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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Canevas de programmation pour gérer l'hétérogénéité et la consommation d'énergie des mobiles dans un environnement ubiquitaire / Managing heterogeneity and energy via high-level programming framework

Guan, Hongyu 01 June 2012 (has links)
L'hétérogénéité et l'énergie sont deux considérations fondamentales pour les environnements informatiques ubiquitaires. Dans cette thèse, nous présentons notre approche pour gérer l'hétérogénéité et pour économiser l'énergie via des canevas de programmation intégrés. Pour gérer l'hétérogénéité, nous proposons une méthodologie et un support de programmation qui vise à faire communiquer les différentes entités de l’environnement ubiquitaire en utilisant le protocole SIP considéré alors comme un bus logique universel de communication. Nous avons intégré ce bus SIP dans le langage de description d’architecture DiaSpec développé par notre équipe Phoenix. Concernant la consommation d’énergie, nous proposons une méthodologie qui utilise les techniques d’offloading et de compression de données pour minimiser la consommation d'énergie des applications mobiles. Nous avons ainsi construit une stratégie d’aide à la conception au travers d’un outil qui permet de déterminer le meilleur mode d’exécution pour une tâche donnée que nous proposons d’intégrer dans le langage de description DiaSpec. / The topics of heterogeneity and energy are two fundamental considerations for pervasive computing environments. Inthis thesis, we describe our approach to manage heterogeneity and to handle energy concerns via a high-level programming framework.To manage heterogeneity, we describe a methodology and a programming support that use the SIP protocol as a universal communication bus in pervasive computing environments. Ourwork enables homogeneous communications between heterogeneous distributed entities. In doing so, we integrate the SIP communication bus into our programming framework. We rely on adeclarative language named DiaSpec to describe the architecture of pervasive applications. This description is passed to a generator for producing a Java programming framework dedicated to the application area. We leverage the generated framework with SIP adaptations to raise the abstraction level of SIP operations.We then present a classification of a wide variety of entities interms of features, capabilities and network connectors. Based on this classification, a methodology and a programming supportare described for connecting entities on the SIP communication bus. This work has been validated by applications using theSIP communication bus to coordinate widely varying entities,including serial-based sensors (RS232, 1-Wire), ZigBee devices,X10 devices, PDA, native SIP entities, and software components.Regarding the energy concerns, we describe a methodology that uses two strategies, namely computation offloading and data compression, to minimize energy cost of mobile applications.In doing so, we present an execution and transfer model for atask of a mobile application and define its five different stubs forthree program execution and data transfer modes. Based on this model and our two strategies, we construct a strategy scheme to determine the most efficient stub in terms of energy consumption.We then design the OffDeci tool, using this strategy scheme, toprovide energy feedback for the developer and to analyze thebalance between local and remote computing with consideration of data compression. Our experimental study demonstrates thefeasibility of the strategy scheme of our approach. Finally, weextend DiaSpec with declarations dedicated to manage energy concerns during the application design phase. We sketched the integration of this energy-handling declaration and OffDeci intoour high-level programming framework. This integration permitsto determine the best stub of a declared DiaSpec component interms of its energy cost.

Model-Driven Technical Space Integration Based on a Mapping Approach / Приступ интеграцији техничких простора заснован на пресликавањима иинжењерству вођеном моделима / Pristup integraciji tehničkih prostora zasnovan na preslikavanjima iinženjerstvu vođenom modelima

Dimitrieski Vladimir 30 March 2018 (has links)
<p>In order to automate development of integration adapters in industrial<br />settings, a model-driven approach to adapter specification is devised. In this<br />approach, a domain-specific modeling language is created to allow<br />specification of mappings between integrated technical spaces. Also<br />proposed is the mapping automation engine that comprises reuse and<br />alignment algorithms. Based on mapping specifications, executable adapters<br />are automatically generated and executed. Results of approach evaluations<br />indicate that it is possible to use a model-driven approach to successfully<br />integrate technical spaces and increase the automation by reusing domainspecific<br />mappings from previously created adapters.</p> / <p>За потребе повећања степена аутоматизације развоја адаптера за<br />интеграцију у индустријском окружењу, осмишљен је моделом вођен<br />приступ развоју адаптера. У оквиру овог приступа развијен је наменски<br />језик за спецификацију пресликавања између техничких простора који су<br />предмет интеграције. Приступ обухвата и алгоритме за поравнање и<br />поновно искориштење претходно креираних пресликавања са циљем<br />аутоматизације процеса спецификације. На основу креираних<br />пресликавања, могуће je аутоматски генерисати извршиви код адаптера.<br />У испитивањима приступа, показано је да је могуће успешно применити<br />моделом вођен приступ у интеграцији техничких простора као и да је<br />могуће успешно повећати степен аутоматизације поновним<br />искоришћењем претходно креираних пресликавања.</p> / <p>Za potrebe povećanja stepena automatizacije razvoja adaptera za<br />integraciju u industrijskom okruženju, osmišljen je modelom vođen<br />pristup razvoju adaptera. U okviru ovog pristupa razvijen je namenski<br />jezik za specifikaciju preslikavanja između tehničkih prostora koji su<br />predmet integracije. Pristup obuhvata i algoritme za poravnanje i<br />ponovno iskorištenje prethodno kreiranih preslikavanja sa ciljem<br />automatizacije procesa specifikacije. Na osnovu kreiranih<br />preslikavanja, moguće je automatski generisati izvršivi kod adaptera.<br />U ispitivanjima pristupa, pokazano je da je moguće uspešno primeniti<br />modelom vođen pristup u integraciji tehničkih prostora kao i da je<br />moguće uspešno povećati stepen automatizacije ponovnim<br />iskorišćenjem prethodno kreiranih preslikavanja.</p>

Collecte orientée sur le Web pour la recherche d’information spécialisée / Focused document gathering on the Web for domain-specific information retrieval

De Groc, Clément 05 June 2013 (has links)
Les moteurs de recherche verticaux, qui se concentrent sur des segments spécifiques du Web, deviennent aujourd'hui de plus en plus présents dans le paysage d'Internet. Les moteurs de recherche thématiques, notamment, peuvent obtenir de très bonnes performances en limitant le corpus indexé à un thème connu. Les ambiguïtés de la langue sont alors d'autant plus contrôlables que le domaine est bien ciblé. De plus, la connaissance des objets et de leurs propriétés rend possible le développement de techniques d'analyse spécifiques afin d'extraire des informations pertinentes.Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous nous intéressons plus précisément à la procédure de collecte de documents thématiques à partir du Web pour alimenter un moteur de recherche thématique. La procédure de collecte peut être réalisée en s'appuyant sur un moteur de recherche généraliste existant (recherche orientée) ou en parcourant les hyperliens entre les pages Web (exploration orientée).Nous étudions tout d'abord la recherche orientée. Dans ce contexte, l'approche classique consiste à combiner des mot-clés du domaine d'intérêt, à les soumettre à un moteur de recherche et à télécharger les meilleurs résultats retournés par ce dernier.Après avoir évalué empiriquement cette approche sur 340 thèmes issus de l'OpenDirectory, nous proposons de l'améliorer en deux points. En amont du moteur de recherche, nous proposons de formuler des requêtes thématiques plus pertinentes pour le thème afin d'augmenter la précision de la collecte. Nous définissons une métrique fondée sur un graphe de cooccurrences et un algorithme de marche aléatoire, dans le but de prédire la pertinence d'une requête thématique. En aval du moteur de recherche, nous proposons de filtrer les documents téléchargés afin d'améliorer la qualité du corpus produit. Pour ce faire, nous modélisons la procédure de collecte sous la forme d'un graphe triparti et appliquons un algorithme de marche aléatoire biaisé afin d'ordonner par pertinence les documents et termes apparaissant dans ces derniers.Dans la seconde partie de cette thèse, nous nous focalisons sur l'exploration orientée du Web. Au coeur de tout robot d'exploration orientée se trouve une stratégie de crawl qui lui permet de maximiser le rapatriement de pages pertinentes pour un thème, tout en minimisant le nombre de pages visitées qui ne sont pas en rapport avec le thème. En pratique, cette stratégie définit l'ordre de visite des pages. Nous proposons d'apprendre automatiquement une fonction d'ordonnancement indépendante du thème à partir de données existantes annotées automatiquement. / Vertical search engines, which focus on a specific segment of the Web, become more and more present in the Internet landscape. Topical search engines, notably, can obtain a significant performance boost by limiting their index on a specific topic. By doing so, language ambiguities are reduced, and both the algorithms and the user interface can take advantage of domain knowledge, such as domain objects or characteristics, to satisfy user information needs.In this thesis, we tackle the first inevitable step of a all topical search engine : focused document gathering from the Web. A thorough study of the state of art leads us to consider two strategies to gather topical documents from the Web: either relying on an existing search engine index (focused search) or directly crawling the Web (focused crawling).The first part of our research has been dedicated to focused search. In this context, a standard approach consists in combining domain-specific terms into queries, submitting those queries to a search engine and down- loading top ranked documents. After empirically evaluating this approach over 340 topics, we propose to enhance it in two different ways: Upstream of the search engine, we aim at formulating more relevant queries in or- der to increase the precision of the top retrieved documents. To do so, we define a metric based on a co-occurrence graph and a random walk algorithm, which aims at predicting the topical relevance of a query. Downstream of the search engine, we filter the retrieved documents in order to improve the document collection quality. We do so by modeling our gathering process as a tripartite graph and applying a random walk with restart algorithm so as to simultaneously order by relevance the documents and terms appearing in our corpus.In the second part of this thesis, we turn to focused crawling. We describe our focused crawler implementation that was designed to scale horizontally. Then, we consider the problem of crawl frontier ordering, which is at the very heart of a focused crawler. Such ordering strategy allows the crawler to prioritize its fetches, maximizing the number of in-domain documents retrieved while minimizing the non relevant ones. We propose to apply learning to rank algorithms to efficiently order the crawl frontier, and define a method to learn a ranking function from existing crawls.

RestMDD: Ambiente colaborativo para o apoio no desenvolvimento de serviços Web RESTful / RestMDD: collaborative environment to support the development of RESTful web services

Sanchez, Robson Vinicius Vieira 02 September 2013 (has links)
Na ultima década o paradigma de computação orientada a serviços (SOC - Service Oriented Computing) tem ganhado cada vez mais espaço na indústria e na academia, a fim de solucionar o problema da falta de comunicação entre os diversos sistemas de informação presentes dentro de um ambiente corporativo. Graças aos recentes avanços da chamada \"Web 2.0\" um novo estilo arquitetural chamado de Arquitetura orientada a Web (WOA - Web Oriented Architecture) foi proposto a fim de garantir uma maneira simples de conectar os componentes de software dinamicamente. Esse estilo tem como um dos princípios o uso de serviços Web RESTful, a fim de conseguir uma interface funcional simples e uniforme. Este trabalho apresenta um ambiente colaborativo de apoio ao desenvolvimento de serviços Web RESTful utilizando o paradigma de desenvolvimento orientado a modelos (MDD - Model Driven Development). Pretende-se mostrar os benefícios do MDD aplicado a Engenharia Web e também as vantagens apresentadas pela colaboração nesse cenário. Foi realizado ainda um experimento a fim de comprovar a eficiência do ambiente colaborativo e benefícios alcançados por ele / In the last decade the paradigm of Service Oriented Computing has gained more attention in industry and academia in order to solve the problem of lack of communication between different information systems present within a corporate environment. Due to recent advances in Web 2.0 a new architectural style called Web Oriented Architecture is proposed to ensure a simple way to connect software components dynamically. This style has as a principle the use of RESTful Web Services in order to achieve a uniform interface simple and functional. This paper presents a collaborative environment to support the development of RESTful Web Services using the Model Driven Development paradigm. It is intended to show the benefits of MDD applied to Web Engineering and also the advantages presented by collaboration in this scenario. It was also performed a experiment to prove the efficiency of the collaborative environment and benefits achieved by the same

Uma abordagem orientada a modelos para reutilização de software / A model-driven software reuse approach

Lucredio, Daniel 17 July 2009 (has links)
A reutilização de software busca aumentar a qualidade e produtividade no desenvolvimento de software, evitando a duplicação do esforço e reaproveitando o máximo possível das experiências de projetos passados. Apesar de simples, esta idéia não é facilmente colocada em prática, principalmente de maneira sistemática e controlada. Técnicas de engenharia de domínio e linhas de produtos de software buscam facilitar esta tarefa, porém ainda existem outros fatores que dificultam a adoção da prática da reutilização. Entre estes, destacam-se os problemas inerentes ao desenvolvimento de software da maneira como é conduzido atualmente, baseado em código-fonte. Estes problemas têm suas origens na crescente demanda por software cada vez mais complexo e afetam negativamente a capacidade de reutilizar software. O desenvolvimento orientado a modelos surge como uma alternativa atraente neste cenário, elevando a importância de modelos dentro do ciclo de vida do software, incorporando-os como parte integrante do produto final por meio de técnicas de modelagem e geração de código. Com isto, parte da complexidade do software fica escondida dentro dos geradores, protegendo os desenvolvedores, reduzindo a incidência de erros, aumentando a produtividade, qualidade, interoperabilidade e manutenibilidade dos artefatos produzidos. Nesta dissertação defende-se a tese de que o desenvolvimento orientado a modelos pode efetivamente aumentar e/ou melhorar a reutilização de software, e que para isso ela deve ser tratada de forma consistente dentro de um processo de engenharia de domínio. Para demonstrar esta tese, é apresentada uma abordagem orientada a modelos para reutilização de software, com atividades que guiam o desenvolvedor durante a análise, projeto e implementação do domínio. São também apresentados os resultados de uma avaliação envolvendo três estudos empíricos, realizados em ambiente acadêmico e industrial, que buscou determinar a viabilidade da abordagem e os benefícios que podem ser alcançados com a combinação de técnicas do desenvolvimento orientado a modelos e da reutilização de software. Os resultados mostram que a abordagem pode trazer diferentes benefícios para organizações de software, incluindo aumento da quantidade e qualidade da reutilização, e reduzindo a complexidade de desenvolvimento e configuração de produtos / Software reuse aims at increasing quality and productivity in software development, avoiding effort duplication and reusing all past experiences possible. Although it is a simple idea, it is not easy to put reuse in practice, especially in a systematic and controlled way. Domain engineering and software product lines techniques try to make this task easier, but there are many other factors that difficult the reuse adoption. Among these factors are the problems that are inherent to software development in the way it is conducted today, based on source code. These problems arise from the growing demand for increasingly complex software, negatively affecting the ability to reuse. Model-driven development is an attractive alternative in this scenario, leveraging the importance of models in the software life cycle, incorporating them as part of the final product through modeling and code generation techniques. As a result, part of the software complexity becomes hidden inside the generators, shielding the developers, reducing errors, increasing the productivity, quality, interoperability and maintainability of the produced assets. In this dissertation is presented the thesis that model-driven development can effectively increase and/or improve software reuse, and that to achieve this goal it must be treated in a consistent way inside a domain engineering process. To demonstrate this thesis, a model-driven software reuse approach is presented, with activities that guide the developer during domain analysis, design and implementation. The results of an evaluation involving three empirical studies are also presented. The studies were performed in both academic and industrial environments, and aimed at determining the viability of the approach and the benefits that can be achieved with the combination of model-driven development and software reuse techniques. The results showed that the approach can bring different benefits to software organizations, such as software reuse quantity and quality improvements, and complexity reduction in product development and configuration tasks

Catálogo de modelos de computação para o desenvolvimento de linguagens específicas de modelagem de domínio. / Catalog of models of computation for the development of domain-specific modeling languages.

Fernandes, Sergio Martins 13 June 2013 (has links)
Esta tese apresenta um processo para a criação de um catálogo de modelos de computação para apoiar o design de DSMLs, e a primeira versão do catálogo, com atributos que ajudam a selecionar os modelos de computação mais adequados para cada desenvolvimento de DSML, e as características dos sistemas de software para os quais esses modelos de computação são mais adequados. O contexto de aplicação desse catálogo é o Model-Driven Development (MDD desenvolvimento dirigido por modelos) a abordagem em que o desenvolvimento de software é baseado em modelos gráficos que são posteriormente traduzidos (transformados) em modelos de nível mais baixo e, no final, em código de linguagens de programação, tais como Java ou C#. A aplicação do processo gerou uma versão inicial do catálogo com os seguintes modelos de computação: diagramas BPMN, diagramas de classe da UML e regras de negócio. Visa-se contribuir para popularizar a abordagem de MDD com base em DSMLs e, em particular, a elaboração do design das DSMLs a partir de modelos de domínio, para o que o uso do catálogo efetivamente contribui. / This thesis presents a process for the creation of a catalog of models of computation to support the design of Domain-Specific Modeling Languages (DSMLs), and the first version of the catalog, which comprises attributes that aim to help the selection of the most suitable models of computation for each DSML development, and characteristics of software systems for which these models of computation are more appropriate. The context for the use of the catalog is the Model-Driven Development (MDD) - the approach where software development is based on graphical models that are subsequently translated (transformed) into lower-level models and, in the end, in source code in programming languages, such as Java or C #. The process was applied to generate an initial version of the catalog with the following models of computation: BPMN diagrams, UML class diagrams and business rules. It aims to contribute to popularize the MDD approach based in DSMLs, and in particular, the development of the DSMLs design from domain models, for which the use of the catalog effectively contributes.

Uma linguagem de modelagem de domínio específico para linhas de produto de software dinâmicas / A domain specific modeling language to dynamic software product lines

Borelli, Helberth 06 May 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Marlene Santos (marlene.bc.ufg@gmail.com) on 2016-08-09T16:58:08Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Helberth Borelli - 2016.pdf: 5479597 bytes, checksum: c182a5a918e2fda8bf310ba47bc494e4 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2016-08-10T11:31:18Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Helberth Borelli - 2016.pdf: 5479597 bytes, checksum: c182a5a918e2fda8bf310ba47bc494e4 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T11:31:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Helberth Borelli - 2016.pdf: 5479597 bytes, checksum: c182a5a918e2fda8bf310ba47bc494e4 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-05-06 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Systems which involve adaptations due to context changes have the challenge of adapting software systems at runtime. This thesis adopts as proposal the adaptation of resources in the form of features, involving concepts of Feature Oriented Domain Analysis. A possible approach to develop systems based on adaptable features at runtime is the concept of Dynamic Software Product Line (DSPL), which can be implemented by Metamodels. The aim of this thesis is the development of a Domain Specific Modeling Language (DSML) for DSPL, designed from the construction of a metamodel for the development of DSPLs, which is divided in three metamodels: of features, of variabilities and of applications to derive products. The variabilities metamodel aims at modeling contracts that must negotiate the product adaptation to the features that may be present or not in the execution environment. Adaptations are based in state machines, which address changes of feature state or changes by transitions of equivalent features, in order to keep the execution of the software product. The developed DSML still plays the role of extending the constraints imposed by the metamodels, as well as to generate codes in general-purpose language based on modeling features, variabilities and applications. In order to validate the proposal, the DSML was used to model two DSPLs, including the derivation of products and the execution in a platform based in OSGi specification. / Sistemas que envolvem adaptação em decorrência de mudanças de contexto possuem como desafio a adaptação do sistema de software em tempo de execução. Esta dissertação adota como proposta a adaptação de recursos na forma de características, envolvendo o conceito de Análise de Domínio Orientada a Características. Uma abordagem para o desenvolvimento de sistemas baseados em características adaptáveis em tempo de execução é o conceito de Linha de Produto de Software Dinâmica (LPSD), o qual pode ser implementado por meio do desenvolvimento de Metamodelos. O objetivo desta dissertação é o desenvolvimento de uma Linguagem de Modelagem de Domínio Específico (do inglês, Domain Specific Modeling Language - DSML) para LPSD, concebida a partir da construção de um metamodelo para o desenvolvimento de LPSDs, o qual está dividido em três metamodelos: de características, de variabilidades e de aplicação para derivação de produtos. Em destaque, o metamodelo de variabilidade tem como objetivo a modelagem de contratos que devem negociar a adaptação dos produtos às características que poderão estar ou não presentes no ambiente de execução. As adaptações são baseadas em máquinas de estado, as quais abordam a mudança de estado de uma característica ou a mudança por transição de características equivalentes, com o intuito de manter a execução do produto de software. A DSML desenvolvida tem ainda o papel de estender as restrições impostas pelos metamodelos, assim como gerar códigos em linguagem de propósito geral com base na modelagem de características, variabilidades e aplicações. No sentido de validar a proposta, a DSML foi usada para a modelagem de duas LPSDs, incluindo a derivação de produtos e a execução em uma plataforma baseada na especificação OSGi.

Catálogo de modelos de computação para o desenvolvimento de linguagens específicas de modelagem de domínio. / Catalog of models of computation for the development of domain-specific modeling languages.

Sergio Martins Fernandes 13 June 2013 (has links)
Esta tese apresenta um processo para a criação de um catálogo de modelos de computação para apoiar o design de DSMLs, e a primeira versão do catálogo, com atributos que ajudam a selecionar os modelos de computação mais adequados para cada desenvolvimento de DSML, e as características dos sistemas de software para os quais esses modelos de computação são mais adequados. O contexto de aplicação desse catálogo é o Model-Driven Development (MDD desenvolvimento dirigido por modelos) a abordagem em que o desenvolvimento de software é baseado em modelos gráficos que são posteriormente traduzidos (transformados) em modelos de nível mais baixo e, no final, em código de linguagens de programação, tais como Java ou C#. A aplicação do processo gerou uma versão inicial do catálogo com os seguintes modelos de computação: diagramas BPMN, diagramas de classe da UML e regras de negócio. Visa-se contribuir para popularizar a abordagem de MDD com base em DSMLs e, em particular, a elaboração do design das DSMLs a partir de modelos de domínio, para o que o uso do catálogo efetivamente contribui. / This thesis presents a process for the creation of a catalog of models of computation to support the design of Domain-Specific Modeling Languages (DSMLs), and the first version of the catalog, which comprises attributes that aim to help the selection of the most suitable models of computation for each DSML development, and characteristics of software systems for which these models of computation are more appropriate. The context for the use of the catalog is the Model-Driven Development (MDD) - the approach where software development is based on graphical models that are subsequently translated (transformed) into lower-level models and, in the end, in source code in programming languages, such as Java or C #. The process was applied to generate an initial version of the catalog with the following models of computation: BPMN diagrams, UML class diagrams and business rules. It aims to contribute to popularize the MDD approach based in DSMLs, and in particular, the development of the DSMLs design from domain models, for which the use of the catalog effectively contributes.

安全多方計算協定描述語言之設計與實作 / A Protocol Description Language for Secure Multi-Party Computation

黃文楷, Huang, Wen Kai Unknown Date (has links)
安全多方計算的研究主要是針對在分散環境下的兩造(或多方)之間,如何在不透露彼此私有的資料的情況下,計算一個約定函數的問題,並要確保除了計算結果及其可能推導出的資訊,不會洩漏額外的私有資料。依此設計出來的函數算法,稱為安全的多方計算協定(protocol)。 過去兩年本實驗室根據一套基於向量內積運算(scalar product)發展出的安全多方計算方法,設計了一個雛型的分散式系統框架,開發了一套符合其安全要求的常用算數運算函數庫。 但目前個別的應用問題在此系統上發展安全協定的程式時,使用者必須相當熟悉其架構與程式庫細節,才能開發所需程式,造成推廣上的障礙。有鑑於此,本論文採用領域專屬語言(domain-specific language)的方法與技術,針對一般安全多方協定程式的特徵來進行歸納與分析,找出協助其表達計算步驟的適當抽象機制,並在設計上訂定了以下目標: 1. 設計一高階語言用以描述多方安全計算,以提供使用者撰寫安全多方計算程式。 2. 檢查並確保使用者撰寫的程式不會有資訊洩漏。 3. 多方安全運算執行上能保持一定的效率。 4. 建立多方安全計算的運算流程,讓PDL與現有的運作環境配合,達到各伺服器合作運行多方安全計算的目的。 朝向這四個目標發展出一套協定描述語言與其編譯器。以便與SMC-Protocol以及其環境合作,協助領域專家以更簡便的方式來設計與實驗更多的安全多方協定。我們稱此語言為多方安全計算協定描述語言(Protocol Description Language, PDL)。 / Protocols for secure multi-party computation (SMC) allow participants to share a computation while each party learns only what can be inferred from their own inputs and the output of the computation. In the past two years, we developed an SMC implementation framework for both integers and floating numbers which comprises a set of arithmetic operations that manipulate secret values among involved parties using the scalar product protocol as the basis. Such a library of arithmetic operations is call building blocks. But using this library is not easy. To solve individual SMC problem, programmer should knowing the given framework and protocol detail very well. This difficulty makes them won't consider this framework while facing the need of SMC. To ease the writing of more complex user-defined protocols, using the technique of domain-specific language, this thesis analysis the general needs of SMC, develop a domain-specific language of SMC, and implement a compiler that coverts this language to SMC code, which is executable code composed of the protocols of given framework. We called this language Protocol Description Language, PDL.

Building environment rule and analysis (BERA) language and its application for evaluating building circulation and spatial program

Lee, Jin Kook 18 January 2011 (has links)
This study aims to design and implement a domain-specific computer programming language: the Building Environment Rule and Analysis (BERA) Language. As a result of the growing area of Building Information Modeling (BIM), there has been a need to develop highly customized domain-specific programming languages for handling issues in building models in the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industry. The BERA Language attempts to deal with building information models in an intuitive way in order to define and analyze rules in design stages. The application of the BERA Language aims to provide efficiency in defining, analyzing and checking rules. Specific example applications implemented in this dissertation are on the evaluation of two key aspects: building circulation and spatial programming. The objective of this study is to accomplish an effectiveness and ease of use without precise knowledge of general-purpose languages that are conventionally used in BIM software development. To achieve the goal, this study proposes an abstraction of the universe of discourse - it is the BERA Object Model (BOM). It is a human-centered abstraction of complex state of building models rather than the computation-oriented abstraction. By using BOM, users can enjoy the ease of use and portability of BIM data, rather than complex and platform-dependent data structures. This study also has reviewed and demonstrated its potential for extensibility of BOM. Not only its lateral extensions such as structural building elements, but also the vertical extensions such as additional properties for existing BOM objects are good examples. In current BERA Language Tool, many computed and derived properties/relations have been proposed and implemented, as well as some basic data directly from the given building model. Target users of the BERA Language are domain experts such as architects, designers, reviewers, owners, managers, students, etc., rather than BIM software developers. It means that the people who are interested in the building environment rule and analysis are the potential users. The BERA Language Tool comprises many libraries to alleviate common but unnecessary problems and limitations that are encountered when users attempt to analyze and evaluate building models using commercially available tools. Combined with other libraries which populate rich and domain-specific datasets for certain purposes, the BERA Language will be fairly versatile to define rules and analyze various building environmental conditions.

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