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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluation of Endotracheal Tube Cuff Pressure and The Use of Three Cuff Inflation Syringe Devices in Dogs

Wan-Chu Hung (6612920) 15 May 2019 (has links)
<p>Over-inflation of an endotracheal tube (ETT) cuff may lead to tracheal necrosis, whereas under- inflation increases the risk of pulmonary aspiration. The objectives of this 2-phase study were to 1) identify the frequency of abnormal ETT cuff inflation in anesthetized dogs, 2) evaluate ETT cuff inflation with 3 devices (regular syringe, Tru-CuffTM syringe, AG Cuffill syringe) in achieving proper cuff pressure (20-30 cmH2O). Dogs undergoing general anesthesia at Purdue Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital (PVMTH) were included. The standard operating procedure (SOP) of PVMTH was used for ETT size selection and cuff inflation. The results of objective 1 showed that 50 of the 80 dogs required ETT cuff inflation. Among these 50 dogs, only 14% had proper cuff inflation; 76% of the cuffs were over-inflated and 10% were under-inflated. For objective 2, 90 dogs were equally assigned to the 3 devices for ETT cuff inflation and cuff pressure was assessed with an aneroid manometer. The results showed that 80% of the ETT cuffs were over-inflated with the regular syringe, whereas only 6.7% and 3.3% ETT cuffs were over-inflated with the Tru-CuffTM and AG Cuffill syringes, respectively. The AG Cuffill syringe treatment group had a significantly higher percentage of proper inflated ETT cuffs (86.7%; both p < 0.05) compared to the other two groups (regular [3.3%]; Tru-CuffTM [50%]). We concluded that there was a high frequency of improper ETT cuff inflation when using SOP coupled with a regular syringe. The use of an AG Cuffill syringe significantly reduced improper ETT cuff inflation.</p>

Trophic Relationships Among Caribou Calf Predators in Newfoundland

Zieminski, Chris 13 July 2016 (has links)
Using specially trained scat detection dogs we located fecal samples from black bear (Ursus americanus) and coyote (Canis latrans) throughout three study areas in Newfoundland, Canada, to describe these predators diet. Our sampling efforts were designed around seasons which were important to woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) calving and resource use. We identified hairs microscopically to prey species and grouped other remains to facilitate our analysis. Bear exhibited an omnivorous diet throughout the study areas, ecological seasons and inside and outside the caribou calving grounds while coyote were limited to caribou, moose and snowshoe hare.

Hundterapins betydelse för personer med demens som vårdas på äldreboende : en litteraturöversikt / The importance of dog therapy for people with dementia in nursing homes : a literature review

Perez, Adrian, Lingeberg, Oscar January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Využití umělé inteligence pro snižování rizika v podniku / The Use of Artificial Intelligence to Reduce the Risk in the Firm

Samohýl, Lukáš January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on risk analysis of dry dog food range of products sold in a retail chain named Zvěrokruh. The main goal of this work is creation of model with use of the fuzzy logic. The model helps with the dry dog food range risk evaluation. The model is created in MS Excel and MATLAB. Outcome of this work is a tool which evaluate quality of the dry dog food, which can be afterwards analysed in other point of view.

Prosocial Rescue Behavior in Pet Dogs

January 2019 (has links)
abstract: ABSTRACT Domestic dogs have assisted humans for millennia. However, the extent to which these helpful behaviors are prosocially motivated remains unclear. To assess the propensity of pet dogs to spontaneously and actively rescue distressed humans, this study tested whether sixty pet dogs would release their seemingly trapped owners from a large box. To examine the causal mechanisms that shaped this behavior, the readiness of each dog to open the box was tested in three conditions: 1) the owner sat in the box and called for help (“Distress” test), 2) an experimenter placed high-value food rewards in the box (“Food” test), and 3) the owner sat in the box and calmly read aloud (“Reading” test). Dogs were as likely to release their distressed owner as to retrieve treats from inside the box, indicating that rescuing an owner may be a highly rewarding action for dogs. After accounting for ability, dogs released the owner more often when the owner called for help than when the owner read aloud calmly. In addition, opening latencies decreased with test number in the Distress test but not the Reading test. Thus, rescuing the owner could not be attributed solely to social facilitation, stimulus enhancement, or social contact-seeking behavior. Dogs displayed more stress behaviors in the Distress test than in the Reading test, and stress scores decreased with test number in the Reading test but not in the Distress test. This evidence of emotional contagion supports the hypothesis that rescuing the distressed owner was an empathetically-motivated prosocial behavior. Success in the Food task and previous (in-home) experience opening objects were both strong predictors of releasing the owner. Thus, prosocial behavior tests for dogs should control for physical ability and previous experience. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Psychology 2019

Cognitive Bias as a Measurement of Emotional States in Dogs

Brännmark, Emma January 2020 (has links)
Cognitive bias can be used when determining emotional states in animals by assessing the animal’s perception of an ambiguous stimulus. In the concept of animal welfare, both physical health as well as mental health of animals are involved. Therefore, cognitive bias can be a valuable tool in order to measure the mental health of an animal. The aim of this paper is to summarize and discuss how cognitive bias tests have been used to assess emotional states in dogs. Cognitive bias tests in dogs have been used to evaluate the emotional state of a dog with behavioural problems. It has also been shown to be useful when studying the effect of enrichment in the form of natural behaviour, such as being allowed to use its olfactory sense to a greater extent. Additionally, the connection between personality and cognitive bias is discussed. Hence, assessing the emotional state of dogs can be valuable in a welfare perspective.

Ermittlung der Genauigkeit der Neurolokalisation durch den Vergleich mit dem Ergebnis der durchgeführten Diagnostik bei 214 Hunden

Löffler, Carina 01 September 2015 (has links)
Die neurologische Untersuchung stellt die Grundlage der klinischen Neurologie dar und führt durch die Festlegung einer Neurolokalisation (neuroanatomischen Diagnose) zur Eingrenzung eines Krankheitsprozesses auf eine bestimmte Region im Nervensystem. Basierend auf der Neurolokalisation erfolgt die weitere klinische Aufarbeitung des Patienten wie die Erstellung einer Liste an möglichen Differentialdiagnosen und notwendigen diagnostischen Maßnahmen zum Nachweis der Erkrankung im Nervensystem. In der veterinärmedizinischen Literatur existieren zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt nur wenige Angaben über die Genauigkeit der festgelegten Neurolokalisation. Die wenigen vorliegenden Studien analysierten zudem lediglich die Genauigkeit der Neurolokalisation in ausgewählten Segmenten des Nervensystems. Das Ziel dieser prospektiven Studie war es daher, das Ergebnis der neurologischen Untersuchung (Neurolokalisation) mit dem Ergebnis weiterführender diagnostischer Maßnahmen zu vergleichen und dabei die Genauigkeit der Neurolokalisation zu ermitteln. Weiterhin wurde untersucht, ob Faktoren wie die Körpermasse des Patienten, die klinische Erfahrung des Untersuchers und die Lokalisation im Nervensystem einen Einfluss auf den Grad der Übereinstimmung zwischen Neurolokalisation und tatsächlich ermittelter Lokalisation der Läsion haben. Es wurde bei 214 Hunden verschiedener Hunderassen eine vollständige neurologische Untersuchung durch einen Tierarzt aus der Abteilung Neurologie der Klinik für Kleintiere durchgeführt. Mit Hilfe der neurologischen Untersuchung wurde bei jedem Tier eine Neurolokalisation festgelegt. Danach erfolgte die diagnostische Aufarbeitung jedes Patienten der Studie in der Klinik für Kleintiere zum Nachweis einer Läsion im Nervensystem. Im Anschluss an die Diagnostik wurde die Übereinstimmung zwischen der festgelegten Neurolokalisation und der nachgewiesene Lokalisation der Läsion ermittelt. Bei den 214 Hunden wurden, resultierend aus der neurologischen Untersuchung, insgesamt 237 Neurolokalisationen im gesamten Nervensystem festgelegt. Mit Hilfe der diagnostischen Maßnahmen konnten bei den 214 Hunden 221 Läsionen im gesamten Nervensystem nachgewiesen werden. Die allgemeine Übereinstimmung zwischen festgelegter Neurolokalisation und nachgewiesener Lokalisation der Läsion lag bei 71 Prozent. Bei 13 Prozent (27/214) der untersuchten Hunde stimmte die Neurolokalisation nicht mit der Lokalisation der Läsion überein. Bei 16 Prozent (35/214) der Patienten konnte keine Läsion im Nervensystem mit Hilfe der diagnostischen Maßnahmen ermittelt werden. Dies bedeutete nicht, dass der Patient keine neurologische Erkrankung hatte, sondern vielmehr dass eine Reihe von neurologischen Erkrankungen existieren, die selbst mit modernster Technik nicht nachweisbar sind. Anhand der Untersuchungen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde festgestellt, dass die klinische Erfahrung des Untersuchers und die Körpermasse des Patienten keinen Einfluss auf die Übereinstimmung zwischen Neurolokalisation und in der Diagnostik nachgewiesener Lokalisation der Läsion hatten. Das Rückenmarksegment Th3-L3 erwies sich als Lokalisation mit der höchsten Übereinstimmung zwischen neuroanatomischer Diagnose (Neurolokalisation) und Lokalisation der Läsion. Schlussfolgernd aus den Ergebnissen dieser Arbeit kann man sagen, dass die Neurolokalisation mit einer Genauigkeit von 71 Prozent eine relativ verlässliche Grundlage für die weitere diagnostische Aufarbeitung eines Patienten ist. Jedoch hat diese Arbeit auch Schwachstellen der neurologischen Untersuchung aufgedeckt. So war beispielsweise die Untersuchung des Flexorreflexes der Vorder- und Hintergliedmaßen zur Festlegung der Neurolokalisation im Bereich der vier Rückenmarkssegmente eine nicht zu unterschätzende Fehlerquelle. Diese Erkenntnis sollte sich in Zukunft auf eine Ausweitung der diagnostischen Maßnahmen im Falle eines fehlenden Nachweises einer Läsion auswirken. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie zeigen außerdem, dass die Grundkenntnis über die Funktionalität der einzelnen anatomischen Strukturen des Nervensystems sowie die intensive Kenntnis über die Grundelemente der neurologischen Untersuchung ausreichend sind für eine zuverlässige Festlegung der Neurolokalisation.

Pes ve veřejném prostoru / Dog in a public space. Negotiating "more than human" public space

Baños Pittnerová, Daniela January 2015 (has links)
The thesis deals with the presence of a dog in the city, specifically in the public space and the research itself is aimed at negotiating "more than human" public space. The presence of animals in the human world causes conflicts about the "right" place of this animal, whether is place conceptual or physical. The work takes the form of a case study, where I chose for research borough of Prague 2 and on particular cases of negotiation, I watched how each party tries to affect a form of public space. Through qualitative analysis I uncover the key points of negotiation by which I learn how the different parties understand the presence of a dog in a public space, on what basis is constantly negotiates form of residence and movement of the dog in this specific area. I have used several techniques of qualitative research, especially analysis of available documents, semi-structured interviews and participant observation. Data was analyzed using open coding. In the end the thesis answers to research questions, formulate recommendations and open debate.

Referenční význam slov při komunikaci člověka a psa / Reference meaning of words in human-dog communication

Stemmerová, Lucia January 2018 (has links)
In recent twenty years dogs have become model subjects of comparing studies. These experiments show us that specific cognitive skills have developed during their domestication as an adaptation to anthropomorphic environment. For example dogs can follow human gaze and understand gestures. An important topic of today researches are linguistic skills of dogs. Knowledge from this area would help to discover more from evolution processes which formed human language. Last studies have proven dogs can distinguish a new object by a fast mapping. But when distinguishing two new objects, dogs had problems. That is why I decided to verify if dogs are able to remember two new words and match them with correct objects during one session. For this experiment I worked on a new methodical procedure and used three border collies dogs. The results showed that after some training dogs were able to correctly distinguish two new words in case the experimentalist stood in front of them and they used multisenzorial perception. In case they had only one communication source (visual or acoustic), they made more mistakes. The results show that functional reactions of dogs to human vocalization are getting better if they can use visual and acoustic source in one time during an interspecies communication. Key words: dog,...

Dobrovolník - předvychovatel v České republice a Spojených státech amerických / A Volunteer - Puppy Raiser in the Czech Republich and the United States of America

Luksa, Linda January 2020 (has links)
This master thesis introduces a form of volunteering which is not well known to the public, so-called puppy raising of guide dogs for the visually impaired. This phenomenon is introduced on the background of a comparison of two civil society service organizations, one based in the Czech Republic and the other in the United States of America. These organizations both come from a different type of civil society but have many similarities as well. At the end of this thesis, the results found through qualitative research are presented, where these data were gained through interviews, documents, but also by participatory observation directly in the respective organizations.

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