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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Algorithms and data structures for cache-efficient computation theory and experimental evaluation /

Chowdhury, Rezaul Alam. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Texas at Austin, 2007. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references.

Bioinformatics and Handwriting/Speech Reconition: Uncoventional Applications of Similarity Search Tools

Jensen, Kyle, Stephanopoulos, Gregory 01 1900 (has links)
This work introduces two unconventional applications for sequence alignment algorithms outside the domain of bioinformatics: handwriting recognition and speech recognition. In each application we treated data samples, such as the path of a and written pen stroke, as a protein sequence and use the FastA sequence alignment tool to classify unknown data samples, such as a written character. That is, we handle the handwriting and speech recognition problems like the protein annotation problem: given a sequence of unknown function, we annotate the sequence via sequence alignment. This approach achieves classification rates of 99.65% and 93.84% for the handwriting and speech recognition respectively. In addition, we provide a framework for applying sequence alignment to a variety of other non–traditional problems. / Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA)

Real-time stereo reconstruction using hierarchical dynamic programming and LULU filtering

Singels, Francois 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Mathematics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this thesis we consider the essential topics relating to stereo-vision and the correspondence problem in general. The aim is to reconstruct a dense 3D scene from images captured by two spatially related cameras. Our main focus, however, is on speed and real-time implementation on a standard desktop PC. We wish to use the CPU to solve the correspondence problem and to reserve the GPU for model rendering. We discuss three fundamental types of algorithms and evaluate their suitability to this end. We eventually choose to implement a hierarchical version of the dynamic programming algorithm, because of the good balance between accuracy and speed. As we build our system from the ground up we gradually introduce necessary concepts and established geometric principles, common to most stereovision systems, and discuss them as they become relevant. It becomes clear that the greatest weakness of the hierarchical dynamic programming algorithm is scanline inconsistency. We nd that the one-dimensional LULU- lter is computationally inexpensive and e ective at removing outliers when applied across the scanlines. We take advantage of the hierarchical structure of our algorithm and sub-pixel re nement to produce results at video rates (roughly 20 frames per second). A 3D model is also constructed at video rates in an on-line system with only a small delay between obtaining the input images and rendering the model. Not only is the quality of our results highly competitive with those of other state of the art algorithms, but the achievable speed is also considerably faster. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie tesis beskou ons die noodsaaklike onderwerpe wat in die algemeen verband hou met stereovisie en die ooreenstemmingsprobleem. Die mikpunt is om 'n digte 3D toneel te rekonstrueer vanaf beelde wat deur twee ruimtelik-verwante kameras vasgelê is. Ons hoofdoel is egter spoed, en intydse implementering op 'n standaard rekenaar. Ons wil die SVE (CPU) gebruik om die ooreenstemmingsprobleem op te los, en reserveer die GVE (GPU) vir model-beraping. Ons bespreek drie fundamentele tipes algoritmes en evalueer hul geskiktheid vir hierdie doel. Ons kies uiteindelik om 'n hiërargiese weergawe van die dinamiese programmeringsalgoritme te implementeer, as gevolg van die goeie balans tussen akkuraatheid en spoed. Soos wat ons ons stelsel van die grond af opbou, stel ons geleidelik nodige konsepte voor en vestig meetkundige beginsels, algemeen tot meeste stereovisie stelsels, en bespreek dit soos dit toepaslik word. Dit word duidelik dat skandeerlyn-strydigheid die grootste swakheid van die hiërargiese dinamiese programmeringsalgoritme is. Ons vind dat die een-dimensionele LULU- lter goedkoop is in terme van berekeninge, en e ektief aangewend kan word om uitskieters te verwyder as dit dwarsoor skandeerlyne toegepas word. Ons buit die hiërargiese struktuur van ons algoritme uit en kombineer dit met sub-piksel verfyning om resultate te produseer teen video tempo (ongeveer 20 raampies per sekonde). 'n 3D model word ook gekonstrueer teen video tempo in 'n stelsel wat aanlyn loop, met slegs 'n klein vertraging tussen die verkryging van die intree-beelde en die beraping van die model. Die kwaliteit van ons resultate is nie net hoogs mededingend met dié van die heel beste algoritmes nie, maar die verkrygbare spoed is ook beduidend vinniger.

Extração semi-automática do eixo de rodovia em imagens de média e alta resolução usando programação dinâmica

Vale, Giovane Maia do [UNESP] January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:23:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2003Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:09:22Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 vale_gm_me_prud.pdf: 5334838 bytes, checksum: f4c575bb08745181de4e5d2261cfe821 (MD5) / A aquisição de informações espaciais é uma das tarefas mais dispendiosa e morosa na implantação e na manutenção de Sistemas de informação Geográfica (SIG’s). Nos últimos 30 anos, inúmeras pesquisas foram realizadas objetivando o melhoramento do tempo e custo da aquisição de dados espaciais. No que se refere a aquisição de dados espaciais a partir de imagens digitais, é possível notar que os métodos desenvolvidos até então estão mais próximos desta meta quando os respectivos níveis de automação são mais altos. Como as soluções totalmente automáticas não estão ainda no mesmo nível de confiabilidade dos métodos manuais, soluções semi-automáticas combinando a habilidade natural de operadores humanos em tarefas de reconhecimento e a capacidade de algoritmos computacionais em realizar tarefas de medidas precisas e morosas, têm sido propostas. Seguindo esta tendência, este trabalho propõe uma metodologia semi-automática para a extração de rodovias em imagens digitais de média e alta resolução baseada no algoritmo de otimização global de programação dinâmica. É importante enfatizar que os trabalhos relacionados com extração de feições através de programação dinâmica sempre usam imagens de baixa resolução, na qual as rodovias manifestam-se como estruturas lineares. Ao contrário, rodovias em imagens de média e alta resolução se manifestam como faixas alongadas. Assim, como neste caso o objetivo básico é extrair o eixo da rodovia, este trabalho propõe uma modificação na função custo usada numa metodologia preexistente baseada em programação dinâmica, permitindo que o eixo central da rodovia seja precisamente extraído pela metodologia modificada. A diferença básica entre este método modificado e o original é uma função de injunção, proposta com o objetivo de incorporar características de bordas de rodovia... / The acquisition of spatial information is one of most expensive and time consuming tasks in developing and maintaining Geographical Information Systems (GIS’s). In the last 30 years, countless researches have been accomplished aiming at improvement of spatial data acquisition time and cost. Related to the spatial data acquisition from digital images, it is possible to notice that the methods developed until now are closer to that goal when the respective levels of automation are higher. As fully automatic solutions are not in same level of reliability of manual procedures, semi-automatic solutions combining the natural skill of humans operators in recognizing tasks and the power of computational algorithm in carrying out precise and time consuming measurement tasks, have been proposed. Following this trend, this work proposes a semi-automatic methodology for road extraction from mediumand high-resolution digital images based on the global optimization algorithm of dynamic programming. It is important to emphasize that related works on feature extraction by dynamic programming always use low-resolution images, in which roads manifest as linear structures. As opposed to this, roads in medium- and high-resolution manifest as elongated regions. Thus, as in this case the basic objective is to extract the road centerline, this work proposes a modification of cost function used in a preexisting dynamic programming approach, allowing the road centerline to be precisely extracted by the modified method. The basic difference between this modified method and the original one is the proposed constraint function embodying some road edge characteristics, as e.g. the anti-parallelism of gradient vectors at two pixels situated on opposite road edges and belonged to the same road crosssection...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)

Extração semi-automática da malha viária em imagens aéreas digitais de áreas rurais utilizando otimização por programação dinâmica no espaço objeto

Gallis, Rodrigo Bezerra de Araújo [UNESP] 31 October 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:30:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2006-10-31Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:47:04Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 gallis_rba_dr_prud.pdf: 3261376 bytes, checksum: 6967d0b5771ef57a837696cfb04efa2f (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / Este trabalho propõe uma nova metodologia para extração de rodovias utilizando imagens aéreas digitais. A inovação baseia-se no algoritmo de Programação dinâmica (PD), que nesta metodologia realiza o processo de otimização no espaço objeto, e não no espaço imagem como as metodologias tradicionais de extração de rodovias por PD. A feição rodovia é extraída no espaço objeto, o qual implica um rigoroso modelo matemático, que é necessário para estabelecer os pontos entre o espaço imagem e objeto. Necessita-se que o operador forneça alguns pontos sementes no espaço imagem para descrever grosseiramente a rodovia, e estes pontos devem ser transformados para o espaço objeto para inicialização do processo de otimização por PD. Esta metodologia pode operar em diferentes modos (modo mono e estéreo), e com diversos tipos de imagens, incluindo imagens multisensores. Este trabalho apresenta detalhes da metodologia mono e estéreo e também os experimentos realizados e os resultados obtidos. / This work proposes a novel road extraction methodology from digital images. The innovation is based on the dynamic programming (DP) algorithm to carry out the optimisation process in the object space, instead of doing it in the image space such as the DP traditional methodologies. Road features are traced in the object space, which implies that a rigorous mathematical model is necessary to be established between image and object space points. It is required that the operator measures a few seed points in the image space to describe sparsely and coarsely the roads, which must be transformed into the object space to make possible the initialisation of the DP optimisation process. Although the methodology can operate in different modes (mono-plotting or stereoplotting), and with several image types, including multisensor images, this work presents details of our single and stereo image methodology, along with the experimental results.

Mixed-integer optimal control of fast dynamical systems

Stellato, Bartolomeo January 2017 (has links)
Many applications in engineering, computer science and economics involve mixed-integer optimal control problems. Solving these problems in real-time is a challenging task because of the explosion of integer combinations to evaluate. This thesis focuses on the development of new algorithms for mixed-integer programming with an emphasis on optimal control problems of fast dynamical systems with discrete controls. The first part proposes two reformulations to reduce the computational complexity. The first reformulation avoids integer variables altogether. By considering a sequence of switched dynamics, we analyze the switching time optimization problem. Even though it is a continuous smooth problem, it is non-convex and the cost function and derivatives are hard to compute. We develop a new efficient method to compute the cost function and its derivatives. Our technique brings up to two orders of magnitude speedups with respect to state-of-the-art tools. The second approach reduces the number of integer decisions. In hybrid model predictive control (MPC) the computational complexity grows exponentially with the horizon length. Using approximate dynamic programming (ADP) we reduce the horizon length while maintaining good control performance by approximating the tail cost offline. This approach allows, for the first time, the application of such control techniques to fast dynamical systems with sampling times of only a few microseconds. The second part investigates embedded branch-and-bound algorithms for mixed-integer quadratic programs (MIQPs). A core component of these methods is the solution of continuous quadratic programs (QPs). We develop OSQP, a new robust and efficient general-purpose QP solver based on the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) and able, for the first time, to detect infeasible problems. We include OSQP into a custom branch-and-bound algorithm suitable for embedded systems. Our extension requires only a single matrix factorization and exploits warm-starting, thereby greatly reducing the number of ADMM iterations required. Numerical examples show that our algorithm solves small to medium scale MIQPs more quickly than commercial solvers.

Treewidth : algorithmic, combinatorial, and practical aspects / Treewidth : aspects algorithmiques, combinatoires et pratiques

Baste, Julien 22 September 2017 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous étudions la complexité paramétrée de problèmes combinatoires dans les graphes. Plus précisément, nous présentons une multitude d’algorithmes de programmation dynamique ainsi que des réductions montrant que certains de ces algorithmes sont optimaux. Nous nous intéressons principalement à la treewidth, un paramètre de graphes pouvant être vu comme une mesure de distance entre la structure d’un graphe et la structure topologique d’un arbre. Certains de nos algorithmes sont aussi paramétrés par la taille de la solution demandée et le degré maximum du graphe donné en entrée. Nous avons obtenu un certain nombre de résultats dont certains d’entre eux sont listés ci-dessous. Nous présentons un encadrement du nombre de graphes étiquetés de treewidth bornée. Nous étendons le domaine d’application de la théorie de la bidimensionalité par contraction au delà des graphes ne contenant pas de graphe apex en tant que mineur. Nous montrons aussi que la technique des structures de Catalan, outil améliorant l’efficacité des algorithmes résolvant des problèmes de connexité lorsque le graphe d’entrée est creux, ne peut être appliquée à la totalité des problèmes de connectivité, même si l’on ne considère, parmi les graphes creux, que les graphes planaires. Nous considérons le problème F-M-Deletion qui, étant donné une collection de graphes F, un graphe G et un entier k, demande s’il est possible de retirer au plus k sommets de G de telle sorte que le graphe restant ne contienne aucun graphe de F en tant que mineur. Nous considérons aussi la version topologique de ce problème, à savoir F-TM-Deletion. Ces deux problèmes généralisent des problèmes de modification de graphes bien connus tels que Vertex Cover, Feedback Vertex Set et Vertex Planarization. En fonction de la collection de graphes F, nous utilisons différentes techniques de programmation dynamique pour résoudre F-M-Deletion et F-TM-Deletion paramétrés par la treewidth. Nous utilisons des techniques standards, la structure des graphes frontières et l’approche basée sur le rang. En dernier lieu, nous appliquons ces techniques algorithmiques à deux problèmes issus du réseau de communications, à savoir une variation du problème classique de domination et un problème consistant à trouver un arbre couvrant possédant certaines propriétés, et un problème issu de la bioinformatique consistant à construire un arbre contenant en tant que mineur (topologique) un ensemble d’arbres donnés correspondant à des relations d’évolution entre ensembles d’espèces. / In this thesis, we study the Parameterized Complexity of combinatorial problems on graphs. More precisely, we present a multitude of dynamic programming algorithms together with reductions showing optimality for some of them. We mostly deal with the graph parameter of treewidth, which can be seen as a measure of how close a graph is to the topological structure of a tree. We also parameterize some of our algorithms by two other parameters, namely the size of a requested solution and the maximum degree of the input graph. We obtain a number of results, some of which are listed in the following. We estimate the number of labeled graphs of bounded treewidth. We extend the horizon of applicability of the theory of contraction Bidimensionality further than apex-minor free graphs, leading to a wider applicability of the design of subexponential dynamic programming algorithms. We show that the Catalan structure technique, that is a tool used to improve algorithm efficiency for connectivity problems where the input graph is restricted to be sparse, cannot be applied to all planar connectivity problems. We consider the F-M-Deletion problem that, given a set of graphs F, a graph G, and an integer k, asks if we can remove at most k vertices from G such that the remaining graph does not contain any graph of F as a minor. We also consider the topological version of this problem, namely F-TM-Deletion. Both problems generalize some well-known vertex deletion problems, namely Vertex Cover, Feedback Vertex Set, and Vertex Planarization. Depending on the set F, we use distinct dynamic programming techniques to solve F-M-Deletion and F-TM-Deletion when parameterized by treewidth. Namely, we use standard techniques, the rank based approach, and the framework of boundaried graphs. Finally, we apply these techniques to two problems originating from Networks, namely a variation of the classical dominating set problem and a problem that consists in finding a spanning tree with specific properties, and to a problem from Bioinformatics, namely that of construcing a tree that contains as a minor (or topological minor) a set of given trees corresponding to the evolutionary relationships between sets of species.

Optimal energy management strategy for a fuel cell hybrid electric vehicle

Fletcher, Thomas P. January 2017 (has links)
The Energy Management Strategy (EMS) has a huge effect on the performance of any hybrid vehicle because it determines the operating point of almost every component associated with the powertrain. This means that its optimisation is an incredibly complex task which must consider a number of objectives including the fuel consumption, drive-ability, component degradation and straight-line performance. The EMS is of particular importance for Fuel Cell Hybrid Electric Vehicles (FCHEVs), not only to minimise the fuel consumption, but also to reduce the electrical stress on the fuel cell and maximise its useful lifetime. This is because the durability and cost of the fuel cell stack is one of the major obstacles preventing FCHEVs from being competitive with conventional vehicles. In this work, a novel EMS is developed, specifcally for Fuel Cell Hybrid Electric Vehicles (FCHEVs), which considers not only the fuel consumption, but also the degradation of the fuel cell in order to optimise the overall running cost of the vehicle. This work is believed to be the first of its kind to quantify effect of decisions made by the EMS on the fuel cell degradation, inclusive of multiple causes of voltage degradation. The performance of this new strategy is compared in simulation to a recent strategy from the literature designed solely to optimise the fuel consumption. It is found that the inclusion of the degradation metrics results in a 20% increase in fuel cell lifetime for only a 3.7% increase in the fuel consumption, meaning that the overall running cost is reduced by 9%. In addition to direct implementation on board a vehicle, this technique for optimising the degradation alongside the fuel consumption also allows alternative vehicle designs to be compared in an unbiased way. In order to demonstrate this, the novel optimisation technique is subsequently used to compare alternative system designs in order to identify the optimal economic sizing of the fuel cell and battery pack. It is found that the overall running cost can be minimised by using the smallest possible fuel cell stack that will satisfy the average power requirement of the duty cycle, and by using an oversized battery pack to maximise the fuel cell effciency and minimise the transient loading on the stack. This research was undertaken at Loughborough University as part of the Doctoral Training Centre (DTC) in Hydrogen, Fuel Cells and Their Applications in collaboration with the University of Birmingham and Nottingham University and with sponsorship from HORIBA-MIRA (Nuneaton, UK). A Microcab H4 test vehicle has been made available for use in testing for this research which was previously used for approximately 2 years at the University of Birmingham. The Microcab H4 is a small campus based vehicle designed for passenger transport and mail delivery at low speeds as seen on a university campus. It has a top speed of approximately 30mph, and is fitted with a 1.2kW fuel cell and a 2kWh battery pack.

The unbounded knapsack problem : a critical review / O problema da mochila com repetições : uma visão crítica

Becker, Henrique January 2017 (has links)
Uma revisão dos algoritmos e conjuntos de instâncias presentes na literatura do Problema da Mochila com Repetições (PMR) é apresentada nessa dissertação de mestrado. Os algoritmos e conjuntos de instâncias usados são brevemente descritos nesse trabalho, afim de que o leitor tenha base para entender as discussões. Algumas propriedades bem conhecidas e específicas do PMR, como a dominância e a periodicidade, são explicadas com detalhes. O PMR é também superficialmente estudado no contexto de problemas de avaliação gerados pela abordagem de geração de colunas aplicada na relaxação contínua do Bin Packing Problem (BPP) e o Cutting Stock Problem (CSP). Múltiplos experimentos computacionais e comparações são realizadas. Para os conjuntos de instâncias artificiais mais recentes da literatura, um simples algoritmo de programação dinâmica, e uma variante do mesmo, parecem superar o desempenho do resto dos algoritmos, incluindo aquele que era estado-da-arte. O modo que relações de dominância é aplicado por esses algoritmos de programação dinâmica têm algumas implicações para as relações de dominância previamente estudadas na literatura. O autor dessa dissertação defende a tese de que a escolha dos conjuntos de instâncias artificiais definiu o que foi considerado o melhor algoritmo nos trabalhos anteriores. O autor dessa dissertação disponibilizou publicamente todos os códigos e conjuntos de instâncias referenciados nesse trabalho. / A review of the algorithms and datasets in the literature of the Unbounded Knapsack Problem (UKP) is presented in this master's thesis. The algorithms and datasets used are brie y described in this work to provide the reader with basis for understanding the discussions. Some well-known UKP-speci c properties, such as dominance and periodicity, are described. The UKP is also super cially studied in the context of pricing problems generated by the column generation approach applied to the continuous relaxation of the Bin Packing Problem (BPP) and Cutting Stock Problem (CSP). Multiple computational experiments and comparisons are performed. For the most recent arti cial datasets in the literature, a simple dynamic programming algorithm, and its variant, seems to outperform the remaining algorithms, including the previous state-of-the-art algorithm. The way dominance is applied by these dynamic programming algorithms has some implications for the dominance relations previously studied in the literature. In this master's thesis we defend that choosing sets of arti cial instances has de ned what was considered the best algorithm in previous works. We made available all codes and datasets referenced in this master's thesis.

Modelo para avaliação da vida útil econômica de máquinas e equipamentos utilizando a programação dinâmica e o método de Monte Carlo

Plizzari, Ricardo 13 July 2017 (has links)
O estudo da substituição de bens de capital proporciona a empresa uma visão sobre a vida útil dos seus bens e oportuniza o planejamento para efetuar, dentro de um tempo ótimo, a troca do bem atual por um substituto que possa oferecer vantagens no que diz respeito a custos de operação e manutenção, sendo possível obter com isso a maximização das receitas. Esta dissertação propõe um modelo para a avaliação da vida útil econômica de máquinas e equipamentos fazendo uso da programação dinâmica (PD) com a geração de números aleatórios por meio do método de Monte Carlo (MMC). O modelo contempla a definição das variáveis que serão utilizadas, a aplicação do método de Monte Carlo às variáveis, o cálculo dos valores presentes, os cálculos da programação dinâmica com o objetivo de definir a máxima receita, o desenvolvimento da programação com o uso do software MatLab e a validação do modelo. As simulações foram realizadas utilizando as taxas de desconto baseadas no IPCA, CDI, IGP-M, Selic e meta Selic. A utilização do método de Monte Carlo possibilitou a geração de uma série de políticas para cada simulação, sendo estas analisadas estatisticamente como forma de verificar aquela que melhor representaria a política de substituição e consequentemente definisse a vida útil econômica do bem. O modelo foi aplicado a um centro de usinagem vertical e demonstrou flexibilidade na informação dos dados de entrada ao se utilizar a programação no software MatLab. Observou-se que além de gerar uma gama de possibilidades o modelo PD+MMC pode auxiliar o tomador de decisão quanto a estratégia a ser utilizada na substituição da máquina. Os cálculos efetuados por meio do modelo PD+MMC, para um horizonte de planejamento de 15 anos, utilizando as cinco taxas de desconto, forneceram políticas de substituição com estimativas de vida útil econômica de 3 anos para as taxas CDI, Selic e meta Selic e vida útil superior a 15 anos para as taxas IPCA e IGP-M. Por meio das análises estatísticas foi possível definir que a política de substituição que apresentou maior confiabilidade foi a que utilizou o IPCA/IBGE, a qual gerou a maior receita e a maior vida útil da máquina, superior a 16 anos, apresentando significância de 77,56% para a frequência de políticas. / Submitted by Ana Guimarães Pereira (agpereir@ucs.br) on 2017-08-28T11:15:02Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Ricardo Plizzari.pdf: 2804449 bytes, checksum: 020b648827a0a91276c93b1a078bd672 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-28T11:15:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Ricardo Plizzari.pdf: 2804449 bytes, checksum: 020b648827a0a91276c93b1a078bd672 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-08-24 / The replacement study of capital goods provides to the company an overview about the useful life of its assets and provides planning for effecting, within an optimal time, the exchange of the present good by a substitute that may offer advantages with respect to Costs of operation and maintenance, being possible to obtain the maximization of revenues. This dissertation proposes a model for evaluation of economic useful life of machines and equipment making use of dynamic programming (PD) with the generation of random numbers by the Monte Carlo method (MMC). The model includes variables definition that will be used, the application of the Monte Carlo method to the variables, calculation of the present values, dynamic programming calculations with the objective of defining the maximum revenues, the programming development using MatLab software and validation of model. The simulations were performed using the discount rates based on the IPCA, CDI, IGP-M, Selic and Selic targets. The use of Monte Carlo method allowed the generation of a series of policies for each simulation, being analysed statistically as a way to verify the one that would best represent the replacement policy and consequently defined the economic useful life of the good. The model was applied to a vertical milling centre and showed flexibility in the information of the input data when using the programming in the software MatLab. It was observed that in addition to generating a range of possibilities the PD+MMC model can assist the decision maker regarding the strategy to be used in the replacement of machine. The PD + MMC calculations, for a 15-year planning horizon, using the five discount rates, provided replacement policies with economic life estimated 3-year economic life for the CDI, Selic and Selic and Useful life over 15 years for the IPCA and IGP-M rates. The PD+MMC calculations for a planning horizon of 15 years, using the five discount rates, provided replacement policies with three years useful life estimate for CDI, Selic and target Selic rates and for the IPCA and plus than fifteen years useful life for IPCA and IGP-M rates. By means of the statistical analyzes it was possible to define that the substitution policy that presented the highest reliability was the one that used the IPCA / IBGE, which generated the highest revenue and the longest useful life of the machine, over 16 years, presenting a significance of 77, 56% for policy frequency.

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