Spelling suggestions: "subject:"drainage."" "subject:"frainage.""
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Développement d'une méthode de diagnostic des systèmes de drainage dans la production de cannebergesBulot, Diane 03 October 2024 (has links)
Contrairement à la croyance populaire, la canneberge ne pousse pas dans l’eau et la gamme de potentiel matriciel de l’eau dans le sol optimale pour la croissance des plants se situe entre −3.0 et −7.5 kPa. Un sol gorgé d’eau et mal aéré diminue la capacité des plants à prélever les nutriments dans le sol et peut augmenter les maladies racinaires. Il est donc primordial d’entretenir un système de drainage efficace afin de maintenir les plants dans un environnement optimal. L’objectif de ce projet était le développement d’une méthode de diagnostic des systèmes de drainage souterrain dans la production de canneberges. Les hypothèses étaient : (a) les variabilités spatiales verticale et horizontale des propriétés hydrodynamiques du sol influence l’efficacité d’un système de drainage et (b) l’étude de données tensiométriques et de l’évolution de la hauteur de la nappe en fonction du temps permet de déterminer l’efficacité d’un système de drainage. Aux étés 2013 et 2014, un dispositif expérimental de suivi de la nappe (puits d’observation, tensiomètres, sondes de pression) a été mis en place sur 21 champs. En parallèle, 960 échantillons de sol ont été prélevés sur huit champs et rapportés en laboratoire afin d’estimer la variabilité spatiale des propriétés hydrodynamiques du sol. Les analyses des données obtenues de vitesse de rabattement de la nappe, conductivité hydraulique à saturation, masse volumique, porosité, rendement, granulométrie, paramètres de rétention en eau et teneurs en eau du sol ont permis de mettre en évidence leur influence sur le rendement et l’efficacité de drainage. En se basant sur des courbes de rabattement de la nappe, la vitesse de rabattement de la nappe et le profil de charge, une charte de diagnostic a pu être développée. Cette charte de diagnostic, à l’issue de quatre grandes questions directrices, permet l’identification d’un possible problème de drainage. / Efficient drainage systems are essential in the development of more intelligent precision irrigation methods in cranberry production. Most cranberry fields are equipped with subsurface drainage systems used for excess water removal and water table control. In fact, cranberry reveals high sensitivity to wet conditions with an important decrease in crop yields caused almost exclusively by dysfunctional drainage systems. Previous works have highlighted the need to improve existing drainage systems. The main objective of this study was to develop a real-time method for assessment of subsurface drainage system performance. The hypotheses were : (a) the vertical and horizontal spatial variability of the hydrodynamic soil properties influence underground drainage system efficiency and (b) the study of tensiometric data and changes in the water table height versus time, allows us to assess drainage system efficiency. During the 2013 and 2014 crop seasons, real-time experimental devices (observation wells, tensiometers, and pressure sensors) were installed in 21 fields (13 in Manseau and eight in the Lac-St-Jean region, Québec, Canada) in order to monitor the water table and soil matric potential. In order to assess the relationship between drainage efficiency and soil properties, 960 undisturbed soil cores were collected over eight fields and brought back to the laboratory for hydrodynamic soil properties characterization. Data obtained from water table drawdown speed, saturated hydraulic conductivity, bulk density, porosity, granulometry, water retention parameters and water contents allowed to highlight their influence on crop yields and drainage efficiency. Based on water table drawdown curve, water table drawdown speed and water height profile, a diagnostic diagram was developed. This diagnostic charter, based on four guiding questions, allows for the identification of drainage problems.
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Simulation du problème de colmatage des drains en conditions contrôlées pour la production de cannebergesDabo, Souleymane 19 April 2024 (has links)
La production de canneberges au Québec est l’une des plus importantes au monde. L’avancée de la production de canneberges au Québec est due, en partie, à une gestion optimisée des conditions d’irrigation et de drainage. Toutefois, il a été estimé que 75% des champs de canneberges du Centre-du-Québec ont des problèmes de drainage. Les problèmes de conception du système de drainage entraînent des réductions de 25% de rendement des canneberges tandis que le problème de colmatage des drains induit une réduction de 39%. De ce constat, le présent a pour objectif de prédire le degré de colmatage des drains à partir des hauteurs de la nappe à la mi-écartement, au-dessus du drain ainsi que du temps de rabattement de la nappe. Pour se faire, des modèles de prédiction par apprentissage supervisé et par régression linéaire multiple sont utilisés. Les expériences de drainage ont été menées en laboratoire à l’aide d’un simulateur de drainage afin de modéliser de façon analogique le degré de colmatage du drain. Les données expérimentales collectées à la fin de chaque expérience ont permis, entre autres, de générer les variables d’entrée des modèles prédictifs. Les résultats montrent qu’une augmentation du degré de colmatage du drain entraîne : (i) des augmentations du temps de rabattement de la nappe et de la résistance à l’entrée du drain, (ii) une diminution de la conductivité hydraulique équivalente du système de drainage et (iii) l’accumulation d’eau au voisinage du drain. Le modèle prédictif d’apprentissage supervisé ajusté explique 98,9% de la variation du degré de colmatage tandis que la régression n’explique que 58,9% de cette variation. Avec l’introduction de la conductivité hydraulique équivalente du système de drainage dans le modèle, la qualité de l’ajustement du modèle d’apprentissage supervisé passe de 98,9 à 99,8% et celle de régression linéaire multiple passe de 58,9 à 83,8%. / Quebec is one of the largest cranberry producer in the world. The substantial yields in cranberry production in Quebec is due in part to optimized management of irrigation and drainage conditions. However, it has been estimated that 75% of the cranberry fields in Central Quebec have drainage problems. Drainage system design problems result in 25% reduction in cranberry yields drain clogging issues are responsible for a 39% reduction. The present project proposes to predict the degree of clogging based on water table heights at the mid-spacing and above the drain in addition to the water table drawdown time. To do this, predictive models using supervised learning and multiple linear regressions are used. The drainage experiments were conducted in the laboratory using a drainage simulator to analogically reproduce the degree of drain clogging. The experimental data collected at the end of each experiment served, among other things, to generate the input variables of the predictive models. The results show that an increase in the degree of clogging leads: (i) to an increase in water table drawdown time and the drain entrance resistance, (ii) a decrease in the equivalent hydraulic conductivity of the drainage system and (iii) the accumulation of water in the vicinity of the drain. The adjusted supervised learning predictive model explains 98.9% of the variation of the clogging degree, while the regression model explains only 58.9%. With the introduction of the equivalent hydraulic conductivity of the drainage system, the quality of the supervised learning model goes from 98.9 to 99.8% and that of multiple linear regressions from 58.9 to 83.8%.
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Impact de la genèse anthropique des sols de canneberge sur la capacité de drainagePériard Larrivée, Yann 10 August 2024 (has links)
Tableau d'honneur de la Faculté des études supérieures et postdoctorales, 2017 / La construction d’un champ de canneberge nécessite la mise en place d’un système de drainage et une modification de la stratification naturelle du sol qui peuvent induire une anthropomorphisation rapide de ce dernier. La consolidation induite par les cycles accélérés de drainage et de recharge de l’eau du sol; la filtration et le colmatage des pores du sol par des particules colloïdales, accélérées par ce mode de gestion de l'eau, vont modifier les propriétés hydrauliques du sol. Ceci peut affecter l’efficacité du drainage et par conséquent le rendement de la cannebergière. Les objectifs de ce projet de doctorat étaient d’avancer les connaissances sur: (i) les processus hydrodynamiques régissant les mécanismes de transport dans les champs de canneberge; (ii) l’évolution génétique d’un sol de canneberge et ses effets sur la capacité de drainage; et (iii) l’identification des paramètres/processus les plus sensibles à la genèse du sol accélérée par les pratiques de gestion de l’eau. Au court de ce projet une caractérisation exhaustive de profils de sol a servi à classifier et proposer une nouvelle norme de drainage. Plusieurs expériences en laboratoire et aux champs ont été réalisées afin de déterminer le rôle de la migration de particules fines et de la consolidation du sol sur l’évolution des propriétés hydrauliques. De plus, ce projet a permis de mettre au point une méthode de prédiction des propriétés hydrauliques basées sur l’utilisation d’un tomographe permettant de prédire l’évolution spatio-temporelle des propriétés hydrauliques à de très grandes résolutions. Conjointement aux travaux pratiques, les résultats de travaux de modélisation hydrologique et d’analyses de sensibilité ont permis de déterminer les conditions d’hétérogénéité de sol les plus critiques causant un drainage inadéquat. Les résultats de cette étude ont révélé l’existence de problèmes de drainage liés à la genèse anthropique d’un horizon ayant des propriétés hydrauliques restrictives et permis de quantifier l’impact de la migration et de la consolidation sur l’altération des propriétés hydrauliques. L’ensemble des connaissances acquises par ce projet illustre qu’une genèse anthropique d’un sol de canneberge affecte la capacité de drainage et que celle-ci se produit dans les premières années d’implantation d’un champ. L’acquisition de connaissances sur les mécanismes de genèse anthropique permet désormais de prévoir l’évolution des sols selon plusieurs conditions et de mieux anticiper et contrôler leurs futurs effets négatifs sur la production de canneberge par l’implantation de stratégies de conservation des sols. / The construction of a cranberry field requires the establishment of a drainage system and a modification of the natural soil stratification that can induce rapid anthropomorphization thereof. Consolidation induced by accelerated cycles of drainage and recharge; filtration and clogging of soil pores by colloidal particles, accelerated by the water management, will change the soil hydraulic properties. This can affect the efficiency of drainage and therefore the productivity of the cranberry fields. The objectives of this PhD project was to advance knowledge on: (i) the hydrodynamic processes governing the transport mechanisms in cranberry fields; (ii) the genetic evolution of a ground cranberry and its effects on the drainage capacity; and (iii) identification of parameters / the most sensitive processes in soil formation accelerated by water management practices. During this project, a exhaustive characterization of soil profiles was used to group and propose a new standard for evaluating the drainage. Several laboratory experiments and field were conducted to determine the role of migration of fines particles and soil consolidation on the evolution of hydraulic properties. In addition, in this project we have developed a method for predicting the hydraulic properties based on the use of tomography to predict the spatiotemporal evolution of the hydraulic properties at very high resolutions. Together with the practical work, the results of hydrological modeling and sensitivity analysis were used to determine the most critical soil heterogeneity conditions causing inadequate drainage. The results of this study revealed the existence of drainage problems related to anthropogenic genesis of a horizon with restrictive hydraulic properties and quantified the impact of migration and consolidation of alteration of hydraulic properties. All the knowledge gained through this project shows that anthropogenic genesis of a soil of cranberry field affect the drainage capacity and that it occurs in the first years of implementation of a field. Acquiring knowledge on anthropogenic genesis mechanisms now allows to predict the evolution of soils according to several conditions and better anticipate and control their future negative effects on cranberry production through the implementation of soil conservation strategies.
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Influence of oxidation on leaf decomposition in acid mine waterMohasoa, Bongani Peter January 2017 (has links)
Thesis (M.Sc.)--University of the Witwatersrand, Faculty of Science, School of Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences, 2017. / Acidification of freshwater systems by Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) is a persistent risk to aquatic ecosystems in South Africa, particularly in Gauteng and Mpumalanga. From several studies that have been conducted, it is clear that AMD has profound effects on aquatic life and functionality of the ecosystem. One of the ecosystem processes affected by AMD is the decomposition process. It has been established that AMD-affected streams inhibit the decompositon process. [Abbreviated Abstract. Open document to view full version] / LG2018
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Influência da drenagem subsuperficial no desempenho de pavimentos asfálticos. / Influence of drainage system efficiency in the asphalt pavement performance.Pereira, Antonio Carlos Oquendo 16 September 2003 (has links)
Desde a implantação das primeiras obras, há indicações de que seus construtores já apresentavam conhecimentos acerca da influência da drenagem no desempenho dos pavimentos. Muitos países, onde os custos rodoviários são avaliados criteriosamente ao longo de toda a vida de serviço do pavimento, vêm desenvolvendo pesquisas objetivando a consideração dos efeitos prejudiciais da água em excesso no interior de sua estrutura. Métodos consagrados como, por exemplo, o da AASHTO, já consideram a influência da eficiência do sistema de drenagem no dimensionamento das estruturas de pavimentos. Neste trabalho, são apresentados um breve histórico e uma análise dos métodos de dimensionamento nacionais e estrangeiros, com vistas às considerações da influência do sistema de drenagem e da variação sazonal do teor de umidade no desempenho estrutural dos pavimentos. Fazendo-se uso do Falling Weight Defectometer, foi realizado levantamento deflectométrico em trecho experimental, com extensão aproximada de 900 m, direcionado para a avaliação da variação dos módulos resilientes das camadas e do comportamento estrutural diante da infiltração d\'água pela borda do pavimento. A partir dos dados obtidos no segmento experimental, pôde-se avaliar a magnitude desses parâmetros e assim efetuar, através de modelos analíticos que expressam os métodos de dimensionamento vigentes no país, a estimativa de redução da vida útil do pavimento analisado. Finalmente, propõe-se a introdução de um parâmetro de ajuste da espessura, denominado Fator de Ajuste de Drenagem, para consideração das condições adversas de drenagem no procedimento de dimensionamento de estruturas de pavimentos flexíveis preconizado pelo DNER. / Since the implementation of the first roads, there are indications that constructors already had knowledge concerning drainage influence in the pavement performance. Many countries, where highway administration costs are criteriously available along pavement lifetime, have been developing researches regarding considerations about harmful effects from excessive water in the pavement structure. Renowned methods such as AASHTO, already consider the influence of drainage system efficiency in the pavement structures design. In this work, brief historic and an analysis about national and foreign design methods are presented, taking into account considerations concerning influence of drainage system and seasonal variations of moisture content in the structural pavement performance. Employing the Falling Weight Deflectometer, deflection measurements were carried out in a test section, about 900 m long, in order to evaluate the resilient modulus layers and the structural behavior variations due to water infiltration from pavement edge. From experimental sections data obtained, it was possible to evaluate the magnitude of these parameters and then realize, through analytical models that represent the actual national design methods, the reduction estimate of evaluated pavement lifetime. Finally, this work propose the introduction of a thickness adjustment parameter, called Drainage Adjustment Factor, to consider the adverse drainage conditions in the flexible pavement structure design procedure advocated by DNER.
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Estabilização de encostas através de drenagem profunda: estudo de um caso de estabilização com túnel de drenagem. / Hillsides stabilization through deep drainage: study of a case of hillside stabilization with drainage tunnel.Bastos, Izabel Gomes 14 September 2006 (has links)
Esta dissertação apresenta o uso de drenagem profunda para estabilização de encostas, detalhando os sistemas existentes e suas aplicações. São relatados alguns casos de encostas estabilizadas através da drenagem profunda, tanto no Brasil como no exterior. Apresenta-se também um estudo de caso da obra de estabilização da encosta na qual está implantado o viaduto denominado VA-19, na Rodovia dos Imigrantes no Estado de São Paulo, em que foi utilizado túnel de drenagem como solução. É feita a análise da eficiência do túnel de drenagem para o rebaixamento do lençol freático e conseqüente estabilização da encosta. / This dissertation presents the use of deep drainage for slope stabilization, detailing the existent systems and their applications. Some cases of slope stabilized through deep drainage are reported. It is also presented a study of case of the slope stabilization which affected the overpass called VA-19, in the Imigrantes Highway, in the State of São Paulo which used drainage tunnel as a solution. The analysis of the drainage tunnel efficiency in the water table lowering and consequent slope stabilization.
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A study of drainage basins on various lithologies in Hong Kong.January 1986 (has links)
by Chan Kong Sang. / Thesis (M.Ph.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1986 / Bibliography: leaves 107-110
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Modelling water discharge and nitrogen loads from drained agricultural land at field and watershed scale /Salazar, Osvaldo, January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala : Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, 2009. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.
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The applicability of passive treatment systems for the mitigation of acid mine drainage at the Williams Brothers Mine, Mariposa County, California: bench- and pilot-scale studies /Clyde, Erin Jane. January 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (MSc., Geology) -- Queen's University, 2008. / Includes bibliographical references.
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Šiaulių apskrities drenažo būklės tyrimai / The investigations on the condition of drainage systems in Siauliu districtLengvinaitė, Oksana 08 August 2007 (has links)
Šiame darbe nagrinėjami Joniškio, Akmenės ir Radviliškio rajonuose esančių drenažo sistemų būklės tyrimai. Tyrimai atlikti 2004, 2005, 2006 metais. Vietovės buvo parinktos pagal žmonių nusiskundimus, dėl blogai veikiančio drenažo. Vykdant šį darbą ištirtos 114 sistemos. 2004 metais 48 drenažo sistemų, 2005 metais 15 sistemų, 2006 metais 51 sistemų esančių Joniškio, Akmenės ir Radviliškio rajonuose. Atliekant tyrimus buvo nustatytos šios drenažo sistemų charakteristikos: bendras ilgis, išorinis ir vidinis vamzdžių skersmenys. Buvo matuoti drenažo sistemų nuolydžiai, paklojimo gylis. Apžiūrėti sujungimai tarp vamzdelių, rinktuvų su sausintuvais sujungimo vietos, vamzdelių būklė, rinktuvų uždumblėjimas, žiočių būklė. Nustatyta, kad dažniausiai pasitaikančios drenažo efektyvumo sumažėjimo priežastys yra tokios: 46 % drenažo uždumblėjimas grunto dalelėmis, 23 % drenažo linijų užaugimas asiūklių šaknimis, 31 % įrengimo trūkumai. / The investigations on the condition of drainage systems situated in Joniškis, Akmenė and Radviliškis districts were analyzed in this work. The investigations were carried out in 2004, 2005 and 2006. Vicinities were chosen according to the complaints of many people because of badly functioning drainage. 114 systems have been investigated while carrying out this work. In 2004 – 48 drainage systems, in 2005 – 15 systems, in 2006 – 51. Carrying out the investigations the following characteristics of drainage systems have been determined: general length, external and internal diameters of pipes. The gradients of drainage systems as well as the depth of the laying were measured as well. The joints between tiles, the joints between laterals and water collectors, tiles’ condition, the silting up of water collectors and the condition of hatchway were examined. It was determined that the main more frequently occurring reasons for the decrease of drainage efficiency are the following ones: 46 % – because of the silting up with ground particles, 23 % – because of the overgrowing of drainage lines with horsetail roots, 31 % – because of drainage arrangement defects.
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