Spelling suggestions: "subject:"dressings"" "subject:"pressings""
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Efeitos do tratamento com Hidrogel na cicatriza??o de ?lceras venosas de membros inferiores: revis?o sistem?ticaRibeiro, Cibele Teresinha Dias 04 February 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-02-04 / Chronic venous disease (CVD) is evident among the chronic diseases and
affects the elderly population and primarily is responsible for leg ulcers in this
population. The use of dressings in the care of a venous ulcer is a fundamental part
of the treatment for healing, however, evidence to assist in choosing the best
dressing is scarce. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness
of treatment with hydrogel in the healing of venous ulcers using search methods,
synthesis of information and statistical research through a systematic review and
meta-analysis. Randomized controlled trials were selected in the following
these databases three websites were consulted to identify ongoing studies:
ClinicalTrials.gov, OMS ICTRP e ISRCTN. The primary outcomes were analyzed:
complete wound healing, incidence of wound infection and the secondary were:
changes in ulcer size, time to ulcer healing, recurrence of ulcer, quality of life of
participants, pain and costs of treatment. Four studies are currently included in the
review with a total of 250 participants. The use of hydrogel appears to be superior to
conventional dressing, gauze soaked in saline, for the healing of venous leg ulcers;
16/30 patients showed complete healing of ulcers (RR 5,33, 95%CI [1,73,16,42]).
The alginate gel was shown to be more effective when compared to the hydrogel
dressing in reduction of the wound area; 61,2% (? 26,2%) with alginate e 19,4% (?
24,3%) with hydrogel at the end of four weeks of treatment. Manuka honey has
shown to be similar to the hydrogel dressings in percentage of area reduction. This
review demonstrated that there is no evidence available about the effectiveness of
the hydrogel compared to other types of dressings on the healing of venous leg
ulcers of the lower limbs, thus demonstrating the need of future studies to assist
health professionals in choosing the correct dressing. / A doen?a venosa cr?nica (DVC) evidencia-se entre as doen?as cr?nicas por
acometer a popula??o idosa e ser a principal respons?vel pelas ?lceras de membros
inferiores nesta popula??o. O uso de adesivos no cuidado de uma ?lcera venosa ?
parte fundamental no tratamento para a cicatriza??o, no entanto, as evid?ncias para
auxiliar na escolha do melhor adesivo s?o escassas. O objetivo principal do estudo
foi avaliar a efic?cia do tratamento com o hidrogel na cicatriza??o de ?lceras
venosas mediante m?todos de busca, s?ntese de informa??o e an?lise estat?stica
atrav?s de uma revis?o sistem?tica com meta-an?lise. Foram selecionados estudos
controlados randomizados nas seguintes bases de dados: CENTRAL; DARE; NHS
EED; MEDLINE; EMBASE; CINAHL. Al?m dessas bases foram consultados tr?s
websites para identificar estudos em andamento: ClinicalTrials.gov, OMS ICTRP e
ISRCTN. Os desfechos prim?rios analisados foram: cicatriza??o completa das
?lceras e incid?ncia de infec??o das ?lceras e os secund?rios foram: altera??es no
tamanho da ?lcera, tempo de cicatriza??o das ?lceras, recorr?ncia das ?lceras,
qualidade de vida dos participantes, dor e custos do tratamento. Quatro estudos
est?o atualmente inclu?dos na revis?o com um total de 250 pacientes. O uso do
hidrogel parece ser superior ao curativo convencional, gaze embebida em salina,
para a cicatriza??o de ?lceras venosas de membros inferiores; 16/30 pacientes
apresentaram cicatriza??o completa das ?lceras (RR 5,33, 95%CI [1,73,16,42]). O
gel de alginato demonstrou ser mais efetivo quando comparado ao hidrogel quanto ?
redu??o da ?rea da ?lcera; 61,2% (? 26,2%) com o alginato e 19,4% (? 24,3%) com
o hidrogel ao final das quatro semanas de tratamento. O mel de Manuka demonstrou
ser similar ao hidrogel em rela??o ? porcentagem de redu??o da ?rea. Esta revis?o
mostrou que n?o existem evid?ncias dispon?veis a respeito da efic?cia do hidrogel
em rela??o aos outros tipos de curativo na cicatriza??o de ?lceras venosas de
membros inferiores, demonstrando assim a necessidade de futuras pesquisas para
auxiliar os profissionais da sa?de na escolha do adesivo correto
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Revisão sistemática da literatura sobre produtos usados no tratamento de feridas / systematic literature review about products utilized in the treatment of woundsPEREIRA, Angela Lima 02 March 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-03-02 / Every day an increasing volume of publications has been produced being necessary that these information are analyzed in order to make their application useful becoming the
produced knowledge more easily used The systematic review of literature answers the necessity to synthesize the produced knowledge and to separate the excellent studies to the determined clinical question A great diversity of products for the treatment of wounds exists During practical ours we live deeply the difficulty of the professionals in deciding which is the best treatment which product will have greater effectiveness and associating the studies developed concerning the treatment of wounds to the practical clinic In order to contribute for the theoretical recital of taking care of nursing in the treatment of wounds we believe to be necessary to investigate in the scientific literature of the health area which are the best evidences gotten concerning the treatment of wounds The results of this research will be able to direct the assistance and education of nursing concerning the thematic one as well as generating new questions of research Thus we consider as objective to identify and to analyze scientific evidences concerning some products used in the treatment of wounds in human beings in published scientific articles in the languages Portuguese English or Spanish the 2004 enter the years of 1995 in the following database of the Virtual Library of Health (VLH): ADOLEC BDENF MEDCARIB MEDLINE This study is about the
research of Systematic Revision of Literature Defined the object of the study tests of relevance had been elaborated (TR) After that by means of consultation to the DECs there
had been adopted to unitermos and carried through search in literature in VLH The preliminary election of the references and summaries gotten in the search in database was carried through by means of the application of TRI for one of the researches considering criteria of inclusion and exclusion previously determined. Later TRII was applied to the
references and summaries of articles and after that to articles in the complete one for two research of independent form To enclosed articles in this phase TRII was applied for two
researchers of independent form and requested evaluation of two consultants for analysis of articles in which had disagreement between the researchers The decision of the consultants about the inclusion or exclusion of articles was sovereign Finally the enclosed articles had been submitted to the script of extraction of information of each article was constructed and later the general map of evidences identified for the diverse uses of the studied products was elaborated The total amount of joined article references was of 2906 With the application of the TRI it had a total of 1234 exclusions and 1672 inclusions The application of TRII
resulted in a total of 1413 exclusions and 159 inclusions It was note possible to apply TRII in 100 articles for not having been joined in the national territory TR III resulted in 142
exclusions and 17 inclusions The joined evidences denote positive effect of the use of these products; being the majority of them classified them as evidence IB or either strong recommended for implementation in the studied circumstances / Na área da saúde há uma grande diversidade de produtos para o tratamento de feridas contribuindo para a dificuldade dos profissionais em decidir qual a melhor opção Por outro
lado diariamente um volume crescente de publicações tem sido disponibilizado na área sendo necessário que estas informações sejam analisadas quanto à sua aplicação tornando o conhecimento produzido mais facilmente utilizado Assim no intuito de contribuir para a fundamentação teórica do cuidar de enfermagem acreditamos ser necessário investigar na literatura científica da área de saúde quais são as melhores evidências obtidas acerca do tratamento de feridas A finalidade desta pesquisa é contribuir para o direcionamento da assistência e do ensino de enfermagem acerca da temática bem como gerar novas questões de
pesquisa Assim propomos como objetivo geral: analisar a produção do conhecimento científico publicado entre os anos de 1995 a 2004 sobre a utilização de alguns produtos utilizados no tratamento de feridas em seres humanos Este estudo foi realizado por meio de Revisão Sistemática da Literatura nas seguintes bases de dados da Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde (BVS): ADOLEC BDENF MEDCARIB e MEDLINE Mediante consulta aos Descritores em Ciências da Saúde foram adotados unitermos e realizada busca na BVS A seleção
preliminar das referências e resumos obtidos foi realizada por meio da aplicação do Teste de
Relevância (TR) I, por um dos pesquisadores, considerando critérios de inclusão e exclusão Posteriormente foi aplicado o TR II aos resumos e em seguida aos artigos na íntegra por
dois pesquisadores de forma independente Aos artigos incluídos nesta fase foi aplicado o TRIII por dois pesquisadores de forma independente e solicitada avaliação de um consultor para análise dos artigos nos quais houve desacordo entre os pesquisadores Finalmente os artigos
incluídos foram examinados seguindo-se um roteiro de extração de informações Esses dados foram apresentados num quadro sinóptico com informações de cada artigo e posteriormente foi elaborado o mapa geral de evidências identificadas para os diversos usos dos produtos
estudados A quantidade total de referências de artigos encontrados inicialmente foi de 2906 Com a aplicação do TRI houve um total de 1234 exclusões e 1672 inclusões A aplicação do TR II resultou em um total de 1413 exclusões e 159 inclusões Não foi possível aplicar TRII em 100 artigos, por não terem sido encontrados em território nacional O TR III resultou em 142 exclusões e 17 inclusões A utilização de produtos que apresentaram evidência IB ou seja fortemente recomendada para implementação nas circunstâncias encontradas foram: alginato de cálcio em feridas doadoras de enxerto de pele; filme transparente em feridas cirúrgicas abdominais e em área de inserção de cateter epidural; hidrogel na pele íntegra e em arranhão; hidrocolóide no tratamento de psoríase feridas induzidas por radiação em
perfuração de membrana timpânica úlcera de perna e de pressão; mel em queimaduras superficiais; membrana amniótica em ferida cirúrgica na superfície ocular; sulfadiazina de prata em queimaduras superficiais Conclusões: As evidências encontradas segundo os critérios adotados neste estudo fornecem uma base segura para a utilização destes produtos nas circunstâncias mencionadas
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Filage du chitosane pour l’élaboration de textiles biomédicaux innovants / Chitosan fiber-spinning for the elaboration of innovative biomedical textilesDesorme, Mylène 20 June 2011 (has links)
Ce travail concerne le développement de nouvelles méthodes de filage du chitosane ainsi que l’étude des propriétés morphologiques, mécaniques et biologiques des fibres obtenues, en vue de leur utilisation sous forme de fils et textiles dans des applications biomédicales (en particulier, la constitution de prothèses pariétales pour la chirurgie viscérale et de pansements pour le traitement des plaies chroniques). Les monofilaments sont élaborés à partir de solutions hydroalcooliques de chitosane. Les deux procédés décrits sont basés sur la gélification physique du polymère sans utiliser d’agent réticulant externe. L’étude systématique des paramètres physico-chimiques mis en jeu au cours de la formation des fibres a permis de déterminer les paramètres clés permettant le contrôle de la morphologie cristalline des fibres, notamment les fractions cristalline anhydre et hydratée. Les propriétés mécaniques des fibres de chitosane sont stables au moins jusqu'à 6 mois de stockage à l'ambiante, et ont pu être optimisées en jouant à la fois sur des paramètres « procédé » (étirages du filament aux différentes étapes du procédé d’élaboration) et sur des paramètres physicochimiques (concentration en chitosane dans le collodion, masse moléculaire du polymère et composition du solvant hydroalcoolique). L’observation de la morphologie des fibres à différentes échelles par diffusion/diffraction des rayons X et microscopie électronique en relation avec les propriétés mécaniques a permis d’appréhender l'évolution microstructurale au cours de l'étirage, notamment le mécanisme de formation de fibrilles d'une part, et les échelles clés pour l'interprétation du comportement à rupture des fibres (morphologie en agrégats de 100-300 nm). Enfin, une implantation en souscutané chez le rat de fibres de chitosane possédant différentes morphologies cristallines (anhydre et hydratée) a validé le potentiel de ces fibres pour leurs applications biologiques avec une excellente tolérance des biomatériaux implantés (réponses inflammatoire et tissulaire très limitées) et une faible biodégradabilité après 90 jours d'implantation / This work deals with the development of new chitosan fiber spinning processes and the study of morphological, mechanical and biological properties of obtained fibers, in the perspective of their use as yarns or textiles in biomedical applications (in particular, the design of abdominal reinforcement meshes for visceral surgery and wound dressings for the treatment of chronic wounds). The monofilaments were elaborated from hydroalcoholic chitosan solutions. The two processes that we described are based on the physical gelation of the polymer without using any external crosslinking agent. The systematic study of physico-chemical parameters occurring during the fiber formation allowed to determine the key parameters controlling the crystalline morphology of fibers, especially the anhydrous and hydrated crystalline fractions. The mechanical properties of chitosan fibers are stable at least up to 6 months of storage at ambient atmosphere, and were optimized by acting on processing parameters (filament stretching at different steps of its elaboration) and physico-chemical parameters (chitosan concentration in the dope, molecular weight of the polymer and composition of the hydroalcoholic solvent). The observation of the fiber morphology at different length scales by X-ray diffusion/diffraction and electronic microscopy in relation to their mechanical properties allowed us to comprehend the microstructural evolution during fiber stretching, including the mechanism of fibril formation and the key length scales to understand the behaviour at break of fibers (100-300 nm aggregate morphology). Finally, a subcutaneous implantation of chitosan fibers with different crystalline morphologies (anhydrous and hydrated) validated the potential of these fibers in their biological applications with an excellent tolerance of implanted biomaterials (very low inflammatory and tissue reactions) and a low biodegradability after 90 days of implantation
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Développement d’un pansement à libération controlée d’une protéine spécifique anti-biofilm bactérien. Application aux plaies chroniques. / Development of a wound dressing for the release of a specific anti-biofilm protein. For chronic wound healingBou Haidar, Naila 11 December 2019 (has links)
Le biofilm bactérien constitue un obstacle majeur à la cicatrisation des plaies. Par ailleurs, il est responsable de l’émergence d’une résistance et d’une tolérance accrues aux antibiotiques. Par conséquent, le développement de systèmes de délivrance contrôlée d’un agent ciblant la structure du biofilm apparaît comme une approche thérapeutique alternative indispensable et urgente pour la prise en charge des plaies chroniques. A travers cette étude, nous avons développé des systèmes membranaires pour pansements libérant une protéine, la dispersine B (DB),capable de cibler de manière sélective la matrice du biofilm, en créant un microenvironnement délétère pour le biofilm bactérien. Pour ce faire, nous nous sommes intéressés aux membranes asymétriques (MAs) à base de polyesters biodégradables tels que le poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-4-hydroxybutyrate), le poly (butylène succinate-co-butylène adipate) (PBSA), et l’acide polylactique. En incorporant dans la solution de polymère des agents porogènes hydrophiles (APs), nous avons pu obtenir des MAs à porosité élevée, un réseau poreux interconnecté, perméables au dioxygène et à l’eau vapeur. En utilisant l’albumine de sérum bovin, nous avons pu montrer que la capacité de piégeage de la protéine et sa libération contrôlée à partir des MAs de PBSA était influencée par la structure de celles-ci et la présence d’APs résiduels. Les études in vitro ont montré une très grande efficacité anti-biofilm à la fois en inhibition et en dispersion (jusqu’à 80%). Les tests standards normalisés de cytotoxicité in vitro ont montré que les MAs de PBSA non chargées et chargées en DB répondaient aux critères de cytocompatibilité exigées pour une application de type pansement. / Bacterial biofilms are a major obstacle to the wound healing process. In addition, they are responsible for the emergence of resistance and tolerance to antibiotics. Hence, the development of controlled drug delivery systems targeting the bacterial biofilm appears as an urgent and essential alternative therapeutic approach for the effective management of chronic wound. In this work, we developed wound dressings in which a protein, dispersin B (DB), is released capable of selectively targeting the biofilm matrix, creating a deleterious microenvironment for the bacterial biofilm. To this end, we were interested in asymmetric membranes (AMs) from biodegradable polyesters such as the poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-4-hydroxybutyrate), the poly (butylene succinate-co-butylene adipate) (PBSA) and the polylactic acid. By the incorporation of hydrophilic porogen agents (PA), we were able to obtain AMs with a high level of porosity, exhibiting a porous interconnected network and oxygen and water vapor permeability. Using bovine serum albumin as a model protein, we demonstrated that protein loading and release from the PBSA AMs were affected by the membrane structure and the presence of residual PA. In vitro studies showed highest antibiofilm efficiency both in inhibition and dispersion (up to 80%). Normalized in vitro cytotoxicity standard assays revealed that unloaded and DB-loaded PBSA membranes met cytocompatibility criteria required for wound dressing applications.
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Phytochemical Modification of Biodegradable/Biocompatible Polymer Blends with Improved Immunological ResponsesBuddhiranon, Sasiwimon 06 December 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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