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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Automatic code generation and optimization of multi-dimensional stencil computations on distributed-memory architectures / Génération automatique de code et optimisation de calculs stencils sur des architectures à mémoire distribuée

Saied, Mariem 25 September 2018 (has links)
Nous proposons Dido, un langage dédié (DSL) implicitement parallèle qui capture les spécifications de haut niveau des stencils et génère automatiquement du code parallèle de haute performance pour les architectures à mémoire distribuée. Le code généré utilise ORWL en tant que interface de communication et runtime. Nous montrons que Dido réalise un grand progrès en termes de productivité sans sacrifier les performances. Dido prend en charge une large gamme de calculs stencils ainsi que des applications réelles à base de stencils. Nous montrons que le code généré par Dido est bien structuré et se prête à de différentes optimisations possibles. Nous combinons également la technique de génération de code de Dido avec Pluto l'optimiseur polyédrique de boucles pour améliorer la localité des données. Nous présentons des expériences qui prouvent l'efficacité et la scalabilité du code généré qui atteint de meilleures performances que les implémentations ORWL et MPI écrites à la main. / In this work, we present Dido, an implicitly parallel domain-specific language (DSL) that captures high-level stencil abstractions and automatically generates high-performance parallel stencil code for distributed-memory architectures. The generated code uses ORWL as a communication and synchronization backend. We show that Dido achieves a huge progress in terms of programmer productivity without sacrificing the performance. Dido supports a wide range of stencil computations and real-world stencil-based applications. We show that the well-structured code generated by Dido lends itself to different possible optimizations and study the performance of two of them. We also combine Dido's code generation technique with the polyhedral loop optimizer Pluto to increase data locality and improve intra-node data reuse. We present experiments that prove the efficiency and scalability of the generated code that outperforms both ORWL and MPI hand-crafted implementations.

Modelom vođena semantička integracija poslovnih aplikacija / Model based semantic enterprise application integration

Vuković Željko 21 December 2019 (has links)
<p>U sklopu doktorske disertacije izvršeno je istraživanje vezano za<br />automatizaciju integracije poslovnih aplikacija. Prikazani pristup<br />kombinuje model strukture interfejsa aplikacija koje se integrišu sa<br />formalnim opisom njihove semantike, datim u vidu ontologije. Na<br />osnovu ovih izvora, obavlja se automatsko mapiranje među elementima<br />interfejsa koji se integrišu, kao i detekcija i razrešavanje<br />semantičkih konflikata. Razvijena je praktična implementacija<br />predloženog pristupa, koja je korišćena za verifikaciju teorijskih<br />razmatranja, a uključuje adaptivan radni okvir i jezik specifičan za<br />domen. Predloženi pristup je verifikovan na dva realna<br />integraciona scenarija i jednim eksperimentom.</p> / <p>This thesis presents a research in the field of automation of enterprise<br />application integration. The approach combines structural models of<br />interfaces of the applications being integrated with a formal specification of<br />their semantics, given in form of an ontology. Using information from these<br />sources, automated interface mapping is performed, along with detection and<br />resolution of semantic conflicts. A practical implementation of the presented<br />approach was developed and used to verify theoretical considerations. The<br />implementation includes an adaptive framework and a domain specific<br />language. The proposed approach has been verified on two real-world<br />integration scenarios and one experiment.</p>

The identification of individual-specific conflict detection sensitivities / L'identification des sensibilités de détection de conflit spécifiques à chaque individu

Frey, Darren 29 November 2017 (has links)
Les développements récents de la recherche en sciences cognitives ont établi que les individus détectent fréquemment qu'ils sont en train de commettre certaines erreurs de raisonnement, alors même qu'ils n'identifient pas, et peut-être ne peuvent pas identifier, la source de ces erreurs. Jusqu'à maintenant, ce programme de recherche a principalement visé à démontrer que même les individus aux raisonnements les plus biaisés faisaient preuve de tendances à la détection de conflits. Le présent travail s'appuie sur ces résultats et analyse trois domaines d'enquête connexes et encore inexplorés : (1) les sous-types de détection de conflits ; (2) les différences individuelles quant à la détection ; (3) le caractère de généralité ou de spécificité au domaine des sensibilités pour la détection de conflits. En identifiant des sous-types de détection de conflits de plus en plus spécifiques, ce projet a pour objectif d'examiner les corrélations entre, d'une part, certaines sensibilités pour la détection de conflits, et des prédicteurs cognitifs, d'autre part. Il s'agit, fondamentalement, d'un travail préparatoire en vue d'une analyse différentielle complète des sensibilités particulières de détection de conflits parmi les individus en train de raisonner. / Recent state of the art research into cognitive biases has revealed that individuals often detect that they are making certain reasoning errors even when they themselves do not, perhaps cannot, articulate the source of the error. Until now, this research has focused primarily on demonstrating the existence of conflict detection tendencies among even the most biased reasoners. This thesis builds on this research by analyzing three related and unexplored areas of inquiry: (1) subtypes of conflict detection; (2) individual-specific differences among detectors; and (3) the domain generality or specificity of conflict detection sensitivities. By identifying increasingly fine-tuned detection subtypes, the project aims to explore correlations between particular conflict detection sensitivities and other cognitive predictors. It is, essentially, preparatory work for a complete differential analysis of conflict detection sensitivities among reasoners.

Auto-Generating Models From Their Semantics and Constraints

Pati, Tanumoy 20 August 2013 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Domain-specific models powered using domain-specific modeling languages are traditionally created manually by modelers. There exist model intelligence techniques, such as constraint solvers and model guidance, which alleviate challenges associated with manually creating models, however parts of the modeling process are still manual. Moreover, state-of-the-art model intelligence techniques are---in essence---reactive (i.e., invoked by the modeler). This thesis therefore provides two contributions to model-driven engineering research using domain-specific modeling language (DSML). First, it discusses how DSML semantic and constraint can enable proactive modeling, which is a form of model intelligence that foresees model transformations, automatically executes these model transformations, and prompts the modeler for assistance when necessary. Secondly, this thesis shows how we integrated proactive modeling into the Generic Modeling environment (GME). Our experience using proactive modeling shows that it can reduce modeling effort by both automatically generating required model elements, and by guiding modelers to select what actions should be executed on the model.

A Scala DSL for Rust code generation

Segeljakt, Klas January 2018 (has links)
Continuous Deep Analytics (CDA) is a new form of analytics with performance requirements exceeding what the current generation of distributed systems can offer. This thesis is part of a five year project in collaboration between RISE SICS and KTH to develop a next generation distributed system capable of CDA. The two issues which the system aims to solve are computation sharing and hardware acceleration. The former refers to how BigData and machine learning libraries such as TensorFlow, Pandas and Numpy must collaborate in the most efficient way possible. Hardware acceleration relates to how the back-end of current generation general purpose data processing systems such as Spark and Flink are bottlenecked by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). As the JVM abstracts over the underlying hardware, its applications become portable but also forfeit the opportunity to fully exploit the available hardware resources. This thesis aims to explore the area of Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) and code generation as a solution to hardware acceleration. The idea is to translate incoming queries to the system into low-level code, tailor suited to each worker machine’s specific hardware. To this end, two Scala DSLs for generating Rust code have been developed for the translation step. Rust is a new, low-level programming language with a unique take on memory management which makes it as safe as Java and fast as C. Scala is a language which is well suited towards development of DSLs due to its flexible syntax and semantics. The first DSL is implemented as a string interpolator. The interpolator splices strings of Rust code together, at compile time or runtime, and passes the result to an external process for static checking. The second DSL instead provides an API for constructing an abstract syntax tree, which after construction can be traversed and printed into Rust source code. The API combines three concepts: heterogeneous lists, fluent interfaces, and algebraic data types. These allow the userto express advanced Rust syntax such as polymorphic structs, functions, and traits, without sacrificing type safety. / Kontinuerlig Djup Analys (CDA) är en ny form av analys med prestandakrav som överstiger vad den nuvarande generationen av distributerade system kan erbjuda. Den här avhandlingen är del av ett project mellan RISE SICS och KTH för att utveckla ett nästa-generations distribuerat system kapabelt av CDA. Det är två problem som systemet syftar på att lösa: hårdvaruacceleration och beräkningsdelning. Det första handlar om hur BigData och maskininlärningssystem som sådan som TensorFlow, Pandas och Numpy måste kunna samarbeta så effektivt som möjligt. Hårdvaruacceleration relaterar till hur back-end delen i den dagens distribuerade beräknings system, såsom Spark och Flink, flaskhalsas av Javas Virtuella Maskin. JVM:en abstraherar över den underliggande hårvaran. Som resultat blir dess applikationer portabla, men ger också upp möjligheten att fullständigt utnyttja de tillgängliga hårdvaruresurserna. Den här avhandlingen siktar på att utforska området kring Domänspecifika Språk (DSLer) och kodgenerering som en lösning till hårdvaruacceleration. Idén är att översätta inkommande förfrågningar till låg-nivå kod, skräddarsydd till varje arbetar maskin’s specifika hårdvara. Till detta ändamål har två Scala DSLer utvecklats för generering av Rust kod. Rust är ett nytt låg-nivå språk med ett unikt vidtagande kring minneshantering som gör det både lika säkert som Java och snabbt som C. Scala är ett språk som passar bra tillutveckling av DSLer pågrund av dess flexibla syntax och semantik. Den första DSLen är implementerad som en sträng-interpolator. Interpolatorn sammanfogar strängar av Rust kod, under kompileringstid eller exekveringstid, och passerar resultatet till enextern process för statisk kontroll. Den andra DSLen består istället av ett API för att konstruera ett abstrakt syntaxträd, som efteråt kan traverseras och skrivas ut till Rust kod. API:et kombinerar tre koncept: heterogena listor, flytande gränssnitt, och algebraiska datatyper. Dessa tillåter användaren att uttrycka avancerad Rust syntax, såsom polymorfiska strukts, funktioner, och traits, utan att uppoffra typsäkerhet.

Word embeddings for monolingual and cross-language domain-specific information retrieval / Ordinbäddningar för enspråkig och tvärspråklig domänspecifik informationssökning

Wigder, Chaya January 2018 (has links)
Various studies have shown the usefulness of word embedding models for a wide variety of natural language processing tasks. This thesis examines how word embeddings can be incorporated into domain-specific search engines for both monolingual and cross-language search. This is done by testing various embedding model hyperparameters, as well as methods for weighting the relative importance of words to a document or query. In addition, methods for generating domain-specific bilingual embeddings are examined and tested. The system was compared to a baseline that used cosine similarity without word embeddings, and for both the monolingual and bilingual search engines the use of monolingual embedding models improved performance above the baseline. However, bilingual embeddings, especially for domain-specific terms, tended to be of too poor quality to be used directly in the search engines. / Flera studier har visat att ordinbäddningsmodeller är användningsbara för många olika språkteknologiuppgifter. Denna avhandling undersöker hur ordinbäddningsmodeller kan användas i sökmotorer för både enspråkig och tvärspråklig domänspecifik sökning. Experiment gjordes för att optimera hyperparametrarna till ordinbäddningsmodellerna och för att hitta det bästa sättet att vikta ord efter hur viktiga de är i dokumentet eller sökfrågan. Dessutom undersöktes metoder för att skapa domänspecifika tvåspråkiga inbäddningar. Systemet jämfördes med en baslinje utan inbäddningar baserad på cosinuslikhet, och för både enspråkiga och tvärspråkliga sökningar var systemet som använde enspråkiga inbäddningar bättre än baslinjen. Däremot var de tvåspråkiga inbäddningarna, särskilt för domänspecifika ord, av låg kvalitet och gav för dåliga resultat för direkt användning inom sökmotorer.

vehicleLang: a probabilistic modeling and simulation language for vehicular cyber attacks

Katsikeas, Sotirios January 2018 (has links)
The technological advancements in the automotive industry as well as in thefield of communication technologies done the last years have transformed thevehicles to complex machines that include not only electrical and mechanicalcomponents but also a great number of electronic components. Furthermore,modern vehicles are now connected to the Wide Area Network (WAN) and inthe near future communications will also be present between the cars (Vehicleto-Vehicle, V2V) and between cars and infrastructure (Vehicle-to-Infrastructure, V2I), something that can be found as Internet of Vehicles (IoV)in the literature. The main motivations towards all the aforementioned changesin modern vehicles are of course the improvement of road safety, the higherconvenience of the passengers, the increase in the efficiency and the higher userfriendliness.On the other hand, having vehicles connected to the Internet opens them up toa new domain of interest, this no other than the domain of cyber security. Thispractically means that while previously we were only considering cyber-attackson computational systems, now we need to start thinking about it also forvehicles. This, as a result, creates a new field of research, namely the vehicularcyber security. However, this field does not only include the possible vehicularcyber-attacks and their corresponding defenses but also the modeling andsimulation of them with the use of vehicular security analysis tools, which isalso recommended by the ENISA report titled “Cyber Security and Resilienceof smart cars: Good practices and recommendations”.Building on this need for vehicular security analysis tools, this work aims tocreate and evaluate a domain-specific, probabilistic modeling and simulationlanguage for cyber-attacks on modern connected vehicles. The language will bedesigned based on the existing threat modeling and risk management toolsecuriCAD® by foreseeti AB and more specifically based on its underlyingmechanisms for describing and probabilistically evaluating the cyber threats ofthe models.The outcome/final product of this work will be the probabilistic modeling andsimulation language for connected vehicles, called vehicleLang, that will beready for future use in the securiCAD® software. / De tekniska framstegen inom fordonsindustrin såväl som inomkommunikationsteknik som gjorts de senaste åren har omvandlat fordon tillkomplexa maskiner som inte bara omfattar elektriska och mekaniskakomponenter utan också ett stort antal elektroniska komponenter. Dessutom ärmoderna fordon nu anslutna till Internet (WAN) och inom den närmasteframtiden kommer kommunikation också att etableras mellan bilarna (Vehicleto-Vehicle, V2V) och mellan bilar och infrastruktur (Vehicle-to-Infrastructure,V2I). Detta kan också kallas fordonens internet (Internet of Vehicles - IoV) ilitteraturen. De främsta motiven för alla ovannämnda förändringar i modernafordon är förstås förbättringen av trafiksäkerheten, ökad bekvämlighet förpassagerarna, ökad effektivitet och högre användarvänlighet.Å andra sidan, att ha fordon anslutna till Internet öppnar dem för en ny domän,nämligen cybersäkerhet. Då vi tidigare bara övervägde cyberattacker påtraditionella datorsystem, måste vi nu börja tänka på det även för fordon. Dettaområde omfattar emellertid inte bara de möjliga fordonsattackerna och derasmotsvarande försvar utan även modellering och simulering av dem med hjälpav verktyg för analys av fordonssäkerhet, vilket också rekommenderas avENISA-rapporten med titeln ”Cyber Security and Resilience of smart cars: Goodpractices and recommendations”.På grund av detta behov av verktyg för fordonssäkerhetsanalys syftar dettaarbete till att skapa och utvärdera ett domänspecifikt, probabilistisktmodelleringsspråk för simulering av cyberattacker på moderna anslutna fordon.Språket har utformats utifrån det befintliga hotmodellerings- ochriskhanteringsverktyget securiCAD® av foreseeti AB och mer specifikt baseratpå dess underliggande mekanismer för att beskriva och probabilistiskt utvärderamodellernas cyberhot.Resultatet/slutprodukten av detta arbete är ett probabilistisktmodelleringsspråk för uppkopplade fordon, vehicleLang.

Hybrid Data-Flow Graphs for Procedural Domain-Specific Query Languages

Jaecksch, Bernhard, Faerber, Franz, Rosenthal, Frank, Lehner, Wolfgang 25 January 2023 (has links)
Domain-specific query languages (DSQL) let users express custom business logic. Relational databases provide a limited set of options to execute business logic. Usually, stored procedures or a series of queries with some glue code. Both methods have drawbacks and often business logic is still executed on application side transferring large amounts of data between application and database, which is expensive. We translate a DSQL into a hybrid data-flow execution plan, containing relational operators mixed with procedural ones. A cost model is used to drive the translation towards an optimal mixture of relational and procedural plan operators.

Prototyping a formal system modeling workbench in the java ecosystem : A Domain Specific Language in Groovy

Savegren, Joakim, Edling, Joar January 2022 (has links)
Modeling is a fundamental property in today’s development of embedded systems. Models of computation enable us to describe the functionality and characteristics of a system on a higher abstraction level which gives the designer great insight in the behavior of the final implemented system at a very early stage in the design process. The ForSyDe modeling framework is based on the Model-of-computation (MoC) theory. Synchronous data-flow (SDF) is one MoC that uses actors and tokens to describe the communication and behavior of a system. Currently, the ForSyDe input modeling language exists only as a Haskell implementation and a System C implementation. The main problem is that the ForSyDe tool ecosystem is implemented across different languages without proper connections between tools. However, a framework to make such connections exists, namely the ForSyDe IO Java supporting library. In addition, any language running on the JVM can already be connected to ForSyDe IO. Hence, the thesis explores how a modeling workbench can be designed as a domain specific language (DSL) in the JVM language Groovy using the Gradle environment. Since there are many modules in the ForSyDe modeling framework, one for each MoC, this thesis targets one module: SDF. This choice is enough to explore whether it is possible to achieve the same modeling that Haskell provides in a JVM language, without sacrificing the user experience while modeling. The resulting Groovy DSL can describe the Synchronous Data-Flow MoC with the purpose of modeling SDF graphs, often used in image processing applications. By using the produced DSL workbench, a designer can model SDF applications in an efficient way. There were some differences when comparing the Groovy DSL to the Haskell implementation, such as the methods for defining actors and connecting them. However, the core modeling concepts are the same. Combining Groovy and Gradle offered an easy way of designing a DSL using the concept of closures. The created Groovy DSL is the first member of a family of textual DSL’s for describing MoC’s and therefore acts as a foundation for future work within the ForSyDe modeling framework. It can be extended to support more modules and functions or to inspire others to develop new DSL’s. / Modellering av system är en grundsten i dagens utveckling av inbyggda system. Beräkningsmodeller möjliggör att beskriva systems egenskaper och funktioner på en hög abstraktionsnivå vilket underlättar den första tiden vid utvecklingen av ett nytt inbyggt system. ForSyDe är ett modelleringsspråk baserat på beräkbarhetsteori. Det synkrona dataflödet (SDF) är en beräkningsmodell som använder sig av aktörer och tokens för att beskriva ett systems kommunikation och bettend. ForSyDe är implementerat i programmeringsspråket Haskell och System C, men är i fortsatt utveckling och grenar ut till andra språk och miljöer. Det huvudsakliga Problemet med ForSyDe är att ramverket saknar bra kopplingar mellan verktygen som erbjuds. Ett ramverk som möjliggör kopplingen mellan verktygen är stöd biblioteket ForSyDe IO och dessutom kan ett språk som kör i Javas virtuella miljö redan kopplas med ForSyDe IO. Därför undersöker uppsatsen hur ett domänspecifikt språk kan skrivas i Groovy i utvecklingsmiljön gradle för att direkt extrahera en ForSyDe IO modell utan att behöva undersöka varje element i modellen. Det finns många moduler i ForSyDe ramverket, en för varje beräkningsmodell och därför menar uppsatsen att undersöka en modul: SDF. Att undersöka SDF modulen anses tillräckligt för att bestämma sig huruvida det är möjligt att uppnå liknande modellering som Haskell erbjuder fast i java miljön, utan att offra användarvänligheten då ett system modelleras. Resultatet blev en Groovy prototyp som kan beskriva SDF-modulen med syftet att modellera SDF-grafer vars funktion ofta används inom bildbehandling. En SDF-graf beskriver ett systems dataflöde och via det resulterande domänspecifika språket kan en utvecklare på ett tillfredsställande sätt beskriva dataflöden i javamiljön. Det visade sig att det resulterande domän specifika språket i Groovy skiljer sig en aning från Haskell i hur man specificerar aktörer och deras kopplingar, men det fundamentala konceptet är detsamma. Groovy i kombination med Gradle erbjöd ett smidigt sätt att programmera ett domänspecifikt språk med hjälp av closures vilket kan användas för framtida bruk inom utvecklingsområdet. Den skapade prototypen är den första medlemmen i en familj av framtida modelleringsspråk som beskriver beräkningsmodeller. Resultatet av projektet utgör en grund för ett fortsatt arbete med att bygga vidare på prototypen, men även för att kunna lägga till fler beräkningsmoduler som i sin tur bidrar med utbyggningen av ramverket ForSyDe.

Toward C++ as a Platform for Language-Oriented Programming: On the Embedding of a Model-Based Real-Time Language

Prastowo, Tadeus 31 March 2020 (has links)
Cyber-physical systems are dynamic physical systems that are controlled by computers for their safe and sound operations (e.g., cars, satellites, robots, elevators, and many others). Consequently, the programs running cyber-physical systems have real-time requirements, which require the programs to compute not only correctly but also timely because dynamic physical systems need to move to correct positions within certain duration to ensure safe and sound operations. To satisfy real-time requirements in better ways, many real-time languages have been proposed in the literature. Nevertheless, the general-purpose non-real-time languages C and C++ have remained the de facto languages to program cyber-physical systems, including Mars rovers and F-35 jet fighters. Given this reality, the better ways to satisfy real-time requirements have been the use of model-based tools (e.g., MATLAB/Simulink) that allow cyber-physical systems to be designed by modeling and simulating them and the resulting models to be translated automatically to C programs. Model-based tools, however, leave the resulting C programs for manual integration with other C/C++ programs, such as legacy/third-party device drivers and libraries. Since manual integration could slip in some inconsistencies, which proved fatal in the maiden flight of Ariane-5 rocket, this work shows how the standard features of C++, which support active libraries, can be used to embed a model-based real-time language, called Tice, as a C++ active library that can be used to declaratively express models of real-time systems that are processable by off-the-shelf standard C++ compilers (e.g., GCC and Clang) that automatically not only translate the models into C/C++ programs but also check both the validity of the models and the consistency of the models with other C/C++ programs. Furthermore, being compilable by off-the-shelf standard C++ compilers also sets Tice apart from other real-time languages already proposed in the literature because the other languages require either their own special compilers/interpreters or non-standard C/C++ compilers. Consequently, while Tice itself either uses no C++ features that are unsuitable for cyber-physical systems (e.g., exception) or uses some in judicious manner (e.g., template instantiations to generate programs), Tice prevents no usage that is permitted by standard C++ compilers. Beside that, as C++ active libraries are indeed ordinary C++ libraries, C++ active libraries are seamlessly composable as ordinary C++ libraries, and therefore, as models play an increasingly important role in software engineering, this work shows the potential of C++ as a platform for language-oriented programming where different languages that express different kinds of models and are embedded as C++ active libraries could be composed seamlessly.

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