it was shattered as a result of an impeachment sustained by him. Upon considering a social gathering, in which the interlocutors interact face to face, we have noted that the interacting person tries to coordinate interactional strategies in order to preserve his face and protect it against any threats; at the same time, he organizes strategic arguments for the purpose of interfering with the initial assumption that his interlocutors have made in regard to his image. To achieve our goals, we have used, from the Interactional Sociolinguistics, the theory of faces\' preservation as approached by Goffman (1974) and, by taking into account that strategic arguments too cooperate for the reconstruction of the image, we have relied on the assumptions of the Argumentation Theory, according to studies by Perelman & Olbrechts-Tyteca (2002). With basis on this information, we set out to apply the concepts in a corpus made up by a television interview broadcast by SBT, a television network, in August 1998, in the \"Programa Livre\" talk show, in which former President Fernando Collor de Melo was interviewed by high school students. The corpus was recorded and transcribed according to the rules published by Urban Educated Norm Project - NURC - SP

Interação face a face: um estudo das estratégias discursivas na reconstrução da imagem / Iinteraction face to face: the discourse delivered by a former president that plans to rebuild his image

Bruna Wysocki 26 February 2008 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por proposta analisar o discurso formulado por um expresidente que pretende reconstruir sua imagem abalada em decorrência do impeachment que sofreu. Ao considerarmos um encontro social, em que os interlocutores interagem face a face, observamos que o interactante procura articular estratégias interacionais, a fim de preservar sua face e protegê-la de eventuais ameaças; ao mesmo tempo, coordena estratégias argumentativas com o intuito de interferir na concepção inicial que seus interlocutores possuem a respeito de sua imagem. Para atingirmos nossos objetivos, consideramos, da Sociolingüística Interacional, as teorias de preservação de faces abordadas por Goffman (1974) e, ao levarmos em conta que estratégias argumentativas também colaboram para a reconstrução da imagem, recorremos aos pressupostos da Teoria da Argumentação, segundo estudos de Perelman e Olbrechts-Tyteca (2002). Com base nesses estudos, partimos para a aplicação dos conceitos em um corpus constituído por uma entrevista televisiva, transmitida pelo Sistema Brasileiro de Televisão (SBT), em agosto de 1998, no \"Programa Livre\", em que o ex-presidente Fernando Collor de Melo é entrevistado por estudantes de ensino médio e cursinho. O corpus foi gravado e transcrito de acordo com as normas publicadas pelo Projeto da Norma Urbana Culta - NURC-SP. / This paper has the purpose of analyzing the discourse delivered by a former president that plans to rebuild his image, since it was shattered as a result of an impeachment sustained by him. Upon considering a social gathering, in which the interlocutors interact face to face, we have noted that the interacting person tries to coordinate interactional strategies in order to preserve his face and protect it against any threats; at the same time, he organizes strategic arguments for the purpose of interfering with the initial assumption that his interlocutors have made in regard to his image. To achieve our goals, we have used, from the Interactional Sociolinguistics, the theory of faces\' preservation as approached by Goffman (1974) and, by taking into account that strategic arguments too cooperate for the reconstruction of the image, we have relied on the assumptions of the Argumentation Theory, according to studies by Perelman & Olbrechts-Tyteca (2002). With basis on this information, we set out to apply the concepts in a corpus made up by a television interview broadcast by SBT, a television network, in August 1998, in the \"Programa Livre\" talk show, in which former President Fernando Collor de Melo was interviewed by high school students. The corpus was recorded and transcribed according to the rules published by Urban Educated Norm Project - NURC - SP

Estratégias de uma reenunciação semifiel em contexto midiático

Campos, Teresinha Souto de Azevedo 19 May 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Fabiano Vassallo (fabianovassallo2127@gmail.com) on 2017-05-18T18:54:24Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertação pdf 2017 - versão final 4.pdf: 3929969 bytes, checksum: 7934fdbc0ff772033f665cb5e2681729 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Josimara Dias Brumatti (bcgdigital@ndc.uff.br) on 2017-05-19T14:13:47Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertação pdf 2017 - versão final 4.pdf: 3929969 bytes, checksum: 7934fdbc0ff772033f665cb5e2681729 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-19T14:13:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertação pdf 2017 - versão final 4.pdf: 3929969 bytes, checksum: 7934fdbc0ff772033f665cb5e2681729 (MD5) / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / A presente dissertação propõe-se a analisar falas proferidas por políticos estrategicamente reenunciadas pelo Jornal O Globo por meio de manchetes narrativas publicadas ao longo do período eleitoral de 2014 e de seus desdobramentos até o ano de 2016. Esta pesquisa parte da suposição de que as vozes reenunciadas em contexto midiático podem apontar para pontos de vista ideológicos diferentes dos pretendidos originalmente. Acreditamos que, por meio das análises, as marcas discursivas da voz do reenunciador, que podem modificar a orientação argumentativa do texto original, registram um outro modo de significar, produzindo efeitos de sentido que interferem no resultado da leitura, fato que motiva as seguintes questões: o que leva determinados textos a serem transformados em outros? Quanto de um texto reenunciado – que ecoa a voz de outrem – é do entrevistado e quanto é de seu reenunciador? No bojo dessas indagações e dessa hipótese mais ampla, examinamos as estratégias de uma reenunciação semifiel empregadas na construção dos sentidos de falas reenunciadas como manchetes jornalísticas com base não só na teoria semiolinguística de Patrick Charaudeau, no que se refere à comunicação midiática e ao acontecimento relatado, mas também no estudo de aspectos intertextuais, como o da retextualização, de acordo com Luis Antônio Marcuschi, e nos tipos de discurso relatado preconizados por Dominique Maingueneau. Metodologicamente, verificamos as citações retextualizadas a partir da recorrência de estratégias vinculadas ao uso do verbo dicendi, de diferentes tipos de discurso, de modos de operação do dito relatado e do recurso tipográfico das aspas, no âmbito de notícias jornalísticas submetidas ao contrato midiático de O Globo. Acreditamos que o presente trabalho contribua para a discussão de um tema que é de crucial significância, visto que as palavras são instrumentos de ação e de intencionalidade. Espera-se que este trabalho seja uma contribuição para a formação de leitores capazes de interpretar a configuração verbal com base em inferências, seja dos implícitos ligados aos valores ideológicos do sistema jornalístico focalizado, seja da intenção latente por parte dos sujeitos comunicantes / The present dissertation proposes to analyze statements made by politicians strategically re-announced by the newspaper O Globo through narrative headlines published throughout the electoral period of 2014 and its unfolding until the year 2016. This research starts from the assumption that the voices re-enunciated in the media context may point to ideological points of view different from those originally intended. We believe that, through the analysis, the discursive marks of the voice of the re-enunciator, which can modify the argumentative orientation of the original text, register another way of meaning, producing effects of meaning that interfere in the result of the reading, a fact that motivates the following questions: What leads certain texts to be transformed into others? How much of a resubmitted text - which echoes the voice of another - is the interviewee and how much is his reenunciator? In the light of these questions and of this broader hypothesis, we examine the strategies of a semi-trusty reenactment used in the construction of the meanings of reenunciated speeches as journalistic headlines based not only on the semiolinguistic theory of Patrick Charaudeau, as regards media communication and related event, but also in the study of intertextual aspects, such as that of re-contextualization, according to Luis Antônio Marcuschi, and in the types of discourse reported by Dominique Maingueneau. Methodologically, we verify the retextualized citations from the recurrence of strategies linked to the use of the dicendi verb, different types of discourse, modes of operation of the re-enunciated speech and the typographic resource of the quotes, within the scope of news stories submitted to media contract of the O Globo. We believe that the present work contributes to the discussion of a topic that is of crucial importance, since words are instruments of action and intentionality. It is hoped that this work will contribute to the formation of readers capable of interpreting the verbal configuration based on inferences, either implicitly linked to the ideological values of the focused journalistic system or from latent intention on the part of communicating subjects

Rodna analiza teksta u online štampanim medijima u Srbiji / Gender Analysis of the Online Editions of Printed Media in Serbia

Višnjić Jelena 21 May 2016 (has links)
<p>Politike predstavljanja ženskih identiteta u<br />javnom i medijskom diskursu mogu se<br />posmatrati kao izraz odnosa moći u određenom<br />dru&scaron;tvu i istorijskom razdoblju, i da je u tom<br />smislu pozicija &laquo;ženskog&raquo; konstruisana i<br />označena kao figura &laquo;drugog&raquo;, kao figura u<br />kojoj se ogledaju dominantni dru&scaron;tveni odnosi.<br />Žena je ovdje kategorija, dakle, riječ je o tome<br />da je ono &scaron;to se pripisuje ovoj kategoriji<br />odnosno ženskom principu drugo,<br />drugorazredno, nepoželjno, manje vrednovano u<br />vladajućim ideologijama i njima svojstvenim<br />medijskim praksama. Jedan od problema kojima<br />se bavim u ovom radu je istraživanje da li nove<br />medijske tehnologije i novi oblici komunikacija<br />i preno&scaron;enja medijskog sadržaja, kao i<br />formiranje dinamičnog su/odnosa medijskog<br />teksta i medijskih publika doprinose promjeni<br />reprezentacije i konstruisanja ženskih identiteta<br />u medijskim diskursima ili naprosto ponavljaju<br />patrijarhalne diskriminatorne obrasce u novom<br />medijskom okruženju.<br />Cilj istraživanja je da pokaže kako se konstrui&scaron;u<br />različiti identiteti žena u reprezentacijskim<br />praksama online (onlajn) izdanja &scaron;tampanih<br />medija, kao da li su na dijelu, i ako jesu na koji<br />način djeluju, strategije isključivanja žena u<br />medijskoj praksi kroz konstrukcije stvarnosti,<br />getoizacije i stereotipizacije žena u medijima.<br />Metodolo&scaron;ki okvir istraživanja &rdquo;Rodna analiza<br />onlajn &scaron;tampanih medija u Srbiji&rdquo; predstavlja<br />kombinaciju kvantitativnih i kvalitativnih<br />pristupa u procesu dokazivanja postavljenih<br />hipoteza, jedne op&scaron;te i tri specifične, proiza&scaron;le<br />iz nje.<br />Op&scaron;ta hipoteza<br />Ženski identitet nezavisno od globalne<br />transformacije medijskih žanrova i načina<br />komunikacije u savremenom tranzicionom<br />dru&scaron;tva u Srbiji je uvijek reprezentovan kroz<br />figuru &bdquo;drugog&rdquo; i &bdquo;drugosti&rdquo;, i to bez obzira na<br />identitetsku poziciju koju zauzima u dru&scaron;tvenoj<br />raspodjeli moći.<br />Hipoteza 1<br />Različita distribucija moći i vidljivosti u odnosu<br />na različite ženske identitete je prisutna u<br />medijskom diskursu (žene iz javne sfere<br />naspram marginalizovanih).<br />Hipoteza 2<br />Medijski tekst prepoznaje temu nasilja nad<br />ženama kao ključnu koja se odnosi na živote<br />žena, odnosno kada su u pitanju medijske<br />reprezentacije žena u dru&scaron;tvenom kontekstu,<br />one su u najvećem broju predstavljene kao<br />žrtve.<br />Hipoteza 3<br />Žene iz manjinskih i marginalizovanih grupa su<br />nevidljive u medijskom diskursu onlajn izdanja<br />&scaron;tampanih medija.<br />Provjera hipoteza se realizuje kroz istraživanje<br />koje uključuje monitoring onlajn izdanja<br />&scaron;tampanih medija (tekstova i komentara čitalaca<br />i čitateljki): četiri nacionalna: Blic, Politika,<br />Kurir, Danas i jednog lokalnog ‒ novosadski<br />Dnevnik. Istraživački ciklus je obuhvatio period<br />od 5 mjeseci (od novembra 2013. do marta<br />2014.). Selektovani su tekstovi o ženama koji su<br />na web stranicama: www.blic.rs; ww.politika.rs;<br />www.kurir-info.rs; www.danas.rs;<br />www.dnevnik.rs u sljedećim danima:<br />07.11.2013.; 25.11.2013.; 10.12.2013.;<br />18.12.2013.; 27.01.2014.; 31.01.2014.;<br />14.02.2014.; 28.02.2014.; 08.03.2014.;<br />13.03.2014.<br />Ukupan broj pregledanih tekstova je 184, dok<br />broj pregledanih komentara iznosi 980.<br />Onlajn sadržaj &scaron;tampanih medija proizvodi<br />istovjetne strategije isključivanja žena i njihovu<br />getoizaciju, kako u samom tekstu tako i u<br />komentarima nove interaktivne publike, koja<br />postaje ko-autor/ka u procesu promocije i<br />legitimizacije mizoginije kao javnog govora.<br />Ovaj rad je pokazao da informacijskokomunikacijske<br />tehnologije same po sebi ne<br />mjenjaju nejednakosti i da je neophodno<br />uspostaviti nove modele upotrebe savremenih<br />tehnologija, koje će žene i druge<br />marginalizovane grupe koristiti za socijalno<br />pozicioniranje na internetu, ali i obrazovanje<br />koje implicira novo oblikovanje rodnih uloga i<br />praktičan rad (programiranje, veb-dizajn) kako<br />bi stvorile orodnjeni i pravedniji sajber prostor<br />(gendered syber space).</p> / <p>Policies of representation of female identities in<br />public and media discourse can be seen as the<br />expression of the relations of power in a certain<br />society and historical period. In that sense, the<br />position of &bdquo;feminine&ldquo; is constructed and<br />labeled as &bdquo;the other&ldquo;, the figure reflecting<br />prevailing social relations. Thus, woman is a<br />category and things attributed to this category,<br />i.e. to the feminine principle, are other, secondrated,<br />unwelcome, less worth within the<br />dominant ideologies and media practices typical<br />for them. One of the issues I deal with in this<br />work is the research on whether the new media<br />technologies and new forms of communication<br />and conveying media content, as well as the<br />dynamic relationship between media contents<br />and media audiences, contribute to the change<br />of representing and constructing feminine<br />identities in media discourses, or they just<br />repeat the patriarchal discriminatory patterns in<br />a new media setting.<br />Aim of the research is to show how different<br />identities of women are being constructed in the<br />representation practices of the online editions<br />of the printed media, as well as to determine if<br />these media practices include the strategies of<br />excluding women through certain constructions<br />of reality, ghettoization and stereotyping of<br />women in the media, and if they do, to examine<br />how these strategies work.<br />Methodological framework of the research<br />&bdquo;Gender Analysis of the Online Editions of<br />Printed Media in Serbia&ldquo; includes combination<br />of quantitative and qualitative approaches to the<br />process of proving hypotheses &ndash; one general<br />and three specific hypotheses derived from the<br />general one.<br />General Hypothesis<br />Unrelated to the global transformation of media<br />genres and ways of communication, female<br />identity in the contemporary transitional society<br />of Serbia is always represented as &bdquo;the other&ldquo;<br />and through &bdquo;otherness&ldquo;, regardless of the<br />position an identity has in the social distribution<br />of power.<br />Hypothesis 1<br />In the media discourse there is uneven<br />distribution of power and visibility of different<br />female identities (women from the public sphere<br />vs. marginalized women).<br />Hypothesis 2<br />Media texts recognize the subject of violence<br />against women as the crucial subject of the lives<br />of women, i.e. it is crucial in the media<br />representations of women in the social context &ndash;<br />and the majority of women are presented as<br />victims.<br />Hypothesis 3<br />Women from minority and marginalized groups<br />are invisible in the media discourse of the online<br />editions of printed media.<br />Hypotheses were tested through the research<br />based on monitoring online editions of the<br />printed media (texts and comments of readers):<br />four national &ndash; Blic, Politikа, Kurir, Dаnаs, and<br />one local &ndash; Dnevnik from Novi Sad. Research<br />cycle covered 5 months (from November 2013<br />to March 2014). I selected texts about women<br />published at web pages www.blic.rs;<br />www.politika.rs; www.kurir-info.rs;<br />www.danas.rs; www.dnevnik.rs on the<br />following dates: 07.11.2013.; 25.11.2013.;<br />10.12.2013.; 18.12.2013.; 27.01.2014.;<br />31.01.2014.; 14.02.2014.; 28.02.2014.;<br />08.03.2014.; 13.03.2014.<br />Total number of examined texts was 184, while<br />the total number of examined comments was<br />980.<br />Online content of the printed media produces<br />the identical strategies of excluding and<br />ghettoizing women, both in the texts and in the<br />comments of the new interactive audience that<br />becomes the co-author of the promotion and<br />legitimization of misogyny in the public<br />discourse.<br />This work showed that informationalcommunicational<br />technologies by themselves do<br />not change inequalities, and that it would be<br />necessary to establish new models of use of<br />contemporary technologies, so that women and<br />other marginalized groups could use them for<br />social positioning on the Internet, but also for<br />the education that would imply reshaping of<br />gender roles and practical work (programming,<br />web-design) for the purpose of creating more<br />gendered and equitable cyber space.</p>

Commutation de code entre le ouïghour et le chinois : une étude de cas sur la communauté linguistique ouïghoure de Ürümchi / Code switching between Uyghur and Chinese : a case of study on the uyghur linguistic community in Urumchi

Cabras, Giulia 17 February 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit dans le domaine de la sociolinguistique et de l’anthropologie linguistique. De nature descriptive et qualitative, elle porte sur la commutation de code entre les langues ouïghoure et chinoise. L’étude se base sur un corpus composé de données ethnographiques, linguistiques et conversationnelles, recueillies entre 2012 et 2013 dans la ville de Ürümchi, capitale de la Région Autonome du Xinjiang, à travers des observations de terrain et d’enregistrements de conversations spontanées.L’analyse porte sur les caractéristiques structurelles de la commutation de code, sur ses aspects pragmatiques et socio-culturels ainsi que sur la valeur idéologique de cette pratique linguistique. La nature complexe du phénomène et le contexte historique et politique de la région du Xinjiang nous ont conduite à insérer les phénomènes de commutation de code dans une dimension interdisciplinaire. Par conséquent, l’étude prend en compte différents facteurs, micro- et macro-, de nature politique et sociale : les politiques linguistiques menées par le gouvernement chinois, la relation diglossique entre le ouïghour et le chinois, les caractéristiques urbaines de la ville de Ürümchi et les relations ethniques entre Ouïghours et Chinois Han. L’étude a donc pour objectif la présentation de la commutation de code ouïghour-chinois en tant que pratique langagière complexe, dans laquelle entrent en jeu les traits structurels des deux langues, les besoins interactionnels, les changements culturels et sociaux, ainsi que les dynamiques identitaires. / This thesis is related to the field of sociolinguistics and linguistic anthropology. Its nature is descriptive and qualitative and deals with code switching between Uyghur and Chinese. The study is based on a corpus made of ethnographic, linguistic and conversational data, gathered in the city of Ürümchi, capital of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in 2012 and 2013, through field observations and recording of spontaneous conversation. The analyses focus on the structural characteristics of code switching, on its pragmatic and sociocultural aspects, as well as on the ideological value of this language practice. Because of the complex nature of the phenomenon as well as the historical and political context of Xinjiang region, this study inserts Uyghur-Chinese code switching in an interdisciplinary dimension. Therefore, it takes into account different factors, micro- and macro- of political and social nature, within them language policies brought by the government, the diglossic relations between Uyghur and Chinese, Ürümchi urban characteristics and the ethnic relationships between Uyghurs and Han Chinese. The study aims at presenting Uyghur-Chinese code switching as a complex language practice, in which come into play structural features, cultural and social changes, as well as construction identity dynamics.

Commutation de code entre le ouïghour et le chinois : une étude de cas sur la communauté linguistique ouïghoure de Ürümchi / Code switching between Uyghur and Chinese : a case of study on the uyghur linguistic community in Urumchi

Cabras, Giulia 17 February 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit dans le domaine de la sociolinguistique et de l’anthropologie linguistique. De nature descriptive et qualitative, elle porte sur la commutation de code entre les langues ouïghoure et chinoise. L’étude se base sur un corpus composé de données ethnographiques, linguistiques et conversationnelles, recueillies entre 2012 et 2013 dans la ville de Ürümchi, capitale de la Région Autonome du Xinjiang, à travers des observations de terrain et d’enregistrements de conversations spontanées.L’analyse porte sur les caractéristiques structurelles de la commutation de code, sur ses aspects pragmatiques et socio-culturels ainsi que sur la valeur idéologique de cette pratique linguistique. La nature complexe du phénomène et le contexte historique et politique de la région du Xinjiang nous ont conduite à insérer les phénomènes de commutation de code dans une dimension interdisciplinaire. Par conséquent, l’étude prend en compte différents facteurs, micro- et macro-, de nature politique et sociale : les politiques linguistiques menées par le gouvernement chinois, la relation diglossique entre le ouïghour et le chinois, les caractéristiques urbaines de la ville de Ürümchi et les relations ethniques entre Ouïghours et Chinois Han. L’étude a donc pour objectif la présentation de la commutation de code ouïghour-chinois en tant que pratique langagière complexe, dans laquelle entrent en jeu les traits structurels des deux langues, les besoins interactionnels, les changements culturels et sociaux, ainsi que les dynamiques identitaires. / This thesis is related to the field of sociolinguistics and linguistic anthropology. Its nature is descriptive and qualitative and deals with code switching between Uyghur and Chinese. The study is based on a corpus made of ethnographic, linguistic and conversational data, gathered in the city of Ürümchi, capital of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in 2012 and 2013, through field observations and recording of spontaneous conversation. The analyses focus on the structural characteristics of code switching, on its pragmatic and sociocultural aspects, as well as on the ideological value of this language practice. Because of the complex nature of the phenomenon as well as the historical and political context of Xinjiang region, this study inserts Uyghur-Chinese code switching in an interdisciplinary dimension. Therefore, it takes into account different factors, micro- and macro- of political and social nature, within them language policies brought by the government, the diglossic relations between Uyghur and Chinese, Ürümchi urban characteristics and the ethnic relationships between Uyghurs and Han Chinese. The study aims at presenting Uyghur-Chinese code switching as a complex language practice, in which come into play structural features, cultural and social changes, as well as construction identity dynamics.

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