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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Multinuclear NMR and HPLC-NMR spectroscopic studies on xenobiotic metabolism

Lenz, Eva-Maria January 1997 (has links)
No description available.

Rational redesign of cytochrome P450 BM3 (CYP102A1) towards industrially relevant drug metabolites

Povsic, Manca January 2016 (has links)
Human drug metabolites are frequently biologically active, with many implications for human health. Pharmaceutical companies have become increasingly aware of the need to identify and test these metabolites. The P450 BM3 enzyme from Bacillus megaterium offers substantial advantages to the current methods of metabolite synthesis, as its soluble, catalytically self-sufficient nature, coupled with its high catalytic activity, make P450 BM3 ideal for engineering towards specificity for human drugs. The highly-active I401P BM3 mutant was characterized for its reactivity towards human drugs and for the development of a human P450-like metabolite profile. The I401P mutant exhibits binding to molecules including alkaloids, steroids, and azole drugs, along with many other compounds. I401P binds/oxidizes human CYP substrates, including alosetron, phenacetin, caffeine, nicotine and diclofenac. LC-MS product identification shows that I401P BM3 forms 4OH-diclofenac, the major human metabolite for diclofenac. I401P BM3 also produces nornicotine, the second major human metabolite of nicotine. I401P BM3 also forms theophylline, theobromine and paraxanthine, the three major human metabolites of caffeine. Thermostability (DSC) data show that the I401P mutation destabilizes the BM3 heme domain in both its substrate-free and substrate-bound forms. The I401P heme domain X-ray crystal structure reinforces previous structural observations that the Pro401 mutation causes the BM3 protein to adopt a high-spin, "substrate-bound" state, with a displaced heme iron axial water, producing a "catalytically primed" mutant with greater diversity in substrate selectivity. The destabilisation of the BM3 heme domain structure due to the Pro401 mutation increases conformational plasticity in this mutant, allowing it to function as a platform for future mutagenesis aimed at improved binding and metabolite yield from specific drug substrates. Further proline mutations (A330P, A330P/I401P and A82F/F87V/I401P) were examined for increased affinity for drug substrates. The A330P mutant shows no novel drug substrate specificity, despite its reported affinity for small molecules. The A330P/I401P double mutant demonstrates weak binding to WT BM3 and I401P substrates, but no synergistic effects were obtained by combining the two mutations. The double mutant exhibits very low solvent tolerance and significant structural destabilisation. DSC data confirms this, with the double mutant destabilising the BM3 heme domain by up to 20 °C. Initial work with the A82F/F87V/I401P mutant showed increased affinity for A82F/F87V- and I401P-type substrates, including diclofenac. LC-MS product analysis confirms that the A82F/F87V/I401P mutant oxidises diclofenac into its major human metabolite 4OH-diclofenac. These data indicate that human-like oxidation reactions are feasible with BM3 mutants. In this work, proline insertion mutants were generated that introduced novel affinity for biotechnologically relevant substrates. In particular the I401P mutant offers an excellent platform for future biotechnological engineering.

Structural insights into membrane proteins, membrane protein-lipid interactions and drug metabolites in the gas-phase from ion mobility mass spectrometry

Reading, Eamonn January 2014 (has links)
Investigating the structures of membrane proteins and their interactions with lipids remains challenging for well-established biophysical techniques. In this thesis the use of mass spectrometry (MS) and ion mobility (IM) spectrometry were explored for the interrogation of membrane proteins, their stoichiometry, stability and interactions with lipids. The techniques used were also applied to the identification of drug metabolites. In the first two chapters reviews of both mass spectrometry methods, and membrane protein biogenesis and membrane protein-lipid interactions are presented. The first challenge for studying membrane proteins by MS was to optimise solution conditions. A detergent screening strategy was developed for this purpose (Chapter 3). The various detergent environments studied revealed dramatic differences in mass spectral quality permitting investigation of membrane protein-lipid interactions. Changes were observed in the electrospray charging of membrane proteins and trends were established from an extensive collection of membrane proteins ejected from a wide variety of detergent environments. The physicochemical principles behind the MS of membrane proteins were deduced and are presented (Chapter 4). The results of these experiments led to a deeper understanding of the ionisation processes and the influence of detergent micelles on both charge state and release mechanisms. Experiments from a range of different micelles also allowed the influence of charge and its effects on the preservation of native-like membrane protein conformations to be monitored by IM-MS. By resolving lipid-protein interactions, and by monitoring the effects of lipid binding on the unfolding of three diverse membrane protein complexes, substantial differences in the selectivity of membrane proteins for different lipids were revealed (Chapter 5). Interestingly lipids that stabilised membrane proteins in the gas-phase were found to induce modifications in structure or function thus providing an approach to assess direct lipid contributions, and to rank order lipids based on their ability to modulate membrane proteins. Using the MS approaches developed here also enabled study of the diversity of oligomeric states of the mechanosensitive channel of large conductance (MscL) (Chapter 6). Results revealed that the oligomeric state of MscL is sensitive to deletions in its C-terminal domain and to its detergent-lipid environment. Additionally, a case study with GlakoSmithKline (GSK) was undertaken using IM-MS technology but in this case applied to the identification of drug metabolites (Chapter 7). The results showed that IM-MS and molecular modelling could inform on the identity of different drug metabolites and highlights the potential of this approach in understanding the structure of various drug metabolites.

Conversion of pharmaceuticals and other drugs by fungal peroxygenases / Umsetzung von Pharmazeutika und psychoaktiven Substanzen mit pilzlichen Peroxygenasen

Poraj-Kobielska, Marzena 17 June 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Over the recent years, increasing scientific attention has been paid to pharmaceuticals, other drugs and their metabolites. These substances are of particular interest because of their physiological, toxicological and ecotoxicological effects in the human body and respectively in the environment. Cytochrome P450 enzymes (P450s) play a key role in the conversion and detoxification of bioactive compounds including many pharmaceuticals and drugs. Most of these enzymes belong to the monooxygenases; they are intracellular and rather unstable biocatalysts that are difficult to purify and require expensive, complex cofactors, which alltogether hampers their use in isolated form. The investigations carried out here with fungal peroxygenases have shown that this enzyme sub-subclass (EC 1.11.2.x) has a promising potential for oxyfunctionalizations and can catalyze a variety of reactions typical for P450s. Peroxygenases are extracellular, i.e. secreted fungal enzymes with high stability, which merely need peroxide for function. Results obtained with the unspecific/aromatic peroxygenases (APOs) of Agrocybe aegerita, Coprinellus radians and Marasmius rotula have demonstrated that APOs catalyze numerous H2O2-dependent monooxygenations of pharmaceuticals and psychoactive drugs. Among them are i) the monooxygenation of aromatic compounds, ii) the benzylic hydroxylation of toluene derivatives, iii) the O-dealkylation of different ether structures including the scission of benzodioxoles (O-demethylenation) and esters as well as iv) the N-dealkylation of secondary and tertiary amines. The peroxygenases studied considerably differ in their substrate spectrum and the preferred positions of oxidation. This finding opens the possibility to develop in the future an “enzymatic toolbox“ on the basis of fungal peroxygenases for the oxyfunctionalization of pharmaceutically relevant compounds. Mechanistic studies showed that (1) the monooxygenations always proceed via incorporation of one oxygen atom from the peroxide, (2) the demethylation of phenacetind1 established a deuterium isotope effect similar to P450s, (3) the catalytic efficiencies for the studied oxidations are in the same range as those of P450s (though the kcat- and Km values are noticeably higher), (4) the kinetic studies with nitro-1,3-benzodioxole gave parallel double reciprocal plots suggestive of a “ping pong” mechanism, (5) the substrate spectrum and the activity pattern of APOs follows in a wide range those of the human key P450s as well as that (6) the difference spectra obtained in bindings studies are of the phenol type of P450s. Furthermore, APOs were found to be stable and active in long term experiments over two weeks and they oxidized pharmaceuticals at low, environmentally relevant concentration (ppb range). All the above properties strongly indicate that APOs respresent an interesting alternative for the enzymatic conversion of pharmaceuticals as well as for the preparation of human drug metabolites, for example, in medicinal and pharmacological research or the bioremediation sector (removal of pharmaceuticals from environmental media). / In den letzten Jahren sind Pharmazeutika und deren Metabolite mehr und mehr in den Fokus der Wissenschaft gerückt. Diese Substanzen sind aufgrund ihrer physiologischen und toxikologischen sowie ökotoxikologischen Wirkungen im menschlichen Körper bzw. in der Umwelt von besonderem Interesse. Cytochrom-P450-Enzyme (P450s) spielen eine Schlüsselrolle bei der Umsetzung und Detoxifizierung bioaktiver Substanzen, darunter vieler Pharmazeutika und Drogen. Es handelt sich bei diesen Enzymen in erster Linie um Monooxygenasen, die intrazellulär lokalisiert und relativ instabil sind; sie benötigen komplexe, teure Kofaktoren und sind nur unter hohem Aufwand zu reinigen, was ihre Anwendung in isolierter Form insgesamt erschwert. Die hier durchgeführten Untersuchungen zu pilzlichen Peroxygenasen haben gezeigt, dass diese Enzymsubklasse (EC 1.11.2.x) ein hohes Oxyfunktionalisierungspotenzial besitzt und eine Vielzahl P450-typischer Reaktionen zu katalysieren vermag. Peroxygenasen sind extrazelluläre, d.h. sekretierte Pilzenzyme, die eine hohe Stabilität aufweisen und lediglich ein Peroxid als Kosubstrat benötigen. Die unter Verwendung der unspezifischen/aromatischen Peroxygenasen (APOs) von Agrocybe aegerita, Coprinellus radians und Marasmius rotula gewonnenen Ergebnisse belegen, dass APOs verschiedene H2O2-abhängige Monooxygenierungen von Pharmazeutika und psychoaktiven Substanzen realisieren. Dazu gehören i) die Monooxygenierung von Aromaten, ii) die benzylische Hydroxylierung von Toluolderivaten, iii) die O-Dealkylierung verschiedener Etherstrukturen einschließlich der Spaltung von Benzodioxolen (O-Demethylenierung) und Estern sowie iv) die N-Dealkylierung von sekundären und tertiären Aminen. Die untersuchten Peroxygenasen wiesen teilweise deutliche Unterschiede im Substratspektrum und den präferierten Oxidationspositionen auf. Dieser Befund eröffnet die Möglichkeit, zukünftig einen „enzymatischen Werkzeugkasten“ auf Basis pilzlicher Peroxygenasen für die Oxyfunktionalisierung von pharmazeutisch relevanten Wirkstoffen zu entwickeln. Mechanistische Experimente zeigten, dass (1) die Monooxygenierungen stets unter Einbau eines aus dem Peroxid stammenden Sauerstoffatoms erfolgen, (2) die Deethylierung von Phenacetin-d1 einen Deuteriumisotopeneffekt ähnlich dem der P450s aufweist, (3) die katalytischen Effizienzen für die untersuchten Oxidationen im gleichen Bereich wie die der P450s liegen (wobei die kcat- und Km-Werte deutlich höher ausfallen), (4) die kinetischen Untersuchungen zur Oxidation von Nitro-1,3-Benzodioxol parallele Verläufe der ermittelten Ausgleichsgeraden in der doppelt reziproken Darstellung ergaben, was für einen “Ping-Pong-Mechanismus“ spricht, (5) sich das Substratspektrum und die Aktivitätsmuster der APOs in einem weiten Bereich mit denen der wichtigsten menschlichen P450s decken sowie dass (6) die in Bindungsstudien gewonnenen Differenzspektren denen des Phenoltyps der P450s entsprechen. Desweiteren erwiesen sich APOs in Langzeitexperimenten über zwei Wochen als stabil und aktiv und sie waren in der Lage, Pharmazeutika in umweltrelevanten Konzentrationen (ppb-Bereich) zu oxidieren. All die genannten Eigenschaften legen nahe, dass APOs eine interessante Alternative zur enzymatischen Umsetzung von Pharmazeutika sowie zur Herstellung von humanen Pharmazeutika-Metaboliten darstellen, die z.B. Einsatz in der medizinischpharmakologischen Forschung oder im Umweltbereich (Entfernung von Pharmazeutika aus Umweltmedien) finden könnten.

Drug Metabolites Formed by Cunninghamella Fungi : Mass Spectrometric Characterization and Production for use in Doping Control

Rydevik, Axel January 2014 (has links)
This thesis describes the in vitro production of drug metabolites using fungi of the Cunninghamella species. The metabolites were characterized with mainly liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry using ion-trap and quadrupole-time-of-flight instruments. A fungal in vitro model has several advantages e.g., it is easily up-scaled and ethical problems associated with animal-based models are avoided. The metabolism of bupivacaine and the selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) S1, S4 and S24 by the fungi Cunninghamella elegans and Cunninghamella blakesleeana was investigated. The detected metabolites were compared with those formed in vitro and in vivo by human and horse and most phase I metabolites formed by mammals were also formed by the fungi. The higher levels of bupivacaine metabolites in the fungal samples allowed an extensive mass spectrometric structural characterization which shows that the fungi are relevant metabolic models. Glucuronides are important drug metabolites but they are difficult to synthesize. The discovery that the fungus Cunninghamella elegans formed large amounts of glucosides led to the idea that they could be used to form glucuronides. A new concept was developed where a fungal incubate containing a SARM S1 glucoside was mixed with the free radical tetramethylpiperidinyl-1-oxy (TEMPO), sodium bromide and sodium hypochlorite which produced a glucuronide. Isolation and characterization by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy proved that the new method could produce glucuronides for use as reference material. An investigation of reactive metabolite formation of the drugs paracetamol, mefenamic acid and diclofenac by the fungus Cunninghamella elegans was performed. It was demonstrated for the first time that the fungus could produce glutathione, glutathione ethyl-ester, cysteine and N-acetylcysteine conjugates that are indicative of a preceding formation of reactive intermediates. A comparison with conjugates formed by human liver microsomes showed that both models formed identical metabolites. The presented investigations prove that Cunninghamella fungi are relevant drug metabolism models. They show that the fungi to a large extent forms the same metabolites as mammals and that they can produce metabolites for use as reference material in, e.g. doping control. It was also demonstrated that the fungal model can be used in the important assessment of drug toxicity.

Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry as a Tool for Drug Metabolite Identification in Biological Fluids : With Application to Ketobemidone

Sundström, Ingela January 2007 (has links)
<p>Electrospray ionization (ESI) mass spectrometry (MS) in combination with liquid chromatography (LC) is an excellent tool for the identification of drug metabolites. Utilizing this hyphenated technique in combination with proper sample pretreatment, the metabolic pathways of the analgesic drug ketobemidone were investigated in human urine and rat microdialysate from blood and brain. Two novel phase I metabolites (ketobemidone N-oxide and meta-hydroxymethoxyketobemidone) and three novel phase II metabolites (glucuronic acid conjugates of ketobemidone, norketobemidone and hydroxymethoxyketobemidone) were identified in human urine. Further, norketobemidone and ketobemidone N-oxide were identified in rat microdialysate from brain after regional distribution of ketobemidone in striatum. This indicates that the brain itself has the possibility to metabolize ketobemidone. </p><p>Synthetic ketobemidone metabolites were used for comparison of retention times and tandem MS spectra with the possible metabolites recovered from the biological samples. The conjugated metabolites were identified by accurate mass measurements and tandem MS spectra of the aglycones. The accuracy of the estimated masses was better than 2.1 ppm for two out of three conjugates in presence of internal standard.</p><p>On-line micro-SPE was successfully used for trapping and desalting of the microdialysates. The small SPE pre-column made it possible to inject approximately 100 times more sample on the analytical column compared to injection without pre-column. Selective trapping was demonstrated for the polar catechol amine metabolite, dihydroxyketobemidone, which forms covalent complexes with phenylboronic acid (PBA). A fluorinated silica type stationary phase was the only column out of several tested that was able to separate ketobemidone and all relevant phase I metabolites. </p><p>Liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry are independently valuable tools in the field of analytical pharmaceutical chemistry. The present study showed that the combination of LC-MS, with its excellent selectivity and sensitivity, offers an outstanding tool in the qualitative analysis of drugs and metabolites in biological fluids. </p>

Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry as a Tool for Drug Metabolite Identification in Biological Fluids : With Application to Ketobemidone

Sundström, Ingela January 2007 (has links)
Electrospray ionization (ESI) mass spectrometry (MS) in combination with liquid chromatography (LC) is an excellent tool for the identification of drug metabolites. Utilizing this hyphenated technique in combination with proper sample pretreatment, the metabolic pathways of the analgesic drug ketobemidone were investigated in human urine and rat microdialysate from blood and brain. Two novel phase I metabolites (ketobemidone N-oxide and meta-hydroxymethoxyketobemidone) and three novel phase II metabolites (glucuronic acid conjugates of ketobemidone, norketobemidone and hydroxymethoxyketobemidone) were identified in human urine. Further, norketobemidone and ketobemidone N-oxide were identified in rat microdialysate from brain after regional distribution of ketobemidone in striatum. This indicates that the brain itself has the possibility to metabolize ketobemidone. Synthetic ketobemidone metabolites were used for comparison of retention times and tandem MS spectra with the possible metabolites recovered from the biological samples. The conjugated metabolites were identified by accurate mass measurements and tandem MS spectra of the aglycones. The accuracy of the estimated masses was better than 2.1 ppm for two out of three conjugates in presence of internal standard. On-line micro-SPE was successfully used for trapping and desalting of the microdialysates. The small SPE pre-column made it possible to inject approximately 100 times more sample on the analytical column compared to injection without pre-column. Selective trapping was demonstrated for the polar catechol amine metabolite, dihydroxyketobemidone, which forms covalent complexes with phenylboronic acid (PBA). A fluorinated silica type stationary phase was the only column out of several tested that was able to separate ketobemidone and all relevant phase I metabolites. Liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry are independently valuable tools in the field of analytical pharmaceutical chemistry. The present study showed that the combination of LC-MS, with its excellent selectivity and sensitivity, offers an outstanding tool in the qualitative analysis of drugs and metabolites in biological fluids.

Conversion of pharmaceuticals and other drugs by fungal peroxygenases

Poraj-Kobielska, Marzena 26 April 2013 (has links)
Over the recent years, increasing scientific attention has been paid to pharmaceuticals, other drugs and their metabolites. These substances are of particular interest because of their physiological, toxicological and ecotoxicological effects in the human body and respectively in the environment. Cytochrome P450 enzymes (P450s) play a key role in the conversion and detoxification of bioactive compounds including many pharmaceuticals and drugs. Most of these enzymes belong to the monooxygenases; they are intracellular and rather unstable biocatalysts that are difficult to purify and require expensive, complex cofactors, which alltogether hampers their use in isolated form. The investigations carried out here with fungal peroxygenases have shown that this enzyme sub-subclass (EC 1.11.2.x) has a promising potential for oxyfunctionalizations and can catalyze a variety of reactions typical for P450s. Peroxygenases are extracellular, i.e. secreted fungal enzymes with high stability, which merely need peroxide for function. Results obtained with the unspecific/aromatic peroxygenases (APOs) of Agrocybe aegerita, Coprinellus radians and Marasmius rotula have demonstrated that APOs catalyze numerous H2O2-dependent monooxygenations of pharmaceuticals and psychoactive drugs. Among them are i) the monooxygenation of aromatic compounds, ii) the benzylic hydroxylation of toluene derivatives, iii) the O-dealkylation of different ether structures including the scission of benzodioxoles (O-demethylenation) and esters as well as iv) the N-dealkylation of secondary and tertiary amines. The peroxygenases studied considerably differ in their substrate spectrum and the preferred positions of oxidation. This finding opens the possibility to develop in the future an “enzymatic toolbox“ on the basis of fungal peroxygenases for the oxyfunctionalization of pharmaceutically relevant compounds. Mechanistic studies showed that (1) the monooxygenations always proceed via incorporation of one oxygen atom from the peroxide, (2) the demethylation of phenacetind1 established a deuterium isotope effect similar to P450s, (3) the catalytic efficiencies for the studied oxidations are in the same range as those of P450s (though the kcat- and Km values are noticeably higher), (4) the kinetic studies with nitro-1,3-benzodioxole gave parallel double reciprocal plots suggestive of a “ping pong” mechanism, (5) the substrate spectrum and the activity pattern of APOs follows in a wide range those of the human key P450s as well as that (6) the difference spectra obtained in bindings studies are of the phenol type of P450s. Furthermore, APOs were found to be stable and active in long term experiments over two weeks and they oxidized pharmaceuticals at low, environmentally relevant concentration (ppb range). All the above properties strongly indicate that APOs respresent an interesting alternative for the enzymatic conversion of pharmaceuticals as well as for the preparation of human drug metabolites, for example, in medicinal and pharmacological research or the bioremediation sector (removal of pharmaceuticals from environmental media). / In den letzten Jahren sind Pharmazeutika und deren Metabolite mehr und mehr in den Fokus der Wissenschaft gerückt. Diese Substanzen sind aufgrund ihrer physiologischen und toxikologischen sowie ökotoxikologischen Wirkungen im menschlichen Körper bzw. in der Umwelt von besonderem Interesse. Cytochrom-P450-Enzyme (P450s) spielen eine Schlüsselrolle bei der Umsetzung und Detoxifizierung bioaktiver Substanzen, darunter vieler Pharmazeutika und Drogen. Es handelt sich bei diesen Enzymen in erster Linie um Monooxygenasen, die intrazellulär lokalisiert und relativ instabil sind; sie benötigen komplexe, teure Kofaktoren und sind nur unter hohem Aufwand zu reinigen, was ihre Anwendung in isolierter Form insgesamt erschwert. Die hier durchgeführten Untersuchungen zu pilzlichen Peroxygenasen haben gezeigt, dass diese Enzymsubklasse (EC 1.11.2.x) ein hohes Oxyfunktionalisierungspotenzial besitzt und eine Vielzahl P450-typischer Reaktionen zu katalysieren vermag. Peroxygenasen sind extrazelluläre, d.h. sekretierte Pilzenzyme, die eine hohe Stabilität aufweisen und lediglich ein Peroxid als Kosubstrat benötigen. Die unter Verwendung der unspezifischen/aromatischen Peroxygenasen (APOs) von Agrocybe aegerita, Coprinellus radians und Marasmius rotula gewonnenen Ergebnisse belegen, dass APOs verschiedene H2O2-abhängige Monooxygenierungen von Pharmazeutika und psychoaktiven Substanzen realisieren. Dazu gehören i) die Monooxygenierung von Aromaten, ii) die benzylische Hydroxylierung von Toluolderivaten, iii) die O-Dealkylierung verschiedener Etherstrukturen einschließlich der Spaltung von Benzodioxolen (O-Demethylenierung) und Estern sowie iv) die N-Dealkylierung von sekundären und tertiären Aminen. Die untersuchten Peroxygenasen wiesen teilweise deutliche Unterschiede im Substratspektrum und den präferierten Oxidationspositionen auf. Dieser Befund eröffnet die Möglichkeit, zukünftig einen „enzymatischen Werkzeugkasten“ auf Basis pilzlicher Peroxygenasen für die Oxyfunktionalisierung von pharmazeutisch relevanten Wirkstoffen zu entwickeln. Mechanistische Experimente zeigten, dass (1) die Monooxygenierungen stets unter Einbau eines aus dem Peroxid stammenden Sauerstoffatoms erfolgen, (2) die Deethylierung von Phenacetin-d1 einen Deuteriumisotopeneffekt ähnlich dem der P450s aufweist, (3) die katalytischen Effizienzen für die untersuchten Oxidationen im gleichen Bereich wie die der P450s liegen (wobei die kcat- und Km-Werte deutlich höher ausfallen), (4) die kinetischen Untersuchungen zur Oxidation von Nitro-1,3-Benzodioxol parallele Verläufe der ermittelten Ausgleichsgeraden in der doppelt reziproken Darstellung ergaben, was für einen “Ping-Pong-Mechanismus“ spricht, (5) sich das Substratspektrum und die Aktivitätsmuster der APOs in einem weiten Bereich mit denen der wichtigsten menschlichen P450s decken sowie dass (6) die in Bindungsstudien gewonnenen Differenzspektren denen des Phenoltyps der P450s entsprechen. Desweiteren erwiesen sich APOs in Langzeitexperimenten über zwei Wochen als stabil und aktiv und sie waren in der Lage, Pharmazeutika in umweltrelevanten Konzentrationen (ppb-Bereich) zu oxidieren. All die genannten Eigenschaften legen nahe, dass APOs eine interessante Alternative zur enzymatischen Umsetzung von Pharmazeutika sowie zur Herstellung von humanen Pharmazeutika-Metaboliten darstellen, die z.B. Einsatz in der medizinischpharmakologischen Forschung oder im Umweltbereich (Entfernung von Pharmazeutika aus Umweltmedien) finden könnten.

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