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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Toothpaste dispenser

Forsström, Daniel January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is performed at Mälardalen University and the Academy of Innovation, Design & Technology. At the end of a Bachelor education in innovation and product design IKE20, this project thesis where written in the spring of 2016. The project focuses on industrial design and includes 10 weeks of full time studies. The report is the result of the projects performance. The project is described by its methods and working procedures together with visual illustrations.The work includes a product development process where hygiene and oral care is the focus. The project is the result out of a previous project that arose during a previous course of education. The project is a further development of toothpaste handling in bathrooms. The assignment was to design and evaluate the function and design of a toothpaste dispenser. The report is intended to form the basis for further development of the product.By working in a scientific way by using product development tool has a product development process been performed to find a solution concept of the problem. To work out a qualitative concept, the author had to purchasing, testing and dismantling existing products on the market. An analysis of the bestselling toothpastes has been completed and evaluated.Through testing and evaluation tools have concepts evaluated and compiled into a final concept. The final concept has then been developed and adapted for manufacturing and assembly. A full-scale three-dimensional model of the product has been developed in a 3D software program. Manufacturing drawings had then been developed from the model. / Detta examensarbete är utfört på Mälardalens Högskola på akademin för Innovation, Design & Teknik. I slutet av högskoleingenjörsutbildningen ”Innovation och produktdesign” (IKE20), genomfördes under våren 2016 detta projekt som examensarbete. Projektet är inriktat på Industriell design och omfattar 10 veckors heltidsstudier. Rapporten är resultatet av projektets genomförande. Projektet beskrivs med dess metoder och arbetsgång tillsammans med visuella illustrationer.Arbetet omfattar en produktutvecklingsprocess där hygien och munvård står i fokus. Projektet är resultatet av ett tidigare projekt som uppkom under en tidigare kurs i utbildningen. Projektet är en vidareutveckling av tandkräms-hantering i våtrum. Uppdraget var att utforma och utvärdera funktion och design på en tandkrämsdispenser. Rapporten är tänkt att ligga som underlag till vidareutveckling av produkten.Genom att på ett vetenskapligt arbetssätt använda produktutvecklingsverktyg har en produktutvecklingsprocess genomförts för att finna ett lösningskoncept till problemet. För att arbeta fram ett kvalitativt koncept har inköp, test och demonteringar av befintliga produkter genomförs. En analys av de bästsäljande tandkrämerna har genomförts och utvärderats.Genom tester och utvärderingsverktyg har koncepten utvärderats och sammanställts till ett slutkoncept. Slutkonceptet har sedan utvecklats och anpassats för tillverkning och montering. En fullskalig tredimensionell modell av produkten har framtagits i ett 3D mjukvaruprogram. Utefter modellen har tillverkningsritningar framtagits.

Feasibility Study for Wireless Control on The Countermeasure Dispenser System

Pinsuvan, Sukanya, Pinitchun, Rawin January 2012 (has links)
Electrical wiring on board aircraft has raised serious weight and safety concerns in the aerospace industry. Wires are antenna. It may also cause interference to radio-based systems on the aircraft, or, in the case of military aircraft, create a "signature" that can be detected by enemy receivers. Wireless application in avionic system helps reducing the total weight and reconfigurable of the aircraft; hence, lower the fuel costs, installation cost and maintenance costs, as well as the “signature” of the aircraft. The focus of this thesis, therefore, is to study the feasibility of different wireless standards, namely Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and ultra-wide band (UWB), on replacing the wired data connection in the EW countermeasure or chaff/flare dispenser systems. The study was constructed under the supervision of the department of Electronic Defense System, Saab AB in Järfalla, Stockholm. The discussion will be based on the resource availability, the reliability, the stability and the security of the wireless system relative to an avionic application; i.e., whether wireless links will negatively affect the overall reliability and safety of the aircrafts. Due to the theoretical studies and results from the simulation, we studied the feasibility issue and concluded that UWB is the most appropriate choice of wireless communication for non-critical aerospace applications, comparing with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. UWB links can have reasonable immunity to interferences, low interference to other on-board wireless systems, and good security performance.

Differentierat strandskydd- en LIS-tig lösning eller en otillräcklig åtgärd? : En analys av det förändrade strandskyddet och möjligheter till dispens från och upphävande av strandskyddet inom områden för landsbygdsutveckling i strandnära lägen.

Sternsén, Caroline January 2015 (has links)
En grundläggande förutsättning för landsbygdens utveckling är en bofast befolkning och sysselsättning. En god möjlighet för att skapa förutsättningar för en levande landsbygd är att bilda fastigheter som sammanför boendet med landsbygdens tillgångar. En begränsande faktor för landsbygdens utveckling har under lång tid varit det generella strandskyddet som bromsat utvecklingen genom dess exploateringsförbud och den restriktiva inställningen till att medge dispens. Strandskyddslagstiftningen har under senare tid genomgått förändringar med tyngdpunkt på differentiering av strandskyddet. Lagändringarna vidtogs i syfte att utveckla ett ändamålsenligt strandskydd som beaktar behovet av utveckling i hela Sverige, i synnerhet landsbygden och möjliggöra en uppluckring av strandskyddet där tillgången på stränder är god och exploateringsgraden är låg. En av förändringarna innebar att byggande i strandnära lägen ska kunna tillåtas om det kan bidra till utveckling av landsbygden. Denna differentiering av strandskyddet utgår från dels en geografisk indelning baserad på tillgången på stränder, dels vissa lättnader i materiellt hänseende för dispenser och planläggningsarbete med kopplingar till regional och lokal utveckling.   Syftet med lagreformen är tydlig; att människor ska kunna leva och verka i hela landet och att levnadsstandarden i glesbygdsområden inte ska avvika för mycket från den som finns i större kommuner. Lagändringarna som trädde ikraft 2009 meddelade en insikt om att det generella strandskyddet inte tillgodosett det utvecklingsbehov som finns i mindre tätbefolkade områden i Sverige. Med anledning av att beviljandet av strandskyddsdispenser fortfarande tillämpas med försiktighet innebär det ekonomiska och andra olägenheter för markägare. Detta när önskade fastighetsbildningar eller verksamhetsutvecklingar inte kan ske mot bakgrund av strandskyddslagstiftningens restriktiva tillämpning av dispenser och en viss oklarhet om vad landsbygdsutveckling är. Den privata äganderätten är ett intresse som oftast kommer i skymundan för andra högre prioriterade intressen såsom allmänhetens intresse av friluftsliv och intresset för att bevara goda förutsättningar för växt- och djurliv på land och i vatten.  Det skapas ofta konflikter mellan dessa intressen då olika instanser prioriterar olika syften med strandskyddslagstiftningen på ett oenhetligt sätt. Allemansrätten och miljöskydd kan användas som skäl för att förhindra markägaren från att bebygga en strandnära fastighet. Den som ansöker om dispens från strandskyddsreglerna för att kunna utrusta sin fastighet med byggnader och bryggor kan plågsamt få uppleva att allemansrätten och miljöskyddet är kraftfulla intressen som kullkastar förväntningarna på en planerade investeringar och exploateringar. Skälen för att avslå strandskyddsdispensen är att bryggan eller byggnaden skulle ha en inverkan på hur allmänheten potentiellt kan uppleva att bryggan har en avhållande effekt eller hur byggnationen påverkar växt- och djurlivet på platsen.   Utöver strandskyddets uttalade syften finns det även en geografisk intressekonflikt vid tillämpningen. Det är ofta samma stränder som är attraktiva för bebyggelse som har höga värden för djur- och växtliv och friluftsliv. Vad gäller områden med ett högt bebyggelsetryck finns ofta en stark drivkraft att bebygga strandnära lägen medan områden utan bebyggelsetryck synes det inte finnas samma drivkraft att bebygga strandnära lägen. Denna problematik har skapat svårigheter för lagstiftningen att tillgodose en lagstiftning som dels stärker strandskydden i redan ”överexploaterade” områdens och som dels kan skapa lättnader inom områden där det saknas skäl att tillåta bebyggelse då det inte på ett legitimt sätt kan äventyra strandskyddets syften. Lösningen blev genom att precisera dispensskälen inom attraktiva kustområden, där dispens endast får ges för bostadshus där områden redan tagits i anspråk på ett sätt som gör att det saknar betydelse för miljön och friluftsliv eller är skilt från strandlinjen genom väg eller bebyggelse. Inom glesbefolkade områden i inlandet skulle det bli lättare att få dispens under vissa förutsättningar, men även inom dessa områden är syftet att stora sträckor ska lämnas fria från exploatering.

Active Solder Injection Mechanism for Fiber-Solder-Ferrule Assembly in Laser Module

Chen, Mu-Yueh 30 September 2003 (has links)
Optical communication dominates the wire-communication since the requirement of the high speed data transfer in the Internet. Fiber Solder Ferrule (FSF) plays an important role in transceiver modules of the optical communication. For the reason to keep the coupling efficiency between the laser diode and fiber after time using and a various temperature operation, fiber has to be carefully fixed in the metal ferrule. The fixing of the fiber now is finished to let the melting solder flow into a 400£gm diameter ferrule by the capillary action manually. The stability and accuracy of this method can not match the required performance. And the human operation makes this process more unstable to cut down the yield below 30% even by an experienced operator. So, this study analyzes the FSF process and proposes an active strategy to replace the original passive method by capillary action. An active soldering mechanism is implemented to precisely and stable filling the solder into the ferrule. The yield can be significantly raised from 25% to 75%.

A randomised controlled trial to evaluate a medication monitoring system for TB treatment

Acosta, J., Flores, P., Alarcón, M., Grande-Ortiz, M., Moreno-Exebio, L., Puyen, Z. M. 01 January 2022 (has links)
BACKGROUND: Adherence to TB treatment and therefore treatment success could be improved using digital adherence technology. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effectiveness of a medication event reminder monitor system (MERM) on treatment success and treatment adherence in patients with drug-susceptible pulmonary TB in Perú. METHODS: This was an experimental, randomised, open-label, controlled study conducted among patients in the second phase of TB treatment. The intervention group received their medications through MERM with the support of a treatment monitor, whereas the control group used the usual strategy. Participants were followed until they completed the 54 doses of the second phase of treatment. RESULTS: The study included 53 patients in each group; four in the intervention group withdrew from the study. Treatment success was significantly more frequent in the MERM group (RR 1.15, 95% CI 1.02–1.30; P = 0.0322). There was no significant difference in the adherence outcomes; however, the percentage of patients who missed at least one dose and patients with more than 10% of total doses missed were lower in the intervention group. CONCLUSION: The use of MERM in the second phase of treatment showed a significant improvement in the treatment success rate in patients with drug-susceptible pulmonary TB. / National Institutes of Health / Revisión por pares

How Do Hearing Aid Dispensers Pick their Buying Preferences

Johnson, Earl E. 01 March 2010 (has links)
Let's talk beer for a moment. Beginning back in the mid-90s, at the Sandlot microbrewery located within Coors Field in Downtown Denver, a fairly tasty Belgian-style witbier called Bellyslide (a baseball term) was available in small batches. It was a favorite of a few, but ignored by most, and even scorned by some (it was unfiltered). But then, about 6 years ago, Coors gave it a new name— Blue Moon—started producing it in bulk, and rolled it out across the U.S. It became the top-performing beer brand in 2007, and today Blue Moon is closing in on making the top ten list of all domestic beers sold. Why is it so popular? The taste of course, right? Maybe. How about the pretty blue label? Or the fact that it's usually served with an orange slice? Or that Coors disguises it as a “craft beer”? Or, maybe it's just more fun to say “Blue Moon” than “Bud.” As with beer, people also make brand purchase decisions about hearing aids. But there's a difference. In the case of hearing aids, the consumer usually does not select the brand. His or her dispenser does. It's not uncommon to sit down with four different people in private practice and discover that each has a different favorite hearing aid brand. And interestingly, all of them say they picked this particular brand because it is the best. But how can all four brands be the best? Or are they all just the same? Only a few audiologists have conducted research on hearing aid brand preferences. One of them is Earl Johnson, AuD, PhD, an audiologist at Mountain Home, TN, Veterans Affairs Medical Center and assistant professor at East Tennessee State University. While obtaining his PhD at Vanderbilt University with a focus on hearing aid research, Dr. Johnson also studied consumer behavior at Vanderbilt's Owen business school—an unusual combination that has led to much of his research. You've probably also noted his recent book chapters and journal publications related to modern hearing aid technology and hearing aid selection. While this is his debut on Page Ten, Earl is not a new contributor to the Journal. For many years he assisted with HJ'sdispenser surveys and contributed articles on these findings. I'm not sure if Earl drinks Blue Moon because of the orange slice, but I'm quite certain he can provide you some interesting insights on why you have a hearing aid brand preference.


Maxwell, Tyler Lucius Corey 01 January 2018 (has links)
Nanostructured materials have received a surge of interest in recent years since it has become apparent that reducing the size of a material often leads to heightened mechanical behavior. From a fundamental standpoint, this stems from the confinement of dislocations. Applications in microelectromechanical devices, lithium ion batteries, gas sensing and catalysis are realized by combining the improvements in mechanical behavior from material size reduction with the heightened chemical activity offered by materials with a high surface-area-to-volume ratio. In this study, films of nanoporous Si-Mg were produced through magnetron sputtering, followed by dealloying using an environmentally benign process with distilled water. The film composition and structure was characterized both at the surface and throughout the film thickness, while the mechanical behavior was explored with nanoindentation. Dispenser cathodes operate via thermionic emission and are an important area of interest in vacuum electron devices. While scientists have known for many years what elemental constituents are used to manufacture dispenser cathodes of excellent emission behavior, a fundamental understanding has yet to be realized. In this study, components of a scandate cathode that exhibited excellent emission behavior were characterized and used to inform the study of model thin films. Isolating relevant components of the scandate cathode for careful study could help inform future breakthroughs in understanding the working mechanism(s) of the scandate cathode. The structure, composition and electronic behavior of model W-Al alloy films were characterized experimentally and compared to computation. Moreover, a unique vacuum chamber was designed to activate modern thermionic dispenser cathodes, observe residual gas species present, and measure the work function through various state-of-the-art techniques.


Swartzentruber, Phillip D 01 January 2014 (has links)
Dispenser cathodes emit electrons through thermionic emission and are a critical component of space-based and telecommunication devices. The emission of electrons is enhanced when coated with a refractory metal such as osmium (Os), osmium-ruthenium (Os-Ru), or iridium (Ir). In this work the microstructure, thermionic emission, and work function of thin film Os-Ru coatings were studied in order to relate microstructural properties and thermionic emission. Os-Ru thin film coatings were prepared through magnetron sputtering and substrate biasing to produce films with an array of preferred orientations, or texture. The effect of texture on thermionic emission was studied in detail through closely-spaced diode testing, SEM imaging, and x-ray diffraction. Results indicated that there was a strong correlation with emission behavior and specific preferred orientations. An ultra-high vacuum compatible Kelvin Probe was used to measure the work function of W-Os-Ru ternary alloy films to determine the effect W interdiffusion has on work function. The results indicated that a high work function alloy coating corresponded to low work function cathodes, as expected. It was inferred that a high work function alloy coating results in a low work function cathode because it aligns more closely with ionization energy of Ba. The results also proved that this method of evaluating dispenser cathode coatings can distinguish small variations in microstructure and composition and may be a beneficial tool in the development of improved dispenser cathode coatings. A novel experimental apparatus was constructed to measure the work function of dispenser cathode coatings in-vacuo using the ultra-high vacuum Kelvin Probe. The apparatus is capable of activating cathodes at high temperature and measuring the work function at elevated temperature. The design of this apparatus allows for more rapid evaluation of dispenser cathode coatings.

Real-time, Location-based Hand Hygiene Monitoring and Notification System

Baslyman, Malak January 2014 (has links)
Rising infection rates in healthcare is a global issue that causes complications for the patient, extended hospital stay, financial difficulties, and even death. One of the crucial factors that reduce those infections is better hand hygiene. Due to the lack of automated systems that can help monitoring hand hygiene compliance and reporting on collected data, some hospitals use direct observations, surveys, dispensers usage measurements and other such methods to monitor the compliance of care providers. This thesis proposes an alternative system that takes advantage of emerging off-the-shelf infrastructures in hospitals, and in particular of Real-Time Location Systems (RTLS) and intelligent hand sanitizer dispensers. Our RTLS-based system improves upon the current methods by enabling interactions with care providers through notifications when they do not execute expected hand hygiene actions during care processes, even for fine-grained location situations and by introducing the concept of intelligent dispensers. RHMNS (RTLS-based Hand Hygiene Monitoring and Notification System) has two approaches (time-based and activation-based) that are sharing the same structure but they are different in their way of deciding on taken or missed hand hygiene opportunities. RHMNS also provides informative reports about hand hygiene compliance and trends.

Optimalizace nosiče satelitů / Small satellite dispenser structural optimization

Zíka, Jakub January 2020 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá tuhostní optimalizací nosiče satelitů, tzv. Dispenseru. První kapitola uvádí přehled evropských vesmírných aktivit a poskytuje nezbytné technické pozadí týkající se nosných raket. Druhá kapitola se věnuje popisu tvorby výpočetního modelu, neboť veškeré výpočty, včetně optimalizace popsané v kapitole třetí, jsou založeny na metodě konečných prvků. Pro optimalizovanou variantu je ve čtvrté kapitole provedena základní pevnostní kontrola.

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