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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Structuration de matrices à base de pectine : formulation, caractérisation, fonctionnalités et libération contrôlée lors de l'encapsulation / Structure of matrices based on pectin : formulation, characterization, functionality and controlled release during the encapsulation

Huynh, Thi Diem Uyen 12 October 2016 (has links)
Dans ce travail de thèse, nous avons étudié les interactions entre un polyoside anionique (pectine) et des cations monovalent (Na+) et divalents (Ca2+, Zn2+, Ba2+, Mg2+) en régime dilué (c < c*) et concentré (c ≈ c*). Ainsi, une pectine faiblement méthylée (LMP) a été étudiée en comparaison avec l’acide polygalacturonique (PGA). L’affinité de ces polyosides pour fixer les ions calcium diminue quand la concentration en NaCl augmente. Elle est plus élevée dans le cas du Ca-polyGal en comparaison avec Ca-LMP ; ceci peut être expliqué par la faible rigidité des chaînes observée pour le polyGal. Les interactions entre les quatre cations divalents (Ca2+, Zn2+, Ba2+, Mg2+) et les deux biopolymères (PolyGal et LMP) en régime dilué ont été étudiées afin d’obtenir des informations sur la structure du réseau, le mode d’association et l’énergie d’association. Nous avons donc proposé un mécanisme d’association qui est composé de deux étapes : i) formation de monocomplexes et de réticulations ponctuelles et ii) formation de dimères. Le passage de l’étape (i) à l’étape (ii) est caractérisé par un ratio molaire critique (R*=[M2+]/[Gal]) qui dépend du nombre et de la stabilité des réticulations ponctuelles entre le polymère et le cation. Pour le Mg-polyGal, l’association est due à une condensation des ions magnésium autour des chaînes du polyGal. Les résultats de simulations ont montré que l’association de 4 cations Zn2+ avec 2 chaînes composées de 8 unités Gal est similaire à une structure de type « boîte à œuf ». Ce modèle n’est pas applicable à la structure obtenue par l’association des cations Ca2+ et Ba2+. Les associations entre les polyGals et les cations divalents à une concentration en polymère proche de la concentration de recouvrement (c*) permettent d’obtenir des gels uniquement pour les trois cations (Ca2+, Zn2+, Ba2+). Les propriétés viscoélastiques de ces gels ainsi que la cinétique de gélification ont été étudiés. Dans le cas des gels, la première étape du mécanisme d’association proposé (formation de monocomplexes et de réticulations ponctuelles) s’accompagne d’une augmentation de l’épaisseur du gel ; alors que la deuxième étape (formation de dimères) conduit à une densification du gel. Nous avons remarqué que le coefficient de diffusion du front de gel suit l’ordre suivant : Ba2+ > Ca2+ > Zn2+ > Mg2+ ; ceci peut être relié à l’affinité entre les molécules d’eau de la sphère de coordination et le cation. En effet, l’affinité du cation pour l’eau augmente selon l’ordre inverse : Ba2+ < Ca2+ < Zn2+ < Mg2+. Enfin, nous avons utilisé ces trois polyosides (PGA, LMP et ALMP - pectine faiblement méthylée amidée) en association à des ions calcium pour fabriquer des microparticules contenant la rutine afin de cibler sa libération au niveau intestinal. Nous avons ainsi relié la cinétique de libération de la rutine à la structure du réseau mis en place lors de l’étape de gélification. Les microparticules à base de pectine ALMP présentent une capacité à fixer l’eau et un taux de libération de la rutine plus élevés que les microparticules à base de LMP et PGA. Le gel Ca-ALMP est plus flexible et présente des modules viscoélastiques plus faibles que les gels Ca-PGA et Ca-LMP. Nous avons attribué ceci à la distribution aléatoire des groupements ester et/ou amide dans ALMP qui gênerait la formation des dimères : les liaisons hydrogènes entre les fonctions amines et les fonctions carboxylates seraient donc responsables de la flexibilité du réseau formé. / In this thesis, we studied the interactions between an anionic polysaccharide (pectin) and monovalent cation (Na+) and divalent cations (Ca2+, Zn2+, Ba2+, Mg2+) in dilute regime (c < c*) and concentrate regime (c ≈ c *). Thus, a low methoxy pectin (LMP) was studied in comparison with a polygalacturonic acid (PGA). The affinity to bind calcium ions for these polysaccharides decreases as the NaCl concentration increases. This binding affinity was higher for Ca-polyGal than for Ca-LMP due to the low rigidity of chains observed in the polyGal. The interactions between four divalent cations (Ca2+, Zn2+, Ba2+, Mg2+) and the two biopolymers (polyGal and LMP) in the dilute regime were studied in order to obtain information about the network structure, the mode of association and the binding energy. Therefore, we propose a mechanism of the binding which consists of two steps: i) formation of monocomplexations and point-like cross-links ii) formation of dimers. The threshold molar ratio (R* = [M2+]/[Gal]), between these two steps depends on the number and the stability of the point-like cross-links between polyGal chains and the cation. Mg2+ interacts so strongly with water that is remains weakly bound to polyGal (polycondensation) by sharing water molecules from its first coordination shell with the carboxylate groups of polyGal. Molecular dynamic simulations of galacturonate chains in explicit water showed that the « egg-box » model is more adapted for zinc cations than for calcium and barium. When the concentration of the polyGal is close to the overlap concentration (c*), the addition of divalent cations allows to obtain gels for only three cations (Ca2+, Zn2+, Ba2+). The viscoelastic properties of these gels and the gelation kinetics were studied. In the case of gel formation, the first step (formation of monocomplexations and point-like cross-links) is accompanied by an increase in the gel thickness; while the second step (formation of dimers) leads to a densification of the gel. We found that the diffusion coefficient of the gel front increased according the following order: Ba2+ > Ca2+ > Zn2+ > Mg2+; this may be related to the affinity between the water molecules from the coordination sphere and the cation. Indeed, the affinity of the cation for water molecules increases in the reverse order: Ba2+ < Ca2+ < Zn2+ < Mg2+. Finally, we have used the three polysaccharides (PGA, LMP and ALMP - amidated low methoxyl pectin) in association with calcium ions to produce microparticles containing rutin to target drug release in the intestine. We have linked the rutin release kinetics to the network structure established in the gelation step. ALMP microparticles had higher ability to uptake water and thus higher drug release rate than two others microparticles (Ca-LMP and Ca-PGA). The Ca-ALMP gel was more flexible and had the lower viscoelastic modulus than Ca-PGA and Ca-LMP gels. We attributed this to the random distribution of ester and/or amide groups in ALMP, which hinders the formation of dimers: the hydrogen bonds between the amine groups and carboxylate groups are responsible for the flexibility of the network formed.

Simulations de dynamique moléculaires d'ARN – Structures et environnements

Auffinger, Pascal 05 February 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Les ARN, seules molécules à la fois informatives et catalytiques, interviennent à tous les niveaux de la vie cellulaire. Pour certaines molécules d'ARN, comme les ARN messagers, la fonction réside dans la séquence. Pour d'autres, comme les ARN de transfert, la fonction réside dans l'adoption et le maintien d'une structure tridimensionnelle compacte. Ces derniers, dits ARN structurés, nécessitent des ions Mg2+ pour maintenir leur structure tertiaire et assurer leur fonction de catalyse. Dans l'équipe d'Eric WESTHOF, de nombreux modèles tridimensionnels de ces ARN structurés, élaborés à partir de contraintes fournies par des méthodes de cartographie chimique en solution et de comparaison de séquences, ont été construits. Ces modèles regroupent l'ensemble des données expérimentales existantes pour un système donné et permettent ainsi de proposer des mécanismes de réaction ou de reconnaissance pertinents. Toutefois, ces modèles ne prétendent pas atteindre la résolution atomique de structures cristallographiques. C'est pourquoi des méthodes de simulations de dynamique moléculaire (DM) sont développées afin d'affiner les structures modélisées et, ultérieurement, de mieux comprendre les relations structure-fonction de ces ARN.<br /> Les progrès récents dans les techniques de simulation de DM réalisés au laboratoire, nous permettent maintenant de simuler la dynamique de molécules de la taille d'un ARN de transfert ou de petits ribozymes avec un degré de précision jusqu'alors rarement atteint. Pour mieux comprendre les fonctions des ARN, qui sont par nature des processus dynamiques, nous utilisons les méthodes de DM pour compléter les informations structurales fragmentaires qui sont disponibles sur l'hydratation de ces ARN et le rôle d'agents structurants (ions monovalents, divalents et anions). En effet, cette connaissance préalable est indispensable pour la compréhension du repliement et de la stabilité de ces ARN. De plus, elle contribuera à la construction de modèles structuraux plus précis. Parmi les systèmes que nous nous proposons d'étudier se trouvent les ARN de transfert ainsi que des fragments d'ARN ribosomaux. Des complexes entre ARN et antibiotiques ainsi que des complexes ARN/protéines sont en cours d'étude.

The effects of estrogenic endocrine disruptors on the osmoregulatory functions in euryhaline fish

Al-Jandal, Noura January 2011 (has links)
Osmoregulation is an essential process to maintain water and ionic balance and when euryhaline fish move between freshwater and seawater environments as part of their life cycle this presents additional osmoregulatory challenges. Migrating fish can be exposed in both environments to pollutants such as endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) that include natural hormones (e.g. 17β-estradiol; E2), synthetic hormones (e.g. 17α-ethinylestradiol; EE2), and industrial chemicals (e.g. nonylphenol). The focus of this thesis was to study the effects of different categories of EDCs on the osmoregulatory functions of euryhaline fish such as three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Osmoregulatory variables (such as osmolality, water and ionic content) were compared in plasma and tissues (white muscle and carcass) of rainbow trout. This validated the use of specific tissue parameters as a surrogate of plasma responses to various osmoregulatory challenges. Waterborne exposure to 17α-ethinylestradiol revealed differential sensitivity of vitellogenesis in the three-spined sticklebacks (no induction) and rainbow trout, but had a significant effect on calcium homeostasis in both species. Intraperitoneal implants of 17β-estradiol reduced CaCO3 production and apparent water absorption in the intestine and increased in tissue calcium stores of seawater-acclimated trout, but fish were able to compensate and showed no overall osmoregulatory disturbance. Waterborne exposure to nonylphenol in freshwater trout was also investigated, but no effects on osmoregulation were found up to 2 ng/l. Overall, estrogens can affect osmoregulation differentially in euryhaline fish species, and sometimes at EDC levels lower than the threshold for reproductive effects (i.e. vitellogenin induction).

Modélisation moléculaire de l'hydratation, de la structure, et de la mobilité des ions et de l'eau dans l'espace interfoliaire et à la surface d'une argile smectitique / Molecular modeling of the hydration, the structure, and the mobility of ions and water in the interlayer space and at the surface of a smectitic clay

Ngouana wakou, Brice Firmin 04 April 2014 (has links)
L’étude de l’adsorption et de la mobilité des ions dans les argiles est importante pour mieux appréhender de nombreux processus géochimiques et environnementaux, de même que pour prédire le comportement des radionucléides dans les conditions du stockage géologique. A cause de leurs tailles très petites (< 2μm), il n’est pas toujours évident d’étudier les argiles à l’aide des méthodes et techniques expérimentales existantes. L’une des alternatives à ce problème consiste alors à utiliser la modélisation moléculaire pour les étudier. En plus de leurs tailles fines, les argiles présentent également des structures complexes, qui peuvent survenir en raison de la multiplicité de possibilités de distributions et d’arrangements des substitutions isomorphiques dans leurs couches. Il a été clairement démontré qu’il existe une corrélation entre la distribution des substitutions dans les couches des argiles et les propriétés de ces dernières. En revanche, ceci reste à démontrer en ce qui concerne l’arrangement de ces substitutions dans les couches de l’argile. Dans ce travail, la modélisation moléculaire est utilisée pour déterminer et comparer les propriétés d’hydratation, ainsi que la structure et la mobilité des ions (Li⁺, Na⁺, K⁺, Rb⁺, Cs⁺, Mg²⁺, Ca²⁺, Sr²⁺, Ba²⁺, Ni²⁺, UO₂²⁺) et de l’eau dans l’espace interfoliaire de trois modèles de montmorillonite, différents entre eux par l’arrangement des substitutions isomorphiques dans les couches de l’argile.L’adsorption et la diffusion des cations cités plus haut et de l’eau sont également étudiées à la surface de la montmorillonite et les résultats sont comparés à ceux obtenus dans l’espace interfoliaire à 298 K et à 363 K. Les résultats obtenus dans ce travail s’accordent bien avec les observations expérimentales, et font ressortir une corrélation plus ou moins importante entre le modèle d’argile utilisé et le type de propriété calculée. Cette corrélation dépend également de la nature du cation présent dans la structure de la montmorillonite et de sa teneur en eau. / The study of adsorption and ion mobility in clay minerals is important for a better understanding of many geochemical and environmental processes, as well as to predict the behavior of radionuclides in geological storage conditions. Because of their very small size (<2μm), it is not always easy to study clays by using the existing experimental methods and techniques. One alternative to this issue is to use computational molecular modeling to carry out clay studies. In addition to their tiny size, clays minerals also have complex structures, which can appear due to various possibilities in the distribution and arrangement of isomorphic substitutions in their layers. It has been clearly demonstrated that there is a strong correlation between the distribution of substitutions in the clay layers and their properties. However, this remains to be shown regarding the arrangement of the substitutions in the layers of the clay. In this work, computational molecular modeling techniques are used to determine and compare the hydration properties, as well as the structure and mobility of ions (Li⁺, Na⁺, K⁺, Rb⁺, Cs⁺, Mg²⁺, Ca²⁺, Sr²⁺, Ba²⁺, Ni²⁺,UO₂²⁺) and water in the interlayer space of the three models of montmorillonite, that differ from each other by the arrangement of isomorphic substitutions in the clay layers.The adsorption and diffusion of the previously listed cations and water are also studied on the surface of montmorillonite clay and the results are compared to those obtained in the interlayer space both at 298 K and at 363 K. The data generated in this work agree well with experimental observations, and show a more or less significant correlation between the clay model used and the type of property calculated.

Wechselwirkung zwischen Lipiden und DNA : auf dem Weg zum künstlichen Virus / Interaction between lipids and DNA : on the way to the artificial virus

Gromelski, Sandra January 2006 (has links)
Weltweit versuchen Wissenschaftler, künstliche Viren für den Gentransfer zu konstruieren, die nicht reproduktionsfähig sind. Diese sollen die Vorteile der natürlichen Viren besitzen (effizienter Transport von genetischem Material), jedoch keine Antigene auf ihrer Oberfläche tragen, die Immunreaktionen auslösen. <br><br> Ziel dieses Projektes ist es, einen künstlichen Viruspartikel herzustellen, dessen Basis eine Polyelektrolytenhohlkugel bildet, die mit einer Lipiddoppelschicht bedeckt ist. Um intakte Doppelschichten zu erzeugen, muss die Wechselwirkung zwischen Lipid und Polyelektrolyt (z.B. DNA) verstanden und optimiert werden. Dazu ist es notwendig, die strukturelle Grundlage der Interaktion aufzuklären. Positiv geladene Lipide gehen zwar starke Wechselwirkungen mit der negativ geladenen DNA ein, sie wirken jedoch toxisch auf biologische Zellen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde daher die durch zweiwertige Kationen vermittelte Kopplung von genomischer oder Plasmid-DNA an zwitterionische oder negativ geladene Phospholipide an zwei Modellsystemen untersucht. <br><br> 1. Modellsystem: Lipidmonoschicht an der Wasser/Luft-Grenzfläche <br> Methoden:<br> Filmwaagentechnik in Kombination mit IR-Spektroskopie (IRRAS), Röntgenreflexion (XR), Röntgendiffraktion (GIXD), Brewsterwinkel-Mikroskopie (BAM), Röntgenfluoreszenz (XRF) und Oberflächenpotentialmessungen <br> Resultate:<br> A) Die Anwesenheit der zweiwertigen Kationen Ba2+, Mg2+, Ca2+ oder Mn2+ in der Subphase hat keinen nachweisbaren Einfluss auf die Struktur der zwitterionischen DMPE- (1,2-Dimyristoyl-phosphatidyl-ethanolamin) Monoschicht. <br> B) In der Subphase gelöste DNA adsorbiert nur in Gegenwart dieser Kationen an der DMPE-Monoschicht. <br> C) Sowohl die Adsorption genomischer Kalbsthymus-DNA als auch der Plasmid-DNA pGL3 bewirkt eine Reduktion des Neigungswinkels der Alkylketten, die auf einen veränderten Platzbedarf der Kopfgruppe zurückzuführen ist. Durch die Umorientierung der Kopfgruppe wird die elektrostatische Wechselwirkung zwischen den positiv geladenen Stickstoffatomen der Lipidkopfgruppen und den negativ geladenen DNA-Phosphaten erhöht.<br> D) Die adsorbierte DNA weist eine geordnete Struktur auf, wenn sie durch Barium-, Magnesium-, Calcium- oder Manganionen komplexiert ist. Der Abstand zwischen parallelen DNA-Strängen hängt dabei von der Größe der DNA-Fragmente sowie von der Art des Kations ab. Die größten Abstände ergeben sich mit Bariumionen, gefolgt von Magnesium- und Calciumionen. Die kleinsten DNA-Abstände werden durch Komplexierung mit Manganionen erhalten. Diese Ionenreihenfolge stellt sich sowohl für genomische DNA als auch für Plasmid-DNA ein. <br> E) Die DNA-Abstände werden durch die Kompression des Lipidfilms nicht beeinflusst. Zwischen der Lipidmonoschicht und der adsorbierten DNA besteht demnach nur eine schwache Wechselwirkung. Offensichtlich befindet sich die durch zweiwertige Kationen komplexierte DNA als weitgehend eigenständige Schicht unter dem Lipidfilm. <br> <br><br> 2. Modellsystem: Lipiddoppelschicht an der fest/flüssig-Grenzfläche<br> Methoden:<br> Neutronenreflexion (NR) und Quarzmikrowaage (QCM-D)<br> Resultate:<br> A) Das zwitterionische Phospholipid DMPC (1,2-Dimyristoyl-phosphatidylcholin) bildet keine Lipiddoppelschicht auf planaren Polyelektrolytmultischichten aus, deren letzte Lage das positiv geladene PAH (Polyallylamin) ist. <br> B) Hingegen bildet DMPC auf dem negativ geladenen PSS (Polystyrolsulfonat) eine Doppelschicht aus, die jedoch Defekte aufweist. <br> C) Eine Adsorption von genomischer Kalbsthymus-DNA auf dieser Lipidschicht findet nur in Gegenwart von Calciumionen statt. Andere zweiwertige Kationen wurden nicht untersucht.<br> D) Das negativ geladene Phospholipid DLPA (1,2-Dilauryl-phosphatidsäure) bildet auf dem positiv geladenen PAH eine Lipiddoppelschicht aus, die Defekte aufweist. <br> E) DNA adsorbiert ebenfalls erst in Anwesenheit von Calciumionen in der Lösung an die DLPA-Schicht.<br> F) Durch die Zugabe von EDTA (Ethylendiamintetraessigsäure) werden die Calciumionen dem DLPA/DNA-Komplex entzogen, wodurch dieser dissoziiert. Demnach ist die calciuminduzierte Bildung dieser Komplexe reversibel. / All over the world scientists are trying to engineer artificial viruses, which do not replicate, for gene delivery. These artificial viruses should have the advantages of natural viruses such as efficient transport of genetic material, but they should not carry antigens, which cause immune reactions, on their top portion.<br><br> The aim of this project is to develop an artificial virus particle that is based on a polyelectrolyte hollow capsule which is covered by a lipid bilayer. To create intact bilayers, it is crucial to understand and optimize the interaction between lipids and polyelectrolytes (e. g. DNA). Therefore the structural basis of that interaction must be elucidated. Positively charged lipids interact strongly with the negatively charged DNA but they cause toxic reactions in biological cells. Hence the present work used two model systems to study the coupling of genomic or plasmid DNA to zwitterionic or negatively charged phospholipids induced by divalent cations. <br><br> 1. Model system: Lipid monolayer at the air/water-interface <br> Methods: <br> Langmuir filmbalance in combination with IR-spectroscopy (IRRAS), X-ray reflectometry (XR), X-ray diffraction (GIXD), Brewster angle microscopy (BAM), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), and surface potential measurements<br> Results:<br> A) The presence of the divalent cations Ba2+, Mg2+, Ca2+ or Mn2+ in the subphase has no traceable influence on the structure of a zwitterionic DMPE (1,2-dimyristoyl-phosphatidyl-ethanolamine) monolayer.<br> B) DNA which is dissolved in the subphase adsorbs to the DMPE-monolayer only if divalent cations are present.<br> C) The adsorption of genomic calf thymus DNA as well as of the plasmid DNA pGL3 causes a reduction of the tilt angle of the lipid alkyl chains. The tilt reduction can be ascribed to a change in the space required by the lipid head group. This change in head group orientation increases the electrostatic interaction between the positively charged nitrogen atoms in the lipid head and the negatively charged DNA phosphates.<br> D) The adsorbed DNA exhibits an ordered structure if it is complexed by barium, magnesium, calcium or manganese ions. The spacing between parallel DNA strands depends on the size of the DNA fragments as well as on the kind of cation. The largest DNA-spacings are observed with barium ions, followed by magnesium and calcium ions. DNA-complexation with manganese ions causes the smallest spacings. This order of ions is observed for both genomic and plasmid DNA.<br> E) Compression of the monolayer does not influence the DNA spacings. Thus the interaction between the lipid monolayer and adsorbed DNA is only weak. The DNA must exist as a more or less separate layer under the lipid film.<br> <br><br> 2. Model system: Lipid bilayer at the solid/fluid-interface<br> Methods: <br> Neutron reflectometry (NR), and Quartz crystal microbalance (QCM-D)<br> Results:<br> A) The zwitterionic phospholipid DMPC (1,2-dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine) does not form lipid bilayers on top of planar polyelectrolyte multilayers covered with the positively charged PAH (polyallylamine).<br> B) In contrast, DMPC forms a lipid bilayer with defects on top of the negatively charged PSS (polystyrolsulfonate) terminated polyelectrolyte cushion.<br> C) Genomic calf thymus DNA adsorbs only to the DMPC layer in presence of calcium ions. Different ions were not examined.<br> D) The negatively charged phospholipid DLPA (1,2-dilauryl-phosphatidic acid) also forms a lipid bilayer with defects on top of the PAH-terminated cushion.<br> E) The DNA adsorbs also to the DLPA layer only in the presence of calcium ions in the solution.<br> F) By addition of EDTA (ethylenediaminetretraacetic acid) the calcium cations are removed from the DLPA/DNA-complex and the complex dissociates. Thus the calcium induced formation of that complex is reversible.<br><br>

Efeito da adubação com fósforo e potássio na toxidez de ferro em arroz irrigado / Effect of phosphorus and potassium adubation on the iron toxicity in irrigated rice.

Farias, Marla de Oliveira 29 July 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-20T14:36:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao_ Marla_Farias.pdf: 256980 bytes, checksum: 6e2beba1f0290a61687c9e4ec64963b6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-07-29 / The iron toxicity may cause considerable reduction in rice productivity, depending on the intensity of symptoms and on the affected farming area. It is necessary to identify the factors that determine the occurrence of this nutritional disorder, as well as, the possible involvement of other nutrients, such as phosphorus and potassium, in its intensity. The objectives of this work were: (1) to determine the effect of phosphorus and potassium adubation on the iron toxicity; (2) to evaluate the development of the symptoms in the aerial part of the plants (BR-IRGA 409 cultivar) and (3) to test whether the symptoms occur when the relative concentration of Fe2+, in relation to the sum of the concentrations of divalent cations (Fe2+, Mn2+, Ca2+, and Mg2+) in the solution is very high. Hence, in green house, a factorial experiment 5x2 (five soils and two adubation levels with phosphorus and potassium), completely randomized design, with two repetitions, was conducted. The adubation levels were zero and 100 mg dm-3 of P and K. The evaluated indicators were visual symptoms of the aerial part of the plants, production of dry matter, content of macro and micronutrients in the tissue of Ca2+, Mg2+, Fe2+ and Mn2+ in the soil solution. The statistical analysis were carried using Analysis of Variance (Duncan test) at 5% probability. The phosphorus and potassium adubation promoted accented increase in the production of dry matter of the plants in all soils, however there was no effect of this adubation neither in the contents of the divalent cations in the tissue, nor in the concentrations of those in the solution. The model of the relation between the molar fraction in the tissue and the molar fraction in the soil solution depended on the cation: Ca, Mg and Mn which showed tendency for saturation. The absorption of Fe remained constant up to a molar fraction of 0,4 (above that it increased exponentially). In molar fraction of Fe up to 0,6 (maximum value obtained in the experiment) the plants did not show symptoms of iron toxicity. / A toxidez de ferro pode causar reduções consideráveis na produtividade do arroz, dependendo da intensidade dos sintomas e da área afetada na lavoura. É necessário identificar os fatores que determinam a ocorrência desta desordem nutricional, bem como, o possível envolvimento de outros nutrientes, como o fósforo e o potássio, na sua intensidade. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram: (1) determinar o efeito da adubação com fósforo e potássio na toxidez de ferro, (2) avaliar o desenvolvimento dos sintomas na parte aérea das plantas (cultivar BR-IRGA 409) e (3) testar a hipótese de que os sintomas ocorrem quando a concentração relativa do Fe2+, em relação à soma das concentrações dos cátions divalentes (Fe2+, Mn2+, Ca2+ e Mg2+) na solução for muito alta. Para tal, foi conduzido, em casa de vegetação, um experimento fatorial 5 x 2 (cinco solos e dois níveis de adubação com fósforo e potássio), em delineamento completamente casualizado, com duas repetições. Os níveis da adubação foram zero e 100 mg dm-3 de P e K. Os indicadores avaliados foram sintomas visuais na parte aérea das plantas, produção de matéria seca da parte aérea, teores de macro e micronutrientes no tecido e concentrações de Ca2+, Mg2+, Fe2+ e Mn2+ na solução do solo. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à Análise de Variância (teste de Duncan) a 5% de probabilidade. A adubação com fósforo e potássio promoveu acentuado aumento na produção de matéria seca das plantas em todos os solos, porém não houve efeito desta adubação nos teores dos cátions divalentes no tecido, nem nas concentrações dos mesmos na solução do solo. O modelo da relação entre a fração molar no tecido e a fração molar na solução do solo depende do cátion: o Ca, o Mg e o Mn mostraram tendência à saturação. A absorção do Fe ficou constante até uma fração molar de 0,4 (acima desta aumentou exponencialmente); em fração molar de Fe de até 0,6 (máxima obtida no experimento) as plantas não apresentaram sintomas de toxidez de ferro.

Triimine Complexes of Divalent Group 10 Metals for Use in Molecular Electronic Devices

Chen, Wei-Hsuan 08 1900 (has links)
This research focused on the development of new metal triimine complexes of Pt(II), Pd(II), and Ni(II) for use in three types of molecular electronic devices: dye sensitized solar cells (DSSCs), organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs), and organic field effect transistors (OFETs). Inorganic complexes combine many advantages of their chemical and photophysical properties and are processable on inexpensive and large area substrates for various optoelectronic applications. For DSSCs, a series of platinum (II) triimine complexes were synthesized and evaluated as dyes for nanocrystalline oxide semiconductors. Pt (II) forms four coordinate square planar complexes with various co-ligands and counterions and leads to spanning absorption across a wide range in the UV-Vis-NIR regions. When those compounds were applied to the oxide semiconductors, they led to photocurrent generation thus verifying the concept of their utility in solar cells. In the OLEDs project, a novel pyridyl-triazolate Pt(II) complex, Pt(ptp)2 was synthesized and generated breakthrough OLEDs. In the solution state, the electronic absorption and emission of the square planar structure results in metal-to-ligand charge transfer (MLCT) and an aggregation band. Tunable photoluminescence and electroluminescence colors from blue to red wavelengths have been attained upon using Pt(ptp)2 under different experimental conditions and OLED architectures. In taking advantage of these binary characteristics for both monomer and excimer emissions, cool and warm white OLEDs suitable for solid-state lighting have been fabricated. The OFETs project represented an extension of the study of pyridyl-triazolate d8 metal complexes due to their electron-transporting behavior and n-type properties. A prescreening step by using thermogravimetric calorimetry has demonstrated the stability of all three M(ptp)2 and M(ptp)2(py)2 compounds and their amenability to sublimation. Preliminary current-voltage measurements from simple diodes has achieved unidirectional current from a Pt(ptp)2 neat layer and demonstrated its n-type semiconducting behavior.

Solution-Processed Fabrication of Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Perovskites & Back Interface Engineering of Cadmium Telluride Solar Cells

Watthage, Suneth C. January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Study of lignin redeposition onto pulp fibres during brown stock washing operations / Studie av ligninåterdeponering på pappersmassafibrer under brunmassatvättning

Suarez, Maria January 2024 (has links)
Med den ökande trenden av process slutning inom massabruken, så har det indikerats att återvinningen av tvättvätska från de olika tvättsteg troligen resulterar i negativa effekter. Närvaron av olika komponenter kan påverka upplösningen av lignin genom att främja dess återdeponering på massan, och därmed påverka senare steg inom bruket. Denna studie fokuserade på effekten av tvättvätskes sammansättningen, pH och magnesiumjoners innehållet på ligninåterfästningen till fibrerna under brunmassatvätt. Projektets syfte var att finna nya relevanta insikter för dagens verksamheter. För den experimentella proceduren blandades massa- och vätskaprover erhållna från ett barrveds-sulfatmassabruk, relevanta lösningsmodifikationer genomfördes, och dessa placerades i ett vattenbad vid 90 °C. Därefter tvättades och separerades den resulterande blandningen. Kappatal och ISO-ljusstyrka användes för massakaraktärisering, samt UV-VISspektroskopi för tvättvätskor. En ytterligare procedur med alkalisk urlakning utfördes på massan för att identifiera den relativt svaga liginbindningen. Resultaten indikerade att högre ligninhalt och konduktivitet, lägre pH och högre MgSO4 koncentration i tvättvätskor ökar lignininnehållet i massan. Under proceduren identifierades en möjlig konkurrens mellan borttagningen av lignin från fibrerna och återfällningen. Genom att uföra studier på olika bruksvätskor, så påverkades flera variabler systemet samtidigt, vilket förhindrade identifikationen av den dominerande variabeln som potentiellt kunde justeras för att minska återdeponeringen. Det observerades dock att en tillsatts av NaOH i tvättvätskor kunde reducera lignininnehållet i massan, medans däremot en ökning av MgSO4 kunde ha negativa effekter. / With the growing tendency of process closure within pulp mills, recycling liquors into different washing stages was observed to result in likely negative effects. The presence of different components may affect lignin dissolution, by promoting its redeposition onto pulp therefore affecting later stages in the mill. The present study focused on the effect of washing liquor composition, pH, and magnesium ions content on lignin reattachment to fibres during brown stock washing. This project’s motivation was to provide new insights relevant for today’s operations. For the experimental procedure, pulp and liquor samples obtained from a softwood kraft pulp mill were mixed, relevant solution modifications were performed, and these were set inside a water bath at 90 °C. Then, the resulting mixture was washed and separated. Kappa number and ISO brightness were employed for pulp characterization, and UV-VIS spectroscopy for washing liquors. An additional procedure of alkaline leaching was performed on pulp to identify relatively weak lignin attachment. Obtained results indicated that higher lignin content and conductivity, lower pH and higher MgSO4 concentration in washing liquors increase the lignin content in pulp. A competition between lignin removal from fibres and reattachment was identified to be possibly occurring during the procedure. By performing studies on different mill liquors, multiple variables affected the system simultaneously, which hinders the identification of the dominant variable to be potentially adjusted for reducing the redeposition. However, it was seen that adding NaOH in washing liquors could reduce lignin content in the pulp, whereas an increase in MgSO4 could present negative effects.

Design de materiais Sr2MgSi2O7:Eu2+,TR3+ com luminescência persistente eficiente: efeitos da estrutura eletrônica e metodologia de síntese / Designing efficient persistent luminescence materials: electronic structure and synthesis methodology effects

Merizio, Leonnam Gotardo 07 June 2019 (has links)
Materiais cerâmicos têm se mostrado atrativos para o desenvolvimento de novos materiais funcionais avançados no estado-da-arte especialmente devido às suas propriedades ópticas, magnéticas e eletrônicas moduláveis. Materiais luminescentes (incluindo os materiais fosforescentes, fluorescentes e persistentes), são promissores para muitas aplicações tecnológicas como LEDs, sinalização de atenção, biomarcadores etc.; assim, o estudo dos seus fenômenos ópticos tem um papel fundamental na engenharia de materiais mais eficientes. Os materiais que apresentam o fenômeno de luminescência persistente são capazes de emitir luz por longos períodos de tempo após cessada a fonte de irradiação. O método cerâmico, no qual altas temperaturas (> 1000 °C) e longos tempos de tratamento térmico (> 10 h) são requeridos, é o método de síntese mais usado para obtenção dessa classe de materiais. Portanto, há a necessidade do desenvolvimento de métodos mais rápidos, de menor consumo de energia e mais baratos para síntese desses compostos. Nesta tese, compostos com luminescência persistente de fórmula geral Sr2MgSi2O7:Eu2+,TR3+ foram preparados pelos métodos cerâmico-CCM (TR3+: Y, La-Lu) de coprecipitação-CPC (TR; Dy) e de estado sólido assistido por micro-ondas-MASS(TR: Dy) com o objetivo de investigar a influência dos métodos de síntese nas suas propriedades fotônicas. A caracterização dos materiais foi feita para explorar aspectos fundamentais dos compostos por uma ampla variedade de técnicas utilizadas, tais como, TGA, DTA, FTIR, XRD, SEM, NTA, XAS, PL e TL. De forma concisa, os principais resultados desta tese incluem a obtenção da fase cristalina desejada para o material particulado, com especial atenção às amostras obtidas em apenas 25 minutos de síntese pelo método MASS, correspondendo a um processo quase 20 vezes mais rápido do que o método cerâmico tradicional. Os materiais apresentaram uma larga banda de excitação entre 225 e 450 nm, atribuída às transições 4f7(8S7/2)&38594;4f65d1(2D) do íon Eu2+, indicando que estes materiais absorvem luz do UV ao visível. O comportamento de emissão destes materiais é bem descrito pela banda larga em 470 nm atribuída à transição 4f65d1(2D)&#8594;4f7(8S7/2) do íon Eu2+ na região do azul. A eficiência da luminescência persistente se mostrou um parâmetro fortemente dependente do codopante utilizado e do método de síntese. Os resultados de termoluminescência e de decaimento de luminescência persistente indicam que os materiais codopados com Tm3+ e Dy3+ são aqueles com maior tempo de emissão da luminescência persistente e que o método MASS o que produz materiais mais eficientes. Sendo assim, foi possível demonstrar a obtenção e os aspectos fundamentais das propriedades fotônicas do composto Sr2MgSi2O7:Eu2+,TR3+ com luminescência persistente de mais de 125 minutos, usando um método de síntese mais rápido, mais barato e de menor consumo de energia. / Ceramic materials have been attractive to the development of new state-of-the-art advanced functional materials, especially due to their tunable optical, magnetic and electronic properties. Luminescent materials (including phosphorescent, fluorescent and persistent materials) are promising to many technological applications such as LEDs, warning signs, medical biomarkers, etc.; thus, the studies of their optical phenomena play an important role in efficient materials engineering. Materials presenting persistent luminescence phenomenon are capable to emit light for long periods of time after ceased the irradiation source. The Ceramic Method, in which high temperatures (>1000 °C) and long-time thermal treatments (>10 h) are required, is the most common synthesis method used to obtain this class of materials. Therefore, the development of faster, energy-efficient and lower-prices synthesis methods is needed. In this work, persistent luminescent compounds with general formulae Sr2MgSi2O7:Eu2+,TR3+ were prepared via: ceramic method (CCM - RE3+: Y, LaLu), co-precipitation method (CPC, RE3+: Dy) and microwave-assisted solid-state method (MASS - RE3+: Dy) in order to investigate the influence of synthesis method parameters in their photonic properties. Important aspects of the materials characterization were explored using a wide range of techniques such as TGA, DTA, FTIR, PXRD, SEM, NTA, XAS, PL and TL. In summary, the main results of the thesis include the obtention of the desired phase powder materials, with special attention to the samples prepared via MASS method within 25 min of synthesis time, almost 20 times faster than the CCM method. The materials have shown a broad absorption band (from 225 to 450 nm) assigned to the Eu2+ 4f7(8S7/2)&#8594; 4f65d1(2D) transition, showing that the materials absorb light from UV to visible. The emission behavior of these materials is well described by its 470 nm-centered broad emission band in the blue region of the visible range. The persistent luminescence efficiency is strongly dependent on the co-dopants as well as synthesis methods. The thermoluminescence and the persistent emission decay analysis indicate that Tm3+ and Dy3+ co-doped materials have the longest emission time and that MASS synthesis produce the most efficient materials. All pointed, we have demonstrated the obtention and the fundamental aspects of photonic properties of the Sr2MgSi2O7:Eu2+,TR3+ materials with persistent luminescence lasting for more than 125 min using a faster, cheaper and lower-energy synthesis method.

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