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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Subordinate but equal : the intra-Trinitarian subordination of the Son to the Father in the theologies of P. T. Forsyth and Jürgen Moltmann

Sanders, Matthew Lee January 2010 (has links)
In the New Testament and in the early church fathers’ writings, the Son is understood to be ontologically equal to the Father and subordinate to him. Whether understood as ingenerate-generate, sender-sent, commanded-obedient, subordination shows the distinction between the Father and Son. As seen in church history, minimizing these distinctions can lead to modalism and pressing them too far leads to Arianism. In the Bible, obedience or subordination does not mean ontologically inferior. Rather, obedience results from faith and love. Although some fathers connected obedience to Christ’s humanity, they were doing so while rejecting the Arian argument that the Son’s obedience meant he was ontologically inferior. They affirmed the voluntary obedience of the Son as an expression of his love for the Father and rejected any sense of coercion or determinism. The doctrine of the eternal generation of the Son from the Father’s ousia held together the equality and subordination of the Son to the Father. Beginning with Christ’s atoning work rather than metaphysics, P. T. Forsyth and Jürgen Moltmann believe that the Son’s obedience is crucial for the atonement to be the free act of grace of the Sovereign God. Because of this, the Son’s obedience must be divine, and thus eternal. Otherwise, the obedience would be from Christ’s humanity, and humanity would contribute in inappropriate ways to the atonement. They also believe that subordination, obedience, humility, and servanthood complete the understanding of divine love. The unity provided by the same divine love is expressed according to the particularity of the Person. In the Trinitarian relationship, the Son’s eternal obedience is his free response to the Father. Here subordination is not oppression, but perfect love freely given to the perfect Lover. This fuller conception of divine love that a proper emphasis on obedience affords has great potential to help Trinitarain theology contribute to the elimination of oppression and the improvement of human relationships and to do so in a manner consistent with the biblical witness.

Defending happiness : Jonathan Edwards's enduring pursuit of a reformed teleology of happiness

Thomforde, James Henry January 2018 (has links)
This thesis examines the doctrine of happiness within the Jonathan Edwards corpus and seeks to understand its function and significance as it relates to Edwards's broader theological project. A close examination of both the internal development and the Early Modern intellectual context of Edwards's thought reveals that spiritual happiness is of central importance to Edwards's 'end of creation' project. Scholars commonly assume that the burden of Edwards's teleological writings is a theocentric defense and promotion of the glory of God in the face of an increasingly anthropocentric Enlightenment. However, this study demonstrates that, notwithstanding Edwards's adherence to the Reformed tradition's high view of God's glory, the early and enduring concern of Edwards's teleological project is the proof and defense of spiritual happiness as ultimate telos from a Reformed perspective. Edwards's purpose to defend the teleological status of happiness is primarily exposed by the development of Edwards's teleology in his Miscellanies notebook and related theological treatises such as Discourse on the Trinity and End of Creation, especially as Edwards engages rival teleological visions that tend to subordinate happiness. While Edwards's teleological conviction regarding happiness is inspired by his own Puritan and Reformed heritage and his early profound religious experience, he subsequently pursues the proof and defense of his Reformed teleology of happiness in response to the increasing tendency of Reformed and non-Calvinist Enlightenment thinkers to subordinate the teleological status of happiness. During the Early Modern period, Reformed theologians frequently subordinate happiness relative to godliness, and especially the glory of God, and Enlightenment thinkers increasingly make practical virtue and usefulness toward the common good the ultimate telos of human existence at the expense of spiritual happiness, which intellectual trends Edwards engages for the sake of defending his Reformed teleology of happiness. The first stage of the development of Edwards's teleology of happiness is marked by his conversion and subsequent profound experiences of spiritual happiness, and by his efforts that follow during the early 1720s to prove happiness as ultimate telos, primarily on the basis of Edwards's doctrine of divine goodness. During the second stage of development, Edwards works to defend happiness as ultimate telos from a comprehensively biblical and Reformed perspective. Edwards spends the rest of his career developing his doctrines of God and the Trinity, the work of redemption, and the glory of God primarily for the sake of defending his Reformed teleology of happiness, which I suggest, significantly influences and shapes Edwards's theology.

Verhältnis zwischen Geist, Kirche und Gesellschaft bei Jürgen Moltmann und in der pfingstlichen Theologie der Gegenwart / The relationship between Spirit, Church and Society in Jürgen Moltmann and in the current Pentecostal Theology

Haller, Immanuel 01 1900 (has links)
Text in German with German and English summaries / Die Pneumatologie ist ein aktuelles und insbesondere für die ökumenische Theologie entscheidendes Thema geworden. Die „Geistvergessenheit“ tritt immer mehr in den Hintergrund und schafft dadurch freien Raum für den noch nicht abgeschlossenen Prozess der „Wiederentdeckung des Heiligen Geistes“. Für eine missionale und gesellschaftsrelevante Theologie steht dabei immer wieder die Frage einer Verhältnisbestimmung zwischen Gott-Kirche-Gesellschaft im Fokus. Aus der Perspektive der Pneumatologie fehlen aber noch weitgehend Untersuchungen. Diese Arbeit will daher einen Beitrag leisten zur Diskussion, a) wie in der Theologie von Jürgen Moltmann – und im Vergleich dazu in der pfingstlichen Theologie der Gegenwart – Geist-Kirche-Gesellschaft aufeinander bezogen werden und zu welchem Ziel, und b) worin die Stärken und Schwächen des jeweiligen Ansatzes liegen und welche Konsequenzen daraus gezogen werden können. Durch den Vergleich der Modelle dieser zwei führenden Impulsgeber entsteht eine gute Grundlage für die Diskussion, wie das Verhältnis oder allenfalls die Wechselwirkung zwischen Geist, Kirche und Gesellschaft formuliert werden könnte. / Pneumatology became an ongoing and relevant topic, especially for the ecumenical theology. „The oblivion of the Spirit“ recedes to a large extend into the background and thus makes space for the process that has not yet been fully completed, that is to say, the „rediscovery of the Holy Spirit“. For a missional and socially relevant theology, the focus is again and again on the question of defining the relationship between God, Church and Society. From a pneumatological point of view the investigations are greatly lacking. Therefore, this paper intends to contribute to the discussion of a) how in Jürgen Moltmann’s theology – and in comparison to it in the current Pentecostal theology – Spirit, Church and Society relate to each other and to what purpose; and b) what are the strengths and weaknesses of each approach and which consequences can be drawn from them. By comparing the models of these two leading initiators, there occurs a solid basis for a discussion of how to define the relationship, or at best, the interplay between Spirit, Church and Society. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Systematic Theology)

Soziale Trinität für soziale online Netzwerke : ein Beitrag zur Bedeutung des Glaubens an die soziale Trinität als Inspiration und Ressource für ein erfüllendes zwischenmenschliches Zusammenleben im Kontext sozialer Online-netzwerke / Social trinity for social networking sites : a contribution to the importance of the faith in the social trinity as a [sic] inspiration and resource for a fulfilling human communal life in the context of social networking sites

Staub, David 03 1900 (has links)
German text / Diese Forschungsarbeit versucht aufzuzeigen, inwiefern der Glaube an die Trinität als Gemeinschaft von Vater, Sohn und Heiligem Geist zu einem erfüllenden zwischenmenschlichen Zusammenleben in sozialen Online-Netzwerken beitragen kann. Im Gespräch mit den drei Theologen Jürgen Moltmann, Leonardo Boff und Gisbert Greshake wird das Konzept der Sozialen Trinität mit seinen Implikationen für das zwischenmenschliche Zusammenleben erarbeitet. In einem zweiten Teil werden die neuen Möglichkeiten von sozialen Online- Netzwerken und die deutlichsten damit verbundenen Mängel für das zwischenmenschliche Zusammenleben am Beispiel von Facebook dargestellt. Schlussendlich wird danach gefragt, inwiefern die Erkenntnisse aus der theologischen Diskussion für den spezifischen Kontext sozialer Online-Netzwerke fruchtbar gemacht werden können. Es werden drei unterschiedliche Aspekte herausgearbeitet, in denen der Glaubende durch das Eingebundensein in die göttliche Gemeinschaft eine neue Sicht auf seinen sozialen Kontext erhalten und eine hilfreiche Ressource finden kann, um den Unzulänglichkeiten des zwischenmenschlichen Zusammenlebens in sozialen Online-Netzwerken entgegenzuwirken. / This thesis wishes to demonstrate in how far faith in the Trinity as community of Father, Son and Holy Spirit can contribute to a fulfilling human communal life on social networking sites. In conversation with the three theologians Jürgen Moltmann, Leonardo Boff and Gisbert Greshake, a concept of the Social Trinity and its implications on human communal life is being elaborated. In a second part, the new possibilities and the gravest shortcomings of human interactions on Facebook are depicted. Finally, it is asked, in how far the findings of the theological discussion can be fructified in the specific context of social networking sites. In three different aspects it will be elaborated, in which the believer can find, through his or her incorporation into the godly community, a new perspective for his social context and a helpful resource to counter the shortcomings of human communal life on social networking sites. / Philosophy & Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Systematic Theology)

Soziale Trinität für soziale online Netzwerke : ein Beitrag zur Bedeutung des Glaubens an die soziale Trinität als Inspiration und Ressource für ein erfüllendes zwischenmenschliches Zusammenleben im Kontext sozialer Online-netzwerke / Social trinity for social networking sites : a contribution to the importance of the faith in the social trinity as a [sic] inspiration and resource for a fulfilling human communal life in the context of social networking sites

Staub, David 03 1900 (has links)
German text / Diese Forschungsarbeit versucht aufzuzeigen, inwiefern der Glaube an die Trinität als Gemeinschaft von Vater, Sohn und Heiligem Geist zu einem erfüllenden zwischenmenschlichen Zusammenleben in sozialen Online-Netzwerken beitragen kann. Im Gespräch mit den drei Theologen Jürgen Moltmann, Leonardo Boff und Gisbert Greshake wird das Konzept der Sozialen Trinität mit seinen Implikationen für das zwischenmenschliche Zusammenleben erarbeitet. In einem zweiten Teil werden die neuen Möglichkeiten von sozialen Online- Netzwerken und die deutlichsten damit verbundenen Mängel für das zwischenmenschliche Zusammenleben am Beispiel von Facebook dargestellt. Schlussendlich wird danach gefragt, inwiefern die Erkenntnisse aus der theologischen Diskussion für den spezifischen Kontext sozialer Online-Netzwerke fruchtbar gemacht werden können. Es werden drei unterschiedliche Aspekte herausgearbeitet, in denen der Glaubende durch das Eingebundensein in die göttliche Gemeinschaft eine neue Sicht auf seinen sozialen Kontext erhalten und eine hilfreiche Ressource finden kann, um den Unzulänglichkeiten des zwischenmenschlichen Zusammenlebens in sozialen Online-Netzwerken entgegenzuwirken. / This thesis wishes to demonstrate in how far faith in the Trinity as community of Father, Son and Holy Spirit can contribute to a fulfilling human communal life on social networking sites. In conversation with the three theologians Jürgen Moltmann, Leonardo Boff and Gisbert Greshake, a concept of the Social Trinity and its implications on human communal life is being elaborated. In a second part, the new possibilities and the gravest shortcomings of human interactions on Facebook are depicted. Finally, it is asked, in how far the findings of the theological discussion can be fructified in the specific context of social networking sites. In three different aspects it will be elaborated, in which the believer can find, through his or her incorporation into the godly community, a new perspective for his social context and a helpful resource to counter the shortcomings of human communal life on social networking sites. / Philosophy and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Systematic Theology)

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