Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cynamic programming"" "subject:"clynamic programming""
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Metody dynamického programování v logistice a plánování / The methods of dynamic programming in logistics an planningMolnárová, Marika January 2009 (has links)
The thesis describes the principles of dynamic programming and it's application to concrete problems. (The travelling salesman problem, the knapsack problem, the shortest path priblem,the set covering problem.)
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This dissertation contains a discussion concerning the validity
of the principle of optimality and the dynamic programming algorithm in
the context of discrete time and state multistage decision processes.
The multistage decision model developed for the purpose of the investigation
is of a general structure, especially as far as the reward function
is concerned. The validity of the dynamic programming algorithm
as a solution method is investigated and results are obtained for a
rather wide class of decision processes. The intimate relationship
between the principle and the algorithm is investigated and certain
important conclusions are derived.
In addition to the theoretical considerations involved in the
implementation of the dynamic programming algorithm, some modeling and
computational aspects are also investigated. It is demonstrated that
the multistage decision model and the dynamic programming algorithm as
defined in this study provide a solid framework for handling a wide class
of multistage decision processes.
The flexibility of the dynamic programming algorithm as a solution
procedure for nonroutine reservoir control problems is demonstrated
by two examples, one of which is a reliability problem.
To the best of the author's knowledge, many of the theoretical
derivations presented in this study, especially those concerning the
relation between the principle of optimality and the dynamic programming
algorithm, are novel.
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Development of a diaphragm tracking algorithm for megavoltage cone beam CT projection dataChen, Mingqing 01 May 2009 (has links)
In this work several algorithms for diaphragm detection in 2D views of cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) raw data are developed. These algorithms are tested on 21 Siemens megavoltage CBCT scans of lungs and the result is compared against the diaphragm apex identified by human experts. Among these algorithms dynamic Hough transform is sufficiently quick and accurate for motion determination prior to radiation therapy. The diaphragm was successfully detected in all 21 data sets, even for views with poor image quality and confounding objects. Each CBCT scan analysis (200 frames) took about 38 seconds on a 2.66 GHz Intel quad-core 2 CPU. The average cranio-caudal position error was 1.707 ± 1.117 mm. Other directions were not assessed due to uncertainties in expert identification.
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On Enumeration of Tree-Like Graphs and Pairwise Compatibility Graphs / 木状グラフ及び対互換性グラフの列挙Naveed, Ahmed Azam 23 March 2021 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(情報学) / 甲第23322号 / 情博第758号 / 新制||情||129(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院情報学研究科数理工学専攻 / (主査)教授 永持 仁, 教授 太田 快人, 教授 山下 信雄 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Informatics / Kyoto University / DFAM
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Decision and Inhibitory Rule Optimization for Decision Tables with Many-valued DecisionsAlsolami, Fawaz 25 April 2016 (has links)
‘If-then’ rule sets are one of the most expressive and human-readable knowledge representations. This thesis deals with optimization and analysis of decision and inhibitory rules for decision tables with many-valued decisions. The most important areas of applications are knowledge extraction and representation.
The benefit of considering inhibitory rules is connected with the fact that in some situations they can describe more knowledge than the decision ones. Decision tables with many-valued decisions arise in combinatorial optimization, computational geometry, fault diagnosis, and especially under the processing of data sets.
In this thesis, various examples of real-life problems are considered which help to understand the motivation of the investigation. We extend relatively simple results obtained earlier for decision rules over decision tables with many-valued decisions to the case of inhibitory rules. The behavior of Shannon functions (which characterize complexity of rule systems) is studied for finite and infinite information systems, for global and local approaches, and for decision and inhibitory rules.
The extensions of dynamic programming for the study of decision rules over decision tables with single-valued decisions are generalized to the case of decision tables with many-valued decisions. These results are also extended to the case of inhibitory rules. As a result, we have algorithms (i) for multi-stage optimization of rules relative to such criteria as length or coverage, (ii) for counting the number of optimal rules, (iii) for construction of Pareto optimal points for bi-criteria optimization problems, (iv) for construction of graphs describing relationships between two cost functions, and (v) for construction of graphs describing relationships between cost and accuracy of rules.
The applications of created tools include comparison (based on information about Pareto optimal points) of greedy heuristics for bi-criteria optimization of rules, and construction (based on multi-stage optimization of rules) of relatively short systems of rules that can be used for knowledge representation.
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Extensions of Dynamic Programming: Decision Trees, Combinatorial Optimization, and Data MiningHussain, Shahid 10 July 2016 (has links)
This thesis is devoted to the development of extensions of dynamic programming to the study of decision trees. The considered extensions allow us to make multi-stage optimization of decision trees relative to a sequence of cost functions, to count the number of optimal trees, and to study relationships: cost vs cost and cost vs uncertainty for decision trees by construction of the set of Pareto-optimal points for the corresponding bi-criteria optimization problem. The applications include study of totally optimal (simultaneously optimal relative to a number of cost functions) decision trees for Boolean functions, improvement of bounds on complexity of decision trees for diagnosis of circuits, study of time and memory trade-off for corner point detection, study of decision rules derived from decision trees, creation of new procedure (multi-pruning) for construction of classifiers, and comparison of heuristics for decision tree construction. Part of these extensions (multi-stage optimization) was generalized to well-known combinatorial optimization problems: matrix chain multiplication, binary search trees, global sequence alignment, and optimal paths in directed graphs.
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Optimization of Algorithms Using Extensions of Dynamic ProgrammingAbouEisha, Hassan M. 09 April 2017 (has links)
We study and answer questions related to the complexity of various important problems such as: multi-frontal solvers of hp-adaptive finite element method, sorting and majority. We advocate the use of dynamic programming as a viable tool to study optimal algorithms for these problems. The main approach used to attack these problems is modeling classes of algorithms that may solve this problem using a discrete model of computation then defining cost functions on this discrete structure that reflect different complexity measures of the represented algorithms. As a last step, dynamic programming algorithms are designed and used to optimize those models (algorithms) and to obtain exact results on the complexity of the studied problems.
The first part of the thesis presents a novel model of computation (element partition tree) that represents a class of algorithms for multi-frontal solvers along with cost functions reflecting various complexity measures such as: time and space. It then introduces dynamic programming algorithms for multi-stage and bi-criteria optimization of element partition trees. In addition, it presents results based on optimal element partition trees for famous benchmark meshes such as: meshes with point and edge singularities. New improved heuristics for those benchmark meshes were ob- tained based on insights of the optimal results found by our algorithms.
The second part of the thesis starts by introducing a general problem where different problems can be reduced to and show how to use a decision table to model such problem. We describe how decision trees and decision tests for this table correspond to adaptive and non-adaptive algorithms for the original problem. We present exact bounds on the average time complexity of adaptive algorithms for the eight elements sorting problem. Then bounds on adaptive and non-adaptive algorithms for a variant of the majority problem are introduced. Adaptive algorithms are modeled as decision trees whose depth reflects the worst-case time complexity and average depth indicates the average-case time complexity. Non-adaptive algorithms are represented as decision tests whose size expresses the worst-case time complexity. Finally, we present a dynamic programming algorithm that finds a minimum decision test (minimum reduct) for a given decision table.
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Towards Dynamic Programming on Generalized Data Structures: and Applications of Dynamic Programming in BioinformaticsBerkemer, Sarah Juliane 11 March 2020 (has links)
Dynamische Programmierung (DP) ist eine Methode um Optimisierungsprobleme zu
lösen. Hierbei wird das Problem in sich überlappende Teilprobleme unterteilt und eine
optimale Lösung zu jedem der Teilprobleme berechnet. Diese werden dann wiederrum zur
Gesamtlösung zusammengesetzt. Teillösungen werden in einer Tabelle gespeichert, sodass
jede Teillösung nur einmal berechnet werden muss. So kann ein Suchraum exponentieller
Größe in polynomieller Zeit durchsucht und eine optimale Lösung gefunden werden. Die
dynamische Programmierung wurde 1952 von Bellman entwickelt und eine der ersten
Anwendung war die Detektion von Tippfehlern beim Programmieren.
DP Algorithmen werden oft und sehr vielschichtig in der Bioinformatik angewendet
wie zum Beispiel beim Vergleich von Gensequenzen, Sequenzalignment genannt, oder der
Vorhersage von Molekülstrukturen. Die Menge an Daten und somit auch deren Analyse
steigt stetig an, weshalb neue und komplexere Datenstrukturen immer wichtiger werden.
Ein Ziel ist es deswegen, DP Algorithmen zu entwickeln, die auf komplexeren Daten-
strukturen als Strings angewendet werden können. Durch das Prinzip der algebraischen
dynamischen Programmierung (ADP) können DP Algorithmen in kleinere Bestandteile
zerlegt werden, die dann unabhängig voneinander weiterentwickelt und abgeändert werden
Die Arbeit ist in zwei Teile gegliedert, wobei der erste Teil die theoretische Arbeit
zur Entwicklung von Algorithmen der dynamischen Programmierung beinhaltet. Hierbei
werden zuerst Prinzipien und Definitionen zur dynamischen Programmierung vorgestellt
(Kapitel 2), um ein besseres Verständnis der darauffolgenden Kapitel zu gewährleisten.
Der zweite Teil der Arbeit zeigt unterschiedliche bioinformatische Anwendungen von
DP Algorithmen auf biologische Daten. In einem ersten Kapitel (Kapitel 5) werden
Grundsätze biologischer Daten und Algorithmen vorgestellt, die dann in den weiteren
Kapiteln benutzt werden.
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Comparative Analysis of Cyclic Sequences: Viroids and other Small Circular RNA`sMosig, Axel, Hofacker, Ivo L., Stadler, Peter F. 25 October 2018 (has links)
The analysis of small circular sequences requires specialized tools. While
the differences between linear and circular sequences can be neglected in the case of long molecules such as bacterial genomes since in practice all analysis is performed in sequence windows, this is not true for viroids and related sequences which are usually only a few hundred basepairs long. In this contribution we present basic algorithms and corresponding software for circular RNAs. In particular, we discuss the problem of pairwise and multiple cyclic sequence alignments with affine gap costs, and an extension of a recent approach to circular RNA folding to the computation of consensus structures.
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Variations on RNA folding and alignment: lessons from BenasqueBompfünewerer, Athanasius F., Backofen, Rolf, Bernhart, Stephan H., Hertel, Jana, Hofacker, Ivo L., Stadler, Peter F., Will, Sebastian 09 November 2018 (has links)
Dynamic Programming Algorithms solve many standard problems of RNA bioinformatics in polynomial time. In this contribution we discuss a series of variations on these standard methods that implement refined biophysical models, such as a restriction of RNA folding to canonical structures, and an extension of structural alignments to an explicit scoring of stacking propensities. Furthermore, we demonstrate that a local structural alignment can be employed for ncRNA gene finding. In this context we discuss scanning variants for folding and alignment algorithms.
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