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Šiuolaikinių duomenų bazių programavimo metodų palyginimas / Modern data bases programming methods comparisonIvanauskienė, Erika 14 June 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this paperwork is to analyze the programming methods of various modern data bases and apply them for the solution of real problems. ADO and ADO.NET component programming methods have been used to attain this purpose. The investigation has been made using different systems of data bases and different numbers of recordings. The results of investigation were applied for the practical implementation of problem solution; and that is estimate data.
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Verslo transakcijų atvaizdavimas duomenų bazės transakcijomis / Representing business transactions as database transactionsNaujokaitis, Giedrius 11 January 2007 (has links)
Pragmatically motivated communicative action loop (CAL) is proposed for modeling business transactions and designing database transactions. Using parameters of the communicative action loops, activity model can be adapted to particular objective area. Selected parameters are utilizable in formation of database transactions that are oriented in modification of states of objects of activity. Performed database transactions are registered to query register in order to make a database rollback when business transactions are canceled. Database transactions are synchronized between two replicated databases.
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Informacinių technologijų išteklių duomenų bazė / Database of Information technology resourcesBarzda, Erlandas 05 January 2005 (has links)
The subject of this master work is the <a href="http://www.ntsearch.com/search.php?q=internet&v=56">internet</a> information resource database. This work also handles the problems of old information systems which do not meet the new contemporary requirements. The aim is to create <a href="http://www.ntsearch.com/search.php?q=internet&v=56">internet</a> information system, based on object-oriented technologies and tailored to <a href="http://www.ntsearch.com/search.php?q=computer&v=56">computer</a> users’ needs. The <a href="http://www.ntsearch.com/search.php?q=internet&v=56">internet</a> information database system helps <a href="http://www.ntsearch.com/search.php?q=computers&v=56">computers</a> administrators to get the all needed information about <a href="http://www.ntsearch.com/search.php?q=computers&v=56">computers</a> <a href="http://www.ntsearch.com/search.php?q=network&v=56">network</a> elements and easy to register all changes into information database.
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Valstybinio žemės kadastro duomenų bazės reinžinerija / Reengineering of State Land Cadastre DatabaseHakas, Artūras 20 September 2004 (has links)
Currently there are many software systems for creating data bases widely used in the world. There were made an analysis of existing software and customer needs in this work. There were made an analysis of Object-oriented programing, CASE – computer aided system engeenering, Component modeling, MS Access. To understand business environment I created Business Interaction Model, Workflow models, Use Case Model. For this purpose I used ProVision Workbench package. I created data base project. I used MS Access XP because of its stability, multipurpose, potential, good working with Windows 9*, Windows 2000, Windows XP operational systems. There were made an User Interface, including forms , reports, queries.
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Atvirojo kodo duomenų bazių serverių analizė aptarnavimo paslaugų teikimo valdymo sistemos pagrindu / Analysis of open source database servers using service management systemJankevičius, Vytautas 26 May 2006 (has links)
Jankevičius, Vytautas (2006). “Analysis of open source database servers using service management system”. MA Graduation Paper. Kaunas: Faculty of informatics, University of Kaunas Technology . 49 p. The graduation work object is to analyse the popular open source databases servers and determine which is the optimal for service management system. To complete the goal there were made such tasks: • Perform theoretical analysis of open source database servers • To determine similarities and differences of open source database servers. • To analyze and compare functional features of service management systems. • To design the special class and methods necessary for research. • To determine the optimal database server for service management system using the special class and methods. There are 49 pages in the work. First part of the work consists of 13 pages, second part – 13 pages and the third part is 14 pages. There are 3 tables and 32 pictures in the work. The first part of the work proposed the review and the comparison of service management systems and open source database servers. Second part of the work is proposed the project model of service management system Third part of the work proposed the results of open source database servers’ research.
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Duomenų modeliavimo ir schemos tikrinimo metodika / Data Modeling and Schema Testing MethodologyPaulauskas, Vytautas 11 January 2007 (has links)
We present methodology, which allows automatically test database schemes. Such methodology allows you to create new one or expand existing CASE tool. You can integrate database tests in generating physical database model process. In this way you can make scheme validation much easier, as a result it lowers the possibility of errors in early steps of modelling. Acording to our analysis, there are very few tools that covers such methodotlogy. So during our work we have designed and created a new tool – „DbTestAddin“, tool that tests database schemes. It works as Microsoft Office Visio 2003 Add-in. With this tool you can easily test any database scheme you want, compare it with a real database etc. In future, there are several updates and functional enhacements which can make this tool more attractive to use.
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Duomenų bazių programavimas C# kalba / Database programming C# languageVarkavičius, Simonas 24 July 2014 (has links)
Laikui einant informacijos srautai vis didėja, todėl reikia surasti patogų būdą ją saugoti ir apdoroti. Dėka tobulėjančių informacinių technologijų, informacijos saugojimo ir apdorojimo metodai taip pat turi galimybę tobulėti. Šiais laikais įvairūs informacijos kiekiai gali būti saugomi ne tik fizinėje formoje, bet ir elektroniniame pavidale. Tokiame pavidale informacija gali būti sėkmingai administruojama, naudojant administravimo programinę įrangą. Šiame darbe apžvelgsime C# ir C++ programavimo kalbų sukurtas (realizuotas) duomenų administravimo programas bei programavimo kalbų potencialą kuriant analogišką produkciją. Detaliau bus apžvelgiama C# programavimo kalba. Šis darbas yra skiriamas asmenims, kurie domisi duomenų administravimo programų kūrimu ir taikymo galimybėmis. Šio baigiamojo magistrinio darbo tikslas - išanalizuoti duomenų bazių programavimo C# kalba charakteristikas, sukuriant taikomųjų programų pavyzdžius ir atliekant jų efektyvumo tyrimus, bei jas palyginti su C++ kalba. Darbo uždaviniai: Susipažinti su duomenų bazių (DB) teorine dalimi. Parengti C# duomenų bazių administravimo programas, taikant skirtingas programavimo metodikas. Išanalizuoti programų veikimo charakteristikas. Pasirinkus tinkamiausias C# programavimo metodikas, parengti demonstracines programas. Palyginti parengtų C# ir C++ programų rezultatyvumą. . / As time passed the flow of information is growing so had to find a convenient way to store and handle, thanks to the constant development of information technology, information storage and processing methods have the opportunity to excel. Nowadays, different amounts of information can be stored not only in shape but also in electronic form. Such form may be successfully managed using the administration software. In this work, review the C# and C++ programming language created (realized), data administration programs and the programming language’s potential for the analog output. Retailers will be an overview of the C# programming language. This work is given to individuals who are interested in database administration and application programming development opportunities. This master thesis is to analyze the database programming in C# language features, creating a sample application and the effectiveness of their research, and to compare them with the C++ language. Tasks: Get familiar with the database (DB) of the theoretical part. Develop a programming language, C# database management applications using different programming techniques. To analyze the performance characteristics of applications. Selecting the best C# programming techniques to develop demonstration programs. Comparison between the performance of programs developed in C# and C++ languages.
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Metodas greitai duomenų paieškai duomenų bazėse / Full-text database search methodBalzaravičius, Povilas 13 August 2010 (has links)
Magistro darbe nagrinėjama pilno teksto paieškos veikimo sparta. Paieškos sistema sukurta naudojantis PHP ir MySQL priemonėmis, taip pat panaudojant Memcached laikinosios atminties valdymo sistemą. Tyrimui atlikti reikalingi duomenys paimti iš RSS srautų agregatoriaus, periodiškai nuskaitančio informaciją iš lietuviškų tinklaraščių. Darbe didžiausias dėmesys skiriamas paieškos variklio indeksavimo ir rezultatų atrinkimo procesų vykdymo trukmei. Tiriant indeksavimo procesą, veikimo sparta išmatuota dirbant su skirtingais duomenų kiekiais. Turint daug duomenų, šis veiksmas reikalauja daug kompiuterio resursų ir gali trukti ilgai. Indeksuojant duomenis proceso trukmė buvo išmatuota naudojant ir nenaudojant Memcached ir ignoruojamų žodžių sąrašų. Paieškos tyrimo metu tirtas paieškos užklausos elementų kiekio įtaka rezultatų atrinkimui. Abiejų procesų veiklų matavimai atlikti naudojant InnoDB ir MyISAM lenteles duomenų saugojimui. Tyrimo metu rasti sprendimai, kuriuos rekomenduojama rinktis realizuojant arba naudojant panašiais principais paremtą paieškos sistemą. / In this Master thesis the performance of full-text search is analyzed. Search engine is implemented by using PHP and MySQL also Memcached cache engine. Data for the research is gathered from RSS aggregator that periodically collects information from lithuanian blogs. The main attention is drawn on speed of both data indexing and search results gathering. While analyzing indexing process the speed of its performance was measured on different data sets. Indexing requires a lot of computer resources and can last long when having a lot of data. The duration of this process was measured with enabled and disabled Memcached service and list of ignored words. A test on how strongly query's number of elements influence the collection of results was performed. Performances were tested by using both InnoDB and MyISAM tables. Paper suggests solutions that are recommended for implementing and using similar search engines.
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Duomenų vientisumo apribojimų realizavimo strategijos didelėje įmonėje tyrimas / Investigation of strategy for implementation of data integrity constraints in large application systemPreibys, Justas 28 January 2008 (has links)
Darbe apžvelgiami duomenų vientisumo apribojimų tipai ir jų realizavimo būdai, analizuojami jų privalumai ir trūkumai. Kiekvienam apribojimo tipui, pagal veikimo trukmės ir įgyvendinimo sudėtingumo charakteristikas, parinktas labiausiai efektyvus realizavimo būdas bei eksperimentiškai patvirtintos analizės metu iškeltos hipotezės. Remiantis eksperimentinio tyrimo rezultatais, sudaryta ir aprašyta duomenų vientisumo apribojimų realizacijos strategijos parinkimo metodika, kuri galėtų padėti didelėms įmonėms efektyviai įgyvendinti duomenų vientisumo apribojimus, sunaudojant kuo mažiau laiko, darbo ir sistemos resursų, bet tuo pačiu užtikrinant duomenų vientisumą ir korektiškumą. / This thesis describes types of data integrity constraints, the ways for implementation these constraints, and their analyzed advantages and disadvantages. It is chosen most effective way for implementation every type of data integrity constraint, according to their run duration and complexity of implementation characteristics, and experimentally approved hypotheses, which were raised during analysis. With reference to the results of the experiment, is made and described the methodology of implementation strategy for data integrity constraints, which could help effectively implement data integrity constraints for large application systems, using as less as it is possible time, workforce and system resources, and at the same time ensuring data integrity and correctness.
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Aspektinis objektinis duomenų bazių modelis pilno kliento sistemoms / Aspect Oriented Object Database Model For Rich Client ApplicationsJurna, Povilas 01 June 2006 (has links)
A big variety of new modern programming technologies exist in today's market and each of it provide different approaches for the same problems. It is quite a challenge for a project manager or a system architect to decide which technology is best for their project and a lot of time should be spent for analysis before some decisions could be made. The main purpose of this work is to create a reusable model for JAVA applications that is based on cutting edge technologies such as Aspect-Oriented Programming, Object databases and Model-View-Controller architecture. This work provides research data that could be used for analysing what influence will these new technologies have for the system. Created model is based on aspect oriented programming. The key component is a TransactionalAspect which does automatic database session and transaction management. It also provides session pooling for better reliability and performance and thread safety by using ThreadLocal for more complex applications. As a result a model was created that helps to manage 4 main stages of system development processes: project analysis precess, architecture process, coding process and system support process. Helps to develop a quality system on time and save project expenses at the same time.
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