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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Die stand van menslike hulpbronbestuur binne geselekteerde plaaslike owerhede in die Wes-Kaap : 'n opname

Goosen, Francois Philippus 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Local authorities have, as is the case with any other organisation, a set of unique circumstances with which to comply. The arrival of the “new” South Africa, bringing with it, the first fully democratic municipal elections on 5 December 2000, as well as the implementation of the Act on Local Government: The Municipal Systems, Act 32 of 2000, has imposed a considerable burden on the human resource field within local authorities. As a support mechanism, it is important that any organisation has access to an effective and fully equipped human resource section. The history and development of human resource management, has over the years followed various approaches (both classical and contemporary), but particularly in South Africa, human resource management has been influenced by political ideologies (apartheid and democracy with all the various pieces of legislation) which have influenced the thinking. Through the various types of functions, human resource management was responsible for the establishment of a service relationship between the employer (as a dynamic system) and the employee (as a variable and dynamic being with unique characteristics), within an environment which places further demands and responsibilities, in order to establish an optimal fit to the advantage of the shareholders, and which can be managed and regulated. For this reason the human resource management section should possess the necessary skilled capacity in order to adapt to the demands of the day (including legal aspects) and through service delivery support the strategy of the organisation. The effect which change has on human resource management should not be discounted, and consequently necessitates a repositioning of human resource management in terms of positioning within the organisation, its activities (functions) and service delivery (effectiveness and efficiency) in order to make a contribution to the success of the organisation. Although effectivity has been researched and analysed for some time by researchers, the analysis thereof within local government still remains relevant. The relevancy thereof has been propelled by the promulgation of the Act on Local Government: The Municipal Systems, Act 32 of 2000, wherein requirements are laid down for human resource management within local government. The attainment of these requirements contributes to the realisation of the organisational goals, strategies and expectations. The question can be asked whether human resource management satisfies the current and acknowledged theoretical prescription whereby human resource management should be managed and whether human resource management satisfies the principles of the Act of Local Government: Municipal Systems Act. It is against this background that this study articulates as its purpose a survey into the state of human resource management within local government. Due to the extensive nature of the research, only certain variables could be included within the research, and for that reason the research has been limited to councillors, management and human resource management sections from a number of municipalities within the South Cape and Overberg regions. The results of the study indicate that differences do exist with regard to the state and effectiveness of human resource management within local government and the way in which the requirements of the Act on Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, No 32 of 2000, are complied with. Hereby it is implied that the human resource management sections have become removed from the theoretical models whereupon it has been built and that it should reposition itself should it wish to remain a roleplayer within local authorities. In this regard several proposals have been generated as possible solutions to the problem. In conclusion it should be mentioned that the study has made a contribution to the analysis of human resource management sections within local authorities, especially with regard to the functions which it serves, the effectiveness with which it has been delivered and the way it complies with legislation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Plaaslike owerhede het, net soos enige ander organisasie, unieke omstandighede waaraan voldoen moet word. So het die koms van die “nuwe” Suid-Afrika, die eerste ten volle demokratiese munisipale verkiesing wat op 5 Desember 2000 gehou is en die inwerkingtreding van die Wet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Stelsels, Wet 32 van 2000, besondere eise aan die menslike hulpbronbestuursafdeling binne plaaslike owerhede gestel. As ondersteuningsmeganisme is dit belangrik dat ‘n organisasie toegang het tot ‘n effektiewe en ten volle toegeruste menslike hulpbronbestuursafdeling. Die geskiedenis en ontwikkeling van menslike hulpbronbestuur het oor die jare heen verskeie benaderings (klassiek en kontemporêr) gevolg, maar veral in Suid- Afrika was menslike hulpbronbestuur ook aan politieke ideologieë (apartheid en demokrasie met sy talle nuwe tipe wetgewings), wat daardeur hulle denkwyses beïnvloed het, uitgelewer. Deur middel van sy verskeie tipe funksies was menslike hulpbronbestuur verantwoordelik vir die daarstelling van ‘n diensverhouding tussen die werkgewer (as dinamiese sisteem) en die werknemer (as veranderlike en dinamiese wese met unieke eienskappe) ten einde optimale passing, tot voordeel van die aandeelhouers, te bestuur en te reguleer. Die diensverhouding geskied binne ‘n omgewing wat verdere eise en verantwoordelikheid stel. Daarom moet die menslike hulpbronbestuursafdeling oor die nodige kundige vermoëns beskik ten einde te kan aanpas by die eise van die dag (wat wetlike aspekte insluit) en deur middel van dienslewering die strategie van die organisasie ondersteun. Die effek wat verandering het op menslike hulpbronbestuur kan nie misken word nie, gevolglik noodsaak dit ‘n herposisionering van die menslike hulpbronbestuursafdeling binne ‘n organisasie, sy aktiwiteite (funksies) en dienslewering (doeltreffendheid en effektiwiteit) ten einde ‘n bydrae te lewer tot die sukses van die organisasie. Alhoewel effektiwiteit al vir ‘n geruime tyd deur navorsers ondersoek en ontleed is, bly die ontleding daarvan binne plaaslike owerhede steeds relevant. Die relevansie het stukrag gekry met die afkondiging van die Wet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Stelsels, Wet 32 van 2000, deur vereistes daar te stel waaraan menslike hulpbronbestuur moet voldoen. Die bereiking van hierdie vereistes dra by tot die verwesenliking van die organisasie se doelwitte, strategie en verwagtinge. Die vraag kan egter gevra word of menslike hulpbronbestuur wel voldoen aan die huidige en erkende teoretiese bepalings waarvolgens menslike hulpbronbestuur bestuur behoort te word en of menslike hulpbronbestuur die beginsels van die Wet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Stelsels navolg. Dit is teen hierdie agtergrond dat die studie dit juis ten doel het om ‘n opname oor die stand van menslike hulpbronbestuur binne plaaslike owerhede te loods. Vanweë die omvangrykheid van die navorsing kon slegs sekere veranderlikes in die navorsing ingesluit word, daarom is die navorsing beperk tot raadslede, bestuurslede en menslike hulpbronbestuursafdelings van enkele munisipaliteite in die Suid-Kaap- en Overberg streek. Die resultate van die studie dui daarop dat ‘n verskil wel bestaan ten opsigte van die stand en effektiwiteit van menslike hulpbronbestuur in plaaslike owerhede en die wyse waarop aan die vereistes van die Wet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Stelsels, Wet 32 van 2000, voldoen word. Hiermee word geïmpliseer dat die menslike hulpbronbestuursafdeling verwyderd geraak het van die teoretiese modelle waarop dit gebou is en gevolglik hulself moet herposisioneer indien hulle steeds as rolspeler binne plaaslike owerhede gesien wil word. In hierdie verband is bepaalde voorstelle gegenereer as potensiële oplossing vir die probleme. Ten slotte kan dit vermeld word dat die studie ‘n bydrae gelewer het tot die analisering van menslike hulpbronbestuursafdelings binne plaaslike owerhede veral ten opsigte van die funksies wat dit verrig, die effektiwiteit waarmee dit uitgevoer word en die wyse waarop aan wetgewing voldoen word.

The effects of trainee ability and motivation on the transfer process

Nunes, Charne 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Training represents an expensive investment organisations make in their human resources. For this reason, it is imperative that the knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours gained in training be transferred into visible on-the-job performance and results. Unfortunately, despite the increasing amounts of time, effort and money being spent on organisational training, the so-called “transfer problem” remains a threat. Continued low transfer puts a major portion of the training investment at risk, thus justifying practical efforts to leverage greater transfer of training. This study is one such effort. The primary goal of this study was to develop and test an empirical model of the transfer process so as to establish the effects of trainee ability and motivation on this process. More specifically, it aimed to establish the relationships between the constructs trainee ability to learn, motivation to learn, intention to learn, learning and retention, motivation to transfer, intention to transfer and consequently, transfer. A comprehensive study of the transfer of training literature was conducted so as to gain a better understanding of the issues relevant to the purpose of the study. The sample used for this study consisted of 116 trainees attending an assessor training course provided by the Wholesale and Retail Sector Education and Training Authorities (W&RSETA) in South Africa. Five questionnaires were administered during the course of the study, of which two were developed especially for the purposes of the study. The Motivation to Learn Questionnaire consisted of three sections. Section A was designed to give an indication of the demographic data of the trainees. Section B measured Motivation to Learn and Section C measured Intention to Learn by means of a Likert-type scale. The Motivation to Transfer Questionnaire also consisted of three sections, with Section A providing demographic data, Section B measuring Motivation to Transfer, and Section C measuring Intention to Transfer via a Liker-type scale. A Mental Alertness Scale, giving an indication of ability to learn (i.e. general cognitive ability), as well as a pre- and post Knowledge Test, measuring learning and retention, also had to be administered during the study. These measures were distributed to the various training facilitators for administration according to specified instructions at their respective training sessions. The data was subsequently analysed using SPSS. Unfortunately, not all hypotheses could be corroborated in this study, yet useful insights were nonetheless gained. It was discovered that ability to learn significantly affects the amount of learning and retention that occurs during training. Ability to learn was also positively correlated with motivation to learn the training material. Motivation to learn produced significant relationships with three variables, namely intention to learn, intention to transfer, as well as motivation to transfer learning into on-the-job performance. Intention to learn was also found to positively correlate with intention to transfer. Finally, motivation to transfer indicated a significant correlation with intention to transfer. Consequently, conclusions were derived from the results obtained and recommendations for future research made. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Opleiding is ‘n duur belegging wat organisasies in hul menslike hulpbronne maak en daarom is dit uiters belangrik dat die kennis, vaardighede, houdings en gedrag wat tydens opleiding aangeleer word, oorgedra word tot sigbare werksprestasie en resultate. Ongelukkig bly die oordrag van aangeleerde kennis en vaardighede ‘n probleem, ten spyte van die toenemende besteding van tyd, inspanning en fondse aan organisatoriese opleiding. ‘n Groot deel van die belegging in organisatoriese opleiding word op die spel geplaas deur voortdurende lae vlakke van oordrag. Om die rede, regverdig dit praktiese pogings om hoër oordragsvlakke te bewerkstellig. Hierdie studie poog om ‘n bydrae te maak in hierdie verband. Die primêre doel van die studie is om ‘n empiriese model van die oordragsproses te ontwikkel en te toets, en sodoende die effek van leerders se vermoëns en motivering op hierdie proses vas te stel. Meer spesifiek, poog dit om die verband tussen die konstrukte van leervermoë, motivering om te leer, intensie om te leer, leer en retensie, motivering om oor te dra, intensie om oor te dra, en oordrag, vas te stel. ‘n Omvattende literatuurstudie van die oordrag van leer is uitgevoer om sodoende ‘n beter begrip te kry van die konstrukte ter sake. ‘n Steekproef van 116 leerders is in die studie gebruik. Die leerders het ‘n assessoropleidingsprogram bygewoon wat deur die W&R SETA verskaf is. Vyf vraelyste is gedurende die studie toegepas, waarvan twee vir die doeleindes van die studie ontwikkel is. Die motivering-om-te-leer vraelys bestaan uit drie afdelings. Afdeling A verteenwoordig demografiese items, en Afdeling B en Afdeling C meet onderskeidelik motivering om te leer en intensie om te leer met behulp van ‘n 7-punt Likert-tipe skaal. Die oordragmotiveringsvraelys bestaan ook uit drie afdelings, waar Afdeling A weer op demografiese informasie fokus. Afdeling B en C meet onderskeidelik oordragmotivering en oordragintensie met behulp van ‘n 7-punt Likerttipe skaal. ‘n Verstandelikehelderheidsskaal (wat leervermoë gemeet het), sowel as ‘n voor- en na-kennistoets (wat leer en retensie meet) is ook toegepas gedurende die studie. Hierdie vraelyste is aan die verskillende opleiers versprei sodat hulle dit volgens die instruksies in hulle onderskeidelike opleidingssessies kon toepas. Die data is geanaliseer deur die gebruik van die rekenaarpakket SPSS. Al die hipoteses kon nie bevestig word nie, maar nuttige insigte is nogtans ingewin. Resultate toon dat leervermoë ‘n beduidende effek het op die hoeveelheid leer en retensie wat gedurende opleiding plaasvind. Leervermoë het ook ‘n positiewe verband met leermotivering getoon. Leermotivering het beduidende korrelasies met drie veranderlikes getoon, naamlik leerintensie, oordragintensie en oordragmotivering. Leerintensie het ook ‘n positiewe korrelasie met oordragintensie getoon. Laastens is ‘n beduidende korrelasie tussen oordragmotivering en oordragintensie bevind. Gevolgtrekkings en aanbevelings vir toekomstige navorsing is gemaak.

An exploration of the relationships between psychological capital (hope, optimism, self-efficacy, resilience), occupational stress, burnout and employee engagement

Herbert, Marthine 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Occupational stress and Burnout are serious problems in current day organisations. To this end organisations should actively promote positive psychological health and occupational wellbeing in order to harness the full potential of their workforce and increase organisational performance. Studies from the emerging field of Positive Psychology hypothesize that personal resources, like the constructs of Psychological Capital (i.e. Hope, Optimism, Self-Efficacy and Resilience), may contribute to decreased Stress (Avey, Luthans & Jensen, 2009), Burnout (Schaufeli & Bakker, 2001) and increased work Engagement (Avey, Wernsing & Luthans, 2008). Moreover, it has been proven that the Psychological Capital (PsyCap) constructs are state-like and can be developed (Luthans, Avey & Patera, 2008). It may, therefore, be vital for organisations to identify and develop these positive PsyCap factors, which might moderate the effect of Occupational stress on Burnout, as well as curb the initial experiences of Occupational stress and the subsequent development of Burnout in their employees. The presence of PsyCap may also lead to increased Engagement, which is also known to be associated with less Burnout. The aims of this study were to explore the relationships between Burnout, Employee Engagement, Occupational stress and PsyCap in the South African context, as well as to determine whether PsyCap plays a moderating role in the Occupational stress, Burnout relationship. A non-experimental research design (i.e. exploratory survey study) was used to explore the relationships between these four constructs. In this study, Burnout was defined as a condition characterised by fatigue and exhaustion, divided into Personal Burnout (“the degree of physical and psychological fatigue and exhaustion experienced by the person”), Work-related Burnout (“the degree of physical and psychological fatigue and exhaustion that is perceived by the person as related to his/her work”) and Client-related Burnout (“the degree of physical and psychological fatigue and exhaustion that is perceived by the person as related to his/her work with clients”) (Kristensen, Borritz, Villadsen & Christensen, 2005, p. 197). Employee Engagement was defined as “a positive, fulfilling, work-related state of mind that is characterized by vigour, dedication, and absorption” (Schaufeli, Salanova, Gonzalez-Roma & Bakker, 2002, p.74). Occupational stress is experienced when an imbalance exists between people’s perceived environmental demands and their perceived ability to cope with these demands (Cooper, Clarke & Rowbottom, 1999). Lastly, PsyCap was described as a second-order construct which included Hope, Optimism, Self-efficacy and Resilience (Luthans, Youssef & Avolio, 2007). A convenience sample of 209 permanent employees and support staff of a medium size construction company within the Western Cape, South Africa, participated in the research. The Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (CBI; Kristensen et al., 2005), the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES-9; Schaufeli & Bakker, 2003), the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS; Cohen, Kamarck & Mermelstein, 1983) and the Psychological Capital Questionnaire-Self Rater Version (PCQ-24; Luthans, Avolio & Avey, 2007) were administered. Consistent with previous research, significant negative relationships were evident between all three dimensions of Burnout and Occupational stress. This indicates that higher Occupational stress is associated with an increased propensity to develop Personal-, Work- and Client Burnout. This was expected as it is known that Burnout develops in reaction to prolonged Stress. The correlational results further revealed that higher levels of Hope, Optimism, Self-efficacy and Resilience (and the PsyCap total score) were associated with lower levels of Occupational stress and Burnout. This suggests that increased levels of PsyCap may probably lead to decreased levels of Occupational stress and Burnout. As expected, multiple moderate positive correlations were evident between the PsyCap sub-dimensions, empirically confirming the discriminant and convergent validity of the dimensions in the South African context. This implies that by developing one of the constructs, the others are also likely to increase. As hypothesised, both Occupational Stress and Burnout was found to relate negatively to Employee Engagement. The results further revealed that higher PsyCap was related to higher Engagement levels and that Optimism and Self-efficacy, as PsyCap sub-dimensions, emerged as the two strongest predictors of Employee Engagement. These results suggest that the development of PsyCap may hold multiple benefits (e.g. increasing Engagement, lessening Stress and subsequent Burnout). Lastly, PsyCap did indeed emerge as a moderator in the relationship between Occupational stress and Personal- and Work Burnout respectively. This suggests that although Occupational stress is inevitable in any work environment, PsyCap as a personal coping resource, can buffer the development of Burnout over the long term. Limitations of the study as well as suggestions for future research were discussed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Werk stres en Uitbranding is twee ernstige probleme in die huidige werksomgewing. Organisasies moet dus die positiewe sielkundige gesondheid van hul werknemers bevorder en sodoende die volle potensiaal van hul werknemers probeer verseker, wat die organisasie se algehele prestasie sal verbeter. Studies vanaf die opkomende veld van Positiewe Sielkunde beweer dat persoonlike karaktereienskappe, soos die onderskeie konstrukte van Sielkundige Kapitaal (d.i. Hoop, Optimisme, Selfbekwaamheid en Veerkragtigheid), `n vermindering in stres (Avey et al., 2009) en Uitbranding (Schaufeli & Bakker, 2001) tot gevolg kan hê, asook Werknemerbetrokkenheid kan verhoog (Avey et al., 2008). Verder is daar ook bewys dat die konstrukte van Sielkundige Kapitaal ontwikkel kan word (e.g. Luthans et al., 2008). Dit is dus noodsaaklik vir organisasies om hierdie positiewe sielkundige konstrukte te identifiseer en ontwikkel, wat moontlik die effek van Werk stres op Uitbranding kan modereer, sowel as die oorspronklike ondervindings van Werk stres en die gevolglike ontwikkeling van Uitbranding in werknemers, kan inhibeer. Die teenwoordigheid van Sielkundige Kapitaal kan ook aanleiding gee tot `n verhoging in Werknemerbetrokkenheid, wat ook verwant is aan minder Uitbranding. Die doelwitte van hierdie studie was om die verwantskappe tussen Uitbranding, Werknemerbetrokkenheid, Werk Stres en Sielkundige Kapitaal in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks te ondersoek, asook om te bepaal of Sielkundige Kapitaal ‘n modererende rol speel in die verband tussen Werk Stres en Uitbranding. 'n Nieeksperimentele navorsingsontwerp ('n verkennende studie) is gebruik om die verbande tussen die vier konstrukte te ondersoek. In hierdie studie word Uitbranding beskryf as `n toestand gekenmerk deur vermoeienis en uitputting, en word verdeel in Persoonlike Uitbranding (die graad van fisiese en sielkundige vermoeienis en uitputting wat deur die persoon ervaar word), Werks Uitbranding (die graad van fisiese en sielkundige vermoeienis en uitputting wat deur die persoon ervaar word, verwant aan sy/haar werk) en Kliënte Uitbranding (die graad van fisiese en sielkundige vermoeienis en uitputting wat deur die persoon ervaar word wat verwant is aan sy/haar werk met kliënte) (Kristensen et al., 2005). Werknemerbetrokkenheid is gedefinieer as 'n positiewe, vervullende ingesteldheid wat gekenmerk word deur Vitaliteit, Toegewydheid en Verdieptheid (Schaufeli et al., 2002). Werk stres word beskryf as `n wanbalans tussen `n persoon se persepsie van sy/haar omgewings vereistes en die persepsie van hul eie vermoëns om hierdie vereistes te hanteer (Cooper et al., 1999). Laastens verwys Sielkundige Kapitaal na `n tweede-orde konstruk wat bestaan uit vier afsonderlike subkonstrukte naamlik Hoop, Optimisme, Self-bekwaamheid en Veerkragtigheid. ‘n Geriefsteekproef van 209 permanente werknemers en steundienstepersoneel van 'n medium grootte konstruksie maatskappy in die Wes-Kaap het aan die navorsingsprojek deelgeneem. Die Copenhagen Uitbranding Vraelys (CBI; Kristensen et al., 2005), die Utrecht Werksbetrokkenheid Skaal (UWES-9) (Schaufeli & Bakker, 2003), die Waargenome Stresskaal (PSS; Cohen et al., 1983) en die Sielkundige Kapitaal – Self-beoordeling Weergawe (PCQ-24; Luthans, Avolio et al., 2007) was gebruik in hierdie studie. In ooreenstemming met vorige navorsing is beduidende negatiewe verwantskappe tussen die drie dimensies van Uitbranding en Werk stres gevind. Dit dui daarop dat hoër Werk stres geassosieer word met 'n toename in die geneigdheid om Persoonlike-, Werks- en Kliënte Uitbranding te ontwikkel. Hierdie resultate was verwag, aangesien dit bekend is dat Uitbranding die gevolg is van lang termyn Stres. Die resultate het verder onthul dat hoë vlakke van Hoop, Optimisme, Self- Bekwaamheid en Veerkragtigheid (asook die totaaltelling van Sielkundige Kapitaal) geassosieer word met laer vlakke van Werk stres en Uitbranding. Dus, `n toename in werknemers se Sielkundige Kapitaal kan moontlik lei tot `n afname in hul Werk stres en Uitbranding. Verder, en soos wat verwag was, is bevind dat daar verskeie positiewe korrelasies tussen die vier subkonstrukte van Sielkundige Kapitaal bestaan. Dit is ook 'n empiriese aanduiding van die onderskeidings geldigheid van hierdie dimensies binne die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks. Dit beteken dat deur een van hierdie vier konstrukte te ontwikkel, die ander drie konstrukte ook terselfdertyd sal verhoog. erder het SielkundigeKapitaal verband gehou met 'n toename in Werknemerbetrokkenheid, en Optimisme en Self-Bekwaamheid, as sub-dimensies van Sielkundige Kapitaal, was hier die beste voorspellers van Werknemerbetrokkenheid. Hierdie resultate impliseer dat die ontwikkeling van Sielkundige Kapitaal verskeie voordele vir 'n maatskappy kan inhou (bv. verhoogde Werknemer Betrokkenheid, verlaagde Werk stres, asook Uitbranding). Laastens het hierdie studie bewys dat Sielkundige Kapitaal wel 'n modererende rol speel in die verhouding tussen Werk stres en onderskeidelik Persoonlike- en Werks- Uitbranding. Dit veronderstel dat alhoewel Werk stres onafwendbaar is in die huidige werksomgewing, Sielkundige Kapitaal as 'n persoonlike hanteringsmeganisme of hulpbron, die ontwikkeling van Uitbranding kan buffer. Die beperkings van die studie, asook aanbevelings vir toekomstige navorsing word bespreek.

Optimism, self-efficacy and meaningfulness : towards a aalutogenic model of occupational wellbeing

Steyn, Ria 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: From a global perspective, this study aimed to depart from the traditional notion of occupational wellbeing characterised as the absence of strain and stress-related diseases. Positive Organisational Scholarship (POS), the framework for this study, is largely concerned with the investigation of positive outcomes, processes and attributes of organisations and their employees. In essence, this study argued in favour of the cultivation of personal resources, such as optimism and self-efficacy, as well as the establishment of active efforts to instil meaningfulness in, and at work, in order to generate better occupational wellbeing and a sense of enhanced human functioning. A non-experimental research design (i.e. exploratory survey study) was used to explore the relationships between the various constructs. Occupational wellbeing was, for the purpose of empirical validation, firstly measured in terms of the absence of pathology. However, since it was conceptualised from a salutogenic approach in this study, a cognitive-judgemental evaluation of employees‟ satisfaction with their work-life was also included as a measure of occupational wellbeing. It was argued that optimism may impact on occupational wellbeing, as optimists are described in terms of their ability to anticipate positive outcome expectancies, and engage in continued efforts, despite current adverse circumstances to confront difficulties they encounter (Scheier & Carver, 1985). In turn, highly self-efficacious individuals are those exhibiting confidence in their ability to effectively execute personal strategies to ensure a positive outcome (Bandura, 1986). Drawing from POS, a twofold conceptualisation of meaningfulness was warranted: meaningfulness in work (defined as engagement) and meaningfulness at work (defined as organisational commitment). The primary aim of this study was consequently to explicate the possible nomological net underlying the complex phenomenon of occupational wellbeing, in terms of the abovementioned variables. A convenience sample of 202 individuals, employed at three organisations across South Africa, participated in the research. The measurement instruments included a 28-item version of the original General Health Questionnaire by Goldberg (1972), and an adapted version of Diener, Emmons, Larsen and Griffin‟s (1985) Satisfaction with Life Scale (adapted to Satisfaction with Work-life), both utilised to measure occupational wellbeing. The Life Orientation Test-Revised (Scheier, Carver and Bridges, 1994), and the General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSES) of Sherer, Maddux, Mercandante, Prentice-Dunn, Jacobs and Rogers (1982) was utilised to measure optimism and self-efficacy respectively. Finally, the Organisation Commitment Questionnaire (Mowday, Porter & Steers, 1979), and the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (Schaufeli & Bakker, 2003) was used in combination to respectively measure meaningfulness in work (engagement) and meaningfulness at work (commitment). Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and item analyses were conducted to evaluate the reliability and validity of the measurement instruments. Correlations were computed between the various variables. A structural model was fitted to investigate the extent to which optimism, self-efficacy and meaningfulness are significant predictors of occupational wellbeing. The results of the model suggested that optimism influences psychological health directly. This indicates that optimists may be inclined to experience greater levels of psychological wellbeing at work. The relationship between optimism and occupational wellbeing (i.e. psychological health) was further highlighted through an indirect causal effect, as mediated through a combination of work engagement and organisational commitment (i.e. meaningfulness). Optimism also causally influenced satisfaction with work life (the other aspect of occupational wellbeing). This indirect effect was also mediated by engagement and organisational commitment. The structural model indicated that no significant paths between self-efficacy and any of the other variables were evident. With the unique combination of positive psychological antecedents included in this research, the study aimed to make a significant contribution to the existing POS theory and literature. The results provide a probable explanation of the complex nomological net of variables (optimism, self-efficacy, and meaningfulness) and their interrelationships with each other, which influence occupational wellbeing within the South African context. Recommendations for future research in this domain were highlighted. The necessity of interventions rooted in the strength-based approach, underscoring the development of positive psychological capacities in both employees, and organisations, were also advocated. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Vanuit ʼn globale perspektief het hierdie studie gepoog om afstand te doen van die tradisionele uitgangspunt van die definiëring van beroepswelstand as slegs die ontbreking van spanning- en stres verwante kwale. Positiewe Organisatoriese Leerlingskap (POL), die raamwerk van hierdie studie, hou grotendeels verband met die soeke na positiewe uitkomste, prosesse en karaktertrekke binne organisasies, sowel as hul werknemers. In wese het die studie argumente voorgehou in guns van die ontwikkeling van persoonlike hulpbronne soos optimisme en selfbekwaamheid, asook die totstandbringing van daadwerklike pogings om betekenisvolheid in, en by die werk te genereer, vir beter beroepswelstand en prestasie. „ n Nie-eksperimentele navorsingsontwerp (dit is, ʼn verkennende studie) was gebruik om die verband tussen die verskeie konstrukte te ondersoek. Ten einde empiriese validasie gestand te doen, is beroepswelstand eerstens gemeet as die ontbreking van enige stres-verwante siektes. Nietemin, aangesien die konstruk in hierdie studie gedefinieer was vanuit ʼn salutogeniese perspektief, is ʼn addisionele kognitiewe-beoordelings evaluasie van werknemers se satisfaksie met hul werkslewe, ook gebruik ten einde beroepswelstand te meet. Argumente wat die rol van optimisme in welstand benadruk is voorgehou en uitgedruk in terme van optimiste se vermoë om positiewe uitkomste te verwag, asook hul aanhoudende pogings ten spyte van leiding en swaarkry (Scheier & Carver, 1985). Net so word hoogs selfbekwame individue beskryf in terme van hul vertroue in hul vermoë om persoonlike strategieë suksesvol uit te voer ten einde positiewe uitkomste te verseker (Bandura, 1986). Vanuit die POL vertrekpunt is betekenisvolheid in hierdie studie as twee aparte, maar verwante konstrukte, gekonseptualiseer: betekenisvolheid in werk (gedefinieer as werknemers betrokkenheid), en betekenisvolheid by die werk (gedefinieer as organisatoriese lojaliteit). Die primêre doel van die studie was derhalwe die verduideliking van die moontlike nomologiese net onderliggend aan die komplekse fenomeen van beroepswelstand in terme van die bogenoemde veranderlikes. ʼn Gerieflikheidsteekproef van 202 personeel van drie organisasies regoor Suid Afrika het aan die navorsingsprojek deelgeneem. Die meetinstrumente het bestaan uit die 28-item weergawe van die oorspronklike Algemene Gesondheid Vraelys van Goldberg (1972), en ʼn aangepaste weergawe van Diener, Emmons, Larson en Griffin (1985) se Satisfaksie met die Lewe Skaal (aangepas na Satisfaksie met werkslewe), wat albei gebruik is om beroepswelstand te bepaal. Die hersiene weergawe van die Lewensoriëntasie Skaal (Scheier, Carver & Bridges, 1994), asook die Algemene Selfbekwaamheid Skaal (Sherer, Maddux, Mercandante, Prentice-Dunn, Jacobs & Rogers, 1982) is gebruik om onderskeidelik optimisme en selfbekwaamheid te meet. Laastens is die Organisatoriese Lojaliteit Vraelys (Mowday, Porter & Steers, 1979) en die Utrecht Werknemer Betrokkenheid Skaal (Schaufeli & Bakker, 2003) in kombinasie gebruik om die konstrukte van onderskeidelik betekenisvolheid in werk (werknemer betrokkenheid), en betekenisvolheid by die werk (organisatoriese lojaliteit) te ondersoek. Bevestigende faktorontleding en item analises was gebruik om die betroubaarheid en geldigheid van die meetinstrumente te ondersoek. Die korrelasies tussen die verskeie konstrukte was ook bereken. ‟n Strukturele model is gepas om te bepaal of optimisme, selfbekwaamheid en betekenisvolheid ʼn beduidende impak op beroepswelstand het. Die resultate van die model suggereer dat optimisme ʼn direkte invloed het op die ervaring van beroepswelstand. Dit dien as aanduiding dat optimiste geneig is om merendeels hoër vlakke van sielkundige welstand by die werk te ervaar. Hierdie verhouding tussen optimisme en beroepswelstand (dit is, sielkundige welstand) was verder bevestig deur bewyse van ʼn indirekte kousale verband tussen die konstrukte wat gemedieër is deur ʼn kombinasie van werknemer betrokkenheid en organisatoriese lojaliteit (dit is, betekenisvolheid). Optimisme het verder ʼn kousale invloed gehad op die ervaring van satisfaksie met werkslewe (die ander dimensie van organisatoriese welstand). Hierdie direkte impak is ook verder gemedieër deur werknemer betrokkenheid en organisatoriese lojaliteit. Daar was egter geen beduidende verwantskappe tussen selfbekwaamheid en enige van die ander konstrukte gevind nie. Gegewe die unieke kombinasie van positiewe sielkunde konstrukte wat in hierdie studie ingesluit is, kan daar gesê word dat hierdie studie gepoog het om ʼn bydrae te maak ten opsigte van die bestaande POL teorieë en literatuur. Die resultate van die studie verskaf ʼn waarskynlike verduideliking vir die komplekse nomologiese net van konstrukte (optimisme, selfbekwaamheid, en betekenisvolheid), en hul unieke inter-korrelasies wat ʼn beduidende rol speel in die ervaring van beroepswelstand binne die Suid Afrikaanse konteks. Aanbevelings vir verdere navorsing in die area was voorgehou. Die nodigheid van intervensies rakende die ontwikkeling van positiewe sielkundige bevoegdhede binne organisasies en individue, is ook uitgespel.

Non-remuneration predictors of intention to quit among personal financial advisors

Van Tonder, Ronel 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In insurance sales organisations, the Personal Financial Advisors (PFAs) serve a pivotal function in the relationship between the organisation, product and customer. The organisation invests a great deal of time and money in recruiting, training and retaining good PFAs. However, turnover amongst these employees seem to remain high within the first 36 months of employment. The aim of this study was to explore the non-remuneration predictors of burnout and intention to quit amongst PFAs in order to shed some light on the turnover problem. Specific constructs were identified in a pilot study which would not necessarily have been explored by the organisation and may have gone unacknowledged or overlooked. These constructs are emotional labour, self-efficacy, time wasted on non-sales activities, supervisor support and their relationship with burnout and intention to quit. A convenience sample of 608 PFAs was approached from one insurance sales organisation. One hundred and twenty two (122) respondents completed and returned their questionnaires. The descriptive statistics of the sample reflected a mean age of 35 years (range 21 to 61 years), with 66% males and 34% females, and a race distribution of 64% White, 19% African, 10% Coloured and 7% Indian. The majority of the population had been working for 13 to 24 months (46%). Overall, the sample produced a satisfactory to good representation of the demographic statistics of the total population available to the researcher. Both quantitative and qualitative research techniques were utilised in this study. Analysis of the qualitative data supported the role of the theoretical constructs chosen for inclusion and additional sources of job stress were identified. Pearson productmoment correlation analysis was used to analyse the questionnaire data, followed by multiple regression analyses with work burnout, client burnout and intention to quit as dependent variables, and the remaining constructs as the predictors. Both a measurement and structural model was tested; both produced acceptable goodness-of-fit statistics. From all of the above-mentioned analyses, significant relationships were found to exist between time wasted on non-sales activities, burnout, and self-efficacy; self-efficacy, burnout and intention to quit, and burnout and intention to quit. Conclusions were drawn from the obtained results and recommendations are made with respect to future research, as well as with respect to the management of burnout and intention to quit in the sales environment. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In versekeringsmaatskappye speel die Persoonlike Finansiële Adviseur (PFA) ‘n baie belangrike rol in die verhouding tussen die organisasie, die produk en die kliënt. Die organisasie belê heelwat hulpbronne in die vorm van tyd en geld om goeie PFAs te werf, op te lei en te behou. Ten spyte hiervan is daar steeds ‘n groot hoeveelheid PFAs wat die organisasie verlaat binne die eerste 36 maande van aanstelling. Die huidige studie se doelwit was om die nie-vergoedingsvoorspellers van uitbranding onder PFAs, asook hulle intensies om te bedank, te bestudeer, om sodoende lig te werp op die hoë omset onder PFAs. Spesifieke konstrukte wat nie noodwendig deur die organisasie bestudeer sou word nie, is geïdentifiseer in ‘n loodsstudie. Hierdie konstrukte is emosionele arbeid, selfbekwaamheid, tyd verloor op nieverkoopsaktiwiteite, en ondersteuning deur die lynbestuurder. Hierdie konstrukte se verwantskap met uitbranding en intensies om die organisasie te verlaat, is bestudeer in die huidige studie. ‘n Gerieflikheidsteekproef van 608 PFAs vanuit een versekeringsmaatskappy is genader vir deelname aan die huidige studie. Een honderd twee-en-twintig (122) respondente het hul vraelyste voltooi en ingedien. Die beskrywende statistiek van die steekproef het ‘n gemiddelde ouderdom van 35 jaar getoon (verspreidingswydte 21 tot 61 jaar), met 66% manlik en 34% vroulik, en ‘n rasseverspreiding van 64% blank, 19% swart, 10% kleurling en 7% Indiër respondente. Oor die algemeen was die beskrywende statistiek ‘n aanvaarbare tot goeie verteenwoordiging van die totale populasie. Beide kwantitatiewe asook kwalitatiewe navorsingsmetodes is gebruik in hierdie studie. ‘n Analise van die kwalitatiewe data het die rol van die konstrukte wat vir insluiting gekies is, bevestig, en addisionele bronne van werkstres is geïdentifiseer. Die Pearson korrelasie-analises is gebruik om die vraelysdata te analiseer, gevolg deur stapsgewyse meervoudige regressie-ontledings met werksuitbranding, kliëntuitbranding en intensie om te bedank as afhanklike veranderlikes, en die oorblywende konstrukte as voorspellers. Beide die metingsmodel en die strukturele model is getoets, albei het aanvaarbare pasgehalte van die model opgelewer. Uit al die bogenoemde analises is beduidende verbande tussen die veranderlikes tyd verloor op nie-verkoopsaktiwiteite, uitbranding, en intensie om te bedank; selfbekwaamheid, uitbranding en intensie om te bedank; asook uibranding en intensie om te bedank gevind. Gevolgtrekkings is gemaak vanuit die bevindinge en voorstelle is gemaak met die oog op verdere navorsing, sowel as met betrekking tot die bestuur van uitbranding en intensie om te bedank in die verkoopsomgewing.

Investigating the construct validity of a developmental assessment centre

Brits, Nadia M 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Organisasies bestaan om skaars produksiefaktore te verander na bemarkbare goedere en dienste. Aangesien organisasies deur mense bedryf en bestuur word, is hierdie instellings grotendeels afhanklik van hul menslike produksiefaktor om hul hoofdoel te bereik, nl. om hul wins te vergroot. Organisasies poog om geskikte werknemers aan te stel wat sal voldoen aan die vereistes van 'n spesifieke pos of dit selfs sal oortref. In 'n werkswêreld wat konstant verander, vereis tegnologie en die kenmerke van die werkswêreld dat hierdie persone deurgaans ontwikkel word om by te bly met verandering. Personeelkeuring en –ontwikkeling is dus kritieke bedrywighede van die Bedryfsielkundige en Menslike Hulpbronpraktisyn. Die Takseersentrum is 'n gewilde meetinstrument wat dikwels gebruik word vir die doel van keuring of ontwikkeling. Hierdie gewilde assesseringsmetode word hoog aangeskryf vir sy vermoë om toekomstige werksprestasie te voorspel. Takseersentrums wat gebruik word vir keuring doeleindes, toon inkrementele geldigheid bo meetinstrumente van persoonlikheid sowel as kognitiewe vaardigheidstoetse. Al word takseersentrums internasionaal en hier in Suid-Afrika dikwels gebruik, word hulle ook dikwels gekritiseer op grond van die vraag of hulle werklik die dimensies meet wat hulle veronderstel is om te meet. Die konstrukgeldigheid van takseersentrums word dikwels bevraagteken aangesien lae diskriminante en konvergerende geldigheid, sowel as hardnekkige oefeningseffekte, navorsingsbevindinge oorheers. Hierdie vraag is die beweegrede vir die huidige studie. Die doel met hierdie studie is om die konstrukgeldigheid van 'n ontwikkelingstakseersentrum te ondersoek. 'n Geriefsteekproef is gebruik om die navorsing te doen. Die data is verskaf deur 'n private konsultasie maatskappy in die vorm van die takseersentrumtellings van 202 persone wat in 'n eendaagse sentrum geassesseer is. Die sentrum is ontwikkel vir 'n Suid-Afrikaanse bankinstelling en het drie hoofdoelwitte, nl. om kandidate te identifiseer vir die rol van 'n nuwe posbeskrywing, om werknemers na meer topaslike rolle te verskuif en om toekomstige ontwikkelingsgeleenthede vir alle deelnemers te verskaf. Twaalf vaardighede is deur vier verskillende oefeninge geëvalueer. Verskeie beperkinge is opgelê deur die aard van die geriefsteekproef deurdat die navorser geen invloed op die ontwerp van die takseersentrum gehad het nie. Die aanvanklike twaalf vaardighede kon nie afsonderlik ontleed word nie en moes gevolglik as subdimensies in hul onderskeie globale faktore gekombineer word. Dit het gelei tot vier enkeldimensie (ED) metingsmodelle wat eers ondersoek moes word om gesigswaarde van konstrukgeldigheid te bewys voordat oefeninge by die bestaande modelle gevoeg kon word. Die vier afsonderlike oefeninge is in een globale oefeningseffek saamgevoeg. As gevolg van die ontoereikende getal indikators in die datastel kon net twee van die vier ED-modelle oefeninge insluit en dit het gelei tot twee enkeldimensie-, enkeloefening-metingsmodelle (EDEO). Inter-itemkorrelatsies is in SPSS bereken, gevolg deur bevestigende faktorontleding van elke afsonderlike metingsmodel in EQS wat gebruik is om die interne struktuur van die dimensies te bestudeer. Met een dimensie as uitsondering, impliseer die uitslae van die CFA dat die indikators van die takseersentrum (d.w.s. gedragsbeoordelings) nie daarin slaag om die onderliggende dimensie te weerspieël soos dit veronderstel was om te doen nie. Nadat die saamgestelde oefeningseffek byvoeg is, het slegs een van die twee dimensies geloofwaardige uitslae met buitengewoon goeie modelpassing en parameterskattings wat dui op dimensie- eerder as oefeningseffekte. As gevolg van hierdie bevindings word die geldigheid van die ontwikkelingsterugvoer wat elke deelnemer na die evaluering ontvang het, ernstig in twyfel getrek. Met die uitsondering van een dimensie se resultate, bevestig die resultate van hierdie studie vorige navorsingsbevindinge. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Organisations exist by transforming scarce factors of production into goods and services. Since organisations are run and managed by people, these institutions are largely dependent on their human production factor to achieve their main goal of maximising profits. Organisations strive to appoint suitable employees who will meet, even exceed, the requirements of a particular job position. In a constantly evolving world of work, advancing technology and inherent features of the modern working environment necessitate ongoing development of these individuals in order to keep up with the changes. Personnel selection and development are therefore crucial activities of the Industrial Psychologist and Human Resource Practitioner. The Assessment Centre (AC) is a popular measuring instrument that is often used for either selection or development purposes. This popular method of assessment has received a great degree of praise for its ability to predict future job performance. ACs have also shown incremental validity over and above both personality and cognitive ability measuring instruments when used for selection purposes. Nevertheless, despite the frequent use of ACs both internationally and locally in South Africa, ACs have been widely criticised on the basis of whether they actually measure the dimensions that they intend to measure. The question has often been asked whether ACs are construct valid, since low discriminant- and convergent validity, as well as persistent exercise effects, seem to dominate research findings. This question serves as the driving force of the present study. The aim of this study is to examine the construct validity of a development assessment centre (DAC). A convenience sample was used to pursue the research objective. The data was received from a private consultant company in the form of the AC ratings of 202 individuals who were assessed in a one-day DAC. The DAC was developed for a South African banking institution and had three main purposes, namely to identify candidates who fit the role of a new job position, to reposition employees into more appropriate roles, and to provide future development opportunities to all participants. Twelve competencies were assessed by four different exercises. Several limitations were imposed by the nature of the convenience sample since the researcher did not have an influence on the design of the AC. The initial twelve competencies were not represented by a sufficient number of indicators and could consequently not be statistically analysed on an individual level. These dimensions therefore had to be used as sub-dimensions to be combined within their respective global (second-order) factors. This resulted in four single trait (ST) measurement models that had to be investigated first to provide face value of construct validity before adding exercises into the existing models. The four separate exercises were integrated into one global exercise effect. The insufficient number of indicators within the data set brought about only two of the four ST models to be examined for any existing exercise effects. The result was two single trait, single exercise (STSE) measurement models. Inter-item correlations were calculated in SPSS, followed by confirmatory factor analysis on each respective measurement model in EQS used to study the internal structure of the dimensions. With one dimension as the exception, the results of the CFA imply that the DAC's indicators (i.e. behavioural ratings) in each second-order factor, fail to reflect the underlying dimension, as it was intended to do. When adding the conglomerated exercise effect, only one of the two dimensions had plausible results with good model fit and parameter estimates that leaned towards dimension and not exercise effects. Based on these findings, serious doubt is placed on the validity of the developmental feedback provided to each participant after the completion of the DAC. With one dimension as the exception, the present study's results corroborate previous research findings on the construct validity of ACs.

The influence of a team development intervention (improvisational theatre) on climate for work group innovation

Kirsten, Burgert 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm (Industrial Psychology))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / The present study evaluates the influence on the four factors of an innovative work group climate, namely participative safety, vision, support for innovation and task orientation, of a team development intervention based on improvisational theatre exercises. In the literature study, these four factors are compared with the principles of improvisational theatre, namely trust and support, agreement, listening and awareness, and narrative skills. A quasiexperimental study was conducted. Differences in pre-test and post-test scores of an experimental group (ne=15), who took part in a half-day improvisation theatre team development intervention, are compared with the differences in pre- and post-test scores of a control group (nc=13). The sample consisted of two teams from a health care management unit, which formed part of the health care department of a large insurance company in South Africa. The results show that, for innovative work group climate as a whole, the experimental group’s scores improved significantly (p<.01) in comparison to the control group’s scores. The experimental group’s scores for the three factors, vision, participative safety and task orientation, also improved significantly in comparison to the control group’s scores (p<.05 for all three factors). However, the experimental group’s score for support for innovation did not improve significantly. It is therefore concluded that the intervention had a positive influence on climate for work group innovation, based on its impact on the three factors, vision, participative safety and task orientation. In conclusion, this study builds on previous research that endorses the application of improvisational theatre techniques in organisational development settings.

The development and evaluation of a partial talent management competency model

Oehley, Anne-Marguerite 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Industrial Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / This study was driven by a need that was identified within a large telecommunications organisation to establish the Talent Management competencies required of line managers, and to provide HR managers with a measure to constructively, rationally and purposefully manage the Talent Management performance of line managers. In an attempt to address the above research needs, the study set about to 1) identify the Talent Management competencies required by line managers in order to successfully implement the organisation’s Talent Management strategy; 2) formulate these competencies within a model, and 3) determine what the desired Talent Management outcomes are and how these relate to line managers’ Talent Management competencies. The initial part of this study describes the development of a Talent Management competency 360° evaluation questionnaire. This objective was achieved by means of a literature search, followed by the Critical Incidents Technique (CIT) of interviewing. The questionnaire consists of 8 dimensions and 43 items. The sample consisted of 123 leadership development candidates within this organisation. A total of 357 questionnaires were obtained. A comprehensive Talent Management competency model was developed that defines and describes the line manager behaviours required in order to successfully carry out the Talent Management strategies within an organisation. These competencies were evaluated against the outcomes of Job Satisfaction, Affective Commitment and Intention to Quit that the Talent Management competencies are meant to affect. Item analysis and dimensionality analysis were performed on each of the subscales, using SPSS. Thereafter, confirmatory factor analysis was performed on the relevant measurement model data sets, using LISREL. The results indicated in all cases satisfactory measurement model fit. Subsequently, the comprehensive Talent Management competency structural model was tested using LISREL. Reasonable to good model fit was indicated for the structural model. Ten of the 24 stated hypotheses in this study were corroborated. A notable unique result of this research presented itself in the significant positive relationships uncovered between the exogenous latent variable, Talent Management Mindset, and the endogenous latent variables of Attracts and Recruits Talent, Builds and Maintains Relationships, Provides Meaningful and Challenging Work, Remunerates and Rewards Fairly and Manages Work-life Balance. These significant positive relationships provide empirical evidence for the first time of the importance of instilling a Talent Management mindset within the line managers. Additional significant links established between Affective Commitment and Intention to Quit, between Attracts and Recruits Talent and Organisational Job Satisfaction, and between Organisational Job Satisfaction and Intention to Quit corroborates previous research findings.

An investigation into the internal structure of the learning potential construct as measured by the Apil Test Battery

De Goede, Johan 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm (Industrial Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / This thesis presents an investigation into the internal structure of the learning potential construct as measured by the APIL Test Battery developed by Taylor (1989, 1992, 1994, 1997). The measurement of learning potential, a core or fundamental ability, as opposed to abilities heavily influenced by exposure to previous opportunities is important in the South African environment. The importance of the assessment of learning potential can be explained partly in terms of the necessity of equalling the proverbial ‘playing field’ and ensuring that previously disadvantaged individuals are not becoming more disadvantaged by further being denied development opportunities and partly in terms of attempts to compensate and correct for a system that clearly oppressed the development of important job related skills, knowledge and abilities in certain groups. Such attempts at accelerated affirmative development will, however, only be effective to the extent to which there exists a comprehensive understanding of the factors underlying training performance success and the manner in which they combine to determine learning performance in addition to clarity on the fundamental nature of the key performance areas comprising the learning task. In this study the internal structure of the learning potential construct as measured by the APIL Test Battery was investigated through structural equation modelling and regression analysis. Overall, it was found that both the measurement and the structural model fitted the data reasonably well. The study, however, was unable to corroborate a number of the central hypotheses in Taylor’s (1989, 1992, 1994, 1997) stance on learning potential. Moreover, the analysis of the standardised residuals for the structural model, suggested that the addition of one or more paths to the existing structural model would probably improve the fit of the model. Modification indices calculated as part of the structural equation modelling could, however, not point out any specific additions to the existing model. Regression analysis resulted in the conclusion that the inclusion of the two learning competency potential measures together with the two learning competencies measures in a learning potential selection battery is not really warranted. The use of information processing capacity as a predictor on its own seems to be indicated by the results of this study. Recommendations for future research are made.

Exploring the relationship between burnout, emotional labour and emotional intelligence : a study on call centre representatives

Furnell, Bernadette Anne 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to explore the relationships between burnout, emotional labour (EL) and emotional intelligence (EI) in the call centre industry and to determine whether EI played a moderating role in the relationship between EL and burnout. A nonexperimental research design (i.e. exploratory survey study) was used to explore the relationships between the three constructs. The constructs were defined as follows: burnout, as a syndrome consisting of three negative response patterns which include: emotional exhaustion, depersonalisation and diminished personal accomplishment (Maslach, Jackson & Leiter, 1996); EI, as the capacity to effectively perceive, express, understand and manage emotions in a professional and effective manner at work (Palmer & Stough, 2001); and EL, as the process where employees regulate their emotional display in an attempt to meet organisationally-based expectations specific to their roles (Brotheridge & Lee, 2003). A convenience sample of 250 employees was drawn from two inbound customer care call centres of a leading South African telecommunications company that was approached to participate in the research. The Maslach Burnout Inventory – General Survey (Maslach et al., 1996), the Emotional Labour Scale (Brotheridge & Lee, 2003) and the Swinburne University Emotional Intelligence Test (Palmer & Stough, 2001) were administered. Two hundred and ten (210) respondents completed and returned the questionnaires. The results showed that surface acting (a dimension of EL) was positively related to and predicted emotional exhaustion (i.e. increased burnout). Conversely, deep acting (a dimension of EL) was related to an increase in personal accomplishment scores (i.e. decreased burnout). As hypothesised, EI was found to relate negatively to surface acting and positively to deep acting and emerged as a strong predictor of deep acting, explaining 20% of the variance in deep acing scores. These results revealed that those individuals higher in EI were more likely to engage more often in deep acting techniques, which could likely influence their levels of burnout. Furthermore, EI was related to an increase in personal accomplishment (i.e. decreased burnout) and emotional management (a dimension of EI) emerged as the strongest predictor of increased personal accomplishment. Whilst EI did not emerge as a moderator in the relationship between EL and burnout, support was found for the value of developing EI interventions that foster deep acting techniques in the call centre environment. Tenure (length of service) was found to be positively related to emotional exhaustion and negatively related to deep acting, indicating that the implementation of EI interventions in call centres should not be restricted to the induction phase of an employee’s career but continue throughout their working lives. The limitations of the study and recommendations for future research were discussed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was om die verwantskap tussen uitbranding, emosionele arbeid (EA) en emosionele intelligensie (EI) in die inbelsentrum bedryf te ondersoek en om te bepaal of EI ‘n modererende effek op die EA en uitbranding verwantskap het. Daar is gebruik gemaak van ‘n nie-eksperimentele navorsingsontwerp (nl. ‘n verkennende opnamestudie) ten einde die verband tussen die drie konstrukte en hul sub-dimensies te ondersoek. Die konstrukte is soos volg gedefinieer: uitbranding, as ‘n sindroom bestaande uit drie negatiewe respons komponente: emosionele uitputting, depersonalisasie en verminderde gevoel van persoonlike bekwaamheid (Maslach, Jackson & Leiter, 1996); EI, as die individu se kapasiteit om emosies binne die werksomgewing effektief waar te neem, uit te druk, te verstaan en op ‘n professionele en effektiewe wyse te bestuur (Palmer & Stough, 2001); en EA, as die proses waardeur werknemers hulle eksterne, sigbare emosies reguleer in ‘n poging om aan die verwagte vertoon reëls van hul organisasie (spesifiek tot hulle werksrol) te voldoen (Brotheridge & Lee, 2003). ‘n Gerieflikheidsteekproef van 250 werknemers verbonde aan twee inbelkliëntedienssentrums van ‘n toonaangewende Suid Afrikaanse telekommunikasie maatskappy was genader om aan die navorsing deel te neem. Die respondente het drie vraelyste voltooi: die Maslach Uitbrandingsvraelys – Algemene Opname (Maslach Burnout Inventory – General Survey) (Maslach et al., 1996); die Emosionele Arbeid Skaal (Emotional Labour Scale) (Brotheridge & Lee, 2003); en die Swinburne Universiteit Emosionele Intelligensie Toets (Swinburne University Emotional Intelligence Test) (Palmer & Stough, 2001). Twee honderd en tien (210) respondente het die vraelyste voltooi en terugbesorg aan die navorser. Die bevindinge toon dat oppervlakkige toneelspel (“surface acting”) (‘n dimensie van EA) ‘n positiewe verwantskap het met emosionele uitputting, asook om dit te voorspel (nl. vermeerderde uitbranding). Omgekeerd, was diep toneelspel (“deep acting”) (‘n dimensie van EA) verwant aan ‘n vermeerdering in persoonlike bekwaamheid (nl. verminderde uitbranding). EI het ‘n negatiewe verwantskap met oppervlakkige toneelspel maar ‘n positiewe verwantskap met diep toneelspel getoon, en het 20% van die variansie in diep toneelspel voorspel. Die resultate wys daarop dat mense met hoër EI meer waarskynlik diep toneelspel tegnieke sal gebruik, wat uitbranding vlakke sal beinvloed. Verder was EI verwant aan ‘n vermeerdering in persoonlike bekwaamheid (nl. verminderde uitbranding). Emosionele bestuur (‘n dimensie van EI) het die grootste variansie in persoonlike bekwaamheid voorspel. Die resultate toon dat EI nie ‘n moderator in die verwantskap tusseen EA en uitbranding is nie. Ondanks hierdie bevinding, was daar genoeg bewyse gevind vir die waarde van die ontwikkeling van EI intervensies (wat diep toneelspel tegnieke bevorder) in die inbelsentrum bedryf. Dienstyd was positief verwant aan emosionele uitputting en negatief verwant aan diep toneelspel. Die resultate bewys dat EI intervensies in inbelsentrums nie net in die begin van ‘n werknemer se loopbaan geïmplementeer moet word nie, maar deur die hele loopbaan moet voortduur. Die beperkinge van die studie en voorstelle vir toekomstige navorsing is bespreek.

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