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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The effect of solute dissolution kinetics on cloud droplet formation

Asa-Awuku, Akua Asabea 18 January 2006 (has links)
This study focuses on the importance of solute dissolution kinetics for cloud droplet formation. To comprehensively account for the kinetics, a numerical model of the process was developed. Simulations of cloud droplet growth were performed for solute diffusivity, droplet growth rates, dry particle and droplet diameters relevant for ambient conditions. Simulations suggest that high ambient supersaturations and a decrease in solute diffusivity are major contributors to significant decreases in effective solute surface concentrations. The numerical simulations were incorporated into Khler theory to assess the impact of dissolution kinetics on the droplet equilibrium vapor pressure. For CCN composed of partially soluble material, a significant increase was found in the equilibrium supersaturation of CCN.

Simulating the Misting of Lubricant in the Piston Assembly of an Automotive Gasoline Engine: The Effect of Viscosity Modifiers and Other Key Lubricant Components

Dyson, C.J., Priest, Martin, Lee, P.M. 08 April 2022 (has links)
Yes / The presence of lubricant droplets in the gas that flows through the piston assembly and crankcase of an internal combustion engine (generically termed oil misting) has important implications for performance, particularly lubricant supply to the upper piston assembly, oil consumption and lubricant degradation. A significant source of these droplets is thought to be oil shearing and blow-through by blow-by gas flows in the piston assembly. An experimental rig was developed to simulate the high velocity gas and lubricant film interactions at a top piston ring gap where the flow conditions are most severe. Flows of lubricant droplets were produced and characterised in terms of the proportion of the oil flow that formed droplets in the gas flow and the size distribution of the droplets produced. Considering various aspects of a commercial automotive crankcase formulation, the effect of lubricant viscosity was found to be particularly important. Of the lubricant additives evaluated, viscosity modifiers were found to have the greatest effect on the tendency to form droplets: Detailed study on a range of viscosity modifiers identified that the influence of their molecular architectures on viscoelasticity was the key mechanism.

A CFD Framework to Study Complex Effects Relating to Airborne Viral-pathogen Transmission

Shrestha, Rajendra, Mr. 01 January 2024 (has links) (PDF)
This research used computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to examine the behavior of airborne droplets released during respiratory events. The CFD model utilizes an Eulerian-Lagrangian approach, with turbulence resolved using the Spalart-Allmaras detached eddy simulation. The first part investigates airborne transmission and how modifying saliva during a sneeze impacts this process. The study employs CFD to simulate these respiratory events in a ventilated room. It finds that larger droplets alone are insufficient for droplet settling due to secondary breakdown processes. Modifiers that increase the Ohnesorge number show resistance to aerosolization from secondary breakup, resulting in more droplets with high settling rates, reducing their likelihood of airborne transmission. Another effective modifier reduces saliva content. The second part of the research develops a linear algebraic function to represent the near-field dispersion of droplets formed during respiratory events. This model facilitates the examination of flow interaction among various sources in different environments without requiring computationally expensive CFD simulations. The final part of the research involves developing a numerical Wells curve considering droplet evaporation, buoyancy, turbulence, breakup, and collision. The study also examines the effect of relative humidity on airborne transmission, finding that higher relative humidity slows the evaporation rate, which typically promotes faster droplet settling. Overall, these findings offer promising strategies for preventing spread of airborne transmission, highlighting the potential of saliva modification and advanced modeling techniques in public health interventions.

The Role of lysine Acetylation on the Regulation of Phospholipid Homeostasis in Yeast

Dacquay, Louis January 2017 (has links)
Actively proliferating cells constantly monitor and re-adjust their metabolic pathways to ensure the replenishment of phospholipids necessary for membrane biogenesis and intracellular trafficking. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, multiple studies have suggested that lysine acetylation has a role in coordinating phospholipid metabolism, yet its contribution towards phospholipid homeostasis remains uncharacterized. In this study we undertook a genetic screen to explore the connection between lysine acetylation and phospholipid homeostasis. We found that mutants of the lysine acetyltransferase complex, NuA4, shared a negative genetic interaction with a mutant of Sec14, a lipid-binding protein that regulates Golgi phospholipid composition. Through transcriptome, genetic, cell biology, and chemical analysis, we discovered that the growth defects between NuA4 and Sec14 mutants is likely derived from impaired fatty acid biosynthesis suggesting a role for NuA4 as a positive regulator of fatty acid biosynthesis. Secondly, we discovered that acetylation on the conserved lysine residue K109 inhibits the localization and function of the Oxysterol-Binding Protein Osh4- a lipid-binding protein that antagonizes the function of Sec14 at the Golgi. Furthermore, regulation of Oxysterol-Binding Proteins by acetylation may be a conserved mechanism as we found that Osh1, a homologue of Osh4, was also acetylated on the equivalent lysine residue. Altogether, we have demonstrated that lysine acetylation can target multiple different phospholipid metabolic pathways which implies that it has a very important role for the regulation of phospholipid homeostasis.

The flow of lubricant as a mist in the piston assembly and crankcase of a fired gasoline engine

Dyson, C.J., Priest, Martin, Lee, P.M. 09 December 2022 (has links)
Yes / The tribological performance of the piston assembly of an automotive engine is highly influenced by the complex flow mechanisms that supply lubricant to the upper piston rings. As well as affecting friction and wear, the oil consumption and emissions of the engine are strongly influenced by these mechanisms. There is a significant body of work that seeks to model these flows effectively. However, these models are not able to fully describe the flow of lubricant through the piston assembly. Some experimental studies indicate that droplets of lubricant carried in the gas flows through the piston assembly may account for some of this. This work describes an investigation into the nature of lubricant misting in a fired gasoline engine. Previous work in a laboratory simulator showed that the tendency of a lubricant to form mist is dependent on the viscosity of the lubricant and the type and concentration of viscosity modifier. The higher surface area-to-volume ratio of the lubricant if more droplets are formed or if the droplets are smaller is hypothesised to increase the degradation rate of the lubricant. The key work in the investigation was to measure the size distribution of the droplets in the crankcase of a fired gasoline engine. Droplets were extracted from the crankcase and passed through a laser diffraction particle sizer. Three characteristic droplet size ranges were observed: Spray sized (250–1000 μm); Major mist (30–250 μm); and Minor mist (0.1–30 μm). Higher base oil viscosity tended to reduce the proportion of mist-sized droplets. The viscoelasticity contributed by a polymeric viscosity modifier reduced the proportion of mist droplets, especially at high load.

Computational and Experimental Study of the Primary Atomisation Process under Different Injection Conditions

González Montero, Lucas Antonio 12 December 2022 (has links)
[ES] El proceso de atomización primaria es el mecanismo por el cual una vena líquida se disgrega en un ambiente gaseoso. Este proceso está presente en muchas aplicaciones de ingeniería realizando diferentes tareas. En ocasiones es un paso previo antes de ser quemado, como en la industria energética o de propulsión, donde el objetivo es extraer la energía específica del líquido. En otros sectores, como el revestimiento o la extinción de incendios, el objetivo es maximizar el área cubierta por el chorro. Sin embargo, aunque la atomización es una parte fundamental de varios procesos industriales, está lejos de comprenderse por completo. El proceso de atomización es una mezcla de fenómenos de interacción gas-líquido dentro de un campo turbulento que tiene lugar en el campo cercano, que es la región más densa del chorro. Cuando se trata de arrojar luz sobre el proceso de atomización primaria, el problema principal es la falta de teorías físicas definitivas capaces de vincular los complejos eventos de ruptura con la turbulencia. El principal obstáculo que impide investigar el proceso de atomización primaria es la incapacidad de las técnicas ópticas clásicas para proporcionar información de la región densa del chorro. Solo en los últimos años, las nuevas técnicas basadas en rayos X podrían proporcionar nueva información sobre las características de la atomización cerca de la salida de la tobera. Esto también afecta a los modelos computacionales de atomización primaria que, al no disponer de información experimental sobre la región densa, requieren una calibración precisa de sus constantes para proporcionar resultados fiables en el campo lejano. Esta tesis se centra en mejorar el conocimiento del proceso de atomización primaria, especialmente en cómo las condiciones de inyección afectan el desarrollo del chorro en el campo cercano desde dos puntos de vista diferentes. Por un lado, con un enfoque computacional usando Direct Numerical Simulations y, por otro lado, experimentalmente usando Near-Field Microscopy. El estudio computacional se centra en variar los números de Reynolds y Weber de inyección. Los resultados muestran que aumentar el número de Reynolds mejora la desintegración del líquido, mostrando un aumento de las gotas generadas y una nube de gotas más fina. Sin embargo, la falta de un perfil turbulento de flujo de entrada completamente desarrollado conduce a comportamientos inesperados en la longitud de ruptura de la vena líquida que también aumenta con el número de Reynolds. El número de gotas también aumenta cuando aumenta el número de Weber, pero los tamaños característicos de las gotas siguen siendo los mismos. La longitud de ruptura no varía, lo que sugiere que las variaciones de la tensión superficial afectan la ruptura de las gotas y los ligamentos, pero no la desintegración del núcleo líquido en sí. Con los resultados obtenidos de ambos estudios, se propone un modelo fenomenológico que predice la distribución del tamaño de gota en función de las condiciones de inyección. Además, también se ha estudiado el efecto de usar toberas elípticas. Se ha obtenido que el número de gotas detectadas aumenta en comparación con el chorro redondo manteniendo ángulos de apertura del chorro similares. Sin embargo, cuando se utilizan toberas extremadamente excéntricas, la disminución de la turbulencia del flujo de entrada contrarresta los beneficios de este tipo de inyectores. En cuanto al análisis experimental, usar Near-Field Microscopy permite magnificar la región densa y analizar las características macroscópicas del chorro. Por lo tanto, se varían las presiones de inyección y descarga, centrándose en el ángulo de apertura del chorro. Se observa el aumento esperado en el ángulo al aumentar tanto la presión de inyección como la de descarga. Sin embargo, adicionalmente, se realiza un análisis de las perturbaciones del contorno del chorro, concluyendo que, al aumentar la presión de inyección, y por lo tanto la turbulencia del flujo de / [CA] El procés d'atomització primària és el mecanisme pel qual una vena líquida es disgrega en un ambient gasós. Aquest procés és present en moltes aplicacions d'enginyeria fent diferents tasques. De vegades és un pas previ abans de ser cremat, com ara en la indústria energètica o de propulsió, on l'objectiu és extraure l'energia específica del líquid. En altres sectors, com ara el revestiment o l'extinció d'incendis, l'objectiu és maximitzar l'àrea coberta pel doll. No obstant això, tot i que l'atomització és una part fonamental de diversos processos industrials, està lluny de comprendre's per complet. El procés d'atomització és una barreja de fenòmens d'interacció gas-líquid dins d'un camp turbulent que té lloc en el camp pròxim, que és la regió més densa del doll. Quan es tracta de donar llum sobre el procés d'atomització primària, el problema principal és la falta de teories físiques definitives capaces de vincular els complexos esdeveniments de trencament amb la turbulència. El principal obstacle que impedeix investigar el procés d'atomització primària és la incapacitat de les tècniques òptiques clàssiques per a proporcionar informació de la regió densa del doll. Només en els últims anys, les noves tècniques basades en raigs X podrien proporcionar nova informació sobre les característiques de l'atomització prop de l'eixida de la tovera. Això també afecta els models computacionals d'atomització primària que, en no disposar d'informació experimental sobre la regió densa, requereixen un calibratge precís de les seues constants per a proporcionar resultats fiables en el camp llunyà. Aquesta tesi se centra a millorar el coneixement del procés d'atomització primària, especialment en com les condicions d'injecció afecten el desenvolupament del doll en el camp pròxim des de dos punts de vista diferents. D'una banda, amb un enfocament computacional usant Direct Numerical Simulations i, d'altra banda, experimentalment usant Near-Field Microscopy. L'estudi computacional se centra a variar els nombres de Reynolds i Weber d'injecció. Els resultats mostren que augmentar el nombre de Reynolds millora la desintegració del líquid, tot mostrant un augment de les gotes generades i un núvol de gotes més fi. No obstant això, la falta d'un perfil turbulent de flux d'entrada completament desenvolupat condueix a comportaments inesperats en la longitud de ruptura de la vena líquida que també augmenta amb el nombre de Reynolds. El nombre de gotes també augmenta quan creix el nombre de Weber, però les grandàries característiques de les gotes continuen sent les mateixes. La longitud de ruptura no varia, la qual cosa suggereix que les variacions de la tensió superficial afecten la ruptura de les gotes i els lligaments, però no la desintegració del nucli líquid en ell mateix. Amb els resultats obtinguts de tots dos estudis, es proposa un model fenomenològic que prediu la distribució de la grandària de gota en funció de les condicions d'injecció. A més, també s'ha estudiat l'efecte d'usar toveres el·líptiques. S'ha obtingut que el nombre de gotes detectades augmenta en comparació amb el doll redó tot mantenint angles d'obertura del doll similars. No obstant això, quan s'utilitzen toveres extremadament excèntriques, la disminució de la turbulència del flux d'entrada contraresta els beneficis d'aquesta mena d'injectors. Quant a l'anàlisi experimental, usar Near-Field Microscopy permet magnificar la regió densa i analitzar les característiques macroscòpiques del doll. Per tant, es varien les pressions d'injecció i descàrrega, tot centrant-se en l'angle d'obertura del doll. S'observa l'augment esperat en l'angle en augmentar tant la pressió d'injecció com la de descàrrega. No obstant això, addicionalment, es realitza una anàlisi de les pertorbacions del contorn del doll i es conclou que en augmentar la pressió d'injecció, i per tant la turbulència del flux d'entrada, augmenten les pertorbacions en el contorn del ruixat, especialment a pressions de descàrrega mé / [EN] The primary atomisation process is the mechanism by which a liquid vein breaks into droplets in a gaseous ambient. This process is present in many engineering applications accomplishing different tasks. Sometimes it is a previous step before being burned, as in the energy or propulsion industry, where the objective is to extract the specific energy of the liquid. In other sectors, such as the coating or fire extinction, the objective is to maximise the area covered by the droplet cloud. However, although atomisation is a fundamental part of several industrial processes, it is far from fully understood. The atomisation process is a mixture of gas-liquid interaction phenomena within a turbulent field that takes place in the near-field, which is the denser region of the spray. When trying to shed light on the primary atomisation process, the main issue is the lack of definitive physical theories able to link the complex breakup events and the turbulence. The principal impediment that prevents the investigation from breaking through the atomisation process is the inability of the classic optical techniques to provide information from the dense region of the spray. Only in the last years, newer techniques based on X-Ray could provide new information on spray characteristics near the nozzle outlet. This also affects the computational primary atomisation models that, as there is no available experimental information on the dense region, require an accurate calibration of their constants to provide reliable results on the far-field. This thesis focuses on improving the knowledge of the primary atomisation process, especially on how the injection conditions affect the spray development in the near field from two different standpoints. On the one hand, with a computational approach using Direct Numerical Simulations and on the other hand, experimentally using Near-Field Microscopy. The computational study is focused on varying the inflow Reynolds and Weber numbers. Results show that increasing the Reynolds number improves the liquid disintegration, exhibiting an increase of generated droplets and a finer droplet cloud. However, the lack of a fully developed inflow turbulent profile leads to characteristic behaviours on the breakup length of the spray that also increases with the Reynolds number. The number of droplets increases when the Weber number increases, but the characteristic droplet sizes remain the same. The breakup length does not vary, suggesting that the surface tension variations affect the droplet and ligament breakup but not the core disintegration itself. With the results obtained from both studies, a phenomenological model is proposed to predict the droplet size distribution depending on the injection conditions. Additionally, using elliptical nozzles, the number of detected droplets increases compared with the round spray and maintain similar spray apertures. However, when using extremely eccentric nozzles, the inflow turbulence decrease counteracts the elliptical sprays' benefits. Regarding the experimental analysis, the Near-Field Microscopy magnifies the dense region and analyses the macroscopic features on the spray. So the injection and discharge pressure are varied, and the spotlight is put on the spray angle. The expected increase in the spray angle when increasing both the injection and discharge pressure is observed. Nevertheless, additionally, an analysis of the spray contour perturbations is performed, concluding that increasing the injection pressure, and thus the inflow turbulence, increases the perturbations on the spray contour, especially at lower discharge pressures. / González Montero, LA. (2022). Computational and Experimental Study of the Primary Atomisation Process under Different Injection Conditions [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/190635

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