Spelling suggestions: "subject:"dyke"" "subject:"ryke""
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Variský magmatismus na styku bohemika a moldanubika v oblasti sv. výběžků středočeského plutonického komplexu / Variscan igneous activity at the Bohemicum/moldanubicum boundaryKubínová, Šárka January 2015 (has links)
Variscan dike swarms associated with the Central Bohemian Plutonic Complex (CBPC) at the boundary between the Teplá-Barrandian and Moldanubian Units of the Bohemian Massif represent one of the most interesting geological phenomena. Frequency of dykes and their chemical variability do not have any comparable analogy in the whole European Variscides. This work is focused on the study of dyke rocks in the NE periphery of CBPC in geologically very complicated area with intrusions of predominantly deformed granitoids, contact metamorphosed sediments and magmatic rocks of "Islet Zone" with different protolith ages (forming remnants of the original roof of CBPC), deformed basic rocks of uncertain origin and age. The area extends up to the western boundary of the northernmost part of the Moldanubian high-grade metamorphic complex, the boundary itself being also tectonically problematic. Several localities with dyke rocks under study are situated in the area east of Senohraby (SE of Prague), on the northern side (right coast) of the Sázava river, and extend up to the area of Stříbrná Skalice. This area is rich in dykes of gabbro to diorite porphyry accompanied in some places with tonalite (rarely quartz diorite) porphyry and more rarely with amphibole lamprophyres (spessartite). Significantly younger dykes...
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Inversão 2D de dados magnetométricos com modelo prismático: Aplicação em enxames de diques / 2D inversion of magnetometric data with prismatic model: Application on the Ponta Grossa Dyke Swarm.Cavalcante, Felipe Lisbona 22 February 2019 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um método de inversão de perfis de dados magnetométricos em enxames de diques, utilizando os módulos de um programa desenvolvido no contexto do Mestrado. Os enxames de diques produzem padrões complexos de anomalia, dependendo da densidade de diques ao longo do perfil avaliado, das propriedades magnéticas de cada unidade e da existência de fontes mais rasas e profundas. Poucas técnicas se mostram eficazes em inverter dados em tal cenário, seja para recuperar parâmetros confiáveis para cada dique ou valores médios em casos mais complexos. O método inclui uma abordagem de inversão por etapas para modelos compostos por múltiplos prismas finos, identificados interativamente de acordo com a qualidade do ajuste aos dados. Na abordagem proposta, a intensidade do campo vetorial anômalo é inicialmente invertida para fornecer parâmetros geométricos (posição ao longo do perfil e profundidade do topo) e o produto da intensidade de magnetização pela espessura para as unidades do modelo. O modelo obtido é usado para inverter os dados de anomalia de campo total para se obter a inclinação de magnetização para cada prisma do modelo. Para perfis com poucos prismas (diques), essa abordagem revela-se eficaz na recuperação dos parâmetros verdadeiros para cada unidades do modelo. Para perfis com maior densidade de prismas, apenas valores médios de diferentes populações de diques podem ser recuperados. Isso é obtido aplicando uma abordagem por análise de grupo usando o algoritmo k-means, para soluções alternativas obtidas na inversão de dados. O método é testado com dados sintéticos gerados por configurações simples e complexas de prismas e interferências. Uma vez testado com simulações numéricas, o método é aplicado a um perfil do Enxame de Diques do Arco de Ponta Grossa. A análise de cluster de soluções alternativas identificou pelo menos três gerações para os diques neste perfil, de acordo com os parâmetros médios dos grupos. Os valores obtidos com a análise de grupos também foram utilizados para calcular a expansão crustal ao longo do perfil, chegando a valores entre 12 e 23%. Além disso, resultados de inversão foram analisados com poços da base de dados do Sistema de Informação de Águas Subterrâneas (SIAGAS) para avaliar a produtividade de poços com respeito à sua proximidade a unidades específicas de diques. Este estudo mostra que poços mais produtivos estão situados próximos de uma classe de diques mais rasos, conforme identificado pela análise k-means. Para poços perfurados em zona de influência dessa classe de diques em rochas cristalinas de alto grau metamórfico (tufos, meta-tufos), a produtividade é cerca de 14,5 vezes maior do que aqueles perfurados nas encaixantes. Para poços em zona de influência dessa classe de diques em rochas cristalinas de baixo grau metamórfico, a produtividade é cerca de 4,3 maior do que nas encaixantes. Um modelo conceitual para exploração de águas subterrâneas é apresentado levando-se em consideração a distribuição de diques mais rasos na região estudada. / This work presents a method of inversion of magnetometric data profiles in dyke swarms, using the modules of a program developed in the context of the Master. Dyke swarms produce complex patterns of anomalies, depending on the density of dikes along the evaluated profile, the magnetic properties of each unit and the existence of shallower and deeper sources. Few techniques prove effective in inverting data in such a scenario, either to retrieve reliable parameters for each dyke or average values in more complex cases. The method includes a stepwise inversion approach for multi-prism models that are interactively identified according to the quality of fit to the data. In the proposed approach, the intensity of the anomalous vector field is initially inverted to provide geometric parameters (position along the profile and depth of the top) and the product of the magnetization intensity by the thickness for the model units. The obtained model is used to invert the total field anomaly data to obtain the magnetization inclination for each prism of the model. For profiles with few prisms (dykes), this approach proves to be effective in recovering the true parameters for each model unit. For profiles with a higher density of prisms, only mean values of different dyke populations can be recovered. This is achieved by applying a group analysis approach using the k-means algorithm, for alternative solutions obtained in the inversion of data. The method is tested with synthetic data generated by simple and complex configurations of prisms and interferences. Once tested with numerical simulations, the method is applied to a profile of the Dike Swarm of the Ponta Grossa Arch. The cluster analysis of alternative solutions identified at least three generations for the dikes in this profile, according to the average parameters of the groups. The mean values obtained with the cluster analysis were also used to calculate the crustal expansion along the profile, reaching values between 12 and 23%. In addition, inversion results were analyzed with wells from the Groundwater Information System (SIAGAS) database to evaluate the productivity of wells with respect to their proximity to specific dyke units. This study shows that more productive wells are located near a class of shallower dikes, as identified by the k-means analysis. For wells drilled in a zone of influence of this class of dykes in crystalline rocks of high metamorphic degree (tufts, meta-tufts), the productivity is about 14.5 times greater than those drilled in the hosting rocks. For wells in the zone of influence of this class of dykes in crystalline rocks of low metamorphic degree, the productivity is about 4.3 higher than the ones in the hosting rocks. A conceptual model for groundwater exploration is presented considering the distribution of shallow dikes in the studied region.
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Transferts de magma au volcan du Piton de la Fournaise déterminés par la modélisation 3D de données d'interférométrie radar entre 1998 et 2000Fukushima, Yo 16 December 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Après cinq ans et demi de sommeil, le volcan du Piton de la Fournaise (île de la Réunion, Océan Indien) est entré dans un nouveau cycle d'activité en mars 1998. Des données d'interférométrie radar (InSAR) montrent que des déplacements complexes sont associés aux cinq premières éruptions du cycle survenues entre 1998 et 2000. Une méthode a été développée pour déterminer des géométries réalistes et les surpressions des intrusions de dykes à partir de données InSAR. Cette méthode est basée sur la combinaison d'une méthode d'éléments frontières 3D et d'une inversion de type Monte Carlo. Les caractéristiques du bruit des données sont prises en compte dans les inversions. Des tests synthétiques montrent qu'un modèle est retrouvé avec succès dans la limite d'intervalles de confiance étroits. Il a été montré que négliger la topographie induit une erreur de modélisation en profondeur et une surestimation des surpressions ou des ouvertures. L'application de la méthode à chaque éruption requiert des paramétrisations spécifiques des modèles. Dans certains cas, un dyke incurvé en surface doit être introduit, dans d'autres, l'inversion simultanée de deux dykes est nécessaire. La plupart des dykes déterminés ont un pendage vers la mer de 65 degrés. Le dyke associé à la première éruption du cycle (mars 1998) s'enracine au niveau de la mer (2600m sous le sommet), tandis que les dykes suivants sont situés à moins de 1000m sous la surface du sol. La forme latéralement allongée des dykes, les déformations pré-éruptives et les essaims sismiques peuvent être expliqués par un niveau de flottabilité neutre situé à moins de 1000m sous la surface. Ceci est cohérent avec la présence de réservoirs magmatiques à ce niveau. La périodicité spatiale des intrusions de dykes, du flanc nord au flanc sud, est cohérente avec les modèles de transfert de contraintes. Finalement, des analyses en terme de contraintes de Coulomb montrent que les cinq éruptions modélisées ont principalement favorisé le glissement sur des plans potentiels subhorizontaux situés entre 1000 et 1500m au dessus du niveau de la mer.
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Structures et évolution du volcan Piton des neiges, île de la Réunion : leurs relations avec les structures du bassin des Mascareignes, Océan indien occidentalChevallier, Luc 31 October 1979 (has links) (PDF)
Situee dans le Bassin des Mascareignes (Ocean Indien Occidental), l'Ile de la Reunion se compose de deux massifs volcaniques : le Piton des Neiges (3069 m) éteint et très érodé, au NW et le piton de la Fournaise (2631 ml) actuellement en activité. au SE . Ce mémoire se compose de deux parties : 1ère partie: EVOLUTION VOLCAND-STRUCTURALE DU MASSIF DU PITON DES NEIGES: aspect descriptif des structures - .observations géologiques (cartes et coupes). 2ème partie ESSAI * D' INTERPRETATION MECANIQUE DES STRUCTURES DU PITON DES NEIGES : - Mécanismes de formation des caldeiras du Piton des Neiges et structure de la croûte océanique au droit de l'Ile de la Réunion . 2 - Etat des connaissances sur les structures de l ' Océan Indien Occidental et relations avec les structures aériennes du volcan du Piton des Neiges. CONCLUSION: Origine de l 'Ile de la Réunion hot spot ou fracture crustale ?
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Réponse sismique à un forçage magmatiqueTraversa, Paola 22 October 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Dans ce travail nous étudions la réponse sismique d'un volcan à différents processus magmatiques, avec l'objectif de remonter à la physique qui les dirige. Les séries temporelles de sismicité enregistrées sur des volcans basaltiques nous ont permis d'identifier des motifs caractéristiques d'activité sismique pendant les phases (i) inter-éruptive, (ii) d'alimentation du réservoir, (iii) de fissuration du réservoir et fuite du magma, et (iv) d'injection de dyke. La sismicité enregistrée pendant les phases de repos reproduit le comportement de la sismicité tectonique ordinaire. Pendant la dernière phase immédiatement précédente l'éruption, nous observons un taux de sismicité stationnaire sur différents volcans, qui accompagne l'injection du dyke. Il nous révèle que la propagation de la fracture, guidée par le fluide, est un processus stationnaire, indépendant de l´échelle. De telles caractéristiques évoquent l'endommagement enregistré lors d'essais de fluage à déformation contrôlée, et impliquent l'impossibilité de prédire le temps d'occurrence de l'éruption. Cela suggère que le taux de sismicité stationnaire qui accompagne une intrusion est proportionnel à un taux constant d'approvisionnement de magma du réservoir. Grâce à un modèle numérique de propagation de dyke, nous avons validé l'hypothèse qu'un flux constant de magma qui alimente le dyke est en accord avec la dynamique du volcan. L'application de ce modèle nous permet alors de contraindre une taille minimale pour le réservoir magmatique et une valeur maximale pour la surpression du magma dans le réservoir du Piton de la Fournaise (Réunion). L'exploration de la séquence sismique induite par l'intrusion d'un dyke en 2000 aux Îles Izu (Japon) nous permet de quantifier les perturbations de contrainte induites en temps et en espace par ce gigantesque dyke. Nous montrons que l'intrusion d'un dyke peut être assimilée à un ”événement lent”. Cela nous permet de suivre l'évolution de l'endommagement de la matrice rocheuse au cours de la propagation de la fracture. Pour le volcan andésitique Ubinas (Pérou), nous identifions une accélération moyenne de sismicité Long Période (LP) précédant les explosions et autres LP. Cela apporte de nouvelles évidences que les LP correspondent à un endommagement fragile au sein d'un conduit rempli de fluide.
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Structure and Dynamics of Plumbing Systems of Oceanic Shield Volcanoes: An Example from Réunion Island / Struktur und Dynamik ozeanischer Vulkaninseln: Das Beispiel La RéunionLetourneur, Ludovic 08 July 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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It's Not A Parade, It's A March!: Subjectivities, Spectatorship, and Contested Spaces of the Toronto Dyke MarchBurgess, Allison H. F. 05 January 2012 (has links)
In this thesis I address the following questions: (1) How do dykes take up space in public in contemporary cities? (2) How does the ‘marching dyke’ emerge as a subject and what kind of subject is it? (3) How, in turn, do marching dykes affect space? In order to examine these questions I focus on the Toronto Dyke March to ask how it emerged in this particular time and place. The answer to each of these questions is paradoxical. I argue that the Dyke March is a complex, complicated and contradictory site of politics, protest and identity. Investigating ‘marching dykes’ reveals how the subject of the Dyke March is imagined in multiple and conflicting ways. The Toronto Dyke March is an event which brings together thousands of queer women annually who march together in the streets of Toronto on the Saturday afternoon of Pride weekend. My research examines how the March emerged out of a history of activism and organizing and considers how the March has been made meaningful for queer women’s communities, identities, histories and spaces. My analysis draws together queer and feminist poststructuralism, cultural geography literature on sexuality and space, and the history of sexuality in Canada. I combine a Foucaultian genealogy with visual ethnography, interviews and archival research. I argue that the Dyke March is an event which is intentionally meaningful in its claims to particular spaces and subjectivities. This research draws connections across various bodies of scholarship and offers an interdisciplinary contribution to the literature, contributing to discussions of queer women’s visibility and representation. Although my analysis is focused on Toronto as a particular site, it offers insight into broader queer women’s activist organizing efforts and queer activism in Canada.
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It's Not A Parade, It's A March!: Subjectivities, Spectatorship, and Contested Spaces of the Toronto Dyke MarchBurgess, Allison H. F. 05 January 2012 (has links)
In this thesis I address the following questions: (1) How do dykes take up space in public in contemporary cities? (2) How does the ‘marching dyke’ emerge as a subject and what kind of subject is it? (3) How, in turn, do marching dykes affect space? In order to examine these questions I focus on the Toronto Dyke March to ask how it emerged in this particular time and place. The answer to each of these questions is paradoxical. I argue that the Dyke March is a complex, complicated and contradictory site of politics, protest and identity. Investigating ‘marching dykes’ reveals how the subject of the Dyke March is imagined in multiple and conflicting ways. The Toronto Dyke March is an event which brings together thousands of queer women annually who march together in the streets of Toronto on the Saturday afternoon of Pride weekend. My research examines how the March emerged out of a history of activism and organizing and considers how the March has been made meaningful for queer women’s communities, identities, histories and spaces. My analysis draws together queer and feminist poststructuralism, cultural geography literature on sexuality and space, and the history of sexuality in Canada. I combine a Foucaultian genealogy with visual ethnography, interviews and archival research. I argue that the Dyke March is an event which is intentionally meaningful in its claims to particular spaces and subjectivities. This research draws connections across various bodies of scholarship and offers an interdisciplinary contribution to the literature, contributing to discussions of queer women’s visibility and representation. Although my analysis is focused on Toronto as a particular site, it offers insight into broader queer women’s activist organizing efforts and queer activism in Canada.
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Fundamentals of the flotation behaviour of palladium bismuth telluridesVermaak, M.K.G. (Matthys Karel Gerhardus) 13 October 2005 (has links)
Previous mineralogical investigations (QemSCAN) performed on all effluent flotation streams of Mimosa mine (Zimbabwe) indicated the presence of appreciable amounts of platinum group minerals (PGMs), which are not recovered. Most, generally in excess of 70%, of the liberated PGMs in these streams belonged to the Pt-Pd-Bi-Te class in all the samples investigated. In the first part of this work, electrochemical investigations, electrochemically-controlled contact angle measurements and Raman spectroscopy have been employed to investigate the interaction of ethyl xanthate with Pd-Bi-Te and PtAs2. Impedance measurements showed lower capacitance values in solutions containing KEX indicating the formation of a continuous surface layer. Anodic and cathodic polarization diagrams show the mixed potential to be higher than the reversible potential of the xanthate-dixanthogen equilibrium reaction, hence the formation of dixanthogen on the surface is possible. Electrochemically controlled in situ Raman spectroscopy has confirmed the co-presence of xanthate with dixanthogen indicating that xanthate retains its molecular integrity when it adsorbs on the surface of the Pd-Bi-Te. The result of this investigation has shown dixanthogen to be present on both the minerals (PtAs2 and Pd-Bi-Te) when the surfaces are anodically polarized. Chemisorbed xanthate could be identified within 120 seconds yielding a hydrophobic surface as indicated by electrochemically-controlled contact angle measurements. Maximum contact angles of 63o were measured in the case Pd-Bi-Te. As a result the mineral surface is expected to be hydrophobic and a lack of collector interaction with the mineral is not the reason for low PGM recoveries experienced. Secondly, the flotation recovery of synthetically prepared Pd-Bi-Te was compared with that of chalcopyrite (a typical fast-floating mineral) and pyrrhotite (a typical slow-floating mineral), with microflotation tests. These indicated Pd-Bi-Te to be a fast-floater with flotation rates exceeding that of chalcopyrite. Predicted flotation rate constants (from the Ralston model) were significantly lower for small particles (with diameters similar to those lost to the effluent streams) compared with those of particle with intermediate sizes. This supports the suggestion that losses to effluent streams are caused by particle size effects. / Thesis (PhD (Metallurgical Engineering))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering / unrestricted
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Masculinity on Every Channel: The Development and Demonstration of American Masculinity of the Postwar Period via 1960s TelevisionWillocks, Remy M. 17 November 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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